The Andersons of Westerville
Manhattan Madness Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Andersons of Westerville: Manhattan Madness

M - Words: 3,553 - Last Updated: May 14, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 6/? - Created: May 13, 2014 - Updated: May 13, 2014
168 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

How was it? Up next: Chapter 4: The Uninvited Guest. In the mean time, feel free to send a review/ comment my way. I love them. Like seriously LOVE them. 

Chapter 3: Manhattan Madness

As it turned out, explaining everything to his father was to be the least of Kurts worries. Whatever Sue Sylvester told Burt Hummel had apparently soothed all of the Ohio Congressmans fear regarding his sons safety. And, after an hour or two of discussing wedding plans with Blaines parents, Burt Hummel drove his son to the airport and sent him off with a tight hug and a promise to keep in touch, which Kurt returned without hesitation. Carole kissed his cheek and promised him that they would be careful in his absence.

The flight back to New York wasnt even much of a problem. Kurt slept through the whole thing, right next to Cooper who had flown with him. When he woke up, the plane had just taxied down the runway. He looked outside the small window next to him and was greeted by the early morning rays of the sun.


Getting Blaine cleared out for his Senior Year at McKinley had been relatively easy –thanks to Principal Sylvester and her secret membership to the Umbra; he had just had to sit and pass a placement exam (he did, with flying colors) and he was ready to go to college. No, that had been the easy part. Sadly, saying goodbye to his fellow Glee clubbers –his friends –wasnt.

Tina had all but bawled when he had told them the news –or at least, the sanitized version of it: "Guys, my grandfather wants to train me up for the family business earlier than planned –I have to take up an internship in New York before college –" The rest of them were a bit tamer in their reactions, although Sam was evidently trying to fight back tears as he hugged his best friend goodbye. Blaine returned the embrace as he officially entrusted to his VP the mantle of the class presidency. The position of Honorary Rachel however, was entrusted to Marley, who kissed him on the cheek and wished him good luck for the future. It took Blaine less than a week after his proposal to Kurt to settle his affairs in Ohio and get on a plane bound for New York.

"New York, here we come!" Charlie beamed. She was seated next to her brother in First Class. She too had her clearance processed just the day before from St. Claire. Charlies dark curls were loosely stuffed under a red beret she had gotten from Kurt before the countertenor had left for Bushwick. In a short while of knowing each other personally, the two had formed a rather close and familiar bond that pleased Blaine to no end: his two nearest and dearest were getting along well. Blaine eyed his sister and smiled.

"I cant believe that I am finally out of high school. I mean after everything, who would have thought it would happen this way?"

"You mean you cant believe that youre finally able to live with Kurt, in the city of your dreams," his sister teased. "After all that shit last year –"

"Im just happy to be able to get the chance to be with him," Blaine sighed. "I dont care when or where or how –just knowing I have Kurt in my life is enough." He leaned back in his seat and pulled out a pair of headphones. Charlie reached for her brothers hand across the armrest and gave it a fond squeeze.

"You will survive this, I know you will. Youre stronger than you think you are, Blainers. And you have Kurt. Now, Im not saying this because he is my boo, but –" she grinned. "Hes the best person to have around when the going gets tough. I can see the effect he has on you. You complement each other so well, its sick –like you were created from one piece of soul before being halved down the middle. You were made to stand together –together, the two of you are unstoppable."

Blaine returned the squeeze and smiled. "Thanks Char. I feel the same way, you know? Like I am invincible whenever Kurt holds my hand… I just wish we get through this Illustrati fiasco sooner. I cant wait to live the rest of my life with my future husband in peace."

"Speaking of your future husband, I wonder how he and Coop are doing? Have I told you that mom gave him an unlimited budget for redecorating our new penthouse suite?" Blaine looked surprised, then relieved by the knowledge.

"So thats why he hasnt been answering my calls," he chuckled. "I was beginning to think that he had forgotten about me. I dont envy Coopers position though. When Kurt gets going with redecorating, he wont stop until its perfectly done."


Kurt was indeed busy redecorating, that is, when he wasnt busy with NYADA or Vogue dot com. It had been five days since had gone back to Bushwick with Cooper to talk to Rachel: telling her a modified version of the news of his move was the least of Kurts worries once he had found his way back to New York. Once the brunette diva had gotten an invitation to the prestigious Royal Academy for the Performing Arts in London, it was not much of a hurdle for Kurt to tell her that he would be moving out, no, not when the indefatigable Ms. Berry was to attend classes in London of all places, for free. Kurt had wanted to ask the Andersons if they had a hand in making his life easier, but he was almost certain that it was due to their long-reaching influences that Rachel even got that letter, so he did not even deign to ask. Santana was even less of a chore as the Latina was all but too happy preparing to move in with her new girlfriend, Danni. The rustic loft was empty in no time and Cooper and Kurt were able to pack up the latters things with no problems.

The following day, the future brothers-in-law made the drive to what was to be their new home. The new apartment the Andersons had purchased for the foursome (that is, Kurt, Blaine, Charlie and Cooper) was right smack in the middle of the Manhattan Business District, but surprisingly, it was a quiet neighborhood. The high-rise building was a quaint mixture of old world architecture and modern convenience –a common characteristic of structures in that part of town. The light stucco façade complimented the glass and brass exterior furnishings well and screamed opulence and prestige.

A uniformed valet greeted the two young men as Cooper ushered Kurt into the front entrance. The older man playfully threw the keys towards the red-velvet dressed attendant before nodding at the old-fashioned doorman that welcomed them into the building.. Kurt stared in awe at all the gold and polished marble he saw –Vogue dot coms lobby paled in comparison to this. He knew that the Andersons were rich, but not of this magnitude, to just be able to buy a penthouse suite in such a prime piece of real estate. Cooper noticed Kurts expression and smiled.

"An Umbra member owns the building –thats how Dad got the penthouse suite for half the price. It pays to have good connections."

"Still, this must cost a fortune." The two walked past the receptionists desk and towards the row of gilded elevators. Cooper stopped in front of the one farthest to the left and produced a key card attached to a generic looking black lanyard.

"Private elevator," he explained to Kurt as he held up the key card for his inspection."You three will get ones made for you." He slipped the card into the mechanism by the control buttons. The whole panel lit up before the double doors opened. Cooper let Kurt enter first. He pushed the lone button inside as the doors closed behind them. Kurt was till taking in everything appreciatively. Cooper smiled and nudged him.

"I take it that you approve?"

"If the suite is anything like the lobby, then I more than approve."

"Then I should not probably mention that Mom instructed me to give you an extension on her credit card to be used for whatever it is that you may need to redecorate and furnish our new apartment –"

Kurt couldnt contain the squeal that escaped his lips. The elevator finally stopped and opened to a lush-looking, wall-papered, carpeted hallway. It led to a single door made of mahogany. Cooper took his keycard once more and slid it against another key-numbered panel. The door creaked open.

"Welcome to Manhattan, Kurt."

The next three days were spent with Kurt in front of the computer racking up totals from online furniture and home improvement sites. Apparently, the Anderson name held much credence in the business sector and as soon as the countertenor had provided Elise Andersons contact information, they were able to expedite deliveries from 3-5 days to overnight shipping –free of charge. Soon, the suite was filled with boxes and movers in their blue denim overalls.

"Okay, when Blaine told me you liked redecorating, apparently he left out the part that you turn into a Nazi Commander," Cooper panted as he set down a rather large and heavy box he was moving from the main living space to one of the five bedrooms. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and sighed. Kurt was holding a roller brush covered with mauve paint when he turned to glare at the eldest Anderson son.

"Stop complaining and get moving. I had asked you nicely if you wanted to paint these walls or move things and you chose to move things so quit whining like a girl."

"Move things, yeah, not lug everything all around. Thats what we have the movers for."

"We still have a ton of things to do and not enough time nor manpower. Blaine and Charlie will be here tomorrow and I still havent finished mine and Blaines room!" Kurt actually looked worried that Cooper stopped his own pity party to comfort the glasz-eyed young man.

"Hey, its okay. Whatever it is you end up doing, Im sure Blaine will love it."

"I just want everything to be perfect," Kurt sighed. "I know this may not seem like a big deal, but this is the first time we are actually going to share a living space. I just want to make it look wonderful."

"And you are doing a great job. The walls look amazing with purple paint –"

"Mauve, Cooper. Not purple. Purple is dark, close to blue. It would make the walls look somber. Mauve is classy –"

"Okay, okay, dont go all artsy on me," Cooper held his hands up in surrender. "Lets just get back to working and finish up. When Blaine gets here he owes me a voucher for a deep tissue massage." The commercial actor then turned to leave to get another box moved when Kurt called after him.

"Cooper, I need the stepladder in here!"

"Blaine owes me a first-born son after my name!"


The walls were finally dry and every single piece of furniture was in its designated place the following day. It was well into the afternoon and Kurt was just done stocking up the kitchen when the doorbell rang.

"Ill get it!" Coopers muffled voice came from the direction of the newly-appointed training room (one of the five bedrooms) that he was setting up for the three younger ones. Kurt washed his hands and dried them on a towel.

"Oh my god –everything looks amazing!" An excited female voice exclaimed.

"Why thank you," the NYADA student smiled as he entered the main living space. He was immediately accosted with a tight bear hug.

"I missed you, Kurt!"

"Me too, Charlie, me too." Kurt returned the embrace laughing, but his eyes searched for another set of familiar ambers. "Hey honey." Blaine grinned from his spot next to Cooper. "Hey yourself." He murmured, returning Kurts gaze. Cooper noticed the wordless exchange and stepped in.

"Okay, Charlotte, lets get you settled in your room and let these two continue their eye-sex –"

"How many times do I have to tell you that you cannot call me Charlotte –"

"Yeah, well deal with my punishment later," Cooper pulled his sister along and winked at the other two. "Have fun, boys. Your room has been sound-proofed, but remember to put a sock on the door knob-"

"COOPER!" The newly-engaged couple blushed as Cooper left the room with Charlie. Blaine was the first to recover. He looked at Kurt with a fond smile.

"I trust that you decorated our room?"

"What, and let Cooper near it?" Kurt teased. "Im pretty sure he would have planted bugs the moment I turned my back on him. No one was allowed in except me." He grabbed Blaines hand. "Come, Ill show you." Kurt led Blaine to a hallway opposite of where Cooper had just disappeared to with Charlie. The curly-haired young man counted three doors in that side of the suite. The couple stopped in front of the one farthest the entrance. Kurt turned to Blaine as he pushed the door open. "Beauty before age."

Blaine laughed. "Either way, you should go first." Still, he preceded his fiancé inside their room.

The walls were done in a tasteful shade of mocha. A deep burgundy carpet ran across the floor. There was a large four-poster bed in the middle, done up in stark-white Egyptian cotton sheets. The rest of the spacious room was filled in with a couple of matching free-standing dressers, an armoire housing a state-of-the-art entertainment system, a couple of side tables (all done in oak), a white leather daybed by the silk gauze-draped window. To the right of the bed was another door that led to a spacious walk-in closet and the en suite bathroom done in a white and chrome motif. There was a his and hers sink in clear glass, a six-jet shower head and a tub that could easily fit four.

Blaines eyes were wide in amazement. "Kurt –you did all this? This is –perfect –" He bestowed a chaste kiss on his fiancés lips. "I love it!"

"Im glad," Kurt smiled as he sat by the foot of the bed. "I had help with the fixtures inside the bath, but I had wanted to have my personal touch on everything else."

"If I hadnt known you loved performing so much, I would push you to go to design school. This is amazing!" Blaine sat next to his fiancé and hugged him. "I guess being fashionable doesnt end with clothes when it comes to you."

"About that," Kurt began, looking uncomfortable all of a sudden. "Ive decided to quit NYADA."

"Wait –WHAT?" Blaine exclaimed, looking utterly surprised. "What –why?" Kurt stood up and sighed. He then pulled a chair that was set up in one idle corner. It was upholstered in cream and scarlet and had a touch of Victorian elegance to it. He sat on it, facing Blaine.

"I cant believe Im saying this, but, Santana is right. There is no point in paying an absurd amount of money to be taught something that you were already good at. And the age-old adage rings true. The best way to make someone hate performing is to enroll them in a performing school."

Blaine stood up from his spot and looked at Kurt in concern. "Kurt? Are you sure thats the reason? If there is something else, tell me. Is it because of the change in our plans? Finances? Let me help –"

"No, its none of those," Kurt waved him off. "I came into this decision on my own. Im enrolling at NYU as a transferee next year. I think I might give design a go –"

"Why not Parsons or Tisch?"

"I was thinking it might be nice to go to school with you –"

"Kurt –"

"No, hear me out, Kurt cut him off. "First of all, I dont want you to think that Im compromising my dreams for you –thats hardly the case. NYADA had been my dream, but only with you in it. Dont you get it, Blaine? My dreams always involved you. Im not saying it is all about you, but things –" he paused. "Things are progressing at an alarming rate. And before you even ask no –I do not regret anything, especially not saying yes to you. All Im saying is that if there was a choice to spend more time with you, Id take it. The threat of the Illustrati and my conversation with my Dad about my mom made me realize one thing. Life is too short to hold back –"

"Kurt –"

Kurt moved closer to Blaine and took the younger mans hands in his. "Blaine, I love you. And not being cynical or what, but we never know what may happen tomorrow, especially with a group of renegade witches after us but, with anything possible, I want to spend the most possible amount of time together –us, our friends, our families –"

"Kurt –" Blaine pulled his fiancé into a bone-crushing hug. "Im scared. Im honest to goodness scared myself. But you do know I wont let anything happen to you, right?"

"I know. Im just being a sap –paint fumes and all." Kurt let out an unmistakable sob against Blaines shoulder.

"Well make it through this, Kurt. We have each other, the Umbra, our families. And I swear on my life that I wont let anything or anyone harm you."

"Or you?"

"Or me." Blaine amended. "Weve fought long and hard, through countless lifetimes just to be together. Nothing will ever come between us."

"Even a bunch of crazy witches?"

"Even a bunch of crazy witches." Blaine smiled as he looked Kurt in the eye. "You are my courage and my strength, Kurt. Together, we are invincible."

"God, were such saps."

"I believe its the fumes."

"We should all go out for pizza then before we loose our minds."

"I thought we were supposed to be having post-engagement, slash, reunion sex."

"Whose suggestion was that again?"


"Lets make him pay for the pizza."



The four Andersons (one soon-to-be, but there wasnt much of a difference in that anyway) quickly settled into a routine. A week after Blaine and Charlies arrival found them sharing the round breakfast table together. Kurt was dishing up his amazing pancakes (a consensus formed among the other three) to a sleepy trio. Coopers hair was sticking up in all places, his grey wife-beater and scarlet pajamas were crumpled. Next to him, Charlie had her head of curls against her eldest brothers shoulder. Her eyes were barely half-open. To her left, Blaine looked pretty much like Cooper did, the only difference was he was wearing a pair of SpongeBob SquarePants pajamas –similar to what Charlie was wearing.

As a contrast, Kurt was very well put together, his hair already immaculately coifed, his white Oxford shirt, acid washed True Religion jeans and black waistcoat, ironed and pressed to perfection. He was eying the Anderson trio with a fond expression in his face.

"You three are too damn adorable."

"We try," said Charlie, drenching her plate of pancakes with strawberry syrup. "You cant be an Anderson without an immense supply of charm."

"I second the motion," yawned Cooper, pouring maple syrup on his short stack. "Its like an initiation. If you cant charm your way through a law suit, youre cut off the family tree." He took a bite of his pancakes. "These are delicious, Kurt. Forget Blaine and marry me."

"Shut up," Blaine threw an orange at Cooper and hit the older man on the side of his head. Cooper winced but was too tired and sleepy to retaliate.

"Threatened, Blainey –boo?"

"You wish." Blaine speared a forkful of his own pancakes, swimming in chocolate syrup. "Youre not even bisexual. And youre not Kurts type."

"And Kurt is still here," the glasz-eyed young man interrupted. Cooper and Blaine ignored him.

"Yeah, coz Kurt likes short guys with a weird bowtie obsession –"

"Its not weird, Cooper. Its classy. You dont know classy even if it bit you in the ass –"

"Correction, gorgeous ass –"

"Hardly –"

Charlie extracted herself from between the arguing brothers and planted herself next to an exasperated-looking Kurt. She smiled at him and quipped.

"What say you –we leave these monkeys and elope?"

Kurt gave her a knowing look.



Kurt laughed out loud. He was quickly getting used to living with the other three –it was a new normal that the soon-to-be Hummel-Anderson had learned to appreciate. He was used to family, with his Dad and Carole being the loving parents, and Finn, being the goofy sibling. Kurt was the glue that held the Hudmels together.

In this new setting, he was still the glue that brought them together, the anchor, and despite his age, the parent in their rather dysfunctional family; Cooper was the uncle that the parents hated to invite over for fear of corrupting their kids; Blaine was the eclectic, endearing, middle child that no one can ever hate; Charlie is the problematic, yet headstrong baby of the group that at sometimes made more sense than the other three adults.

"Nobody gets Kurt but me," Blaine was brandishing his fork like a sword. He had managed to cross the table to the other side, where Kurt was and was pointing his silverware at Cooper who had an incredulous look on his face.

"Id like to see you try and stop me –" The brothers were about to get on with their mock duel for the virtue of one Kurt Hummel when the doorbell rang.

"Ill get it!" Charlie ran towards the entrance hall before anyone could protest. A few seconds later the door opened…

Then, came a blood-curling scream.



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