Sept. 5, 2013, 11:42 p.m.
Sept. 5, 2013, 11:42 p.m.
The next day Kurt visited Mercedes and Quinn. Sam greeted Kurt friendly and hugged him. 'Welcome back, Kurt. It must be boring to be back right?'
'well, my life Is pretty busy, Sam,' Kurt said, happy to see a familiar face who was really happy that he was back. 'I'm trying to set up my own clothing shop, I have a couple design but the papers will take a long time before everything is done.'
'Wow, your own shop? So this means you're staying?'
'I am,' Kurt nodded.
'well, i'm happy about that and I bet Mercy is so too.' Sam stops before his cabin and Kurt followed. He didn't know if the Alpha would be happy if he just walked in on his Mate. 'We just need to wait for a couple minutes, Santana is with her. Mercy has mood swings for month's now. We're trying for a pup but it just... can't.' Kurt nods.
Sam smiled. 'I think Mercy will be happy to see you, Kurt. She missed you. She kept talking about you're fashion and she saw you on the VOGUE magazine with your own designs. She almost exploded with proud.'
'I missed her too.' Kurt really missed his best friend. In New York he only had guys to talk with so it will be nice to see her and talk to a girl who has fashion sense. He still got chills of Rachel's clothes.
'Did you visit Blaine already?' Sam asks.
Kurt nodded. 'I went there yesterday. It didn't go as I hoped.'
'Well he got a lot on his mind now.. Just give him some time.'
'I know and I will. But I want to let him know I'm here for him and I'm not going anywhere.' Kurt sighs. 'I know it can't be back to what it was. It only can be better, I'm changed and more mature and I know what I want.'
'And that's Blaine.' Sam guessed. 'But he has a mate now... They are serious about the mating..'
'It's a mistake,' Kurt interrupts. 'I just need to show Blaine that we belong together but he's so stubborn, it will take awhile.'
'I think you have a shot,' Sam smiled.
The door opened and Santana came outside, wearing a white dress. 'You can come in....' She stops when she saw Kurt. She smiled widely. 'Look what the wind brought back! Our Lady Face is back!'
'I missed you too, Santana,' Kurt rolled his eyes at the 'lady face' comment.
'I really missed you, it's boring without you.' Santana pulled him in a hug and Kurt was frozen. Santana never showed affection to anyone except for Brittany. Sometimes he wondered if she had a heart. So Kurd didn't move because he thought he might ruin the moment. Santana lets go.
'Why is everyone saying it's boring without me?' Kurt asks annoyed. Sam and Santana glanced at each other. Kurt puts his hands on his hips. 'Oh come on, it's not like I attract trouble.'
'You did bring a lot of trouble last summer,' Santana said. 'I've never healed so many people as then. Usely this is everything I got...' She pointed at the door. Sam rushed inside.
'What's wrong with Mercedes?' Kurt asks and slowly followed Sam. Mercedes lays on the couch, it looks like she was glowing with happiness. Sam was at her side and nuzzled reassuring in her neck.
'She's pregnant,' Santana said.
'I already thought I heared a angel voice, come here, white boy!' Mercedes spoke loudly with a big smile, she opened her arms ready for a hug. Kurt almost jumps in her arm, until he heard Sam warning growl, slowed down and hugged her firm. He really missed her.
'so.... What are you're plans?' Mercedes asks when they let go.
'I..., ' but Kurt gets interrupted by Santana.
'The big question is: When are you going to get in Blaine's pants?'
Kurt glared at her. 'Don't you have something else to do?'
Santana set back down in her chair. 'No, so tell me... I won't spill anything...'
Kurt sighs, he wasn't going to lose her so he just could tell her what's going on. 'Sebastian is helping me to think of a plan.'
'Sebastian?!' Mercedes, Santana and Sam said at the same time.
'I hate that meerkat face,' Santana said.
'He's nice, you just need to get to know him,' Kurt defended. He sighs. 'But unfortunately Sebastian thinks only about sex.'
'Sex is a good idea,' Santana nodded.
Kurt glared. 'You really should marry Sebastian, you two are the same.'
'If I'm gonna marry a guy, I choose you, Hummel,' Santana said.
'What, why?'
'You look and sound like a woman the most of all the guys here,' Santana snapped.
'Anyway...,' Mercedes interrupted before Kurt could say something. 'Are you really sure that you need Sebastian's help to get Blaine back?'
'I can use all the help I can get. Blaine is too stubborn.'
'Just be patience, Kurt.'
'I've waited one year, Mercy, I just don't want to wait longer. My Omega ... I can't hold him back any longer. He wants' a mate. What if he choose a mean Alpha? I love Blaine and I want to spend my life with him....' Kurt sigh frustrated. 'I don't know if I make it with the next full moon.'
'That's over three weeks,' Santana said. 'I can lock you up with spells when it's full moon so you don't get a unwanted mate, if you still don't have Blaine.'
'Really? That's great, Satan, thank you.'
Santana nods. 'I know how it is to be apart from the one you love.'
'Still no word of Brittany?' Sam asks.
'Nothing, how longer I don't hear from her how worse it is when she does come back,' Santana said.
'Something really bad's going on?' Kurt asks curious.
'You don't need to worry about that, let us handle it,' Santana said. 'You just need to make sure that Blaine falls in love with you again, you have 3 weeks. I really don't want to spill my magic on you with full moon.'
'Geez, thank you Satan,' Kurt glared.
'You're welcome,' she said and she looked serious.
'Have you visited Quinn already?' Mercedes asks.
'No, I want to go now but I heard Puck is on edge lately,' Kurt said.
'I'm going with you,' Mercedes stood up.
The visit with Quinn and Puck was really short. Puck was really happy to see Kurt, but the two young cups were off limits. Quinn wanted to know everything about Kurt's adventures in New York. She was proud that Kurt made it and came back in one piece. Beth has grow a lot and was playing with a boy.
'That's Gerry, her future mate,' Quinn said.
'They're so young! How can you know that?' Kurt was in shock.
'You really need to learn a lot about a life in a pack huh!' Mercedes laughs. 'We choose a mate for our kids very early.'
'But what if they don't fall in love?' Kurt ask.
'That doesn't really matter,' Quinn said. 'We won't force Beth into anything, but a lot of packs don't care about love and stuff. They are chosen to be together and they don't have a choice.'
'That's horrible,' Kurt said. He thought of Blaine, if his parents did choose a mate for him so early too.
'You are lucky, there aren't many gay Omega's and Alpha. You can choose anyone.'
Kurt sighs. 'Yeah lucky me. Blaine kinda made it clear he doesn't want to get back together.'
'Quinn said that too,' Puck spoke up, he pulled Quinn closer. 'And look at us now, Mated, and three pups. You get that too before you know it.'
'I just hope you don't have to kill someone for it,' Quinn said, thinking of her ex.
'Kurt want's his own clothe shop so he's here to stay,' Mercedes changed the subject.
'Really?' Puck raised his eyebrows.
Kurt nods. 'I want to buy Olivanders shop. And design my own clothes.'
'That totally suites you,' Puck said. 'If you need any help, just ask me. I'm really handy.'
'Thank you Puck, I think it needs some renovations,' Kurt said. 'It's really old.' He was happy he still had his friends.
Kurt visited the Anderson Pack a couple times in two weeks but he always gets disappointed, because Blaine was never there. He was always gone, on a hunt with Dylan, in Jane's cabin or with Puck and Sam. He was getting nowhere with Blaine so he decided to arrange the papers for his own shop. Maybe if Blaine sees that he really wants to stay if he had his shop. He had the money but still no papers so he decided to design some clothes instead of thinking about Blaine.
'You make clothes?' Kurt turned and looked at a Asian girl who was wearing sunglasses and hides in the shadows.
'Eh yeah, I'm a designer,' Kurt answer.
'That's so cool, I make my own clothes too,' the girl said. Kurt looked at her clothes. She had her own style and it fitted her perfectly. 'I love making clothes!'
'Me too! I'm planning on buying my own shop, I only need the papers and I can start,' Kurt explained. He liked this girl already. 'I'm Kurt Hummel.'
'Tina Cohen Chang!' The girl shook his hand and Kurt almost wanted to take his hand back because her hand was ice cold. She saw the look on his face and takes her hand quickly back.
'Are you alright? Your hand is ice cold and it's 29 degrees out here,' Kurt asks worried.
'I'm always cold,' Tina waved it off. 'I'm fine. So your own shop? That's so cool. I'm dreaming like forever to have my own shop.' They talked for awhile over clothes until Finn came running.
'Kurt! I have the papers and the keys. You just have to sign it and it's official.'
'Thank you, Finn!' Kurt almost wanted to hug the tall boy but that would be awkward so he grabs the keys instead. 'I'll take a look immediately.'
The shop was really small. And it could use a renovation.
'If we remove this wall it will be a lot bigger,' Finn said pointing at the wall that keeps the shop and magazine apart.
'I see potential, Kurt,' Tina did her glasses off and stared around. 'I can help with the renovation and with designing.'
'That would be great, I don't think I can help much. I have two left hands,' Kurt admitted. 'I call my dad and Puck if they want to help.' He pulled his phone out of his pocket when the door opens and Sebastian walks in.
'I thought you would be here, I could smell you. That ring isn't helping.'
'It's full moon in a week, my scent get's stronger it will be okay after the full moon,' Kurt said.
Sebastian looks around. 'Wow this place looks like crap. And who hired that Chinese girl?' He looks at Tina who blushes.
'I'm Asian!' She defended.
'That's the same thing!'
'Sebastian don't be rude, Tina, this is Sebastian, just ignore him. Sebastian this is Tina. She wants to help me with my shop and design clothes with me,' Kurt explained.
'I never saw you before, are you new?' Sebastian asks.
Tina nodded. 'I just moved here one month ago.'
Sebastian narrowed his eyes. 'And you thought that it's okay to speak to a completely innocent man and ask for a job? Isn't that weird?'
'Sebastian just stop it,' Kurt warned. 'She's just being nice. I can use some help here, I need to arrange a wedding, my shop and I want Blaine back.'
'Speaking of Blaine, I have a plan. Meet me in the Anderson village at 7 pm!' Sebastian said.
'You really have a plan?' Kurt was surprised. 'What is it?' He heard a loud bonk and a yell from Finn.
'I'll go look if he's okay,' Tina said and turned.
'I'm not saying what it is, it's a surprise, just show up at 7 pm!' Sebastian turned to the door. 'And fire that girl, I don't trust her.'
'You trust nobody,' Kurt said.
'I don't trust things that I can't smell, she has no scent! Just be careful,' Sebastian said. 'See you, Kurt, don't be late.' And he disappeared.
Kurt turned and walked towards were he saw Tina disappear. He tried to smell her and must admit that he only could smell Finn and that wasn't reassuring. He almost ran inside. He saw Finn watching Tina with big eyes and Tina looked at the bleeding finger of Finn. 'Everything alright in here?'
'It's fine, I just hurt my finger when a old book fell on it,' Finn huffed. He still looks at Tina who didn't move. 'Eh.... Could you step back, Tina? I'm not really comfortable and your eyes are freaking me out.'
Kurt steps forward and turned Tina around. He gasped, her eyes were red, it was like they're bleeding. But she blinked and it was back to normal. 'I'm sorry.... I need to go.' She rushed past Kurt and disappeared.
Finn was confused. 'What is wrong with her? Did you see her eyes too or am I going crazy?'
'I saw it too.' Sebastian was right, Tina was not a normal human. What was she?
'Are you sure this is a good plan, Sebastian?' Kurt whined when they walked through the forest.
'I am, it's full proof, nothing can go wrong,' Sebastian nodded.
'I don't like danger.'
'Quit whining, Kurt,' Sebastian stops for a small cave. 'I think this is the perfect spot. You can pretend you tripped and fell down, I found you, you're covered in blood...'
'Am not,' Kurt said, who looks at his spot free clothes. Sebastian pulled a small tube out of his pocket and squirt Kurt's shirt who turned red. 'What?! This were my good clothes, Sebastian! You ruined my clothes!'
'Well it need to look like you're dying Kurt, it's fake blood, it even smells like real blood,' Sebastian explained. 'Now lay down.'
Kurt looks at the filthy ground. 'Can't we do something else? I was expecting a dinner for two. That you would trick Blaine here, we could eat and talk and fall in love...'
Sebastian thoughed about that. 'wow, I never thoughed of that. We'll do that, if this plan doesn't work.'
'Doesn't work? Why wouldn't it work? It better work, my clothes are ruined!' Kurt snapped.
'It will work, okay, just calm down,' Sebastian reassured. He didn't mention wild Alpha who could be walking around, or any bears. 'Lay down, I will get Blaine here, he sees you lying there and begs you to be alive because he loves you so much okay?'
'Okay, it sounds ridiculous but I'm tired of waiting,' Kurt admitted. He sat down. 'Thank you, Sebastian.'
'You're welcome,' Sebastian smiled. 'It takes 10 minutes to get here, so after 10 minutes Blaine didn't want to come, you can get up and go home, okay?'
Kurt nodded. What if Blaine didn't want to safe him anymore?
Blaine walks back with Dylan after a hunt. He didn't need to hunt but he knew Kurt was visiting his Pack and he really didn't want to see him. He tried to ignore Kurt as much as possible but he couldn't stop himself thinking about him every day.
'Are you sure those cups are safe at the small lake?' Dylan asks. They just past a small lake where newborn pups always played on a hot day.
'It's completely safe there, Dylan, I know it's a little out of the village but nothing ever happens there. I was there a lot when I was a pup,' Blaine reassured. 'And David is there with his son. He keeps a eye out.'
'Blaine!' Sebastian came running and Blaine and Dylan turned around.
'Sebastian? What's wrong?'
'It's... Kurt... he's wounded... blood everywhere!' Sebastian huffed.
Blaine's heart almost jumped out of his chest. It was like his blood turned ice. With all the murders going on he was afraid he would be too late for Kurt, It looks like his nightmare came true. 'Where is he?!'
'A little bit further, come on,' Sebastian leads the way and Blaine and Dylan followed.
In the meantime. Kurt waited patiently. He listened for footsteps of Blaine, but instead he heard a growl. He sat straight up. And stared in the eyes of a bear. He swallowed. He never run into a bear, what was he suppose to do?
The bear moved forward quickly sniffing the air. Kurt screamed, jumped up and ran away. That triggered the bear even more, Kurt was his new prey. Sebastian said that the Anderson Village was 10 minutes away so he can't be that far. Kurt kept running and running until he saw David and little pups at the small lake. Shit! He was bringing the bear right to them.
'Run!' Kurt yelled and David jumped up.
'What the hell... Kurt?!'
The bear appeared, stopped and sniffed the air again. He looks at Kurt again. Then the little pups and licked his lips. Sebastian, Blaine and Dylan ran by but stopped when they saw him.
'Kurt?! You were supposed to lay down!' Sebastian growls.
'What is going on?' Blaine asks confused.
'Talk later, safe the pups!' Kurt grabs three little pups.
The bear growls angry and charged. Blaine morphed and attacked the bear. Kurt moved aside with the pups. Sebastian morphed to help Blaine.
'Everything alright?' Dylan asks worried. 'Is that blood?'
'It's... fake,' Kurt said. Dylan looks more confused than ever but looked at Blaine and Sebastian battling the bear.
The animal was bleeding but that didn't help his mood, he was getting angrier and angrier. Sebastian fly's against a tree, Blaine tried to distract the bear but got pushed aside by Sebastian and the bear charged at the closest thing: Dylan and Kurt.
'Get down!' Dylan pushed Kurt trough the ground. Kurt smacked at the ground. Dylan jumped, dodge the attack of the bear, takes out a little knife and cut down the bear throat. The bear fell dead to the ground. Blaine and Sebastian stood up and there was a silence.
'What the hell is going on? Bears don't come close to our village!' David said angry. 'My son almost died, all our pups almost died.'
Blaine looks at Kurt and narrowed his eyes. 'Explain this, why where you running around while Sebastian just told me you were wounded? If this is some game to you, it's not funny.'
'It's not a game,' Kurt said soft, he never saw Blaine this angry at him. His eyes were glowing with anger.
'I'm happy you think so! Because you almost killed my pack, and yourself! I need to look out for a whole Pack now Kurt, I can't play around! Dylan just saved you're live, he saved all our lives! So Explain...' He sniffs and saw the fake blood. 'Why your covered in fake blood and mud?'
Kurt felt himself shrink in front of Blaine, he could feel the anger of the Alpha and his Omega wanted to make up and be submissive. 'I...'
'It's my fault,' Sebastian steps forward. 'we were just testing you if you still want to safe Kurt after a year apart.'
'Testing me?' Blaine yelled. 'Are you crazy, Sebastian? After everything what's going on right now you are joking around?! Of course I protect other wolfs if I see them in danger or wounded. It's my job as a Alpha!' He turns to Kurt. 'I can't believe you're playing along, Kurt. It's gonna get you killed and one day I'm not there to safe you! I think it's best if you don't visit my Pack anymore. I don't want my pack in danger.'
'But....' Kurt wanted to protest but didn't know what to say, so he closed his mouth.
'And for you, Sebastian,' Blaine turned to Sebastian. 'I don't think I can use your assistance anymore. Maybe it's time to find a new pack.' And he walks away, David and Dylan followed with the pups.
Kurt sighs and tried to hold back tears. Blaine was angry at him and didn't want him near his pack anymore. His attempt to get back together just drove Blaine further away. His Omega wanted to run after Blaine and be submissive to his Alpha and beg for forgiveness.
'Well... it looks like we are on our own!' Sebastian spoke up.
Kurt turned to him. 'This is your fault, I knew this was a bad plan. I shouldn't have listened to you!'
'If this is about Blaine being angry, he will turn around, don't worry.'
'Don't worry?! I never get him back now! I even needed to be saved by his new Mate!'
'I'll have a backup plan that will work!' Sebastian said calm.
Kurt glared at him. 'Don't bother, I don't want to see you for awhile. I can't believe I trusted you!' He turned, morphed and disappeared, leaving a broken Sebastian behind.