You Move Me
As Long As I'm With You Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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You Move Me: As Long As I'm With You

E - Words: 6,933 - Last Updated: Aug 22, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 18/? - Created: Aug 05, 2011 - Updated: Aug 22, 2011
220 0 0 0 0

Chapter 11

It was early morning on the Friday they were leaving for New York. Blaine and Kurt were given a day off by Kurt's parents because they knew they wouldn't fall behind, and Monday was easy because McKinley was off for a teacher assessment day or something along those lines. Blaine and Kurt were in their bedroom making last checks they had everything they needed. Kurt was obsessive about things like this. He needed to make sure he had everything he could possibly need and he had to check at least 3 times it was there.

"Babe, just close the suit case." Blaine urged sneaking up behind his boyfriend and wrapping his arms around his waist. He began to nuzzle the taller boys neck.

"Blaine you will not distract me! How horrible would it be to arrive at New York without one of my face creams?"

"Oh yeah, that would be terrible!" Blaine laughed at his boyfriends tendencies to over react any situation; he loved him for it though. Kurt reached behind and hit Blaine for making fun of him.

"Boys, Finn's back with the car!" Burt shouted up the stairs. They'd roped Finn in to getting up at 6am to go and get them gas for the car. They simply didn't have time otherwise. They were driving. They knew it would be a lengthy drive but if they took it in turns and made sure they were heading the right way they should have any problems.

"Suppose we're off then." Blaine took Kurt's list off him and shut the suitcase.


"If we don't have anything we'll just have to buy it there won't we?" He kissed the top of Kurt's head and dragged the suitcase downstairs.

"Have you got the hotel confirmation? And the tickets?" Carole double checked once they boys had reached the lounge.

"Yes! Definitely! We have everything, I think." Kurt looked at the suitcase knowing he should check it one more time. Finn was at on the couch still moping about the fact he had to go to school today and his brother was going to New York.

"I still can't believe your letting them head to New York." Finn huffed.

"What are you complaining about? Aren't you staying at Rachel's the whole weekend?" Kurt hit the back of his brothers head.

"Yeah so?"

"I think Kurt's trying to remind you Rachel's parents are away for the weekend." Blaine tried to disguise his voice a little. Finn turned around to hug his brother goodbye a whole lot happier than moments before.

"So yeah, have fun dudes. I'll be here, it's cool!" Carole and Burt giggled at the sudden change in their son's mood and hugged Blaine and Kurt.

"Be careful! Blaine you've got the emergency credit card right?"

"Yes sir!" Blaine saluted Burt playfully before he was dragged in to a hug.

"Enjoy yourselves boys. Don't get in to trouble!" Carole warned watching them walk to the car. Blaine threw the suitcase in to the boot of Kurt's Navigator and threw him the car keys. Kurt placed another few bags in the back of the car, with food and entertainment for the ride down.

"You ready? Have you packed everything you need? I don't trust you Blaine Anderson!" Kurt glared at his boyfriend putting the keys in to the ignition.

"Yes! I'm sure I have! Can we just go please?" Blaine stared at him waiting to turn the key. Once he finally did they shot off down the road waving to Kurt's family stood at the door.


"Right Blaine, turn this off now!" Kurt protested, it was half 10 and they had been on the road for 3 and a half hours. Blaine had Katy Perry's album on repeat since they left and when it had come round to the 6th time, Kurt was about to snap the CD in two.

"Once more? Please Kurt?" Blaine's hazel eyes expanded, making him look even cuter. How could I say no to that face? Kurt thought taking his eyes off the road for a minute.

"Okay, once more. I mean it Blaine. ONCE!" Kurt settled his final warning and carried on driving, he had learnt however to block out any sound he didn't want to hear, and he didn't want to hear any more Katy Perry. Blaine's phone began to blurt out the none mistakable tune of 'You Keep Me Hangin' On' which was most defiantly Quinn. One afternoon when they were relaxing together she'd gone through Blaine's phone and set his ring tone for each glee club member as a song they've sung in the past. However Kurt's obviously remained as Teenage Dream. "Oh holy mother of Gaga!" Kurt exclaimed knowing exactly who the phone call was from. Blaine turned the stereo down and answered his call.

"Oh hey Quinn!"

"Hey Blaine! How's it going?"

"It's really good actually; we set off super early so we should be there in time for dinner tonight."

"That's excellent! I just wanted to call to say have fun really!"

"Aww thanks! What are you doing without me in your life this weekend?" Blaine teased.

"Actually I'm heading to Dalton."

"Ooo! Are things a hit with lover boy then?"

"They most definitely are! He's taking me to dinner and a movie on Saturday! I've seriously not stopped texting him since you introduced us! Thank you so much!"

"It's fine really; I knew you guys would hit it off!"

"Well I have to go, Ms Sylvester is getting on at me to get in to my cheerio's uniform! Get back in one piece though! I miss my Blainey time!"

"Excuse me when will I get my Blainey time?" Kurt shouted down the phone to Quinn. It was hardly surprising Kurt thought that he never saw his boyfriend these past few weeks because he hadn't. The seminar last Monday was probably the last time they'd had a decent conversation. Between Kurt's apartment hunting and college research and with Blaine seeming to be out all the time, weather it was Quinn's or Puck's or Mike's. He had made enough friends now to keep him going a while. He'd also been spending a lot of extra time with Finn. Blaine shot his boyfriend a look telling him to shut up. But sometimes Kurt couldn't help but realize that they saw each other before school, then seemed to go their separate ways until it was time to go to bed that evening.

"I miss my Quinny time!" Kurt thought it was sickening to have nicknames like that for friends. "I promise when I get back we'll do something, dinner maybe?"

"Yeah sure Blaine! Right I really have to go but I'll call you again and tell you how my date with Aaron went! Love you babes!" Quinn blew a kiss down the phone.

"Love you too." Blaine hung up his phone smiling. However that smile didn't last long once he saw Kurt's face.

"Dinner? When was the last time we went to dinner Blaine? And I never spend any time with you anymore! You're always so busy! Maybe you should be promising me dates before Quinn."

"Kurt, baby. Please, let's not start a fight! We're meant to be having a weekend just the two of us. You have me all weekend! Come on let's not ruin this!"

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry!" Kurt seemed to really regret what he'd said to Blaine. He was happy that his boyfriend was fitting in and making friends. Even if they were Quinn and Noah. But at least Kurt was reassured that he had him. He was his boyfriend and nothing could change that.

"And plus, you've just ruined your surprise." Blaine said smugly looking forward. Kurt rapidly turned his head.

"My surprise?"

"Your surprise!"

"What would this surprise be?"

"You always complain we never go out for dinner, tonight I've booked reservations for 'The Place'." Blaine looked extremely proud of himself. One of the most respected and meant to be the best in New York City. Kurt's mouth dropped open, it refused to close or even let words out.

"Th-the Place?" Kurt stuttered, not quite able to believe what was happening, he'd always wanted to go there but it was a little out of his price range.

"The Place, I booked it on my birthday. My treat, it's a date. A proper date. Better then a lousy dinner at Breadsticks right?"

"Oh gosh Blaine! I cannot believe you sometimes!" Kurt couldn't stop smiling.

"So can we stop worrying about if I still love you now and that I may be spending a little too much time with Quinn?"

"Blaine you can say what you want because I'm going to The Place tonight! For that you can play your Katy Perry CD another time." Both boys erupted in to laughter.


County Day Girls School 3:30pm

Lauren's classes for the day had just got out. Jeff had promised to come to see her this evening, being Friday an all they could watch a couple of movies and relax she presumed.

"Oh hey Jeff!" Lauren looked shocked turning down the hallway to see her boyfriend sat on the floor outside her dorm room. His skin tight jeans shaped his legs perfectly and the white Hollister hoodie was baggy leaving a lot to the imagination.

"Lauren!" He jumped from his spot in surprise. She went to fling her arms around her boyfriend but he stepped back, thinking it wasn't a good idea right before a break up. Jeff pulled his hood down and ruffled his hair a little to get it back to its original state.

"Jeff what's wrong? You're scaring me a little." She looked at him.

"Let's just go inside. I need to talk to you." Lauren went for the door, turned the key in the lock and let her blonde boyfriend in to her room. He took his usual place up on her bed and she dumped her books on the desk.

"What is it? Jeff just tell me." She sat opposite him. Jeff's head was face down; he wasn't ready to look her in the eyes. This would be the first person a part from Blaine he would have to tell he was gay.

"Lauren I think we should break up." The words poured out of his mouth in a ramble he was trying to talk so fast.

"You think we should break up?" Lauren's tone was somewhere in between hurt and angry.

"Um, I just don't think this is going to work out."

"There's someone else isn't there? Isn't there? Who is it?" Lauren practically screamed in his face, she was walking around the room flailing her arms around by now.

"I need to be honest with you." Jeff took hold of her arms and steadied the girl. "It's Nick. I'm in love with Nick, I'm really sorry and everything. I just didn't really realize it, but I'm in love with Nick."

"Oh god! Are you actually kidding me? This is a joke right? Nick as in your room mate Nick? Your best friend Nick? Why the hell didn't you tell me you were bi Jeff?"

"I'm not bi, I'm gay. 100%. I'm really sorry it took me this long to figure it out. Deep down I always knew it."

"I cannot believe I have been dating a gay guy for months! Jeff this is horrible. You're dumping me for another guy? Seriously?" Lauren was getting really angry now.

"Maybe I should leave. I'm really sorry though Lauren, truly I am." Jeff stood and make his way to the door. Lauren never took breakups lightly, as a result of this she grabbed the first thing to hand, this time a stack of school books and threw them across the room in Jeff's direction. He tried to shield himself from the flying paper cuts but it didn't work. One his is face, another his head (which was luckily protected with a beanie hat) and 3 more hit his chest. "Again I'm really sorry!" Jeff ran out of the room, unsure of what to do, Jeff stood in the hallway, listening to the sound of Lauren crying on the other side of the door. How could someone be so deep in to a relationship after two months? He thought to himself before staring the walk to his car. "That went slightly better than I thought."


Days Inn Hotel, New York City.

Kurt and Blaine had arrived late afternoon in the city and decided on heading straight to the hotel to freshen up before their dinner reservations. Kurt had picked the hotel because he noticed the signs for it on his last visit and a lot of people praised the place. The Days Inn Hotel was situated right in the middle of the city. They had managed to check in with no problems and find their room.

Blaine was sprawled out across the bed, eyes closed but still aware of what was going on around him. Kurt had opted for first shower to let Blaine recover from his long drive by taking a nap. Blaine heard the water stop running and the door creak open a few minutes later. Kurt tip toed around the room, trying not to wake the sleeping beauty lay on the bed. Kurt walked past Blaine and he could sense that. Blaine reached up for Kurt's waist that shocked him to his very core.

"Stop being so quiet, I'm not asleep." Blaine mumbled in to the bed sheets, he was faced down.

"Jesus Blaine you cared me so much! Don't do that!" Kurt squealed. Blaine lifted his head and opened his eyes to look at the perfect boy stood in front of him; his porcelain white skin was a little shiny from the shower he had just taken. Droplets of water were still running over him. To Blaine, he couldn't have been sexier. His usually so perfect hair was messed up and wet. Blaine raised himself to his knees and kept his hands firmly placed on Kurt's waist.

"You're perfect you know that." He pressed a soft kiss to the younger boy's lips and pulled away.

"No I'm not! I've just got out of the shower." Kurt blushed a little, no matter how many compliments he received from Blaine he always had the power to make Kurt blush uncontrollably.

"You are perfect, everything about you." Blaine's tired hazel eyes melted in to Kurt's as they just stared at each other for a little while. Blaine brought his hand slowly to the back of Kurt's neck as he pulled him in for a more passionate kiss. Kurt asked for entrance in to Blaine's mouth and he parted his lips letting Kurt's tongue explore. Reluctantly Kurt pulled away first.

"You need to take a shower!" Kurt urged moving away from Blaine to make sure things didn't get out of hand.

"Okay, only for you." Blaine dragged himself off the incredibly comfortable bed and in to the bathroom.


"Baby that restaurant was just amazing! Seriously! I'm so lucky!" Kurt and Blaine were walking down the street of their hotel, hands locked in the middle of them. They took comfort in the fact they knew no-one they knew was going to be around, no bullies, no-one to hurt them.

"Kurt, you are amazing." Blaine gushed, he'd wanted to say it for a while but he'd left it until after their romantic meal. "Kurt I was so proud of you tonight."

"What do you mean? I did nothing."

"No, I was proud that you were with me. You look incredible tonight; you are an amazing person Kurt. I am the luckiest guy in the world, because I can say you are my boyfriend. I was proud tonight to hold your hand across the table, to stare in to your eyes. Because I'm proud to call you my boyfriend." Blaine felt like he didn't say it hardly enough to Kurt. Kurt knew he loved him, but it seemed he was always the one that was saying 'I love you' first.

"Blaine." Kurt stopped and stared in to his boyfriends eyes for the millionth time today. Just because he enjoyed it. He pressed a firm kiss to his boyfriends lips once again. "I'm sorry for anything I've said these past few weeks, it's so stupid of me to be annoyed because you're making friends. Just maybe, once in a while I can come out with you and Puck? Or go to the movies with you and Quinn? Not all the time! Just once in a while?"

"Sure baby! Nothing would make me happier."

"Would it make you happier if I took you up to the hotel room and let you fuck me?" Kurt whispered in to Blaine's ear quietly. Making sure his breath brushed past his skin.

"Of course that would make me happier." Blaine growled taking Kurt's hand again as they started to run to the hotel.

The door was slammed shut and Kurt was pressed up against it. Excited kisses were being pressed all around each boy's mouth as Blaine kept pushing Kurt up the door with his thrusts of excitement. "Calm down!" Kurt growled at Blaine who was in the process of up buttoning Kurt's shirt.

"I can't! I want you inside me now!" he begged and continued to suck on a spot on Kurt's neck that sent him crazy every time he did it. Kurt was moaning against Blaine's neck, trying to concentrate but the boy just sent him crazy. The buttons to Kurt's shirt were finally undone and Blaine was free to let his hands roam around the boy's pale and defined chest.

Blaine and Kurt ended up on the bed with a trail of clothes they left behind sprawled across the floor. Blaine lay on top of Kurt for a moment, staring at his beautiful body. "What are you waiting for?" he asked innocently, looking down at Blaine who was now pressing soft kisses around Kurt's hard cock, making him wait for it. "Stop teasing me!" Kurt roared thrusting up in to Blaine's chest.

Kurt met his lover's eyes before Blaine suddenly took him in his hands and coiled his hand around Kurt's cock. "You like that don't you?" Blaine answered Kurt's pleasured moans.

"Blaine, I'm gonna come, Blaine!" Kurt's thrusts got harder and deeper until the white substance spurted uncontrollably on to Blaine's hand. Blaine kept his hand on Kurt's cock as he gently stroked Kurt through the aftershocks.

Blaine crawled up on to his boyfriend once again, pressing soft kisses to anywhere he could find on the way up to Kurt's lips. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." Kurt replied, a little tired.

"Did you bring lube?"

"Of course."


Dalton Academy, Nick and Jeff's dorm room, 11pm

"Are you almost ready for bed?" Nick reached over and turned the TV off when the boys were done watching one of Jeff's action movies. They had spent the night relaxing together, like they did most nights.

"Yeah, almost. Nick. I kinda need to talk to you." Jeff played with his fingers a little to try and not show his nervous side, he was in fact terrified.

"Shoot dude." Nick's smiling face was enough to make anyone's heart melt. Jeff had no idea what to do with himself, he'd never told anyone before that he liked them, loved them in fact, especially not anyone like Nick. Him and Nick had basically been best friends since the age of 7. Nothing had ever dragged them apart and Jeff was fearing this could be what drags them a part.

"Nick I-I- I don't really know what to say...but i-" Jeff just couldn't spit it out and he began to stutter like he did the last two times.

"Dude, it's okay. You can tell me anything." Nick's soft fingers began to stoke Jeff's tanned skin. This was not making the situation any easier.

"Nick. I think I'm in love with you." Jeff announced quiet enough that he was comfortable saying it but loud enough for Nick to hear.

"What?" Nick brought his ear closer to Jeff, but he knew what he said.

"Nick, don't make me say it again." Jeff's brown eyes pleaded with the boy, Nick couldn't take it anymore, he brought his head closer and closer to Jeff's and whispered in his ear.

"I won't, I just like hearing it." The words shocked Jeff to the very core but before he knew what was happening Nick's lips were touching his and Nick was pulling Jeff in for a deeper kiss. Jeff couldn't resist. For Nick, this was something he had dreamt about for months now. He couldn't resist Jeff any longer. He wasn't saying the news hadn't come as a surprise to him, he would have never guessed Jeff liked him, but it was a welcome surprise. They both pulled away, looking at each other with stupidly large grins, Nicks hand still placed on the side of Jeff's face.

"So, you're gay." Nick laughed sitting back, making more sense of the situation and trying to inject humour in to everything as usual.

"Yeah, I suppose I am." Jeff laughed along with Nick; they both fell in to a comfortable silence with each other.

"What does this mean for us Nick? Are we going to try it? Or not?" Jeff asked hopefully, praying that Nick liked him back.

"Jeff, I've loved you for too long to let this pass."


"Jeff Stark, will you be my boyfriend?" Nick took the blonde boys hands in his own and stared in to the familiar brown eyes that looked just like a pool of chocolate.

"Of course I will." Jeff leant forward pressing more kisses to Nick's lips. He actually never thought he'd be happier than is was at that moment in time.


"Kurt! Can you believe it! We're seeing Katy Perry in a matter of hours!" Blaine bounced in his seat excitedly in the New York coffee shop.

"I know Blaine, calm down." Kurt giggled at how immature Blaine could be sometimes. It reminded him sometimes that even Blaine 'dapper' Anderson was human.

"I know but I can't actually believe it! Did I fail to mention you are the best boyfriend in the world?"

"You haven't said it today, so feel free to continue."

"You are the best boyfriend in the world!" Blaine loved it when they had moments of playful banter. Both boys continued to chat after their busy morning shopping, they decided to hang around the coffee shop on the corner near the venue until the time for the meet and greet.

"Oh hang on, that's my phone." Blaine realized after it wasn't playing a familiar tone, something strange considering all his contacts had a ring tone assigned to them. Blaine pulled the IPhone from his pocket at looked at the number. He looked at the phone, up to Kurt and back to the phone. The number may not have a tone but he recognized the digits. "Holy crap!" Blaine exclaimed before pressing the answer call button.

"What is it babe?" Kurt questioned looking at his boyfriends shocked expression. Blaine pulled the phone to his ear.

"Hi dad." Blaine's voice was soft and slow, which was the opposite reaction to across the table where Kurt was spurting out coffee all over the place.

"Hi son, how are things going?" How is he being so normal after all this time? Blaine thought, shocked at just hearing his father's voice. It was safe to say they hadn't spoke since the day Blaine left for Lima. He and his parents never had the best of relationships, the neglect when Blaine was growing up, he could deal with, and after all he had Dalton after that which helped. But when he announced he was gay, his parents weren't exactly supportive, and they have never approved of Kurt.

"Umm, there okay I suppose."

"Good. That's great, well me and your mother were wondering if you and your boyfriend, Ryan was it?"


"Yes that's right Kurt! Would like to join us for dinner this evening?"

"I can't dad, I'm in New York."

"What are you doing in New York?" His father sounded angry, he had no right to be. He gave up that right when he let Blaine freely walk out the door and move to Lima. Plus Blaine was 18 now, he was free.

"It was a birthday present from Kurt. Not that you would know."

"When was your birthday?" Mr Anderson sounded practically shocked he'd manage to miss his son's birthday, its look like he hadn't missed the last 16 birthdays anyway.

"It was last month."

"Oh right, sorry son. Well what about later in the week? Next Friday perhaps?"

"Yeah, we'll think about it. And oh before I forget, Harry, don't call me son, I'm not your son." Blaine said, sounding like he'd really been hurt. He also called his dad Harry; it had been a common occurrence when he was growing up that he called his parent's by their first names, because they weren't really his parents.

"Okay Blaine, you think about it and get back to us."

"Bye." Blaine hung up his phone and placed it on the table.

"So..." Kurt urged. "What did he want?"

"They want us to go for dinner at their place next Friday, what do you think?"

"What? Us? Not just you?"

"No us, he specifically asked for you there."

"Well I would like to meet your parents Blaine, no matter how crap they've been. It's up to you, if it's something you want to do."

"It all sounds weird to me, they wouldn't have asked me if it wasn't important in some way, I know my parents, I know how they work."

"Well shouldn't we go just to see what it is then?"

"I suppose you have a point, I'll call them back later." Blaine's mood had clearly dropped, Kurt knew just the way to cheer him right back up.

"Oh and Blaine?"

"Yeah?" He looked up from his coffee.

"Katy Perry." And just with the words sure enough Blaine began to squirm again in his chair like a 3 year old.


The Hummel-Hudson house, Monday evening

Kurt and Blaine had arrived back home late Monday evening after the most amazing weekend together. They were tired, worn out and Blaine was a little hungry but it didn't stop them for still being amazed about the time they shared together in New York City. All plans went ahead for the Katy Perry concert, Blaine met his idol and he still wouldn't shut up about it. Kurt thought he was cute though. Sunday after a playful lie in the boys headed in to the town to get some shopping in, where both bought many items of new clothes and enjoyed their playful time in the changing rooms also.

"The boys are home!" Carole exclaimed looking out of the window, she had been stood there for an hour anticipating the boys arrival home. Kurt and Blaine got out of the car looking tired and walked hand in hand to the house, not bothering with the suitcase yet, it was too late and Finn would get it for him. Carole ran to the door, throwing it open and pulling both boys in to a hug.

"Hey Frankenteen! Suitcase!" Kurt ordered seeing his brother sat doing nothing on the couch. Finn unwillingly got up and headed outside to the car. "Thanks bro!" Kurt hollered after him.

"So how was it?" Carole had let them sit down.

"Amazing, seriously, it was so much fun! And I met Katy Perry! Me! I met Katy Perry!" Blaine gleamed, never wanting to forget him memory of meeting the one woman he would ever be capable of loving.

"Dude you didn't tell me there's more crap in the boot!" Finn complained bringing their suitcase in and heading back out.

"You didn't have to use the emergency credit card did you?" Burt asked, just to make sure before the boys got ahead of themselves. Blaine reached in to his pocket and retrieved the card.

"No we didn't Burt." He handed the card to Kurt's dad and continued his conversation with Carole. "We went for dinner, we went for coffee, we shopped, we went to the concert!"

Finn interrupted once again. "They had sex..." He felt the need to finish Blaine's list of things they did which left both boys blushing furiously. "Seriously Kurt, how much did you buy?" Finn once again complained bringing more bags in from the car.

"I'm glad you boys had a great time! I would really like to hear more about this but it will have to be tomorrow! It's getting late, I'm off to bed. I advise you two to get some sleep too." Carole patted Blaine's shoulder walking past. "Goodnight boys."

"Goodnight." Everyone shouted watching Carole walk up stairs. Finn brought in the last of the bags and came to join in the conversation. Kurt and Blaine explained through everything they did. Explained the Harry Anderson situation and that they agreed to go to dinner at their house next Friday night and just generally informed Kurt's brother and father of going's on in their lives.

"Sweetie, I think we'd better get to bed." Blaine suggested running his fingers through Kurt's hair as his head was lying on his shoulder.

"I think your right." Kurt yawned and stood up, pulling Blaine with him. "Night guys."

Kurt and Blaine were snuggled together in the darkness of their bedroom. Blaine was spooning Kurt, where he fit perfectly and it was complete bliss for the two of them. As much as they both enjoyed their weekend away with no parents, siblings or responsibilities, there was nothing like getting back to your own home and your own bed.

"Kurt, thank you so much for this weekend, it has probably been the best of my life."

"That's a lie; it was a dumb weekend away. You'll forget about it in a few years!"

"I won't do, I promise. It was perfect, and I got to spend it with the two people I love the most."


"You and Katy obviously." Kurt chuckled to himself.

"Oh yeah, obviously Blaine. I love you."

"I love you too." And with that the boys drifted off to sleep, in each other's arms where they seemed to belong. No matter what was trying to pull them apart, all the obstacles that were put in their way, it didn't matter because every night they would return to the same position and be reminded their meant to be together.


Friday after school at the Hummel-Hudson house

"Kurt I really don't know why your making such a big deal out of this." Blaine sighed from the bed where he was sat with Rachel. She was waiting for Finn to get home from football practice. Kurt was staring hopelessly in to his wardrobe.

"I simply have nothing to wear! Blaine's I have to look nice for your parents! They're your parents!" Kurt began to pull out numerous outfits and holding them up in front of the mirror.

"I know their my parents, but we don't like them remember?"

"Blaine, I think Kurt's just trying to make a good first impression, even though he tries too hard." Rachel made a very good point.

"Okay, what about that jacket you bought in NY?" Blaine was getting tired of watching Kurt stare in to his wardrobe hopelessly at the mounds of clothes that were falling out.

"Blaine have you learnt nothing? That jacket it way to casual!"

"My parents aren't royalty Kurt!"

"I know, but it's too casual for a dinner!"

"Okay then." Rachel stood and pushed Kurt to the bed, his face a picture of shock. No-one ever took over his outfit choices. Rachel went to his wardrobe and started to pull out a few items. "These." She handed him a pile of clothes.

"Rachel, you are a genius! I forgot about this Marc Jacob's sweater!" Kurt gushed looking at his striped brown and black sweater. "Jean's really? What are you wearing Blaine?"

"You're looking at it." Blaine laughed pointing to his striped t-shirt and crimson cardigan. "I'm not getting changed!"

"Okay then, this will have to do!" Kurt went off in to the bathroom to get changed leaving Blaine and Rachel alone.

"Why is it he listens to you and not me?"

"Because he's trying to impress you all the time. I've known Kurt for years now. He trust's me." Rachel played around with some of Kurt's face creams on the desk. "So he's been telling me about you and Quinn. What's going on there?"

"Nothing! What do you mean what's going on? Nothing! We're just friends, just like you and Kurt!"

"Does Quinn know that?"

"Of course! She's got a new boyfriend anyway!"

"What? Quinn's got a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, Aaron. One of my friends from Dalton."

"Oh right." Rachel looked down. "At least she won't be after Finn anymore."


"Oh nothing!" Rachel smiled looking at Kurt as he came from the bathroom. "Perfect!"

"Are you sure it's okay?"

"Baby, you look amazing." Blaine rose from the bed and grabbed Kurt's waist. He pressed a soft kiss to the boy's lips. "We have to leave now!"

"Okay, my time to go."

"What? I thought you were waiting for Finn?" Kurt asked walking to his friend.

"Oh I am, I'm going to go and talk to Carole." She laughed and hugged Kurt tight.

"See you later Rachel." Blaine shouted from across the room, they were friends but not on the scale of hugging yet.

"Call me and tell me what happens!" Rachel went out of the room leaving the boys together.

"Seriously you look amazing! But we need to leave!" Blaine walked past Kurt to the door, giving his arse a tap.

"Don't do that to me Blaine when we have to leave the house now." Kurt laughed pulling his boots on and following his boyfriend downstairs.


The Anderson household.

Blaine and Kurt pulled on to the road where Blaine's parents lived. He was ashamed to say they lived in one of the larger houses in the area. "Blaine, this area is amazing! Remind me why you never brought me here before?"

"Because it's amazing and I wanted you to see me, not the place I lived." Blaine was getting nervous now, he hadn't seen his parents for 5 months, not to even mention have dinner with them. He didn't think that had ever happened with both his parents together.

"Blaine that would never happen!" Kurt moved his hand to Blaine's leg while he drove, something Kurt often did. Blaine pulled the car in to a drive way, a long drive way and drove up to the house. Kurt sat, mouth open not really able to speak. He started at the white painted house in front of him, the amount of sheer land the Anderson's owned was incredible! 4 cars were parked in the drive way. 4! "Eh, Blaine. Is this the right one?" Kurt sceptically asked.

"This is home." Kurt continued to start at the house, shocked at the size of the place. 4 bedrooms easily, maybe 5.

"You grew up here? Seriously?"

"Sadly, yes." Blaine looked up at the house, nothing had changed since he left, he presumed that was down to his family never being home.

"Are all those cars, you know. Your parents?"

"Yeah, there's a couple in the garage round the back too, my dad likes cars." Blaine turned the engine off after parking his BMW next to his father's Bentley.

"I understand why you have such a fancy car now."

"Shall we get this over with?" Blaine was putting on a brave face, Kurt could tell. Kurt nodded and opened his door, standing outside in the crisp air. Blaine took Kurt's hand within his own and they walked to the front door. Kurt went to reach for the door bell. "No, I still live here remember?" Blaine pulled Kurt's hand down and tried the door handle. It was open. No surprise considering he never expected his parents to bother getting up to answer the door.

They walked in, Kurt was taking in the atmosphere and the interior of the house, it was simply amazing. Everything was so finely decorated, even though there were modern twists to everything. "Is that my Blaine I hear?" He heard his mother Andria shout from the kitchen. Blaine slammed the door shut and looked in the direction of Andria.

"Hey." He awkwardly said.

"Blaine! I've missed you so much!" She threw he arms around her son; Kurt dropped Blaine's hand and stood awkwardly.

"No you didn't, don't lie." She let go of Blaine looking a little hurt and reluctantly moved on to Kurt.

"You must be Kurt! We've heard so much about you! I can't believe we haven't had a chance to meet until now!" She hugged Kurt too, something he wasn't expecting.

"Nice to meet you to Mrs Anderson."

"Oh call me Andria! Blaine does so you might as well." She joked. The room fell to an uncomfortable silence. Finally Andria spoke. "Well boys, why don't you make yourselves comfortable, dinner will be in half an hour. Maybe you could show Kurt around the house?"

"Yeah whatever." Blaine was completely different at home with his parents, he was quite obnoxious actually and Kurt wasn't sure he liked it. Blaine tugged off his jacket and removed Kurt's for him. Blaine took his boyfriends hand and led him upstairs, up to Blaine's bedroom.

"Do I not get a tour then?" Kurt questioned entering Blaine's bedroom and he shut the door behind them.

"Not right now, okay?" Blaine sat next to Kurt on the bed. It was different to the rest of the house, Blaine's room. Kurt couldn't describe it, it was just very...Blaine. The walls were painted red; numerous posters were planted on the walls. Some of bands, the occasional musical and a few Harry Potter ones. There was a single bed, where there clearly was room for a double, a small wardrobe and a large books shelf filled with books that looked as though they had been read many times each. There was also a little section in the corner of the room where Blaine's laptop was set up, with a drum kit, guitar and keyboard. With some wires and a microphone. It was clear that Blaine had spent a lot of his time in his room when living at home.

"You never told me you played drums."

"I didn't think it was a need to know thing." Blaine snapped.

"Blaine, what the hell is wrong with you? Have I done something?"

"No! I'm sorry! I'm just so worked up about being here, I hate this place!" Kurt pulled Blaine towards him and he rested the boys head on his chest, playing with the curls on his head a little.

"I know you do, but I think you need to calm down a little bit honey."

"I know, I'm really sorry. Do you want a tour?"

"No, we can just stay here if you want." Kurt smiled at his boyfriend, noticing how worked up he was already he didn't want to make it worse.


Kurt and Blaine were sat next to each other at the dinner table, Harry and Andria were at each end of the table and everyone was eating silently, no-one really wanted to bring up any kind of topic. Blaine could tell that there was some kind of tension in the air, something was going on.

"So how's school going? You know at that new place?" Harry asked, looking at his son.

"Okay can we stop this? There's something going on! Something you're not telling me! Otherwise we all know you wouldn't have invited me here!" Blaine slammed his fork on to his plate, it's not like he was eating anyway. Just pushing food round his plate aimlessly. Harry gave Andria a quick glace across the table as though they were confirming something.

"Blaine, sweetie. We have something to tell you. It's not good news I'm afraid." Andria started, Blaine was confused. He hated being confused.

"I've got cancer." Harry exclaimed from the other end of the table, quite calmly to say the least. Kurt and Blaine's heads shot to the other side of the table. Staring at Harry.

"Blaine, sweetie?" Andria came to hug Blaine but he had already flung his arms around Kurt, something again Kurt wasn't expecting.

"I love you Kurt." Blaine was holding on for dear life, as though it was Kurt that had actually been diagnosed. Blaine didn't know why but he felt the need to tell him he loved him. When your given news of a family member having cancer it makes you realize how much you love the ones around you. Blaine realized this the second the news hit his ear drums. He had sympathy for his father. A lot of it in fact, but on hearing the news, it didn't change Blaine's views towards the basically cruel man. He hadn't spoken to his father for a great deal of time, he'd yet to remember a full conversation they'd had, why should this news change anything?

"Blaine, do you understand what we are saying?" Andria prized Blaine out of Kurt's arms and looked him straight in the eyes.

"Yeah I heard, I heard loud and clear, but I don't see how this changes anything. I still live in Lima; I still have a new family. You still haven't been there for me all my life. Call me heartless but this changes nothing." The Anderson's were shocked by the reaction made by their son.

"Well, that's fine then." Harry added gruffly before they settled back down to eat again.

The dysfunctional family finished their dinner in silence and with the forks hitting the table Blaine declared it was time to leave.

"I'm sorry to see you go so soon Blaine."

"I'm sorry, I just really don't belong here. I'm sorry I came, I shouldn't have." He apologize grabbing his and Kurt's jackets.

"Well keep in touch, not all the time obviously, but just let us know your okay." Andria waved goodbye to the boys as they made their way to the car. Kurt had barely said a word all evening. Secretly he was to scared too. They got in to the car and Kurt turned to Blaine, stopping him from staring the car.

"Blaine, your okay aren't you?"

"Kurt I'm fine seriously. News like that, it just didn't faze me. They aren't my family anymore, you are." He leaned in to kiss Kurt. "I felt like such an outsider in there tonight Kurt. I don't belong here."

"Because you belong with me." Kurt grinned looking in to Blaine's eyes. He began to laugh which made his hazel eyes dazzle.

"Yes, I belong with you." Blaine started up the car and they drove home, back to Lima, their home.


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