You Move Me
Everything Can't Be Klainebows Forever Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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You Move Me: Everything Can't Be Klainebows Forever

E - Words: 4,937 - Last Updated: Aug 22, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 18/? - Created: Aug 05, 2011 - Updated: Aug 22, 2011
220 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Things get tough for Kurt and Blaine!
Chapter 9

Kurt and Blaine pulled up in to the Lima Bean car park at precisely 3:30pm like they told the Dalton Crew. Blaine turned off his BMW which was a gift from his father and looked at Kurt.

"What?" The younger boy smiled, blushing a little.

"Nothing. Just thinking."

"About?" Kurt urged.

"Us." Blaine sounded particularly confident on the subject.

Both boy's knew that the subject of them wasn't the most comfortable thing they could be talking about. Their relationship hadn't really gotten off to the greatest of starts. Kurt lusting after Blaine for month, and vice versa but neither of them wanted to act on it until Sectionals because neither of them really knew how the other felt. The fact that they now both lived together, well under the same roof 8 months in to their relationship was a bit hard for most people to understand. It took a lot of persuading by Kurt to let Blaine come and live with them. And Burt only settled on it on the grounds he was doing it in Blaine's best interest. If Blaine was at McKinley it meant he wouldn't be losing any more time on school work thinking about how Kurt was doing. And it certainly meant he would be in a stable home where he didn't have to take care of himself. No-one said that this arrangement was permanent though. Blaine had high hopes before meeting Kurt to work in California or LA, trying to get himself a record deal. Whereas Kurt's sights were set on taking over New York as soon as he got out of McKinley. He was going to get himself a job in New York and continue his mission to become a Broadway sensation.

"Sound's dangerous! We'd better go inside before you go all sloppy on me Blaine Anderson!" Kurt hit his boyfriend's arm lovingly and got out of the car. They met walking in and Blaine took hold of Kurt's hand. Neither of them were ashamed anymore of holding hands in public, It became normal for them.

"Hey guys! How's it going? We don't see you in here that much now." Ruby pointed out from behind the counter.

"I know we're sorry Ruby! Well neither of us go to Dalton anymore so it's not the easiest of places to get to now." Kurt offered his deepest apologies for not using the coffee shop as much as they use to.

"You've moved out of Dalton now have you Blaine? I never thought I'd see the day! Can I get you boy's your usual?"

"Please, here's my card." Blaine handed over his Lima Bean card and some money to pay for the drinks.

"Okay boys, drinks at the end as usual." Ruby gleamed when she was at work. Coming to the Lima Bean every day after school for almost a year you got used to the people and the surroundings. It almost became a strange home away from home for the two boys sometimes. Everyone was lovely that worked there and they'd formed a particularly good bond with Ruby. The boys took their drinks to a table and sat waiting for the rest of their friends to join them for a last drink.

"Blaine, what did you mean when you said you were thinking about us in the future?" Kurt asked sipping his non-fat mocha.

Oh here we go, I knew I shouldn't have said anything earlier. Blaine couldn't help it but after last night Blaine had been thinking a lot about their relationship and what has been said about where their heading. It was true that he loved Kurt. He loved him more than he'd loved anyone in his lifetime. However he was fearful that he'd made a few mistakes in the past few weeks. Blaine was truly happy with where they were at in their relationship now. But he'd had some thoughts that they were moving way too fast for him. Outside of living at the Hummel-Hudson's all Blaine ever knew was two parents who really didn't love him and he only knew taking care of himself. Getting used to the major lifestyle change at the new house was enough for Blaine without having the stress of a new school. Being without his friends. He also had to think about what he wanted to do with his life in a year. They would be leaving McKinley behind and joining the big bad world, Blaine had to really decide if he wanted to do that with or without Kurt. Blaine also couldn't help thinking about the mistake he made saying he'd marry Kurt one day. Deep down he knew Kurt was a person who needed comfort and reassurance. But also Blaine knew that they would probably not end up together for the rest of their lives. They were seventeen and eighteen. So much could change in the next few years at least; he wanted to tell Kurt everything he felt. But burdening the poor boy was just not an option for Blaine at the moment. Keeping quiet he decided to go it alone, keep his thought's to himself and just at least try and enjoy his year.

"Err, nothing much." Saved by the Warblers. Three of the four boys came over to the table while Nick was left to pick up the tab and go pay for drinks.

"Hey guys!" Blaine's smile reached either side of his face; he didn't think he'd ever been so happy to see the 4 most annoying boys in his life. "How you doing? No Lauren Jeff?"

"Oh no, she's going back to County with her parents tonight. There's no point in me taking her back because her schools half an hour from Dalton anyway." Jeff sighed, slumping further in to his chair.

"Oh, okay then." Wearily Blaine stepped around the topic, it was clear Jeff was love sick.

"He's been like this all day! Dude! C'mon! Get your act together!" Wesley shook the boy which only made him more annoyed.

"Seriously Wes if you do that again I many have break your neck."

"Okay so the boys touchy today! What's going on with you guys?" Blaine asked looking at Wesley and David, his two very best friends.

"Oh nothing much, we've been trying to find a song for the Warbler's to sing at this Seminar thing. We're doing Candles obviously..." David trailed off realizing Blaine wanted to interrupt.

"I never even thought! You guys must have a new lead! Who?"

"Well actually I and Jeff share the leads now." Nick came back to the table carrying a tray of coffee for the other boys.

"Oh right, congratulation's you guys! Well continue! We're doing Candles, how about if you do Misery? Then Jeff can show off his dance moves while you sing Nick? What are you doing with the County girls?"

"I think we're doing Silly Love Songs mixed with Love song with the girls. We never intended it that way but the headmaster got involved and he insisted. Us Warbler's are doing Silly Love Songs and the girls are doing Love Song." David cleared up any haze that Blaine might have had.

Nick made himself comfortable at the table as the six boy's settled in to talking for the next hour or so.

"I'm just going to pop to the little boy's room and then we head home okay?" Kurt tapped Blaine's shoulder and skipped off towards the bathroom.

"Woah dude!" Wes exclaimed once Kurt had left the room. "Are you kidding me? Isn't he a little clingy?"

The boys had discussed the New York trip over coffees which lead to Kurt explaining what he wants to do when he leaves high school. He had also explained he wants Blaine to go with him. Something that all of the boys not were keen on.

"I know, to be honest I was thinking about it earlier. I love him and everything. But sometimes, I need my space you know? I mean what he did for me yesterday was amazing, but it seems like I can't even go on my computer anymore with having him near me all the time." Blaine was leaning in, trying to disguise his voice a little. "Oh wait! I've got a text." Blaine reached for his IPhone in his jacket pocket and brought it up to the table.

"It's not Kurt is it?" David's eyes went bigger looking at the phone lay on the table as Blaine played about with it.

"No of course it's not! I mean come on guys, I know I've probably lead him on so much more than I should have, It's not like I don't love him. I really do. But I'm just saying that I'm still only eighteen, who knows what I'm going to want to do in a year."

"I think you need to stop telling him stuff like you have been man. You're only going to confuse him if you break up with him."

"Woah woah woah! Who said anything about breaking up with Kurt-"

"We just presumed that's what you meant, you agreed with him being clingy. We love Kurt, he's our friend but we don't want to see you suffer either."

"I think you guys have this all wrong! I love Kurt, I'm not going to break up with him, I just wish sometimes I could have my own space and he wouldn't be as heavy with me, after all I'm only living with them because of school arrangements. My parents offered to buy me an apartment close by but Burt and Carole insisted I stay with them." Blaine continued to check his texts. It was from Quinn.

"Go on then, who's it from? Lover boy?" Jeff teased, his mood had clearly picked up.

"No it's not! It's Quinn!" Blaine gleamed. In the past week or so he'd gotten to know Quinn quite well. They had been Facebook friends ever since the night of Rachel's party and they spoke on a regular basis but finally getting to see each other in person a lot more made them realize they had a lot in common.

"What's Quinn?" Kurt curiously asked sitting down and looking at Blaine's screen over his shoulder. One of the things Blaine hated the most was when people decided to look at his personal messages. He closed the text and sat up right.

"Nothing, just Quinn text me."

"Oh what did she want?" Kurt looked a little confused and hurt, he didn't know why he felt hurt. He just felt it.

"She just wanted me to go and hang round at her's tonight. Is that a problem?"

"I thought we were going to do something tonight? A movie or something?"

"Kurt, we do stuff together every night. I don't complain when you dash out round to Mercedes house because she and Sam have argued, or if you run round to Rachel's when there's a fashion disaster." Blaine made his perfectly valid point. "I just want to hang out with Quinn for a bit, she's cooler than you think you know."

"Blaine the way she treated my brother last year was terrible, and you condone that behaviour by being friends with her?"

"Okay I think it's time we left now!" Jeff stood from the table followed by the other Warblers. Kurt dropped the argument realizing he couldn't tie Blaine down no matter how much he wanted to. All the boys walked to the car park and to their cars that were parked side by side.

"I love you guys!" Blaine went round hugging each of his friends.

"I swear our goodbyes are getting gayer every time we do it." Yes, Jeff had returned to his original self now.

"I don't care!" Blaine smiled with tears in his eyes looking at all his friends huddled together. If one thing Dalton did teach you, it was that it was okay for guys to have emotion too. Each boy stood in that car park then had cried in front of their friends before. They were all close and comfortable enough to share everything with each other. "Egh! This is stupid! I'm going to see you again in a couple of weeks." Kurt came over and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, wiping a tear that was rolling down his cheek.

"C'mon dude, we'll Skype you soon okay?" Nick promised before getting in to the car.

"You better Walker!" Blaine gave one last shout goodbye as they drove off, leaving the boys left in the car park, a sobbing Blaine in Kurt's arms.

"I know you miss them. Not long until you get to see them again soon though." Kurt comforted his boyfriend, stroking his hair. Maybe it was a good thing Blaine was going to see Quinn tonight, it could take his mind off missing his friends. Even if Kurt wasn't happy with Quinn being Blaine's friend, he knew he'd have to get used to it the more he really got to know the glee club. Kurt liked having his circle of friends that were just his. Now he had to share them, it did make him feel less special, something the boy thrived on. "Come on let's get home."

Blaine dried the last few tears on his face and climbed in to his car before starting the engine and heading home.


The Hummel-Hudson house later that afternoon

"Hey boys, can I talk to you for a while?" Burt knocked on their bedroom door, Blaine was on his laptop catching up with school work and Kurt was looking through some magazines lying on the floor.

"Sure dad, what about?"

"Will you come down? We need to talk to you all." Kurt was worried, what if something was wrong? They never called family meetings and when they did they hardly even involved Finn! Everyone made their way downstairs no questions asked. Kurt and Blaine were confronted at the kitchen table with Carole and Finn. "Right boys. We need to talk to you about next year." Burt started. Blaine looked confused at Finn who was trying his best to pay attention.

"What about next year?" Kurt looked around looking panicked a little.

"Well hon, we need some idea of what you want to do with your future. I mean you've all suggested at time what you want to do, where you want to go next year. Right now we need to know if you're serious about what you want to do. Like Kurt, if you really wanted to go to New York, we need to start looking at apartments and work out some payment arrangements." Carole explained. Finn looked even more confused.

"Well, I do want to go to New York. Me and Rachel have been looking at apartments in the city. Rachel's already been offered a job to keep her money up working for one of her dad's friends. We really want to try and make it on Broadway, we've checked out night classes, we're going to take them and just try and make it. If that's okay with you?" Kurt looked to his father.

"Kurt, I really want you to go to New York and try and do something with your life, I just don't want you to be to let down, if it doesn't work out an all."

"Dad I'll be fine! Plus I'll have Blaine!" As soon as his name was mentioned he stared at Kurt, mouth gaping open. Not really knowing what to say. He had said to Kurt last year he would be on board to join Rachel and Kurt on their New York adventure. On second thought, he'd decided he really wanted to peruse his own dreams of California, he could afford it, it would be easy to get a job out there, and he has friends in California. It would be perfect for him. Where as he loved New York. He was amazed by it in fact; he couldn't imagine himself living there. He never dreamed of Broadway, the back stage makeup or curtain calls. He dreamed of backstreet gigs, small venues. Just him and his guitar singing to a crowd that could recite his songs back to him.

"Blaine, is that really what you want to do?" Carole asked, noticing Blaine was still in shock.

"Erm...I don't really know yet Carole, I'm between New York and California, I don't want to stay in school I know that. So I can pretty much sort myself out for next year."

"Have you got enough money to last you if you decide California? We can lend you money if you need to Blaine."

"No Burt, I'll be fine, I have a tone of savings from my parents. And I've still got the $200,000 I got left when my grandparents died. I'll really be fine." So Blaine's family were rich. The Hummel's never judged him on it though. No labels. He was just Blaine to them. He didn't exactly gloat about having so much money. It just became part of his life; he never knew his life without money. His father ran a successful business, what he did Blaine wasn't too sure of but he knew it brought in millions to the family.

"We just want to make sure your okay Blaine. We don't want you leaving with no sense of anything."

"It's okay Carole, he'll still have me if he's in Cali or not." Kurt smiled. Was he really to clingy?

"Finn what about you?"

"I want to try and get a football scholarship somewhere, if that will happen now I've been expelled. If not I might as well join Kurt and Rachel's New York party." He sighed remembering that punch could have very well cost him the rest of his life.

"If you wanted to stay at home son, it wouldn't be a problem. If we're honest we always presumed you'd stay here." Burt gruffly spoke to the boy.

"Yeah that's another option I was thinking about, maybe just getting a job and staying here?"

"Finn honey, you could do that." Carole pushed her son's hair back. She really didn't want to let go of him, not that easily.

"Right now you know what we all want to do with our lives can I go back to planning outfits and looking at apartments?" Kurt stood taking Blaine's hand. He was a little annoyed with Blaine at the moment though. Burt and Carole gestured to let the boys go and Finn was left talking about what might happen if he couldn't do football anymore. In the safety of their bedroom Kurt let out his anger. "Blaine! Why the hell didn't you tell you still wanted to do California?"

"I don't know, I just wasn't entirely sure at the time, but I've been thinking, it's probably the best place for me."

"What about me? I'm going to be all the way in New York, I thought we agreed New York was best for us?"

"No Kurt, you decided New York was best for us! " Blaine raised his voice a little, something he never did. "God why is everything about you most of the time! It was never my dream to go to New York! I'd always wanted Cali! I'd told you this when we first started dating!"

"Then why did you agree to coming when I was In NY last year? Why did you call me and tell me you were up for coming with me and Rachel?"

"Because I'd not really looked at the music scene there! On looking in to it. You can't get a music career in that city! California is so much easier to get gigs! My dream isn't Broadway Kurt!"

"I know it's not, I just wish you'd told me about this before agreeing to anything."

"I don't see what the big deal is! It's a year away." Blaine was getting frustrated and he knew it wasn't a good thing when he got annoyed; he grabbed his backpack and put his laptop in it. He slung the bag over his back.

"Where are you going?" Kurt asked raising his voice, was this their first proper fight?

"To Quinn's. Remember? Or am I not allowed to leave the house now because it's not your dream?" Blaine scowled banging Kurt's bedroom door. He knew he shouldn't have done because it was a respect thing. Undapper Blaine had been released, he didn't like Undapper Blaine.


"Oh hey Blaine! You never got back to me, I assumed you weren't coming." Quinn opened the door to her annoyed looking friend.

"No, of course I was coming! I'm sorry I never got back to you, it's been crazy busy today!"

"Its fine, I just presumed you were spending the day with Kurt."

"Egh! Why do I have to do everything with Kurt?" Blaine sighed falling back on to the sofa. Quinn looked at him confused and closed the front door.

"What's happened Blaine?"

"We had a fight." He leaned in to her when she reached out to hug him.

"I'm sure it's not that bad! Shall we go for some ice-cream?" She smiled at the curly haired boy.

"You know how to make me feel better don't you Fabray?" Blaine smiled at the beautiful girl sat in front of him.

"Yes I do, so let's go!" She grabbed both of the boys hands and dragged him out of the front door towards her car.


"Dude, Blaine stormed out about half an hour ago? Do you know?"

"No Finn! We just argued then he stormed out slamming my door without me realizing!" Kurt lifted his head to face Finn, his eyes puffy and red.

"Hey! It can't have been that bad! What happened bro?" He walked over to his brother and sat on the couch nearby. He looked at the computer screen. Listings for apartments were displayed for New York.

"Oh nothing, it was just a stupid fight about New York, I thought he wanted to come with me, apparently not." Kurt let a few tears escape from his eyes.

"Oh right, where did he go?"

"He's round at Quinn's place." Kurt sniffed up, trying to calm himself down.


"Yeah, he's gone round there to calm down I think, their best friends now, didn't you know?" Kurt's phone began to beep and he checked his messages.

"Dude, we're having ice-cream, do you know your boyfriend is sat with Quinn here?" The message was from Mike. He was obviously at 'Lucy's cream' the only ice-cream place in Lima.

"Well maybe he's not a Quinn's." Kurt whispered.

"What where is he?"

"They've gone out for ice-cream; Mike has just seen them together." Kurt's phone beeped again.

"Their looking pretty cosy dude. Should we go over to them?" Mike had text him again.

"Do what you want." Kurt replied trying not to care that it seemed like his gay boyfriend was on a date with his brother's crazy ex. Kurt began to let out slight sobs as Finn came and wrapped his long arms around his tiny brother.

"Dude it's going to be okay!" Kurt cried in to Finn's chest, leaving a stain of water on his checked shirt.

"It isn't! I've messed everything up!"


"Oh my god you did not!" Blaine was laughing at Quinn as she was telling the story of her after prom fun.

"I'm telling you I did! When we took off, we were in the bathroom and I just slapped her!" Quinn couldn't help but laugh as well. It truly was one of them moments where you can look back and laugh.

"But you're such good friends now!"

"I know that's the funny thing." There was a comfortable silence that fell over the table.

"Quinn? What do you want to do when you leave McKinley?" Blaine brought up the subject he dreaded discussing with Kurt.

"Oh. Well, I'm going to stay in education. I want to teach pre-school kids."

"That's really cool! You'll be a great teacher!"

"Blaine, why did you ask that? Is this about your argument with Kurt?" Quinn hadn't asked about it since they left the house. She put her hand over the boys on the table, a little to comfort him.

"He got mad at me because I wasn't sure that I want to go to New York with him next year. I know him and Rachel are going an all. I just don't think its right for me, you know?"

"What do you want to do Blaine?"

"I want to go to California, relax a little, see friends, find a place, do some gigs, get a record deal. I just can't do that in New York."

"I totally understand where you're coming from. I mean, New York's for Broadway, it's full of stars and glitter. I know you Blaine; you're not like that are you? You like to keep your life quiet. You want to make a name for yourself quietly right? Based on your pure talent, not on who can stereotype you the fastest."

"It's scary how well you know me Quinn!" He smiled at the pretty blonde.

"I think you should do what you want to, not worry about what your boyfriend says. So much as I love Kurt, he's a little...a little-"

"Clingy?" Blaine finished her sentence for her. He had the perfect word.

"Exactly! Uh, Blaine. I think we're being watched." Quinn laughed pointing behind the boy. Blaine looked around to see Mike, Tina, Brittany and Artie staring at the couple. Both Quinn and Blaine waved to them.

"He-y guys." All four said in unison looking a little guilty. Blaine and Quinn laughed, grabbed their coats and went to sit with the other New Directions.


Later that evening at the Fabray Household

It was getting late and both the teenagers we're sat listening to music in Quinn's bedroom. No-one had heard from Kurt or any of the New Directions for that matter since they left the ice-cream place. "I should really be getting back." Blaine looked a little heartbroken, knowing he had to leave. It was coming up to half 10 at night and he knew Kurt would be getting worried, after all the argument must have blown over a little by now? Blaine's phone battery had been long gone and he had no way of contacting his boyfriend to tell him he was okay.

"No! Don't go yet! I'm having fun!" Quinn smiled grabbing his arm. It was a school night and even though he wasn't a Hummel or a Hudson, he was pretty sure he had a curfew.

"Okay! A few more songs though! Then I have to leave!"

"Cool!" She excitedly lay back on the bed listening to the music blurting from her speakers. They could easily sit in a comfortable silence now, when neither of them knew what to say it didn't matter. "Oh my god! I love this song!" Quinn reached for the remote and turned the volume up. "Dance with me?" She excitedly asked jumping from the bed and grabbing Blaine's hands. After a sigh and a struggle both were up, moving their hips and laughing to the lyrics 'Sing it for the deaf, sing it for the blind, sing about everyone that you've left behind.' Both were doing their best air guitars jumping around the room and crying out the lyrics. Something else the pair had in common, their love for My Chemical Romance and acting geeky when no-one else was around. Blaine and Quinn collapsed in a heap on the bed once the song was over. Unable to control their laughter about how stupid each other looked when dancing around. Blaine was happy to let loose, he hadn't truly let loose since moving in with the Hummel's. As much as he loved Kurt and the few memorable slow dances they'd share in Kurt's bedroom. Kurt would never let himself go like Quinn just did.

"Your face! Your face Blaine." Quinn couldn't help but continue to laugh.

"I could say the same about you Fabray!" Blaine closed his eyes momentarily, Quinn lying with her head on his chest, it was relaxed. Blaine knew he should jump up and run home to the Hummel's and make up with Kurt, he would be worried after all. But he couldn't help himself, he was so comfortable round at Quinn's place, the atmosphere was less up tight all the time. He wasn't scared of parents or another argument erupting at any moment. Blaine lay listening to Quinn's soft laugh fade out which made room for her heavy breathing.


The Hummel-Hudson's 12:45am

Finn noticed Kurt's bedroom light still on as he made his way back from the bathroom. No matter how tired he was, it wasn't like Kurt to stay up so late, it was a part of his beauty routine to get an early night, especially on school nights. Finn crept to the door and jarred it slightly, peering in. Kurt was lying on his bed, cuddling up to Blaine's pillow, eyes still wide open. The small boy jumped up noticing in the door was open. Finn could tell he was wearing one of Blaine's Dalton hoodie's, he did when he was upset, or ill, or just in a bad mood because wearing one of the old, tatty gray sweatshirts made him feel closer to his boyfriend. "Where's Blaine?" Finn's voice sounded groggy.

"He's still not home." Kurt settled back down in his bed looking at the spaced his boyfriend is meant to be.

"He'll be okay, I'm sure of it, there must be a reason he hadn't called."

"Yeah." That was all Kurt could manage, he was tired, upset, lonely, and regretting anything he'd said earlier in the day. No, it was Kurt's fault the boy still wasn't home.

"Don't worry little bro, get some sleep." Finn urged giving a reassuring smile to his brother and closing the door. When really once he got to his own room, his mind was racing. It really wasn't like Blaine to be out so late, what if something did happen? If he couldn't call Kurt he always found a way to call Finn, which he hadn't done. He presumed he was in trouble.

A car door slammed outside the house. Kurt jumped from his bed and pulled back the satin curtains. He peered out the window trying to make light of the figure stepping out of the...Ford outside. It wasn't Blaine. It was 1am and he still wasn't home.


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