You Move Me
The Best Boyfriend Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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You Move Me: The Best Boyfriend

E - Words: 4,547 - Last Updated: Aug 22, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 18/? - Created: Aug 05, 2011 - Updated: Aug 22, 2011
242 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: SMUT! there's smut in this chapter.
Chapter 8

"Happy Birthday!" Kurt jumped on top of his boyfriend early on the Saturday morning.

"Good morning beautiful, thank you." He smiled looking up at the younger boy lay on top of him. "Aren't you a little happy for this time in the morning?"

"Of course I'm happy Blaine! It's your birthday so it means I get to spoil you today." Kurt grinned pressing soft kisses to Blaine's lips. "Now get up, I have a full day planned for us!"

"Kurt you don't have to! It's only a birthday."

"Blaine! Don't let Carole hear you say it's only a birthday! It's not only a birthday, it's your birthday and I love you! I've saved up tones of money from working at the garage so we're going to have a day on me today! Okay?"

"If you say so." Blaine had to admit he was a little excited to have someone take notice of his birthday for once. He hadn't had a party since he was very small and that would have been arranged by his grandparents, before they died.

"Now get up! Be downstairs in 15 minutes for your birthday breakfast!"

"You get birthday breakfast in this house?" Blaine's eyes lit up at the promise of food.

"Of course! Hurry up." Kurt climbed off his boyfriend and left the room. Blaine ran his hands through his hair, he let himself let out a little squeal of happiness, how lucky did he have to be to find someone like Kurt Hummel? They boy was amazing, beautiful, special, ambitious and most of all he really loved Blaine. He never thought he would get so lucky in life.

"Happy birthday hon!" Carole cried upon seeing Blaine come down the stairs. The house was decorated with balloons and banners saying 'Happy 18th Birthday'. Blaine had never seen anything like it. Carole threw her arms around the small boy and ushered him to the kitchen table where a mountain of food waited along with a few wrapped presents and the rest of his new family.

"This looks amazing! But you guys really didn't have to do any of this!"

"Blaine stop complaining and enjoy it! You get a birthday once a year! And you'll never be 18 again." Carole had a point, he intended to make the most of his day.

"Happy birthday Blaine." Burt said handing the boy a card when he sat down.

"Thank you Burt." Blaine looked hopeful opening the card he was given. Finn sat staring at him opening the card, a little hopeful. He opened the card and another wallet was placed inside, once he'd read though the card he moved on to the second wallet. "Oh god! Really?" Blaine looked inside shocked at what was placed inside as his gift. "Season tickets to the college football? Seriously?"

"Seriously kid, me, you and Finn! Every game of the season!" Burt looked at him excitedly. Blaine had guessed Finn already knew about this. Burt and Blaine had engaged in many conversations about college football, how they supported, who were doing best in a particular game and they occasionally sat and watched the games together. Kurt was proud that his family and boyfriend were getting on so well.

"Seriously this is so generous! Thank you so much! It's going to be a blast!" Blaine said excitedly.

"Blaine these are from Kurt's grandparents, and Louise." Carole handed the boy some more cards, on which when he opened the one from Kurt's grandparents a fifty dollar bill fell out.

"Woah!" Finn exclaimed. "How is it I've known them longest and all I get is $20?"

"Finn, you're not 18 yet!" Kurt protested. "That's nice of them." He smiled to Blaine who was still in his own world, shocked at the generosity of Kurt's family.

"Okay so I have another present for you!" Carole exclaimed leaving the room and coming back with a rather large wrapped box. "Sorry guys, I didn't tell you I was getting him this but I remember him telling me about it over breakfast once and I thought it would be a perfect present for him!" Blaine had remembered what Carole was talking about but he defiantly thought that it would be a too generous gift. She handed him the box and he began ripping off the paper.

"Are you kidding me?" Blaine stared in awe at the box in front of him. "Carole you really didn't have to!" Blaine was almost crying.

"You said you wanted one, I couldn't help it! You're a good kid Blaine, you deserve it." She grinned wildly at the boy as he stood to hug her.

"You bought him a friggin' guitar?" Finn exclaimed looking disgusted at Blaine. It wasn't just a guitar, it was a fender that Blaine had his eye on for a while now, his old acoustic was getting a little worn out but he figured he could spend his money on wiser things, like saving up for an apartment next year, or paying Burt some rent.

"Do you like it?" Carole asked watching Blaine take the guitar out of the box and he strummed it quietly.

"It's perfect! Thank you so much!"

"Okay! Let's put that down now, my presents!" Kurt took the guitar off Blaine, which was like kicking a puppy in itself and he pulled some presents out from under the table.

"Jesus Kurt!" Blaine exclaimed looking at the array of gifts that were spread in front of him.

Once Blaine had finished opening the majority of his present the table was full with wrapping paper and bits of gifts he'd already received. Kurt had kept the Katy Perry tickets and the hotel separate, he wanted them opened last. He had already given him the picture frame with a picture of the two of them at Dalton in it, a new watch, song books and some CD's and movies he'd been wanting for a while. "Gosh! Thanks Kurt! That's amazing seriously." He leant over to kiss him on the cheek.

"It's not over yet! I'm gonna take you to the book store later and you can chose some more baby." Kurt kissed him back, knowing he had one more special gift for his boyfriend.

"Kurt you really don't have to do that!" Blaine was going to continue before Finn interrupted him.

"Can we eat now guy? Those pancakes have been staring at me for the last 20 minutes!"

"Finn wait! And yes I'm going to do that! But first, I have one more present for you." Kurt grinned taking the blue wallet from his pocket, knowing he had the tickets and hotel in separate wallets. "There you go your last." He exclaimed giving Blaine the wallet with the hotel confirmation in it. Blaine opened it with a sceptical look on his face. Which turned to surprise when he saw what it was.

"New York? Next month? Are you serious?" He looked Kurt right in the eyes.

"Yes! Me and you, the whole weekend. Just me and you. I remember you saying when I came back from New York last year it's the one place you really want to go before we decide to move there or not next year, so me and you, Friday until Monday next month!" Blaine hugged his boyfriend so tight he thought he was going to explode.

"Oh my god Kurt! This is amazing! You're amazing! Wait. Katy Perry's doing her show there that weekend! Please can we go down and see if we can get tickets! I'll pay!" Kurt was caught out, but he knew for a fact that Blaine still hadn't caught on.

"Blaine Anderson, are you an idiot?" Finn asked from across the table, getting bored with the festivities now. Kurt pulled the second wallet from his pocket.

"What's this?" Blaine threw it around in his hands before choosing to open it. Once he'd retrieved what was inside he almost dropped the tickets, and then almost fell to the floor. "Are you kidding me? These aren't real!" He exclaimed looking to the tickets, then Kurt, then the tickets again.

"Two tickets to Katy Perry's New York show. They're VIP too, so you get to go to the meet and greet beforehand. Be prepared to love me." Kurt said smugly, he loved how happy it made Blaine, and that he couldn't actually believe it.

"Seriously? This isn't a joke? You hate Katy Perry!"

"I know, I guess it shows how much I love you." Blaine knew how much those tickets cost to her concert; he genuinely couldn't believe his boyfriend was so amazing.

"Kurt Hummel I love you so much." He said excitedly throwing himself on to his boyfriend, not caring Burt and Carole were watching. He needed to show how much he loved him at the moment. He planted numerous kissed to the boy's lips, getting over excited over the fact he was getting to go see Katy Perry.

"So we're going to go down on the Friday, the concerts on Saturday, then we have all day Sunday and Monday to explore New York!" Kurt said excitedly, in fact he was just happy he got to go back to New York!

"Can we eat now!" Finn banged the table with his fist.

"Yes! Stuff yourself until you throw up now Finn!" Kurt said spitefully, he took hold of Blaine's hand and wouldn't let go.

"So you really like your presents?" Kurt asked once they had finished eating, Finn, Burt and Carole were clearing away, not letting Blaine touch anything.

"Kurt, they are amazing, I feel like the luckiest guy on earth right now! Because I have you. You really didn't have to do so much for me!"

"Blaine, you deserve it." Kurt kissed his boyfriend again; knowing he sneakily still had the surprise of dragging the Dalton crew down to Lima later.


Kurt really did have a busy day prepared for Blaine on his birthday. After breakfast the boys headed to the mall where Kurt, true to his word let Blaine chose some new books. Blaine felt really guilty for taking even more from his boyfriend but Kurt insisted because he would just go and buy the books later if Blaine hadn't picked them himself. After a look around the mall, Kurt took Blaine to the movies, a movie of his choice of course. Which later followed a dinner at breadsticks. Unknown to Blaine who thought it would be a quiet romantic meal, the whole glee club met them at the restaurant and they had a massive table so they could all eat together. Followed by more presents from his new friends. Blaine couldn't believe how lovely his new friends were and how great a time he had with them.

"I think it's time we head home? What do you say?" Kurt asked his boyfriend once they had all finished their meal and were all immersed in light conversation.

"Yeah sure." Blaine was unaware that waiting at the Hummel house was Nick, Jeff, David, Wes and Lauren (Jeff's girlfriend). Later on Rachel and Finn would be joining them back at home but the glee club were going to go out and continue the celebration. "Well thanks so much guys for coming, and I appreciate the gifts and cards!" Blaine had even gotten used to Rachel a little while having dinner with her. He realized she was mildly tolerable, he really hoped one day they could be friends for Kurt's sake.

"You're welcome Blaine." Quinn reached over to hug him.

"Just don't forget you're one of us now! We have your back." Mercedes added as she watched the two boys join together.

"Seriously guys, thanks so much! We'll see you Monday?"

"Of course!" Everyone shouted back in unison. It was refreshing to see that a group of people as diverse as the McKinley glee club we're enjoying time together, when two years ago people like Noah Puckerman wouldn't be seen dead with Tina. They were a strong group of friends, and Kurt felt so proud to be a part of it. They were a part of his family now.

"Sam. That will cover most of the dinner, and another round of drinks. Can you guys make the rest up?" Kurt put some notes in Sam's hand, as he's probably the most sensible with money.

"Yeah sure man. Thanks for dinner." Sam reached around and pulled Kurt in to a quick hug.

"Bye." Kurt and Blaine said their goodbyes and left the restaurant.

"I can see why you wanted to come back to McKinley now." Blaine smiled at his boyfriend as they got in to the Navigator to go home.

"Aren't they amazing? There are so many different people in that group! Can you actually believe we're all as close as we are now?"

"It is amazing! At Dalton, everyone is the same; it's a bit boring sometimes. You can sit with those people in there for hours; I'm so glad their okay with me joining." Blaine gushed.

Kurt pulled up outside the house, a little unsure as to why he couldn't see Nick's car anywhere. He really hoped they'd arrived already! Blaine turned to Kurt before they left the car. "Thank you for today, for everything! You really don't have to be as nice as you have been. My birthday isn't that big a deal. You have been amazing."

"I know I have, you can thank me when we're alone tonight." Kurt said sneakily. Blaine laughed and opened his door to get out of the car and grabbing bags of presents from the boot.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" A sound wall hit Blaine as he came in to the lounge of the house. He was looking down but he recognized the voices. Blaine's eyes rose to see Wes, David, Jeff and Nick standing in front of him, smiles spread across their faces. Kurt remained behind Blaine looking smug. Blaine rushed to hug his friends that he missed so much! He hadn't seen the guys for about 2 months now, which was the most he'd lived without them for 3 years now.

" Why are you guys down here?" Blaine pulled away just looking at his friends.

"It wasn't anything to do with us." Nick exclaimed raising an eyebrow. Blaine spun on his heels to face Kurt.

"It was you wasn't it? Have I told you you're amazing today?" This time Blaine really did have tears in his eyes. He knew at that moment that Kurt really knew everything about him. He knew that his friends meant more to him than anything; he knew that Kurt realized he missed them more than he'd ever missed anyone. His love for Kurt Hummel was getting bigger every second his stood with him that moment. At that moment he realized Kurt was the man for him.

"I thought you needed a surprise, you said you missed them." Kurt gleamed sitting down on the sofa next to the red head; he could have only guessed it was Lauren.

"Oh yeah, guys, this is Lauren." Jeff said putting his hand on his girlfriends shoulder. "She wanted to meet you all, she won't be staying long but it turns out her parents live round the corner from here Kurt."

"Yeah we know!" Lauren laughed at realizing her and Kurt had been friends for a long time already, they lost contact when Lauren started to attend County Day. "I've missed you so much Kurt!" She threw her arms around her old friend.

"Me too! I'm so sorry I've not had the chance to call, it's been mental here!"

"Well that's that then..." Jeff was disappointed with the little impact his introduction had. Kurt and Lauren continued to catch up as the boys moved in to the dining room to catch up too.


Lima Height's Bowling Alley

"So what are we going to do about this Karofsky problem?" Mike asked everyone while Kurt and Blaine were away.

"There's not much we can do is there? I mean we accept them in every way but obviously he still isn't comfortable with his sexuality." Quinn suggested.

"All we can do is make sure he doesn't push them around again. If he does we can't calmly." Puck shot a glare at Finn. "I can't afford to go back to Juvie."

"Okay I got a little out of hand! It's not my fault; no-one pushes around Kurt Hummel...anymore." Finn defended himself.

"Well I don't know about the rest of you guys but I really like that Blaine kid. I don't want him to move to a different school and put up with that, at least when Kurt went it was an improved situation." Sam joined in and offered his opinion.

"No we all love Blaine! I don't want to see him hurt either!"

"We need to find a way to make him seem like a badass." Lauren joined in.

"I like your way of thinking." Puck put his arm around his girl. She'd finally let him make some contact with her. Even though they'd spent the majority of the summer together Noah was still unsure if they were together or not. "What about if he just hang's with us boys for a while? Kurt could too? We all know everyone at McKinley is still scared of me, Finn, Sam and Mike."

"Surprisingly Puckerman makes sense! We just have to get Kurt and Blaine to leave us girls alone for a while so they can build up their reputations." Quinn was trying to make sense of the situation, surprised that Puck could even come up with something so smart.

"Artie, would you be okay with that?" Artie used to be bullied around school just for being the kid in the wheelchair, once he joined the football team last year his reputation went up a little.

"Wait I don't get it." Brittany, confused as ever looked to Artie for help.

"Brittany, we need to get Blaine a reputation." Santana who had become a lot more patient with Brittany explained the situation.

"Why don't we just let him come on Fondue for Two?" Everyone began to laugh at Brittany's comments, it wasn't her fault she wasn't the brightest button in the box. But she was welcomed by her friends, they all loved her.

"Right so that's sorted then, as of Monday, the gay dudes chill with us?" Puck tried to end the conversation. "Agreed?"



Later that night at the Hummel-Hudson's

"I'm telling you dude, I'd rather watch Wicked any day over football!" Nick and Finn had been having this argument for some time now. You would have thought that living in the same house as Kurt Hummel, Finn would have been able to accept Nick's point of view.

"I just don't understand why though! There's no real action in Wicked!"

"Okay, I'm sorry guys but I'd better get round to Lauren's." Jeff stood from the sofa where he was talking to Blaine. "Her parents lock the front door at 11, so I'd better be going."

"Thanks so much for coming dude!" Blaine pulled his friend in to a hug while showing him to the door.

"Wait wait!" Carole ran in with a piece of cake wrapped in a napkin for Jeff to take home. "There's plenty to go around! So nice to meet you Jeff."

"Nice to meet you too Mrs Hummel." Jeff smiled and stepped out of the front door.

"So will you be around tomorrow or are you heading straight back to Dalton?" Blaine really wanted to get in as much time with his friends as he could before they all headed home.

"No, we'll be around all day. The other guys are staying with David's family; we were going to hit the mall in the morning."

"Lima Bean around 3:30pm tomorrow?"

"Yeah sure! Just clear it with the other guys, we'll see you then." Jeff headed off down the drive and went on his way to walk to his girlfriend's house. Lauren had left early because her parents wanted her home to see family that were visiting.

"We'd better be leaving too really." David said standing from his seat. Once again Carole ran in with cake for the boys and Blaine said his goodbyes at the door.

"Thanks so much for my gifts, really dudes, it so cool you could all make it down here!"

"No problem Blaine! But we'll see you tomorrow? Lima Bean?"

"Yeah we'll be there!" The boys walked down the drive and got in to Nick's car, David's parents only lived a 15 minute drive from Kurt, that's why when Kurt was at Dalton he'd always take David home with him on weekends.

And so there were 4. Blaine looked around the lounge, Kurt and Rachel were sat discussing Kurt's plans for New York next month, while Finn sat watching ESPN. "Rachel hon, are you staying over tonight? Is that okay with your dads?" Carole asked the girl as she was heading to bed with Burt.

"If that's okay with you and Burt, my dad's wont like me driving home at this time." Carole smiled at the girl and continued upstairs, leaving the teenagers downstairs to clean up a little. Blaine went to sit next to Kurt and brought his legs on to the sofa, he placed his head on Kurt's ever so comfortable shoulder.

"Err, Rachel are you ready to come to bed?" Finn asked, noticing that Blaine wanted some alone time with Kurt.

"Yeah sure." She smiled happily like she always did when Finn even talked to her. Any idiot could see she was completely head over heels in love with the boy. Finn turned off the TV and took Rachel's hand within his own and led her to his room, no points for guessing what they were going to do. Burt and Carole were okay with Rachel staying over and Blaine living there because they weren't stupid, they knew that their children weren't children anymore and they were growing up and ready to experiment. Kurt put his sleepy head on top of Blaine's.

"Have you had a good birthday?"

"Of course! Seriously this has been one of the most amazing birthday's I've ever had I mean, the tickets, New York! You bringing my friends all the way from Dalton to see me. Kurt you are amazing! Thank you so much." Kurt looked down to his boyfriends eyes which were slowly filling with tears.

"You deserve it baby." He pressed a passionate kiss to Blaine's lips. Neither boy came up for air for a good few minutes, the kiss only escalated until they were sloppily pressing kisses to neck's, jaw lines and shoulders. Blaine pulled Kurt's shirt from his pants and put his hand up the back of the shirt, touching Kurt's warm body with his cold hands. Kurt squealed with excitement of having Blaine's hands explore his torso. Blaine brought his hands to the front of Kurt's body and began undoing the buttons on Kurt's crisp white shirt. "No, not here!" Kurt whispered in to Blaine's lips. Without saying anything Kurt was being dragged up the stairs to their bedroom where Blaine could finish what he'd started.

As soon as the door was shut Blaine pushed Kurt up against his bedroom wall and began ravishing the boy with kisses. Their bodies were pressed so close together that their hard cocks were rubbing against each other with no need for Blaine to start grinding against Kurt. More sloppy kisses were being forced to each boys face, they couldn't pull themselves away. Kurt's shirt was almost completely unbuttoned when Kurt brought Blaine's T-shirt over his head. "Oh god Kurt, I love you." Blaine panted to Kurt's lips as he started on Blaine's jeans. Blaine also began to work on Kurt's tight red jeans.

They were slowly released from the boy's body as he stepped out of them and walked to the bed, taking his lips away from Blaine's for the first time. Kurt lay on the bed in nothing but his boxers, when Blaine jumped on top of him, also in his boxers. The kisses continued as Blaine turned the kisses in to slight licks and let his tongue drape over Kurt's chest. Kurt let out whines of excitement as Blaine was getting close to his hard cock.

Once Blaine had reached Kurt's sensitive area he began pressing soft kisses to hips. "Blaine, stop teasing me!" Kurt reached for the bed sheets and pulled them in to a fist getting impatient. Blaine began slipping down Kurt's boxers until Kurt's cock was released. Blaine continued to press kisses to anywhere around Kurt's cock, trying to tease him and make him wait for as long as he could.

Finally he moved to Kurt's cock where he licked at Kurt's slit, tasting the pre-cum that was dripping from the excited boy. "God Blaine!" Kurt gritted his teeth trying not to make too much noise. Blaine just smirked knowing that Kurt loved it so much. Blaine savoured the taste while pulling down his own boxers to relieve himself. He started to pump himself viciously, already feeling he was close. He made sure Kurt could see him do it.

Without any warning Blaine took Kurt completely inside his mouth. Kurt reached out and pulled at Blaine's hair while Blaine got a steady rhythm. "Blaine, I'm so close seriously." Kurt wailed out, edging the older boy to carry on. Blaine moaned around Kurt's cock as he started to swallow the cum that spurted in to his mouth. Kurt continued to thrust in to Blaine's mouth as the over excitement got too much for him. Blaine secured the boy by holding his hips down to the bed as he let his mouth release Kurt's cock. He swallowed the rest of the cum that was in his mouth and made his way back up to Kurt's lips, making sure his hand's explored every part of the younger boy's body.

Blaine reached Kurt's lips and rolled over to hold the shaky boy. He wrapped his long arms around his boyfriend and just held him until both of them were calm enough to talk.


Lauren's Home

Lauren and Jeff were already in bed, snuggled up to each other. Jeff's tall and lean body pressed against the wall as Lauren was pulled close to him, both his arms wrapped around her body. "So what do you think of my friends?" He asked nuzzling her neck softly.

"Their really cool! Especially that Blaine guy. I can't believe you used to room with my Kurt! Thank you for that, you got us back in touch." Lauren spun around on the bed to face her boyfriend. His blonde hair was draped over the pillow; she pushed his fringe out of the way and cupped his face. Numerous soft kisses were shared between the pair before she lay there staring in his beautiful eyes.

"You don't mind that I go and meet them for coffee, do you tomorrow?"

"No of course not! I have to stay here anyway; my dad's taking me back to County Day at night."

"But your coming to the seminar aren't you? In a few weeks?"

"Of course! We'll be spending a lot of time at Dalton; we need to practice for the performance." They were both a little excited about spending school time together in the next few weeks. Even thought County Day was the Dalton sister school, the two school's hardly ever mixed. "And you know what that means." She said lifting her eyebrow above the other.

"Lunch time make out sessions?" Jeff excitedly asked, after all he was a seventeen year old boy. She nodded happily and settled back to the bed.

"I'm so glad I met you Jeff." She smiled, knowing she wanted to tell him she loved him. They hadn't actually said it yet, was a month and a week still too early? They had been friends before they started to date though.

"I love you Lauren." Jeff smiled at his girlfriend pressing more kisses to her soft lips.


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