You Move Me
A Chance To Share Everything Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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You Move Me: A Chance To Share Everything

E - Words: 959 - Last Updated: Aug 22, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 18/? - Created: Aug 05, 2011 - Updated: Aug 22, 2011
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Chapter 6

"Well it's getting pretty late and I'm beat, do you mind if I head to bed?" Blaine questioned putting his hand on Kurt's knee.

"No, no you go on son. It's been a long day." Burt gave him permission to leave and Blaine stood to say goodbye to the family that migrated in to the lounge throughout the night. As it was coming up to 9pm Chris and Ashley had taken the kids home, but Alfie, Dora and Louise were still chatting to Burt and Carole. Finn and Rachel made their escape upstairs an hour ago, claiming to be practicing for Nationals.

"Wait up, I'm coming with you." Blaine reached his hand out to give Kurt a hand up from the sofa they were snuggling on. "I'll speak to you real soon Kurtsie, we'll go to lunch or something." Louise hugged her nephew and left him to say his goodbyes and go to bed.

"Seriously Blaine you didn't have to do what you did today, you do so much for me without spoiling me!" Kurt gushed looking at his new shoes and jumper, trying to find the perfect place in his overcrowded wardrobe.

"Well you're my boyfriend; you deserve the world in my opinion." Blaine was lay on the bed, waiting for Kurt to join him. "And your dad won't let me give him rent, so I suppose the more I buy you he doesn't have to." He smirked. A faint tap came from the door. "Come in?"

"Hey guys, just wanted to say thanks for a great night. I'm heading off now so goodnight." Rachel's shrill voice in Blaine's opinion filled the room.

"Okay Rachel, night." Kurt ran over to give her a hug. Blaine didn't move. He hadn't exactly been fond of Rachel since, well he'd never been fond of Rachel. She was annoying, frustrating and had the most ridiculous voice that could pierce ears if you had to listen to it for too long. "I'll call you tomorrow!"

"Goodnight Blaine." She gave a half smile to the boy in his pyjamas on the bed; she knew their relationship was rough.

"Yeah." He pretended to busy himself. She closed the door behind her as she left a little hurt.

"You know you could try and make more of an effort with her! She's Finn's girlfriend, one of my best friends! You're going to have to bed around her for a long time from now on Blaine." Kurt crawled in to bed and sat next to Blaine putting his hands in his hair and twisting the curls around his long fingers.

"I'm sorry; she just annoys me so much! I'll try and be nicer I promise." Blaine reached for Kurt's waist and dragged him down so they were lying face to face.

"So meeting my family wasn't that bad today was it?"

"Hell no! Their so cool and welcoming. Kurt, does your Grandfather say that to everyone? Is he always that nice?"

"God no! He's never said that to anyone! He didn't even say 'Welcome to the family' to Carole until the wedding day! He must know your here to stay! As long as you don't plan on leaving anytime soon." Kurt frowned.

"Why would I want to leave you anytime soon? Basically Kurt, I have a mother and a father figure, a best friend and you all under one roof. With a family who clearly loves me as one of them, why would I leave all that?"

"I don't know, don't you think we've moved to fast I mean? We've been dating less than a year and my family already have us down as a married couple!"

"If you want me to be honest, yes we are moving too fast. But as long as we can keep up what does it matter?" Blaine looked deep in to Kurt's sky blue eyes.

"Would you marry me? I'm not asking or anything! I meant, if it came up, would you do it, like now?"

"Kurt, do you want me to be honest? No I wouldn't, we're both really young. I'm not saying I won't marry you. I will. But when the time is right, when we both have jobs, when we're in a stable home. I will do it someday, I promise you that." There wasn't even a drop of disappointment in Kurt's eyes because his boyfriend just told him that he will marry him one day. He had just been promised that he will marry Blaine Anderson, the most amazing person he'd ever met. "But Kurt, why'd you never tell me about Louise being pregnant?" The subject never came up so it took Kurt by surprise.

"Blaine, there's something's about my family you don't need to know, at least not right now." He knew that he wanted to share all his secrets with Blaine; he should be able to do that right? They were boyfriends. But this one Kurt couldn't bring himself to say. Blaine just didn't understand why Kurt was so secretive all of a sudden, Louise phoned every few days and clearly she and Kurt had discussed the baby, so why not mention it to Blaine. There were plenty of things Blaine hadn't told Kurt about, all about his family and his life before Kurt. But he understood they were difficult things for Blaine to discuss so he never pushed him. So why was Kurt, they boy who told Blaine everything, not trusting him with a small piece of information?

Kurt pushed himself against Blaine so they were both comfortable and turned the light off next to him. "We should be going to bed. Goodnight."

"Goodnight my love." The word my love. He loved it when Blaine called him that. There was something about those two words that made him weak at the knees. "Oh and Kurt?"


"I meant what I said, I love you."

"Love you too."


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