McKinley Abbey
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McKinley Abbey: Uncovered

E - Words: 4,752 - Last Updated: Aug 30, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Apr 29, 2012 - Updated: Aug 30, 2012
340 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes: Hi everyone! Sorry this update took so long, I was busy graduating. But I'm finally done with high school now, yay!! Anyway, I think that this chapter is definatly worth waiting for, its my favorite one yet.Thanks again to Syliva and April for the wonderful Beta work. I could not do this without you guysAlso this chapter has some past dub-con and some internalized homophobia that might be triggering to some people.Thank you guys so much for reading this, I am utterly blown away by the response it's gotten.PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REVIEW. I really would love feedback on this chapter. Well, here it is! HAPPY KLAINING

 Chapter 4- Uncovered.


“Anderson…Anderson….BLAINE!” Kurt looked over at the back of the surprisingly heavy dark-haired head that was pinning down his arm. They had fallen asleep, and when Kurt had woken up it was getting close to dinner time. Normally, he could’ve feigned ill and skipped, but since he had already missed lunch with no explanation, it would make his father incredibly worried. Burt had become paranoid after the death of his first wife, and so if anyone, servant or noble, became sick in McKinley Abbey a team of doctors were sent to them immediately. And the last thing Kurt needed right now was a bunch of far too clever busybodies swarming around him with stethoscopes. His efforts to awaken his valet went unrewarded expect for an incredibly sleepy snuff. “You’ve picked quite the time to start being adorable.” Kurt muttered with faux-anger as he smiled at Blaine. “Seriously now, we’re going to miss dinner.”


He flexed his arm in an act of desperation. This was met with Blaine rolling back into Kurt’s arms, still very much asleep, but at least they were facing each other again. Kurt thought for a moment, grinning wickedly. He leaned over and started kissing the exposed side of Blaine’s neck. He felt a grumble of consciousness beneath him, but it wasn’t coming fast enough. Kurt kissed his way down to Blaine’s shoulder blade, and without even a moment of hesitation, bit down hard. Kurt then found himself on his back with his arms over his head and very sleepy (and very naked) Blaine holding them there.


“Excuse me!?”


“You weren’t waking up!”


“So, your thought process went, ‘curious, Blaine isn’t awake. I know, I have a splendid idea, let’s bite him!’?”


“I have never and will never use the word ‘splendid’. It’s far too flamboyant.”

Blaine’s eyes were filled with mischief and he smirked. “That’s rich.”




“Something being too flamboyant for you.”


“Hey!” Kurt tried to grab one of the pillows to hit Blaine with, when he discovered he couldn’t move. “Blaine..?”


“Yes, Master Kurt?” he answered with mock respect.


“Oh, stop. Why have you pinned me down?”


The smirk transformed into a devilish grin “I don’t know. Let’s find out. It couldn’t be because I want to kiss you, because look how simple that is…”

He removed one hand from Kurt’s arms to cup his cheek before leaning in and kissing him. The kiss was slow and romantic; incredibly different from, (but no less incredible than) the fiery, passionate ones they usually shared. Blaine broke the kiss abruptly, and Kurt let out a little sigh.


“See, not at all difficult.” Kurt half-heartedly struggled as Blaine pinned his arms above his head once more. “Now, now, Kurt; if you fight back we’ll never solve this mystery.”


“Oh my apologies, Detective Anderson.”


“It’s quite alright, even if you are a dreadful sidekick.”


“You’re lucky to have me.”


“I know.” Blaine’s smile softened as he gazed down at Kurt with something that might have been love, if it had been acceptable. But love was completely out of the question and so Blaine quickly went back to his game.


“Now, we’ve ruled out kissing as a probable cause, what are our other options?”


“My lunatic valet is attempting to murder me?”


“I’m so sorry, sir, that doesn’t appear to be the correct answer.”


“Well, it’s half right, you are a lunatic.” Kurt grinned up at Blaine, who glared back. The shorter man sat himself down on Kurt’s torso, the deviousness returning to his



“I think I have found another clue… could it be this?” Blaine bent down and latched his lips onto Kurt’s nipple, biting softly. Kurt cried out at both the  tenderness and arousal and Blaine looked up, smirking. With a final nip he sat back up, fully straddling Kurt’s chest again. “Well, we’re almost there. But I feel like there is a vital piece missing. Something we must have overlooked.” Blaine paused; looking quizzically at Kurt’s flushed face, his expression somewhere between rapture and anticipation.


“You are the expert here, Mr. Detective.”


“Oh, I quite like that name. Will you call me that instead of Anderson from now on?”


“Don’t be ridiculous! However would we explain it to people without them thinking us mad?”


“So we’re both lunatics now?”


“Obviously. You’re playing this silly game and I’m playing along. The only explanation is insanity.”



They both stared at each other for a moment, Kurt trying to figure out what Blaine was planning and Blaine trying to decide how to carry it out.


“How much longer is this mystery going to go on? Dinner is in an hour.”


“Oh no, an hour! Whatever will we do? Because we both know I am completely unable to dress you in under twenty minutes.”


“Oh, shut up.”


“What? What was that, Master Kurt? That was incredibly ungentlemanly of you. Speaking to someone in that manner, how undignified!”


“Seeing as we are both currently unclothed and I am incapacitated due to you being on top of me, I really don’t think manners matter very much at this point.”


“Ah, but Kurt!” Blaine leaned in so his mouth was a teasing distance away from Kurt’s. “Manners always matter. For example, if you wish this mystery to be solved sooner, you only need to add a few polite words.”


Blue eyes locked onto hazel, accepting the challenge. “Please.”


Blaine’s face broke out into a delighted smile and he dipped down even closer to Kurt. Just when the young lord finally thought he’d be kissed again, Blaine changed courses, moving towards his shoulder.


“I think we’ve discovered our motive.” He bared his teeth slightly, it was surprisingly arousing. “Payback.”


Blaine started sucking on Kurt’s shoulder with such intensity that the other man didn’t know quite what to do with himself. Bursts of pleasure mixed with smaller spurts of pain as Blaine added teeth. He watched his valet leave angry red marks from his collarbone all the way down to his forearm; and Blaine was just getting started. His moved his mouth up and down Kurt’s chest and torso, leaving blooming hickeys in his path. His mouth did not go below the beltline, instead focusing on just Kurt’s upper half.


The noises he was receiving in return told him that this type of payback was equally enjoyable for both parties. Kurt’s hands twitched beneath his own, aching to be let free so they could touch any and every part of Blaine. He kissed one final trail back up to Kurt’s mouth, and a few moments of teeth-scraping lip-biting kissing followed. When Blaine pulled himself away back into a sitting position, Kurt actually whimpered. Blaine chuckled, still not letting go of his charge’s hands.


“Hush. We’ll have plenty of time for this later. You simply must be famished after all you’ve done today. So caught up in your correspondences that you wrote all the way through lunch. You were so exhausted that when I diligently came to check on you, you told me you were going to take a nap, and that I was to wake you before dinner.”


“Whatever you say, sir.”


Blaine laughed, bending down to plant a sweet kiss on Kurt’s lips. “Let’s not forget who writes whose paychecks or we’ll become even more confused. Now...” He released Kurt. “Let’s get you dressed.” He made a move to get off of Kurt’s chest when a gentle but firm pair of pale hands pulled him down again.


“Silly Blaine, Dinner isn’t for forty minutes. We simply cannot waste those extra twenty.”



Kurt had watched with a self-pitying longing as Blaine walked away from him in the ballroom towards the kitchen. His expression quickly become neutral as he heard the great doors opening, his anything-but-traditional family pouring out of them.


“Kurt, darling, where have you been? Your father and I were becoming worried!” the woman he had transformed from an average citizen into a distinguished lady cupped his cheek with a motherly affection he hadn’t quite readjusted to yet. Mike had not over exaggerated Kurt’s fondness towards his stepmother. She had saved him and his father from a permanent state of simply getting by; she had given them both lives again. Naturally, when his father first told him of the spectacular woman he had met on his walk, Kurt had worried. Who was this woman? Was she a criminal? Someone who chased rich men and married them and then killed them off for the inheritance? But the first time Kurt had met Carole he knew that wasn’t the case. She was warm and a bit shy around him, but not the shyness that he typically got being a person of noble birth. No, Carole’s shyness seemed to stem from worrying whether or not Kurt would like her, and bloodlines and ancestors were for once not a factor. While their standard of living did seem to slightly overwhelm her, it was not her main concern, and Kurt could tell that from the way Carole looked at his Father that they could be goat-herders for all she cared.

Their courtship hadn’t even lasted a year before it became an engagement, and at about that point was the first time Kurt became acquainted with Finn. That is to say, reacquainted with Finn, for they had gone to school together until Finn had been pulled away to work on their family farm (his father had been the first person from their area to die in the Great War). Finn had always been a part of the group that was the nastiest to Kurt. The ones who (after discovering somehow that he was too ashamed to tell his father about the bullying) would throw rocks and scream names at him; the ones who had attacked Mike and made Kurt watch, saying that his ‘Oriental whipping boy’ would have to take Kurt’s punishment. Naturally, Kurt was apprehensive about Finn and their reunion.  He and Carole were both shocked when Finn immediately begged for forgiveness, explaining that he had never participated in any of the pranks. Furthermore he had actually stopped some of the particularly awful ones, including one involving feeding Mike and Tina various plants and berries from the nearby woods to discover which ones were actually poison.


After that overwhelming first meeting, Kurt and Finn actually began to develop a weird friendship that eventually turned into a strong brotherhood. Finn was the first person Kurt ever told about his bedroom, though out of respect for their privacy he did not share about Mike and Tina; and since he left him to put the pieces together himself, it was unlikely that the true depth of their relationships with Kurt would ever be unveiled to Finn. But however daft Finn might be he always managed to surprise Kurt, the most recent one being Finn’s unlikely friendship with none other than Mercedes. On her last visit Finn had accidently mentioned something about what he was going through with Miss Fabray and Miss Berry and Mercedes was more than happy to offer advice. Since then, the pair of them had been exchanging letters as well, and much to Kurt’s annoyance, neither would reveal exactly what it was they talked about. However, the trouble of his un-engaged status was getting to Finn as yet another social season was about to kick off, this would be his third courting both of the ladies. It was traditional that by the third season, the couple would become engaged, but Finn had still yet to decide who the other half of his pair was.

Kurt threw a small smile towards his brother before addressing Carole. “I am terribly sorry that I troubled either you or father. I was catching up on my correspondence to Mercedes this morning so I excused Blaine. I assume you saw him in the library, father?”

Burt grunted and replied “Yes, we exchanged conversation for a moment or two. At least you picked a decent one this time, son. But that still doesn’t explain why you missed lunch.” Along with his newfound hypochondria, Burt had also become super protective of his only son. It was if he was trying to make up for what had happened to her and wanted to be extra careful with the only piece of Elizabeth he had left.


“I have yet to finish my tale. You see, around eleven Blaine came to check on me, after nearly four hours of writing I was incredibly drained. I told him I was going to take a nap, and that he was to wake me for dinner. I told him there was no need to disturb either of you for I didn’t wish to be fussed over.”


Burt gave his son a hard look, and Kurt hoped to every deity that he was still a good of liar as he had always been. “Just inform us next time, Kurt. Both your step-mother and I are far too busy to be worrying about you. Do you have any idea the preparations we have to make in order for our ball?”


“I’m sorry, father. I know the season opener is always incredibly stressful for you.”


Burt broke his stern gaze with an affection smile. “I’m not the one who has to find a wife anymore. You and Finn should be the ones overwhelmed by stress.”


Kurt glanced back at his stepbrother; he had wandered over to the harp in the corner and was absently plucking the strings. “With all due respect, I believe Finn is already there.” His father’s chuckle was drowned out by a deafening crash.



The two Lords Hummel turned to see the young Master Hudson holding a single harp string. The rest of the instrument was on its side after falling off of its raised platform. The top of the harp had split in half and it lay there like a wounded solider after a cannon attack.


“Oops.” Finn said numbly. “My apologies. Apparently my harp skills need to be refined.” Finn’s mother knelt near the harp as if it were a songbird with broken wings.


“Oh Finn, you clumsy oaf! This was a wedding present from Kurt’s Great Auntie Tabitha-!”


“And it was just as dreadful and as out of tune with the world as she was!” Lord Hummel exclaimed. He walked over and held out his hand to his wife and helped her up. He was smiling broadly at Finn. “Been looking to get rid of that dratted thing for ages, thank you so much for taking care of it for me. None of us could even play the harp, don’t know what the old bat was thinking!”


Kurt smiled fondly as Finn gave Burt a surprise hug of gratitude. What his father wasn’t saying was that Elizabeth had been taught to play that very harp by her after mentioned Auntie Tabitha. His mother had despised the instrument, and at age 12 had taken up piano instead. The arrival of the harp two days before Burt and Carole’s wedding had been their only contact with Tabitha since Elizabeth’s funeral, and Kurt supposed she was trying to symbolize her disapproval of Carole by sending something she had thought embodied Elizabeth perfectly. He and his father had never spoken of it, but to Kurt it simply showed how foolish his great aunt was and that she was just as flimsy and as ignorantly elite as the stupid harp she had sent.


Kurt and Burt had been delighted to discover that Carole had a natural talent for the piano, and with their help, she managed to play a simple Bach tune for them. Kurt felt like his mother had sent her approval through those notes, and any small doubts remaining about Carole being right for his father instantly vanished. Knowing it would’ve been rude not to display such an extravagant gift (and that if he didn’t, he’d have to explain the circumstances to Carole) Burt put the harp on display next to Elizabeth’s prized piano. It had remained there since, never touched except for by Finn if he was nervous or had had a little too much wine. Kurt knew that his father wasn’t simply being a good gentleman by the way he was reacting to the harp’s destruction, he was just as pleased as Kurt. As Carole dried her eyes, Mike came running through the servants’ entrance.


“Is everyone alright? Oh my, what happened?”


“A bit of an accident, I’m afraid. Mr. Chang., will you kindly remove this and place it with the kindling.”  Burt always tried to address the servants as if they were equals. It was what both Elizabeth and Carole had preferred.


“Kindling? Are you sure sir?”

“Yes, I feel like this will burn up quite nicely, don’t you agree?”


Mike nodded “As you wish, sir. I’ll just need some-“

Blaine came running through the servants’ entrance and skidded to a halt next to Mike.


“Anderson! What perfect timing!”


“Is everyone alright?” He was panting slightly, and when Kurt caught his eye he could see actual terror in it.


“Oh yes, dear. How sweet of you. You needn’t look so frightened.  Finn simply knocked over the harp.” Lady Carole smiled at the new valet like he was her own son.


“My apologies. It was just the last time I had heard a noise such as this my old master had fallen out of his bed and had broken his arm.” The fact that the cause was the other man he had been in bed had been a little too passionate and had accidently thrown Wesley off was not important. He could feel Kurt’s eyes boring into him but did not look over.


“Good gracious! Hopefully we all will maintain our balance for the rest of the evening. But I think Michael will require your assistance removing the harp.” Carole smiled at him again before turning towards her husband. “I feel it’s time for dinner, now. “


“Excellent idea, love. Let’s go.”


“I’ll try not to knock anything else over on the way there.”


Carole chuckled and patted her son on the shoulder “Oh Finn darling, stop being so hard on yourself. Coming Kurt?”


“I’ll be there in a minute; I forgot to discuss with Blaine what my plans were for the evening.”


“Hurry up though, Kurt! We have to wait for you and I’m soooo hungry!”


“I’m sure you’ll survive Finn, and you don’t have to worry, it should only take a moment.

Go. I’ll be right in.” His family retreated into the adjacent dining room. Kurt walked over to Blaine. Mike shot them a knowing look and dragged half of the harp out of the door, leaving them alone.  Blaine looked up at Kurt expecting questions about Dalton or a lecture on revealing personal details. Instead, Kurt leaned down and whispered in his ear


“I should be done by nine. Be waiting for me in my room. I’ll try to keep you on the bed.”


Kurt smiled sneakily and headed off after his family, leaving Blaine with a not-quite-unpleasant tightness in his trousers. He picked up the other half of the harp and violently dragged it out of the room, trying to work out his newfound tension



When Kurt entered his bedroom he didn’t even have time to think before he was attacked by a small tan figure. Fingers undid knots and buttons and they collapsed onto the bed in a mass of bare skin. Blaine broke their kiss for a moment to remove Kurt’s trousers, and by following him with his eyes Kurt noticed something odd in the faint candlelight.  “Did you do all of that?”


“Did I do all of what?” Blaine palmed Kurt through his pants as he undid his zipper.

Kurt stifled a moan, not wanting to lose his thoughts


“The marks on my chest. Don’t you think it’s a bit much?”


Blaine remained silent as he slid Kurt’s trousers and underwear off, freeing his half-hard cock. He didn’t meet Kurt’s gaze as he undid his own trousers, but instead looked down with such concentration it was if he had never seen a zipper before.




His name caused him to look up and see the actual concern on Kurt’s face.


“I’m not upset. I’m just curious. I’m new to…well, all of this. Before you I’d had one or two kisses and that was all. I just want to know if what’s happening is normal.”


“I can hardly say any of this is normal. Aren’t I supposed to be a girl?!” Blaine’s voice cracked at the last word, his voice suddenly full of bitterness and hatred. He turned his gaze down again. He was fading.


“No. You’re not.” Kurt’s face had become flushed with emotion, determined to keep Blaine there. “You aren’t supposed to be a girl because I don’t want a girl. You’re supposed to be you. You are what I want, what I need. I don’t care if that’s not what I’m supposed to have, I have never followed the rules once in my life and I’ll be damned if I start now. You’re the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time, and I’ve only known you for two or three days. I just want to know how all this works, because I don’t think it’s fair that you keep… pleasuring me and you aren’t really getting anything back.

I want to…I want to make you feel good too.”


Blaine turned his face back towards Kurt, his eyes wet, but no longer leaking. “You do. You do make me feel good. Excellent, actually. Really, really excellent. I’m just not used to this yet. With Wes it was so…different. I was just the filler when he was in between others. I knew less than you did at first, I was so confused. The way my mates had described how they felt about girls was how I felt about my mates. And then, I got to go to this beautiful house where even the horrible servants’ quarters were better than my home, and it was wonderful. I got to actually work, take my mind off of those feelings I shouldn’t have been having. I hid my shame, repressed it, and threw all my energy into learning about service work, so I could maybe move up a little. When they told me that Master Wesley, the most handsome and desirable charge in the whole house, wanted me to be his valet, I couldn’t believe my good luck...” Blaine paused, collecting himself. Kurt, wrapped himself in a sheet and crawled towards Blaine. Neither spoke as the pale hand reached for the tan one. They sat there, Kurt in his sheet and Blaine in his undone trousers until-


“Is there more? You don’t have to tell me, but if you wish to do so, you can.” Kurt didn’t quite know how to handle this; usually he was the one with the secrets. Blaine nodded slowly.


“If you really do want to know, I’ll tell you.”


“I do. I want to know.” I have to know what that bastard did to you to make you feel so damn inferior.


Blaine took a big breath of air, and gripped Kurt’s hand. “My first night on the job, he called me to his room, late, nine or ten o clock. He said he had more things to teach me about being a valet. Naturally, I went. Not only was it my job but I wanted to learn as much as I could about my newfound profession. I wanted to be the best. When I entered the room, he smiled at me in a way no one had ever smiled at me before. Like he was actually glad to see me, like I was important and meant something to him. My heart was pounding as he walked towards me, and he cupped my face in his hands and kissed me. I couldn’t believe it, I felt so incredibly special, and at the same time I wasn’t alone anymore. Then… he told me to remove both of our clothes, and I obeyed. I had too. He showed me how to handle him with my mouth; he pushed my head and guided me into doing it correctly. After I had finished, he demonstrated on me, and told me if I did a good job and kept his secrets he’d keep on… rewarding me.” Blaine stopped, unable to go on.


Kurt was fighting back tears, horrified at what the man he was falling in love had been through. “I am so, so sorry Blaine.”


“And now, I’ve done the same to you, I’ve corrupted you! Destroyed you! I did this to you; I ruined your chance at a normal life! It’s my f-fault!” Blaine was actually sobbing now, and pulled his hand out of Kurt’s.  He began re-buttoned his trousers but stopped moving as Kurt spoke


“Blaine. Please listen to me. You did not ruin anything. I have had feelings for men just as you described; for as long as I can remember. This is in no way your fault. You are not Wesley. I kissed you first remember? We would not be doing this unless I wanted it, and do you honestly think I would’ve allowed you to hold me down like you did if I didn’t want this? Have you heard me yell? The entire village would’ve bursting down my door if I had needed them to be.”


Blaine laughed wetly, slid back on the bed and allowed Kurt to take his hand again.


“If anything, I took advantage of you, not the other way around. Biology or whatever type of scientific nonsense they’re blaming it on these days got the best of me. But I’m not Wesley either. If you don’t want to do something, I’m not going to force myself on you. You’re too special for that.”


Blaine smiled, finally meeting Kurt’s gaze again. “You have no idea the extent of things I do want... Do you really want to know why I went a bit overboard?”


“If by a bit overboard you mean the maiden voyage of the Titanic then yes you went overboard.”


Blaine chuckled, wiping his eyes and scooting even closer to Kurt. “Do you want to know or not?”


“No Blaine, I asked so you could not tell me, that’s my dastardly plan.”


Blaine’s emotions became unreadable as he reached up a finger to trace one of Kurt’s marks. “I did it because...because even if no one can see it I wanted to show the world that you’re mine. That you chose me. Because that means more to me than anything has ever meant to me in my entire life. And I know, you’re not mine, you can’t be. But I just… wanted to know that whenever I glance at you in public or attend to you around your family, under all those layers is proof that this is actually happening.”

“What do you mean, I can’t be yours?”



“Did you even consider asking me about it? Hmm? Or were you just going to assume?”


“I just thought-“


“You just thought that after two of the best days of my life I wouldn’t want you? You know what Blaine?” Kurt pushed the valet onto his back, climbed on top of him and looked down at his hopeful face.


“Even if it has to be a secret, you are mine.” Kurt began to suck on Blaine’s collarbone in a way that made him moan quietly. Satisfied with his hickey, Kurt kissed up Blaine’s neck, mimicking the way the other boy had done so earlier. He paused a few centimeters away from Blaine’s mouth.


“And I’m yours.”


End Notes: PLEASE REVIEW!!!I'm working on chapter five right now, so it should be updated pretty soonLove you all!


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they're in love after two days of knowing each other? SWEET! but for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction; the bad stuff is coming i fear...

They're not in love just yet, but they're getting there ;) And I fear your fers might be right...shh

please please please write more! :D

Hi hi! Sorry, my account was down with the whole remodel thing. The next chapter is being BETAed right now! And thank you so much for reading. <3