May 13, 2014, 7 p.m.
May 13, 2014, 7 p.m.
Might make a sequel if there is a demand… so why dont you tell me in a little review what you liked and did not like? Come on, dont be shy. I dont bite, contrary to popular belief. Even a one-line will be greatly appreciated. Again, thanks for reading. Until next time –C.
P.S. See you on Tumblr (KlaineLoveAndSnarryDreams), Twitter .at(heyitschesca) and Facebook (eastwoodgirl). Comment/Suggest there using (hashtag) # CMOliverFanfiction.
Washington, D.C. –Two Weeks After the Tubbington Meteor Shower
Burt Hummel is proud to admit that there are only a few things in life that scared the hell out of him –and no, it is not the kind of acre that leaves one with shaky hands or cold sweat or blood-curling screams, but the kind that seeps into ones consciousness and gets constantly relived in recurring nightmares.
So, we are not talking about spiders or the Boogey Man or Hills Have Eyes 2. Burt is scared of things like his first wifes death, cancer and not being able to understand his only son –the latter being at the top of the list.
Two weeks ago when Finn called, Burt was faced with his worst fear. It did not even register in his mind that his stepson was supposedly an astronaut and that just a few hours before that call, humanity was supposed to have already ended because of an asteroid that a bunch of teenage astrophysicists have discovered. No, his brain skipped over processing that. Instead, his mind latched onto the one thing that mattered to him most in that situation.
"Burt, Kurt needs you –its about Blaine,"
Now, Burt Hummel will be lying if he told you that he did not take sides in the spat between his son and his ex-boyfriend –he did. He took the third side, the one that believed that both were at fault and that the two of them would just have to let go of bruised egos and hurt pride to fix things between them. Burt does not and will never pretend to understand the dynamics of his son Kurts relationship with Blaine –it is something that he has long accepted. But one thing that he knows however, is that what the two boys have is something really special and sincere. It scares him to know that his little boy has finally grown up and managed to find the epic kind of love that so many lost souls strive so hard for and yet fail to achieve. It scares him because he knows that once a person loses that kind of constant in their lives, it is bound to hurt like hell. And more importantly, it scares Burt because he has no idea how to offer comfort to his evidently grieving son. How does one pick up the pieces of a broken person abandoned by his soulmate? And that is the topic of the Ohio 4th District Congressmans constant nightmares. How on earth does he help put Kurt back together?
The first few days after the incident were kind of lethargic –after Burt had brought Kurt to DC with him and Carole, the boy just refused to speak, move or eat. IN fact, the only thing the countertenor would touch were the citrus-infused teabags that Rachel sent after them, telling Burt that Kurt had taken a liking to them especially whenever he was suffering through an upset stomach. Every morning, Burt, and sometimes Carole, would leave a steaming cup of tea and a pile of toast next to Kurts bed –the toast would remain untouched, but the tea would be drained. The same thing would happen with lunch and dinner. The first couple of days, Burt lets his son do away with food, thinking that the shock of it all was a little too much for him to stomach solid food. But on the fourth day, he draws the line.
"Kurt, buddy, come one –you have to eat even just a little bite." Burt sits on the foot of his sons bed one morning. "Please."
Kurt does not make a notion that he has even heard his father. He stays there, lying still on his side and facing the wall. His blue-green eyes were wide-open, seemingly lost in a world eons and eons away. The only indication that he still exists in this realm is the rapid rise and fall of his chest. And even from the looks of it, it seems that he finds it hard to even keep breathing. Burt frowns. He accepts that things will be difficult as it is. He is at a loss on what to do. He stands up and leaves the room to make a few phone calls in hopes to find the necessary help that Kurt needs. Mercedes, Rachel, Finn and even Sam and Tina arrive in trickles, but not one of them are able to elicit any form of reaction from Kurt. Burt turns desperate and calls those nice boys from Dalton (not the ones who attempted to slushy his son though) Wes and David, but even they are unsuccessful. The fathers desperation ends up with him calling Cooper Anderson. IN the end, that move pays off in getting a reaction from Kurt –just not the kind they had expected.
Cooper arrives at Burt and Caroles DC house, 9 days after the incident. He shakes hands with the congressman and kisses Caroles cheeks. Without further ado, Burt ushers the 28-year old actor upstairs.
"Kurt, there is someone here to see you,"
The door is pushed open and Cooper walks in. His hazel eyes, so like his younger brothers takes a good look at the boy lying on the messy bed, stiff as a board. Something tickles the back of Coopers throat.
"K-Kurt –"
And that was all it took. For the first time in 9 days, Kurt blinks. Slowly, he turns his head and upon seeing Cooper, sits up. His ocean eyes take in the sight of the man standing by the foot of his bed. His lips move.
"He – hes alive…"
Cooper answers with a slight frown as he walks towards the younger boy. Kurt looks as broken as Burt made him up to be over the phone. However, what Cooper did not expect is that glimpse of desperate yearning and hope in those clear blue eyes. Cooper has only met Kurt once before in person when he visited Blaine, but that limited time around the two was enough to let him know that they were treading beyond a clichéd high school romance.
Cooper still remembers that day, a week ago to be exact, when one William Schuster called him about his little squirt. The first five minutes had Cooper believing that he was being Punkd. But the next ten were more than enough to convince him of the harsh.
His baby brother was hero.
His baby brother was dead hero.
His baby brother, his Blainey, his beloved squirt, died to save the world.
It was a harsh, surreal reality.
And for the first time in his life, Cooper Michael Anderson cries on cue. He drops the guest starring role in The Americans and catches the earliest flight to Lima; he does not bother to make a side trip to Westerville. He is met by a grim-faced William Schuster and a heavyset woman he will later know as Shannon Bieste at the airport. They escort him to the Facility, to the barracks, to Blaines quarters. Two days later, Burt Hummel calls him and Cooper pushes away his own grief to seek out the only person who was probably hurting more than him.
Cooper stops next to Kurts bedside, his eyes staring deeply into the younger mans. Badly –he badly wants to tell Kurt that hes right, that yes, Blaine is alive. But he knows no good would come out of pretending that everything is all right. Cooper feels Burts eyes burning holes through the back of his head.
"Kurt, Im sorry, but Blaine is dead –"
"You dont know that!" Kurt spats out heatedly after his right hand makes contact with Coopers left cheek. Angry tears begin to flow from his eyes –his first in 9 days. "You –KNOW –NOTHING! You hear me? NOTHING! Have you even seen him lately?" Kurt grips the blanket surrounding him –the red and blue checked one that he simply refuses to let go of –until his knuckles turn white. "When was the last time that youve spoken to him? When?"
"Kurt –" Coopers guilt is evident on his face. "Kurt, please –"
"I SPOKE TO HIM!" Kurt interrupts him yet again, his breathing erratic and labored. Burt looks like hes ready to jump in to try and calm his son down, but something within him realizes that Kurt needs this; that after 9 days of bottling everything up, Kurt needs the chance to vent out. The elder Hummel stays in his spot by the doorway, contenting himself with watching his son breakdown. Wracking sobs emerge from Kurts helpless form.
"I –spoke –to him –that day! The day he –" Kurt takes a shuddering breath. "And –and I –I did not – I did not even –I had no –I had no idea! I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN! I shouldve –couldve –couldve told him- not to –but I didnt! Dont you get it? Dont you ALL GET IT? Its my –my f-fault! ITS ALL MY FAULT!" Twin rivers of saline stain Kurts porcelain cheeks. "Its… all…" He finally buries his face in his hands and lets out an anguished wail. Coopers heart and resolve break at the sight. He draws closer, ignoring the sting of his cheek and takes Kurt into his arms.
"Its not your fault, little brother." Cooper whispers against Kurts hair, rocking the younger boys defeated form back and forth. "Its not your fault…"
"He –he cant be dead…" Kurt gasps back between sobs. "He –he cant be -hes n-not d-dead… No…" The rest of Kurts words drown in tears. Cooper tightens his grip on the boy that his brother loved the most. Broken up or not, Kurt is Blaines and vice versa. There is just no separating the two. Blaines love for Kurt is stuff that romance writers only dream about. Only the dead would not feel the special connection between the two. Cooper knows that the pain hes feeling for losing Blaine does not compare in the slightest to the way Kurt feels. So he decides that he will not even try to understand Kurts feelings. He decides right then and there that the best way he can help is to just be there. He holds Kurt in a tight embrace until the boy finally passes out from crying. When he lays Kurt back down on his bed, Burt approaches him and places a hand on Coopers shoulder. The two men wordlessly exchange gratitude for whatever that had just transpired, acknowledging the necessity for that to happen. Cooper leaves, and the next morning, the toast on Kurts night stand disappears.
But that is five days ago.
Two weeks after the incident, one fine morning in DC, it is Burts turn to get Kurt his breakfast –the only meal he would touch. He carries the tray that Carole has prepared and proceeds to take it upstairs. He is earlier than usual. He then knocks at Kurts door.
"Buddy? Im coming in. Ive got your tea and toast." Burt opens the door and takes a peep.
The room is empty.
Panic quickly rises up his throat. Not once has Kurt left the room. Where could he be? But before the alarm reaches its highest peak though, Burts common sense kicks in. he quickly sets the tray down on the nightstand and knocks on the adjoining bathroom door.
"Kurt, you in there?"
No answer. Burt takes a deep breath as he rattles the doorknob, hoping against hope that it gives way.
It opens. Burt wastes no time. He pushes the door open and is greeted by a sight hed never imagined to see.
Kurt –his lovely little boy Kurt –Kurt who made sure he ate and slept and took his medications on time even from across the miles –clutching the porcelain toilet bowl for dear life, retching like theres no tomorrow. Burts heart stopped at the sight of his son, looking smaller and more fragile as the days go by.
"Oh Kurt," the man kneels next to his way who was slumped ungracefully on the cold, tiled floor. Kurt was like ice to the touch. Burt reaches for the towel behind the door and wraps his son in it. "Talk to me, kiddo. Tell Daddy how you feel."
Kurt answers with a broken gasp. "H-hurts, D-dad…" He then pulls away from his father to empty the non-existent contents of his stomach onto the toilet. Kurt then makes a strangled sound in his throat –as if he had been at it for hours. Burt does not dilly-dally.
"Were getting you into the hospital, Kurt. Rachel says youve been throwing up all the time since recently thats why she sent you that tea. Its been weeks. Now I know how you hate going there, but we need you checked up, okay?"
For the first time, Kurt does not argue with his dad about seeing the doctor himself. He accepts his fathers assistance in standing and getting cleaned up. Forty-five minutes later, they were sitting on plastic seats outside the office of Jason Bennett, M.D. A nurse took blood and urine samples as per SOP earlier and now the Hummels are awaiting the results of those tests. Thirty more minutes pass, and the door to Dr. Bennetts office opens. A man in his late twenties, with auburn hair and brilliant green eyes steps out wearing a white lab coat. The kind expression on his face intensifies upon seeing the father and son tandem. "Kurt Hummel?"
Burt stand up and gently ushers Kurt inside Dr. Bennetts office. The doctor then closes the door behind them and motions for the two to sit in front of the desk.
Dr. Bennett begins to speak. No, Kurt is thankfully not sick with some rare strain of viral infection. Yes, Kurt is lacking in nourishment, extremely depressed and undergoing shock, but nothing therapy and some prescription could not counter. NO, that is not whats wrong with him.
"Mr. Hummel," Dr. Bennett addresses Burt. "Are you aware of the term Hermaphrodite?"
Burt looks utterly confused. Kurt on the other hand, stiffens.
"There are people born with both male and female parts," Dr. Bennett continues. "Some manifest both outwardly –what we call type 1. A simple surgery corrects the lesser functioning reproductive organ and hormonal therapy follows to supplement the changes."
"I –I dont think I follow, Dr. Bennett." Burt admits. "What does this have to do with my son? Ive seen him at birth. My son is MALE."
"There are –recent discoveries on another type of Hermaphrodite." Dr. Bennett pushes through. These individuals seem just the usual on the outside, but further tests prove that they too, carry both sex organs. These are rare; about 1 in every 35 million people. We call them type 2 –" Burt stands up, looking quite alarmed. Beside him, Kurt grips the edge of his seat.
"Just get to the point, Dr. Bennett." Burt demands. Dr. Bennett eyes both men in concern and sighs.
"You son is a type 2, Mr. Hummel. It may come as a surprise, but Im pretty that you would not have known this beforehand since tests for this were unavailable not five years ago. But type 2s still usually manifest attributes from the lesser dominant sex, in your sons case, female attributes. Perhaps, a high-pitched voice, occasional menstrual spotting –"
"What makes you sure of that?" Kurts voice was barely a whisper but firm enough to make both grown men look at him. "So what if my voice is high and squeaky? So what if I bleed sometimes? You cant just say Im a freak –not just by a stupid blood and urine test!" Agitation is clear in his voice. Burt takes his seat again and wraps a comforting arm around his son in an attempt to calm him down. Dr. Bennett takes a deep breath.
"The unique thing about type 2s is that even if there is no outward manifestation, both of the reproductive systems present are fully developed on the inside –and functional."
The seething look on Kurts face drops. "You –you mean –"
"Outwardly, male type 2s like you Kurt, are able to carry a child to full term. And in your case, Anal penetration is as good as vaginal penetration." Dr. Bennett explains with a straight face. Burt on the other hand, sputters.
"What –the –hell?"
"Kurt," Dr. Bennett looks him in the eye. "The symptoms you are experiencing are symptoms of pregnancy. By the looks of it, you are about 10 weeks pregnant."
The words barely register to Kurt. This… cannot be happening… Can it?
Ten weeks… The hotel… The last time he had slept with anyone at all…
Ten. Freaking. Weeks.
"Valentines…" Kurt mumbles to himself. Burt catches it though.
"Kurt? Is there something you want to tell me?" The mans voice is neither judging nor accusing. Truth be told, he never imagined to have THIS talk with his own son. His apparently PREGNANT MALE son.
Kurt bites his lip. Then, meeting his fathers eyes. Tears begin to run down his face again. Shaking madly, he confesses.
"D-Dad, I –Im pregnant with -with B-Blaines ch-child."
Somewhere in the Pacific – Two Weeks Earlier, the day after the Tubbington Meteor Shower
The magnificent phenomena now dubbed as the Tubbington Meteor Shower was witnessed from all parts of the world, including the tiny little island paradise of Blanca Rosa. It was a remote spot with a population of less than a hundred people. There was no electricity, no outwards signs of technological development. The people survived daily by fishing. Life was simple and peaceful.
Until one day, something disrupts the normalcy of their island life.
The little girls name was Mildred, a daughter of a fisherman. She was playing by herself on the shore that early morning, waiting for her father to fix his boat and take her with him to the deeper part of the sea to catch squid and fish and what-not, when she notices him.
The dark-haired man was lying face down on the beach, unconscious, garbed in the weirdest looking attire to the eyes of the eight-year old girl. Curiously, she walks towards him. Mildred was about to check if the man was still alive, when the mans head turns towards her and hazel eyes lock with her keen brown ones. The man speaks.
"K-Kurt –"
Then, he coughs up blood. Mildred flinches. The man falls back into unconsciousness.
Mildreds screams were heard all the way to their coastal village.
Los Angeles, California –November 22, 2013 –Seven Months Later
Kurt Hummel is back at the hospital. This time however, he and his father are joined by Cooper and Carole. Finn was with Rachel back in Lima, with her giving birth to little Fanny Leonor Hudson two weeks earlier than scheduled. Kurt thinks that it is the diva attitude manifesting early on in Rachels kid, not wanting to share the spotlight with Kurts own.
After confirming his pregnancy, Kurt drops out of NYADA. And, to the surprise of many, he accepts Coopers invitation to live with him –at least during Kurts pregnancy. Cooper quickly became the countertenors one-man support system –a reality that benefited them both. Cooper gets to make amends for missing out on his brothers life; Kurt gets to be with someone who at least has a remote idea of what he was going through. During Kurts first week in LA, he would cry himself to sleep in Coopers arms, terrified of the nightmares to come, terrified of the thought of raising his and Blaines baby all alone, terrified of life alone in general.
The baby, in more ways than one, kept Kurt going in his long and painful road to healing. Whenever Kurt feels like giving up, he would remember the tiny bundle of love, joy and promise growing in him. He would look in the mirror with his pajama top unbuttoned and see the small bump in his abdomen. He would wake up in the middle of the night and feel his baby kick. Kurt would then rub his swollen belly soothingly and sing to his unborn child. Sometimes, he would tell stories about his dad, his mom, his stepmom; Sometimes, he would even talk about McKinley and New Directions or Dalton and the Warblers. But mostly, he talks about Blaine –Blaine, the dapper and adorkable young gentleman who stole Kurts heart at first glance; Blaine, the talented young performer who loved Katy Perry and had dreams bigger than the world himself; Blaine, the hero who saved them all. The stories were for his son, Kurt insists, but more so, they were for him too… just so he doesnt forget and lose all those wonderful memories.
In his fifth month, Kurt goes in for an ultrasound.
"Its a boy, Mr. Hummel." The little creature growing miraculously inside of him suddenly becomes even more frighteningly real.
A boy… Hes carrying his and Blaines son. Kurt wonders how the baby would look like when it comes out. Discovering the babys gender seemed to have opened another phase in Kurts recovery. It was happening, it was really happening. He may have lost Blaine, but in typical Blaine fashion, he leaves Kurt with something –a HUGE something –to keep Kurt going, to remember him and their times together, by.
It is exactly 9:00 am on the 22nd of November. The skies are overcast. Kurt is wheeled inside the operating room of the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Hospital in LA. He is about to undergo a C-section and the mere thought just terrifies him. Cooper claims to have a cast-iron stomach, so he is tasked to video tape the whole procedure for posterity. Kurt knows that he will look atrocious on film, but he does not have the heart to argue. Not when his contractions were taking up most of his bitchy attitude and driving him stark raving mad. When the time comes, Cooper gives Burt and Carole a thumbs up and with a small grin, he follows the gurney with a just -sedated Kurt on it to the delivery room.
The whole procedure takes less time than Kurt expects. He stays awake during the whole thing. And when the doctor announces that his little boy is out, Kurts ear strains to hear.
His child cries strongly, beautifully, as the doctor pronounces him healthy and well. Kurt groggily sighs in relief as he catches a glimpse of the tiny red critter that has just been pulled out from inside him. He fights the urge to vomit at the thought of having his insides opened up for the world to see and instead, focuses on the rapidly blurring sight of his little angel –his miracle. IN his peripheral vision, he can see Cooper looking a little green, probably from having been acquainted a little too personally with Kurt Hummels guts, but nevertheless dutifully covering this momentous occasion for his nephew. The nurses were working on his baby when Kurt feels the heavy pull of the anesthesia. An orderly just manages to whisper in his ear.
"Name, sir?"
An image of dark curls and bright blue-green eyes come to the forefront of Kurts mind.
"Xavier –Xavier Blaine Hummel."
Then, everything dissolves into nothingness.
Blanca Rosa Island, Pacific Ocean –November 23, 2013
Its around one in the morning and the man who Mildred discovered seven months ago sat alone on a huge boulder by the shore where she had found him. The sky was surprisingly bright with stars and the waves were calm in the background. The man runs a hand through his wild, dark curls as a cool gentle breeze blows through the horizon. His bright honey eyes look out in the distance, seemingly searching for answers to fill in the blanks in his mind from the vast ocean.
It has been a little over seven months when this unsolved puzzle of his life began. He remembered opening his eyes to strange faces, knowing nothing but the name Kurt. For some reason, he knew it wasnt his name. The locals who found him took to calling him John –John who couldnt remember who he was or where he came from. The people of the island have been nice in helping him find his way, but with a limited information on him (not even his name –why cant he not remember his name?) even the local social services officials couldnt do much. They werent even sure of his nationality (he speaks English, broken French and a bit of Italian). The social services just took note of his circumstances when he was found and his picture and promised to put them in their database in case someone looked for someone with his description.
But that was seven months ago. John sighs thoughtfully. He had been living with Mildred and her parents in the island, helping out when he can since then. Did he not have relatives? If he was missing, why wasnt there anyone looking for him? Did they think him already dead? And what about that silly suit he was wearing when they found him? How did he get there? And for fucks sake, why cant he remember his name? He shakes his head inwardly and looks up in the sky, hoping to find answers there. For some reason, looking at stars seem to clear his head at times.
Then, he sees it.
A lone shooting star.
John freezes in his motions as his head is suddenly bombarded by a multitude of images:
An explosion… a video camera… a phone call…
A kiss… a dance… a wedding…
Tears… a song… a piano…
A school… a group… a stage…
Lights… coffee… a bird…
Blazers… hands… smiles…
It stops at the image of a staircase.
"Excuse me, Im new here…"
"Next time, dont forget your jacket new kid. Youll fit right in."
"Im impressed, youre usually so Top 40."
"You move me, Kurt."
"Ill never say goodbye to you."
"I was with someone else…"
"Dont you think that I didnt have temptations? But I did not act on them because I knew what it meant!"
"Tell me that were not back together."
"Adam and I –were exclusive."
"Wherever Im going, Ill be thinking of you… My heart belongs to you, Kurt… Ill try my hardest not to forget…"
"You owe me a lot when we next see each other."
"Until then. I love you, Kurt. Always."
"I love you too. Forever."
Johns head feels like it is about to explode with the rush of his memories coming back. He clutches it through his curls in desperation. And as a cry of anguish tears through his body, he hears a voice, as clear as crystal:
"I love you, Blaine."
The whole world turns black. When John opens his eyes again, he would already answer to a different name.
Blaine. And Blaine remembers everything now.
Lima, Ohio –December 24, 2013
Kurt has just placed a sleeping Xavier in his cot. The poor baby had been tired during their flight from LA and had just ceased being fussy when they had arrived earlier that day. Kurt sighs as he feels a presence behind him. He turns around.
"Hey Finn,"
Finn Hudson joins his brother in the small nursery, he himself carrying a tiny bundle: his sleeping daughter the family now fondly calls Leo. He sets the baby down on another cot next to Kurts baby.
"Our kids will be the same age, how cool is that?"
"Who wouldve thought?" Kurt agrees, fondly watching his one-month old son sleep. He then motions for both Finn and Him to leave the room quietly. He leaves the door ajar behind them.
"Cant believe its Christmas already," Finn brings up. "I know Rachel is Jewish, but I want Leo to know about Santa and stuff."
"Speaking of, wheres Rachel? I havent seen her since Leo and I got here." Kurt asks. Finn shrugs.
"Her dads came to get her a few hours before you arrived –something about fetching someone from the airport… relatives I guess, I dont know. But Rachels been acting weird all week. Now that I think of it, shes been acting all weird for about a month now. ITs like shes sitting on top of this big secret. She wont tell me anything about it though when I ask. But once I caught her with Cooper on the phone, I dont know. When I bring it up, she just keeps on telling me to shut up and change Leos diaper –well, that, and wait until Christmas."
"That is weird," Kurt agrees. "Rachel Berry cannot keep secrets. And now that youve mentioned it, Cooper was acting weird about a week ago. He was on the phone, crying. When I asked him what it was, he just hugged me and cried before telling me that he was so happy for Xav and I. I wonder if that has anything to do with Rachel." Finn shrugs.
"Beats me. Burt tells me to just let it go. I dont know if hes in on this thing. My mom looks clueless, but I dont know." He shakes his head. "By the way, what time will Cooper be by? Why didnt he take the same flight as yours?"
"He had stuff to do." Kurt air quotes then lets out a deep breath. "Blaines parents called him –" The countertenors face falls. Finn places a comforting hand on Kurts shoulder.
"Youre coping well, little brother." Kurt catches Finns eyes and smiles.
"All Xavs doing. If not for him…" Kurts voice trails off. Finn nods in understanding.
"Think youll ever be ready to watch that video? Its still with me, you know?"
"I still get nightmares about it," Kurt admits. "Watching that video would only make them even more real. Maybe someday, I dont know. Maybe when I can finally accept that – Well, to me as long as I dont see it, I can still pretend. I know its not healthy, but Im just not yet ready to let go, Finn. It hasnt even been a year. Maybe in a year, well see… maybe in a decade –" Kurt does not get to finish his last sentence as the doorbell rings.
"Ill get it," he beats Finn to it. "Its probably Cooper." Kurt calmly walks to the front door of the Hudmels house and pulls it open.
"I told you, Coop. Youre family enough not to use the doorbell. My dad has practically adopted you. He even calls the house the Hudmelson Residence now –"
Kurts rant dies in midair. Outside, snow is starting to fall, but he does not notice this. Outside, Rachel is still inside her dads car looking up at the house with an odd smile on her face. Outside nest to it, another car is parked. Its Coopers. The man is still inside it as well, seemingly taking refuge from the snow. Hes also giving the house a weird smile. Why wont they come in though? Behind Kurt, Burt and Carole and Finn appear. Burt puts an arm around his son.
But Kurt does not notice any of this. His eyes, his mind, his heart were all trained onto the figure blocking his front door.
"I hope theres room for one more."
The baritone speaks and that one sentence is enough to make Kurts heart jump up to his throat. His mind freezes in that specific pocket of time and space.
"B-but –but –"
The figure before Kurt smiles at his stutter, wild curls, lightly tanned skin and honey-hazel eyes catching light from the porch lamp the Hummels had outside. The figure steps forward holds out a flat pastry box.
"Its still not too late for my promise, I hope. I baked these cookies at Rachels house before coming over here. Counting the ones I made for you post-Valentines, thats two for two this year."
Kurt looks at the box briefly before meeting those hazels once more.
"You –you –" Kurt brings his hands to his lips, unsure of how to react, the sudden rush of emotions threatening to overwhelm him. He fights the urge to pinch himself, because hes sure that it this is indeed a dream, hed rather not wake up.
"You –oh my –oh my God –are you –are you real? Am I –Am I d-dreaming? Please, tell me this isnt a dream!" Kurt makes a move, as if trying to reach out and see if the vision in front of him was indeed tangible. But halfway, he yanks his hand back, seemingly afraid to find out that what he is seeing was nothing but smoke and mirrors. Would fate be that cruel? He doesnt want to know. Hes afraid to know. He recoils and takes a step back. The vision in front of him however, had other plans. The pastry box is dropped on the floor and Kurts hands were secured against the figures chest. Kurt feels a rapidly beating heart under the clothes. His eyes widen. The baritone speaks to him again.
"I am not a dream, Kurt. Im here. Im real. Feel me. Im back."
And just like that, Kurt allows himself to finally believe. He launches himself onto the one who held his hand –the one who held, and still holds his heart up to now, it seemed. The ocean-eyed young man chokes back a sob, but there was just simply nothing he could do with the tears flowing from his brilliant blue orbs –tears of misery, despair and anguish; tears of longing, hope and relief. He tightens his grip and lets it all out.
"Oh –God –Blaine! Youre here! How- But – Oh God, Blaine –Youre Alive! Oh –"
"Shh, baby… Im here. Ive got you now. Im sorry it took a while, but Ive got you now." Blaine soothingly whispers in Kurts ear as the latter held on to him for dear life. "Its a long story, and I kind of forgot who I was for a while, but I never forgot you. All these months it was only your name that kept me holding on, that kept me sane. But thats all in the past now. Im here now, Kurt and Im never letting you go again. Im never leaving you again." Blaines own tears fall at that point –tears of promise, love and devotion. "God, I love you so much Kurt –"
"I love you too." Kurt chokes out without pulling away from Blaines embrace. "God, this –I never thought –"
The house and the driveway is miraculously clear by then. Somehow, their family understood the need for privacy for the two newly-reunited soulmtes. Kurt barely hears Carole whisper to him that they were all heading out for a nightcap, including baby Leo when she tells him. After the door closes behind the Hudmelsons, Blaine maneuvers him and Kurt until he is holding Kurt at arms length. His hazel eyes shone with more unshed tears. Kurt tries to brush his away.
"So –this –this is why Cooper and Rachel were acting all weird around me." He teases. Blaine chuckles, a sound that Kurt could only dream about in the last seven months of his hellish existence.
"Your dad knew too," Blaine grins. "He came to Cincinnati where I was recovering the past month and demanded that I prove that Im alive and real."
"Oh , Gaga –what did he do?" Kurt asks curiously. Blaine laughs.
"Well, he originally wanted me to stand in front of his shot gun and see if the bullet passes through, but then he decided that it was counterproductive, so he just pinched my cheeks really hard. And when I yelped, he drew me into this bone crushing hug –I couldnt breathe properly for days. I think he mightve broken a rib or two."
Kurt sniffles. "He and I will have a long chat… keeping things like this from me… Cooper and Rachel too."
Blaine gently cups Kurts cheek.
"Dont blame them, baby. It was my idea. I was a mess before I remembered everything and I had just wanted to be perfect for you when I came back. Damn it, I missed you so much. I thought I was never going to see you again –"
"But you did," Kurt interrupts him with a soft smile, relishing the feel of Blaines hand against his skin. It was warm and comfortable and it felt just right. "Youre here. Youre alive. And youre never leaving me again."
"Never." Blaine agrees, moving in closer to seal that promise with a kiss. The moment their lips touched, the last seven months were all but a blur, a nightmare to be forever locked away with the key thrown away for good measure. The kiss – a single kiss was all it took to put things back the way they were supposed to be. It was the start of bigger and better things to come for the reunited lovers. A proof that a great love such as theirs is unstoppable, inevitable and unconquerable. A proof that time and time again, one Kurt Hummel and one Blaine Anderson would go to great lengths to defy the odds –The odds of time, space, and yes, somehow even death. As the kiss quickly became heated, Blaine thinks back to what he thought were his final moments.
There was certainly no mountain too high, no river too wide, not even a freaking space rock that can ever keep him away from his Kurt. And yes, in that moment, he finally allows himself to acknowledge that he and Kurt belong to each other.
Until the end of time.
"Blaine, I think –we should take this to the bedroom," Kurts soft whisper against his lips brings Blaine back to reality. He finds his shirt gone and Kurts hands running up his chest. He pulls away slightly.
"There is something I need to tell you, first." The words halts Kurts plundering of his mouth. The countertenor raises an eyebrow.
Blaine takes a deep breath. "Well, I spoke to your dad, right?"
Kurt sighs heavily.
"Talk about a mood killer…"
"No, wait, listen up," Blaine tries to placate his lover. "I spoke to him when he went by to see me. There is another reason why I didnt come to meet you immediately when I got back." Kurts curiosity piques.
"And that is?"
Blaine smiles.
"I wanted to ask your dad something, and I kind of wanted to know that he would agree first to it before… you know, I ask you…"
Kurts face was utterly indescribable after that pronouncement. "You –you didnt –tell me you didnt!"
Blaine laughs. He takes Kurts hands in his once more and kisses them. "Sorry, babe, I already did. And he did say yes. But there was a condition."
"Co –condition? Huh –what?"
Blaine grins sheepishly.
"He says I cant have sex with you until –"
"Oh –my god! Youre discussing my sex life with my father!" Kurt blurts out, his face totally red from embarrassment! "Oh my Gaga –did you hit your head hard on that space rock, Blaine?"
Blaine is suddenly torn between feeling sorry for Kurt and laughing his ass off at the older boys reaction. "I want to do this the right way, Kurt. And he has a point, although he did not make sense when he told me his reasons for banning –"
"La –la- la –la…" Kurt makes a show of covering his ears with his hands. "You are so not discussing my sex life with my father…" he says in a sing-song voice. "You are not –"
The rest of his words however never made it out as Blaine stole his lips again for a kiss. It was short and sweet but it was enough to bring the mood back. When they part for air, Blaine was kneeling in front of Kurt, pulling out a small red velvet covered box from the pocket of his jeans. Kurt thinks he looks all adorable and silly, looking up at him, half-naked, but, that was the least of his worries. Blaine was speaking to him.
"Kurt Elijah Hummel, the explanation for my existence in this earth, the one and only reason for my miraculous escape from death, my soulmate, my everything… my… argh! What the hell? Why cant I remember the rest of the words? Damn it! Cooper had me memorize it for two straight weeks –" Blaine runs his hand in his curls in frustration. Kurt takes pity in him and grabs Blaines hand. He takes the box, pulls the ring out and slips it onto his left ring finger. The action freezes Blaine mid-rant. Kurt smirks.
"I think the only important word at this moment is YES."
Blaine stand up from his spot on the floor. "Yes?"
"Yes," Kurt echoes him. "Yes to whatever long-winded proposal speech you have prepared for this moment that you cannot remember. Yes to everything, Blaine." He moves to kiss him again. "Yes to you. Yes to us." Kurt pulls his fiancé –fiance, he likes the sound of it –towards him and tries to show him just how much he wanted this too –them, always and forever. Kurts hands continued roaming across Blaines bare chest, making the younger man shudder in anticipation.
"Kurt, we cant –if you continue that –fuck –I may forget my promise to your dad –oh God, that feels good, but we have to stop –Im a man of my word and –"
Blaine however, does not get to finish that train of thought, as a loud desperate wail interrupts them. Kurt suddenly freezes.
"Oh –oh no, I almost forgot about Xav!" He pulls away from Blaine and runs towards the direction of the bedrooms. Blaine runs after and calls out to him. "Was that a baby crying? And whos Xav?"
Kurt stops in his tracks. He turns to Blaine with disbelieving eyes. "Please tell me Cooper or Rachel or my dad told you," Blaine cocks an eyebrow.
"Tell me about what?" Kurts answer is cut short by another desperate cry. The ocean-eyed young man face palms. "I cant believe –of all the things they forget to tell you –Wait for me here –Ill be back." And with that, Blaine is left in the dimmed hallway while Kurt disappears to what was the guest room, to Blaines knowledge. The wailing immediately stops as soon as Kurt starts singing. Blaine recognizes the song as Aerosmiths I Dont Wanna Miss A Thing. When did Kurt start singing light rock music? Blaines curiosity heightens. He follows Kurt into the room.
The previously plain white walls of the guestroom were now done in a tasteful lavender. Baby things were scattered about. Blaine assumes that it has been converted for the Finchel baby that Rachel mentioned to him once. But what was interesting is that there was two of everything in the room: two cribs, two dressers, two changing tables, two rocking chairs… One side of the room has a wall stenciled with big gold letters that read: LEO. The other side has the silver letters that spelled: XAV. And that is where Blaine finds Kurt fussing over one of the cribs. He approaches.
"I didnt know that Finn and Rachel." Kurt suddenly stops singing and spins around. And that is when Blaine notices the tiny baby in Kurts arms. Kurt cocks an eyebrow at Blaine before turning to the dark-haired, blue-eyed baby in his arms,
"Forgive him, Xav. He hit his head hard on this really big space rock." Kurt speaks to the baby matter-of-factly. "I dont know how he can think that a gorgeous little boy such as you can come from a hideous pairing of Frakenteen and Barbara 2.0."
Blaine frowns at Kurts words. So the baby wasnt Finchels? Then whose was it? Burt and Caroles? Funny, the baby looked like neither of them… although that chin definitely looked like Kurts… and there was no denying those eyes, either, although it was probably too early to tell. The nose… now THAT nose looks rather familiar, Blaine thinks. If only he could place it in his head… Blaine stares at the tiny baby in Kurts arms, The baby was surprisingly calm, looking at him. Out of instinct, Blaine reaches out and tickles the babys nose with a finger. The babys eyes widen, as if in surprise, and giggles. Blaine feels an inexplicable sense of accomplishment at that. But it still gives him no clue as to who the babys parents were. He turns to Kurt one more.
"Whose lovely baby is this?"
"Oh, for Petes sake!" Kurt rolls his eyes. He motions for Blaine to hold out his arms, and when Blaine does, he gently transfers the baby to him. Blaine has never held a baby before, but somehow, it feels natural to him. He brings the baby closer to his face. The little one manages to somehow hit his nose with his tiny little fist. Blaine scowls. Kurt laughs.
"Aww… he likes your nose!" At Blaines miffed look, Kurt relents and clears his throat.
"Well, time for introductions. Xav –" Kurt gestures to the baby. "Meet Blaine. Blaine, meet Xav." Despite himself, Blaine hold out a finger which Xav latches on to.
"Nice to meet you, Xav." He looks to Kurt who was watching the scene with an amused expression on his face. "What?" Kurt grins.
"Still have no clue, have you?" At Blaines puzzled look, Kurt adds: "The babys parents! Geez, Anderson. Why dont you take a good look at him and figure out who he looks like!"
At the issued challenge, Blaine obliges.
"Well, he looks quite like you…" Blaines voice trails off. "OH –my God -Kurt! Hes YOUR baby!" Blaines heart soars at the realization, then plummets right away. "But, wait –you got a surrogate? Whos the mother?"
"I am," Kurt says simply. Blaine looks at him questioningly.
"Kurt, youre a boy. I think IO can tell that pretty well." Kurt smirks and mouths: "HER –MA –PHRO –DITE." Blaine pales.
"OH –Oh, you mean –Oh, okay… you mean -you?" Kurt nods. Blaines countenance falls though.
"Who –whos the other father then? Its not –Adam –is it? Kurt, Ill completely understand if –"
"MERCY!" Kurt exclaims in desperation. He takes the baby from Blaines arms and looks it in the eye. "PROMISE ME –Promise me, that you wont be as clueless as your father when you grow up, Xavier Blaine Hummel –Anderson –or the two of you combined will certainly drove me to an early grave!"
Wait. What?
Blaines mind reels. "Wait –hes named after me? But why would – oh –OH! Xavier Blaine –" Blaine pauses, before a wide grin eats up half of his face. "OH –God –Kurt –you mean –you mean hes –hes mine –ours? Xav is OURS?" He looks at the baby. So THATS why that nose looked familiar! "I –Im his OTHER daddy?"
Kurt sighs, looks up to the ceiling and with a goofy grin on his face, says:
"Thank Gaga, dawn at last!"