Will You Be Mine Part II
Chapter 24 Previous Chapter Story
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Sept. 5, 2013, 11:42 p.m.

Will You Be Mine Part II: Chapter 24

E - Words: 6,239 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/24 - Created: Jul 18, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
138 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: So Blaine tricked Adam and that dumb ass falled for it, and yes i did the obvious thing just because i can't stand Adam. I hope I made this story fit as good as possible, it is possible I forgot something, I spend hours reading this story back to make it right. I really hope you like the ending.First things first:Thank you all for reading and special Thanks to everyone who reviewed. It means soo much, i can't believe i've over 100 reviews!!!*tears*Someone asks me if there is gonna be a part III. I gave it a thought and decided against it. So No this is the final one. I'm sorry but don't be too sad i have so many story ideas which i'm really exited about!! So I hope you keep following me on here.:) It all will be supernatural Klaine, because that's what i love to write the most.I'll concentrate on my Vampire! Klaine fic called 'Catch Me I'm Falling" right now. If you haven't read it check it out.I'll upload another new story soon too!One last thing: Let me know what you thought about the WHOLE WYBM story and the ending (i'm a bit unsure about it)THANKS FOR READING!See you soonxoxo

'Sebastian?!' Kurt wanted to run to Sebastian, so happy was he seeing him. He stopped when he saw Sebastian was carrying Dylan with him. 'Dylan?'

Sebastian let Dylan fall on the ground with a loud pop and Dylan didn't move. 'I see you brought him here. A empty hotel room, Adam? Really? You wanted him all to yourself didn't you?'

'I...' Adam mumbles.

Sebastian narrowed his eyes. 'You really thought you could keep him away from me? I can't believe it... you traitor.'

Adam swallowed and shifted nervously. Kurt kneeled down to make sure Dylan was still alive. What the hell was going on here? Sebastian would never hurt Dylan. Suddenly Adam made a run towards the door but he got slammed back by Sebastian immediately. Sebastian's eyes were cold and glowing with anger, he pushed Adam so hard he fell unconscious to the floor. 'I'll claim what's mine. Our deal is off.'

Kurt stepped back from Dylan, who was unconscious and Kurt worried about the blood dripping from his ear. 'Sebastian, Dylan needs to go to the hospital. He needs some help.'

Sebastian turned to him, with cold eyes and Kurt stepped back immediately. He could feel the Alpha's power. He didn't even recognized Sebastian anymore. 'Good, he was so useless.' Sebastian looked at Dylan with a raised brow. 'Do you think he'll die soon?' Kurt stared in shock, he felled like he was being punk'd and this was the worst joke ever.

'Seb, are you drunk?'

'Drunk? For the first time I see things clear, Kurt,' Sebastian stepped forward and grabbed Kurt's hands. 'We belong together, we can finally be together don't you see?'


'I love you and I know you do too..' Sebastian pulled Kurt closer.


Sebastian sighs. 'Come, sit down. I'll explain everything to you. You deserve the truth if we're going to spend are lives together.' He pushed Kurt on bed and sat next to him, still holding his arm firm. 'Remember Ian?' Kurt nods but didn't say anything. 'I killed him. Not because he was a pain in the ass but he wanted to hurt you, Kurt. I could never let that happen.' He smiled. 'I've never killed for someone. This was the first time and I knew I was in love with you. My feelings for you were stronger than just friendship. But you left. I promised to keep a eye on Blaine but... I couldn't care less about him. I spend my time bringing Blaine and Dylan together, I hoped Blaine eventually would tell you he was taken.. That would leave a heartbroken you in my arms. But Blaine was too stubborn to even contact you.

Then I got the message that you were coming back. I heard the rumors, I needed to make sure you were really coming back. We could start something together. But when I learned you came back for Blaine I was furious. Remember the time we met again?' Kurt nods, still too shocked to say anything. How could I been so stupid to not see the signs? 'I recognized your scent immediately and I bit you. But you still refused it and then you acted all surprised. I couldn't hurt you. I brought you to Blaine in hope you would give up when you met Dylan.'

'But you helped me get together with Blaine,' Kurt said confused. 'Why would you do that?'

Sebastian rolled his eyes. 'I didn't help you. I knew there was a bear near camp and I knew he would come after you when he smelled blood. Don't get me wrong, I didn't want to put you in danger but I knew you would run right back to Blaine. And he would be furious that you would bring his pack in danger. My plan worked well.'

A nausea feeling overwhelmed Kurt and he pulled his arm free, Sebastian didn't do anything to grab it again. 'But... the demons? Did you remove Balthazar here?'

Sebastian got up and start pacing. 'That's the tricky part. I contacted Adam to say you were in danger and Blaine was abusive. He was extremely worried and jumped right in to help me. I told him about Balthazar and the consequence. I also knew Adam had a secret crush on you, he loved you more than Alan. He killed him. We placed Balthazar right in the middle of the town. I contacted Sugar, told her where it was and she gathered the demons. They listened to me. I told how many souls they needed. Sadly you attracted one demon's attention at the wedding.'

'Robert,' Kurt whispers.

Sebastian shrugged. 'he wasn't going to harm you, only scare you a little bit. I distracted Dylan, he was a dangerous player in the field. I didn't count on Blaine's protective nature. The demon decided to play his own role after he met Blaine. Adam tried to reason with him but of course he was too weak.' Sebastian looked down in disgust at Adam's body.

'and you let him kill all those people? Sam's pack, innocent locals?' Kurt raised his voice in anger.

Sebastian laughs. 'Nobody is innocent, Kurt. They all have a dirty little secret. Look at me for example. I'm in love with you and you haven't noticed anything. The best part about this was when we pretended to date to make Blaine jealous. I could touch you and even cuddle you without you pulling back. Blaine's face was priceless.'

'I don't get it. What about the possession?'

'That was a mistake. It was terrible to see you like that. But I saved you. Did you really think Blaine saved you by kissing you? Come on, this isn't a Disney movie. I have learned a lesson in magic of my own. I made a spell that removed the demon from your body. Everybody was relieved and Blaine really thought he saved you.

I was happy you were save of course. But you had this weird idea that Dylan and I would fit together. I played along of course. I couldn't exactly tell the truth. You would never understand.'

'I still don't understand,' Kurt snapped. 'What about Dylan? You loved him.'

Sebastian shrugged but Kurt looked close and saw something soft in his eyes. 'he was fun to play with.'

'Did you mate?'

Sebastian nods.


'I couldn't blow up my cover. I was so close. But he doesn't matter anymore. I even give you the jacket for your birthday. I wanted to see the happiness on your face when I give It to you.' Sebastian glared at Adam. 'But he had put a note in it saying it was his. I was furious. I'm not surprised Adam would freak out eventually. He's so weak.' He sighs but stepped forward towards Kurt. 'But who cares about him? We finally can be together.'

'I'm Mated, Sebastian. We can't be together. I love Blaine.' Kurt shifted a little bit backwards. 'I could never love or submit to you.'

'Blaine is dead, Kurt, I saw his car blow up.'

Kurt's eyes widened. 'What?'

'I put a bomb in it. Don't act so surprised. I thought about everything. I know how mating works, I can only be with you if Blaine is dead.'

Kurt blinked back his tears. 'w-what about Dylan?'

'Oh yeah, good thinking. I knew you wanted to be with me just as much I want to be with you.' Sebastian winked, stepped over Dylan and pulled a silver knife out of his pocket. Kurt hoped that what he saw earlier in Sebastian's eyes would show again, it means Sebastian still had some humanity left. He saw love in Sebastian's eyes when he said Dylan's name. Nobody could fake that. Sebastian tried to recover his shaking hand who moved slowly to Dylan's heart.

'You... can't do it.' Kurt said. Sebastian glared at Kurt. 'You love him. Even if you say you love me, you are falling for Dylan.'

Adam groaned and shakes his head, he was waking up. Sebastian quickly grabbed Kurt arm. 'We need to go.'

'What? Why?!'

Sebastian pulled Kurt to the door, who tried to struggle free, but Sebastian was too strong.

'Where are we going?'

'We have a plane to catch,' Sebastian said.

'Where are we going?'

'New York. It's your dream and we're going to make that dream come true,' Sebastian stopped in front of the elevator and pushed the button. The door opened and Sebastian pushed Kurt roughly inside.

Kurt was too tired and shocked to react anymore. He was exhausted. He couldn't believe Blaine was dead. Dylan probably was dying and Adam couldn't safe him. Sebastian was too strong and dangerous. Weird I always thought my Omega would react stronger now Blaine was dead. I expected a breakdown.

They stepped outside the elevator and Sebastian pushed Kurt outside. 'What about Dylan? You two are mated....'

'Can you stop whining about the Mating?' Sebastian hissed, his eyes glowing with anger. 'Sex has nothing to do with a Mate. You can have sex before a mating.' He give Kurt a wide smile that send shivers down Kurt's spine and he swallowed. 'We'll find a solution about what to do with Dylan, I heard you can break it with Magic. I'm more a one- man man. Don't worry, I'm not into sharing.'

'Me neither.'

Sebastian froze and turned around. Blaine leaned to the wall with his arms across his chest. Kurt heart almost burst out of his chest of happiness. Blaine was still alive!

'You have 10 seconds to step away from my Mate, Sebastian!' Blaine growls, his golden eyes glowing.

Sebastian growls and pulled Kurt closer. 'as if I can't beat you, I'm stronger than you.'

Blaine shrugged. 'Maybe.' At that moment Puck, Wes, Jeff, Nick and the rest of the pack appeared. Sebastian looked around and cursed. They were surrounded. 'But I don't think you can take a whole army.'

'And two hunters!' Rachel appeared holding a crossbow in her hands, followed by Jesse who pointed a gun at Sebastian.

At the same time Dylan and Adam stumbled down the stairs. Dylan's eyes are burning with anger. 'And one pissed off Omega.' Adam blinked and looked around in confusing at the circle surrounding Sebastian and Kurt.

Dylan stepped forward pulling out his knife. 'let me do this.' He looked at Blaine who nodded and Dylan attacked at full speed. Before Kurt could move he was pushed in two strong arms and when he looked up he looked in hazel brown eyes with thick lashes and he cling onto Blaine like a life savior.

Through his tears Kurt saw the fight between Sebastian and Dylan and it was quite a show. The two were really a good fighting match. Sebastian avoided Dylan's attack easily but Dylan did the same with Sebastian's attacks. There was a lot of growling and showing teeth but both didn't morph. Sebastian sidestepped but almost tripped and Dylan took advantage of that immediately. He tackled Sebastian to the ground and bind his arms together. Kurt couldn't help but squeal happy.

'We'll take him with us,' Jesse said, handcuffing Sebastian and pulling him up roughly.

'Wait, where is he going?' Kurt asks.

'To Ohio prison, he'll be shipped over to the hunter society tomorrow,' Rachel said. 'It's too late to drive today.'

Jesse pulled at Sebastian's arms. Sebastian turned to Kurt. 'Kurt, babe, tell them you love me and they need to let me go. Please. I don't do well in prison.'

Kurt turned away from his formally best friend, while Rachel and Jesse dragged Sebastian away. Oh my... how a fool I was. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt and pulled him in a kiss. 'Are you okay? He didn't touch you did he?'

Kurt shook his head. 'I just can't believe it.'

'it's not your fault, Kurt, he's crazy,' Adam said calmly. 'Prison is where he belongs.' Kurt saw Dylan wince at Adam's words and he felt pity for the Omega. He couldn't imagine how bad Dylan must feel. He loved Sebastian so much.

'I agree!' Blaine's face hardened.

'How did you find out?' Kurt asks softly. He wanted to know the truth.

'Rachel showed us, and Adam told us.'


Blaine sat in the kitchen with Puck, Jeff, Nick and Wes talking and drinking before the big day tomorrow.

'Are you ready for tomorrow?' Wes asks, taking a sip from his beer.

Jeff and Nick started to hum 'there comes the bride.' Blaine glared at them and they both giggled. 'As ready as I'm ever be. I love Kurt, I want to make him happy.'

'I can't believe you really going to marry him,' Puck huffed. 'You're so whipped.'

'It won't change much between us, but it means everything to Kurt.'

'You're not worried then?' Wes asks and everybody looked at him in confusing. 'A few months back you said you're worried about a traitor in the pack. There is still a third person out there.'

Blaine nods. 'I think there is just one person and he is here for a long time.'

'Who?' Jeff asks curious.


Nick frowned. 'I don't think Adam would be smart enough to do this, Blaine.'

'You don't know what I saw in his eyes. He wants Kurt no matter what. He's obsessed.'

'It sounds like you're obsessed with him,' Puck points out.

A knock on the door interrupted their talk. 'Blaine, it's me, Rachel!'

Jeff groaned. 'Quickly put out the lights and lock the doors, we still can pretend we're not here.'

Blaine sighs and opened the door, Rachel quickly pushed passed him, her hair dripping from the rain. 'Finally. And they say wolves are fast.'

Blaine already regretted letting her in. 'What do you want Rachel?'

'I found out who the third person is, it's all in here,' Rachel pulled a tablet out of her bag. 'I know everything. Jesse and I studied for days because we figured out if we don't take the third person down, you and Kurt can't live happily ever after.' She bit her lip. 'Don't tell Kurt this but I think you guys are the cutest couple ever.'

Jeff snorts. 'Great, it looks like we have a fan girl in our mitts.'

Rachel huffed. 'We all need to agree that Blaine and Kurt deserve a happy ending and this needs to end soon.' They all nodded.

'Tell what you got,' Puck said.

'I won't tell, I'll show you,' Rachel put the tablet down and everyone gathered around. The first words were "Just in case we're monitored" she pushed on the screen again. The information dropped in like a bomb.

'So...' Jeff swallowed.

'It looks like...' Nick looked at Blaine in shock.

'We need to stop ... Sebastian Smyth,' Blaine said. Everyone looked at him in disbelieve. Another knock on the door sound and Blaine opened the door. It was Adam but that didn't surprise Blaine at all.

'I need to tell you everything. I'm so sorry.'


'wow, you saved my life, Adam, thank you,' Kurt pulled Adam in a hug.

'You're welcome, of course I couldn't let my best friend in danger,' Adam grinned.

'Still you need to make a statement at the hunter society,' Kurt said firm. 'You killed Alan, Adam, I know you try to make it up now but it's...'

'... too late, I understand,' Adam sighs. 'I'm going to find them and surrender me.'

'You don't want to come to the wedding?' Kurt asks.

Adam looked unsure at Blaine who nodded encourangly. 'I.... it just doesn't seem right. You're still getting married? After everything?'

Kurt's eyes glows . 'Of course I am. I'm not ruin this day by a psychopath! It's suppose to be the best day of my life and...' He looked at his watch. 'We're already too late anyway.' He let himself fall n his knees. Adam put a arm on his shoulder.

'it's gonna be okay. Maybe this was some crazy sign from above and it wasn't meant to be today. You always can get married.'

'But... we put a lot of money in this day,' Kurt sniffs. A shadow towered above them and Adam quickly moved away. Kurt felt the strong, comfort arms of Blaine pulling him close. Kurt sniffs into Blaine's neck. 'This day is ruined.'

'Don't say that,' Blaine said softly. 'Let's rest a couple minutes, gather our minds and just enjoy each other company.'

'That sounds good.'

'I'm going too, I think I let myself check up by a doctor,' Adam yawns and put his hand to his head where the wall hit him.

'Are you going to be okay?' Kurt ask with worry.

'Always.' Adam smiled softly, gave Kurt one last hug and walked away.

The rest of the pack left Kurt and Blaine alone to talk. Kurt spend the first 10 minutes to sniffle, cry and hold Blaine. He was happy Blaine was here, shocked that Sebastian planned this and sad that the wedding was off. Blaine just hold Kurt close. He knew his Mate had been through a lot today and all he could do was hold him to make him feel safe. But when the sniffle stops, Blaine tensed because he knew Kurt would be pissed off.

'So you were risking my life today?! You could've told me, Blaine! I can't believe this.' Blaine winced at Kurt's words.

'I'm sorry I put you in danger, but this was the only way to get Sebastian. If you knew, he would know. He knows you to well.'

Kurt sighs and bit his lip. 'You're probably right.'

'I am, you know I would never put you in danger and by not telling you was the best way of protecting,' Blaine said.

'This is giving me a headache I'm still so.... Confused.' Kurt admits.

Suddenly Blaine's phone rang and he picked up. Blaine turns away from Kurt, mumbles something Kurt couldn't hear and hang up. He turns back to Kurt, pulled him in a hug and kissed him deeply. Kurt melted immediately. 'Do you still want to get married?'

'Huh?' Kurt mumbles against Blaine's lips.

'Will you still be mine after everything happened?' Blaine asks, his voice soft and for the first time Kurt could hear vulnerability in his voice. As if Blaine was afraid Kurt would reject him.

'Of course, always! You are mine and I'm yours.' Kurt frowned. He thought he made his love for Blaine clear months ago. He narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

'Let's get married, I have a surprise for you.' Blaine said with a big smile.

'Really? Where?'

Blaine hummed. Kurt crinkled his nose, he always does when he thought of something. 'Don't worry. There is a big tent, people can dance, food and there is heat from fire, there is music. Which Jeff and Nick are way to enthusiast about, so maybe we should do without music.'

'There will be no wedding without music,' Kurt said. 'I want to dance with you till the morning.'

'Let's go,' Blaine hold out a hand, Kurt took it and let himself lead away.


'Eh... I didn't know we could get married in prison?' Kurt asks confused when Blaine stopped the car in front of the town's prison.

'Don't worry.'

'I'm worried.'

Blaine didn't answer but got out, walked around the car, opened Kurt's door and offered him his hand. Kurt frowned but took his hand. 'We need to deal with this before we can move on.' Blaine shut the door, locked the car and leads Kurt to the front gate of the prison. Jesse and Rachel walked over to led them in.

'He's already here,' Jesse nods. Blaine led Kurt to the door and into a hall. Rachel and Jesse followed closely

Kurt was sure everyone could hear his heart speed up. We are going to visit Sebastian now. I'm not ready for this.

Blaine put his hand on Kurt's lower back and looked at him, smiling reassuring. It's gonna be okay, babe. Nobody's gonna hurt you any longer.

Blaine what's going on?

It's time for the truth. As long as he lives we can't have our happy ending. Rachel opened a door with a key and they walked in a small room, a big window and a door and that was it. Dylan stared at the window without moving. Kurt stepped closer when he saw Sebastian strained to the only chair in the room. There were two doors to access the room.

'he's here, show time,' Rachel said and walked away.

'What's going on?' Kurt said again.

'You need to see and hear the truth with your own eyes and ears, Kurt.' Blaine said, squeezing his hand.


'I'm sorry, Mr. Crawford you're not allowed to access this room,' Rachel said firm to the man in front of her.

'I'm afraid I don't have a choice, little girl,' Adam grabs a spray out of his pocket, sprayed it at a shocked Rachel who fell down immediately. Adam searched for the keys and opened the cell. He walked towards Sebastian who glared at him. 'I see the Spell doesn't work anymore?'

'You!' Sebastian snarled, he wanted to charge forward and attack Adam but he was hold back by the chains.

Adam chuckled. 'Well, didn't your mother tell you not to take cookies from strangers?'

Sebastian glared. 'What was in it?'

'A mind control spell.'

Sebastian's eyes widened. 'I heard your voice inside my head... You can do magic?'

'I'm practicing Magic my whole life.' Adam shrugged. 'How do you think I can let Vampires and Demons do what I want?!'

'How can you kill your own Mate?'

'He was a idiot. Weak. I didn't care one bit for him.'

'No you only care about Kurt isn't?'

Adam nods and sighs dreamily. 'He's my soul mate. I knew Kurt would only think about Blaine and when he announced that he goes back to Lima I needed to think about a plan. I heard about the legendary Balthazar. So I went to Egypt with Alan. The only good thing about him was that he died.'

'But you didn't love him how can his dead open Balthazar's tomb?' Sebastian asks.

'The bond between Alpha and Omega is based on love, well it was different with us two. Alan loved me that was enough. I decide to travel to Lima to keep a eye on Kurt. I put Balthazar in the centre of town, it would attract demons within weeks. I met Sugar, charming lady. It was obvious that she was powerful and I told her that Balthazar needed as many souls as she could get.'

'Wait, what about my pack?' Sebastian growls.

'That was a experiment,' Adam said coldly. 'Before I left last year I discovered a small demon gate, I opened it and the demons possessed the closest thing they could find. Your pack!' He smiled at the memory. 'There body's dropped after 5 minutes, dead. That's when I thought this could be useful for later. I was right.

Until I walked in on a blond little girl named Jessica. She had evidence. She had found out I wasn't at VOGUE. So she and David put one and one together and when someone said I was back to Lima, I needed to do something. Luckily Jessica said nothing to Blaine because she was afraid she was spied on. Well that was true, I have microphones everywhere in Blaine's village. So I wouldn't be surprised. I killed Jessica and David myself and let Vampires drink from them so it wouldn't be suspected that it was me.' Adam grinned proudly at his own ideas.

'You think you're so smart, you think you already won.'

Adam laughs. 'I already won. I got rid of on Alpha and his whole pack by sending Vampires at them, you will be here for the rest of your life and Blaine doesn't suspect anything. Soon the other Alpha's will fall and Kurt will be all mine.'

'Blaine will found out you know.' Sebastian hissed.

Adam snorts. 'Blaine is the most foolish Alpha I've ever known. He wouldn't recognize danger if it is right in front on him.'

'Is that so?'

Adam widened his eyes and turned around. Blaine leaned against the door, next to him stood Dylan, Rachel, Jesse and Kurt, who stares at him in shock.

'You call me stupid? You just confessed everything in a prison cell where there are microphones and camera's everywhere, you stupid moron.' Blaine smiled smugly.

'W-what?' Adam stumbled backwards until his back hit the wall.

'I've never trusted you. I knew you were planning something when you showed up last night and wanted to shove everything on Sebastian. Bringing Kurt to a cheap hotel room, really Adam?'

Kurt didn't want to think about the things Adam wanted to do with him if Sebastian hadn't showed up, knocked Adam out and pulled him out of the room before Adam would wake up again.

Adam eyes shifted to Sebastian and Blaine. 'You set me up?!'

Sebastian moved his hands to his chains who immediately dropped to the ground, he held up his hand and held his fingers in front of Adam's face. Adam's eyes widened when he saw a ring on Sebastian's finger. 'Remember the ring you gave to Kurt? Rachel showed us yesterday that it wasn't a normal ring, it was a spell protection ring. You wanted to protect Kurt against possession and magic. Sadly for you Kurt removed the ring to attract the attention of Blaine and not soon after he was wearing his engagement ring.'


'This means, I was never under a spell!' Sebastian growls, standing up slowly, his eyes glowing with anger. 'I still need to take revenge for my pack, you know.'

Blaine and he moved in on Adam. 'Wait!' Kurt stepped in front of Adam.

'Kurt. He deserves to die,' Blaine said. 'You know what he did. He killed Sammy, he killed my mom. He killed innocents.'

'I know, but there are worse things than dead,' Kurt said calmly.

Adam smiled in relief. 'I ... thank you Kurt. I knew you wouldn't let me get killed. You love me.' Kurt turned towards Adam, his eyes ice cold and before Adam knew it Kurt slapped him in his face and Adam tumbled down.

'You are sick, Adam. I can never love you. I hope you rot in a tiny cell for 100 years without visitors. What you did to all those innocent people... that's unforgivable. You deserve to die alone and really slowly.'

'No,...' Adam wanted to reach out for Kurt's arm but Blaine quickly pulled Kurt behind his back and Rachel and Jesse quickly handcuffed him.

'We're leaving immediately to Atlantic, it's the best prison we have!' Rachel quipped.

'Nothing can keep me away from my soul mate!' Adam snarled while being let out of the room by Jesse and Rachel. 'Kurt... say something.' The door slammed shut.

'Wow. He's really far gone,' Dylan said.

'Sorry, Kurt, I'll never love you, I'm a one man-man and someone has the key to my heart already,' Sebastian winked and pulled Dylan quickly in a hug. Dylan blushed.

'I knew it, you love Dylan too much to be true,' Kurt said.

'I'm sorry I put a knife on your heart, babe,' Sebastian kissed Dylan softly.

'I thrust you.' Dylan said when he pulled away, a little breathless.

Kurt turns to Blaine. 'Okay, explain, what happened after Adam left?'


Blaine let Adam out, thanking him with all his heart and closet the door. When he returned Puck asks: 'Do you believe him?'

'I do,' Blaine said, walking to grab pen and paper. Quickly writing down 'He tries to blame Sebastian for his actions and I think I know what he's planning. He put probably microphones everywhere, so talk via this. Keep up a conversation though.' He looked at the tablet Rachel put back on table, the evidence of Adam's actions was on there. Everyone huddled closer to see what Blaine has written. If there were camera's, there was no way anyone could see this.

'So what are we going to do?' Jeff asks.

'We know that there will be a bomb in Puck's car,' Blaine said. Writing down: 'This means he's planning something bigger, he'll make a mistake and we'll be ready to catch him.'

Rachel grabs the paper and pen and wrote down: 'What about Kurt?'

'We can't tell him, he won't believe me.' Blaine wrote back. 'We need a plan to make Adam think he gets away and him to confess his true nature to Kurt.' Everyone nodded.

'I'll call Dylan.' Puck said.


'And what happened next?' Kurt asks.

'Puck took the call outside the village, he told Dylan everything,' Blaine explained. 'Dylan told about the cookies, he let Rachel and Jesse inside when everybody was asleep. They have a device were they can tell if something was enchanted and they discovered it was a mind spell. Everything Adam thought, the one who took a cookie says what Adam thinks. Sebastian took a cookie with the ring on, Adam saw it and took advantage of it when you discovered the truth.'

'How did he took the photo's? We never saw him.'

'Screenshots,' Blaine said. 'We removed every camera out of the village this morning. He could make screenshots because of it. I don't know what screenshots are but Rachel explained it.'

Kurt giggled, and wrapped his arms around Blaine. 'I'm so sorry for not believing you. I feel terrible.'

'It's okay, he played it good.'

'Well, from now on I'll believe you always.' Kurt said, guilt washing over him. 'I was so blind.'

'I'm here to open your eyes,' Blaine gave him a kiss. 'It's okay, he was your friend. I would freak out too if you would say Wes was evil.' He winked.

Kurt giggled. 'Wes has a bad side?'

'You don't know the half of it, you should've seen him in high school, he had a gavel and everything.'

Kurt laughs. 'No way! Wes?'

Blaine hummed. 'He was way too serious about our school choir.'

'You had a school choir?'

Blaine nods. 'We called ourselves the warblers.' Kurt laughs. Blaine poked him playfully. 'Don't laugh, we were good.'

'The Warblers, that name is ridiculous,' Kurt giggles, unable to stop.

Blaine shrugged. 'I wanted to name it Blaine and the Pips but not everyone agreed.' He took Kurt's hand and he walked him outside, followed by Sebastian and Dylan who had only eye for each other. Kurt listened amused to Blaine rambling on about his school adventures. He realized how little he really knew about Blaine's past but that didn't matter, they had time to know each other better.


The wedding was everything Kurt dreamed off and more. After everything what happened it was like everyone appreciate life and the people around them more. After the ceremony and exchanging rings and vows there was a big party. Jeff and Nick sang duets and Blaine and Kurt didn't let each other go all night, swaying together on the dance floor.

'This night has been so amazing. I'm afraid to let you go after tonight, I don't want it to end,' Kurt sighs in the crook of Blaine's neck.

'We have forever Kurt, Adam is gone, nothing is going to happen. It's just you and me from now on.'

'I'll like that.'

Suddenly familiar music sounded and Kurt perked up watching the stage. Dylan and Sebastian took the stage and sang 'Come What May.' Kurt squealed. 'this is my favorite, Blaine.'

'I know.'


'We watched Moulin Rouge a million times and you always cry when that song comes.' Blaine took Kurt's hands and they slow danced on the voices of Sebastian and Dylan.


'You arranged a taxi?' Kurt said surprised when he walked outside. It was early morning and he could barely stand on his feet.

'Kurt, Blaine, wait up!' Sebastian ran towards them. 'I still need to tell you something, Kurt. Dylan and I, we won't be here when you come back. We're moving to France. It's time for us and maybe we find our own pack.'

'I understand it. You deserve it, Sebastian,' Kurt nods, quickly hugging him. 'This isn't goodbye okay? We'll see each other again one day.' Sebastian nods sadly. 'Now, go...' Kurt saw Dylan waiting impatiently. '... your mate is waiting.'

'Thanks Kurt, have fun on your honeymoon.' Sebastian quickly walked to Dylan, grabs his hand and they disappeared into the forest.

Blaine held open the door to the taxi to let Kurt in first. 'So what did you think about Sebastian's wedding speech?'

Kurt shrugged. 'I zoned out after the word "Dildo".'

Blaine chuckled. 'But that was the beginning of his speech.'

'Where are we going?' Kurt asks when they didn't take the right turn to the village.

'I've packed everything, we're going on our honeymoon.'

'What? But.... We agreed we'll wait because the wedding budget got out of hand?'

Blaine pulled out two tickets with 'New York' on it. 'Surprise!' Kurt squealed and attacked Blaine's lips. 'Two weeks. We'll be back before Christmas so we can celebrate it with family and friends.'

'Have I told you that I love you?'

'Hmm.. love you too.'

'How did you paid for it and who's watching the pack?'

'Wes does a good job as my second so he can watch my pack for two weeks.' Blaine shifts his hands nervously and Kurt pulled back, narrowing his eyes. 'I stole Adam's credit card and I paid with it for our New York trip.' Kurt gasped scandalized. 'I thought he owed us one.'

Kurt smiled. 'Do you think he would be mad if he heard he paid for our honeymoon because that would be so perfect!'

'Oeh sassy.'

Kurt shrugged and stared at the tickets again, he couldn't stop smiling. He was going to New York with Blaine for two whole weeks!! And when they come back he would open his own shop and make his own cloth label a big success, he just knew it. And one day, Blaine and he would start a family of their own but not today. It was time for just the two of them. They could finally enjoy each other without any kind of threat.

'I can't wait to show you the most amazing shops, Blaine. Oh and we definitely need to see...' Blaine watched while Kurt kept talking about things they need to see. He couldn't believe how lucky he was. Kurt was amazing. He couldn't wait to spend two weeks with Kurt in New York. They could finally fully enjoy each other. Sure any couple would face problems eventually but whatever the future holds for them, Blaine knew they would get through it.... together.



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