You Move Me
Everybody Changes Previous Chapter Story
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You Move Me: Everybody Changes

E - Words: 6,260 - Last Updated: Aug 22, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 18/? - Created: Aug 05, 2011 - Updated: Aug 22, 2011
216 0 1 0 0

Chapter 18

Blaine was not expecting to wake up so abruptly. The image of Kurt being thrashed against a car once again ran through his mind as he woke up. Sitting up to try and get his breath back, he looked to the side where Kurt was missing. Hopefully not long, he sighed swinging his legs over the side of the bed and rubbing his eyes.

"You up dude?" Finn called knocking on the door, which was usual for a school morning.

"Yeah." Blaine stood and walked to the bathroom where he took a shower.


"Can I catch a ride with you to school?" Finn questioned grabbing a slice of toast that had just been made by Carole.

"If you can get a ride home, I'm going straight to the hospital after school." Blaine said flicking through a text book. Everything was starting to get on top of him if he was honest, keeping up with school work. Seeing Kurt all the time and learning the news about the audition on Saturday meant that he would have to work on preparing a song.

"Take a break kid." Burt chirped from over the top of his newspaper.

"Excuse me?"

"Take a break! You're working all the time. You go to school, see Kurt, and study until midnight. Get up six hours later then study before school. You're over worked!"

"I'll be fine. I need to keep doing it!"

"No you don't. Just don't see Kurt tonight hon. Get some other kids to go and see him, he'll have company." Carole placed a hand on his shoulder.

"He may have company but I won't have Kurt."

"This is really hitting you hard isn't it?"

"A little." He lied closing the textbook because he really couldn't concentrate on his French at the moment. He was far too tired to even think in English let alone another language.

"Just promise us you'll take some time out over the weekend. You could go and see Wes and David for a little while." Carole suggested.

"I can't afford the gas to go all the way to Dalton, not at the moment when I've got an apartment to pay for. I haven't got the time to go all the way to Dalton either." Finn was watching his family banter back and forth aimlessly.
Burt interrupted. "We'll give you money for gas kid. I thought you said you we're fine for money? Your dad having all that money an all?"

"I am fine for money, honestly. There's just better things I can spend it on then gas to go and see David and Wes when I could spend it on gas to see Kurt." He paused before mumbling. "And I don't know how long I'll have that money for."


"Nothing." Blaine still hadn't told Burt and Carole about his father's condition which he was updated with a week ago by his mother's email. He wasn't getting better. His treatment wasn't working and he would just keep getting worse so his mother told him. Blaine had sworn to make time to see his father too at some point, to say a final goodbye. But where was the time?

"So that's settled, you're going down to Dalton on Saturday." Carole piled some more toast on Blaine's plate. Oh god, the audition's on Saturday! Blaine thought in a panic, but then rethought; This could work out for the best!

"Fine." Blaine sighed but inwardly was secretly acting like he was in a circus; this couldn't have worked out better!

"So can I get a ride or not?" Finn questioned.



"Blaine!" Burt called from the kitchen as Blaine was pilling books in to his bag for the day ahead.


"Kurt wants to talk to you!" Burt held out the phone for Blaine to take as he went in to the lounge to talk in private.

"Hey baby, how you doing?"

"I'm not too bad this morning. Stop worrying would you!"

"How can I not worry?"

"Because you need to take care of yourself! My dad's told me everything." His voice was stern. More stern than Blaine had heard it for a while.

"W-what's he said?" Blaine stammered.

"You're not taking care of yourself Blaine! School work until past midnight? School work before school. Don't see me tonight, please! I don't want you making yourself ill!"

"I'm fine, honestly! Please don't worry about me."

"I'm serious Blaine! Just not tonight! My dad and Carole will be here. My dad said you were going to Dalton on Saturday. Please just go!" Blaine felt a ping on guilt hit his heart. Yes he was going to Dalton. After he secured the record deal.

"But, I want to-"


"I just want to see-"


"But for an ho-"

"No! I don't want you here if you have school work to catch up on. Please Blaine. Just tonight. Just catch up with work!"

"Fine." Blaine huffed. He didn't want to stay at home. Sure he was smart. He could catch up with school easily enough; all he wanted to do was see Kurt.

"Is that you annoyed with me now?"


"Well while you're already annoyed with me. Don't you dare touch Sam today!"


"I know you Blaine; if he passes you you'll say something to him. Just don't!"

"Kurt, how can I promise that?"

"Because it's me you're promising it to!"


"Don't even start! You're over tired. You get like this when you're not sleeping enough."

"Kurt I'm fine honestly. But if it makes you happy, I'll go to Dalton on Saturday. But I'm seeing you for an hour tonight!"

"Fine, an hour. That's it. And don't do anything to Sam!"

"I won't."

"Okay. Now go to school! See I feel like your mother!"

Blaine chuckled to himself. "Fine, I love you."

"I love you too. Have a good day sweetie."

"Mhmm." Blaine hung up, putting the phone on the sofa.

"I'm heading to school." He flung his bag unwillingly over his shoulder and headed out the door, not waiting for the Hummel's goodbyes. He slammed the door shut and continued to the car.

"Hey! Dude! Blaine!" He heard his name being cried from the house, looking round he saw Finn frantically running towards him, adjusting his shoe and bag as he went. "You forgot me! You actually left without me!"

"Oh yeah. Sorry."


Blaine pulled in to a parking space quite harshly noticing Sam's car close to his own. He thought about moving his precious BMW, but that seemed just a tad childish, even for Blaine.

He turned off the engine and sat for a moment. "Dude, are you coming or not?" Finn questioned, but Blaine hadn't realized he was already out of the car and standing with the door open.

"Uh, no. I'll catch you up." He waved his hand in dismay and Finn closed the door, muttering under his breath something Blaine could barely make out. Blaine leaned forward and put his head on the steering wheel, trying to make sense of the whole situation he was in. So far, he looked back on his life.

Okay so I'm living with a boy and his parents who most defiantly will not be my boyfriend come June. I have to move to California in like 5 months and a week, my boyfriend kinda cheated on me with a blonde idiot. I have an audition for a recording contract in two days and I haven't prepared at all. Yeah, my life seems great.

Blaine thought almost pitifully. Knowing he would have to go in school at some point and he was a little early he decided to go in to the choir room and play around with the piano in preparation for Saturday.

He proceeded in to school, tired, unaware of much around him, slightly dizzy because he was worn out. This isn't going to be a good day. Heading straight to the choir room seemed best for the day ahead.

Walking down the last corridor he saw a flash of platinum blonde head his way. Oh fuck. He thought to himself, trying to look in any direction but Sam's. He knew that if he looked at Sam he would probably punch him. The fact that he promised Kurt only this morning meant nothing at the moment because Blaine was angry, very angry. Annoyed because Sam even dared to touch Kurt, let alone kiss him in the state he's in already.

The two boys we're edging closer and closer together. The raw emotion inside Blaine was spinning out of control, something he inherited from his father which was not his favourite part of himself. He hated getting angry more than anything because he wasn't the same person when he was angry.

Don't do anything unless he says something to you. Blaine tired to think rationally and calmly. The blonde let out a little smile as he approached Blaine, but he didn't reciprocate the gesture.

"Hey Blaine." Said Sam causally walking past like nothing had happened between him and Kurt, or him and Blaine for that matter.

Blaine blood began to surge within his veins and he regretted the one thing he was going to do. Moving towards Sam angrily he grabbed hold of his jacket and pushed him up against the locker harshly. His voice was angry, but Sam looked to be between confusion, hurt and also regretting everything he did last night.

"Hey Blaine? What the fucking hell Sam? You can't just be all 'hey' after last night!" He shouted in to the taller boys face. Blaine was strong; he had the capability of holding Sam there for some time.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't you fucking dare play innocent Sam! I know what you did!"

Sam's voice turned in to a whisper. "I'm sorry alright."

A crowd was gathering around the spot where the two glee-clubbers were arguing, a few members of the New Directions we're there too. Just not wanting to stop a perfectly good fight for the school's amusement. "I'm sorry doesn't even cut it! I want you away from Kurt, for good!"

"Alright, I understand, I'm sorry already!"

Blaine lowered his arms from Sam's neck, looking at where he left red marks pressed in to his skin. Blaine turned away presuming his anger was fading rapidly. Before turning round and taking a swing for the side of Sam's head.

The impact with Sam's head made a cracking noise and before Blaine knew it, he was being wrestled to the ground in a full on physical fight with Sam. Cheers were being shouted from the circle that had gathered around them.

For what seemed like hours of punching didn't subside until a strong, assertive voice entered the ring. "Boys! Hey guys!" Mr Schue called out, pulling Blaine away from the taller boy. "Stop it!" He continued to shout as he managed to pull Sam from Blaine instead and Finn and Puck held back Blaine. "You guys are friends! What the hell is going on?" Neither of the boys answered, but Finn and Puck we're reluctant to let Blaine go. Even if neither of them knew what was going on.

"Blaine, choir room now. Sam, principle Figgin's!" Mr Schue ordered resulting in Blaine shrugging off his two friends and storming hastily to the choir room.

He dumped his bag on the floor and sat at the piano, tapping random keys until he found the right one as he remembered it to be.

"Don't you want the way I feel,

Don't you want the way I feel,

Don't you want the way I feel for you."

He mumbled out a song that he'd written months back, just anything to take his mind off his current situation. "Blaine." Mr Schue appeared in the doorway, quite calmly to say the least. "What happened back there Blaine?"

Blaine didn't answer, just kept tapping keys aimlessly. "I thought you and Sam were friends."

"Yeah so did I." He mumbled.

"What's happened? Is this to do with why he's not been showing up to classes? And been avoiding you all?"

"I really don't know Mr Schue!"

"Blaine you need to start explaining things or I'll have to get you involved with Principle Figgin's too!"

Well, if he could confide in anyone, it might as well be a teacher. "He kissed Kurt!" It came out louder than he ever intended it to.


"He kissed Kurt, last night. He wasn't at rehearsal because he was off kissing my boyfriend." Blaine stopped playing with the piano and turned to face Will.

"Uh, well." He looked a little lost for words. "Are you sure it was him that kissed Kurt and not the other way around?"

"Kurt wouldn't lie to me, it was defiantly Sam that kissed Kurt, but he pushed him off straight away."

"Right, I understand Blaine. I understand why you did it but it was still unacceptable to hit Sam like that."

"I know, I'm sorry."

"I don't think it's me you should be apologizing too. It's Sam."

"If he comes to practice, I'll apologize then." Blaine hung his head down, he really did regret doing things like that, he wasn't that person. Not anymore at least.

"It was just so out of character Blaine, I never expected anything like this from you."

"I know, I'm sorry." He repeated, it just made him feel guilty.

There was an awkward silence in the room before Mr Schuster spoke again. "How's Kurt doing? Any idea's when he's going to be back yet?"

"A couple of months maybe? He's got another month or two in the hospital, then recovery at home."

"It was pretty bad the crash then?"

"Yeah, I thought he was dead." Blaine looked at his hands, not wanting to remember anything about that day.

There was another drawn out pause up until the bell rung for first period, Home Economics. One of his few classes that were with Kurt, and he missed sitting next to him, Kurt always ordering him around, telling him what to do, when to add flour, how to crack an egg without breaking the shell in to the bowl. Because really Kurt was the one who could cook, not Blaine.

Blaine stood from his seat and grabbed his bag. "How's this week's project going?" Mr Schue questioned once Blaine was heading towards the door, why did teachers always do that? This week's assignment has honestly completely slipped Blaine's mind, he was tired and worn out from all his other subject's he'd completely forgotten about glee.

"Oh, urm. What was it again?"

"Try and write a couple of verses and a chorus for something we could use at Nationals?" They had already chosen songs but as in McKinley tradition, the final set list never got chosen until a few hours before their performance.

"Oh right, yeah that. I'm working on it." Blaine lied. He had prepared nothing, but at least his many lyric books stuffed in a draw could come in handy this time! It wouldn't be hard to just pick a song from one of his books and perform it. Ah the perks of song writing from an early age. He thought and stepped out of the choir room. "See ya later Mr Schue."

"Bye Blaine."


Burt's Garage.

"Hello, is this Mr Hummel?" A strange voice asked from down the phone.

"Yes it is." Burt wiped his hands on the cloth attacked to his waist band; he was in the middle of changing the oil in someone's car.

"Mr Hummel, this is principle Figgin's."

"Oh yeah, hey. I think there must be a mistake thought, Kurt's not at school."

"This is does not involve Kurt, Mr Hummel."

"Finn didn't punch anyone did he?" He questioned sceptically. Knowing full well that it was a valid possibility.

"No Sir, It's about Blaine. It appears we had some trouble with him this morning in the hallways."

"What? This must be a mistake."

"I'm sorry Mr Hummel, it is not. We only found your contact number under his records. He was found physically fighting with another student in the hallway before class."

Burt had forgotten that once Blaine transferred to McKinley they had put their contact numbers down in case of an emergency, Blaine was unaware of this obviously but Burt thought it was best.

"Really? Can I ask who this other student was?"

"Sam Evans."

"Ah. What does this mean for Blaine? I mean school wise?"

"Well Mr Hummel, we're not going to pursue any kind of punishment because he has a clean record."

"But you want me to talk to him tonight?"

"Ahh that would be very helpful Mr Hummel!" Principle Figgin's almost mocked Burt, he hated punishing students and found it much easier if their family did it themselves.

"Fine, I'll talk to him tonight, but you do know he isn't my son right?"

"Yes we know Mr Hummel, but you are listed as his emergency contact."

"I know." Burt sighed, wondering what he actually got himself in to by asking Blaine to stay. "I'll talk to him, thanks for telling me."

"Goodbye Mr Hummel."

"Yeah." Burt slammed the phone down, almost regretting ever letting his son get to close to Blaine.


McKinley High

It was lunch, Blaine was tidying his locker for the fifth time this week, he really didn't understand how it got so messy. But with the added stress of his gym kit in it, it was understandable really. Over the past few weeks without Kurt around, he had taken up track, doing a few laps in spare lessons and over lunch. It got him spending more time with Finn. He grabbed his gym kit and shoved it in to his bag, not really caring how it came out later.

He was going to head to the gym with Puck and Finn over lunch. Slamming his locker shut, he continued up the hallway a few steps before hearing a powerful roar of a voice shout.

"Hobbit!" A screech shouted after him, making him stop and turn around instantly. Sue Sylvester was coming up thick and fast behind him.

"Yes Ms Sylvester?"

"Oh sorry, I didn't notice you there Sir Gel's a Lot." Blaine had no time recently to gel his hair in the mornings, letting it just run free instead. Sue looked him up and down before meeting his gaze again. "These dapper outfits really don't fit in at this school hobbit, I'm actually surprised you managed to find such smart cardigan in Toddlers are Us!"

"Is there something you wanted?" Blaine wasn't in the mood for jokes, or even banter over his height, he needed stress relief. Relief in the form of a mile track in the warm sun.

"Well actually, I was stopping to ask if you would talk to your other half for me."


"I want to know if he wanted to join the cheerio's again? Just singing, no moving this time. My cheerio's couldn't keep up with the pase his hips were moving last time."

Blaine smirked, taking that comment as an inside joke and he realized he knew exactly what Sue meant. "Oh yeah. Sure, I'll talk to him."

"Thank you." She turned away abruptly before turning back to face Blaine once more. "Oh, and I would keep the gel off more hobbit, I'm afraid that if you and Will Schuster use that much hair product within a mile of each other there maybe some form of landslide. I'm just trying to keep the elves hiding in your hair safe." She added sarcastically and turned away once more, this time continuing down the corridor giving a few threatening looks on the way back to her office.

Blaine shrugged off the conversation and continued to the track.

As he got close to the doors leading outside, Blaine felt a warm hand place on his shoulder.

"You had a fight with Sam?" Quinn whispered in Blaine's ear, a little roughly. She couldn't believe it when she actually heard Blaine Anderson had had a physical fight.

"What's it to you?" Blaine faced the blonde haired girl, noticing she was alone.

"Did you, or did you not? What's gotten in to you Blaine?" Her voice was still very low.

"Come here!" He took hold of Quinn's hand and pulled her in to the choir room that was close by.

"Blaine, tell me what's going on!" Blaine hadn't actually spoken to her for some time now, they just hadn't had a chance to catch up.

Blaine pushed his bag from his shoulder once again and placed it on the floor next to Quinn's.

"I can't really tell you why I fought with Sam."

"Why not?"

"Because I promised I wouldn't say anything!"

"Fine, but that doesn't make up for the fact you've been avoiding me all day!"

It was kind of true, Blaine had been avoiding her, well not avoiding exactly, but making sure he wasn't where she was. He just knew that Quinn would have some very strong opinions about his recording contract, but he needed someone to come with him on Saturday for moral support. He would have to tell Quinn.

It was a fact that Quinn supported Blaine going to New York with Kurt 100% because she wanted them to stay together, and even she knew they wouldn't if Blaine went to California. There were just too many reasons for him not to go and just one big reason for him to go.

"Will you come with me to an audition on Saturday?" Blaine blurted out as one word. "Please, I really need the support."

"What? What audition?"

"I've kinda been offered a recording contract in California. I have a last audition on Saturday and, just please. Come with me?"

Quinn started at him, almost mind blown. "Does Kurt know about this?"

"Not yet, no. I will tell him! Just, the time isn't right. And they say I've got it but they could cancel it on Saturday if they don't like me. So I just don't want to worry him too soon."

"But, a recording contract? Like really?"

"Yeah, in California. A real contract."

Quinn stepped forward but Blaine was unable to read her this time, he was very good at reading people, Quinn and Kurt especially. But she was a closed book this time. The smaller girl threw her arms around Blaine, hugging him tightly at the neck and almost squealing.

"Well done Blaine! A real contract! I'm so proud of you." Blaine hugged her back wearily.

"Really? You're not mad?"

"Well, it's your choice what you do. I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks." He laughed a little in to her neck where his head was buried. There was a moment of silence when they pulled away from each other and just grinned. Quinn sat on the piano stood still looking at Blaine.

"Do you know what song you're going to you yet?"

Blaine hadn't even thought about it. So much has been going on, he knew he had to practice an original song for the audition but he hadn't thought of which. "No, not yet." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

Quinn was quiet for a moment. "Oh!" She exclaimed, excited again. "What about that one you were playing to me, when we were at my house! You taught me the chords for it."

"Which one?" Blaine had played so many songs to Quinn when they were just hanging out.

"Not something, not...not..." She searched her brain.


"Not Alone! Genius, that song's amazing Blaine. You really should do that!"

"I don't know, I wrote it a really long time ago."

"So? It's amazing Blaine! Seriously." Quinn got up and brought a guitar over to where Blaine was stood, forcing it in to his hands.

"Play it."


"Now, play it!"

"I've got to be on track!"

"No you don't. It's lunch Blaine, you don't have to be anywhere, you've got two days to get a perfect performance for this guy!"

Blaine sighed and he began to strum the guitar lightly.


Lima Hospital.

"Hey baby." Mercedes entered Kurt's hospital room on seeing he was awake. She had lunch and a free period so she got permission from Principle Figgin's to leave and see Kurt.

"Hey!" Kurt was happy to see someone barring his boyfriend, parents and brother to be honest. Not that many of his friends had been visiting lately. Kurt tried to sit up carefully and asked Mercedes to sit on the chair next to his bed. "What are you doing here?" Kurt questioned smiling.

"Just thought I'd visit, I'm sorry I haven't been recently white boy."

"It's fine 'Cedes, honestly." Which was a lie, Kurt was in fact a little upset that she hadn't visited, but it couldn't be helped, she had her own life.

"It's not! How have you been? Are you getting better?"

"I think, I mean I'm stuck here for a while yet, and I miss my bed, and school, and Blaine. But I'm okay."

"You don't sound it."

"I'm fine, honestly! I'm still doing Nationals though! Nothing will drag me away from a competition solo!"

Mercedes just giggled. "Fine white boy. While we're on the subject of your boyfriend." Mercedes trailed off, knowing very well she shouldn't really be the one to tell Kurt about his boyfriends actions earlier in the day.

"What about him?"

"He kind of. You know. Punched Sam today."

"What? He promised me he wouldn't!" Kurt placed his head in his hands, hiding the shame spread across his face.

"Hell to the no! You mean you knew he was going to do it?"

"Well kind of, I thought he would. He promised me though!"

"What's going on Kurt?"

Kurt took a very, very deep breath in. He'd promised not to say anything to anyone about this, for his own sake more than Sam's. "Sam, kissed me the other day."

Mercedes sat. Staring at her best friend with her eyes expanding more every millisecond.

"'Cedes? Mercedes?" Kurt was almost shouting at her.


"He kissed me, I never asked him to or anything! He just sort of came at me, then told me he liked me."

"Is this why he broke up with me?" Kurt just shrugged his shoulders. Mercedes sat back in her seat, folding her arms across her chest. "Well now I'm kinda glad Blaine punched him!"

"Is Blaine hurt?"

"I don't think so. I didn't see it, Puck told me."

"Ah." Kurt thought to himself for a moment. Should I get on to him about this, or?

"You're going to argue again aren't you?"

"What? Who?"

"You and Blaine."


"Kurt, if Sam actually did that to you, I don't think I really blame Blaine for what he did."

"I know, but I think something else has happened to you know. Like last night we were watching a movie and he was really quiet. Yes I feel asleep, but he left without even saying goodbye. And he seemed stressed all the time."

"We have a lot on at school Kurt, I know you don't have that problem at the moment but it's too much for the majority of us to handle, let alone Blaine who's got you too sweetie."

Kurt hated the fact that his friends knew more about his boyfriend's life at the moment then he did.

"Yeah. I suppose." Kurt was disappointed, but it didn't take a lot at the moment. He was lonely, and felt alone most of the time. Not to mention the fact that he was still having constant nightmares about being ran over again.


Blaine arrive at the hospital as Mercedes was leaving, she was getting the bus home. "How's it going 'Cedes?" Blaine asked seeing her walking out of the hospital doors.

"Alright. Where were you at lunch? Noah text me telling me you never showed for track?"

"I was in the choir room with Quinn." He said a little too confidently, before changing his tone. "Urm, I was just playing my song to her for this week's project."

"Whatever." Mercedes almost shrugged him off and carried on her walk to the bus stop.

"Hey Kurt." Blaine walked in with a large smile across his face, dropping his bag to the floor he went to kiss his boyfriend. The action was not reciprocated, which only resulted in Blaine drawing away prematurely. "What's wrong?" He perched on the side of Kurt's bed, trying to ignore the disappointment on his face and the arms crossed over his painful chest.

"You attacked Sam?" The younger boy questioned simply.

Blaine looked to his hands which were intertwining each other. "Maybe."

"No, you did Blaine! I told you not to touch him!"

"How could I help it? He was being so casual!"

"Because I wasn't meant to tell you that he kissed me! Blaine, there was no excuse for what you did to him today!"

"Yes there was Kurt!" Blaine stood from the bed, his voice was rising slightly. Something that he was not meaning to do. "He kissed you! It was out of order!"

"Yes. It was Blaine. But he kissed me. Not you. Not anyone else. Me. This is my problem to sort out not yours!"

"What are you going to do about it when you're stuck in here?"

"Nothing, and that's what I intended to do with the situation! Blaine, he's been through so much! He had to move school, then he lost everything! His house, possessions! Then he has to go through this! Blaine he's had enough to deal with!"

"Yeah so did you when Karofsky was shoving you in to lockers at all time of the day, but that didn't give you the excuse to go around kissing random people!"

"Blaine, listen to yourself! Why are you bringing my past in to this. You weren't even around when this was going on! If you didn't know already, Sam took the first blow for me. He stood up to Karofsky for me!"

"You're making excuses for him!"

"No I'm not! Blaine you're getting angry! I think you need to calm down a little!"

"No I don't think I fucking do Kurt!" Blaine was shouting now, Kurt knew it wasn't a good thing in a hospital for Blaine to be shouting. Especially when Kurt felt so ill.

"Blaine, something's happened! Something you're really not telling me! You never act like this! Something is stressing you out!"

"I just can't at the moment Kurt!"

"But if you are going to California in June and I'm going to New York. We won't be together. At least not all the time. You're going to have to get used to me kissing other people Blaine!"

"Not when we're in a committed relationship Kurt!"

"As I said, I didn't kiss him. He kissed me. And I said again, there's something else going on!" Kurt leaned forward in to the argument, causing him to place his hand on his waist where the crashing pain was. Blaine ignored Kurt's cries of pain. He was far to annoyed, but it was true. He had changed.

"Kurt, I just can't. I don't know what to think at the moment. I'm stressed and I just, I just can't! I'm done." Blaine went to pick his bag up, knowing his anger was getting the better of him.

"Done with what Blaine? This or us?" Kurt asked almost sarcastically, but nothing could prepare him for the answer he was going to get back.

"I don't know yet."

Blaine slammed the door shut to Kurt's room; he placed a hand lightly over his mouth and let his eye's fill with tears because really what was stopping them falling? No-one was around to see it, so he may as well just cry.


Did I really just do that? Blaine questioned himself slamming the door to his car shut and banging his head against the steering wheel. I actually just argued with my sick boyfriend in hospital, what the fuck is wrong with me? He took out his phone from his pocket, knowing that Burt and Carole wouldn't be expecting him home for another hour at least. Searching his contact he came across David's.


"Hey David." Blaine wasn't happy; he kind of even said it in a pitiful way.

"The gay one is not happy!" He heard David speaking to Wes in the background.

"Stop it David!"

"What's wrong? Trouble in paradise?"

"You can't even imagine. Anyway I was wondering if I can come up to Dalton on Saturday?"

"Yeah, sure. Why?"

"I just need a break, and Burt's kind of forcing me to see you guys. Say's I need a break. But I will have to explain it all when I get there."

"God, stuff has been going on!" Wes took the phone from David.

"Yes Wes, it has. So just, yeah I can come?"

"Sure. We will be waiting to welcome you home."

"Shut up guys!"

"Fine, we refuse to carry on this conversation with the mood you're in. Call us when you're near on Saturday. Bye Blaine."


Blaine slumped back down in his seat and threw the phone on the passenger's seat. Taking a deep breath he started the car and sped out of the car park, passing Mercedes who was still waiting for a bus.


The Hummel-Hudson Household

"That was fast." Carole enquired hearing the door slam shut to their home. She walked in to the lounge with a towel in her hand to see Blaine sat with tear stained cheeks. About half way home it had hit him what he had actually done and he couldn't hold in the tears any longer. "What's wrong hon?" The mother figure walked over to Blaine and sat beside him on the couch. Wrapping an arm around him she pulled him closer as he sobbed on to her shoulder.

"I'm an i-idiot." Blaine wept.

"Is this about what happened with Sam?" His whole body went stiff. They weren't supposed to know about Sam. He thought before looking Carole straight in the eyes.

"How'd you know about Sam?"

"The school called us hon. We're down as your emergency contacts." She moved a curl from his forehead that had broken free.

"God." Blaine sighed angrily and slid down further in to the couch. "It's not even that." He placed his hands over his face, probably to hide the shame about what he was about to say.

"What sweetie?"

"I argued with Kurt."

"Just now?" Carole seemed to be quite shocked by Blaine's behaviour.

"Yes!" Blaine was feeling guiltier than ever at the moment. "I just left him there! We argued about the Sam thing, and then I just left him. God I feel terrible!" This was obviously perfect time for Finn to walk in to the situation.

"What's going on?"

"Me and Kurt argued."

"What? You just left my sick brother there on his own? Are you crazy?" Finn started to tap the back of Blaine's head lightly.

"Finn you are not helping! Just take my keys." Carole fished around in her bag for her car keys and threw them to her son. "Go and see Kurt, he needs someone right now."

"Fine." Finn sighed and headed straight out to the car. No matter what anyone said, he really did care about Kurt a lot.

"Burt told me about your fight with Sam." Carole was relatively calm in this situation, was this what having a real mother felt like? Blaine wondered as she spoke to him softly. "What's happening Blaine? You're a good kid!"

"I don't know. I'm just getting stressed and worked up. Sam just wound me up." Blaine felt that even in this situation it wasn't right to tell Kurt's parents about Sam kissing Kurt that would be down to Kurt to do. "And then Kurt got on at me about Sam and I just flipped."

"I understand honey." Carole rubbed the top of Blaine's back lightly to calm him down. His cheeks were still red and swollen as were his eyes.

"Oh god!" Blaine's face changed, it was a face of horror.

"What's wrong?"

"I think I may have told Kurt I was breaking up with him. I'm not sure though!" Blaine recovered his face with the horror of it all. Maybe things were getting on top of him more than he ever thought.

"Oh Blaine!" Carole was disappointed, it was obvious. "I really think you should go and just relax for the rest of the night. I'm not condoning this behaviour! Not at all. You couldn't have hit Sam and Kurt is still my son. But if you relax and have a sleep, your head might clear a little."

Blaine took a moment to think his options through; resulting yes it probably was the best option.

"Thank you." Blaine leant on her shoulder, just to show that he wasn't all bad. After all she had the capability to kick him out straight away.

"It's fine hon. Just go get some rest, okay?" Blaine stood up, grabbed his bag and phone and continued to the stairs. Once he was at the top, he paused as he could hear voices from the lounge. It was Burt and Carole talking.

"You were way to light on him then."

"Burt, he is like our son now! I cannot treat him any differently to how we would treat Kurt or Finn!" Carole defended Blaine.

"But he's not our son. I'm not sure I can even trust him with Kurt."

"That boy has stood by Kurt through everything! He deserves every chance he gets. It's Kurt's choice if he stays in his life or not!"

Satisfied, Blaine continued to his bedroom where he flailed on to the bed as soon as he entered. Reaching for his phone in his pocket he typed Kurt's number in to a new text.

"I'm sorry x" Was all that was written before he threw it down next to him and closed his eyes.


Lima Hospital

Kurt was upset, that was understandable. But he was just plain confused when Finn turned up unannounced.

"Kurt?" Finn's strangely large head came around the door and looked at the small boy who still had tears running down his face.

"What are you doing here?" Half of what he was saying was hope.

"I didn't want you to be alone when you were upset."

"Blaine's been home then?"

"Yeah." Finn was now fully in Kurt's room, he looked to the ground. "I think he's sorry you know." At that moment Kurt picked up the phone his dad had bought him to replace the old one, Blaine. He thought looking at the screen. He opened the message that simply said he was sorry.

"I know." Kurt sighed wiping his tears on his hands. Finn was uncomfortable, he was never any good in these types of situations. He moved around to the chair and sat in it looking up at the screen.

"Are there any of those make over shows on you like?" he questioned grabbing the remote and flicking through the channels. Kurt just smiled a little at how nice his brother was being, Finn would never usually watch any type of show that Kurt watched.

Maybe he's not such a bad brother after all. Kurt thought watching Finn settle in his chair to watch another episode of America's Best Makeover.


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