You Move Me
A Promise Is A Promise Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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You Move Me: A Promise Is A Promise

E - Words: 7,916 - Last Updated: Aug 22, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 18/? - Created: Aug 05, 2011 - Updated: Aug 22, 2011
203 0 0 0 0

Chapter 13

It was Christmas break and the boys were enjoying just spending some time together for a change. No homework, no jobs, no friends in the way of their time together. Wes and David were due to come up for a visit after Christmas, but the day itself would be spent at the Hummel-Hudson's with an array of the Hummel family, which included Louise and her baby Emily. Kurt was very excited about this particular visit because Louise would be staying with the family for a long weekend, and he has yet to see his baby cousin with all the work he'd been doing at school.

Kurt and Rachel had also picked out an apartment in New York, 3 bedrooms so it was enough for in case Blaine and Finn decided to join them, maybe at a later date. But for Blaine, his mind wasn't entirely made up yet. He was torn between two cities, and his two loves; Kurt or music. Blaine had spent plenty of time in the past weeks composing and writing music with Kyle, someone he'd grown close to once more, things were becoming more difficult however as Kurt was still demanding Blaine's time which he also had to split between school work, the newly single Quinn, Kyle and making his mind up about moving and making his own plans for the future. You could say everything was getting on top of him.

Which leads us to a week before Christmas, the snow was lightly falling outside of the bedroom window as the dull light was climbing across the room. Kurt was sat up in bed, watching his boyfriend sleep. Occasionally pulling his hands through Blaine's hair. "Kurt it's creepy when you watch me sleep." Blaine mumbled in to the pillow.

Kurt chuckled. "Sorry, but you're so cute when you sleep." He leant down to place a kiss on his boyfriend's head when he felt himself being pulled down. He lay flat on the bed as Blaine put his arms around the boy's slender waist and moaned happily in to Kurt's chest. "Are we going to even get up soon?" Kurt laughed in to the curls resting on Blaine's head.

"Kurt, it's Monday and we've got no school. We can stay here and cuddle all day." Blaine purred in to Kurt's chest, ever hopeful of a peaceful day.

"I know we can but I need to go to Rachel's today. We're talking through some of the final payment issues for the apartment with her dads."

"Do you have to?" Blaine's hazel eyes sparkled looking up to Kurt.

"Yes I do! Otherwise I'll be homeless!"

"I would rather have you homeless and you stay here with me than have you go out and leave me in a cold bed!"

"Charming! Ever the selfish one!" Kurt giggled letting himself relax for another hour, he really didn't have to be out until this afternoon if he could help it.

"Baby, I really have to get up now!" Kurt complained pushing Blaine off him, he really had enjoyed his extra hour of snuggling though. Blaine's arms tightly grasped Kurt's tiny waist, not wanting to let him go.

"But you're so warm! Don't leave me."

"If you want something warm, I'll go and bring Finn in, he's always warm!"

"Kurt don't even say that! Egh, in bed with Finn!"

"Thank you, now do you think you can let me go get a shower?"

"5 more minutes?"

"Fine." Kurt slumped back down to his position, watching Blaine peacefully close his eyes tight shut.

Kurt heard Blaine's breathing getting heavier. It was his time to slide out and get ready for Rachel's! Kurt pushed Blaine away from him gently and made his way to the bathroom to get himself ready for Rachel's. Luckily Blaine didn't stir this time.


The Berry Household

"So have you kids got the deposit sorted?" Michael, one of Rachel's fathers questioned as they were sat around the dining table looking through sheets and sheets of contracts and information. Kurt knew the Berry's well. He almost went as far to say he used Rachel's dads as role models, something to look to in the future, just so it didn't seem too bleak sometimes.

"Yes! That's all sorted!" Kurt replied looking through some of the sheets in front of him.

"There's one thing we needed to discuss with you kids." Rachel and Kurt stared at Jamie, Rachel's other father intently. "The landlord got in touch with us; he needs to know how many people will be living under that roof." Kurt and Rachel looked directly at each other. It was a large apartment and in pretty good condition for what it cost. It had 3 bedrooms, two of which were double rooms so if Finn and Blaine had decided to join them in New York there would be plenty of room. The apartment itself held 5 people in total. Kurt had shared his worries about Blaine not moving already with the Berry's.

"I would like to say that Finn has made his mind up that he wants to be with me forever, but no, he hasn't."

"And I would like to say that Blaine has agreed, but it's undetermined."

"Ah." Jamie started again. "Well we could really use getting to know soon. Kurt do you think you can talk to Blaine today?"

"I'll try but he's incredibly stubborn lately and will not talk about New York!"

"Oh well... I'm sorry Kurt but this needs to be sorted soon!" Michael rested his hand on the boys shoulder reassuringly. They all knew there was much more of a chance of Finn going to New York then Blaine, even if Finn was a country boy.

"I know it does, I really will try and talk to him tonight! There's so much we need to sort out in 6 months!" Kurt banged his head against the table realizing the enormity of what he'd taken on. June the 26th would be the day Kurt and Rachel's independence was set and they would fly to New York to begin their lives.


The Hummel-Hudson's home later that evening

"Baby?" Kurt asked looking at Blaine sitting at the kitchen table on his own, head buried in a book. Blaine looked up to the boy who he hadn't seen since this morning, Kurt left the house without waking Blaine up that morning then when to dinner with the Berry's. It was now 8:30pm and Blaine wondered if he would even see his boyfriend today, so you can imagine his surprise when he saw Kurt standing in the doorway.

"Hello my love!" Blaine's smiled grew twice the size and closed his book immediately. Kurt glided over to where Blaine was sat and he pulled him on to his knee. Blaine wrapped his arms around the taller boys slim waist and buried his head in to his chest. "How are the Berry's?"

"Good! Really good!" Kurt was nervous, he knew he had to bring it up, he didn't know how though. He started to play with the piece of white string that hung from Blaine's hoodie. "Blaine." Kurt stared a little uneasy. "I have something I really need to talk to you about, and you're not going to like it."


"New York."

"God Kurt not again! Please I don't have the energy for this."

"Blaine this is important though!"

"I don't want to hear it! I haven't made my mind up yet!" Blaine pushed Kurt off him and stood up.

"But Blaine the people that own the apartment need to know! I need you to tell me if your coming with me or not!"

"Kurt, why does it seem like we're fighting all the time about this?" Blaine raised his voice a little, unintentionally of course.

"Because we are! Everyone else has plans; they know where their life is going in 6 months! Blaine I don't even know where we'll be this time next week!"

"Well maybe I won't be here!" Blaine blurted it out in the heat of the moment, he never really meant it. He covered is mouth and his hazel eyes went wide realizing what he'd said.

"Bla-Blaine what the hell was that supposed to mean?"

"Kurt, I swear I didn't mean that!"

"Blaine was that you breaking up with me?"

"Kurt! No, please don't go!" He ran after Kurt as he made his way to the front door. The smaller boy jumped in front of him to stop him leaving.

"Blaine! Get out of my way!"

"No! Please! I really didn't mean any of that! Oh god, I know I've messed this up, just listen to me when I say that I really don't know what to do about New York. I've had it playing through my mind for months! I don't know the answer yet."

"Blaine, it's your choice, but it's going to be me or your career obviously!"

"Kurt I just don't know which I want more!" Blaine was really messing this up. Kurt stood shocked at what his boyfriend has just said to him.

"Want more? Want more? You don't know if you fucking want me or your career! You see Blaine, the smart thing then would have been to say me! Me! Your boyfriend."

"How do you expect me to want to be your boyfriend if you're acting like this all the time?" Kurt spun on his heels having heard enough and stormed up the stairs, this was more than New York.

"Blaine I cannot fucking believe you sometimes! Why the hell did you even bother moving here?"

"Because I thought I loved you! I thought I wanted to be with you forever! Clearly my thoughts have changed!"

"There was no point in you moving here! No point at all!" Kurt and Blaine were circling each other in their bedroom now, shouting abuse at each other in any way they could. "I'll take this as a 'You're not coming to New York' then."

"Kurt, fuck New York! I won't even be here next week!" Blaine grabbed a suitcase and started to throw his belongings in to it. They had gone through arguments before. But not to the point where Blaine started to pack, Kurt's heart sunk to his stomach, since when were things this bad?

"What? Where the hell do you think you're going? You can't just walk out!"

"I can and I will! I have places I can go."

"What to your parents?"

"Oh my god Kurt!" Blaine's voice deepened with exhaust. "How could you even get that low? Even you, I never thought you could be that low!"

"Is this is then? Are we over?"

"Looks like it!" Blaine sniggered in his face and closed the suitcase.

"Blaine where the hell are you going to go?" Kurt's voice became more desperate, he was actually going. The one person he could trust, the one person that truly loved him was walking out the door and it sounded like he's never coming back. Kurt would have done anything at that moment to fall to the ground at Blaine's feet and begged him to stay. It wouldn't have fixed anything.

"I'm going back to Dalton. Do you really think I should be here over the holidays?"

"Blaine, no! Please don't leave! Don't leave me!" Kurt cried trying to pry the front door closed as Blaine grabbed the handle.

"We're through Kurt." Blaine looked him up and down and opened the door with easy as Kurt's hand went weak. Blaine was aware that this argument was his entire fault, still being a stubborn teenager, he refused to go back. He wasn't going to apologise, not after Kurt kept nagging him about New York. Maybe something like this was bound to happen one day. Blaine stormed to his BMW, threw the suitcase in the boot and sped down the road.

The front door was left open. Kurt to the left of it, sobbing on the floor uncontrollably. He'd gone. The best thing in his life just walked through the door. He knew he shouldn't have pushed Blaine, if he was honest with himself. Yes he did want Blaine to come to New York and subconsciously Kurt had gotten used to getting his own way with Blaine. Kurt heard a car door slam from the drive, not matter what Blaine had just said to him he hoped it was him returning.

"Bro! Kurt? Where are you man?" Finn came through the door, not realizing that he was on the floor crying. No-one was home. Burt and Carole had gone to visit Carole parents and Finn had just gotten home from Puck's place. Finn looked down to see Kurt, the worst he'd ever seen him look. "Oh my god what happened?" He knelt down besides his brother and pulled his head to his chest, seeing he was distraught.

"B-Blaine's l-left. He's just...g-g-gone." Kurt almost wretched in to Finn's hoodie he got himself that worked up. Finn kept him close, knowing that Kurt wouldn't want to be let go. He really had grown as a brother.


Dalton Academy 11:30pm

Blaine arrive at the ever familiar campus, he knew that David wouldn't be heading home until a couple of days before Christmas so he turned up here. Hoping that his parent's offer of 'you're always welcome in our home' actually stuck. He made his way to the dorm rooms. Passing Nick and Jeff's who were also still at campus. He reached David and Wesley's room. Wes always went back to his parents place right as the break started. Blaine banged on David's door, praying there to be an answer.

"Blaine? What are you doing here?"

"I need a place to stay." He said slowly, realizing he had no place at all now. His family was back in Lima.

"Oh sure man!" David dragged Blaine's suitcase in to the room, making sure he was comfortable.

"Dude, what's happened?" David started, it was now 12:30am and Dave had called his parents, pleading with them that Blaine could join their family over Christmas. Blaine was just praying it wasn't too late to enrolee back at Dalton. David's parents agreed to their new lodger, at least he had a place to stay for a few weeks.

"Me and Kurt broke up."

"What? You're kidding me!"

"It wasn't working out; I was getting too stressed with him. He kept nagging me and nagging me about New York. Do you know how annoying that is?"

"So you're just over?"

"We're over, and I doubt I'll ever be back to him."


Hummel-Hudson house 12:30pm

Kurt lay in his bed, it was his bed now. It wasn't their bed and there will never be a 'their bed' again. He lay staring at the empty space, thinking about what Blaine was doing. How he was coping. Finn practically had to pry his brother off the floor to get him upstairs. How could I have fucked this up so badly? Kurt thought as his mind wandered back to the amazing times the boys had shared. The first kiss. Regional's. Prom. The first I love you. Blaine singing to him in front of the whole school. Their first summer together. Moving to McKinley. New York. New York. Kurt thought over trying not to tear up. It was harder this time. Getting in to bed that night, Kurt was reminded of a couple of months ago when they argued and it turned out the boy was at Quinn's that night. They made up and everything was fine. But there was a yearning feeling that night. A feeling Kurt couldn't really describe. It was a constant pull on his heart. He imagined tonight would be the same. But it wasn't. Tonight was different because as Kurt lay there, underneath all the blankets, wrapped in Blaine's hoodie he'd left behind. It felt like a constant stab. Not a pining. It was a stabbing. A pressure that was building up inside him until he let out an ear piercing scream and settled back down to crying in to Blaine's pillow where a few of his curls remained from the night before.


The Jones household, the day after.

Kurt phoned Mercedes that very next morning, not really knowing who else to turn to. He trusted Finn and although he had become a very good shoulder to cry on at times, he couldn't relate to Kurt like 'Cedes could.

So that's what lead Kurt to the Jones' house, it was 9:30am and he decided he couldn't lie in bed anymore, he hadn't slept a wink. His eyes were puffy and red with a mix of being overly tired and crying all through the night. He refused to except it was over!

"Kurt, what's wrong? You sounded so upset on the phone!" Mercedes opened the door to reveal Kurt looking the worst she'd ever seen him. He had made no effort with his clothes, a thrown on pair of baggy jeans, converse and Blaine's old hoodie was all that covered him. "And you look worse than you sounded!" He held out his arms, desperate for someone to hold him, but no one held him like Blaine.

"Blaine, broke up with me." He sobbed in to her shoulder as she pulled him in to a tight hug and closed the door. They stayed like that for a few minutes, Mercedes not quite ready to let go of her weeping friend and Kurt not wanting to be left alone.

"Come on; let's get you up to my room." She said softly, helping him up the stairs. The poor boy could hardly see through his blurry vision crying had left him.

They reached a room that was very familiar to Kurt, it was a comforting place, happy memories were formed in this room, sleep over's and movie watching, some of Kurt's happiest times were in this room. Same couldn't be said for today. "Now honey, tell me what happened." She sat Kurt down and waited until he was ready to talk.

"We were arguing, I know you don't know but we've been fighting a lot, about New York."

"What the trip?"

"No, next year. He was between coming to New York with me and going to California, and he really couldn't make his mind up. He have been arguing a lot about it and last night, I had to bring it up because of payment purposes and he just freaked out! To be honest I think it's something to do with him not being close to his family." Kurt sighed but knew he should carry on while his tears were at bay. "He's never been comfortable talking about serious stuff with me, like the future. I don't know what happened; he just sort of freaked out and left. Saying we shouldn't be together anymore." Mercedes extended her arm and played her hand over Kurt's.

"Honey I'm so sorry, I know that boy meant the world to you. Have you not spoken to him?"

"No, I don't dare, there's no chance he'll text me or call me. If he is one thing he's stubborn!"

"Kurt I'm sure everything will work out fine in the end."

"Mercedes he's gone! He's moved back in with David and Wes! He's probably already re-applied for Dalton! He's gone and won't be coming back!" Kurt began to sob again as he felt warm tears pour from his eyes, he's surprised he could still cry after seeing how sodden Blaine's pillow was this morning. He moved closer to Mercedes and she held him tight. Knowing that Kurt would be distraught by the news. The one person he loved and cared for more than anyone had left him. She knew he couldn't handle it.


Christmas Day, David's house.

"Wake up dude! Everyone's already downstairs!" David shouted, banging on Blaine's door. He was staying with David's family over Christmas, David only ever went home for a few days then went straight back to Dalton while his parents worked. Blaine was given a guest bedroom and he'd already started plans on trying to be enrolled back at Dalton. He simply just couldn't face McKinley again.

Blaine sighed and rolled over, bring his pillow with him trying to block out the drones of his best friend.

"Dude you can't stay in there the whole of Christmas!" He popped his head around the door, seeing Blaine was clearly upset. David padded over to the bed. "Dude, I know you're hurting right now but you can't hide out forever."

Blaine was regretting the split a little bit after he had a week to think over what horrible things he'd said to Kurt. He had treated him so well and so did his family, it was out of character for Blaine to say anything that he did, he regretted everything. Obviously he had not told Kurt that, yet. They had made no effort to contact each other since that night.

"Why don't you try and you know, just text him happy Christmas or something." David suggested.

"That won't work, I don't think after saying I want to break up with you it's the best idea to text him and say Oh by the way, have a great Christmas." Blaine directed his best 'bitch please' face towards the dark boy sat next to him. Something he'd managed to pick up from spending hours upon hours with Kurt.

"You may have a point there! Come on my brother and sisters have already opened their presents! It's almost half 10. You can't stay up here all day."

"Egh!" Blaine sighed rolling out of bed unwillingly. He went to the mirror and ran his fingers through his untamed curls.

"Thank you! Now I can open presents!" David bounced down to the lounge where his mother, father, brother and 3 sisters were sat playing with their new toys. It was worst being the oldest because you got everything last, Blaine was just happy to be with a family at Christmas, after all his parents generosity never went past a few extra notes in a car left on his bed while they worked all Christmas day. If Blaine was honest with himself. No matter how well David's family had treated him on Christmas day, he still couldn't help but think of Kurt.


"Dude its Christmas!" Kurt felt like a ton of bricks fell on top of him in his sleep. He opened his eyes to reveal Finn lying on top of him. Face grinning at him like a 6 year old on Christmas day. Then Kurt remembered his brother really did have the mind of a six year old.

"Happy Christmas to you too." Kurt pushed the tall boy off him and sat up in his bed. He looked at the Christmas tree in the corner of his room, then to the wardrobe where he had hid Blaine's presents that still remained there. A new watch, some new books and a Ralph Lauren jumped waited in there for Blaine. Kurt left them hoping that sometime in the last week Blaine may have made a return. It didn't happen.

"Bro, please stop sulking about Blaine!" Finn begged, he really wanted to make the most of his Christmas without Kurt ruining it because his ex-boyfriend left him.

"Finn, I don't know what Rachel means to you but Blaine meant a hell of a lot to me! I can't let him go that easy!"

"Okay, I'm sorry. I really am. But Louise, mom and Burt are down stairs, can we please go!" Finn's eyes pleaded, why did he need me to give him permission to go downstairs? Kurt thought getting out of bed and making his way to the door. Under any normal circumstances Kurt wouldn't have gone down in his pyjamas. He would have been showered, dressed and pampered before even taking a step out of his room. It didn't matter so much anymore because for a week now Kurt had taken no interest in his appearance for the first time in his life.

Both boys went out of Kurt's room, Finn rushing ahead to go downstairs first, it was very early in the morning. But then again Kurt remembered that Finn had the mindset of a child. Kurt walked past the guest bedroom peering in to see his cousin Emily wide awake and Louise still downstairs. He padded in and looked down at the beautiful bundle lay in her crib. He was convinced she was the most beautiful baby he'd ever seen. And she'd kept him sane this past week! "Happy Christmas beautiful!" Kurt cooed picked her up and holding her in his arms for a moment, she snuggled closer to him which made him smile. He big brown eyes looked up at him, almost in amazement. He loved Emily a lot. Much more than he'd ever expected to for a baby cousin. Louise said he was a natural with her.

"Look who's awake!" Kurt announced coming down stairs with the baby lay in his arms.

"Present time!" Finn shouted already kneeling by the tree digging through the mounds of presents lay underneath.


Blaine excused himself late that night on Christmas day. Everyone was merrily having a great time downstairs but Blaine was tired, and wanted time to himself. After all Kurt hadn't left his mind all day, he hoped retreating to bed and reading a book would take his mind of his ex-lover. Upon entering the room he placed his half empty bottle of Vodka on the table, something he'd been swigging all night. That's what Blaine did, he rarely drunk, hardly ever but when something was getting him down and there was a possibility of getting wasted, who was he to miss that chance? He was already tipsy, but he intended on passing out before he got the chance to fall asleep. But first he went over to his bag and started to search for the right book.

What he found was something completely different. A small velvet box. He pulled it out remembering exactly what it was. He fell to the floor and tears started to rise in his eyes. Blaine leaned his back against the wall, trying to make sense of the situation he was in.

He'd remembered Kurt saying some months ago that no-one ever bought him jewellery. Kurt being very in to fashion would never miss the opportunity to buy some respectable pieces of jewellery. Blaine remembered this while searching through town for Kurt's Christmas present with Quinn. He saw the ring in the window and it was perfect. Something very Kurt, simple but had something to it which made it special. Blaine instantly bought the band and had engraved on the inside of it 'a promise is a promise'. Something he had said to Kurt when they first started dating and he had continued to say it though out their relationship.

Blaine had left the ring in his bag, hoping Kurt wouldn't find it as Blaine was going to surprise him with it when they were on their own on Christmas morning. He took the ring from the blue velvet box it was stored away in. Feeling a ping in his heart, he knew he missed Kurt. Blaine began to twine it in between his fingers and he let his tears run down his face. He missed him. He knew he missed him and this week he realized he probably couldn't live without him. His hand reached out for the Vodka bottle placed on the side, he unscrewed the lid and took another swig, drowning his sorrows.


Dalton Academy, a week after Christmas. Nick and Jeff's dorm.

"I'm so glad to be back here!" Jeff exclaimed, taking in his dorm room.

"I'm so glad to be back her with you." Nick giggled looking at his boyfriend who was practically over joyed to be back at school. Jeff took his mind off the room and walked over to Nick, wrapping his arms around the smaller boy.

"Thank you for my Christmas present." Jeff pecked Nick's lips in one fast motion and stared in to his brown eyes.

"My pleasure, thank you for mine." They kissed once more. "I'm just glad to be back, it feels like home here." Nick took in the room similarly as to what Jeff did moments ago.

"Yeah it does, just a home that we have no choice in leaving in a few months." Jeff always tried to see the funny side in a situation, but both boys knew that when it came to June and they had to pack their things from Dalton for the last time and they had to say goodbye to each other for good, it wouldn't be a laughing matter. "You sure you want to head to Florida?"

"You sure you still want to head to California?" Nick could give as bad as he could take it. In June Nick was set on moving to Florida to be with his parents who lived out there. He was going to get a job and settle properly. Whereas Jeff had settled on California, him and Blaine had mutual friends out there so if Blaine decided California was the best move for him, then they would hook up occasionally. Nick and Jeff both decided they wanted to stay friends after the move, but depending on how serious the relationship got, either of them knew if they could handle a long distance relationship. They were in the same boat as Kurt and Blaine. But Kurt and Blaine weren't together anymore, unknown to Nick and Jeff.

"Yes I'm sure I'm heading to California! I'm just going to miss doing this." Jeff shrugged turning his smile in to a frown and kissed Nick again. They were still pressed close together, Jeff's long arms stretched around Nick holding him in place and Nick's hands spread across his boyfriend's chest.

"I'll miss it too." Nick frowned putting his head on to Jeff's chest; he returned the favour by resting his head on Nick's.

There was a knock at the door which startled the two. They knew David was back at Dalton already, he did his usual and came 'home' 3 days after Christmas, but surely he would have just burst in to their dorm room. "Who the hell?" Nick glanced to the door, then to Jeff and back to the door before pushing the blonde boy away from him and walking towards the mysterious person. It wouldn't have been as weird if people weren't so prone to barging in dorm rooms at Dalton. Nick flung open the door to reveal Blaine, looking scruffier than usual and he had let his beard grow out a little. "Blaine?" Nick almost questioned the boy stood in front of him like he didn't believe he existed.


"What the hell are you doing here? You know this is Dalton right?"

"Yes I know this is Dalton dumbass!" Blaine pushed past him and let himself in to the room. "Can you guys get an internet connection? Because me and David can't." Nick and Jeff ignored anything he had to say.

"Do you wanna tell us what's going on?" Blaine had been very bitter, especially since Christmas when he found Kurt's gift in his bag.

"I'm back."

"What do you mean your back?" Jeff questioned sitting down on his bed.

"I'm back! I'm back at Dalton, well almost. I'm waiting for the forms to come back through then I'm back!"

"Blaine you're not being yourself! What's happened?" Nick could sense something's wrong, Blaine never acted like this, sweet innocent Blaine. Was now hostile, sarcastic and bitter.

"Me and Kurt broke up."

"What?" Exclaimed the other two boys, unable to understand what they were hearing.

"Me and Kurt broke up, just before Christmas. I spent it at David's. Now can you guys get an internet connection or not?" Blaine looked at them, mouths wide open, unable to close them.


Blaine and David's dorm room, the same day.

Blaine was happily sitting at his laptop, researching in to some guitars he thought he might get to use at auditions when he got to California, the place he'd decided to go now. David was out, getting lunch probably down in the cafeteria. He'd had numerous texts during the day from people back at McKinley, mainly Quinn and Finn who had kept trying him since the day he broke up with Kurt. And he'd had the occasional very nasty text from Mercedes. He ignored them like he did the rest, even the nagging ones from Quinn, his so called best friend, the ones saying happy Christmas. He even ignored the cries for help from Kyle who had apparently been bullied by some guys at the mall. Blaine had become a total asshole without Kurt around. He really wasn't himself anymore.

"Blaine Anderson open this door!" He heard a cry come from outside, the familiar voice he heard often. He knew this would happen eventually, he just didn't expect it today. He closed his laptop and padded to the door, shouting from the other side.

"What if I don't want to open the door?"

"Open the fucking door now or I'll break it down!" He had the image of Puck ramming his arms and shoulders in to the door, something David would not be pleased about. He opened it slightly, looked around to frame and saw Finn, Quinn and Puck's unhappy faces.

"Blaine Anderson open this door now!" Quinn ordered with her hands on her hips. Blaine let them in, what choice did he have? He flung it open and went to the safety of his bed.

"How did you know I was here?"

Finn answered him. "Do you not realize I have met David and Wes before. People do exchange numbers you know."

"So you've known for a while?"

"Yes! David text me when you got here a couple of weeks ago."

"Does Kurt know?" The 3 New Directions were crowding around him, it made him feel a little uneasy.

"No, I didn't want him to do anything stupid; I never told him you were here."

"Blaine why haven't you been answering my texts? Not one!" Quinn stepped up to his face, he flinched as it looked like she was going to strike him across the face.

"I've been busy?"

"No you haven't! You've been to ignorant to answer! You think this break up's hard for you? You should have seen Kurt that night!" Quinn went to hit Finn's stomach.

"Oh-yeah yeah! He was really bad you know! Stayed up all night crying dude. I sat with him for 3 hours that night. Just trying to get him upstairs and in to bed!" Blaine had no idea things were this bad. Sure he'd been upset, but he thought Kurt was stronger than this. He thought that he would have moved on already. "And now, he just sits around with Louise's kid. He hasn't been out for weeks. He's stopped talking about New York completely."

"What did you actually say to him man?" Puck cut in from Finn's explanation which made Blaine review the argument back in his head. He has said some pretty horrible things to Kurt that night. Things that Blaine would not normally say. Things that are completely out of his vocabulary.

"I was pretty bad to him."

"Yeah I'm sure you were! The way he's been acting Blaine, it's just not him!" Quinn sat down next to Blaine and held his hands tight.

"And the way David's been going on, you've not been you either! You need to fix this Blaine. Come back with us. We know you haven't had your forms through about Dalton yet so you're going to have to come back to McKinley some time." She stared deep in to his eyes. She seemed to find the pain instantly and hit the nerve that Blaine was avoiding.

"Just come back with us dude. My mom knows I'm here, Kurt doesn't. She's cleared it and said you can come back and stay if you make up with him. But only if you really want to be with him."

"I know you Blaine. You really want to be with him don't you?" Quinn's voice was soothing; it gave Blaine time to think about what he wanted to do.

"I love him so much. But I want to go to California!"

"Tell him that then! As soon as you get back. Tell him you love him, but tell him you're going to Cali. No confusion, just say. If you're willing to stay with me when were in separate states then I am willing too." It was scary how much sense Quinn made sometimes.

"Okay." Blaine sighed looking down, knowing he'd have to man up.

"Your coming back?" Puck asked excitedly. Secretly he was a romantic at heart.

"I'll have to, its driving me insane being here without him! I meant nothing I said that night you know, none of it! I love him so much."

"Okay dude, that's still my brother we're talking about. Get your stuff and we'll meet you at the cars." Finn and Puck left the room and Quinn stayed behind to help him pack his things away.

They were about to leave Dalton when Quinn turned to him. "I'm proud of you Blaine." She whispered to him.

"Thanks. I'm glad you came to talk me round." He dumped his things in the back of his car, he sent a quick text to David telling him he'd left and apologized for not saying goodbye, then headed off in his BMW following Noah home.


2 Hours later, the Hummel-Hudson household.

Puck made his way around to the Hummel-Hudson's first, giving Blaine a chance to talk to Finn first. To make sure that his parents were okay with everything. They stopped outside the house, it had gone dark but Blaine gathered enough courage to bring his suitcase in to. Even if Kurt didn't take him back; which Finn was sure he would do, Finn agreed to Blaine sleeping on his bedroom floor.

"I'm back! And I've got someone with me." Finn smiled coming in to the lounge, pulling along Blaine's suitcase. To Blaine's surprise everything was much more civil than he expected! He expected sharp looks of 'how dare you do that to my son' but he supposed they accepted that couples argue and he had been the bigger man and come and apologized, even though things were said from both parties.

"Good to see you Blaine!" Carole came and wrapped her arms around the boy, he wasn't expecting it. He scanned the room to see Louise and Burt waving from the couch. Finn had mentioned that Louise and Emily were staying until after New Year.

"He's upstairs in the guest room seeing to Emily. He really loves that baby!" Carole excitedly read him like a book just as he was wondering where Kurt was. It seemed she was more excited about her stepson getting back together with Blaine than anyone. Everyone knew that this would work. That once they saw each other again everything would be forgotten.

"Should I?" Blaine motioned to the stairs.

"Oh yes! Yes. Go on dear! You know where the guest bedroom is!" He started the long walk up to the guest bedroom. It wasn't really a long walk, it just seemed like every step was a mile. Blaine's heart began beating faster, so fast that he almost felt it jump from his chest. He was scared. More scared than he'd ever been. Different situations played over and over in his brain. What if he says no? He couldn't think like that! The thoughts were pushed to the back of his head as he reached the guest room. Blaine peered in, watching what Kurt was doing. He looked so peaceful. The perfect boy sat on the bed rocking the tiny baby in his arms, humming as he did so. He looked so happy. It proved he really was a natural. Blaine stood for a moment admiring the sight in front of him. Unwillingly he pushed the door open slightly and took a step in.

Kurt could feel the presence of his ex in the room, but chose to ignore it. It wasn't something he wanted to deal with. Did it come as a surprise? Yes he supposed it did. But he was here now. No point in avoid the inevitable. There was an awkward silence as Blaine stood watching Kurt hum to the sleeping baby in his arms.

"You're going to be a great dad." The shock of what Blaine just said to him make his throat go dry and his head jerk up. He was met by a pair of the most beautiful eyes he'd ever seen. The ones he'd not got to look in to for a good 2 weeks now.

"Thanks." Kurt looked back down to the baby in his arms.

"Can we talk?" Blaine questioned, not really knowing what to say in a situation such as this one.

"Sure." Kurt stood and put Emily back in her crib before heading out the door first, it was Kurt's way of asserting the authority; making someone follow him. Padding down the hallway they came to their former bedroom. Now Kurt's bedroom once again. Nothing had changed, he hadn't moved anything around, even some of Blaine's things were still scattered around the room.

Blaine couldn't hold it in any longer. "Kurt I'm sorry! Okay! I'm sorry! I regret every single thing I said to you 2 weeks ago! I regret every one! Kurt I'm meant to be with you! It took me this stupid fight to realize that I'm nothing without you. I've been a wreck these past weeks. A complete wreak. I need you Kurt. I need you a damn sight more than you need me. I haven't been myself without you. Please Kurt. I am in love with you."

"How can I be sure of that Blaine? 2 weeks ago you were screaming at me, telling me that we were through because basically you couldn't stand me!"

"Kurt I know, nothing I will say will ever make up for the fact that I treated you like complete crap! I'm not saying you have to love me again. Just take me back, please? I'm nothing without you!"

"I've been a wreak these past few weeks to you know, it has affected me too."

"I know it has, I was stupid. I'm still such an idiot! I cannot believe I let myself say those things to you because I meant none of them! I love you. Clearly everyone knows it. Knows were really meant to be together. I will try my best to make this work. Long term! I'm not going to lie to you Kurt. I'm going to Cali. I've made my mind up that's final. But I want to be able to say 'no I'm not working because I', going to see my boyfriend in New York 'If you will. I want to try and make this work. Long term."

"Blaine nothing more would please me than to say I wanted to make it work long term anyway, but how can I be sure I won't get hurt like this again? I physically and mentally not deal with what happened the other week again."

"I know, neither can I. That's why I'm going to change, to make sure that I can be my very best for you! I don't deserve you Kurt. You're amazing! I want to make this work so badly, please."

"I love you." Kurt fell in to Blaine's arms, pressing hungry kisses to the boy's lips. He missed the taste of Blaine's lips, a mix of mint and cherries. They broke their kiss but stayed in that position for a long time. Bodies pressed together, unable to stop staring in to each other's eyes. To believe they are back to where they used to be.

"Blaine, I can't go straight back to where we were before though. I need time to trust you again."

"I understand, I'll be behind you on whatever you want to do."

The boys stayed, enjoying each other's company for a while longer before they found the time suitable to go downstairs and share the news with their family. Their family.

"Hey boys!" Carole smiled looking at the stairs and the boys interlocking hands. "I'm so happy for you too!" She grinned gripping both teenagers in a tight hug.

"Good for you dude!" Finn shouted from the other side of the room.

"Welcome back Blaine." Burt patted the boys shoulder as he walked past. Kurt went to sit on the couch and patted the seat next to him. Blaine sat down too, keeping his distance trying to keep Kurt comfortable. To his surprise the younger boy shuffled closer and placed his head on Blaine's shoulder. They settled down for the evening as a family to watch TV.

"The Dalton forms!" Blaine exclaimed and his eyes went wide realizing he had to stop his transition to Dalton!


That night, Kurt and Blaine's bedroom

It was getting late and the boys had decided to retreat back to their room for some catching up time. They decided between them to still do Christmas presents. They were sat on the bed, legs touching. Blaine had already opened his had gave his million thanks to Kurt, and Kurt's was next. It was small and not much but it had cost Blaine a small fortune, more than he'd ever spent on Kurt before. He knew he'd like it though. Being normal, in their bedroom. It was like they had never been a part, the argument had truly been forgotten about. Before Kurt had the chance to open his gift Finn burst in to the room, clearly over excited.

"I got in!" He squealed basically running around the room.

"What? Got in where?" Kurt was unimpressed, his idiot of a brother ruined the one special moment he'd had in over 2 weeks!

"Cincinnati! The scholarship! I got it!" Finn had wanted this football scholarship for the majority of his life. He was excited, and Kurt let him be after his chances with Karofsky almost ruined it for him.

"That's great Finn! Well done!" Blaine sounded almost as excited as Finn did.

"Well done!" Kurt was pleased for him and let him enjoy it for another minute. "Good luck telling Rachel you're not moving to New York." Kurt smiled smugly.

"Oh shit." Finn stopped jumping and walked out of the room in a daze. Both boys burst out laughing, almost doubled over in stitches. It didn't hurt Kurt anymore to think of Blaine not in New York because he knew he still had him.

"Open your present!" Blaine bounced eagerly. Kurt lifted the lid on the tiny box and sat in shock for a couple of minutes, unable to take in what was going on. He picked up the ring and inspected it, noticing the engravement inside.

"A promise is a promise." A lump was swelling in Kurt's throat and it made it hard for him to talk.

"Do you like it? Is it too much? If you don't like it just take it back! I know you're picky!"

"Blaine this is perfect! This is literally the best gift anyone has got me. You remembered all this time no-one's ever bought me jewellery."

"Of course!" Kurt hugged Blaine tight, never wanting to let go again.

The boys had stayed up talking for a little longer before Blaine could barely keep his eyes open any longer. "Do you mind if we head to bed? It's been a long day." Blaine announced sliding off Kurt's bed and pulling a blanket from the wardrobe. He set it down on the couch in the room and slid underneath.

"No sure, I'm pretty tired too." Kurt stared at his boyfriend from across the room. He was still sat on the bed. "Blaine what are you doing?" He questioned getting up and getting in to bed.

"I'm going to sleep; I don't want to rush you."

"Just because I don't want to be rushed doesn't mean I don't want you to sleep in bed with me!" Kurt laughed patting the space next to him. Blaine's rightful space. Blaine jumped from the couch a little relieved Kurt felt that way. He got in to bed with his boyfriend and they snuggled up just like they had done for months, everything was normal again. It was like nothing had changed. Blaine's breath blew warm on Kurt's neck which sent shivers all the way down his spin.

"I love you Blaine." Blaine wrapped his arms tighter around Kurt and pulled him even closer if it was possible.

"I love you too Kurt.


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