Love is an Open Door.
Alone. Next Chapter Story
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Love is an Open Door. : Alone.

T - Words: 2,065 - Last Updated: Feb 25, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Jan 03, 2014 - Updated: Jan 03, 2014
180 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I hope you enjoyed! The newest chapter should be up soon, Id like to be able to update pretty much daily. 

Things had never been easy for him. Hed lost both of his parents when he was just five and had to immediately learn how to adjust by himself. They were only supposed to be gone for a few days, he would stay with the neighbors. They didnt come home after three days, and then three days became five, and everyone knew. They werent coming home. He didnt want to live with the neighbors forever, they werent the nicest and he didnt feel welcomed at all. It was the middle of the night when he left. Hed decided hed  be okay on his own.

So hed be alone.  

That was until Sven came along. Hed been asleep on the cot hed gotten together in the small empty home hed been staying in when he heard a small whining noise outside. He tiptoed to the door and peaked it open. A small baby reindeer was lying injured on the cold ground in front of him, his front leg was bleeding and he looked up at him with the saddest of eyes. Sven was his best and only friend. Some might say it was a little weird to have a reindeer for a best friend, but Sven had been the only thing to not leave him.

When he was seven, he started to work with the rest of the men from the town to sell ice. Theyd been nice enough to give him a small ice pick and rope to work with them. He didnt talk to them much, he was just happy to be in the company of people.

He knew he was different. He knew all the men at the lake he collected ice with had wives, but he didnt want that. He wanted a husband, but he knew that wasnt like everyone else. But hed decided at a very young age that he was going to be okay. He would be fine, hed do what his daddy did, hed be just fine. Even if he didnt have his mommy and daddy and he was different from the rest of the kids.

Ten miles away in the kingdom of Arendelle a five year old little boy was rising, the sky was barely shining, but he was awake. He jumped up, small feet running across the floor to the other side of the room where his brother was sleeping.

"Coop!" He whispered loudly.

"Nnngh." Ten year old Cooper rolled over onto his back and ignored his little brother. Blaine rolled his eyes and jumped up on the bed. He sprawled out on his brother, the two back-to-back.

"The sky is awake!" Blaine exclaimed. "So Im awake."

"No Blaine." Cooper yawned again, his light blonde hair falling into his eyes. Even though his mother had dark brown hair, and his father had black curly hair, hed been born with an almost white hair color. But that wasnt the only thing hed been born with.

Blaine flipped over with a grin on his face.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?" Two steel blue eyes popped open.

"Come on! Do the magic!" Blaine squealed once the two of them were in the dining hall of the castle theyd lived in since both of their births.

"Okay!" Cooper smiled. He moved both of his hands in front of him forming what looked like a snowball. He swooped his hands in an upward motion as if to throw the snowball in the air. Suddenly the room was covered in snow, as if a fresh dusting had just come through the house even though it was the summer.

Blaine ran through the snow and squealed jumping from spot to spot, picking up a handful of snow only to throw it at his brother. The two laughed and played in the soft snow that now covered the floor. Blaine jumped off of a pile of snow only for Cooper to make a new pile with his magic for Blaine to land on. After jumping a few times, the piles that Cooper was making was quickly moving towards the ceiling.

"Blaine, slow down!" But the five year old was still giggling, jumping, only to start falling towards the fall, with nothing to catch him now.

"Blaine!" Cooper yelled and swung his hand in Blaines direction, hoping to stop from hitting the floor. The ice that was shooting from Coopers hand flew into the side of Blaines head.

"Blaine!" He screamed, running to his little brother whod collapsed into a pile on the floor. He picked up his brothers head and had it in his lap.

"Momma! Dad!" He wailed.

Rose and David Anderson both rushed to the room anxiously.

"Cooper.." Rose gasped and ran to her youngest son, her husband not far behind.

"What have you done?"  David questioned nervously, quickly hoisting Blaine into his arms. The entire family of theirs on a journey to the place they knew help would be. Two horses galloped quickly through the woods, a trail of snow and ice coming from the horse that Cooper was riding on, crying whimpering into his mothers chest.

Trolls werent common in Arendelle, but they werent unheard of. Blaine asked Cooper almost everyday to read the books on the shelves of the castle. His favorite was the one about the trolls in the next town over, they were said to have healing powers. If he were being honest with himself, Cooper was very enthralled by the stories as well.

On the side of the woods, two tiny heads popped out of some brush, watching as the two horses rushed by. He noticed the trail of ice coming from the second horse.  His brow furrowed in confusion, jumping out of the leaves, Sven close behind.  He took off in a sprint to follow the two horses.

"Come on Sven!" He called, the reindeer followed.

David promptly stopped the horses when they reached the middle of a rocky pit, he and Rose jumping off of the horses, each of them getting of with one of their sons in their arms. Kurt stood at least fifty yards away from where the Andersons had stopped, but rocks still surrounded him.

"Please!" David called out. "We need your help.."

Suddenly the ground began to quake, the rocks began to tremble fipping over. Kurt jumped back, gasping. He closed his eyes in fright, opening them to find trolls standing there. He remembered his mommy had told him about them once. Shed told him that they could heal people and make them better. He wondered why they didnt keep his mommy and daddy from never coming back.

Then from the center of the trolls, one older looking troll come towards the family in the middle.  One glance at Cooper and he knew what was going on.

"Was the child born with the power or cursed?"  He asked in a rough voice.

Kurt gasped and looked down to see a troll standing right in front of him.

"Shh!" A soothing but foreign voice said. Sven snorted at her. She looked up with a smile, "Cuties."

"Is there anything we can do to make him okay again?" Rose asked, the terror obvious in her voice.  The elder troll looked at the boy in Davids arms and smiled.

"Luckily, it was the head, the heart would be irreversible..But the head is a little easier to persuade."  He put a rough hand to the white streak that was now clear in Blaines dark curly hair.

"We will erase all of his memories of the magic."

Cooper flinched, a tear coming down his cheek.

"But, we will keep the memories of the fun." The troll swung his hand up to the sky, Cooper could see many of the memories theyd had together that involved his powers reflecting in the sky,  but now they were all outside, it just seemed as if they were playing in the winter.

And so it became that Blaine and Cooper would sleep in different rooms. Cooper couldnt use his powers anymore, not at the risk of hurting Blaine again. But it didnt stop Blaine from stopping by Coopers room everyday to ask if he wanted to build a snowman with him, like they used to.

"Go away Blaine!" Hed always have to reply.

Blaine was thirteen when he came to the door of Coopers room, really needing his brother.

"Coop. I guess you dont have to say anything, but I just need to tell someone."

Cooper stood from his bed, the only thing that hadnt turned to ice in the room, everything else hed touched in the room had turned to solid ice, something always troubling him and making the curse come out. He walked over to the door and stood silently.

"Coop, Im." Blaine paused, inhaling. "Im gay." He could have sworn he heard Blaine sniffle.

"I just cant tell mom and dad, theyll be so disappointed." That time he definitely heard him sniffle that time, he was crying.

"And what will everyone in the kingdom say? They wont want a gay prince. God, I just-" He hiccupped and Cooper sighed. He loved his little brother, gay or not. But he didnt know what the people there would say.

"I g-guess thats it Coop, th-thanks for listening." And then he was gone from his spot on the other side of the door.

That night he went to bed, not just crying for his own pain, but for his little brother.

As time went on David tried to teach Cooper how to conceal the curse, and began to give him gloves to wear. But Cooper was too afraid of hurting his little brother again. He couldnt let Blaines secret slip, it was his to tell. He just hoped that hed tell them soon, because if he knew Blaine was beating himself up over it.

Days of being in the room turned to weeks, weeks to months, and months to years until Cooper was almost seventeen.

A knock came on Blaines door early on a spring morning, it was his parents saying goodbye before they were going on their two week endeavor to discuss trade with the next town over. He was going to tell them when they came back. When they came back theyd have dinner, and maybe he could even get Cooper to come. Thats when hed tell them.

"I love you!" He enveloped both of his parents in a hug. "See you in two weeks!"

In the next room Cooper was pacing, his hands tangled in each other, he mumbled incoherent words of reassurance to himself that everything would be okay while they were gone. His parents entered the room quietly.

"You dont really have to go, do you?" Cooper asked quietly.

"Its only two weeks.." Rose kissed the top of his head and left the room with her husband.

That would be the last time either of the Andersons would see their parents. The morning of the wake was cold and rainy. Fitting Blaine had thought, as he pulled off his black coat and threw it on the floor. He tiptoed down the hall to Coopers room and slid down the wall.

"Cooper, I know youre in there..Please come out. People were asking where youve been. Theyre telling me to have courage, and Im trying to. Im right out here for you, just let me in." A tear fell from his eye and slid down his cheek. "Weve only got each other, its just you and me, what are we gonna do?"

Cooper sat on the other side of the door, silent sobs jerking his body.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?"  Blaine asked, his voice cracking before he dissolved into sobs.



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