Will You Be Mine Part II
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Sept. 5, 2013, 11:42 p.m.

Will You Be Mine Part II: Chapter 9

E - Words: 7,854 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/24 - Created: Jul 18, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
157 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Finally:)Reviews would be lovely!

'I just don't think they are here, Rachel,' Finn said looking trough the dark tree's. He turned the engine of his car of. Rachel stepped out of the car and Finn followed.

'Sebastian said they were near the cliff, they have to be here,' Rachel point her flashlight to the cliff.

'Don't come close, it's dangerous,' Finn warned.

'We need to look maybe they've fallen down and broken both legs and can't walk and...' Rachel squealed she was panicking. 'Burt will kill me if I let anything happen to Kurt. I made a promise to protect him.' A tear rolled down her face.

Finn pulled her close in his arms. 'Don't say things like that. Kurt will be fine. He survived for years in a city like New York on his own. A forest is easy for him.'

'Do you really believe that?'

'Sure,' Finn reassured. 'Kurt is strong, he must be out here somewhere with Blaine.' His face went pale.

'What's wrong?' Rachel asked worried when she saw his face.

'What if they.... You know... don't want to be find.'


Finn just looked at Rachel knowingly.

'no.... Finn how can you think about that right now? Besides Blaine is wounded, Sebastian even said he probably won't survive it. They don't think about sex right now. Gosh your such a perf!' Rachel paced away, irritated as hell. Here she was in a forest she didn't know, with lose vampires and a dark witch running around and a boy who thinks about gay sex at the moment. Rachel sighs. What happened to her life?

'I think I found something!' Finn whispers. Rachel walked over and there she saw Blaine and a white wolf. Finn grabs his gun he got from Rachel and pointed at the wolf. 'It's better if the wolf never wakes up, we need to kill him now.'

'What? Why?'

'You're the Hunter Rachel, what if he's done something to Kurt and now just resting so he could eat Blaine later?'

'Eat? It's not a fairytale, Finn.' Rachel looked at Blaine's pale face. 'Besides I think he's dead already.'

'What do we do about the wolf?' Finn asked nervously.

Rachel looks sad. 'I think it's Kurt, Finn. It's Kurt in his wolf form. He tried to keep Blaine warm and protect him.' Tears filled her eyes. 'This is so romantic. It's just like Romeo and Julia.'


But Rachel walked to the cave. Finn followed. 'They're not moving.'

'Are they both dead?'

They both kneeled closer, Rachel stretched her hand to feel a pulse with Blaine but suddenly Blaine woke up and sat straight up. Rachel and Finn both screamed.

'A Zombie!!!' Finn ran towards the closest bush and just let him fall down to hide.

'W- what are you two doing here?' Blaine said confused, his voice croaked because he hadn't talked for awhile.

Rachel sighs relieved. 'Sadly.... We are the rescue squad. Finn, you can come out here. Blaine was just a sleep.' She looks at the wolf, who opened his eyes and yawned. 'And Kurt too. Wow, Kurt you are truly beautiful as wolf.'

Kurt morphed back. 'Thank you. Finn, you really should stop gaming so much with Puck it messes up your brains. Now help me with Blaine.'

Finn walked closer still unsure about Blaine. Kurt helped Blaine stand. 'How is my mother?' Blaine asks worried.

'Santana is taking care of her, but Blaine, it doesn't look good,' Rachel said calm. 'Santana is doing everything she can to heal her but her organs are damaged...'

Blaine stood straight up. 'Let's go!'

With help of Finn, Kurt managed to load Blaine in the car. The ride to Santana's house was silence. When Rachel stopped the car, Blaine jumped out and rushed inside.

'How is he able to walk with all the blood?' Finn asked impressed.

'That's called adrenaline,' Rachel said. 'he doesn't feel pain because he's worried about his mom but the pain will hit him later.'

When Kurt, Finn and Rachel walked in they saw Blaine kneeling down at Jane who laid on the couch and Santana standing in a Conner. 'how is she?'

'Recovering,' Santana spoke the magic words. And Blaine let a relieved breath escape. 'That you even doubted me in the first place hurts, Blaine! You know I can make everyone better.' She looked up and down at his body. 'Now it's your turn. Go sit in the chair.'

Blaine obedient. Santana grabs a few potions and kneeled down and inspected the wounds. 'Damn. How many times did they shoot you?'

'Five. Without Kurt they would've done more damage, he saved me, he saved all of us.' Blaine looks gratefully at Kurt.

'so... why aren't you healing?'

'They used silver that melted into the body,' Kurt explained. 'He can't morph.'

'Into the body?' Santana was impressed. 'Wow I've never heard of that.'

'I have,' Rachel spoke up softly. 'It's a illegal weapon which the hunter society invented years ago. We didn't want to use it because it was killing the wolf slowly. It shuts the system down so the wolf can't morph and run. Then we use our normal weapons and kill the wolf if he had suffered enough. It's just too cruel.' She sniffs. 'I have seen wolfs kill them self to avoid the torture.'

'Well in this case it wouldn't be easy to heal him,' Santana said.

'But you can right?' Kurt stepped forward.

'Of course I can,' Santana said and walked to the kitchen.

That's when Sebastian walked back in. 'hey you all here.' He looked at Blaine. 'And your still alive. Well I say this is another mission I completed successfully.' He looked over at Finn, Rachel and Kurt. 'Where is Dylan?'

'He isn't back yet?' Kurt asks, trying to watch over Sebastian's shoulder for a sign of Dylan.

'No, a damn it, that kid has killed himself,' Sebastian opened the door. 'Better I find him then.' And he was gone.

Santana came back with a black large bottle. 'Well, Blaine you need to drink this all, it put you in a deep sleep. Your body needs to recover and get loose of all the silver in your body. It's strong but you'll be good as new in 4 or 5 hours if you drink this.' Blaine grabs the bottle and drank it all. Soon he was fast asleep.

Kurt looked at the clock and saw it was 4 am in the morning. He yawned. He could use a soft mattress to sleep on. 'So he's going to be better?'

Santana nodded. 'Side effects are slightly memory loss and maybe he can see some illusions when he wakes up....'

'M-memory loss?' It was like all the air was slammed out of Kurt when he heard that. 'W-what do you mean?'

'It can be that he doesn't remember the last few days for awhile,' Santana said confused. 'Would that be a problem?'

If Kurt had energy left he would probably scream and punch someone but he just felled to his knees and couldn't stop the tears. He realized he was losing Blaine again, on this day. The only day they had a change to be mates and start their lives together, after a whole year apart. Finn was at his side instantly when he saw Kurt falling.

'What's wrong, Kurt?'

'H- he told me he loved me last night... we kissed. I just had hope that... we finally had a change...' Kurt sniffs.

Santana kneels down and pulled him close. 'I'm so sorry, Kurt. If I could help.'

Kurt looked at her and wiped away his tears. 'Can I spend this night with you again? It's full moon tonight and I don't think I can survive without you.' Santana nodded. 'I think I'm going home, I need a shower and I could use some sleep.'

'I'll send Blaine back when he's on his feet,' Santana said. 'Maybe he remembers Kurt, they say that the most important memories are...'

Kurt just shakes his head. 'It won't, Santana. It's like a higher power is just toying with us, it doesn't want us together. We have been through enough....' He walks towards Blaine, who slept like a angel. 'I begin to wonder if we are meant to be.'

'You are, Kurt, everyone can see that,' Rachel said softly, tears in her eyes. 'Just give it one more change and wait till he wakes up. I'm sure he remembers you.'

Kurt nodded. 'One more change, but I can't let my heart break every time.' He kneeled down and kissed Blaine quickly on his forehead. 'I love you.' And he turned around and walked away.

'I'll bring you home,' Rachel said and followed quickly.


Kurt told Nick, Jeff and Wes everything. Wes and David immediately set of to Santana's house, to make sure their Alpha is okay. Kurt wanted to take a shower but when he saw his bed, he decided to take a quick nap first.

It was 2 PM when he woke up, he quickly showered, dressed in his only left Marc Jacobs outfit and went outside to see if Blaine was back. But he didn't accepted Dylan, sitting in front of Blaine's house with his arm in a cast.

'Hi. What happened?'

'That bastard broke my arm. But he's dead now so oh well...' Dylan shrugged. 'You did a great job yesterday. I thought you would break down and cry but I'm impressed, Hummel.'

'Thank you... Is Blaine back?'

Dylan shook his head. 'Not yet. I'm waiting too. Wes and David drove Santana crazy with their whining about Blaine, when I left.'

'How was Blaine?'

'Still asleep. I left two hours ago. It could've changed by now.'

Kurt sighs.

'You really love him don't you?'

Kurt looked up at that question. He didn't expected it from Dylan. 'yes, of course I do. He's amazing.' He stopped when he saw Dylan's look on his face. 'I'm sorry. I shouldn't discuss this whit you.'

'You shouldn't... but I won't mind.' Dylan sighs. 'I'm not blind, Kurt. I know he loves you, I can see it. I don't like to lose but I'm fighting a lost case and I can accept my lost.'


'I'm not stupid. Who am I to keep you two for loving each other? It would be really selfish.'

'I'm not sure, Santana said Blaine could suffer memory lost...'

'I think you think way too much. If you really think Blaine's worth it... you don't give up.'

'I won't...' Kurt looked at Dylan, it was like looking at a different person. Maybe this was the real Dylan, he hoped it. He liked this "trying to be nice' Dylan. 'What about you? Tonight is full moon, how are you gonna make it through?'

Dylan waved with his cast arm. 'I can't move anyway tonight. And maybe...' Dylan stared at the field before them, where Sebastian was talking to a couple wolfs. 'Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurts because he doesn't feel the same for you? That you just keep hoping he would change and take a longer look at you than he used too? That he says I love you back?'

Kurt nodded. 'I have. With Blaine, the lost couple months are...' He froze. His heart was beating faster, it was like his old gossip instincts awakes. He moved closer. 'You are in love? Who is it?' He almost wanted to beg Dylan. He loved this. He always wanted to know who was with who or secret lovers.

'I'm not telling you, Hummel, It's none of your business,' Dylan snapped, jumped up, walked inside and slammed the door close. Well that was their short attempt of friendship.

Kurt sighs. He turned and walked back to Jeff and Nick's cabin. Jeff was waiting for him with a letter. 'You got a letter from New York. I don't know what it is but it looks serious.'

Kurt accepted the letter and Jeff left so he could read it in private. Kurt couldn't believed what he was reading. If it was a year ago he would jumped up and would celebrate all night. He just got a one year contract at VOGUE in New York. And the salary was amazing. He couldn't believe it. It just wasn't right. VOGUE never offered just a job to someone. The letter said he did apply to the job but he didn't. He never mailed or even called. He grabs his I Phone. He needed to make a call to Isabel or Adam about how this was possible. He turned his phone on and got 9 messages. 6 from Adam, he listened to all and they were all the same. About how depressed he was that Toby was gone and if Kurt couldn't get early to New York. Kurt sighs, already tired of Adam's whining. The last three messages were from his dad. Asking if anything was okay, that they would be back in 3 days and if Kurt could call him because he was worried.

Kurt wanted to call his dad but he got interrupted by a knock on the door. He laid the letter back on table and opened the door. He instantly got pinned to the wall and his mouth got attacked. He could smell the best and most delicious scent in the world: Blaine. 'Oh god Blaine!'

Blaine chuckled and let a small space between them so they could look at each other. 'Just Blaine would be enough. You don't have to call me god. Missed me?'

Kurt looked at Blaine and had to admit he looked still good after everything. The gel was out of his hair and his dark curls were hanging for his eyes. 'You have no idea how much I missed you. But... Santana said something about memory lost.'

Blaine shrugged. 'I don't feel anything different. And of course I remember you... us... our kiss.' He leaned closer and kissed Kurt softly. 'I couldn't wait to get to you, Wes and David were going on and on about my health.'

'You've been shot and lost a lot of blood, of course they are worried, I was worried sick,' Kurt said. 'Are you really feeling okay?'

Blaine nodded. 'I'm just a little bit hungry.'

'I'll making a sandwich, I haven't eaten today either,' Kurt walked past Blaine, to the kitchen. 'Maybe we could talk about our relationship now. I mean what about Dylan? And about tonight?' He quickly makes two sandwiches and grabs two glasses of milk. That's when he realized Blaine didn't answer Kurt's questions. 'Blaine?' He walked back just to see Blaine standing there with his letter from New York in his hands. Kurt panicked. 'It... it's not what it looks like.'

'Are you leaving for a year to New York?' Blaine waved with the letter in anger. 'This is a fucking year contract, Kurt. The salary is huge. I didn't know you even applied for the job, you said you'll stay.'

'I'm staying I didn't apply. I really don't understand what's going on, I swear I didn't apply. I want to stay here, open my shop and build a life with you.' Kurt stepped forward but Blaine backend away. 'Blaine please, just listen...'

'I did. How are you gonna explain this? Your autograph is in this contract, Kurt. You signed this yourself. Just stop lying. I would've understand if you just told me you were going. I know it's your big dream to be a head designer at some fancy design house. I just wished you told me before I fell back in love with you.'

'Aren't you listening? I don't want to be a stupid head designer. Maybe a year ago, yes. But my dreams changed. I didn't contact VOGUE. I've trained my ass off with you remember? I didn't even knew they were looking for a designer. I swear, I didn't do this. Someone else did.' Kurt saw that Blaine didn't believe him but he seemed to calm down.


'I don't know.'

'So someone hacked your email and applied in your place?'

Kurt nodded.

'Kurt, you have to admit that this sounds ridiculous.'

'Do you believe me?'

Blaine sighs. 'I don't know. I want too Kurt but... Who would do this?'

Kurt thought about it and suddenly he knew who did this. No wonder he was so nice when he talked to him. 'It's Dylan.'


'Just think about it, Dylan hates me, he wants me gone so he hacked my email account and applied for the job.' Kurt grabs the letter, stormed out of the room and ran to Blaine's cabin and knocked. Dylan opened and couldn't avoid the punch.

'What the hell, Hummel?' Dylan yelled, his hands on his bleeding nose.

'Why did you do this?' Kurt throws the letter in his hands.

'What's this?' Dylan looks confused at Blaine who followed Kurt calmly. 'VOGUE? Is this like a subtle gesture that I need to were clothes more?'

'Don't play dumb with me, Dylan,' Kurt growls, he was shaking with anger. 'Why would you hack into my account and say that I want a job in New York? It's a contract for one year at VOGUE as head designer.'

'I don't know what you are talking about but I didn't hack anything. I don't even have a phone or know how a computer works. Beside why are you complaining?' Dylan put on his bitch glare. It was time Blaine knew the truth, just a little revenge because of the punch Kurt throws at him. 'I thought it was your dream to be in New York. You even said it yourself a couple weeks ago that you couldn't wait to get back.' He saw that his words had effect, Kurt went pale and Blaine tensed up.

'What are you talking about? I never said that.'

'I heard you say a couple weeks ago before you came back that you would be back as soon as possible. In your shop, at 9 PM, you were on the phone...'

Kurt remembered the phone talk with Adam. He cursed. Dylan had ears dropped him and heard the first part of his conversation but not the whole talk. 'For you information that conversation was private and it was about December! I wanted to visit a friend in December and I couldn't wait for that...' He sighs why would he spend any of his time to Dylan? He turned around to Blaine. 'Blaine you have to believe me i...'

Blaine really wanted to believe Kurt, but what about the letter? Dylan spoke the truth, he couldn't handle a computer let stand hack someone's email. Most wolfs didn't know a thing about technology. It was obvious that Kurt did apply and just didn't want to break his heart again. 'It's okay, Kurt.. I just can't go on like this anymore.' And he rushed beside Kurt, who tried to grab his arm to stop him, but Blaine was quicker and slammed the door close.

Kurt knocked on the door but nothing, he screamed Blaine's name. But nothing. Dylan walked away, angry and disappointed that Kurt thought he was able to do something like that. Kurt didn't leave Blaine's front door, he sat there for hours just waiting till Blaine would come out. Wes, David and Dylan all walked in and out. It was getting darker and Kurt could feel the effect of the full moon taking over. He should go to Santana to spend the night there. When he stood up, Blaine, Dylan and Wes came out the door and started to walk to the edge of the village. Kurt followed instantly.

'Blaine, just listen to me. I...'

'I don't have time now, Kurt. Are you going to Santana tonight?' Blaine asks politely but his voice was cold.

'Eh, yeah I wanted to go just now...'

'Good, say to her that I'll be coming over later tonight.'

'Eh sure... but Blaine, about the...'

'Not now. I really need to go.' Blaine looked at Dylan, they both nodded, morphed and disappeared into the forest.

'What is going on? What are they doing?' Kurt turned around to Wes.

Wes smiled. 'Can't you see it? Full moon? It's time to mate.'

'Now? You can't be serious?'

'I'm deadly serious. It's about time! I'll warn the pack that we need to get ready for a Mating Party tomorrow.'

Kurt sniffs. 'I just thought it would be me and Blaine.'

'I'm sorry, Kurt,' Wes said soft. He never really liked Kurt and he thought he would break Blaine's heart and he did. But he really saw that the Omega loved Blaine. He hated to see Kurt broken.

'You really think that they're gonna mate tonight?'

Wes nods. 'I just know Blaine is gonna mate tonight whatever happens. He has a rough year, the pack is on edge. They would feel saver knowing that Blaine's mated. And Blaine can't control his Alpha any longer with the full moon. He can't decline mating forever. I'm sorry, Kurt...'

'Whatever,' Kurt cried out, morphed and ran as fast as he could to Santana.


Blaine waited impatiently until Dylan returned. He was waiting outside, he didn't want to greet the owner of the small house he was waiting for. He knew he would be there for hours if he did. He didn't want that, he want to return to Kurt as soon as possible. To finally hold him and say he loved him and ask if he wanted to mate with him tonight.

Blaine looked at the full moon and he felt his impatient grow. He really couldn't wait long. His Alpha wanted to return to Kurt's Omega. He could feel the effect of the full moon heightened his hormones and the need to be with Kurt. He knew he probably need to beg for Kurt's forgiveness because he was rude to him but it was for his own good. How less Kurt knew, the better. He didn't want to put Kurt in the line of fire. He will tell him about Jeremiah another time.

Just when Blaine decided to storm into the house and grab Dylan, he saw him return to him. 'And? Did he do it?'

Dylan nods and smiled. 'He's very ... charming.' He sniffs and made a face because of the smell. 'He has information about the letter at the end of this week. He wanted to see you, he said he misses you.'

Blaine shrugged. 'I miss him too but I have a feeling we see each other soon enough.' He looked up at the moon. 'Let's hurry. Kurt is with Santana.' They morphed and made their way to Santana.


Kurt watched with worry at Jane's face, she was still unconscious and pale. 'Is she really gonna be okay?'

Santana took a sip of her coffee and sighs. 'It's like... okay don't tell Blaine. But she doesn't want to get better.'

'What? Why not?'

'I think it's because she lost her mate, she doesn't want to live. She wants to die. She's fighting my healing poisons and if she keeps going on, she will win. I can't heal a person that doesn't want too.'

Kurt moved closer and laid his hands gently on Jane's. He pulled back quickly because she was ice cold. 'She is ice cold, Santana.' He turns towards Santana, who just shook her head sadly. 'She needs to fight. She has still a son who needs her. She can't just leave Blaine!'

'I can't do anything, she needs to do it on her own. I've giving her my everything but it's her choice now.'

Suddenly the air filled with howls everywhere around them. Kurt was pulled towards the howls. He needed to get outside, as fast as he can. He jumped up and ran towards the door.

'Oh no you don't!' Santana raised her hand and Kurt smacked to the wall, away from the door. 'Just let's get you to the Dungun okay?' She grabs Kurt's arm to pull him with her, when the door opened.

Blaine and Dylan ran inside and closet the door. 'It's crazy outside now,' Dylan huffed. He looked at Kurt, smiled and looked at Santana. 'Do you think you have a spare room, witch?'

'Eh... in the back,' Santana said confused. 'What are you two doing here?'

'How's my mom doing?' Blaine walks toward Jane.

'Eh... still the same,' Santana said.

Another howling and Kurt broke down in sweat. He needed to get out of here before Dylan and Blaine were going to mate.

'Are you okay, Kurt?' Santana walks towards him.

Blaine turned and saw the struggle on Kurt's face, he smiled. He didn't need to struggle longer. 'Kurt, I want to talk to you about something...'

'I can't,' Kurt jumped up, ran passed Santana and Blaine to the door and disappeared into the forest. Soon they heard Kurt howling. He was calling for a mate.

'Does he even know there are Alpha's in there who are happy to kill him?' Dylan ask but Blaine was already gone, he morphed and ran to the same place he saw Kurt for the last time.


Blaine picked up Kurt's scent immediately, he morphed and just ran towards the smell. The Alpha who were looking for a mate were out of control this time. Full moon heightened everything, but Blaine never saw them this aggressive. If Kurt ran into the wrong Alpha he could end up dead. He howled in hope Kurt would respond to his call. First nothing happened but he heard a soft unsure howl back and he knew it was Kurt.

Blaine turned and ran towards the sound. He ended up at the cave where he and Kurt slept the other night. He saw a shaking Kurt in the cave and morphed back. 'Kurt? It's me. Are you okay?'

Kurt looked up, his eyes full of tears and still shaking. He pulled his legs to his chest and wrapped his arms around his legs defensively. 'I just... I can't do this anymore. I can't stop my Omega any longer... it's killing me. The animal inside me wants to responds to every howl...' He looks past Blaine to the trees. '... I just can't keep it up... they are with so many.' Kurt looked at Blaine. 'Why are you so calm? And Dylan, I just don't understand... don't you need to be with your mate?'

'I'm so calm because I grew up in a pack,' Blaine explained, kneeling down at Kurt, facing him. He wanted to wipe away the tears but he didn't think it was the smartest thing to do right now. They first need to talk about everything. Kurt needed to know he trusted him and choose for him. 'I don't have a idea how you're doing because there is a big difference in a pack and being alone. We learned to control or emotions more but it's still hard. Second, Dylan isn't my mate. We broke off our agreement. I'm choosing you.'

Kurt narrowed his eyes. 'What? You've been ignoring me all day and then you took off with Dylan and now you tell me you're choosing me? I just don't understand. Where did you go with Dylan?'

'We visited a old friend of mine who can help us figure out where the letter came from.'

'Why Dylan? I could've come with you, it's about me.'

'Because I wanted to know what he had heard and I wanted to know that he didn't make the letter and set you up.'

Kurt looked confused. 'What?'

'My friend has a special gift. He can see memories what someone has done.'

'Is he a witch?'

'No he's just a human born with a certain gift. Dylan is innocent, he didn't send a mail to VOGUE. We don't know who but if someone is gonna find out it's him. He's pretty good.'

'When does he know the answer?'

'In a couple of days, he will visit us when he knows more.'

Kurt sighs and stood up. 'Great now I can go back, call my dad and Adam what's going on and we'll wait.' He walks past Blaine out of the cave.

'Eh, Kurt, just wait,' Blaine followed. 'I was wondering... you know... it's full moon and...' He felled his cheeks burn up. This was so embarrassing to say. How did the others do this? 'I just want to ask ... If you want to mate with me tonight?'

Kurt turned around quickly and Blaine almost ran him over. Kurt narrowed his eyes, Blaine was wiggling restless from feet to feet, biting his bottom lip. He really looked cute and Kurt couldn't help but smile at the adorable Blaine before him. It didn't get unnoticed by Blaine and he smiled happy back and stepped closer. 'Is that a yes?'

Kurt stepped closer and their lips were a few inches apart, Blaine leaned in... Kurt clenched his fist and smacked his fist right at Blaine's nose. Blaine screamed surprised and his hands grabs his nose instantly. He knew it was broken. 'Damn it, Kurt!'

'Did it hurt?'

'Yes. I think you broke my nose!'

'Good!' Kurt turned and started walking again.

'Why did you do that?' Blaine followed, he didn't want to give up.

'That was because you ripped my heart out today and for lying to me. I wanted to go with you, I know you needed Dylan but don't keep me out of business that's about me. It hurts that you didn't believe me in the first place...' Kurt stopped and sighs. 'I want a mate who trust me. Who doesn't keep secrets for me.'

'I've told you everything. I just don't want you get involved, because when Jeremiah uses his powers you can get messed up. And after everything we went through last night I just wanted to give you a break.'

'A break?' Kurt snapped. 'I've waited for hours in front of your house, waiting till you speak to me again. I was miserable thinking that you want to mate with Dylan. You just should've told me. Look at me, I didn't even had time to do my face routine this morning I look like a trembler!' He stopped when he saw tears in Blaine's eyes.

'I'm sorry okay?' Blaine sniffed. 'All I think of for a whole fucking year is you. I tried to get you out of my head. But all I do was wondering how you were if you had made your dreams come true. If you were happy. If I'm ever gonna see you again.... When you came back I thought it was a dream. You would be leaving again and I should keep you away from me. I just thought If I can do that I wouldn't fall deeper in love. But I have, Kurt. I can't imagine a life without you. I was just freaked out about the stupid letter and you are right. I should've told you what I wanted to do. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you do me the honor of being my Mate?' He looked at Kurt with his puppy eyes and Kurt melted.

This was what Kurt wanted, romance and someone as amazing and sweet as Blaine. He nodded shyly, he was a little shocked by the confession of Blaine.

Blaine smiled and closed the gap between them, he grabs his hand softly and leaned in. Kurt faintly remembered the last brief kiss, Blaine was almost dying the last time and this one had so much more meaning behind it, he didn't want to let go. He moved his lips against Blaine's, who returned the pressure enthusiastically.

Kurt thought his heart might explode at the sensation of kissing Blaine. That was until Blaine suddenly let's go and Kurt needed to steady himself to a tree to not fall down. 'What's wrong?'

Blaine looks guilty. 'I just need to do one small thing. Is this the right place?'

Kurt looked around. No this wasn't the place he imagined his first time to be. But who cares? He couldn't wait. He nodded. 'Fine by me.'

'Great, I'm right back, just wait,' Blaine gave a small kiss on Kurt's lip and ran away. He walked to a few tree's and peed on them, Kurt was just in shock.

'Are you serious right now? This is supposed to be my most romantic moment of my life and you are peeing against tree's? Are you crazy?'

Blaine smiled widely and zipped his pants up when he had peed on every tree. 'I'm crazy about you.'

Kurt blushes. 'You're so sappy.'

'You love it,' Blaine walked over and pulled Kurt in his arms.

Kurt nodded. He couldn't deny that. 'But why were you doing this?'

'I'm marking my territory. Now every wolf knows that this is our place, that we are gonna mate here and they better not disturb us.'

Blaine smiled at Kurt's cluelessness. He still had a lot to learn but that was okay. He slowly start to kiss Kurt. But it started to change quickly because of the full moon. He gave small kisses in Kurt's neck and Kurt's moaning drives him wild. He wanted to pull Kurt's shirt off but he felled a hand stopping him and looked up. 'What's wrong?'

'This is my only Marc Jacobs's shirt I have left, just let me take it off,' Kurt said breathing heavily. 'I worked my ass off to buy it I don't want to lose it like the other one.'

Blaine rolled his eyes, only Kurt Hummel would think of clothes in a moment like this. Kurt turned around and started slowly unbuttoning his shirt. He heard some fabric's move but didn't pay attention at it too much. He was panicking. This was a big moment, he had never been with a boy before and never naked before someone else. What if Blaine freaked out when he saw him naked? What if he started to compare his body to Dylan's? He didn't look as beefy as Dylan and was really pale compared to... everybody. He slowly turned. 'Blaine... maybe you should just keep your eyes closed the entire...' His mouth fell open when he saw Blaine.

Blaine was completely naked his clothes spread out on the floor. Blaine was beautiful naked. Kurt eyes immediately glanced over Blaine's erection, it was huge. How was it ever gonna fit? Could someone break in two after sex?

Blaine smirked. 'You know, you staring is making me uncomfortable.'

Kurt blushes. 'I'm just a little shocked about how fast you can undress yourself.'

Blaine pulled him closer. 'We take it easy okay? We'll just start with some sweet love making and we'll see how it goes.'

Kurt sighs and turned around again. 'I know I just... I'm not Dylan, Blaine, I don't have a body like his.'

'Hey, look at me,' Blaine turned him around and their eyes met. Kurt saw the color in his eyes turn gold, they were glowing. 'You are not Dylan, you are Kurt Hummel, the most beautiful man I've ever seen. I don't go away, if you want to wait, we can wait.'

Kurt shakes his head. 'No I want this. Just wait a moment. Let me take my clothes off.' Blaine nods and stepped back to give him some space. Kurt unbuttoned his shire slowly and he could hear Blaine growl impatient.

'If you don't hurry up I'll rip them off.'

'No you don't, clothes need a lot of love Blaine.'

'Come on, Kurt I'm dying over here!' Blaine groaned. 'I need a lot of love too.'

Kurt could almost hear him pout, he giggled and takes off his shirt, put his pants and shorts down and folded it in a neatly pile and searched for a clean spot. He just prayed for a clean table in a forest and Blaine was done. Seeing Kurt's perfect toned chest set him off and he jumped on him and straddled him. Kurt squealed.


'I don't care about your clothes,' Blaine growls and pinned Kurt's hands above his head and took a long look at Kurt's naked body. 'Damn your beautiful.' Blaine kissed Kurt's lips softly before moving down to kiss his neck, sucking so it left tiny marks. Just enough to let other wolfs no Kurt was his. He wasn't prepared for the hard blow on his head with Kurt's fist. 'Ouch, Kurt!!!'

'Sorry I just I'm very ticklish,' Kurt looked worried. 'Are you okay? I didn't mean to hit you that hard.'

'It's okay.' Blaine leaned back in and kissed Kurt passionately. Another fist hit him. 'What?'

'I don't know, it wasn't me.'

Blaine looked confused but leaned in again and another smack followed. This time Kurt kept hitting him. 'Kurt calm down!' he grabs his arms and pinned them down.

Kurt looked confused and scared. 'What's wrong with me? It's like someone is taking over... I want you but something inside me is resisting.'

'I think it's your Omega. He wants to know if I'm strong enough to take care of you. My mom told us once with Christmas that she kicked my dad's ass during the Mating.' Kurt made a face and Blaine laughs. 'Don't look that way Kurt. She didn't tell us the details, that would be gross. You are completely normal. I just need to make sure your Omega is gonna submit to me.' He leaned down and Kurt could feel Blaine's hot breath in his neck.

'W-what are you going to do?'

'It hurt's a little bit, but it will help us to the next stage.'

Kurt nods. 'Okay. Just do what you need to do.'

Blaine leaned down, hold down Kurt's arms who are struggling to break free and bit down Kurt's neck. He felt Kurt struggle against the bite, he bit a little bit harder and he felt Kurt subdue instantly. Blaine could smell the change in Kurt's scent, the Omega was ready to Mate. Blaine let go and kissed Kurt's lips softly. Kurt groaned as Blaine's tongue pushed against is lips, asking permission to open up. Kurt opened his mouth a little. Their tongues dancing with each other. That chanced soon as they both fight for dominance.

Kurt wasn't about to submit easy. He loved to have control. He flipped Blaine over quickly so he was on top. Blaine glared and Kurt giggled. 'I win.'

Blaine pulled Kurt towards him and kissed him passionately. Kurt melted into the kiss. Blaine shift them quickly so now he was on top again and straddled Kurt's arms and legs. 'Don't let my beauty distract you.'

Kurt smiled. 'You are beautiful, Blaine. I'm happy I'm with you tonight and that it's not another Alpha.'

'Believe me I'm the lucky one. Are you sure about this?'

Kurt nods, he pulled Blaine down and kissed him deeply. He spread his legs. Blaine leaned down, kissed Kurt's neck and didn't forget to catch Kurt's fist this time. 'I almost forgot.'

'I don't want to remind you again,' Kurt scowled.

'We talk too much you know.'

'Well, hurry up then.'

Blaine moved closer and Kurt felled his hard dick against his thighs. He kissed Kurt, looked at him, Kurt nods and Blaine pushed Kurt's ass cheeks apart. His hole came into full view. His fingers played around that area, torturing Kurt. Kurt moaned. 'Blaine! Please....'

Blaine smiled, he really need to hurry up, Kurt's moaning was almost sending him over the edge, he pushed one finger in. Kurt screamed. 'Damn it!' Blaine waited a couple seconds till Kurt was adjusted to the feeling. He got a sign when Kurt started to move against the finger. Blaine started moving and pushed tree fingers in and Kurt screamed again. 'I can't wait till you are on the bottom! Damn it hurts!'

Blaine chuckled. He leaned down to kiss Kurt softly. 'Are you ready?'

Kurt nods and whispers. 'I need you inside me. Now!'

Blaine changed his angle so he had better access and he pushed in. He groaned at how tight Kurt was. He really need to control himself to not just take Kurt here and now. He waited till Kurt gave him permission.

'Blaine... make me yours... move,' Kurt moaned, he just felt so full. It didn't hurt as much as he thought.

Pulling out slowly Blaine slammed back in with a growl. His instincts taking over but he didn't let it take over completely. He stared into Kurt's bright blue eyes the whole time. Every touch seemed heightened, every breath and movements send jolts of pleasure to Kurt's spine. It felt too good. Blaine kept pushing in and out and Kurt's whole body was on fire. He wanted this, he needed this, he wanted to spend his live with Blaine. That realization hit him hard.

Kurt howled when Blaine shifted and hit his prostate. Blaine stopped and looked worried. 'I'll kill you if you stop now!'

Blaine smiled, kissed him and moved making sure to hit his prostate over and over again. And that's when it happened. Maybe this was what all the wolfs were talking about when they said a Mating was special and intimate.

Imagines of Blaine's live flashes before him. Baby Blaine, toddler Blaine who played with a 10 year old boy ( probably his brother Cooper), a 9 year old Blaine who was playing with Jeff, Wes, Nick and David at the lake, a 12 year old Blaine who cried and clinching on to a 21 year old man who pushed him away and ran away, a 13 year old Blaine who kissed a blonde guy who looked slightly older and blushed after the kiss (Kurt couldn't help but feel jealous), a Blaine who cried at a angry Damian, a Blaine who pulled his mother closer for comfort and protection, a angry 14 year old Blaine who pushed his friends away, Blaine hunted, Blaine played, Blaine laughed, Blaine hugged his dad, a lonely and sad Blaine standing by a tree.

The images changed into himself. He could feel what Blaine felt about him, the first time they met, the first time they kissed, he could feel the fear and respect Blaine had for Burt, he could feel the hopelessness Blaine felt when he was wounded after a gunshot, he could feel the relieve and regret when he woke up. But while going through those images he could feel Blaine's love the most. Blaine loved him so much. Kurt could feel a tear slip down his face and looked up. Blaine was still slamming into him but he looked in trance. It was like he was going through the same thing as him.

Blaine saw Kurt's live flashing by. Kurt as baby in the arms of a beautiful pale woman, a toddler Kurt who cried into his mom's arms, a 5 year old Kurt who got to school for the first time, a Kurt laughing with some friends, a crying 8 year old Kurt who was screaming for his mom to return, a 10 year old Kurt who sat alone at a table eating his lunch at school, a angry Kurt yelling at his dad, a Kurt who got bullied, slammed into lockers and slushied, a 14 year old Kurt happy in New York. Then his imagines changed into Blaine till the moment where they were now. Blaine blinked and felt tears on his cheeks.

Blaine moved faster and he knew he couldn't last longer. And by the sounds Kurt made he didn't either. He grabs Kurt's dick and moved his hands.

'I can't hold back any longer, Blaine,' Kurt moaned.

'Come for me, beautiful.'

They came both at the same time. Kurt's seed all over his stomach and Blaine's hand. Blaine had no change than to be sucked into Kurt's tight embrace and filling him completely. They stayed like this for a moment, letting themselves catch some breath. Blaine pulled out and Kurt hissed at the friction. Blaine collapsed on the grass next to him, he felt dizzy, happy and complete.

Kurt crawls to lie closer and laid his head on his mates chest to listen to his rapid heartbeat. He smiled at the word Mate. Finally.

'I love you, Kurt.'

'I love you too, Blaine.'

And after those words they fell into a deep sleep in each other's arms, for the first time as mates.


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