Will You Be Mine Part II
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Sept. 5, 2013, 11:42 p.m.

Will You Be Mine Part II: Chapter 22

E - Words: 5,194 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/24 - Created: Jul 18, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
130 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Up next: Wedding Day!!! Only two chapters to go and this story is done:(

'Can I come in?' Adam asks.

'Eh... sure, sorry,' Kurt stepped aside.

Adam scanned the room, put down his suitcases. 'Wow, it's smaller than I thought. My apartment in New York is bigger. Kurt, how do you manage to survive here? It smells like forest and rodents. And the people are rude. I needed to explain to a Alpha with a Mohawk who I was, he ripped my jacket.' He lift his arm to show Kurt the sleeve.

'I wonder why,' Blaine said his voice dripping with sarcasm. Kurt glared at him.

'Adam.... What are you doing here? Not that I'm not happy that you are here but... I didn't invite you for our wedding. How do you know?' Kurt asks.

'I just pretend I'm not insulted by this. I talked to Burt about it a few weeks ago, he told me.'

'Is that so? He never told us about you,' Blaine said, eyes narrowing. 'Too bad we don't have a seat for you though.'

'Oh.' Adam looked hurt.

'Blaine's only joking, Adam, of course we have a place for you,' Kurt quickly hugs Adam. 'I can't believe you're really here.' – 'me neither.' Blaine said, earning a another glare from Kurt – ' I'm making some coffee and we need to talk.' He glanced over his clothes. 'And I need to change.' He unwrapped his scarf and Adam gasped audible.

'Kurt... is that a bruise?' Adam points to his neck. 'Is Blaine abusing you?'

'What?' Kurt froze.

'Don't be ridiculous, I'll never lay a finger on Kurt,' Blaine growls, walking closer to Kurt.

Adam jumped in front of Kurt and placed his body between them. 'Stay away from him.'

'Are you crazy? You have one second to step away from my Mate!'

'Okay can we all calm down?!' Kurt pushed Adam aside and walked to the mirror to check out his 'bruise'. He sighs. 'Adam, that's is not a bruise....' He blushed. 'It's a hickey.'

'What? Oh...' Adam shifted on his feet awkwardly.

Blaine walked towards Kurt, wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him close. 'it's a sign of love.' He smiled proudly, Kurt rolled his eyes but couldn't help but smile.

Kurt turned to Adam, he couldn't help but feel hurt by his friend's reaction. 'how can you think that Blaine would abuse me? We love each other.' Adam closet his eyes. Kurt's eyes widened and he unwrapped himself from Blaine and grabbed Adam's hand. 'Oh... Adam, did Alan abuse you? Did he hurt you?'

'he... he slapped me one time,' Adam's voice cracked. 'We're had just a silly fight and Alan lost it, he left after that.' He sniffs, Kurt gasped but Blaine couldn't help but roll his eyes at the dramatically act in front of him. Sure it's horrible if a Alpha abuses his Omega but the grieve Adam said didn't quit match his eyes and he was sure he was lying.

'You never hurt from him again? I mean... he must be sorry and missing you. I can't go a day without Kurt.' Blaine said casual as possible, Kurt blushes slightly and smiled at Blaine.

'I got news, last week. They've found Alan's body. He was dead for quite a while,' Adam wiped at his eyes.

'What happened?' Kurt asks. Adam shrugged. 'I'm sorry.' He pulled Adam in a hug and who returned the hug immediately. The hug lasted too long for Blaine's taste and he could've sworn Adam glanced at him, as if he was challenging Blaine. After what felt like 2 hours ( but was 2 seconds) Kurt pulled away. 'I'll get changed and then we can talk.' He quickly walked away to the bedroom. He wanted to put on something more.... Fashionable. Adam came all the way from New York and his clothes were horrible. Yes it was good enough for here but Adam looked amazing in his outfit and Kurt felt slightly like he abandoned the fashion hype. He wanted to let Adam know that he still got it, even if he wasn't in New York anymore.

Blaine glared at Adam. 'Want to tell me what the real reason is why you came back, Adam?'

'I already told you...'

'Kurt hasn't contacted you in weeks. He didn't even mentioned you since you tried to bribe your way in to his life by buying a expensive designer coat. And I even forgot you existed, and I think Kurt didn't think about you one second. And now you're suddenly here, insult my cabin, the place where Kurt feels at home, and invite yourself to our wedding. Why?'

'I don't know what you're thinking but Kurt is my friend.'

'So you do all this trouble for a friend you hadn't had contact with for weeks? Stop lying, Adam, I know Kurt thinks your this angel who helped him out once, but I don't buy your crap.'

'What's between Kurt and me is none of your business!' Adam hissed, his eyes glowing.

Blaine smiled but it didn't reach his eyes, finally the real Adam shows up. He moved forward fast and before Adam could do anything he was pinned to the wall, looking up at two glowing gold eyes. 'There is nothing between you and Kurt. You need to accept that Kurt is mine! He choose me, so let it go.'

'You're wrong!'

'Am I?' Blaine's voice low, almost a growl and Adam winced slightly. 'So you're not back to steal Kurt away from me before the wedding? I wouldn't even be surprised if you killed Alan yourself. Really, Adam? You told Kurt you unmated him. We both know that doesn't exist. When Kurt found out you had to lie again. So, tell me how close to the truth am I?' He heard the door slam and knew Kurt was walking in but he didn't break eye contact with Adam.

'Blaine! Let him go!' Kurt yelled pulling at Blaine's tense arm, Blaine moved backwards. Adam's eyes were wide with shock. 'Oh... Adam, are you okay? Blaine....' Kurt glared at Blaine. '... he's a little bit overprotective about me.'

'He's crazy!' Adam shrieked.

Kurt looked at Blaine. Really Blaine, you had to attack a already abused and distrusted Omega?

He's still lying, Kurt. Don't trust him.

We'll talk about this later. 'Let's sit down, while Blaine makes some coffee.' Kurt said, leading Adam to the couch.

While Kurt and Adam chatted away Blaine decided to make some coffee instead of glaring at the touches Adam gave to Kurt's arm once in awhile. He wanted to move Adam's suitcases until a idea hit him. What if Adam is really hiding something and it would be right here? He reached out to touch the lock. Suddenly a burning heat hit him and he fell to the ground screaming in pain.

Kurt was by his side immediately. Completely panicking, he grabbed Blaine and pulled him close to calm him down while Blaine's body shook uncontrollable. 'Blaine... what's wrong? I...'

'He touched my suitcase, don't worry, Kurt, it should be over soon,' Adam said, he walked to the sink and grabbed a class of water. 'He would be needing some water though.'

Adam was right, the glass of water calmed Blaine down and he stopped shaking. 'What... what is that?' He looked at the suitcase.

'It's a defense lock,' Adam explained. 'Only the owner can touch it. The suitcase recognizes the owner's skin. It's a new thing in New York and it works perfect. It prevent thief's from stealing your suitcase.' He narrowed his eyes. 'What did you want with my suitcase anyway?'

'I'm sure Blaine just wanted to put them aside, they're in the middle of the kitchen,' Kurt defended Blaine. 'We've been through enough.' He pulled Blaine on his feet and put him down on the couch gently.

'I should've said something I didn't know you're going to touch my stuff, sorry,' Adam said, it sounded more accusingly than that he regret anything. 'Kurt, you said you've been through enough. Tell me what happened.'

Blaine thought he would be annoyed when Kurt told everything what happened but Kurt made Blaine a hero and he couldn't help but feel flattered.

'So Blaine's a hero huh?' Adam raised his eyebrows, it was obvious he wasn't impressed.

'He is, he saved me lots of times,' Kurt ignored Adam's tone and squeezed Blaine's hand.

'Kurt saved me a lot of times too,' Blaine smiled. 'without him I died ten times by now.'

'I'll bet.' Adam smiled at Kurt.

Kurt yawns. 'I think it's bed time.' He looked a little unsure. 'eh...'

'I'll take the couch.' Adam insisted.

'No you're not staying here!' Blaine said.


'No, he's not staying. He can call Burt if he can sleep there. Burt invited him.'

'Blaine, don't be rude to our guest.'

'It's okay, Kurt,' Adam said a little bit sad.

'No it's not.'

'It is, I'm sure Adam doesn't even want to stay in a little cabin that smells like nature and not like sweat and spoiled Omega's,' Blaine said, Kurt glared but he ignored it. He wasn't gonna change his mind, Adam wasn't going to stay here. 'I really appreciate our privacy, Kurt and he came here un invited.'

'He's right, I'll call Burt,' Adam grabbed his phone. 'I'll see you tomorrow, we can talk about fashion more.' His eyes roamed over Kurt's clothes. 'You look amazing.' He walked away to make a call.

Kurt turned around to glare at Blaine. 'You mad? Good. I don't care, Kurt. I don't want him here.'

'He is my friend.'

'Uhuh, you talked about him a lot this past few weeks.... Oh wait... you didn't.'

Kurt bit his lip, Blaine had a point. 'Okay, that's true but just because we were busy with saving the world. I want to make up our lost time.'

'He's staying at Burt, he can visit you every day,' Blaine said. 'I just don't want him here.' He sniffs. 'Maybe we need to burn this place down, his smell is everywhere.' Kurt rolled his eyes. 'I'm telling you if I didn't know he's a Omega I would think he's a Alpha, his smell is way too strong.'

They heard footsteps and Adam returned. 'Your dad is going to pick me up.'

'I'm sorry but I think it's for the better too, Adam,' Kurt said.

'It's okay, Kurt, besides this way I could catch up with Burt too.'

You mean kiss his ass so Burt likes you more than me. But Blaine didn't say anything, he walked to the bedroom and let himself fall on bed while Kurt said goodbye to Adam. He could hear Kurt shuffle around the living room and the door opened a few minutes later. Kurt changed into his pyjama's in silence and crawled next to Blaine.

'Want to explain what this was all about?'

Blaine shrugged. 'I don't thrust him.'

Kurt sighs. 'we've been over this...'

'exactly, but don't you wonder why he's back?'

'You know why he's back. For our wedding.'

'For our wedding, yes. To steal you away from me. Don't roll your eyes, you saw how he behaved to me. He accused me of abusing you. Like I ever could do that.'

'He has a bad experience with Alpha's, you can't blame him.'

Blaine snorts. 'Yeah, Alan slapped Adam once and Alan is the one who ends up dead. Alan is a Alpha, in a fair fight, a Omega can never win from a Alpha.'

Kurt eyes widened. 'You're saying Adam killed Alan? That's ridiculous. I know Adam and he couldn't hurt a fly.'

'You always seeing the best in people, Kurt and I love you for it. But this time... you don't see things clear. I saw how he looked at you and it was full of lust and desire.' Blaine sat up straighter to look Kurt in the eyes. 'I don't want to lose you.'

Kurt swallowed and pulled Blaine close, so their foreheads leaned against each other. 'You're not losing me. I chose you and Adam knows that. I love you, you're my soul mate and nobody can come between us. If it bothers you so much, I'll talk to Adam about it.'


Kurt nods.

'I'm sorry for my behavior. My alpha doesn't really like to share you.'

Kurt shrugged. 'I really think it's hot when you're jealous.'

The mood changed, both their eyes turned black with lust.

'You do?'

'Maybe you should remind me to who I belong?' Kurt bit his lip, innocently. He didn't have to ask twice.


Adam kept visiting Kurt from that day on. Blaine wasn't happy about it but it was obvious it cheered Kurt up a lot. They sat on the couch drinking coffee and discussing clothes and the newest fashion. It made Blaine jealous of Adam. He wanted to be that part of Kurt's life too but he didn't know anything about fashion. He knew how to dress and which clothes made his eyes and curls good, but that's it. Adam and Kurt had a secret language when it comes to fashion and it made Blaine wish that he grew up in New York and work at VOGUE. Blaine wanted to spend his life with Kurt but it hurt that they never could share the passion for fashion.

Luckily there came distraction in the form of little Samantha and Mercedes. Little Samantha was really attached to Kurt and Blaine and called them 'Uncle.' Mercedes just let that be, it was good for Samantha to have a father figure in her life.

Blaine tickled the little girl and played with her for awhile till Samantha saw Beth and Melinda walking and decided to dump Blaine and play with them. Kids could be so cruel.

'They're really close aren't they?' Mercedes looked over at Adam and Kurt, who were still chatting away about some new designer named: Elliot.

Blaine shrugged. 'Adam lost his mate, Kurt feels bad so he talks to him. But it seems to cheer Kurt up.'

'He lost his mate?' Mercedes asked in surprised. They heard Adam laugh about something Kurt said. 'He doesn't look sad.'

'You neither.'

Mercedes shrugged. 'I have Samantha. Remember your mom? She couldn't handle it, I can barely handle it but my daughter can't live without me. He doesn't look in grieve at all. When did his mate died?'

'Two weeks ago.'

Mercedes raised her eyebrows. 'Wow, great recovering.'

'You think he's lying?'

'Do you?'

'There is definitely something wrong with him, but I can't proof anything.' Blaine sighs. 'I just keep a eye out for Kurt.'

Mercedes nods. 'I'll go look for Sammy.' She walks towards the three little girls playing at the edge of the village.

Kurt walked over and Blaine already could see Kurt wanted to ask something. Kurt gave him a kiss and leaned into Blaine's touch. 'Blaine?'


'Can I go shopping with Adam tomorrow?'




Kurt pulled back and gave him a icy look. 'Why not?'

'You know why.'

'But... I really want it, Blaine. I haven't left the pack for a week. I need a day out of here. I want to go shopping. Adam needs to see the Ohio Mall.' Kurt pouts. 'Come with us.'

'You mean that?'

'Why not? It would be better. It would be good to have a fun day together.'

'With Adam.'

Kurt rolled his eyes. 'Come on. It would mean a lot to me if you at least try to get along. And nothing can happen to me if you're there.'

'Okay, but don't leave my side.'

Kurt smiled. 'I'll be always at your side.' He winked and walked off to tell Adam the news.

'so you need to ask permission to go out?' Adam asks. 'Wow, Kurt, you're locked up in here.'

'Well, Blaine is the Alpha, he just want to make sure I'll be safe.'

'He's not your dad.'

'No he's not, he's my mate. I know how this looks like but I love it that Blaine cares and looks out for me, I'll do the same for him. It's time that you accept that we really love each other.'

'I never said I didn't,' Adam points out. He sighs. 'I'll see you and Blaine tomorrow okay?' Kurt nodded and turned around.


'Blaine it's time, come on, Adam could be here any minute,' Kurt poked Blaine's side. Blaine groaned, mumbled 'Another reason to go back to sleep" and turned away, pulling the blankets over his head. 'I can't believe how lazy you are after morning sex.'

Blaine groaned and Kurt ran around the bed to pull Blaine's blankets away. Blaine stubbornly kept his eyes close. 'Blaine, you remember what you promised me?' Kurt whined and Blaine opened one eye. Kurt was already dressed and looked amazing.

'Sleep.' Blaine groans, trying to grab his blankets but Kurt kicked them off bed.

'You said you would try. I know Adam isn't accepting about us but I want to show him you are a good Alpha. You two are one of the most important people in my life, I want you two to get along. If Dylan and I can do it, you two can.' Kurt stood up and pulled on Blaine's arm. 'Come on!'

'Kurt?!' Adam's voice. A door opened. Kurt let go and walked to the living room. Leaving Blaine behind his ass and legs on the bed and his head on the ground. Blaine groaned. He cursed Adam for his awkward position.

Blaine dressed in his best clothes, he wanted to look good by Kurt's side. He want Kurt to be proud of him. He would do his best today, maybe even be nice to Adam. He looked in the mirror, his hair was perfectly gelled back. He sighs. It was going to be a long day.


It wasn't the worst day ever. Blaine and Kurt walked hand in hand the entire time and Blaine couldn't help but feel happy every time Adam saw them kissing or cuddling. Kurt pointed Adam on the clothes he liked or disliked but he never let go of Blaine's hand.

Finally Kurt pointed to sit down at Starbucks. Blaine's feet hurt and he sat down gratefully. If it wasn't for Adam being here, he wouldn't go shopping with Kurt. Running a marathon would be easier than shopping with Kurt. He noticed Adam's mood wasn't any better and that cheered Blaine up.

'you've changed a lot, Kurt, If I didn't know any better I wouldn't believe you are the real Kurt Hummel,' Adam said, taking a sip from his hot coffee.

Kurt raised his eyebrows. 'I'm still the same.'

Adam shook his head. 'You were shy the first time I met you. You didn't talk to anyone but me. And I understand your past. But seeing you know so open with your Mate. I just... can't believe it.'

'You better believe it, Blaine and I are getting married in a week,' Kurt grinned proudly taking Blaine's hand.

Adam shrugged. 'Well as long as your happy, I'm happy.'

'We are,' Blaine and Kurt said at the same time, they locked eyes and smiled. Blaine leaned forward to kiss Kurt when he felt something hot and burning down his crotch, yelled and jumped up in surprise.

'I'm sorry, I forget how clumsy I can be,' Adam jumped up with a empty coffee cup in his hand. Blaine growls and narrowed his eyes. So suddenly Adam's coffee felt down his lap? This was ridiculous.

'Oh my... your pants, Blaine!' Kurt interrupted Blaine's thought to rip out Adam's heart. 'Let's get you changed quickly. I'll buy you new jeans and you can change.' He grabbed Blaine's hand and lead him to a clothing shop.

Once inside the change room Blaine quickly removed his pants. Kurt handed him new jeans. 'I already paid for them.'

Blaine growls. 'It would be a miracle if I ever could have children in the future. My balls are burned up.'

Kurt smirked. 'Well it's a good thing we're going to adopt aren't we?'

'You did see what he did right? That asshole.'

'I only saw you trying to kiss me and suddenly jumped up.'


'I know, the day is ruined anyway. Just get your pants on and let's go home.' Kurt said, he made it obvious he didn't want to fight again.


'But why do you have to go?' Blaine asks. It was the day before the wedding and Kurt was packing his clothes.

'I already told you, tomorrow is our wedding day and the night before the wedding Kurt wanted to do the traditional 'night apart'. 'It's a tradition for the bride and groom to spend the night before the wedding apart.'

'We're not a bride and groom.'

'No, but I just... want to do this, Blaine. It makes it more... real.'

Blaine sat down on bed. 'I'll think you have a point. It makes it more special when I see you walking towards me, beautiful in suit and tie.'

'Exactly!' Kurt closet the suitcase.

'but... what about the morning sex?'

Kurt blushed. 'You'll survive.'

'Am not, it's the best part of the day,' Blaine pouted. 'I can't live without it.'

'Well, think about the things you can do to me in our wedding night?'

'You mean.... I get to decide?'

'Sure. Ready to say goodbye?'


'Blaine. I'll leave without then.'

Blaine got up and pulled Kurt close. 'I don't think I can sleep without you, though.' Kurt melts at the words. 'Where are you going anyway?' He looked at the two suitcases Kurt had packed for one night.

'home, with my dad and Adam.' Blaine growls. 'Blaine, we've talked about this.' Kurt pulled back, hands on his hips.

'No, we haven't. I didn't know you leave me, to be with him.'

'I don't have a choice.'

'You can take a motel or stay here.'

'We need money for the wedding, our savings are gone and we still need to go on a honeymoon. I'm just going to my old house, that's it.'

'But... I don't like that he's there too. What if he tries something? I don't like you all alone, there always happens something. Haven't we learned our lessons? The first time you got kidnapped by hunters, the second time you get possessed.... Who knows what Adam would do to you?'

'Don't worry, Blaine, beside don't you think that I can handle Adam? You trained me, I fought against vampires I can handle a friendly Omega.'

'Yes a overly friendly omega.' Blaine scowled.

'I can handle myself, you need to have faith in me, Blaine,' Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck. 'And my dad and his shotgun are there too.'

'would he shoot at Adam if he tries anything?' Blaine asks, slightly more relaxing at the thought of Burt shooting Adam.

Kurt shrugged. 'If my safety is in danger, yes.'


'I need to go. You know the time you need to be there right? You can always call me.'

'Yes, I know. I just hate spending the night apart.'

'Me too. But it's only one night. After that we can be together always.'

'We can be together tonight.' Blaine said one last time. Kurt rolled his eyes and grabs his suitcase. 'it was just a suggestion. You and your stupid old fashion things.' He helped Kurt with loading his suitcases in Burt's car. 'See you tomorrow.'

'Can't wait to call you my husband!' Kurt gave him a soft kiss. 'See you tomorrow.'

'Come on Kurt!' Burt yelled from behind the steering wheel. Kurt gave one last kiss, stepped in and they drove off.

'So, Kurt is going to Burt?' Wes leaned against his cabin and witnessed the scene in front of him.

'Yes, one night.'

'Adam is there too, you're letting Kurt alone?'

'Of course not. I'm not stupid.'


'why do I need to babysit Kurt?' Dylan complained.

'You don't need to babysit, just keep a eye out for him,' Blaine explained.

'So because Kurt is again in trouble you sacrifice my mate to safe him... again?' Sebastian said, scowling. 'I get it, dude, you're going to sleep apart and that sucks but Dylan and I want to sleep together tonight.'

'I need someone I can thrust and who's strong to look out for Adam, Sebastian. Dylan, please, one last thing.'

Dylan and Sebastian shared a look. 'That's right, it will be the last time.'

'What do you mean?' Blaine asks.

'We're leaving after the wedding,' Sebastian said. 'It's time for our own pack.'

Blaine wasn't surprised, if it wasn't for Kurt they would be gone long time ago. 'You need to tell it to Kurt yourself. He would throw a fit.'

'He will understand.'

'I'll do it,' Dylan said. 'Just because I'm curious to this Adam guy.'

'He's more dangerous than he looks like and Kurt trust him completely,' Blaine warned.

Dylan smiled. 'Time for a party then.'


'I need to go to the office but I think you can bring your stuff upstairs yourself, Adam is inside he'll help you,' Burt stopped the car in front of the house.

'oh... what are you going to do?' Kurt said in surprise. He hoped he had time with his dad before tomorrow.

'Still need to fill in some papers at the office, I'll be back in a hour.'

Kurt stepped out, unload the suitcase and opened the door. The smell of cookies overwhelmed him immediately. 'Adam?' He walked into the kitchen. The kitchen was full of heart shaped cookies with a name on it. When he came closer he could read his own name on it.

'Oh Kurt, you're already here!' Adam walked in with a big smile. He saw Kurt's look. 'Do you like the cookies? They're for the wedding.'

'The wedding?'

'Yes I felt guilty about not bringing a wedding present,' Adam admitted.

'Eh... but I don't see Blaine's name anywhere!' Kurt looked around.

'Oh... I still need to make those,' Adam grabbed a cookie. 'Want a bite? They're delicious.'

'Eh, no thanks,' Kurt said. He studied the cookies and looked at the oven. If Adam still need to make Blaine's cookies why was the oven turned off?

'I've already planned the whole night, we eat dinner, then we'll go upstairs and have Disney Marathon in your room,' Adam rambles on, not noticing Kurt's uneasiness.

The doorbell sound and Kurt almost ran to the door. Saved by the bell, thank god. He opened the door and squealed by surprise. 'Quinn? Mercedes? ... Dylan?! What are you guys doing here?'

'you didn't think we'll let you go away this easy?' Quinn smiled. She hold DVD's in her hand. 'It's time for some cheeky romantic DVD movies....'

'Champagne!' Mercedes hold on a bottle of champagne. 'And snacks!'

Kurt laughs. 'Mercedes I can't eat too much, I won't fit in my suit tomorrow.'

'You'll manage!' Mercedes shrugged. 'Can we sleep here? We can help you tomorrow.'

'Sure, we'll arrange something,' Kurt stepped aside to let his friends in. 'why are you here, Dylan?'

Dylan sighs. 'Blaine.'

Kurt nods but didn't protest. The cookie scene and Adam's evening planning freaked him out a bit and he was happy he had some company and wasn't alone with Adam.

Adam looked up when he saw Mercedes, Quinn, Dylan and Kurt walking in. 'Oh.... You brought friends? I thought we would be spending this night together.'

'How more people how better,' Kurt said. 'They're my friends too and it's time to meet my friends here. They're like family too me.' He introduced Quinn, Mercedes and Dylan to Adam who shook their hands with a smile on his face.

Dylan looked at the cookies and glanced at Kurt. He whispered 'Creepy much?'

'He's making them for the wedding, Blaine's cookies are in the making.'

'I hope it for you because this looks like a creepy stalker thing,' Dylan sniffs. 'They smell weird.'

'they're just cookies, Dylan!' Kurt scowled, also trying to convince himself. It was ridiculous that cookies freak him out so much. He got distracted by Quinn leading him to the living room.

'let's start our pre wedding party, shall we?'

That night everything goes well and even Adam mingled between the friends. He talked almost all night with Quinn. Kurt enjoyed the company with his friends and never laughed so much in months. He couldn't wait till he got to say 'I do' to Blaine.


Blaine laid back in bed, staring at the ceiling. He missed Kurt already and he knew he wouldn't sleep much tonight. I can't believe I'm getting married tomorrow.


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