Sept. 5, 2013, 11:42 p.m.
Sept. 5, 2013, 11:42 p.m.
Blaine fought the vampires with ease and he saw that the others were on the winning hand as well. The vampires were outnumbered but that didn't stop them from attacking.
'Is it normal for vampires to act like this?!' Blaine yelled over to Mike, while staking a vampire.
'Like what?'
'Attacking us, while they know that they're outnumbered.'
Mike staked a vampire and looked around. 'No.... But it isn't normal for vampires to work in groups, there are changes everywhere. So what's normal?'
Blaine helped him to stake the last five vampires. There fell a silence and everybody stared, searching for vampires.
'This is it?!' Wes asked. He was covered in sweat and had some blood scratches but he looked fine.
'Easiest fight ever,' Dylan said, walking over to Sebastian to stand by his side.
'It isn't over yet, Santana needs to find Sugar so we can end this for once and for all,' Puck said.
Suddenly Cono yelled: 'There is one left!' He dragged a vampire by his collar with him.
'Let's kill him,' Jesse said, walking over and raising his stake.
'Wait!' Blaine stopped him. He couldn't shake this bad feeling he had away, and the way to get some answers was the vampire. Jesse stopped and glared, the vampire smiled mockingly.
'Blaine what are you doing?' Puck asks confused.
'Get some answers. There is something going on and he can get us some answers.'
'There are no answers, just kill him and we're done with it!' Cono snapped. His friends nodded.
'There need to be a reason to this. I want to know why I'm fighting.'
'To safe your own life? To take revenge for our Sammy? They don't need a reason to kill, Blaine.' Puck said. Mike nods.
'Maybe but this is stupid, they never work in groups and now they're attacking us to protect demons but there are no demons here.' Blaine turned towards the vampire, grabbed him by his color and pinned him against the wall. The vampire snapped his teeth. 'Spill it, blood sucker.'
'I'll tell you nothing.'
Suddenly the ground began to shake and Blaine needed to steady himself to stay on his feet and the vampire in control.
'what was that?' Puck stood back up.
'Balthazar is rising!' Santana pointed to the large crack in the ground.
'But how? We killed all the vampires, there are no souls left to be sacrificed?' Dylan asks.
Blaine turned towards the vampire. 'Why are you sacrificing your lives for this? What is going on?'
The vampire smiled, suddenly ready to spill everything. 'Never accord to you that we're just a distraction?' Blaine's eyes widened, his heart almost jumping out of his chest. 'The church isn't the safest place on earth, anymore. I can hear your Mate scream.' That was the last thing the vampire said before he turned to dust.
'Santana! How many wolfs are in the church?' Blaine asks, turning around.
'65 adults, their children, that makes 76 in total, it's not enough to raise Balthazar or act him like this. He knows there aren't enough....' Her eyes widened, her face went pale. 'I... I sent Kurt and Brittany...'
Blaine already ran and everybody followed immediately. 'Kurt!' Blaine reached out for the door handle but before he could touched it he was sent flying through the air and landed against the house opposite of the church.
'You all right?!' Punk quickly pulled him on his feet.
Santana studied the door. 'There is a barrier, nobody can get in or out.'
'Our Mates are in there, Jeff is in there...' Nick sniffed. 'I need to get in.'
'We all do. Can you break it, Santana?' Blaine asks.
Santana nods. 'I can do anything, but it'll take a while. Stand back.' Everybody obeyed. 'They've my woman and if they think they get away with that, they're so wrong.' She concentrated fully on her magic centre and concentrated on the only good thing in her life: Brittany. She could feel the magic through her body and send it to the church. She made a small hole but it was never enough to let the pack in.
'I'm done with this shit!' Cono spat and ran towards the door. Because of the two kinds of magic fighting for control, it was more dangerous to get in the middle. Cono screamed and was consumed by flames. A few seconds later there was nothing left but ashes.
'Well, I want to say I'm sorry that he died but....' Sebastian said. 'I'm so not. That guy was crazy.'
Rachel and Burt ran towards them. 'What's going on?'
Blaine let someone else explain. He couldn't stop thinking how stupid he had been. He couldn't protect Kurt, he even send him into the lion gate. All he could do was waiting for Santana to break the barriers and hoping Kurt was still alive and fighting when he got in.
Kurt tried to move but Robert was fast and grabbed his arm and closet his eyes. Kurt could feel a strong pull but nothing happened. 'Your soul... it's...'
'Taken?' Kurt smiled cocky. 'Sorry I already promised my soul to someone who is more powerful than you.'
Robert growled. 'I'm the most powerful around here.' He shrugged. 'O well, you're useless to me now....' He grabs a knife out of his pocket, Kurt's eyes widened. 'you have to die.' He charged forward.
Suddenly Brittany appears making a invisible shield around Kurt and Robert flew backwards. 'The witch!' He snarled, crawling back up.
'I'll take care of her, you make sure there are 77 souls there, I need my man back!' Sugar jumped up, ready to fight.
Kurt wanted to make a respond but Brittany shielded him from a spell from Sugar. 'Go, Kurt. Take as many people with you.'
'We need to beat the demons, how?!' Kurt asks. 'We're locked in.'
'Sugar is the key, I'll take care of her and throw her into the hell hole,' Brittany avoided again a spell, but this time there were a few cracks in her shield. 'Go!'
Kurt tried to find Quinn and Mercedes but it was chaos. Everyone was running and screaming for safety. He saw two bodies drowned in blood. He quickly turned away, he didn't want to know who was it, because he probably knew them.
'Kurt!' It was Quinn. 'There is a secret stairs in this closet. It leads to the roof and I already brought all children and Mercedes on here.'
'Can we escape?' Kurt asks.
Quinn nods. 'They haven't discovered it yet. The only problem is figuring a way back on the ground.'
'I'll try to get as many people through this, go!' Kurt turned around, before Quinn could protest. He saw two woman curled in a corner and led them to the closet. He tried to do it not obvious because he didn't want the demons discover their fault. He saw Jeff curled in a corner and ran toward him. 'Jeff, you need to get out of here.'
Jeff shook his head. 'Nick is here, I can feel him.' He looked at the door.
'He's fighting, Jeff and he doesn't know that we're here with Demons, come on!' Kurt grabs his arm but he pulled himself free and growled.
'I'm waiting, right here.'
'Fine!' Kurt sighs, looking around if he could safe other wolfs. He wanted to help a mother with her teenage daughter when he got slammed back by a dark shadow. He felt a pillar pressing into his back and groaned loudly. He could taste blood and he knew at least one rib was broken. He stared right at Roberts face.
'Found you again!' He pulled Kurt up on his color, but got slammed back by a flying Brittany. 'You! Again!' Robert moved forward to kill Brittany and Kurt reacted on instinct. He grabbed the knife Blaine gave him and he stabbed Robert in his back. Robert screamed and disappeared into black dust. Kurt pulled Brittany on her feet. 'Are you okay?'
Brittany looked a little dizzy, her eyes widened when she looked at Kurt and pushed him aside. Sugar's spell hit her full force. At the same time the door burst open and Santana, Blaine, Nick, Wes, Sebastian and Dylan stormed inside. Nick immediately pulled Jeff in his arms.
Santana saw Brittany lying there and her eyes turned towards Sugar. 'You hurt my woman?!' Her eyes turned pitch black. Sugar looked unsure towards Santana, as if she was figuring out if she was a threat. She decided to flee but Santana waved her hand and Sugar slammed to another pillar who crumbled down. People run away to avoid the falling pieces.
The shadows hand unsure against the ceiling, not knowing what to do now their leader was killed. Blaine run to Kurt and checked his wounds. 'Are you okay? You're bleeding.'
'I think I broke a rib, but I'm fine,' Kurt looked at the black sand. 'Robert he's... I killed him.'
'Don't worry, you did a good job,' Blaine pulled him on his feet. 'I'm proud of you.'
Kurt hugged him close. 'I was so scared.'
'Let's get out of here.'
'Where is Quinn?' Puck looked around.
'She's on the roof, with the children, it was the only way out,' Kurt said. He led Blaine and Puck towards the secret stairs.
Quinn and her children ran into Puck's arms when they saw him. Blaine made sure everybody was okay, but he couldn't find his mother.
In the meantime the fight between Sugar and Santana got intense. Sugar defended herself the best way she could but Santana was in pure rage and everybody could feel her dark power. Santana slammed Sugar every time she wanted to get up, down. The church was trembling.
'This building is going down, we need to get everybody away from here now!' Dylan yelled, leading a group of pups outside. He ran towards Brittany and grabbed her arm. 'Come on, girl, you need to get away.'
'No, please, let me stay. Santana is losing herself, she needs me or her power will overwhelm her and kill her.' Brittany begged.
'if you stay here you'll die.'
'I won't.' Brittany reassured.
'Who's still upstairs, Mercedes?' Wes asked when he walked into Mercedes coming down with her pup in her arms.
'Blaine, Kurt are still up there and Puck and Quinn are coming down... now,' Mercedes stepped aside to let Puck, Quinn and their pups pass.
Suddenly a third pillar came down when Sugar hit it. Santana was flying through the air, her eyes still dark, her face was full of veins. Sugar looked at Santana but this time with fear in her eyes. Santana smiles but the light in her eyes were gone. 'How dare you touch her with your filthy fingers?' She snapped her fingers and the sickening snap of Sugar's neck was like a gunshot. Sugar crumbled down in a heap, dead.
The church was shaking and everybody knew it was going to collapse. Dylan and Sebastian moved the last people and Brittany tried to connect with Santana who looked in trance, surrounded by a dark aura. Wes quickly ran upstairs, it was his job to tell Blaine that they needed to get out of here and think about another plan because Sugar is dead. They couldn't use her soul for their plan anymore. He found Blaine and Kurt bringing the last people down.
'We need to get out of here, this building is going down. Santana killed Sugar. We need a new plan.' Wes yelled.
Blaine nods. He knows what to do. He just hoped it didn't have to come to this but with Sugar gone, there was only one option left. 'Okay, take everyone out of here...' He pushed Kurt towards Wes. 'Now!'
'Wait, no!' Kurt pulled himself free.
Blaine turned and ran. He could easily jump from roof to roof till the demon's hell point.
'Kurt?!' Wes yelled after Kurt who didn't hesitate.
'Go outside, Wes, you've done your job, save yourself.' Kurt followed Blaine.
Wes ran downstairs. The ceiling was breaking of slowly. He saw Sebastian and Dylan helping two lost pups and Santana and Brittany who were levitating above the ground. Brittany and Santana were holding hands, with closed eyes. Brittany was whispering for Santana to come back to her. The fourth pillar came down, right toward Dylan and Wes wanted to yell a warning when Sebastian pushed Dylan aside and the pillar crashed down on him. Dylan and Wes hurried towards it, Sebastian's legs were stuck.
'Go, Dylan!'
'I'm not going without you,' Dylan said, trying to pull Sebastian free but it was useless.
'No, don't be stupid,' Sebastian groaned in pain. 'go, leave me.'
'Never, we're in this together,' Dylan shakes his head. 'Forever.' He grabbed Sebastian hand and squeezed.
'Dylan....,' Wes sighs.
'Go, Wes, the pack needs a leader and who knows what Blaine is going to do now,' Dylan said. 'I'm staying with him and do my best. Go.'
Wes squeezed his shoulder and walked towards the door. He looked one time over his shoulder and saw Dylan hovering over Sebastian, whispering soothing words in his ears. That was the last thing he saw before the building collapsed.
'Blaine stop!!' Kurt finally passed Blaine and grabbed his arm.
'I need to do this, Kurt,' Blaine said. He looked down, Balthazar was right under him, he just need to make two steps.
'No, I need to tell you something. Just listen to me for a second!' Blaine turns towards Kurt confused. 'If you jump, I'll die.'
'I ... I made a deal with Willow.' Kurt didn't look at Blaine, he couldn't. He hated to lie to Blaine and this was a big secret he kept to himself.
'I had to, Blaine. I was desperate. I can't lose you.'
'What did you do?' Blaine asked in disbelieve.
'If you die, I'll die instead and you get to live.'
'You can't jump.'
Blaine looked at the crossroads. 'But... how are we gonna stop this?'
'Robert and Sugar are dead, it's over.'
The burst into the street was getting wider.
'I don't think so, he's rising,' Blaine points.
'Don't worry.'
They both turned around and saw Jane standing there. She was wearing a white dress and smiled.
'Mom?' Blaine asks. 'We've been looking everywhere for you. What are you doing here?' His heart beating loudly because he had a idea why she would be here.
'It's okay, Blaine,' Jane said softly, moving closer to the edge. 'I can't wait to see him again and tell him how proud I am and how much I love you.' Blaine stood frozen, it was like someone put a spell on him. Jane smiled one last time and jumped.
Blaine's feet moved and he ran towards the edge. A bright light flashes and Kurt pushed them both down to cover their eyes. After the light disappeared they both looked down. The road looked as good as new, like there was nothing going on.
'I'm.... so sorry, Blaine,' Kurt pulled him close. 'Your mother just saved the world.'
Blaine smiled sadly, tears dripping of his cheeks and buried his head in Kurt's neck. 'Yes. She wasn't happy here, Kurt. I hope she found my dad again.'
'I think she has.' Kurt sniffs.
They sat there for awhile. Blaine's tears dried and he knew Kurt was right. He could feel that his parents are together now and it was a big relief. He stood up. 'Let's go check on the others.'
When they saw that the building was completely collapsed they run towards their friends to make sure anybody had survived. Brittany and Santana sat together, they shield around Santana was visible.
'What happened?' Kurt asks.
'Santana is going to rehab, she killed someone again,' Brittany said. 'Her dark powers are lose again and out of control. She needs to recover. It could take years.' She looks sadly. 'We need to go now. So we won't be to your wedding, Kurt. I'm so sorry.'
Everybody stared at her and laughs. Kurt hugged her. That Brittany reminded them of something as simple as a wedding, it was what everybody needed right now. Some happiness. 'That's okay, Brit. Just make sure Santana is gonna be okay.'
Brittany nods and Jesse said: 'Let's go, she needs to go now.'
'She's going to the hunter counsel?' Kurt asks confused.
'We have the best sources for this, Kurt,' Rachel said. She looked at Jesse. 'I'll help you.' They said goodbye and walked towards a blue van.
Burt pulled Kurt in a hug. 'Glad you're okay, Kurt!'
'You too, dad.'
Burt let go and pulled Blaine in a hug. 'We saw what happened, Blaine. You're mom was so brave.' Blaine looked a little uncomfortable but returned the hug.
Kurt looked around. 'Wait? Where are Sebastian and Dylan?'
Wes sighs. 'He... they didn't make it, Kurt.'
'What? Nooo,' Kurt felt his limps weakening and his knees gave up and he fell to the ground. Blaine was by his side immediately and pulled him in his arms.
'They died like heroes,' Wes whispers.
Kurt let his tears float freely. He couldn't believe it. Sebastian and Dylan, both saved his live more than once.
'Say, why are you'll crying about?'
They turned around to the collapsed church. Dylan, covered in dust and blood, held Sebastian in his arms and walked towards them.
'You're alive!' Kurt ran towards them and tumbled them over. Dylan and Sebastian groaned in pain. 'Sorry.' Kurt wiped away his tears.
'How?' Wes asks confused.
Dylan shrugged. 'I wasn't planning on dying and at the last moment I could pull him free and hide in a...' He pointed to closet. '... closet, ironically. It's the only thing that's still up.'
'All good and well but I think my legs need to be removed, they're useless now,' Sebastian complained. 'I told you to let me die there, Dylan. I can't handle the pain.'
'You're right, Sebastian,' Blaine nods. 'Who would give Sebastian a painless fast dead?'
Everybody raises their hands (except for Kurt and Dylan). 'Please I want to do it!' Jeff jumped up and down.
'Are you'll crazy? I saved you'll a bunch a times and now you want to kill me this easy?!' Sebastian snapped.
'Okay, everybody, let's go home,' Blaine said and everybody moaned in disappointment.
Kurt smiled and gave him a fast peck on his cheek. 'Thanks for letting Sebastian live.'
Blaine winked. 'Of course.'
'Blaine!! You need to carry me because Dylan is wounded and you're a strong Alpha, so get your ass over here,' Sebastian whined.
Blaine sighs. 'I'm already regretting that I let him live.' Kurt giggled.
Life goes on. Kurt focused on the wedding and the opening of his shop which he had named 'Hummel Designed'. His spare time he spend working on his wedding suit. Blaine was a little bit nervous because he needed to rent a suit and he was afraid it was going to be a disaster. Luckily Nick and Jeff were willing to help him out. The only thing left was setting a date for their wedding. They decided on December 10TH. Blaine thought Kurt wanted a summer wedding but Kurt was fine with the date because ' Sun is terrible for my skin, so December would be perfect.'
The other problem was how they cope with the wedding and Christmas at the same time. Kurt said he didn't want to go on a honeymoon he was just happy with how the things are now. Blaine wanted to spend a few weeks with Kurt alone. It still was unspoken.
One day Kurt wanted to surprise Blaine by cooking his famous cookies but he got distracted too much by Blaine.
'Oh my gaga, my cookies!' Kurt jumped up and saw the oven on fire. 'Blaine, the place is on fire!'
'Wait!' Blaine ran into the kitchen with a jacket and throws it on the fire until it was out.
'Thank god....' Kurt eyed the jacket, of what was left of it anyway and recognized only the sleeve of the expensive jacket Adam gave him. 'Is that my McQueen jacket that Adam gave me?'
'Really?' Blaine tried to be surprised but he failed miserable.
'Blaine, you did this on purpose didn't you?!'
Blaine sighs. 'it was the closest thing I could grab but I'm not sorry. Come on, Kurt, this thing smells like him as if he's wearing this for days before sending it to you. It's creepy.'
'No sex for a week!'
Blaine pouts.
Kurt's mood didn't change much, it was two weeks before the wedding and he was freaking out. Not that he got cold feet, he was worried that not everything was going to be done in time. Blaine wasn't really helping because he was relaxed it made Kurt more nervous. Sebastian and Dylan didn't help either. Kurt wanted to discus Sebastian's chores that day but he kept whispering things in Dylan's ear that made him blush bright red.
'No, why are you blushing, Dylan?' Kurt snapped. Dylan and Sebastian both giggled. 'No this is about my wedding! There shouldn't be blushing involved at all... Sebastian stop whispering!' Blaine peered around the door, he just took a shower when he heard Kurt yel.
'Can you just relax, Kurt?' Sebastian sighs.
'No I will not relax, this is about my wedding! It the most important day of my life!! So don't whispers things which causes Dylan to blush.'
'Oh I said....'
'No, I don't want to know, get out!' Kurt pointed to the door. 'We're done for today anyway.'
Sebastian shakes his head. 'Good luck, Blaine. You need it.' And he led Dylan out of the cabin.
'He can never be serious,' Kurt mumbles, starting to pace around.
'Something tells me this isn't about Sebastian,' Blaine said, wrapping his arms around Kurt's waist, so he stopped pacing. 'What's wrong?'
'I'm.... I'm just afraid that something might happen,' Kurt admitted. 'It isn't the first time that we're happy and then something awful happens.'
'I think it's over, relax.'
'Am I the only one who can't forget the third person, the important key why we have this shit with Balthazar and the vampires? Someone is still out there Blaine... What if he comes back and decide to strike again? I just want a happy, care free day...' Kurt pouts.
'Nothing is going wrong, I promise you'll get your perfect wedding if someone tries to disturb it, I'll kill him.'
'I don't want you kill someone on our wedding day though. It might kill the mood a little,' Kurt teased.
Blaine laughs. 'A little?
Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck when someone knocked on the door.
'Who could that be? I thought we had agreed to have this night alone.' Blaine said and he had command his pack to stay away tonight.
'I'll go see who it is,' Kurt walked to the door, opened and froze. 'Adam?' Adam smiled. 'What are you doing here?'
'I would be a terrible friend if I miss my best friend's wedding, wouldn't I? Can I sleep here till the big day?'