Aug. 22, 2011, 2:25 p.m.
Aug. 22, 2011, 2:25 p.m.
Blaine awoke the next morning to the soft whisper of his name. "Blaine, Blaine." It was close, a deep sounding voice. Before he opened his eyes he took a moment to remember where he was, what he was doing and what happened over night. He'd been awake through the night a few times. Some due to Carole calling to check on Kurt. Some due to the nurses coming to check Kurt over; no change. And sometimes he'd just sit there, staring at Kurt.
If he was honest with himself, that night he thought seriously if moving to California was a good idea. Now Kurt would need him, he obviously won't be making a speedy recovery any time soon. Maybe Blaine was being selfish for going to California, when now Kurt needed him more than ever. You never know, it might be nice living there. He thought many times that night. But the city noise, the crowds of people, and the constant buzz was never anything Blaine really wanted. He liked the calmness of California, the chilled atmosphere. He'd written many songs in California when he'd been there to visit family and friends in the last few years. Everything there seemed much easier. He wouldn't tell Kurt any of this obviously, but it was something to think about.
The smell of food was promising enough to make Blaine pry his tired eyes open. Revealing a white paper bag under his nose and a smiling Finn looking at him. "Wh-what?" Blaine wearily rubbed his eyes and looked at Finn. What's he doing here?
"Morning." He smiled handing Blaine the paper bag.
"Morning, what time is it?"
"Just past 7am, I came early, mom and dad had some stuff to do before they came, Louise is coming down too later." Finn sat in his chair and looked at his limp brother lying on the hospital bed.
"Finn, did you just say mom and dad?"
"Oh-uh yeah. I accidently called Burt dad yesterday, he said it was cool with him if I wanted to call him that. It's kind of nice you know a real family." Blaine just smiled.
"What's this?" he motioned to the bag now placed in hand.
"A bacon sandwich, you haven't eaten since yesterday lunch."
"Oh right, thanks." Blaine put it on the table in the corner, not really having the stomach to eat it at the moment. A silence fell over the room.
"So, has anything changed yet?"
"Nothing, the nurse kept coming in to check him last night. But nothing's changed. Have you had any sleep?"
"Not really, you look worn out. I take it you haven't either."
"Hardly any!"
Another awkward silence fell over the room and Finn waiting until he had finished his sandwich to speak this time. "I do love him you know." He said almost sadly, looking at Kurt on the bed. Bruises plastered all over his face, the bandage around his head. The mask he had to wear just to make sure he's breathing okay. Blaine just looked at Finn. Not really knowing what to say; so he let him carry on. "I know we've had a pretty bad time in the past. But he's my brother you know. I want to call us a proper family. I've never really had a proper family." Finn looked down, almost feeling a string of guilt run through him as he thought of Blaine's family.
"I know you do." Blaine stood and walked to Finn. Putting his arms around the taller boy he pulled him in to a hug, they'd never really hugged before. But it felt right. It felt like they should be doing it. For Kurt's sake. Blaine began to sob once again in to Finn's shirt. All Blaine seemed to do at the moment was cry. But this time, everything was getting on top of him.
Blaine pulled back and saw there were tears in Finn's eyes too. "I know you love him Finn; everyone can see you have a great relationship with him."
"I just want him to be okay you know. I don't know what I'd do without him." This was the first time Blaine had seen Finn cry properly. A real cry that was clearly painful.
"I don't know what any of us would do without him." Blaine tilted his head looking at Kurt again. He was literally one in a million. Over the years he'd gathered so many friends, his family members cherished him. Blaine couldn't understand what anyone would do without the sarcastic, witty, fashionable, frantic, perfect boy that lay in front of him.
"Blaine." Finn managed to say between sniffs.
"I'm glad your apart of the family." Apart of the family. It just played over and over again in Blaine's head. If he liked it or not, he was a Hummel-Hudson now. Maybe not officially by name, but by the blood running through his veins he would die swearing he was a Hummel-Hudson. The conversation was a little heavier than Blaine had expected for first thing in the morning, but it was welcome, because in those 20 minutes, he felt as though he'd learnt more about Finn than he had in the last year.
"Thank you." There was a brief pause where the boys pulled themselves together; the same thing was running through their mind. It was what Kurt would be saying if he saw them now. Oh sweet Gaga, pull yourselves together! Yes we're all a part of this dysfunctional family, deal with it. I don't know why you're crying over me this much now; I'm never appreciated when I'm around. It was Kurt.
"Have you told anyone yet?" Finn questioned.
"No, not yet. What about you?"
"No-one knows yet. Who do we need to call first do you think?" Blaine remembered that Quinn had text him last night, he may as well kill two bird with one stone and confront her about the kiss and tell her the news too.
"Rachel, she defiantly needs to be told. She'll want to come and see him, better get Mercedes too. She'll want to see him. What about Puck? The Dalton boys will need to be told. They'll want to head down straight away, they can stay at the house when they come can't they?"
"Oh yeah 'course! I'll give them my room."
"Well If I get on to Mercedes, the Warblers, Artie, Santana and Tina. Can you get on to Rachel, Puck and Sam? The rest of them will find out right?"
"Yeah they should find out, that kind of thing usually happens. When do you think I should call them?" Blaine looked at his watch; it was only 7:25am.
"Give it an hour, and then I'll get on to Mercedes."
"Okay, mom and dad should be here by then."
An hour had passed since Finn arrived at the hospital. They two boys basked in their budding relationship they had formed from this horrible event. At least they had Kurt to thank. Nothing had changed again in Kurt's condition, and Blaine was getting a little worried.
"Boys!" Carole cried practically running in to the ward.
"Carole!" Blaine stood from his seat to hug her.
"How's he doing?" Burt questioned.
"Not too bad, no change, but I asked the nurse and she said that was acceptable since it was less than 24 hours ago."
"Okay." Burt planted a firm hand on Blaine's shoulder as all the people in the room stood looking at Kurt.
"Do you want us to get off now, so you can have some time?" Blaine motioned to the door, he didn't really want to leave but Burt and Carole were his parents.
"No! The nurse said we can have 4 people in now because he's not declined at all."
Blaine went to sit back on his chair and Burt and Carole pulled up two more. "Oh god! My car!" Blaine jumped from his seat, remembering his BMW was still in the car park of Sheets and Things and he had no clue where his keys had gone.
"Dude, it's okay! I went this morning and took your car home. Someone handed the keys in to the main desk at the store yesterday." Blaine sighed with relief and sat back down; before jumping straight back up again.
"Do you think I should call Mercedes?"
"Yes hon! Do it now so she can come and see Kurt. Call Rachel while you're at it." Carole grabbed his hand, with a tear in her eye. That tear hadn't left since yesterday. "Thank you Blaine."
"For what?"
"For being here for Kurt, we don't know what we'd have done without you."
"Don't be stupid! It was me, insisting I stayed with Kurt. Your his parents!" Burt coughed and let himself in the conversation.
"But Blaine, when he wakes up I'm sure he'd much rather see your face then ours!" Blaine smiled for what seemed like the first time since the accident. He went in to the corridor and took out his phone, punching in Mercedes' number.
"Oh hey white boy! I've been trying to call Kurt, has he had his cell turned off?"
"Mercedes there's something you need to know."
"Yeah, kind of like why are you calling me and quarter past 8 in the morning?"
"Mercedes, Kurt's in the hospi-"
"What? Oh my god is he okay?"
"Well, yes and no. Yes he's alive! Thank Jesus. No, he's unconscious, he's got a pretty bad head injury, he's had surgery to fix some internal bleeding and a punctured lung."
"Can he have visitors? Can I come now?"
"Yeah sure, Burt, Carole and Finn are here now, but we thought I should tell you."
"Right, I'm coming right now!" Mercedes hung up the phone before Blaine got the chance to say goodbye, as it looked like Finn wasn't going to call Rachel any time soon, he felt it right to tell her now. He punched her number in next and dealt with the phone call.
"Blaine?" Her tired voice echoed from the other end of the phone.
"Rachel, I don't really know what to say but we kind of need you to come down to the hospital." Blaine didn't really want her there, okay so he still thought she was annoying as hell. But she was Kurt's best friend, she had to be here.
"What? What's happened? Is it Finn? What's he done?" Her voice becoming ever more frantic.
"It's not Finn, its Kurt. He was in an accident yesterday."
"Kurt? What kind of accident? Why wasn't I called sooner?"
"He's been hit by a car, Rachel we didn't want to tell anyone because to be honest, him making it through the night was a bit touch and go."
"Through the night? What how bad is it?"
"Just come down and we'll explain everything. I think he could use his friends right now."
"Right! Thank you! I'll be right down!" She also hung up the phone without saying goodbye.
"What is with people these days?" Blaine uttered under his breath before dialling the next number; The Warblers. This was going to be painful.
"Blaine what the hell do you think you're doing calling me at this time?" David answered.
"David this is serious, I need you to get Wes, Nick and Jeff and come down to Lima!"
"What? Why?"
"Kurt's been in an accident, I don't really have time to explain." Blaine looked to the ward Kurt was on and saw two nurses run to his bedside, checking him over. This time Blaine hung up the phone, knowing David would kill him for that later but it didn't matter. On closer inspection in to the room Blaine noticed the nurses were frantically disconnecting Kurt from the machines and his family were looking a little more distressed than usual.
"What's happened?" Blaine burst in to the room, seeing Kurt looking a little more limp than when he left.
"His something's have dropped or something!" Finn was almost back to the emotional wreck that he was that morning and Blaine looked over to Carole who was clinging to Burt, crying in to his shoulder. But he was fine a minute ago.
"Okay, he's just having a little trouble breathing." The nurses wheeled him out of the room, expecting the Hummel-Hudson's to follow them. "We're going to take him back down to ICU where we can put a tube in to him to help him breathe a little better."
The Hummel-Hudson's and Blaine followed them back down to ICU and took their seats back in the spots they were in yesterday. It felt like a massive step back. They'd sat in silence for the majority of the half an hour they were there, only the sound or Carole's quiet sobs for background noise.
"Dude, what if this is it?" Finn chocked back a cry as he whispered to Blaine.
"It won't come to that." Ever the optimist, he knew Kurt was going to make it, he's stronger than this.
Another long half an hour had past and the doctor had come out to say they would be keeping Kurt in the Intensive Care Unit for a few hours for further observation. Rachel and Mercedes still hadn't arrived yet.
"Burt, would it be possible that the boys from Dalton could stay at the house for a few days? I think their coming up to see Kurt and they don't want to keeping going back there." Blaine asked, a little nervous.
"Of course they can! These are extreme circumstances Blaine." School wasn't due to start yet until the following week, which gave David, Wes, Nick and Jeff a week in Lima.
"Have you boys eaten today?" Carole questioned looking at the clock. It had just gone half 9, Blaine didn't have the heart to tell her his sandwich was still sitting upstairs on the bedside table. He was starving but he knew he couldn't keep anything down if he's tried.
"Not really." Finn answered.
"Right well, he won't be coming out for a while. I think we'd better get some food." Carole suggested, but Blaine kindly declined the offer.
"No, you guys go. I want to wait for him. And Rachel and Mercedes aren't even here yet."
"Are you sure Blaine?"
"Yes! Go ahead seriously, I'll be here." Blaine shooed them off, he was left alone. But he made a promise to Kurt last night, he promised he wouldn't leave his bedside, A promise is a promise.
"Blaine!" A shrieking voice cried, it drew closer and closer. He looked up from the floor to see Rachel running towards him, tears streaming down her face. Clearly Kurt meant a lot to her. Blaine stood and held his arms out to the brunette girl. They embraced for a good few moments, both feeling the need to be with someone, both teenagers felt so alone. Blaine sobbed once again in to Rachel's shoulder. "What's going on Blaine?" She questioned sitting down on the chairs, looking him directly in the eyes.
"He's taken a turn Rachel." Blaine started to chock up again, hardly able to spit out his words. "H-he coul-couldn't breathe p-p-properly." He sobbed. Rachel wrapped an arm around Blaine, knowing this would be the hardest for him out of anyone. Sure, Burt and Carole, even Finn would be taking it hard, but Blaine knowing he was leaving in a few months, and he had to see Kurt lying on the floor, unable to do anything to help him. It must have been tough on him.
"Shh, he's going to be okay! He's our Kurt remember? Our Kurt!" She rubbed circles in to his back. "Now, do you want to tell me what happened yesterday?"
"He j-just got hit! Just, Bang. We were at S-Sheets and Things, he went to the car. A-and, he just got hit!"
"It's okay Blaine! What would Kurt say if he saw you now, huh? He'd tell you to man up! Because he was the girl in this relationship, not you." Rachel poked him in the side; he let his mouth curl upwards at the sides, knowing she was right. Oh god did I just admit Rachel Berry was right?
Blaine and Rachel sat with their arms around each other, feeling the need to be close to someone before they heard the banging of doors and looked to see Mercedes rush in, her eyes stained red with tears.
"Where is he? Where's Kurt?" She was frantic. He really is popular. Blaine thought running up to her and throwing his arms around her. He felt her relax in to his arms and sob on to his shoulder.
"It's okay. It's okay." Blaine rubbed her back softly, trying his best to comfort a terrified Mercedes. "C'mon." He pulled away and led her to the chairs to sit and calm down. "Who brought you?"
"S-Sam. He-s parking t-the c-c-car." She managed to get out through the heart retching sobs. "Wha-what's happening?"
"They've taken Kurt back in there. He was doing fine until this morning. He's having problems breathing apparently." Blaine stared through the glass doors, looking at Kurt lay on the bed; looking even weaker than he did earlier. Doctors and nurses fussing over him all the time, it was horrible to watch. Mercedes broke out in to further cries.
"It's okay Mercedes." Rachel went to her other side and pulled her in to a hug.
"Guy's! What's happening?" Sam burst in, Blaine a little thankful not to have to console another weeping New Direction.
"He's in there." Blaine pointed to the ICU room. "We haven't been told anything." Sam sat next to Blaine, leaving Rachel and Mercedes to hug it out. Everything was silent except for the quiet weeps of the two girls.
"Mr Anderson?" A nurse came out of the room, looking slightly upset. Well more upset than could be hoped for. Blaine lifted his head from the floor. In the last ten minutes Mercedes had stopped crying a little, but both she and Rachel's arms remained gripping each other tightly. While Blaine and Sam just sat in silence, not really knowing what to say to each other.
"Yes!" He jumped from his seat.
"Are Kurt's parents around?"
"They've gone to get something to eat, why?"
"We need them here at the moment. Do you think you can contact them?"
"I'll go and get them." Blaine heard Sam call from behind him and felt a reassuring hand on his shoulder before hearing Sam run off down the corridor.
"What's going on, please just tell me." Blaine was almost reduced to tears again. While Mercedes and Rachel were listening intently.
"Mr Anderson, Kurt has an infection in his lung which is making it very difficult to breath. With this, he has a high chance of it developing. This mixed with the seriousness of his other injuries." The nurse paused and sighed, unwilling to say anything else. "I think you and Kurt's family need to be prepared." She sighed; looking deep in to Blaine's lost eyes as it sunk in what she was saying. There was no hope left in them, the shine had gone, the spark had disappeared along with it. Kurt's going to go. A voice inside Blaine's head just kept playing it over and over, not making any sense of it at all. The nurse continued but Blaine barely listened to what she was saying. "We don't usually let so many people in, but as this is an extreme case, we understand Mr Hummel has a lot of friends. Maybe it would be best if they came to say goodbye." Goodbye? Goodbye? This couldn't have been a goodbye?
"Er, can I see him?" No emotion was left in his voice anymore.
"Yes, sure you can." She directed him to the room, Rachel and Mercedes followed close behind. Half not wanting to go anywhere near the ICU, because lying on the other side of those doors was a reality they may have to face for the rest of their lives. Blaine pushed open the door slowly, taking a moment to get used to this new room, and gently padded over to the bed where his boyfriend was hooked up to what seemed like a million machines. There were tubes going in to a thousand places in his body. At least 3 in his hand, one in his arm, some even seemed to be doing down his shirt. And to top it off, it wasn't an oxygen mask hiding Kurt's perfect lips anymore. In its place was a large tube pressed between them, making them part slightly. Blaine broke down, taking hold of Kurt's hand and weeping uncontrollably just at the sight of the poor boy lying there.
"Kurt, no. Please don't I can't say goodbye to you! Please. We've got so much to do! Remember? What about National's? And New York? What about your Broadway career Kurt?" Blaine just mumbled sweet nothings in to Kurt's ear, maybe hoping he could hear him. "Please, I love you. Rachel and Mercedes are here too. There are too many people that love you Kurt for you to go like this!" Blaine looked around to the two girls who were at the end of the bed, just looking at Kurt. Not wanting to move any further. "Kurt, you've proved everyone wrong your whole life. Please, please prove us wrong!"
The sound of the door slamming against the wall and being thrown open wiped around the quiet ICU room. Blaine looked around to see Burt, Carole and Finn all close to tears. Sam following behind.
"Tell me what's going on now!" Burt demanded, almost screaming.
"If you would like to step outside Mr and Mrs Hummel." The nurse directed them outside where she would talk to them. Finn stayed. In the back of his mind, he knew. He knew what was happening. He walked up to Rachel and pulled her in to a hug. Tears swelling in his eyes as he let her cry in to his shirt. Sam arrived by Mercedes' side, offering a shoulder to cry on; which she gladly accepted. Everyone but Blaine had a shoulder to cry on, because the only person Blaine wanted to cry on was the person everyone was crying over.
Burt and Carole barged back in, taking a seat right next to Kurt's bed while Blaine was perched on the side of it. They glanced over to each other. Giving the 'I know what you're going through' look. There wasn't one person in the room that wasn't crying. For the first time Burt had let a couple of tears run down his cheeks.
An hour later and Kurt's condition hadn't improved or declined. Burt and Carole had been called out fifteen minutes ago by the police to discuss some footage that had been caught on CCTV at the store of the car. Blaine opted to stay with Kurt. A crowd had certainly formed around his bedside. The word had got around and every single New Direction had showed up, and the nurses we're kind enough to let them all in to the ICU to spend a little more time with Kurt. The Dalton boys were still to arrive but Blaine had received a text from Jeff saying they weren't far away 10 minutes ago. Blaine was now sat on a chair next to Kurt's bed, his hand holding Kurt's even though there was no chance of him gripping his in return. Quinn was sat next to him; holding his hand. Once Blaine had called her telling her to get down to the hospital at once, everything was forgotten, because well, what did it really matter anymore?
Everyone was quiet, as they had been for the past twenty minutes since the last few members arrived. It was almost like they were sat, waiting for him to drift slowly away. Some people still had tears in their eyes such as Tina and Mercedes, but the others we're just sat in a state of shock. Suddenly, a harsh voice cried out which sounded much like Santana.
"Why did he do it?" It was croaky, like she was holding back tears. Everyone looked around at the one who dared to break the silence; she was sitting next to Quinn. Blaine was intrigued.
"Why did he do what Santana?"
"Why did he fucking have to go out of the store?" She let a couple of tears drain from her eyes. "I mean, look at him. We all love him! Why Kurt? I just want to know why him?" She put her head in to her hands and began to sob. Quinn put her arm around Santana; it was very out of character for her to act like this.
"I think we're all thinking the same thing." Said Mike.
"He's the only guy that caught me out when I got to McKinley." Sam chuckled to himself a little. "The only person to notice that my hair was dyed." Quinn spoke up next.
"He was there for me. I bullied him every day before I got pregnant. And when he found out, he was there for me."
"No matter how many dumpster tosses I gave him, he never held a grudge." Puck spoke up from the back.
"I've sung on a Broadway stage with him, and I could be more proud."
"He helped me through everything." Mercedes announced. Everyone was having their turn at remembering what was best about Kurt.
"Just the way we used to talk at the lockers, even before I was in glee club. He was the only person who would talk to me." Tina said.
"I've treated him like crap." Finn's voice was deep, hiding something much more behind it. He looked at Kurt. "And I'm so freakin' sorry for it. He's my god damn brother and I treated him like crap!" He started to cry again; but he was cut off from his next announcement by the Warbler's making an entrance.
"Burt and Carole told us." Nick hung his head. Looking disappointed that it had ever come to this moment, it was never supposed to happen.
"Pull up a chair." Sam demanded, it didn't matter what school they were from, if they were competition or not. Right now they were all in the same boat. Blaine watched as his four best friends pulled up chairs around Kurt's bedside and joined in the remembrance. Finn didn't continue.
"Remember that time he took one for the team and threw a slushie in his own face?" Mercedes giggled. It had been an hour since the Warbler's arrive and it was coming up to 12:30pm.
"He was complaining for weeks about that." Tina spoke.
"The first time he came to Dalton and watched us perform, his face lit up." David recalled, bringing back fond memories for the Warblers and ex-Warbler in the room, while the other teenagers settled with a smirk. The smiles faded away with them remembering exactly what they were there for. This could be the end. Blaine had barely spoken about his experiences with Kurt in the past; he'd just joyfully reminded himself of happy memories through other people's words.
"Blaine, what's your favourite memory or thing about Kurt?" Rachel questioned seeing him looking far too deep in thought to be safe in this situation. He snapped out of it and thought long and hard about his answer.
"Everything." He said simply. "How can I choose one memory about being with Kurt? The first time I saw his beautiful blue eyes staring at me on the staircase. The first time I kissed him. Dancing with him at prom. The way he always tries to make me happy before anything else. The way he blushes when I give him a compliment. The way his face lights up when you discuss anything Broadway or Vogue related with him. Sitting watching countless hours of movies with him on the couch on Saturday's. The feeling I get when he slips his hand in to mine when we're out. How can I choose one of those?"
Everyone stared at Blaine, then Kurt and back to Blaine. Everyone else's problems seemed small compared to Blaine's. He was the one who had to live with all the amazing memories of Kurt. After a few minutes of silence, Tina spoke.
"I have to leave." Another cheek rolled down her cheek. "I r-really don't w-want to though."
"I have to go too." Puck announced.
"Me too." Brit said, but the question was silently raised if she even knew what was going on.
"P-please, tell me if anything happens!" Tina stood up, followed by Mike, Puck and Brit. "I'll be back tomorrow though." Which was the once sentence she had to force out of her mouth, all of them knowing very well there may not be a tomorrow.
"I'll stop by tomorrow too." Puck faced the floor and walked towards the door. Before any of them could leave they looked to Kurt once last time.
"I love you all, you know that right?" Tina chocked out.
"We know." A crowd of smiles emerged in front of them and they left reluctantly.
Quinn placed a warm had on Blaine's back. "You should really get some rest you know."
"No. A promise is a promise and I promised I'd stay with Kurt." With that Burt and Carole walked back in, looking annoyed.
"Guy's." Quinn got everyone's attention. "Maybe we should go and get something to eat." She stood up noticing The Hummel-Hudson's needed some time alone. Everyone followed her out as Burt and Carole went to sit next to Kurt's bedside again. They were alone, Finn, Blaine, Burt and Carole.
"How's he doing?"
There was a long pause before Carole spoke again. "The police can't trace the car."
"What?" Finn and Blaine both exclaimed angrily.
"They can't find the car; it was a hit and run. The licence plate can't be viewed from the angle it was at."
"That's ridiculous! That guy could be getting away with...you know...murder."
"Finn honey." Carole ran her hands through his hair lightly. "There's nothing they can do."
"So that guy just gets away? Gets away with doing this to my brother?"
"I'm sorry son."
Later that evening, once all the New Directions had gone home and the Warbler's and Louise (after spending the afternoon at the hospital) retreated back to the Hummel-Hudson household for some much needed rest, Blaine, Finn, Burt and Carole finally got some alone time with Kurt.
Nothing had really changed since this morning. The doctors were still telling them to be prepared in case something did happen in the next 48 hours. As usual they were still ever hopeful that Kurt as usual would pull through and prove everyone wrong.
It was now getting close to 10pm on the 2nd of January, and Blaine was still to go home, shower, change and even eat. None of those things he'd done since Kurt had been admitted.
"Blaine, hon, don't you think you should be getting home? Get some proper rest?" Carole reached over and patted Blaine's arm. It had been agreed that Blaine would stay again over night with Kurt. Louise was heading home in the morning so there would be more room in the house. Burt and Carole we're heading home to get some rest reassured that Blaine would call them as soon as anything happened. Finn was opting to go home, and then come back in the early hours of the morning.
Blaine sighed. "I'm fine, seriously." He yawned.
"You're not fine, you're worn out! You'll make yourself ill Blaine. At least come home, take a shower, change your clothes and have something to eat. You can be back here in an hour."
"But a promise is a promise; I said I'd stay here!"
"Kid, as much as I appreciate your love for my son, and your determination to stay with him. It will make you feel better to get home." Burt said.
"No buts!"
"Yeah maybe-"
"No! That's it kid. You'll be an hour tops. We need to get going now. Grab your jacket." Blaine sighed and stood up, each member of the family said goodbye to Kurt and went towards the door. Blaine bent down until he reached Kurt's scratched ear and whispered in to it.
"I'll be back in an hour. I love you." He kissed the top of his head and walked to the door, following Burt, Carole and Finn out of the room. Never taking his eyes off Kurt because that one moment he turns away might be the last time he ever sees him.
The Jones household
Mercedes was lying in her bed, trying to get some sleep. She knew it wasn't really late, but she was tired. But the events of today kept spinning round and round in her head. She'd spent the last hour texting Sam and Rachel, trying to fill the time that she would have usually spent calling Kurt. She tossed and turned over so many times in the last half an hour that she was surprised she hadn't broken the bed.
My best friend could be dead right now and I wouldn't even know about it. Why the hell didn't Blaine say anything yesterday? I miss him already. He'll be lying there now, alone. But those bruises on his face. She shivered with terror. What would I ever do without Kurt? Kurt Hummel! I never thought it would feel like this, losing someone.
Of course Mercedes hadn't lost Kurt yet. She'd never lost anyone close to her before and she most defiantly didn't want Kurt to be the first!
Suddenly the tune to her phone started to play from the side of her bed. Not really being able to see in the dark room, she flung her arm across to the table and searched around for the phone. The light from it hurt her eyes that were still very swollen from crying. Santana.
"Hello?" She almost questioned the existence of the girl on the other end.
"M-Mercedes?" Her voice was weak and limp.
"Couldn't sleep either huh?"
"I'm so god damn freakin' worried! I know that I've never been particularly nice to Kurt, or anyone for that matter. But glee club was like my home, your all my family. I don't want to lose Kurt." She was crying at the other end, Mercedes could tell. "I didn't know who else to call."
"Santana, it's Kurt. He's going to make it through this! Because it's Kurt."
"But I feel so freakin' helpless!"
"We call do, just think of Blaine at the moment. And Burt, and Finn and Carole. Burt could lose his son any minute."
"I just really don't understand why."
"Because god works in mysterious ways Santana. Kurt didn't deserve this, none of us did. I think we both need to get some sleep, then we can get up early and go see him tomorrow again."
"I suppose your right. Oh and Mercedes?"
"I-I well. I'm j-just so sorry."
"For what?"
"For treating you like crap. And everyone else. Glee club, we're a family. A dysfunctional one at that but a family all the same."
"Santana, you're getting weaker!" Mercedes laughed, it really was a character change for Santana.
"Don't breath a word of this phone call to anyone!"
"I won't Santana! Pick you up at half 9 tomorrow?"
"Please! Goodnight 'Cedes."
"Goodnight Santana."
Mercedes placed her phone back on the desk; a year ago Santana wouldn't have touched her with a stick. Even if it was brought on by the worst circumstance, it had brought the whole club a great deal closer together.
The Hummel-Hudson household, Kurt and Blaine's bedroom
"I still can't like, believe it." Nick was sat on Blaine and Kurt's bed while the Warbler's took a moment to reflect on their day.
"But Kurt-" David couldn't even get out the rest of his sentence.
"I know, I think we've all just got to stay strong for Blaine and everyone else." Wes suggested, getting in to a sleeping bag on the floor.
The door flung open, breaking the conversation between the Warblers.
"Blaine?" Jeff questioned looking at the frantic boy in the doorway.
"I'm only here to take a shower then get changed." He rushed around grabbing a spare pair of jeans and a tee. That was before Nick directed him over to the sofa for a moment.
"How are you Blaine?" He asked calmly.
"How are you Blaine?" All four Warblers chirped.
"Is this a joke? If it is...it's not funny."
"It's not a joke. It's seeing how you are, coping so to say." Wes said.
"How am I? Oh I dunno mental traumatized. My boyfriends lay up in a hospital bed, might not ever come out again. How am I?"
"Fair point!" They could all see he was a little worked up; the sooner he could get to the hospital again the better. Blaine stood from his seat and continued to the bathroom. Soon after the sound of running water followed meaning they could start talking again.
"Guy's, its fair enough he's stressed." David sighed. "I would be too."
"Goodnight!" Wes announced ending the conversation once Blaine had left the shower. Wes flicked the light off leaving Blaine to find his own way around in the darkness.
Finn's bedroom, Midnight.
Blaine had left the house again, after taking a shower and eating he headed straight back to the hospital. Burt and Carole had already gone to bed but Finn was convinced after the day they had, no-one would be getting any sleep tonight. Finn was lay on his bed, trying his very hardest to get some sleep, but it really wasn't working. Not when he had a pulling feeling in his chest that constantly reminded him his brother was in hospital and he should be there. The tall boy slid from his bed and landed next to it, kneeling down on the floor, he closed his eyes covering up the room's darkness with the inside of his eyelids and clasped his hands together. He hadn't done this for a year, but it was worth a try.
Jesus, I'm really sorry about all that stuff a year ago about Grilled Cheesus and everything, even though he was tasty and delicious and let me touch Rachel's boobs, I'm asking something more serious this time. Your see, it's my brother. He's in hospital. He got hit by a car and the doctors said he might not get any better. You see Jesus, my brothers a pretty nice guy, got lots of friends. I just don't think it's your time to take him away from us yet. Please, I'm just asking to make him better. It's killing Blaine, I know it is. It's killing all of us and no matter what I've said about him in the past, he's still my brother you know? Please, just help him.
Lima Hospital
Blaine arrived back at the hospital just gone midnight and checked with the reception that it was okay to go and see Kurt again. They agreed, saying nothing had changed in the past few hours. Blaine found the room easily and stood outside for a moment, staring through the glass at Kurt, lying on the bed. Blaine was terrified of hospitals. But something about Kurt being there pulled him in, making him never want to leave it as long as Kurt was there. Blaine was amazed at how even though Kurt was lying in the bed, unable to move, talk or even eat, he still had a calming effect on Blaine. He pushed the door open slightly and slid in, moving closer to the bed. Taking his usual seat on the left side of the bed, he reached to take Kurt's hand.
"Everyone's worried you know. The doctors are saying you aren't changing at all." Blaine started, speaking in a soft tone. "But we both know you're going to get better, right? They've all been to see you today you know. Everyone. All the glee kids and Wes, David, Jeff and Nick have even driven up to come and see you. Your more popular than I thought." Blaine laughed slightly, knowing that Kurt would have replied with some witty comment which would start them off bantering. "Hey, do you remember when we use to sing together in your bedroom at nights? Like before Christmas? And just dance around the room to Broadway musicals. It's not the same doing it with Finn." Blaine tried to inject humour in to the situation again. His warm hazel eyes never left Kurt; he reached up and moved a bang of hair from Kurt's face, sweeping it across his bruised forehead. "I'm only joking; I would never do that with Finn. Kurt, I just want you to know that I'm going to be right here no matter what, okay? I'm not moving. I love you." Blaine stood and kissed Kurt's forehead before sitting back down and settling down for the evening, in his very uncomfortable chair. His one and only wish for the moment was to be lying in bed with Kurt, his arms wrapped around his thin body and their bodies so close you could feel the heat radiating off each other.
A week later, Lima Hospital.
A week and a day after the accident and Kurt still wasn't awake. Blaine was starting to feel the strain of getting school things prepared while Kurt was still in hospital but a massive weight was lifted off his shoulders when Kurt got moved to a different ward, one for much less severe cases. Kurt was going to be okay. He still had head injuries, even though the scans showed up clear, it didn't mean that the knock to his head did him no damage. The infection in his lung was clearing up nicely, much better than what was ever thought of him, a week ago, every nurse in the place would have bet money that Kurt would have been long gone by now. But he's Kurt Hummel and Hummel's stand up and fight!
Numerous members of the New Directions were still coming in to see Kurt, mainly so Blaine could get some company who he could actually hold a conversation with. Upon hearing the news a few days ago that Kurt was mainly going to come out of this fine, Burt had gone back to working at the garage for a few more hours a day. Kurt wasn't going to come out of this unscarred or make a fast recovery, but he would make one and that was the main thing. The Warblers had had to go back to Dalton a couple of days before hand to get everything ready for the start of their school term again after Christmas. It was Monday and the first day of a new school term. Blaine had requested the day off, just one last day to spend it with Kurt. Finn however opted to go in school as it seemed strange that Kurt, Blaine and Finn would be off all in one day. And someone had to face the crowds.
Blaine had stayed next to Kurt's bed all week like he promised too. Sometimes he resorted even to reading some Harry Potter to Kurt who loved the books; this was mainly for Blaine's entertainment also. This afternoon however he resorted to mindlessly talking to Kurt about memories he had, anything just to keep his mind off going to school tomorrow without him. It could have been worse, Blaine could be returning to McKinley knowing that Kurt would never be coming back with him.
"Anyway, so yeah. I suppose I'm dreading school tomorrow without you there." Blaine giggled. It was more acceptable at the moment to laugh around Kurt. Knowing he would be fine after just a week after what happened seemed like a miracle, and even though they still couldn't have a conversation with him, it was worth it knowing soon they would have him back.
The bruises had subsided on his face a little and the gash on his head was healing nicely. Further scans showed that the tear in one of his lungs was making good progress, even though when he woke up he would still be in immense pain. He no longer needed a tube down his throat to breath, instead he was confined to just using an oxygen mask during the night.
"How's he doing?" Carole asked returning with a coffee for Blaine.
"Not too bad I think." Blaine smiled sipping his drink.
McKinley High School, Glee Club Rehearsal.
Everyone had gathered as usual for the glee club rehearsal for the first day back, just after lunch they all piled in to the choir room taking their seats. After the big deal over Kurt's accident, everyone had become closer and it was safe to say for many of them, the glee club were the only friends they had at the school. While everyone had swapped numbers with the Warblers, they wouldn't be driving to see them every day.
"Right guys! First rehearsal back! I have big plans for Nationals!" Mr Schue started, scanning the room. Two members missing. He thought. "Hey guys, where are Kurt and Blaine."
Everyone began to panic, shouldn't a teacher have been warned about these things? Finn spoke out. "Kurt's in the hospital Mr Schue."
"What? Why? What's happened?"
"He got hit by a car, we've only just found out he's going to make it. It was on new year's day."
"Oh my god! Is this true? I'm so sorry! All of you, and Finn especially."
"So Mr Schue, we're sorry but none of us have had time to work on anything over the Christmas break because we're all be rushing to the hospital to see Kurt." Rachel stated.
"No, it's okay Rachel. I understand. But where's Blaine?"
"He stays with him over night Mr Schue. Literally he's been there since it happened. The school's given him permission for one more day off." Finn explained.
"Well I suppose that's fair. Right, we'll still have to get cracking on these numbers. Just when you see them tonight. Please give your family my regards."
"I will do."
Lima Hospital.
Blaine was sat talking to Carole as they happily sipped their coffee. Carole had become a great friend to Blaine, more than a mother figure, because he could talk to her like any of his friends, as well as having the benefit of her mothering him.
"I'm just so happy he's getting better!" Carole beamed looking towards her step son on the bed.
"Me too." Blaine reached for Kurt's hand once again. Something he found himself constantly doing. Blaine let his hand rest in to Kurt's on the bed, still talking to Carole.
Mindless chat was still happening a good half an hour later between the woman and curly haired boy. Blaine was in the middle of a sentence as he felt a strange sensation build with in him. A spark spread up his arm, almost like he was being slowly filled with happiness again. The soft touch of Kurt's hand became firmer and a smile grew across Blaine's face.
"Blaine, what's wrong?" Carole stared at Blaine with utter most confusion. Blaine just gazed down at Kurt's hand that was slowly gripping his. Kurt's thin, while fingers were curling around Blaine's hand. They were warm and familiar, that familiarity that Blaine was craving. C'mon Kurt! Blaine thought staring at that hands that were lay on the bed. He couldn't help think back to the time Kurt explained what it was like when his father was in hospital waiting for him to wake up. A similar thing had happened. Carole gazed down to their hands that were now interlocked on the bed, a squeal of excitement spread across her face and she jumped from her seat and ran to the door of the ward.
"Nurse! Nurse!" Blaine heard her call. He didn't care. He turned to face Kurt, not letting go of his hand. His facial expression hadn't changed at all but obviously something was happening if he managed to grip Blaine's hand. The touch that Blaine had been so desperate to receive for the past week was now happening. How could a simple hand hold make Blaine this happy?
Kurt's grip on Blaine's hand, whereas it was lovely, it was different. Different to anything that Blaine had experienced with Kurt before. It was almost desperate, like Kurt had been waiting for it to happen too.
"I love you so much!" Blaine whispered gripping Kurt's hand tighter and moving to kiss his cheek.