You Move Me
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You Move Me: Everything's Out

E - Words: 7,067 - Last Updated: Aug 22, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 18/? - Created: Aug 05, 2011 - Updated: Aug 22, 2011
201 0 0 0 0

Chapter 16
Half an hour had pasted since Blaine felt the very much needed grip on his hand from his boyfriend. Burt and Finn had arrived after Carole called them to come to the hospital. Blaine was staring intently at Kurt, waiting for his eyes to open as he kept twitching. The nurse watched close by.
“Come on Kurt!” Blaine kept mumbling under his breath.
Kurt’s eyes flickered slightly; Blaine was standing beside his bed, holding his hand while the other busied itself in Kurt’s hair. His eyes flicked open again, but closed immediately. But to Blaine, he would have given anything just to see those sea blue eyes one more time. A wide grin spread across his face.
Kurt’s eyes kept moving lazily, opening and closing within a second. He started to squirm as if he was scared or extremely uncomfortable. However Blaine was still gripping Kurt’s hand, whispering in to his ear “It’s alright, Kurt. It’s okay.” Burt, Carole and Finn watched on hopefully.
After a few more minutes of Kurt struggling, his eyes lazily opened, slowly; revealing Blaine’s perfect but blurred hazel eyes and the chocolate brown curls drooped over his head. Blaine stared deep within Kurt’s eyes, willing them open. “Hey.” He whispered, stroking the younger boys arm as he tried hard to pull the mask off his face that the nurse had put there minutes before. “Calm down, it’s alright.” Blaine placed a hand over the mask, showing Kurt that it was safe to keep it on.
“B-Bla.” Soft mumbles were coming from Kurt’s lips.
“Shh, yes.” Blaine whispered, Kurt’s eyes were opening wider and wider by the second. His vision was blurred and he didn’t know where he was, but Blaine was with him. That’s all he needed to know.
“Hey kid.” Burt gruffly fought back a tear from a few steps away.
“W-wha?” Lazily words tumbled from Kurt’s mouth. The nurse stepped in, taking the mask off his face.
“You were ran over Kurt. Pretty badly too I should say!” The small black woman placed the mask on a hook at the side of the bed. “If he need’s it again then it’s just there. Give it to him then call for a nurse.” She walked to the door of the ward which Kurt was alone on. “I’ll leave you alone for a while, I’ll tell the doctor he’s come round.”
Everyone nodded except for Kurt who couldn’t really find the strength in him to do anything but grip Blaine’s hand.
“You gave us quite a scare there kid.” Burt added, walking closer to his son once Blaine had sat down.
“You were ran over in the parking lot at Sheets and Things. You’ve had it pretty rough kid.” Kurt tried to move a little, turn over to get more comfortable. A ping of pain ran straight though his whole body. Causing him to squeal out in pain. That very sound that broke Blaine’s heart. Now that Kurt was awake, he would know exactly what he was feeling all the time and he couldn’t deal with Kurt being in pain.
“Shh, it’s alright baby. You had surgery. That’s what’s hurting you so much.” Blaine tried to calm him down by stroking his arm. “Just, don’t move around so much!” He joked, but really there were tears forming in his eyes.
“Dude, everyone’s been to see you! Even those Warbler guys came up last week.” Finn informed him, taking a step closer to his bed. Kurt let out a small whimper, something none picked up on but Blaine.
“Sleep.” Kurt managed to mumble, his eyes were beginning to close again.
“Yes, of course.” Blaine said running his hands through Kurt’s messy hair.
McKinley High, after school.
“I think a few of us should go and see Kurt, you know. See what’s going on.” Rachel suggested as the New Directions walked out of practice together.
“I agree.” Mercedes said interlocking her hand with Sam’s. “Well who can go for a start?”
“We can’t, Ms Sylvester’s working us like dogs this semester.” Santana spoke up for Brittany and Quinn.
“I have football practice.” Mike announced. Puck would have usually been annoyed by a comment like this because of his recent grades which resulted in him being kicked off the football team.
“I can go.” Puck said.
“Me and Sam can go to, we can all go in your car, right?”
“Okay, so me, Mercedes, Puck and Sam will go this afternoon to see what’s happening. We’ll call you guys.” Rachel cleared everything up and everyone went their separate ways except the four who were going to the hospital.
“Do you think he’ll be doing any better?”
“I really don’t know Mercedes.”
“Hey! Schuster’s kids!” The shrill shriek of Ms Sue’s voice echoed down the corridor to the pupils at the end. They all turned on their heels to face her. “Are you kids going to see Porcelain?”
“Yes Ms Slyvester.”
“Is he doing any better?” There sounded like some genuine concern hidden deep within her voice.
“We don’t know yet, he’s awake apparently.” Mercedes explained, taking her hand away from Sam’s, knowing any form of public affection could tip Ms Slyvester over the edge.
“Well give him my best wishes. Hobbit and Frankenteen too.” She turned sharply and stormed back to her office. Of a matter of fact, she has been a lot nicer to Kurt and Finn after her sister funeral. With everything they did for her, she was truly grateful.
“What was that about?” Rachel questioned sceptically.
“I don’t know, but whatever happened, let’s go before she come back!” The teenagers jogged to the exit and then to Sam’s car.
Dalton Academy, 4pm.
“Babe! Kurt’s awake!” Jeff exclaimed slamming his text book shut with the arrival of Nick in the dorm room.
“What?” He dropped his leather bag to the ground with excitement and jumped on Jeff’s bed to join him.
“Yeah! Blaine text me about half an hour ago! He’s awake.”
“God that really is amazing! I can’t believe it! Finally. I was getting a little worr-“
“Don’t even talk like that! We all knew Kurt was going to be just fine.”
“I know, and I know we never get to see him. But he was an amazing Warbler and is a great friend.”
“I know that Nick.” Jeff took hold of the smaller boys hands. “But he’s fine. There’s nothing to worry about now.” Nick shrugged off his comments, but Jeff just giggled.
“There is nothing to laugh about Jeff! Kurt’s still seriously hurt!”
“I know.” Jeff placed his hand under Nick’s chin, making him look in to his eyes. “But you’re just too cute when you’re worried.” He planted a soft kiss to Nick’s lips. Which in turn was deepened by Nick.
They separated, Nick’s hands still cupping Jeff’s face. “I love you.” He said a little breathlessly.
“I love you too.”
“I really don’t know what I would ever do if something like that, you know. Like Blaine.”
“I know. Trust me I know. It’s all I’ve thought about to.”
“It always happens to the best people though Jeff!”
“I know it does. Life’s really unfair like that darling. Nothing like that will ever happen to me though. I promise you.” There was a comfortable silence in the room. Jeff moved around some books on his bed so they could get more comfortable. “Now, help me with my French homework!” He patted the side of his bed and Nick placed an arm around the taller blonde. He pulled a text book up to him and started reading though it.
“When can I go home?” Kurt groggily asked, looking between Blaine and Carole.
“Not for a while yet hon, you just woke up! Be thankful for this time you get to rest!” Carole walked over, kissing him on the head.
It was getting late, about 9:30pm and some of the New Directions were in the canteen getting something to eat. Kurt had woken from his sleep about an hour ago. Blaine knew he had to leave soon, he knew he had to get a decent night sleep for his day back tomorrow, but he really couldn’t drag himself away from the hospital.
“Right, I’m going to head home hon. Blaine I expect you home by 11!”
“I’ll try.”
“No, you will Blaine! As long as you’re living under the Hummel-Hudson roof you are a Hummel-Hudson! You do as we say!” She playfully ruffled his loose curls.
“Fine.” He sighed. Carole said her goodbye’s and left Kurt and Blaine alone, Kurt was still very tired, and not really speaking. He was in a lot of pain and pretty jumpy at most things. All Blaine wanted to do was wrap his arms around him and snuggle together, something nearly impossible with the amount of pain Kurt was in.
A single tear rolled down Kurt’s cheek.
Blaine noticed it, stood up and wiped it away with the back of his thumb, trying to avoid the bruises still on his face.
“Hey! Baby, what’s wrong?”
“I don’t even know. I just don’t want to be alone I guess.”
“You’re not alone! I’m here, I’ll always be here.”
“But you have to go tonight.”
“I know.” Blaine looked down, not really knowing what to say. “As soon as school ends tomorrow I’m coming straight back here! I promise!” It was Kurt’s turn to look down and nothing more was really said. A few minutes later Burt came in, he had been talking to Finn in the canteen. Blaine guessed Carole had told him they were leaving.
“Hey kid.”
Kurt just nodded the best he could towards the door, speaking hurt too much.
“We’re leaving now, I just wanted to say goodnight.” He paused for a moment, looking at Blaine. “Can you give us a minute, Blaine?”
“Yeah sure!” Blaine got up and walked out of the room, leaving them to their conversation.
“Kid,” Burt started. “I just want you to know. Blaine really cares about you, you know that right?” Kurt nodded. “I mean, he’s only been home a couple of times since you came in. He’s slept in that chair every night.”
“Really?” Kurt was genuinely surprised; Blaine had told him that he hadn’t left his bedside like he promised. But Kurt didn’t think he was literal. After their arguments about New York, Kurt was still sceptical. Forever wondering if Blaine really loved him as much as he said. In that hour he had been awake, he could see Blaine really cared. But how much?
“Seriously kid. Just don’t go messing him about. Alright?” Kurt nodded again. “He really does care about you. I know there’s all this business between you two and New York. Just forget about it Kurt. I’m sure you’ll still have each other no matter where you are. Right, I’m going to be heading home now. I’ll be by tomorrow.” Burt left the room awkwardly, leaving Kurt to his own thoughts.
Blaine re-entered, sitting back at Kurt’s bedside. “What was that about?”
“Where you really here all this time?”
“What do you mean?”
“My dad said.” Kurt had to take a moment to stop and swallow. “You were here, all the time.”
“Of course I was!”
“Does this mean, we’re okay then?”
“What? Kurt we’ve always been okay! Is this about the stupid New York thing again? All the argument’s Kurt, they meant nothing! If this stupid accident has proven anything to me, it’s the fact that I really love you. And only you Kurt. If we have to have a long distance relationship, then we’ll just have to deal with that! All I know is I can’t stand being without you!” Blaine took his hand and squeezed it tight; they looked deep in to each other’s eyes.
The moment was ruined by a number of friend’s coming in to the room; Puck was the first to speak.
“We’re not, interrupting anything are we?”
“No! No.” Blaine smiled taking his hand away from Kurt’s. Rachel, Mercedes, Puck and Finn came to take seats around the bed.
“So, how are you doing Kurt?” Rachel questioned.
“Okay.” He looked at her with his best ‘bitch please’ look. It didn’t take him long to get back to his usual self again.
“Something really weird happened today Kurt!” Mercedes said, remembering the Sue Sylvester events leaving school. “We were leaving school, and Ms Sylvester stopped us to, well give her regards to you and Blaine.”
“What?” Kurt tried to laugh but it just resulted in him squealing in pain.
“I figured it must have been because you did that funeral thing for her.” Puck said.
“Or maybe because he and Mercedes were Cheerio’s.” Kurt glared at Rachel as soon as she spoke, hoping the day would never come when Blaine found out Kurt used to be a Cheerio.
Blaine spat out, giggling he said, “Oh-oh-god Kurt! A Cheerio-Really?”
“Stop it!” He growled, folding his arms lightly across his chest.
“Does this mean he doesn’t know about the football team either?” Finn pointed out, but Kurt’s eyes just grew larger and larger at the embarrassment of it all.
“The-the football team?” Blaine continued to laugh a little. “But you hate football!”
“I had to alright.” He muttered.
“He was good though! Only play who scored on the team!” Puck pointed out.
“Oh really? Well I’m proud of you. But are there any remaining pictures of you in a Cheerio’s uniform?” Blaine continued to laugh.
“No, he made mom and dad burn them all when he quit.”
“I still have some!” Mercedes pointed out, leaving Kurt’s eyes to get even wider. “It’s okay Blaine, I’ll bring them in to school tomorrow!” She whispered giggling.
Another few minutes past while they were all discussing National’s and what songs had been chosen so far, Blaine and Kurt were shocked to hear Mr Schue was considering the duet to be them, instead of the usual Finn and Rachel; that was of course if Kurt had made a recovery by then.
“I think we’d better leave now.” Mercedes sighed, getting up followed by Rachel and Puck.
“Do you want me to take you home bro?” Puck asked Finn, knowing his car had been taken away from him after he hit a cat the other week, you could say driving was not his strong point.
“Can I catch a ride with you Blaine?”
“Yeah sure, I’m not leaving until like 11 though.”
“That’s cool.” Finn agreed and relaxed back in to his chair.
“Bye Kurt, we love you.” Rachel said leaving.
“Yeah, I love you white boy!” With that the three New Direction’s left leaving Blaine, Kurt and Finn alone.
“Blaine, I think we’d better leave now.” Finn pointed out for the sixtieth time in the last three minutes. Blaine was just finding it difficult to say goodbye to Kurt, knowing no-one would be here for him over night.
“Alright already!” Blaine threw the tall boy his keys. “Get in the car; I’ll be down in a minute!” Finn said a quick good night and left abruptly.
“I don’t want you leave.” Blaine’s eyes were filling with tears slowly, much like Kurt’s.
“I know you have to.”
“I really don’t want to though! It doesn’t seem right, I’ve been here every night and the first night you’re awake I have to go.” He took Kurt’s hand within his own.
“You have school, I understand.”
“I love you. You know that right? If I could I would drop out and stay with you here, but I know that isn’t a valid option.”
“Someone has to keep Rachel’s ideas in order in glee club.” Kurt smirked, but his eyes were beginning to close.
“I suppose your right, rest my love.” He ran his hands through Kurt’s hair, soothing him to sleep. “I love you, I promise I’ll be back as soon as I can tomorrow!” Kurt just mumbled back as he was falling asleep. Blaine managed to tear himself away; he stood at the door for a moment, looking back at Kurt who had already managed to fall asleep. He’ll be fine, I know it. Blaine tried to reassure himself. But it really wasn’t working. “Good night my love.” He whispered leaving the ward.
11pm The Jones’ Household.
“Sam, you better have a good reason for calling me at 11 at night boy!” Mercedes complained picking up her phone from the bedside table. She was asleep and she didn’t appreciate even her boyfriend waking her up.
“I do, I need to talk to you.”
“If this is anything to do with either, football, Glee club or your abs, it can wait until tomorrow.”
“No, it’s none of those. I just need to talk to you.” Sam hadn’t spoken to his girlfriend since he left the hospital abruptly earlier that night, saying he had somewhere to be.
“What’s wrong Sam?” Mercedes sat up in bed, a little more alert now he sounded more serious.
“Mercedes, you a really sweet girl. I love you, you know that.” He paused and took a deep breath. “But I don’t think I’m in love with you.”
“Can we just be friends? I preferred being your friend, and I don’t want this to mess up our friendship.”
“Oh, well-huh?”
“Please, ‘Cedes.” Sam pleaded but the girl just hung up the phone and turned it off.
Honestly, she thought her and Sam were happy, good together even. Why would he want to break things off now, they’d been together for months, things had never been better actually. I bet there’s another girl. She thought. As she lay back down in bed and let a tear fall from her filled up eyes, the only thing she could think to do was call Kurt. Something she clearly couldn’t do. Her best friend was lay in a hospital bed, she couldn’t burden him with her problems just a day after he’d woken up.
She had to settle with the fact her grieving may have to wait until tomorrow when she could get hold of Puck and Tina, she sunk further in to her pillow, realizing she wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight. But she closed her eyes anyway, praying that tonight never happened.
The Evan’s Household.
Sam lay in bed, half regretting what just happened, and half thinking he did the right thing. His feeling were all over the place at the moment, he rolled on to his side, looking at the picture he had framed of him and his ex girlfriend on his bedside table.
I can’t lead her on. Yes! That’s why I broke it off. I really do love her. More than I ever loved Quinn or Santana, but I love her like a best friend. But I really love someone else more.
He sighed deeply, thinking again.
I did the right thing right?
He reached his hand out to the picture, looking at it one more time, he placed it in the draw next to him.
It was midnight and Blaine had eaten, taken a shower and got in to bed, the scarily empty double bed. He was on his own, and he didn’t like it. For half an hour he tossed and turned, trying to get comfortable, but the only time he’d ever slept in this bed was when his arms were wrapped around Kurt, where they belonged. But his mind only drifted back to the fact Kurt was lay in the hospital bed, on his own.
After another fifteen minutes of trying to get comfortable and get some form of sleep, he’d had enough and realized he wouldn’t be able to; no matter how hard he tried. He slid out of bed quietly and went to the couch where his clothes were hung over it. A pair of jeans, a tee and a hoodie. He put them on quickly and pulled on his converse. Grabbing a bag, placing his school books in, a comb and a change of t-shirt, he flung it over his shoulder and opened the bedroom door quietly.
Finn was asleep, he could hear that from the very heavy breathing coming from his room, as for Burt and Carole, he didn’t know. However, Blaine was determined and crept down the stairs, avoiding the left side of the third step from the bottom that creaked whenever you stepped on it.
Reaching the front door he felt a sense of accomplishment, grabbing his car keys and a set of house keys from the table next to the door, he unlocked it and bolted towards the car, making sure he wasn’t seen or heard by any of his adopted family. He relaxed in the driver’s seat looking back at the house. All lights were off, he was not heard. If Carole or Burt would have caught him at this time of night on a school night out, boyfriend in hospital or not, he would have been punished.
The fact that Burt and Carole both had late shifts starting on the Tuesday morning meant Blaine could lie and say he just went to school slightly earlier and no-one would know where he’d really been all night. Starting the engine he speeded down the street, not having to bother with the roads being busy.
“Of course Mr Anderson.” Jenny, the receptionist at the hospital agreed to Blaine going up to Kurt’s room and spending the night up there. “Would you like a bed setting up?”
“No thanks, I’ll just stay in the chair.”
“If you’re sure, just head straight up.” She smiled, a little too brightly for almost one in the morning. Blaine made his way up to Kurt’s room, he knew for a fact Kurt would be a sleep and would remain so until he went to school the next day. But it put Blaine’s mind at rest that he could just be there.
He stood outside of Kurt’s room, looking in through the window, he wasn’t very peaceful. No-one was checking on Kurt, which made Blaine relieved at least he was there to help Kurt if he needed anything. He began to squirm more on the bed and Blaine could hear his faint whines from outside the room; his turn to step in. Rushing over to Kurt’s bed, he placed a hand in the younger boys and the other running his hand through his hair to calm him down. “Shh.” He whispered, trying to get Kurt to stop squirming, it must have hurt him to move around so much. “Shh, Kurt. It’s okay.” His voice was soothing enough to make Kurt stop moving and his eyes shot open wildly. It was dark in the room, but the light from the machine’s behind him made Blaine aware that there was a panicked look upon his face and tears in his eyes, a few of them slid down his perfect cheeks.
“Hey, baby what’s wrong?”
“I-I, I had a b-bad dream.” He whimpered, Blaine wiped the tears away and kissed the top of Kurt’s head softly.
“Aww honey. It’s alright. I’m here now.” He smiled, taking a seat, dumping his bag down in the corner.
“What are you doing here?”
“I couldn’t sleep; I would sleep more if I’m here with you. I can’t sleep in that big bed without you.” Kurt just grinned a little. There was a comfortable silence.
“I’m tired.”
“It is 1am! Get some sleep baby. I’ll be here when you wake up, that is if you wake up before I have to head to school.”
“Mhmm.” Kurt took up a more comfortable position again; probably not comfortable but the best he could do with a throbbing pain in his side constantly. “Blaine?”
“I won’t get hit again will I?”
“What? Of course not! No!”
“That was what happened in my dream; I kept getting hit, and hit and hit over and over.” A panicked look spread across his face again, only that face could be fixed by Blaine.
He took a hand and ran his fingers along the white skin on Kurt’s arm, looking right in to his blue eyes. “I won’t let anything happen to you again, okay? That’s a promise!”
“And a promise is a promise.” Kurt smiled gesturing to the ring he was still wearing. He treated it like a wedding ring, it never left his finger.
“That’s right.” Blaine smiled softly, standing up, he looking down at Kurt. “Get some sleep. You must be tired, I’ll be right here if you need me.” He leant down and pressed a soft kiss to Kurt’s lips, something he’d waited to do for almost two weeks, he missed the mint taste, the unique feel of Kurt’s lips, just everything about it felt right, it was literally the only place he felt safe, and the thought of never having that again over the past few weeks terrified Blaine to his very core. “I love you.”
He took a seat again, not letting go of Kurt’s hand on his request. “I love you too.”
Things were mildly normal again. They could go back to saying their ‘I love yous’ before bed again, the kisses they shared. It may not be normal, but it was close enough for now.
The Puckerman Household.
Puck awoke early that morning to a knocking on his door. It was already half 6 in the morning and he had to be up for school, but his mother was never usually up at this time.
“What?” He groggily shouted, watching the handle turn downwards and his mother step in to his room.
“This came for you this morning Noah.” She handed him an A4 sized brown envelope. It was early for post, but it had no stamp, meaning it was obviously put through the door at some point during the night. He took the package from his mother and looked at the front once his eyes had un blurred themselves.
Miss Fabray and Mr Puckerman
Was written across the front in italics. The only time a letter ever had his and Quinn’s name on it was when it was from Shelby. She was ordered to only send updates to Puck’s house, due to Quinn’s parent’s still being upset with her about the whole teenage pregnancy debacle.
Puck felt something in his stomach that he hadn’t felt for 6 months, the updates didn’t come often and there was no telling when they would come. But they all gave Puck the same reaction. A knot formed in his stomach, twisting which just made him feel even more ill.
The regret got to him every single update. He knew that it was Quinn’s choice what she did with Beth, and he knew they both couldn’t have done it on their own at 16, but part of him majorly regretted giving her to Shelby. Because he would have been a good dad. No matter what anyone else said, he loved his daughter.
Mrs Puckerman slipped out of the room, leaving her son to his own thoughts. Puck reached over to get his cell from the table nearby, looking at the screen he already had a text. Opening it he saw it was from Mercedes, received at 4:16am.
“Sam’s dumped me:’(“
He read it, feeling his stomach twist more. No-one ever hurt Mercedes, not even one of his best friends. She had been there for Puck, convinced him not to tell everyone he was Beth’s father, helped him deal with losing her. She even helped him after his second spell in juvie; not that either of them would ever admit to it. He figured his main priority was to tell Quinn first, then sort out Mercedes. He punched in Quinn’s number, took a deep breath and pressed the call button.
“Yeah it’s me, sorry it’s early.”
“No, its fine. I’ve been up for half an hour. What’s up?”
If Puck was true to himself, even thought Lauren and him had tried the whole dating thing and had mutually chosen to end the relationship a few weeks ago, he had always had feelings for Quinn. No matter how many times he had mindless sex with, well almost every girl in school, there was something about Quinn that made him crazy. He loved her. The only girl he’d ever loved was Quinn.
“I’ve-Well, I got a letter this morning.”
“What? Like from Shelby?”
“Looks like it. Do you wanna maybe come by before school and we can open it together?” Something they always did when they received a new letter. “I could take you to school in my car then.”
“Yeah sure! I’ll be round in 45 minutes!” She hung up the phone without saying goodbye.
“Good morning Puck!” Quinn chirped walking in to the Puckerman household. After living there for a considerable few months, she was allowed to walk in as she pleased.
“Hey.” He said awkwardly, watching her walk up to the kitchen counter and sit down.
“So, where is it?” She excitedly asked looking around.
“Here.” He handed her the letter and sat down opposite her.
“Yeah, you might as well open it.” He smiled. Quinn took a deep breath, edging the corner open before stopping.
“Erm, can we do this in your bedroom maybe?”
“Yeah, but why?”
“I kind of want to talk to you.” Puck stood and walked to the door, making his way up the stairs. They sat on his bed, knee’s touching before Quinn pulled her legs on to the bed and under her.
“What did you want to talk about?”
“Puck, I really like the person you’ve become. I said that I wanted someone to love me. You said that you always would love me. We’ve got a connection Noah.” She put her hand around his. “No-one else will have it. I’m just trying to say, that. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad giving us another try?”
Puck sat, not really knowing what to say. He knew he felt the complete same way about Quinn, but even though he had become a much better person over the past year, he still had to maintain his badassness. Something that completely melted away when Quinn was around. “Puck? Noah?”
“Quinn, I do love you.”
“Okay.” She smiled, hoping for the best.
“I’ve wanted to give us another try for a while, I mean. I know I’ve changed. But if it gets to June, we might never be able to. Not with you going to college and me taking a scholarship in Cincinnati with Finn.”
“That’s why we need to try it now Puck. It’s always been you, never Finn or Sam. You.”
“That’s exactly what I think.” Puck pulled her closer using his extremely strong arm and wrapped it around her shoulder. She placed her head on his chest and grabbed the envelope from the bed.
“Are you ready?”
“Yeah.” He replied, leaving Quinn to rip the top of the envelope clean off. She took out a letter that was inside.
Noah and Quinn.
I’m very sorry that this letter has taken me a while to get out to you. I’ve been working closely with Vocal Adrenaline again, me and Jesse are working together to coach the new kids. I am only guessing that you two haven’t seen much of him?
Well, I’ve been trying to get an update to you for a month or two. Beth is enjoying life with me on the road. She’s growing well and I am spoiling her I think Quinn would be glad to hear. She’s not had any problems at all. She’s a pleasure to call my daughter. Beth laughs at anything. She’s got your eyes Quinn, but everything else is completely Puck! I’ve been taking plenty of pictures of her (many are enclosed) and I’ve been in the process of making a scrap book for her so when she’s older she can see where she’s been with me. I really hope you two will be able to be involved with this; I want her to know who her parents are.
I will be in town in the next few months a few times, working. I was wondering if you wanted to meet sometime, and you could spend some time with Beth. I’m sure she will be delighted to see you. I don’t want to keep you to from seeing her at all. I’ll give you a call when I know I’m defiantly in town.
Please enjoy the pictures I enclosed and I hope you are both well. There’s nothing to worry about, she’s healthy and happy. I promise.
Love, Shelby and Beth x
Puck looked at Quinn once he’d finished reading. “You okay babe?”
She looked at him, tears filling in her eyes and a few falling down her cheeks. “What’s wrong? She’s happy babe, we did the right thing.”
“I know we did. I’m happy.” She smiled putting her head back on Noah’s chest. He took the envelope from her and reached inside, pulling out a pile of photos.
They looked through them, commenting that Beth really did have Quinn’s exact eyes, and the fact that her face shape and nose was exactly like Puck’s. Something Shelby hadn’t mentioned was that her hair was golden blonde, the exact same shade as Quinn’s.
“I love you Quinn, I’ve always loved you.”
“I love you too.” She reached up and placed a kiss on his lips. Something she hadn’t done since the night at the hospital when she had had Beth. Puck pulled her close again, giving her another reassuring hug.
Lima Hospital.
“Oh shit!” Blaine woke up at quarter to eight that morning. His first class was in half an hour and no way would he make it to school. He stood up quickly, grabbing his bag from the floor and ran to the bathrooms to change his shirt.
Looking in the mirror he took in the tired person in front of him. Bags under his eyes, unshaven and, Oh god, no gel, he thought reaching up to touch the curls that sprung in all directions. It would have to do. He pulled his shirt off, replacing it with a pale blue polo shirt. Picking his bag back up he ran back to Kurt’s room. He saw him awake in his room.
“I thought you’d left without saying goodbye.” He pouted, Kurt looked tired. Blaine could tell, at least he would have little distractions while Blaine was at school all day; he had a full day to sleep.
“I would never do that! Who do you think I am?” He smiled walking up to the bed and bent down to kiss him. “I love you; I’ll be back straight after school! I promise.”
“Okay, see you then.” Kurt reached out for Blaine’s hand, pulling him down for one more kiss before he left.
“Get some rest! Bye baby.” Blaine ran out of the hospital, not having any time to pick up any form of food. Cafeteria food looked like it would have to do for breakfast.
Blaine pulled his car in to a parking space with seconds to spare before class. He caught sight of Mercedes walking in to the building and figured he would catch up with her seeing as she was in his first class that day.
“’Cedes! Hey wait up!” He shouted jogging towards her; it didn’t work as she didn’t turn around or wait for him. She’d heard him calling; she just didn’t want Blaine seeing her cry.
Blaine managed to catch up with her, pulling a hand on her arm to get her to stop. “Hey! I shouted a lot!” He panted after running across the car park. She turned around so he could see her red, puffy eyes. His face automatically dropped and pulled her in to a hug.
“God, what’s wrong?”
“S-Sam dumped me.” She sobbed in to his shoulder. It took a moment for the information to register in Blaine’s mind. They were fine yesterday, the perfect couple even. Things couldn’t have gotten this bad over night.
“Oh Mercedes! I’m sorry!” He kept an arm around her but lead her in to the building. “Right what happened?” He stopped outside her locker, knowing he could risk a few minutes chat before he really had to go.
“I don’t know. He just called me last night. Saying we shouldn’t be together anymore!” She had calmed down a little by now.
“Did he not even give a reason? Do you want me to talk to him?”
“No and no. Honestly it’s fine Blaine. I’ll get over him.” She wiped her eyes, showing the hard exterior she always put on, but she didn’t need to around her friends.
“Mercedes, it’s me. I know I haven’t known you that long, and you really didn’t like me when you first met me. But I would like to thing we are kinda friends.”
“We are Blaine, we are.” She smiled a little. “I’m sorry. I sometimes forget you’re not the enemy. C’mon, let’s get to class.” She linked his arm and they walked together to History. Finn’s in my first class. Blaine had the realization when he got close to the corridor. He didn’t know I was out last night, I have explaining to do!
It got to fourth period and Blaine’s cell phone bill was suffering with constant calls to the hospital. He was worried and stuck in school, what else could he do? Blaine had no free periods which meant no quick dashes to the hospital. Luckily though he found out through Finn that Burt and Carole had no clue that Blaine had disappeared during the night; which was a relief in itself.
So as fourth period started, Quinn realized she had Puck’s car keys and a free period which was followed by lunch, which was followed by glee club, then everyone would know they were a couple again. She was stood talking to Puck at his locker, eyeing up his car keys placed on the hook on the door.
“What?” He questioned looking at her mischievous face.
“Can I borrow the car?”
“What? What for?”
“Well, I really want to go and see Kurt. I’m sorry, but I want some time alone with him. I think I have some stuff to apologize for.”
“Like what?”
“You don’t need to know about that! So can I take your car or not? I’ll have it back by Glee.”
“Yeah, don’t like crash it or anything though.” He sighed passing her the keys. She went on to tiptoes and kissed him quickly before running off down the corridor.
“Thanks!” Quinn bellowed after her.
The free period used to be spent in Cheerio’s practice, but after she quit earlier in the year, the free periods seemed pointless now. She had come to the conclusion she didn’t want to be a part of a group that really didn’t care about her. Whereas Santana and Brit signed right up again.
Quinn pulled in to the hospital car park and walked up to the reception desk, checking that it was okay to go and see Kurt. After being given the room information she headed up the stairs towards his room.
“Kurt?” Quinn knocked cautiously at the door, seeing Kurt was sitting, watching some form of food channel, he looked tired. Maybe this was a bad idea if he was tired.
“Quinn?” He questioned back, looking at the door. His head still hurt too. The old bandage had been taken off and a smaller on had been put on before he awoke a few days previously. She smiled closing the door behind her and went to sit next to Kurt’s bed, asking if it was alright first.
“Yeah. What are you doing here?”
“I have a free period, then lunch. I thought I’d come and spend it with you. On my own for a bit.” She smiled.
“Oh, okay.” He half grinned back; he really didn’t have then energy to be his sarcastic self today.
“Well I did want to speak to you. I’ll just say it.” Today seemed to be a day of relief for many of the glee club. Stuff was getting done today! “I think I owe you an apology.”
“Well, we used to be friends Kurt. Like with the whole baby thing, you were really supportive, you helped me out a lot. After that, I felt like I really could trust you. You never called me a bitch or judged me like everyone else. And I ruined that. I swear I didn’t mean to get you and Blaine arguing.” She paused while Kurt opened his mouth to speak, but closed it again. “I know you’ve had a few arguments about me being friends with him, but I really didn’t mean to come in between you two. I love both you guys.”
“I just wanted to say sorry. I’m not really the greatest person to get along with at the best of times, but you’ve put up with me through everything. I owe you a lot Kurt, and treating you like really wasn’t a good thing to do. So yeah, I suppose I’m just sorry.”
“I was never annoyed with you for being friend with Blaine; he needs to be friends with all you because he can’t go home to Dalton every day. I just didn’t want you messing with him; I know about his past Quinn, I don’t want him upset anymore.”
“I understand. Can we just get back to how we were before?”
“Sure.” Kurt smiled a little at Quinn who was grinning senseless. “I’ve seen that look before Fabray! What’s happened?” Kurt turned down the TV so he could hear all the latest gossip clearly.
“Me and Puck are back together.” The smile that was stretched across her face got larger if that was even possible.
“Quick are back together?” He paused for a moment. “Interesting!”
“Well I’m not going to make this about me, how are you doing?”
“No don’t make this about me; I’m doing the same, no change. That’s not interesting! Spill! How’d you get back together?”
“Well, these came today.” She pulled a few pictures she’d stuffed in her bag out and passed them to Kurt. His mouth fell open when he saw the beautiful blonde child staring back at him.
“I take it this is Beth?”
“Of course!” Quinn giggled, watching him flick through the photos.
“Quinn, oh my god she’s so cute! Look she has...”
“My eyes, I know.” She continued to giggle at the fact she was finally getting to show off her daughter.
“Seriously Quinn, she’s gorgeous!”
“I know.” Kurt handed the photos back after having another look through them.
“You look really proud!”
“I am! Honestly. Me and Puck made her! She’s my daughter, I couldn’t be more proud!”
Kurt and Quinn sat catching up and having lunch for another hour and a half until Quinn had to make her way back to school. It really was like old times again, something they hadn’t really done since Blaine transferred. They weren’t going to go and blame Blaine for them losing touch so easily, but it helped he wasn’t around today when they were talking.


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