Threw a Wish in a Well
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Threw a Wish in a Well: Chapter 10

E - Words: 10,155 - Last Updated: Sep 09, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Apr 21, 2013 - Updated: Sep 09, 2013
282 0 0 0 0

Chapter Ten

D-day had arrived, marking the resume of Kurt and Blaine's relationship where they would be in the same place at the same time. The month had gone by both fast and slow and what ended up happening during the span of days was both the expected and unexpected. Everything lead to Kurt standing in his apartment, bag packed and ready for departure. He approached Rachel, who wasn't joining him this time on the same flight, smiling away. The idea that he could be so looking forward to heading home to Ohio seemed crazy but it was amazing what could change in a month? "I guess I better head off... I'd never live it down if I'm late to my flight," Kurt announced.

Not willing to let her roommate go without a proper send off, Rachel rushed up to give Kurt a big hug goodbye. "Have a good holiday Kurt, since I know I won't see you... or Blaine until we're all back here. Just try not to forget me, or how much I adore you," she insisted.

Her reminder, while unnecessary, was so cute Kurt laughed at her playfulness. "That could never happen Rachel, you won't be forgotten by me... for one thing you'd never let that happen. But you are right, my time in Ohio will be balanced between family and Blaine," Kurt said.

"Balance? Hardly!" Rachel teased.

"I'll have you know we're not spending every waking moment together until we're both in New York," Kurt scoffed.

"Anxious see him?" Rachel asked instead.

"Words can't even begin to describe Rachel, it's hard enough not to break down right now. That's why I'm not on the phone with Blaine at the moment. It's also why we're going to hold back a bit over the next week... we need to detach ourselves. The real struggle will be not resorting to knock Blaine over when I see him at the airport," Kurt admitted with a cute giggle.

"Good luck and you better call me on Christmas," Rachel requested.

"Aren't you Jewish?" he joked.

"Get going," Rachel laughed as she pushed him towards the door

"I'm gone, happy holidays!" Kurt chimed as he headed out the door with luggage in tow. It was hardly believable but soon he'd be back in the arms of one Blaine Anderson and his biggest hope was that he'd be able to let go again at the end of their time together.

The young man waiting on the Ohio side of the long distant relationship wasn't fairing any better in coping with the wait. By so much that Blaine had taken a little detour and was now waiting in a roadside dinner. One that was conveniently located right beside the airport and Blaine was staring at his phone placed on the counter, like that would make it ring sooner. Kurt was due to call him the moment he was able on the plane but still it was hard to avoid feeling in impatient. It seemed when Kurt was this close and their reunion impending, any normal decorum Blaine had was hopelessly lost. Of course there was a slight risk that Kurt wouldn't find his coming to the airport this early so cute, but then the countless times Kurt had called him adorable kept him hopeful. He seriously doubted when they saw one another in person trivial facts like that would be tossed side.

In fact, he was counting on that and in a mere hour and a half he and Kurt would be once again in the same state together. Still, no matter how hard Blaine was trying to look to the bright side, no amount of weeks could ever be enough. For now Blaine would just have to treasure their time together, in person and try to wait until the summer came. Fortunately for the anxious teen a much-needed break from his dampening mood came when his phone finally rang. Blaine didn't need to look at the photo of Kurt that appeared on the screen to know who it was. "Hi Kurt, finally!" he said in greeting.

"I hear you... loud and clear, it felt like forever until I could call but I'm airborne now. Flying right to you, or really, the plane is, I'm just an impatient passenger," Kurt rambled cutely.

It didn't matter how much time they spent together or whether they talked in person or over the phone, Blaine hoped the feeling of butterflies in his stomach never left him. Right now there was no danger and the joy throughout his body was hard to hold in. "It's really hard not to hype our reunion up... I mean... it's you! It's us!"

That adorable confession cause Kurt to laugh, his musical voice filling Blaine's ear and he felt like he could melt right off of his bar stool.

"Oh Blaine, sweetie, I know what you mean... I'm a bundle of jittery nerves here sitting in my seat. I'm sure some of the people around me must think I'm a crack head or something," Kurt said with another burst of laughter.

Both mental pictures sent the couple off and they shared a moment of laughter thus relaxing a bit. Why was Blaine even getting nervous, he was confident the second they were together they'd fall into their usual rhythm. Because they had been friends first but honestly that term was lightly used. Or rather barely true since they had never been 'just friends' to one another in any capacity. Blaine was just relieved they'd come to their senses before the winter break. "So the burning question is... how do we calm down? Your dry wit is already helping though."

Since Kurt wasn't visible that meant Blaine couldn't see his boyfriend's face scrunch up in thought. "I think what we need to do is not focus on how long it's been since we've seen each other. Because while the wait hasn't been easy it's not like we haven't been in each other's lives over the last month. If we were to look at our situation from different angle, we never parted ways... we simply switched our options to adapt. Wouldn't you agree Blaine?"

He did indeed and if only Kurt could see his current heart eyes, but he stopped when the man sitting across from him at the bar didn't seem to be enjoying the display. "How did you get so wise when you're still so young?" Blaine gushed.

"I'd like to say I inherited it from my dad but I'm not that good... yet. Sure I'm making valid points but those come and go. Really what caused them this time is from trying to stop myself going stir crazy!"

"And did it help?"

"Obviously but talking to you is the real reason for that."

Blaine let out a long sigh, why weren't there commercial jet planes yet? "I know when we're back together our usual rapport will return. Because like you said, it never left us in the first place... our best bet is to forget about any time limit and we'll be fine. Any time we get to spend together in the same place can help keep us going when we're not."

"And now look who's being all wise," Kurt said.

"I guess we're made for each other, Kurt."

"You know I just realized something, Blaine."

"What's that?"

"We know we're spending the day together, but doing what and going where? This will sort of be our third date in a sense," Kurt commented.

Of course even with him and Kurt having little date experience, they both knew what the third date usually was a threshold for. But since they had both touched on that subject and reaffirmed they didn't want to get too physical yet, there wasn't an issue. Blaine had been waiting for this moment. "Ah well, don't worry... luckily you have me Kurtsie, I got it all figured out. You're not the only power planner in this relationship," Blaine said with pride.

Yet another happy distraction to keep him calm and composed and the jittery movements came to a final stop. Kurt swore the passengers around him looked just as relieved as him and he blushed a little in response. "Will you tell me those plans or are you going to keep me in the dark? Because if you didn't noticed I'm waiting for enough as it is!"

Now Blaine was rather torn because he loved secrets and seeing Kurt's delighted face even more but his plans weren't so spectacular to begin with. What would make the day special wasn't the location or their itinerary but the company. Blaine was longing to be with Kurt once again and he wanted to treasure every minuet with him. "No I'll tell you, it will make the plane right go faster, for the both of us," he offered.

"You're such an accommodating boyfriend Blaine, I feel so spoilt," Kurt cooed.

"Stop it, you know I feel the same way," Blaine warned playfully.

Just as Kurt was ready to settle down in his chair and get comfortable enough to listen to Blaine talk he realized one detail that didn't add up. "Wait, aren't you suppose to be heading off to the airport by now... oh lord, please don't tell me you're already there!" he groaned. There was little need to ask since he knew it was just of the sort of thing Blaine would do.

"Well technically I'm not at the airport..." Blaine countered.

"Blaine, where are you?" Kurt demanded.

"I'm close by but try to forgive me baby, this means we can keep talking. Don't try to deny you wouldn't have done the same thing if our roles were reversed...."

"Okay I totally would and it's so sweet of you to realize that," Kurt admitted sheepishly.

"You might get worried that we're not even sometimes Kurt, but try not to fret. I'm well aware how much you adore me," Blaine scoffed.

Kurt blushed as he sunk down in his chair; it was still too soon to try to describe how he felt exactly in words. Kurt had no idea when the moment might come, or if it would during their three weeks together or not. But he was confident when he knew for sure what he felt for Blaine was in fact love he'd say it. "Good to know, cause I do try... now back to our third date... I want details!"

Blaine was more than willing to comply, "I can do that but it's nothing special. It's pretty hard to top our first and second dates Kurt, I tried my best and I know you'll like it. Anyway, first we'll head to your place to drop off your things. Then, I sort of scheduled in some lip action time before we might want to head back out in the world-"

"Even if my dads home? Which he most likely will be?" Kurt had to interrupt.

"Yes, even then! Hopefully he won't be on the other side of your bedroom door," Blaine grumbled, just picturing Burt Hummel's hard stare through a crack in the door made him shudder. "I was hoping his being there wouldn't stop us from kissing up a storm..." he enticed, keeping his tone light.

Again Kurt didn't feel pressured by the almost request and he wanted make out with his boyfriend just as much as Blaine did. "I'd say that's a safe assumption to make..." he whispered, slipping into a lower register.

Blaine hissed, shushing Kurt before his imagination could get away from him, they weren't in his bedroom yet. "Save that tone for later!" he whined.

Kurt laughed before he relented. "Fine, please continue with the date details," he urged. Mainly because it wouldn't take much for Blaine to get even and unlike his boyfriend, Kurt couldn't leave the plane to escape embarrassment.

"Thank you Kurt, now... as I was saying, after we're done with kissing, I thought we could let our inner child out a bit. There's quite a bit of snow here but not enough to effect your landing, so I thought we could build a snowman together?"

"I'd love to! We could have a lot of fun with that pastime. There's no one else I'd rather get childish with out in the snow, Blaine. We could make it really fun and make something a bit more impressive than a simple snowman. Make some big icon of ours and if we get too cold..."

It seemed the Kurt and Blaine were already starting to finish each others sentences; their chemistry was that strong. "... We'll have a handy boyfriend within reach to keep each other warm, exactly. Then I left things open, because sometimes it's good to embrace spontaneity now and again. Then finally, we'll head over to my place and do some serious baking. Wait until you taste my famous Christmas cookies, Kurt. I've been wanting to get a chance to cook with you, after watching you do it over Skype so much," Blaine explained.

Every single detail sounded wonderful to Kurt and he couldn't have planned it better himself. "I'm proud of you Blaine, and I'm sure you're better a cook than Rachel."

"I should hope so!" Blaine scoffed, though he was joking around.

"Okay now that I know what we're doing today there's something I wanna check... Blaine, level with me here. Do you have some amazing surprise Christmas present for me? Because we both agreed the plane tickets were more than enough. You might think getting the chance to surprise me is romantic but I'd have nothing to give in return," Kurt grilled.

Blaine wished he could give Kurt a reassuring smile but they weren't reunited quite yet. "I don't have anything up my sleeves gift wise I promise, just an idea about how we can still surprise one another over the holidays. I thought we could embrace our creative side and make something..." Blaine said.

Kurt was already on board with the idea and was now grinning ear to ear. "If you're suggesting we should make a Christmas theme craft or serenade each other holiday style then I am so there. That's brilliant Blaine, you're seriously perfect for me," he gushed with excitement.

It took Blaine a while and a number of annoyed stares from the people around him in the diner to realize he was laughing too much. Blaine could only give the waitress a bashful grin as he shrugged at her. He already knew there was no off switch when it came to showing how much Blaine adored his boyfriend. "Kurt, I'm crazy about you," he said affectionately. _______________________________________________________________________________

By some small miracle Kurt managed to stop himself from bolting the second he cleared the boarding zone and kept a reasonable pace as he fought through the crowd. When Kurt thought of who was waiting for him on the other side of the terminal it was still hard not to. What kept him from racing off was if he were to fall this time there would be no cute boy in ripped jeans to cushion his fall. It wasn't long before Kurt found himself scanning for Blaine's dreamy face. Then at long last they found one another and when their eyes met the rest of the world around them blurred. Kurt immediately felt the same little tingling spark in his body, just like when they first had met. It was like the pair were two magnets pulling at each other and could no longer be held back. But then Kurt's quick footsteps came to a halt when he took his eyes off of Blaine's face and noticed the sign he was holding up. "What in the world?" he muttered as he started to laugh at the sight.

Blaine's wry smile turned into a cheeky grin victoriously when he'd successfully made his boyfriend laugh, which was the whole idea. What was so amusing about a typical airport pick up custom was that Blaine's sign didn't say 'Kurt Hummel', instead it had 'Blaine's boyfriend' written across it. If Kurt wasn't so swept up in emotion he might realize how brave and possibly dangerous the gesture really was. Blaine was gallantly broadcasting his sexual orientation in Lima, for all to see and it was really quite a risky move. But Kurt was too busy with the prospect of retuning with his boyfriend to notice the possible concern. They met half way across the airport unloading are and at long last, the two were together once more. Kurt launched himself at Blaine who eagerly caught him and hugged back, dropping the sign.

"I missed you," Kurt whispered.

"I missed you too," Blaine breathed.

At first Blaine and Kurt kept on ignoring the other travellers in the airport and clung onto one each other. Neither boy wanted to be the first to let go and just when it looked like the tender embrace could go on forever, reality reared its ugly head.

"Stupid fags," A loud and disgusted voice said, which was impossible to pin point through the crowd.

The young couple heard the insult and while they weren't about to feel ashamed for the need to have some sort of PDA, as it was justified and needed in their minds. It did bring them back to earth and they slowly pulled apart, but not completely. Their right hands remained tightly together, their fingers laced.

Kurt beamed at Blaine; he knew it wouldn't be long before he couldn't hold the tears welling up. "Oh lord, I promised myself I wouldn't cry..." he muttered with a half sob.

"Well, that was stupid." Blaine teased.

Flirty banter was always a good cure for near emotional break downs and Kurt let Blaine lead him off to the baggage claim area. "We're boyfriends, Blaine," Kurt announced.

"I'm well aware..." Blaine said playfully. "It's actually really hard not to kiss you right now, considering it's my right to."

Kurt couldn't stop the silly little giggle Blaine's comment caused from coming out of his mouth. "Maybe we can smooch a little in your car?" he suggested.

"Heck yes!" Blaine chimed with excitement.

Somehow Blaine and Kurt kept walking, probably because that meant they'd get to Blaine's car and then the real celebration could begin. Once Kurt's luggage was claimed the couple continued their trek, still holding hands and chattering away as they went.

Kurt couldn't stop smiling as Blaine entertained him with stories, until he came to the night of the Warbler party. "Ah hah, I knew you had to be getting hit on!" Kurt said.

That accusation (while hardly serious) still caused Blaine to roll his eyes at Kurt, albeit playfully. "Stop it, that was seriously the first time... I swear. Besides I hardly gave him any chance to follow up. I have to say telling someone 'Sorry, I'm taken' for the first time gives you a bit of a head rush."

"Poor guy," Kurt joked.

"Well I doubt you'd want to share me, Kurt," Blaine teased.

Whether they were just kidding around or not, Kurt still rewarded Blaine's reply comment with a kiss on the cheek. "Good call, honey," he cooed in agreement.

The parking lot was hardly empty but when Kurt and Blaine finally made it to Blaine's parked car they still wanted their just rewards. It didn't matter how well they'd managed to stay in touch over the last month, the need for physical contact was still there and stronger than ever. That was why it was a good thing they were so out in the open, there was no choice but to hold back. Blaine put away Kurt's belongings in the trunk and when he was done he found Kurt was already waiting for him in the back seat. Blaine barely managed to get the door open before Kurt hooked his arms over his neck and pulled him inside and right on top of Kurt.

This was no time to feel shy or bashful, both boys wanted nothing more but to share a long overdue kiss and then some. Even with no chance to practice the art of kissing since their departure didn't mean they'd gotten rusty over the last month. If anything the time apart was only making it easier for them to get back into the swing of things. One thing that was the same since the beginning was that whenever they got started kissing it was hard to stop.

Blaine kissed Kurt like their time apart was way longer than a little over a month, the passion rising in him was nearly off the scale. He couldn't help it, Kurt affected him that way, and their physical attraction to one another was nearly as strong as the emotional. For all their success with being in a long distance relationships there were still parts that were hard to do without. "I missed kissing you," Blaine whispered.

Kurt shuddered, he knew they were getting far to hot and heavy for where they were but he didn't want to throw in the towel just yet. Instead he guided their bodies to come and sit upright and with less friction he felt it was safe enough to continue making out for a bit longer. Blaine obviously agreed and the two shared kiss after amazing kiss. "I missed touching you..." Kurt murmured. There was no need to clarify when he said touch he didn't mean one that was sexual in nature. He took hold of Blaine's hand and brought it to brush his lips, kissing it softly. "I never thought I would miss physical contact so much... before I met you I wasn't very touchy-feely," he admitted.

Blaine kissed Kurt's hand and slowly started to trail down his hand, it didn't matter that his shirt covered his arm. His lips soon made contact with Kurt's bare skin when he reached his neck and went so far as to give Kurt a hickey. "It's pretty great huh," he sassed when done.

"Hmm, just no more hickey's for now okay, save that for later," Kurt said playfully.

Really there was never any threat that things would go beyond kissing, certainly not inside of a car parked in airport parking lot. But the real reason for their holding back enough was how their relationship meant so much to them emotionally. Kissing each other felt wonderful and made their chemistry run wild in a very gratifying way. It was more than great and a solid fifteen minuets went by before the newly reunited couple was able to stop their backseat make-out for good. Blaine and Kurt took a quick breather before they climbed back outside and let the winter air cool them down even further. "Wow..." Blaine breathed.

Before Kurt made any flirtatious comeback he took over and put the finishing touches on taming Blaine's hairdo. "I know... that was almost too good," he agreed.

"I need to drive somehow... can you try to be less distracting?" Blaine flirted.

"That's like asking me to stop liking Broadway musicals or breathing Blaine. Allow me to take over; I'd love the chance to drive. At this rate I'll end up forgetting how to pretty soon."

"Won't that make you a real New Yorker though?"

"Maybe but it won't help me when I come back here to visit, which will happen a lot from now on, if I have any say in that," Kurt tutted as he got out of the car and strolled over towards Blaine, opening the door and reached out to his boyfriend.

Blaine laughed at Kurt's adorableness, took his offered hand and let Kurt pull him out from the drivers seat. When their faces passed each other Blaine snuck in a quick peck on the lips. He could barely wait until they were both in New York and could get away with such an innocent gesture. Sure what they'd gotten up to in the back seat a second ago couldn't be described as tame. "You're such a gentleman," Blaine announced to Kurt as he headed to the other side of the car.

Kurt found himself in the drivers seat for the first time in months and he simply turned the key to start the ignition. To his relief he still knew what he was doing as he pulled out of the parking spot and headed towards the road exit. "Still got it," Kurt said with pride and he made sure to keep his eyes on the road.

"I'm so proud," Blaine teased.

"I think we did pretty good with our reunion," Kurt announced.

"Even when we just made out in the car?"

"Again, by teenage standards, we're doing fine," Kurt insisted.

"Who cares about any standards, I'm certainly not letting that make any decisions for us. I hope you aren't either," Blaine muttered.

If Kurt didn't need to keep his attention on driving he would have shook his head at Blaine, or at least rolled his eyes. He was almost relieved that they could still annoy each other despite their romantic chemistry. It made things healthier and more real, they could do this, he and Blaine would make their relationship work no matter what. Up until this point Kurt had been a bit worried that when they were together again, now as boyfriends, what they felt when their first met wouldn't be easy to resume. Kurt was proven wrong already and he didn't mind that at all. "Hey, if the haters want to yell and slur insults then I say let them. I've got something way better to pay attention to now, or someone," Kurt sassed.

Although it was a completely opposite scene from the last time Blaine and Kurt were in a car together the changes were good ones. There was no dead silence and the trip was filled with flirtatious banter, rambling and finishing each other's sentences. Whatever worries either boy once had, there was no risk of running out of things to talk about. Their gift for gab was put to good use and considering since meeting the pair had never stopped talking, there was no reason for it now. If anything being in close proximity only meant their energy was intensified and the risk of doing other things with their mouths (meaning kissing) was ever constant. Eventually their discussion turned to current events and what their holiday experiences of the past were like.

"Tell me about Christmas at the Anderson house, Blaine, I know a bit about your family... like that you have one older brother. But what's the big day like?" Kurt asked.

"Oh, well it changes from year to year and usually depends on my parents work load. But seeing how this is my last year before heading off to college they're making sure to be around a lot more. Last year was a whole big event though; I still don't know how we managed to cram most of the family into our house. I'm talking aunts, uncles, cousins the whole troupe!" Blaine began. "Only this year my folks and I want something low key to compensate. I think my brothers planning to come home for the holiday too, amazingly."

"I still can't believe he's the guy from those saving commercials," Kurt muttered in disbelief.

"I can't believe I had to hear you gush about how attractive you find him!" Blaine countered.

Kurt blushed at the painful reminder, which happened three weeks ago during one of their Skype TV show night when Cooper's commercial had come on. "Well I had no idea he was your brother! I sure remember how mortified I got when you made that fact known to me."

"Well we weren't boyfriends by that point so that helped but not by much," Blaine grumbled.

At the mention of Blaine's older brother Kurt saw an opening to ask about him, since Kurt still knew very little about Cooper. "Does he know we're boyfriends now?"

"No, only because we haven't talked since then and when he finds out he's going to torture me," Blaine admitted reluctantly.

"I would be nice to meet him, if only to protect you from his teasing."

Blaine's affectionate smile turned into a slight frown when Kurt's eyes were back on the road and he let out a little sigh. The Anderson brothers were still at odds with each other and even when telling Kurt about it helped, no progress had been made since. Mainly because they'd barely even talked in the last few months, Cooper as usual was too busy. The last time they'd seen each other in person turned into a disaster in Blaine's mind, Cooper's constant criticism of everything he did ruined the visit. Whenever Cooper was in town the entire world needed to revolve around him and Blaine was just something to amuse him in slow paced Lima. His aversions to letting his brother and boyfriend meet weren't due to the fear of Kurt fawning all over him, he was well aware of Cooper's good looks. No, it went deeper than that; his brother was the last person he wanted to compete with for attention. Kurt was his and he knew he was being childish and possessive but he couldn't help it. "Try not to be too disappointed if I can't bring myself to do that yet," he said softly.

The obvious vulnerability in Blaine's voice was making Kurt's heart ache and he flashed him a loving smile. "Oh honey, I could never be disappointed with you. There's plenty of time for me to meet the rest of your family, Blaine. So let's not worry about that for now, " He insisted, his voice soft and soothing.

Blaine face was equally full of affection, "Thank you," he replied warmly. "Well, we've covered my family's Christmas traditions, how about yours?" Blaine switched, he loved hearing new details about Kurt whenever possible.

"Oh, well... up until three years ago things were very different, it use to just be my dad and I and we did our best to make it festive as the years went on. But then in my junior year, as you know, my dad got re-married and that added two more members to our family. That first Christmas for all of us was very different, in a good way, but it still took some getting use to. Now there's even more extended family members to encounter, Carole's relatives are quite... let's say... interesting, especially when they've been throwing back eggnog. We have the same idea as your family Blaine; we want to keep things low key this year. It will be just the four of us on Christmas day; I'll have to do the round before and after that though. Considering I'm not here as much as I once was," Kurt explained.

"I bet you'll love getting to tell everyone about your exciting life in New York," Blaine teased.

"You know me so well, Blaine," Kurt replied happily.

"Will you tell them about me?" Blaine asked, he knew Kurt's parents were accepting of his sexual orientation, but he wasn't sure about anyone else.

"Knowing me, I will and I don't care if anyone has a hidden problem with it. I think my dad set the example from the start with to how to deal with my sexuality. Accept and there's not much need to have it be a big deal really," Kurt shrugged. "I for one would like to escape any drama over the holidays, I had enough of that from my time at William McKinley," Kurt added.

"Will you see any of your friends from school during your stay here?" Blaine asked.

Kurt nodded, "Yes but probably not until I come back here for my final week, or at least the ones that are still around then."

"What about your step-brother?"

"Finn will be here for sure, he'll be busy with the New Directions, as their usual director, Mr. Schue, is away for part of the year right now. I already have an idea to possibility lend a hand with glee club."

Here was the opening Blaine had been hoping for and he went for it. "On that subject... I was hoping you'd come visit me at Dalton at some point too," he said.

"I'd like nothing better, think you can survive your friends taunting?"

"Yes, because I'll have you there to make them stop," Blaine laughed.

"What am I to you? Some fierce sassy gay to hide behind?" Kurt teased.

Blaine smirked at Kurt, he knew better than to reply to such a statement. "You're so cute," he simply said instead. ___________________________________________________________________________

As soon as the couple reached their first stop (Kurt's house) they quickly carried Kurt's luggage inside, looking for any signs of life as they went. So far so good, neither Burt or Carole's car was in the driveway and that gave them both hope for what they wanted to do next.

"It seems the coast is clear," Kurt chimed as he led Blaine up the stairs to his bedroom.

Blaine already was in a cheeky mood and needed no convincing for what was about to happen, good thing he'd brought some chap stick along. "The way you say that... sounds like we have plans to be bad."

Kurt rolled his eyes but his goofy grin never wavered, banter was all fun and games but Kurt really wanted to get onto smooching by this point. "You can still be bad and keep your clothes on, Blaine," he countered.

"What about doing that without coming?" Blaine suddenly asked without warning.

The unexpected racy comment nearly caused Kurt to miss the last step of the stairs and he reeled back until Blaine pushed him forward. Kurt was sure his extreme reaction was funny and if it weren't for Kurt liking when Blaine said such comments, he might feel more annoyed. It was hard to remember they'd technically already seen each other naked. While the bold, almost boarding lewd comment caught him off guard; he wasn't about to get flustered. "Only one way to find out," he said in reply.

Hearing the payoff in the form of Kurt's sexy lower register was making Blaine's heart race, Kurt's 's rising to match Blaine's baby steps into dirty talk were making him far too excited. Kurt knew exactly what he was doing when he didn't discourage and the results quickly escalated as they cleared Kurt's bedroom. Bags were immediately dropped and discarded as the two brought their mouths together and went to town with making out. This was what both Blaine and Kurt had been longing to do the moment they were alone together anyway, so they just gave in. The racy kissing spree in the car hadn't quenched their thirst for one another either; it only made them want more. But now there was nothing periodically to hold them back and so the unspoken attempts to balance between desire and maturity were made. The first thing to do was to ensure their hands never went below the waist during their kissing and that was going well so far. Blaine kissed Kurt possessively as they quickly made their way to the bed and soon their arms were tightly entwined. Each kiss released more passion and got deeper and it wasn't long before Kurt ended up lying on top of Blaine.

"Here we go again," Blaine said with delight.

"But this time we can get really comfy..." Kurt growled.

"Just not too comfy, I was kidding about the coming thing," Blaine warned.

It didn't take long for their kisses to gravitate from their mouths and start to explore elsewhere. Kurt started to kiss from the corner of Blaine's mouth, leaving a trail of kisses and move towards his neck. It was time to get even and give Blaine a matching hickey but it was easier said than done. "Why did you wear a high collared shirt?" Kurt growled as he fought with the buttons.

"Because it can hide any physical proof of what we're doing right now," Blaine said matter-oh-factly.

"Good, cause I was planning to give you a hickey..."

"What about our date?" Blaine asked, not that he wanted to stop.

For all Blaine and Kurt's attempts at maturity sometimes there was no stopping the temptation that locking lips brought. Kurt was slowly letting his sensual side out in consequence and judging how Blaine gulped hungrily at that look, he was doing okay. The trouble was, one of the side effects from having such amazingly chemistry meant it didn't take much to get their motors revved up.

Right when Blaine was doing an impressive job of using his tongue during kissing Kurt knew he'd end up getting a boner in a second. "Blaine... oh god... we have to stop... or I'm going to get hard very quickly," Kurt pleaded.

"Same here," Blaine moaned, but he didn't go so far to pull away from Kurt yet.

"How is this stopping?" Kurt grumbled as Blaine began to suck on his now exposed collarbone."Shit, Blaine!" Kurt gasped as pleasure surged through him.

What had started out as desires for Blaine to perfect his attempts at French kissing was now risking turning things awkward. This time there was no mistaking what the hard object Blaine felt against his thigh might be and it wasn't sure wasn't a wrist brace. It was Kurt's..., he'd best not go there or Blaine's mind could explode with sexy thoughts. Blaine took the reality check and let Kurt roll off of him, and he was forced to watch his boyfriend glare at him in annoyance. "Sorry," he said sheepishly.

It didn't matter if Blaine hadn't really done anything or earn Kurt's scrutiny; he was trying to his best to think of the unsexiest thing possible to cool down. Kurt sighed and he stood up, ignoring his erection that felt strained in his tight skinny jeans. He didn't bother to speak as he sat in front of his vanity and started inspecting Blaine's handiwork. "Good thing I packed concealer," Kurt grumbled.

For all his appeal Blaine thought Kurt was being rather unfair and he wasn't enjoying the silent treatment very much. "Kurt, don't do this to me... don't be mad... I can't help it..." Blaine begged from his spot on the bed with big woeful eyes.

Kurt couldn't keep his eyes off Blaine for long and when he looked at his boyfriend's reflection in the mirror his attempts to resist were thwarted. "How can I stay mad at you when you look so freaking cute!" he said, grumbling.

"Not hot?" Blaine teased.

"Well that too, you felt the physical proof," Kurt scoffed.

"I was getting there too Kurt, for the record."

"Then it's probably a good thing we stopped when we did."

"I agree and uh... wow look at the time, well that was a satisfying thirty minuets," Blaine said as he glanced at his watch.

"Has it been that long? Wow indeed... and am I glad we're alone..." Kurt began, when he saw Blaine's eyes widen, Kurt simply rolled his eyes. "Not that I want to go there again... just, my family seems to have impeccable timing," Kurt quickly sputtered off.

"Well I'm glad it's off kilter right now," Blaine said.

"Let's go on that date Blaine Warbler, the snow's calling to us," Kurt said as he stood up, only to sit back down. "In a minuet," Kurt added shyly. Hearing Blaine muffled laughter at his expense certainly was helping kill his boner, but he wasn't in any mood to thank Blaine for it. ___________________________________________________________________________

"Well, what should we make?" Blaine asked.

Dressed for an afternoon out in the snow, the young couple was now in Kurt's front yard and with swapping scarves. Even in all the many layers Kurt was now wearing Blaine thought his winter wear clad boyfriend looked stunning as usual.

Kurt bent down to pick up a handful of snow and started rolling it into a tight packed ball, it was the perfect type of snow to building a snowman. "Hmm, Broadway icons?" he offered playfully.

"Sure, which one though?"

There was no need for Kurt to ponder that choice, he already knew and smiled as Blaine started to roll his own snowball along the ground to build its mass. When it got big enough Kurt lent a hand and the two pushed it around until it was a good enough size to be the bottom for their snowman project. "Would Patti LuPone be too hard to pull off?" Kurt finally suggested.

"Not for us," Blaine scoffed.

Kurt and Blaine set to making the snow-woman version of Kurt's show business role model and soon the middle and headpieces were added to the base.

Blaine suddenly felt eyes on him and when he turned to look back at Kurt, there were hearts in his boyfriend's eyes. "What?"

"Oh nothing, just gazing at my boyfriend," Kurt said dreamily.

"Isn't that the best word to say?" Blaine stated with a chuckle.

"When it refers to you it sure is," Kurt agreed.

The smiling twosome continued with their joint winter project and relished the opportunity to enjoy each other's company in person once again. The setting and activities might be different over a month ago but the ease that they talked to one another was no different than when done through a computer. Then the winter element was starting to affect Kurt and he'd begun to shiver but Blaine already knew hot to fix that. He stepped behind Kurt and wrapped his arms over Kurt's chest, offering his warmth without any worded requests.

"This is nice," Blaine said with a content sigh.

"You make a good personal heater, Blaine."

"Glad I can be useful," Blaine cooed.

The romantic scene quickly became one both boys wanted to enhance with a kiss outside and since no one was around, they went for it. That first tender kiss soon led to more and soon they found themselves smooching in their own little winter wonderland. The snow falling onto them was ignored, the only thing that could break up the blissful moment ended up pulling into the driveway.

Kurt tore his lips off Blaine's mouth with bitter resentment, as soon he recognized who the culprit was this time his annoyance became very visible. "You see, impeccable timing," Kurt grumbled. "Who know Finn could be such a buzz kill!"

"Maybe there's hope for him and Rachel after all," Blaine whispered.

"Kurt, that you?" Finn called from his car.

Since there was little point for Kurt to actually get angry at his stepbrother's arrival (since he still lived there and Kurt didn't) he let it go. Finn's untimely arrival wasn't planned and so Kurt pulled back slightly from Blaine but still kept touching the small of his back. "Yes Finn, it's me."

Blaine watched as Kurt's stepbrother, Finn Hudson, made his way towards him and Kurt, who were still stand side by side. Blaine had yet to meet him and his face was politely dapper as ever when it was about to happen.

"When did you get back?" Finn asked as he came over to Kurt's side.

Kurt finally let go of his hold of Blaine to hug Finn lightly, because he had missed him, during which Blaine stood politely at their side, waiting his chance to be introduced. "Like an hour ago, sorry I didn't let you know before hand," Kurt answered.

"It's fine," Finn assured as he looked over at Blaine's direction. "And you must be Blaine," he said with a friendly grin.

Now it was Blaine's chance to shine and he stepped forward to shake Fin's hand. "That I am, it's nice to meet you," he said.

"Finn, this is Blaine Anderson, my boyfriend-" Kurt started to introduce.

"Boyfriend? I thought you were trying to just stay friends?" Finn interrupted.

Kurt rolled his eyes, "I don't know why we ever thought we could manage that," Kurt admitted sheepishly.

"We tried and honestly I'm glad we failed," Blaine added, showing their playful banter to Finn first hand.

"Did you guys build a snow... what is that suppose to even be?" Finn asked suddenly, pointing to their nearly finished Patti snow woman.

"It's Patti LuPone!" Kurt blurted out.

"Who?" Finn asked in confusion.

Blaine felt like he was getting a little taste of what Kurt and Finn were like when they were together, which he already could tell was nothing like him and Cooper. "She's Kurt's role model, she's been in a lot of movies and Broadway shows," Blaine answered for Finn's sake.

The save was greatly appreciated by Finn, who didn't want to trigger Kurt into one of his ranting modes. "Oh, thanks," he said with gratitude. After Blaine flashed Finn a quick wink, he figured it was a good time to high tail it. "I'll leave you two alone now, will I get to see your while you're here?" he teased.

Kurt narrowed his eyes at Finn and was tempted to say no but he refused to support Finn's claims even if it was an obvious joke. "Yes, I'll be around for the next few days leading up to the 27th. So sorry, you won't be ride of me so easily."

Finn was never one who was very good in knowing when Kurt was being serious or sarcastic. "Who said I wanted that?" he replied. Until he finally caught on by Blaine's mouthing 'he's kidding' and moved on ignoring the mess up. "What about Rachel?"

The question about Rachel made Kurt's mood soften and switch to sympathy because he would never forget about their break up. Not when Finn had showed up at their New York loft in October, only to discovery Rachel was on a date with another guy. That first dramatic event set of a chain reaction that lead to Rachel declaring they were done. During the break up it was hard for Kurt not to take sides, he lived with Rachel but Finn was family. Thankfully living in other states when it came to broken relationships was a good thing, at least for an observer like Kurt anyway. "She'll be back in Lima tomorrow but she won't show up around here, so don't worry," Kurt assured him.

"She doesn't have to do that, not for me..." Finn argued.

"She's doing it for me actually, I want Kurt all to myself," Blaine pipped up.

The break in tension caused by Blaine's little joke was quite welcome and Kurt gave Blaine's hand a thankful squeeze. "He's right, it will be hard enough to be away from this guy for four days as it is," Kurt pointed out.

Finn's reply was to nod, showing he was more than ready to move on. "That's cool, anyway I'm gonna head inside. Don't want to be a third wheel right from the start, so go back and finish your Paty Larone Snowman," he urged.

"It's LuPone you uneducated ingrate!" Kurt shouted in annoyance as he went. _______________________________________________________________________________

When Blaine and his visiting boyfriend finished their snow-woman they spent a little time warming up in the back of his car, again. After spending a too long making out the pair finally bothered to move their date along. Which brought them to be standing in Blaine's kitchen of all places and currently something else would heat up other than their wanting bodies. Or that was the plan, as it turned out baking cookies was far more excitement than either boy had encountered before. Who knew cooking could be so much fun but all one needed was the right sort of culinary partner to share the experience.

The couple's baking Christmas cookies operation was far from professional: too much cookie dough was eaten, flour was everywhere and batter needed to be cleaned off almost every surface. The whole reason the near chaotic scene had occurred was because of how distracted the bakers kept getting. Any place, even a kitchen, could turn into a place to hold an impromptu kissing endeavour. They kept on giggling between baking, kissing and their usual spurts of playful banter. Currently Blaine and Kurt were enjoying another make-out relapse as they waited for the first batch of cookies to finish baking in the oven. Blaine's back was pressed against the edge of a counter with Kurt pushed up and close at his front. Kurt's arms were placed over Blaine's shoulders and Blaine's were around Kurt's waist as they kissed each other.

Right now the boys were behaving and so their kissers were short but sweet and never passionate enough to make them need to stop.

"This is becoming quite the habit, Kurt," Blaine murmured as Kurt switched his attention from Blaine's lips to his neck.

"I don't hear you complaining?"

"Like I would!" Blaine scoffed but he quickly forgot about fuelling their usual banter when Kurt made a sudden aggressive but pleasurable move. "Oh... lord, Kurt," he moaned.

Kurt hadn't meant to do it but in their eagerness his thigh had ended up rubbing up against Blaine's groin and he clearly had felt it. While the sound Blaine made when he groaned like that felt very thrilling he knew getting his boyfriend riled up in a his kitchen was a bad idea. "Should I stop? Am I making you too excited?" he asked quickly.

Blaine shook his head and kissed Kurt deeply, while he distracted his boyfriend with his lips Blaine discreetly moved Kurt's hips back with his hands so there was more distance between them, just to be safe.

"Better?" Kurt asked when Blaine was done.

"Not better, just... safer," Blaine said.

"Why are we having dessert before a single cookie is done anyway?"

"Come on, we both knew it would turn out like this."

It was the sound of the oven timer going off that made Kurt finally yank himself out of Blaine's arms and put on a pair of oven mitts. He brought out the first batch of cookies since he refused to let them burn, no matter how alluring his boyfriend was. The delicious smell of freshly baked cookies quickly filled the kitchen and wafted throughout the house. "Oh god, my mouth is already watering..."

Blaine knew the feeling but he wasn't looking at the cookies and quickly dropped his gaze from Kurt to behave. He couldn't help it, they had a lot of lost time to make up for, and most couples that had just gotten together did a lot of kissing. "We make a good team," he stated.

Ironically when the exact scenario the couple was sure to happen, it didn't, no one showed up at the house at that minuet. Which meant if the boys planned on focusing more on cooking than kissing it was up to them. To their credit they managed and the reward was when the heard the front door open, they weren't in any sort of compromising position but they'd cut it close.

The question was, which parent was now home? The answer came when a female voice called from the front hallway. "What smells so good?"

"We're baking cookies in the kitchen, first batch just came out of the oven," Blaine answered.

Jennifer Anderson appeared and her warm smile quickly changed to eye wide alarm at seeing what state the kitchen was in. There was no danger of her becoming angry, not when both boys looked so darn adorable and happy. "You two have sure been busy I see," she said teasingly.

"We'll clean up when we're done and hopefully the cookies will be worth it," Blaine assured her.

"I'm sure they will be," Jennifer said in reply.

It took his mom looking over Kurt's way for him to realize it was now time for a proper introduction and he quickly snapped to it. "Oh sorry! Mom, this is Kurt Hummel, my boyfriend..." Blaine said and he couldn't help begin to beam.

"I can't get enough of telling people that," Kurt whispered in Blaine's ear, causing his grin to grow even larger.

After the little laps Blaine continued things along, "Kurt, this is my mom, Jennifer," he finished.

Kurt proved Blaine wasn't the only one who could rock an introduction and he approached Jennifer with a warm smile. "It's sure great to meet you properly this time, sorry again about before," Kurt said, laying on the charm.

His charisma was working and as a result Jennifer laughed lightly. "The moments passed so don't worry, it's nice to meet you too, Kurt. Once I let Blaine know I wanted to hear all about you, I have no idea in what I was unleashing."

"Mom..." Blaine groaned with slight embarrassment, but it was true.

"Oh Blaine, that's so sweet," Kurt cooed with affection.

"How was the airport pickup?" Jennifer asked them both.

Even when Blaine was so distractingly adorable Kurt couldn't help but notice how nervous Jennifer seemed despite her friendly manner. From what Blaine had told him, Kurt knew that unlike with his own dad, any acceptance gained now hadn't come so easily when it came to Blaine's parents. It was also equally clear that they were trying to change that and Kurt was happy to help. "Romantic, like a scene out of a movie," Kurt said dreamily.

"Has Blaine told you about us wanting you over for dinner on the 27th?" She asked.

"Of course he has, it's Blaine and I'm honoured and delighted for the invite. Is there anything I should know... concerning Blaine's dad and making a better second impression?" Kurt dared to ask.

"Kurt..." Blaine began to warn.

"No, it's alright Blaine, and it's a valid question. Just be yourself Kurt, it's clear Blaine adores you. Don't expect my husband to react the same way... though you're a delight by my regard so far... just, don't get too worried about it and act natural, that's always the best answer," Jennifer suggested.

For all his confidence and superiority Kurt showed on a regular basis he still had plenty moments of self-doubt, such as now. "Are you sure? I mean, I'm worried about making him uncomfortable... with how I am..."

But Blaine was having none of that and he quickly grew annoyed but Kurt's attempts, was he actually saying how he couldn't pass as straight or something? What did that even have to do with meeting his dad? "Stop that Kurt, who said I'd want you to act differently for my dad's sake?" Blaine fumed.

"I only meant..." Kurt began to argue.

"No you didn't," Blaine snapped.

Jennifer found her self caught in the middle of the couple's sudden quarrel but she proved her worth and gave them a motherly eye-roll. "Boys, boys, this is no time to squabble. It's Christmas and what you two need to do is go talk this out. You're already used to that, just do it in person instead of through Skype. Now go head up to Blaine's room, leave the door open and work things out. I'll watch the cookies while you're gone," she insisted and pointed towards where the bedrooms where.

Neither Blaine or Kurt felt the urge to defy her orders, since she was in the right and the pair stomped their way up to Blaine's room like reprimanded children. By the time they walked through the door their anger was already starting to dissipate and seeing their immature scrunched up faces also helped.

"How did we end up fighting so soon?" Kurt asked with a groan, fearing the answer.

"Because you said something stupid," Blaine said with brutal honesty.

The subsequent tempter flare that the accusation brought challenged Kurt's hold of control but he managed to. How had things gone from them making out in the kitchen to this? Perhaps it was due to their spending too much time focusing on their lips than tackling the hard uses. "Blaine, I didn't mean I planned on changing myself, not for you dad or anyone else. I just don't want to... make things worse."

"Kurt, you're gay and so I am, that's how it is. I promised myself when I came out I'd never hide who I was again. I'm sorry I lashed out at you like that... I just didn't like how you thought the real you wasn't good enough to show my dad! Acting the way you think he'd want wouldn't work anyway, trust me... fuck, I dunno how to word this right!" Blaine vented out in anger.

It was clear to Kurt that his frazzled boyfriend was trying his best and he sat down on the bed. "I'm sorry too..." he began.

"I want to be with you Kurt, so don't you dare try to hide who you are. If my dad gets uncomfortable... then that's his problem, not ours," Blaine said firmly. "You are not to blame, you hear me?"

"Loud and clear," Kurt breathed in response.

The rift mended, Blaine smiled away at Kurt as he walked over to the bed, knelt down and kissed him softly on the mouth.

"We had our first fight as a couple," Kurt whispered.

"It was barely a fight, Kurt," Blaine argued.

"So we can't make up now and enjoy that for the first time?" Kurt pouted.

"My moms right down stairs and we still have to clean up from baking," Blaine reminded him, but he felt no satisfaction in saying that.

Kurt relented and pulled him and Blaine up into a standing position but wrapped his arms around Blaine's waist and held him close. Soon Blaine's head was cradled between Kurt's neck and shoulder and the couple stood there for a while, savouring the moment, one they hadn't been able to experience for far too long.

Blaine took a deep breath and let it out slowly, finding himself in Kurt's arms like this was so soothing. "You're a wish come true, Kurt," he confessed.

Skipping heartbeats followed from hearing the poetic words that risked sounding surrealistically corny but such moments were frequent with Blaine Anderson. "When I made my wish I didn't think it would come true... but am I ever glad it did," Kurt told him.

Blaine did a double take, his eyes widening. "Does that mean what I think it means... are you..." Blaine began but couldn't finish. No matter how strongly he felt about Kurt he knew it was too soon. So he didn't say the four-letter word, they both knew what Kurt had wished for anyway.

"No, not yet, I'm not saying I don't care for you... I do and I'm sure it will come to that, very quickly. But I'm not... ready..." Kurt faltered. "Oh great, here come the tears."

When would Blaine learn that putting too much pressure on themselves was never a good idea, he felt so stupid at almost ruining the tender moment. "Shh, it's okay Kurt, forget about it. It can wait, I want us to want until we're ready for every step we take," he said softly.

"Let's focus on finishing our third date, huh?" Kurt suggested with an awkward laugh.

Blaine joined in with Kurt's light laughter and eventually they recovered enough to bounce back to their normal cheery selves. Their little spat had sure gone full circle, starting with anger, moving to love, then sadness and now, happiness was bad full force. Kurt gave Blaine a shy look when he handed him a tissue to blow his nose and he caught the next look. It hadn't taken long for Kurt to recognize when his boyfriend wanted to kiss him and with the message received, Kurt brought their lips together with a sudden forward move. Dealing with things like passion, romance and desire were new and as challenging as ever but it was the mix of emotions that made it truly confusing at times. Good thing both boys were stubborn, courageous and above all, willing to take things slow to allow their feelings to develop at the right speed and that kept the odds in their favour.

With the task of making things right finished and over with for the time being, Blaine and Kurt headed back down to the kitchen to clean up their cookie baking mess. When Jennifer never appeared to comment on their taking a long time up in Blaine's room, her son decided to reward her with a plate of cookies and a cup of coffee.

"You guys patch things up?" Jennifer asked as she bit into a cookie. "Oh wow these are so good!" she told Blaine in surprise.

"We're fine, thanks for the kind push," Blaine thanked her.

"Fights happen Blaine, try not to worry about them, it means you're in a relationship," Jennifer told her son.

Blaine paused, as Kurt's singing voice began to trail from the kitchen and Blaine broke into a smile. "I know," he replied.

"Wow...his voice Blaine..." his mother whispered in awe.

Blaine smile got even wider from the comment. "I know," he repeated with a cheeky grin.


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