Will You Be Mine Part II
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Sept. 5, 2013, 11:42 p.m.

Will You Be Mine Part II: Chapter 8

E - Words: 5,441 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/24 - Created: Jul 18, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
142 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: A small reminder that it is Matings... Fullmoon day when they wake up. There were time jumps in chapter 7 if you paid attention:) Reviews keep me motivated! So if you read this story please leave a review.

Kurt woke up with a huge headache. He was bound with his hands and ankles together, to a tree.

'Finally awake huh?'

Kurt tried to look behind him but that was impossible, he recognized the voice, it was Dylan.

'Where are we?' Kurt's mouth was dry and his voice was shaken. 'How did they catch you? You always brag on about how good you can fight.'

'At the other end of the forest, near the Croak River Cliff. I was training on my own level because I don't wanted to be hold back by a beginner. I found Jane covered in blood and when I tried to help her, I was hit and everything went black. It was a trap. They have my weapons... I don't have to explain we are in deep shit.'

Kurt rolled his eyes annoyed. He figured that out by himself. So they had Jane too? Suddenly Kurt remember what happened. Blaine was shot! 'Where is Blaine?'

'He's over there, still unconscious.'

The smell of blood hit Kurt before he actually saw Blaine. Blaine was chained to a another tree way too close to the cliff.

Eric and the old Pete Grammar stand by a body who laid unconscious on the ground and Kurt recognized the blonde hair of Jane. She was still breathing but her stomach was covered in blood. He tried to scream her name but he received a growling warning from Dylan.

'It's better if the enemy still thinks we are weak. So sssh and wait for the right moment, Hummel!'

'Why isn't Blaine waking up?' Kurt asks worried. He felt sick with worry. He saw the blood dripping out of four gun wounds in Blaine's legs. His pants was blood red. 'Why isn't he healing? Shouldn't his wolf instincts kick in and start healing instantly?'

Dylan sighs. 'He should heal himself yes, I don't know what's wrong to be honest. It's like his body is shot down to function. You know what this means right? We need to work together, free Blaine, kill these losers and look if we still can safe Jane.'

'Well any good ideas, Guinness?' Kurt pulled on the ropes who kept them locked up against the tree.

'don't do that, the rope is cutting my flesh!' Dylan hissed and Kurt stopped. He looked at the sky and noticed that it was getting darker. And when it was getting darker, Alpha's were more active at night. A idea hit him. 'Kurt, we need to higher our scent. It will lure other Alpha's to us, it's impossible to ignore two smells of unmated Omega's. They come to free us, I fight Eric and Pete and you safe Blaine okay? If Blaine can get to his feet he can help me.'

Kurt could smell Dylan scent growing stronger. But he saw a downside on Dylan's brilliant plan. 'Eh... but don't Alpha's kill a weak and wounded Alpha? Blaine is bleeding like crazy, what if they turn on him and kill him?'

Dylan growls frustrated. 'Damn it, Hummel. Why do you always need to be right?'

'Because I'm smart.'

'Well... we don't have a choice do we? We need help and this is the only way. We worry later about any attacks from Alpha's on Blaine. We don't have much time. Hurry up.'

Kurt scowled, he didn't like being commanded but he had to admit that Dylan was right, they didn't have another choice. He closed his eyes and highered his scent and hoped for the best.

'When is he gonna wake up it's been a hour and he's losing a lot of blood,' Eric looked at the dark cloud and turned around. 'it could rain any moment.'

'quit whining!' Pete growled angry. 'Just let's hurry up. We need to wake him up before he bleed to dead. First I want to make him suffer.' He grabs a knife. 'Do you think he will scream when I cut his face?'

Kurt opened his eyes when he heard that. 'How can you be so mean? He has done nothing to you. Just leave him alone!!!'

Pete and Eric both turned. 'Look who's awake to join the show!' Eric smiled evil.

Pete walked closer and kneeled down next to Kurt. 'He didn't do anything to me? You say he's innocent?' He had a crazy look in his eyes and Kurt swallowed. 'He killed my only son! That's what he did. He took someone's life. Without thinking. Without even regret. He didn't care that he was someone's son, that he was loved by someone....'

'You said you hated him because he was gay!'

Pete's eyes turned dark and he pushed the knife to Kurt's throat. 'That was years ago. I forgave him for that.'

'It's not some kind of disease. Your son was crazy but that has nothing to do with his sexuality. He was cruel and attacked without reason. He was dangerous. To others and himself. He needed to Mate, but you kept him inside and he was going crazy about everything. It wasn't his fault, it was you and your wife...'


Kurt's cheek burned in pain and he yelled in shock.

'Keep you damn mouth shut about my wife! She did everything she could to safe him,' Pete snarled, he walked away and grabs a gun and pointed. 'Maybe it's time to say goodbye to you already.'

Eric looked nervous. 'I toughed you wanted to let Blaine choose who gets to die first.'

Pete smiled. 'I changed my mind, I decide who will die first. And you are the lucky one.' He pulled the trigger, Kurt closed his eyes, he winced when he heard the shot. He could feel the bullet flying above his head, Pete missed.

'Look who's awake!' Eric turned to Blaine, who looks confused. Pete instantly turned and didn't paid attention to Kurt or Dylan

'Are you okay?' Dylan whispers.

'Yeah, how can a man be so cruel?' Kurt cried out. 'And where is your Alpha? Why is nobody helping us?' He struggled again at the ropes. He just wanted to get to Blaine, free him and safe him.

'You should focus on helping me Kurt! Higher your scent, come on! It's the only change to safe Blaine and Jane.'

Kurt heightened his scent again, he could smell the mix scent of Dylan's Vanilla, his own Lavender, Jane's blood and Blaine's blood. Kurt glanced at Blaine who was getting paler by the minute. They didn't have much time before he would bleed to death. Why wasn't he healing?

'hello sleepy head!' Pete stands before Blaine, who was dizzy and felt sick.

Blaine couldn't move his arms and his legs didn't want to stand on his own, his body was leaning against the tree for support. He saw his legs covered in blood but didn't feel much pain. Why was he bleeding?

'You probably wondering why your bleeding but don't feel pain? Simple, let me give you another example.' Pete grabs a gun, points at Blaine's stomach and shoots. Blaine screamed when the bullet cut through his skin. Blood was dripping out of the wound. Blaine felt tears on his cheeks because of the pain.

'Stop!! Just stop!!!' Blaine heard a high pitched voice begging. Oh no they have Kurt too. He turned his head and saw Kurt and Dylan bind to a tree. Dylan looked surprisingly calm, but Kurt had tears in his eyes. Blaine quickly looked away, that he was hurt he didn't care about that but he can't survive Kurt's tears. He never want to see Kurt getting hurt, Kurt's tears meant that Blaine could cry too. And he couldn't give Pete and Eric that satisfaction, they didn't deserve his tears, his begging for his life, they didn't deserve anything but the death. He kept his eyes to the ground, so he didn't have to look at Kurt. That's when he saw her.

Jane lying on the ground, her arms and legs bound together. Her dress was covered in blood, she was breathing erratic and heavy. Her face was pale, her brown eyes searching for Blaine and she tried to smile when he saw her, she mouthed that she was okay. But Blaine knew she wasn't, he saw the fear in her eyes.


'Yes mommy is here too,' Eric stepped forward with a big smile. 'You want to know why she's bleeding? She ran into my knife 8 times this morning, trying to escape.' He towered above Jane. 'You regret it now, don't you?' He grabs her hair and pulled her head back.

'Don't you touch her you fucking coward, I'll kill you!!!' Blaine growled angry and struggled with the chains to break free. 'Wait till I get out of here...'

Eric lets go and turned again towards Blaine. 'What would you do with your bleeding legs? Bleed on me?'

'My body is healing and then we will have a honest fight.'

'Oh oh, that's where your wrong, Blaine!' Pete took over. 'Do you see this gun?' he looked at the gun with love, he was holding it like it was his newborn son. 'It's a special gun. The bullets are made of silver that can melt into the body he gets attached too. It takes 30 seconds to melt, you have silver trough your whole body now. It prevent your body for healing you. You are bleeding slowly trough your dead. Isn't that great?'

Blaine narrowed his eyes. 'Why don't you just kill me?'

Pete start pacing, he ignored the first raindrops falling from the sky. 'Because I made a promise to you, remember? After my poor son died because of you. I promised that I will kill you and the ones you love. That's called revenge. And besides I want to see you suffer and beg me to kill you.'

'I will never beg!'

'We'll see,' Pete looked confident. 'There are worse things than dead you know. Seeing every one you love die. But the worst part will be, you get to choose who gets to die first. Oh and I promise it will be quickly. I don't want anyone else to suffer except for you. Just a bullet straight through the heart.' He pointed the gun at Jane. 'So who is it gonna be Blaine? Which blood do you want on your hands?'

Blaine spit in Pete's face. Pete shoots Blaine in the shoulder and he screams again when he felled the bullet. He was getting weaker with the minute. His clothes were covered in blood and it was getting harder to stand on his feet.

'How long will you be doing this? Your bleeding too fast and your body can't heal. I'm giving you a choice, Blaine. I'm being nice. If you don't decide within a minute, I'll choose for you.' Pete grinned evil and took a quick glance at Kurt. 'Maybe your pretty white wolf first?' Blaine growled and snapped his teeth in anger. 'Don't worry, I will make him lose and put him at your feet so you can watch the light in his eyes dying. I just hope you can live with that...' He pointed the gun at Kurt. 'now choose before I do.'

'this doesn't look to good,' Kurt whispers.

'Ssh can't you hear it?' Dylan shushed.


'A wolf is coming! We finally get some help.'

'Well now we only need to hope he will hurry up and doesn't kill Blaine.'

Suddenly a grey wolf jumped out of the bushes and stopped before Kurt and Dylan. Pete and Eric looked in shock. The wolf morphed when he saw Kurt and Dylan.

'Aw damn it! Can you not? I was hoping on a hot Omega!' Sebastian looked up at the sky dramatically. 'Why god, why?'

'Nice to see you too Sebastian,' Kurt shot him a angry glare but was relieved that it was Sebastian and not a strange Alpha. 'It took you a long time. Maybe you could free us?'

'Well, I was searching for the one who set me up on the alcohol thing, and I found out that a old man gave the wolfs drank. MY alcohol! Then I smelled the most delicious smell, two unmated Omega's and blood of a Alpha.' Sebastian glanced at Blaine. 'I toughed I will just kill the alpha and kidnap a Omega for myself....And then I found you, can you feel my disappointment?'


'Watch out!!!' Dylan yelled.

Sebastian ducked just in time to dodge the bullet. He glared angry at the gun Pete was holding. 'Did you just shoot at me?!' his eyes glowing with anger and he clenched his fist.

'What about you free us and we help you?' Dylan said.

Sebastian rolled his eyes annoyed but throws a knife in Kurt's lap, ran towards Pete but got knocked down by Eric's wolf.

'You just had to throw the knife at the wrong Omega didn't you?' Kurt sighs.

'Move your hips and pass it on to me!' Dylan whispers.

'Move my hips? Like how?'

'Oh you know what I mean...' Kurt could hear the smugly smile in Dylan's voice. Kurt rolled his eyes.

'You are all so oversexed.'

'Just do it.'

Kurt started to move his hips and if it wasn't such a dangerous situation he would be ashamed but he didn't care anymore. He needed to get to Blaine. Suddenly a grey wolf got slammed against the tree next to there's and a brown wolf grabbed his neck and hold him down.

'Can you just hurry up? Geez, you are acting like you never even had sex,' Dylan growls.

'You're not helping either!' Kurt snapped, he rocked harder and the knife felt next to him, close to Dylan's side. 'The knife is next to you. Can you grab it?'

Dylan stretched his hand as far as he could and felt the comfortable metal of the knife. He started working on the ropes as Sebastian pushed Eric of him and send him flying against a tree. Kurt felt the rope lose and Dylan was already on his way to Pete, who was aiming at Sebastian with his gun.

Kurt just wished he was so fast and could just jump up as elegance as Dylan but he forgot his ankle ropes, tripped and fell flat on his face.

'Kurt there is no time to take a nap, go free Blaine and get out of here!' Dylan tried to dodge a bullet, he morphed and jumped on Pete.

Kurt cursed. 'I'm on my way okay? It just didn't go as plan...' He finally ripped his ankle ropes and jumped up. He ran towards Jane and Blaine when he hurt a painful growl. He turned and saw Sebastian pinned down and Eric on top. He could smell Sebastian's blood. Sebastian struggled to break free.

Dylan morphed back. 'I'll go help Sebastian. I don't think he could be any problem.' He looked at Pete who was unconscious on the ground. He gave Kurt a key. 'This is the key to the chains, just go free Blaine.' He morphed and attacked Eric.

Kurt ran to Blaine. 'Please, help my mom first,' Blaine said, his voice broken. Kurt nodded and kneeled next to Jane, he felt her weak pulse. If she didn't got help fast, she would die.

Kurt walked back. Maybe he should lie and say everything is gonna be okay, but when he saw Blaine's hopeful look, he just couldn't lie and decided to tell just the truth. 'We need to be fast. She's still alive but if she doesn't get some help, she will die.'

Blaine nodded and made sounds with his chains. Kurt walked around to free him. It started to rain faster and the key slipped out of his hands. He bend down to grab it when he heard Blaine yell: 'Watch out, Kurt, Behind you!'

Sometimes Kurt could curse his clumsiness to hell but now it actually saved him. His feet slipped away and he landed in the wet mud against the tree, a bullet missed his ear by a centimeter. Pete was awake and pointed the gun on Kurt.

Kurt looked down on his expensive jeans, he worked a few months to buy this pants. His Mark Jacobs sweater was ruined too and that did it! He felt a rage he never felt before. He stood up, his hands shaking with anger, he grabs a stock and walked slowly towards Pete. Pete was taken aback by Kurt's anger, he saw his ice blue eyes glowing and started slowly backed away. 'You just ruined my outfit you fucking bastard! I've busted my ass all year for this!'

Pete panicked and decide that the best way to get rid of Kurt was fighting back. He pointed the gun, but Kurt was faster and knocked the gun right out of his hand and punched Pete right in the face with the stock. Pete screamed when the stock hit his eyes, he crumbled to the ground, his hands on his eyes. Kurt grabs the rope he was tied down, quickly tied Pete's hands and ankles together.

Blaine, Sebastian and Dylan looked at him with open mouth. 'What?'

'wow Kurt, I didn't know you were so hot when you get angry! I bet sex with you is amazing!' Sebastian winked.

Kurt blushes. 'Oh shut up, Sebastian!' He finally freed Blaine, who felt to his knees and crawled to Jane.

'I'll go hunt Eric down!' Dylan said. 'He escaped but he can't get far.'

'We'll meet you at Santana's house, Jane and Blaine need to be taking care of,' Kurt said. Dylan nodded, morphed and disappeared.

'He will get himself killed one day,' Sebastian kneeled down at Jane. 'I'll bring her to Santana, Blaine. You can't carry her in your state.' He looked at Pete. 'What are we going to do with him? I could kill him for you.'

'No, I'll do it myself,' Blaine's eyes turned ice cold.

'Maybe that isn't a good idea, you can barely walk, Blaine,' Kurt said softly.

'I want to do that, he deserves to die for what he did to my mom. Sebastian, take Jane and Kurt to Santana. I'll follow when I'm done here.' Blaine stood up, bit trough the pain and stumbled towards Pete. Kurt catches him before he fell down.

'You can't come alone, Blaine you can't even walk. I'll stay with you.' Kurt turned to Sebastian. 'Just go quickly Sebastian, safe Jane.'

Sebastian nodded and carefully pulled Jane up a la bridal style. 'it's getting dark soon and Blaine can't walk. When I get Jane to Santana I'll send some help to pick you two up.' He stared at the sky and blinked against the falling rain drops. 'There is a small cave in the east, 10 minutes from here. You can hide there from the rain and Alpha's who will come for Blaine's blood.'

Kurt slightly tensed when he heard that. How was he gonna survive fighting alpha's to defend Blaine? He almost wanted to throw himself at Sebastian feet and beg that he would stay. But he knew that would be way to dramatic and he knew that Jane's time is running out, so he just nodded. 'Thanks Sebastian.'

Sebastian nodded and started to run with Jane in his arms. Now they were alone. Blaine walked towards Pete and grabs his throat. 'You should turn around, Kurt and cover your ears.'

Kurt nodded. He knew what would happen and he couldn't protest. Pete's chances were over and Kurt couldn't even bring up some sympathy for the old man. He turned around. 'Just make it quick, I'm cold and we need to stop your bleeding.' He closed his eyes and covered his ears.

'please don't... I...,' Pete begged.

Blaine raised his eyebrows and smiled. 'Look who's begging now! You're out of chances, Pete.' He grabs his throat and the old man choked. 'Maybe you should thought about it when you stabbed my mom and kidnapped my friends, planning to kill us. I'm sorry.' And with a quick gesture Pete's neck snapped and the old man fell dead on the ground.

'Are you done?' Kurt's voice.

'Yeah just let me expose the body before he draws attention from the locals,' Blaine started to drag the heavy body to the end of the cliff.

Kurt wanted to turn around but suddenly he saw the raven flying towards him at a high speed. He tried to blink back the rain drops to see if he saw it clear but the bird still flied at a top speed towards him. He ducked away and the bird missed. He turned to follow the bird and saw that he was flying to Blaine who was pushing Pete of the cliff. Blaine pushed Pete of the cliff and turned, just to be blinded by a bird who attacked his face.

Kurt cursed and grabs the gun who Pete left and pointed. His hand was shaking. He had never shot at any living thing but his dad had taught him how to point and shoot at some empty tin cans. Well this wasn't the same, Blaine was there and the bird. If he missed he could kill Blaine. He narrowed his eyes, concentrated on the bird and fired. The bird fell down the cliff, Kurt saw that he hit right through the heart.

Blaine turned and smiled gratefully at Kurt. 'I didn't know you could shoot?'

Kurt shrugged. 'My dad taught me before I left for New York, he thought It will came in handy one day. I just practiced in the backyard, I haven't hold a gun in years. Let's get out of here.'

Blaine want to walk to Kurt, but his legs couldn't handle the weight of his body anymore and he slipped down. Because of the rain and the mud, it was really slippery and he slipped straight over the edge of the cliff. He tried to hold on but his hands just slipped away. Blaine closed his eyes, he only could hope that the fall would be quickly over and that his dead won't be too painful.

Suddenly two hands grabs his hand and tried to pull him up, Blaine opened his eyes and saw Kurt trying to pull him up. 'Kurt what are you doing? Get away from the edge, it's slippery.'

'Really? I thought you had jumped over the edge just to tease me!' Kurt snapped. He pulled harder but the only result was that he slipped closer to the edge.

Blaine felt that he unwillingly pulled Kurt also to his dead. 'Kurt?'

Kurt stopped pulling, he felt the serious tone of Blaine but he was scared to hear what Blaine was about to say. 'Yes?'

'Let me go, go to Santana...'

'No. I'm not giving up.'

'Kurt, just listen to me. I'm dying anyway. I feel weaker by the minute. I have lost too much blood. Even if you manage to safe me, I wouldn't live for long. Just let me go... safe yourself.'

Kurt sniffs and made a decision. He started pulling again. 'Can you just shut up? No I'm not letting you go so you can die. I won't let you go this easy. I came back so we can have finally our "happy ever after" after a fucking year. And now you want to play the hero and die? Well just shut up, if I can get you up then I can find something to stop the bleeding and we will have our damn happy ending!' He pulled harder and throws his full weight back.

Blaine could reach the edge and pulled himself back on with one hand. Kurt didn't let go of his hand and helped him up away from the edge. 'Thank you Kurt, you saved my life.'

'You're not safe yet, Blaine, you're still bleeding,' Kurt looked worried. 'Sebastian said that there was a cave nearby....' He tensed when he heard howling.

'I can't even stand, Kurt. Just run and I'll hold them up.'

'Stop being a hero.'


'I don't want a hero I just want you alive.' Kurt helped Blaine stand. 'Just put your hand on my shoulder...' Blaine did as Kurt told him. He didn't want Kurt to know how bad he was doing. He just wanted to lay down, close his eyes and sleep forever. '... now move.' Blaine's leg did nothing. 'Come on, Blaine! Put some effort in it.'

'I just can't, Kurt, I can't feel my legs.'

Kurt sighs, he was exhausted by everything that happened today, but he couldn't give up. His dad always said: 'A Hummel Never Gives Up.' Before Blaine could protest Kurt pulled him in his arms a la bridal style and started walking.

'Just so you know if we ever getting back together you are the girl in this relationship!'

Kurt didn't get a response but he could see Blaine rolling his eyes and smiling. It wasn't his usual bright smile more a weak shadow of that smile he loved so much about Blaine. He really looked pale. If they didn't hurry up to the cave and Kurt didn't find a way to stop the bleeding then Blaine wouldn't live long and he walks faster.


The cave was small, barely big enough for the two of them. Kurt laid Blaine gently down. Blaine had trouble keeping his eyes open. He could hear howling. 'My blood lures them to here....'

'Don't say again that I need to run, because I'm not going anywhere. I don't care what happens, I'm staying. I'm gonna take care of you. Everything is gonna be okay.' Kurt tried to blink back his tears. He need to do something about the smell before he could heal Blaine. His eyes landed on his ring, Adam's ring. That covered smells. He quickly pulled the ring of his finger and put it on ring.

'I didn't know we are getting married already,' Blaine said softly.

Kurt smiled. He was happy that Blaine still could make a joke. 'It covers your scent. Hopefully it keeps the wolfs away. It's the ring Adam gave me last year remember?' Kurt smiled satisfied when he saw a jealous glare from Blaine at the mention of Adam's name.

'How could I ever forget? I've never met such a loser.'

'He's my friend. And there is no need to be jealous, we aren't even together. Now your wounds.' Kurt looked at the wounds and the blood. He sighs, about to give up. How was he going to heal Blaine? He needed Santana. Where was Sebastian and his promised help?

Blaine coughs and grabs painfully at the wound in his stomach. 'I'm... so cold, Kurt. I just.... I just want to sleep.'

'Don't give up on me now, Blaine. I'll think of something.' Suddenly a idea hit Kurt. He was a designer or not? Well now it was time to destroy his expensive Mark Jacobs sweater. It was ruined anyway. He ripped his sleeves.

Blaine raised his eyebrows confused. He must be dying and see hell because he just saw Kurt ripping a Mark Jacobs shirt. That was until he felled Kurt wrapping the ripped pieces tightly on his wounds. 'W-what are you doing?'

'Saving your life. I once saw on TV someone do this in the jungle. If it's tight enough it stops the bleeding temporary,' Kurt explained.

'Happy ever after? And now this? I think you watch way to much TV.' Blaine mocked but smiled when Kurt shot him a angry glare. 'But I'm happy you do. You saved my life twice today Kurt. Thank you.'

'Who knew that this city wolf could safe a Alpha born in this forest? We need to tell Dylan if we survive this.' Kurt tied the last sleeve down and backend away, listening to the rain and potential howling. But he didn't hear the howling anymore.

Blaine shifted uncomfortable. 'I can't morph. I'm so cold. What if I never can change again?'

'Don't worry, you will be okay when we are with Santana,' Kurt reassured, he moved closer to Blaine and pulled him in his arms. Hoping his body gave Blaine some more warmth. 'This better?'

Blaine nodded and leaned back. He was so tired, he closed his eyes and wanted to drift off into a long, deep sleep. That was until he heard the most beautiful voice sing softly in his ear:

'When the rain is blowing in your face
And the whole world is on your case
I could offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love

When the evening shadows and the stars appear
and there is no one there to dry your tears
I could hold you for a million years
To make you feel my love

I know, you haven't made your mind up yet
But I would never do you wrong
I've known it from the moment that we met
No doubt in my mind where you belong

I'd go hungry
I'd go black and blue
I'd go crawling down the avenue
No, there's nothing that I wouldn't do
To make you feel my love

The storms are raging on the rolling sea
And on the highway of regret
The winds of change are blowing wild and free
You ain't seen nothing like me yet

I could make you happy
Make your dreams come true
Nothing that I wouldn't do
Go to the ends of the earth for you
To make you feel my love
To make you feel my love'

Blaine felt tears rolling down his cheeks when he heard Kurt sing, he opened his eyes. Suddenly everything was clear. He knew what he wanted, what he needed and who he truly loved. 'That's... beautiful Kurt.'

Kurt blushed. 'I used to sing in my room. I don't like when anyone hears it. I thought you were asleep.'

Blaine pulled himself up and lifted Kurt's chin so they are face to face. 'You should never hide your talents for anyone, Kurt. Your voice is beautiful. You are beautiful. I... I love you.'

'What?' Kurt blushed.

'I love you,' Blaine smiled. He leaned closer and crashed his lips on Kurt's. Kurt kissed back instantly. They only stopped for air.

'It took you long enough to admit your feelings,' Kurt breathed.

'Do you mean me dying?' Blaine winked.

'You're not going to die. Just don't do that again, just tell me what you feel instantly,' Kurt said seriously.

'I will,' Blaine leaned back to the cold wall. 'I'm just really cold.' He shivers.

'Wait.' Kurt morphed into his white wolf.

'You're a Guinness,' Blaine knew what Kurt wanted to do.

Kurt just made a sound that sounded like "You discover that now?", before he walked over, curled next to Blaine and laid his head gently on Blaine's stomach. Blaine pulled him closer so he got some warmth from the soft fur and closed his eyes. Kurt sighs contently, all they have to do was wait for help. He had Blaine back and for the first time in his life he was truly happy.


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