You Move Me
Starting a Fresh Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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You Move Me: Starting a Fresh

E - Words: 1,057 - Last Updated: Aug 22, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 18/? - Created: Aug 05, 2011 - Updated: Aug 22, 2011
242 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: Once again its short, but the first few chapters are Blaine finding his feet.
Chapter 2
“Principle Figgins?” Kurt knocked on the principles door waiting for a response for him to enter further. Blaine was tailing right behind him, trying not to be seen by anyone. Kurt and Blaine hadn’t actually told anyone but Finn that Blaine was transferring today. They wanted to see the shock on their faces in Glee club when Blaine turned up. Figgins waved the boys in and Kurt let Blaine go first. “This is Blaine, he’s transferring today.” Kurt introduced his boyfriend and showed him to a seat. “Okay thank you Kurt.” Kurt’s eyes widened at the realisation he had to leave his boyfriend. “But..I’ll just..yeah so I’ll go...” Kurt sighed squeezing Blaine’s shoulder. “Meet me outside at break! No-one will see you there, we’ll compare classes. Bye.”
“Bye Kurt.” Blaine smirked to him as Kurt tried to walk off but couldn’t exactly take his eyes off his perfect boyfriend.
“Kurt! Get your white arse over here! Where’ve you been all morning?” Mercedes, one of Kurt’s very best friends shouted him from down the corridor, she was stood with Sam. Her new boyfriend. Well they had been dating over the summer. When they first started dating it was a secret that they tried to keep to themselves. Kurt always knew! “Hey ‘Cedes! Hey Sam.” Kurt grinned looking down at their hands locking. “Aww I’m sorry baby, are you missing Blaine? I didn’t even think. Where have you been? Sam parked his car next to yours but you were nowhere to be seen!”
“I’m so sorry; I had something to sort out before class. Yeah something like that...” Kurt couldn’t help but smirk. “Dude, have you sorted your number for Glee club? Mr Schue did send out that email, apparently there’s some new kid that’s gonna sing today.” Sam looked between Kurt and Mercedes wondering if any of his friends had heard the news. “Yeah I heard something about that. I’m not worried though. I’m sure they’ll fit in really well!” Kurt knew exactly what was going on, he knew who the new boy was. But he didn’t know what he was singing! Blaine had refused to tell Kurt what he was singing, he said it was special and he didn’t want him to know about it. “I’m sorry ‘Cedes! I got to go!” Kurt touched her shoulder and rushed down the corridor as he saw Blaine leave the principal’s office. “Oh hell to the no! I haven’t seen that skinny skinny white boy for 3 weeks!” Mercedes was ready to turn the other way if Sam hadn’t have stopped her and dragged her to their next lesson, their cover would have been blown.
“Babe!” Kurt screamed as he saw Blaine’s face peering around the corner of the building. “How you doing? Are you finding everything okay? Have you been in anyone’s classes?!” Kurt ran up to his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around his smaller frame. “Kurt, calm down!” Blaine laughed in to the younger boys shoulder, trying to get him to release his grip so he could tell Kurt about his morning. Kurt finally let go and sat down on the steps, motioning for Blaine to sit too. “Well, I’ve not been in anyone’s classes up to now, except I’m in history with Finn next period. Which is kinda cool you know? But then it’s lunch and after that we can stop hiding right?”
“Right! Don’t forget Glee practice though! I caught Sam and Mercedes this morning and they were talking about the new kid in glee! I almost laughed right in front of them!” Hitting Blaine’s shoulder he then leaned against it. “Have you had any trouble with the football players?”
“You know, after prom. I think they might have just backed off a little.”
“Aww much to learn!” Kurt ruffled his boyfriends hair, in only a way Kurt was allowed to do it. “Alright you can stop now Kurt!” Blaine laughed tackling him to the floor and started to tickle him. “Blaine...sto-..p that! Blaine Anderson! now!”
“Dude’s! I thought we were keeping it on the down low.” Finn came around the corner to the boy’s surprise. Blaine jumped up immediately thinking it was someone else. “Finn! Don’t do that!” Kurt whined. “Well you know, if you wanted to keep it quiet then don’t start shouting out Blaine’s name round the back of the school! Come on Blaine. We’ve got history.” It was now Finn’s turn to complain, he wasn’t exactly a bright boy and he hated any academic subject. He always said the only thing he is good at is Football because that’s what everyone else believed. “Okay cool. I’ll see you at lunch then Kurt?”
“Of course! Meet me back here! Have fun boys.” Kurt waved to his two favourite seniors as Finn dragged Blaine away to class.
Kurt and Finn’s relationship hadn’t always been as good at it was now. At first when Kurt’s dad and Finn’s mother got together, Finn was mortified. And he definitely didn’t want Kurt for a brother. Once they got used to each other and learned to accept each other for who they are they began to make a very stable friendship between the both of them. After Finn offered to dance with Kurt at their parents wedding, their relationship had improved and they both found that they actually got on very well with each other.
After a few moments of sitting alone now his boyfriend and brother had left him, Kurt decided to head back inside and see who else he could find. “Kurt Hummel!” A powering voice was moving closer to him from behind, he knew the name well, he recognised it from the many dumpster tosses of ’09. “Noah Puckerman!” Kurt spun on his heels and turned to face the rough looking boy. “Have you heard about this new guy in glee club? I mean c’mon man, I barely get to show my Jewish stuff already without some new guy coming in and messing with everything. If I don’t like him, he’s getting shoved in a locker!” Puck protested to Kurt. “Trust me Puckerman, I’m sure we’re all going to love him, now..If you don’t mind, I have Spanish class.” Kurt pushed his friend away, something he wouldn’t have dreamed of doing two years ago and continued to his next class, Blaine-less.


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Look I know its not my place to say BUT its super hard to concentrate on how ah-mazing your story is when the words are all bunched up like that. Could you pretty please edit the formating a bit? Your story is great its just that this gets in the way of me being able to concentrate and not loose my place