Sept. 5, 2013, 11:42 p.m.
Sept. 5, 2013, 11:42 p.m.
Blaine waited till Kurt returned. He sighs relieved when Kurt appeared again, looking perfectly fine. Blaine panicked slightly when he noticed Kurt wasn't in the Pack anymore. Kurt walked towards him and Blaine wanted to do nothing more than pull him in his arms, but he didn't know if that the wisest thing to do after everything what happened tonight, so instead of that he stopped in front of Kurt. 'Thank god you're okay. Are you all right?' Kurt nods numbly. 'I was worried.'
'Don't be, I'm fine.'
'I'll always worry when you're out of my sight, I can't help it.' Blaine prepared for another snap but Kurt sighs and smiled.
'It's okay, I'm a little tired though, let's sleep I feel like I can't even think clearly right now.'
'So you're not mad?'
'Why would I be mad? It's sweet that you care so much about the people around you. I'm sorry for my behavior earlier, Blaine. I didn't mean to snap. It's just too much sometimes.' Kurt walked to their cabin and Blaine followed.
'You didn't expect this when you moved from a busy New York to Ohio?' Blaine grinned.
Kurt looked at him and smiled, he would print Blaine's smile in his head when he still could. 'Yes, I thought it was going to be a holiday. Sadly you decided to play hard to get, remember?'
'Hey I still have my pride!' Blaine ran passed Kurt and opened the door for him.
'Uhuh,' Kurt laughs and walked inside.
They changed into pyjama's in silence and laid down under the blankets.
'So Disney Movie marathon?' Blaine asks.
'You know me so well,' Kurt grinned. Blaine put Aladdin DVD in the DVR and leaned back against the headboard. Kurt crawled close and let his head rest on Blaine's chest, listening to his heartbeat while the Aladdin movie began. If he could pretend one night more that everything was normal, he would pretend.
The next morning Blaine was up early, left a note for Kurt who was still fast asleep, took a cold shower, got dressed and met up with Puck, Santana, Burt, Rachel and Brittany on a cross road in the middle of town.
'So this is it?' Blaine asks staring at the road in front of him. It didn't look special. A shiver ran down his spine when this was the place where he was gonna die.
'he lays under neath,' Santana nodded. She stretched her hand. 'You can feel the dark magic surrounding this area.'
'I remember they worked on this road a year ago,' Burt said. 'It's laid central. The locals where angry because they needed to go to work and use the road. They even protested. First I didn't know why they would restore a good road but now... It all makes sense.'
Puck looked around. 'There are big buildings everywhere here. Do you think the demons or Vampires have arrived?'
'Yes, they knew for awhile now they just wait for the right moment,' Santana said.
'And that would be in four days,' Rachel said.
'Three, yesterday was four.'
'Well, what are they waiting for exactly?' Burt asks.
'They are waiting for more souls,' Santana explained. 'According to the past they still search for souls. They still need 77 souls to open this thing up.'
'77? Again, why are they waiting? The evacuation starts today, if they need more souls they're too late.'
'I don't know and I don't like that, just make sure the people are gone today,' Santana said.
Burt nods. 'I'll go now then, I need to arrange a few things.' He walks to his car, Blaine followed.
'Where are you going when the war comes, Burt?'
Burt turned. 'What? I'll fight of course.'
'It's too dangerous. We have wolfs, weapons, two witches and 50 hunters. It is way too dangerous for you, Burt.'
'If my sons stays, I'll stay.'
Blaine hesitated, he knew Burt was going to say this. 'What if he goes with you?'
Burt narrowed his eyes. 'What do you mean?'
'If you leave, take Kurt with you to safety.'
Burt snorts. 'If you think Kurt will leave your side I think you have never known him.'
Blaine sighs. 'you're right, but he doesn't need to know. I can ask Santana for a sleeping poison.'
'Are you crazy, Anderson? You're going to drug my son? He would never forgive you.'
'Do I have a choice?'
'You always have a choice, kid. I know it's hard on everybody now and we may not all survive it, but don't push each other away. You need each other. You are not alone in this, Blaine. Kurt doesn't need a hero he wants you, alive and safe in his arms. I may not agree with everything, but I can see you two love each other. Don't lose faith in each other. If that's gone, what else is left?' Burt sighs heavily. 'I know what's going to happen, what suppose to happen to you Blaine. Kurt called me after you left. Don't think about that, I don't believe in fate. Just think about what you want to happen. You want a future with Kurt?' Blaine nods. 'Then make that happen and don't let anyone tell you what's going to happen, you decide yourself. I believe in you and I know you two have a long and happy life ahead of you.'
'I want that.' Blaine blinked against his tears, he never had a talk with Burt like this.
'Now make that happen! If anyone says you're going to die, just say "Screw you" and live,' Burt smiled. He pulled Blaine in a bear hug. 'Besides I want to see my son marry. It's his biggest wish so don't die before that, Okay?'
Blaine laughs and pulled back. 'So, that's the real reason why you want me to survive?'
'You know me,' Burt winked and stepped in his car and drove away.
'Santana and Brittany are putting magic barriers around this place, they hope to catch Sugar this way,' Puck explained when Blaine returned and saw that everyone has separate ways. 'Rachel is to the airport to welcome our beloved hunters to town.' He rolled his eyes. 'We need to find a place where we could hide our Omega's, woman and young children.'
'Blaine we can't leave them at the village, we would be too vulnerable. Think about it, they need 77 souls, what if they know that we'll be here fighting.... Well, let's say that we leave our Omega's right open. With us gone, they'll go for them straight away.'
Blaine agreed. 'I've never thought about it. With everything going on...'
'Don't sweat it, I know,' Puck nods. 'So.. you're gonna fight?'
'I can't just sit here and do nothing. Of course I'll fight.'
'Don't. Just make sure I don't die for nothing.'
Puck nods. 'you can always count on me.'
'Could you keep a eye on Kurt for me... you know after it happens?'
'I will.' Puck promised. 'But if he starts to freak out I'll run. Kurt can be pretty scary if he's mad.'
Blaine grinned proudly. 'I know. Let's find a place what can hide a little pack.'
They walked through town until they stumbled upon the biggest building of town. Puck looked at Blaine smiling. 'What do you think?'
'Isn't the church like the safest place on earth?' Blaine smiled back. 'And aren't churches protected against the devil and that would be vampires and demons in this case?'
'Let's tell Brittany and Santana about this so they can do their magic.'
Everyone noticed Jane had changed a lot, everybody worried about her. After her mate died she lived on automatic. She seemed the cheer up a little when Kurt returned and made her son so happy. But now... it was like life had left her once again. Blaine felt a pang of guilt because he hadn't visited her much lately. He walked in and found her in her bedroom, leaning against the window, smiling when the sun burns her skin. Blaine watched her for awhile. He couldn't even remember when was the last time she smiled. The sun burn must hurt her skin, why is she smiling?
'Hi mum.'
Jane turned around slowly. 'Hi, Blaine sweetie. Everything all right?'
'Great, you?'
She just nods and stared back out of the window. 'I love sitting here and see the sun goes down. I heard from Wes, we'll be getting visitors soon.'
Blaine nods and sat down on the edge of her bed. '50 hunters. They come to help us.'
'Mom, put your arm back, you might get a sun burn,' Blaine noticed her arm was already red.
'it's okay, Blaine, I like the pain.'
'What? Don't be crazy, I don't want you in pain,' Blaine turned her around, away from the sun. He pulled his hands back when he saw the tears in his mom's eyes. 'Mom, what's wrong? I'm sorry.'
'Don't, Blaine. You have nothing to be sorry about. I just... I miss him you know?' Jane sniffed. 'He would be so proud of you. You're doing a great job, Blaine. I'm proud of you. You are by far the bravest Anderson in our family.'
'My dad would do a better job,' Blaine said softly, swallowing the lump in his throat.
Jane shook her head. 'When he was so young as you he wasn't brave. He didn't lead a pack on his 20th. I don't even know if he would fight this war.'
'No, Blaine, it's the truth. Your dad was a brave man but I don't know if he would sacrifice himself for strangers.'
There fell a silence, until Blaine spoke again. 'Why are you sitting in the sun if it hurts?'
'it's the only way I can feel anymore. I miss him so much. I know you do too but with me it's different. You have Kurt who makes you happy, I think a part of me died the day Damian died. It's killing me to live. I'll do everything to see and feel him again.'
'Don't do anything stupid, mom, I need you.'
Jane lips twirled. 'No, you don't need me. You are so happy and I couldn't be prouder. You even get married, which isn't common in packs. You stand up for what you want. You don't need me, you're a man now and you need to fight for your future with Kurt. You deserve this and Kurt too. It's enough. You don't want a future like me for Kurt. Lonely, wishing for him to return.'
'I'm sorry you have to get through this. I don't know how to help you.'
'You can't help everybody, I'll be fine. It makes me happy to see you happy, in that way you can help me.' Jane squeezed his hand and smiled.
Growls sounded through the air and Blaine tensed. He looked out of the window and saw him pack surrounding a group of people leaded by Rachel. 'I think the hunters are here. Let's give them a proper greeting.'
It turned out that Jesse St James was a arrogant dick but he knew what he was talking about. He didn't like wolfs and had a hatred against Alpha's but that feeling was mutual. Rachel was the glue that kept the pack and the hunters together. They tested new weapons, shared fight tactics and gave advice. Blaine couldn't help but admit that the hunters were a good alliance.
It was the last day, tomorrow would break the hell lose and Kurt was frustrated and desperate. He had found nothing to distract Blaine or keep him from fighting. He even stole a sleeping poison to mix it with Blaine's daily coffee, but when Kurt took a shower and came back it was Jeff who was sleeping on the floor and Blaine looking confused. It wasn't like he could force Blaine to do anything, he was much stronger than him.
Kurt decided to visit his dad on the office. The town was abandoned and only Burt was left, he refused to go and Kurt took one last chance to convince his dad to leave town.
'Those hunters look good, they're potholing down the road all day,' Burt said.
'They're trained and professional,' Kurt nods, looking around the office.
'I'm not going, Kurt, I'll be next to Rachel in the fight. Who knew she could handle a cross bow so well?'
Kurt sighs, looking defeated. He was tired of convincing everyone not to fight. 'Why not?'
'You stay, I stay,' Burt sighs. 'We have talked about it.' His phone rang and he picked up.
Kurt looked around and his eye caught a wall of weapons. He stopped when he saw silver handcuffs. He grabs it.
'Oh, well that are the weapons we're using too.' Burt peered over his shoulder. 'Except that. That is only to lock wolfs up. I'm sorry you found it, Kurt. It's just a securities when I thought wolfs killed locals.'
'Is this strong enough to hold a wolf?'
'Yes, sure.'
'Also a Alpha?' Kurt asks, his heart beating quickly. He might have find a way to keep Blaine away from the fight.
'A Alpha? Uh... yes. It's made of the strongest silver. Unless you leave the key behind, he can't escape.' Burt looks confused. 'Why do you want to know?'
'Oh nothing, it could be useful. Can I borrow it?'
Burt nods still confused. 'Sure. I'll bring you back, I think Blaine is wondering where you are.' Kurt put the handcuffs in his pocket and nods.
'So how is your dad, still refusing to leave?' Blaine asks when he saw Kurt coming back.
'You know him, just as stubborn as you.' Kurt shrugged. Blaine pulled him close. 'How is your mom doing?'
'I don't know, she seems so distant. I can't imagine how she's feeling, or Mercedes for that matter. I don't want to imagine my life without you.' He gave Kurt a kiss before he could react. 'Come, I want to show you something.' Blaine led Kurt back to their cabin and walked to their bedroom. He opened the closet and searched through the closet.
'Blaine, what is it? You scare me a little?' Kurt looked unsure and sat down on the bed.
'Don't! I found it,' Blaine stood up and showed him a knife. 'My dad gave this too me when I turned 12. It's a Amora Knife. It can kill every creature. I want you to keep it with you during the fight.' He gave it to Kurt.
'But.... It's yours. What about you? You need it more than me.'
'No, I'll fight with the stakes. We expect vampires to fight and demons to wait for the right moment. You need to defend yourself if something happens.' Blaine sighs heavily. 'You need to defend yourself and the others if something goes wrong.'
'You can do this, Kurt. You are the bravest and strongest person I know. You are the only hope for the others if we fail.'
'Which you don't. You are strong Blaine, you have Puck and the hunters behind you. And weren't the vampires almost extinct? There couldn't be more than 100. Besides.... You trained weeks for tomorrow. You don't want to feel my wrath when you don't return to me.' Kurt shot him one of his famous glare.
Blaine intertwined their fingers. 'I love you.'
'I love you more.'
They smiled at each other. 'So... is this meant as a goodbye?' Kurt asks softly.
'I can never say goodbye to you, besides we still have the whole night,' Blaine winked.
Kurt raised his eyebrows. 'I can't believe it, Blaine Anderson, we are on the edge of dead and you are still thinking about sex?'
Blaine shrugged. 'I'm still a man.'
Suddenly the door snapped open. 'Okay stop with the fucking, we are home with some news!'
Kurt jumped up. He couldn't believe it. He knows that voice all too well. He ran into the kitchen, followed by Blaine. Sebastian and Dylan stand in the kitchen, looking both like they're hit by a bus. 'Oh my Gaga, Sebastian, your still alive!' Kurt quickly pulled Sebastian in a hug.
'Eh... care to explain why I shouldn't?'
Kurt let go and shrugged. 'The mating, you know.' He looked at Dylan, who blushed deeply and smirked.
'Oh I'm a Alpha, Kurt, of course I can handle a Omega.' Sebastian said cocky. Dylan growls. 'Sorry, babe.' He pulled Dylan close and nuzzled his neck, Dylan seemed to relax. Kurt almost want to squeal because it was so damn cute. Who knew?
'I thought you were gone by now, Sebastian,' Blaine said, bursting Kurt's bubble.
Sebastian smirked. 'Oh come on, Blaine. I don't want to miss the big party.'
'This isn't a game.'
'I know, geeezz why are you so up tied?' Sebastian narrowed his eyes, he didn't miss the glances Blaine and Kurt shared. 'Did I miss something?'
Kurt opened his mouth but Blaine quickly interrupted. 'No nothing. So.... Why do you disturb us in the middle of the night? Just to make a entrance?'
'It would be a good entrance doesn't it?' Sebastian looked lost in thoughts. Dylan poked him and he seemed to get back to reality. 'oh yea... remember the alpha's I spoke a few months ago? Your mating day?' Blaine and Kurt both nodded. 'They want to take revenge too. They want to fight back. They're waiting with Puck outside.'
'It's a close call,' Blaine mumbles.
'It looks like we don't have much choice, they're strong, we could use them. Come on, let's meet them.'
They followed Sebastian and Dylan to the edge of the village, where Puck already talked with six Alpha's. 'This is Cono, Blace, Lake, Stefan, Synth and Motho.' Sebastian introduced them.
'You know that this is a life and dead situation and that you could die?' Blaine asks.
'We don't really care about that, we just want revenge,' said the man who nodded when the name 'Cono' was called. 'We walked around longer than you, kid, we know how to fight.'
Blaine growls at the 'Kid' name and wanted to defend his honor but Kurt stepped forward, hands on his hips, glowing eyes. Cono was in trouble. 'I don't know who you think you are. But my mate has saved my life and others more than once, he would jump through fire for you and he don't even know you. He even takes you into safety by letting you near his pack and you dare to disrespect him?!'
Cono's and the other Alpha's mouth fell open. Till Cono spoke again, turning towards Blaine. 'Maybe you should control your Omega a little bit more. Who's the Alpha in your relationship?'
Blaine shrugged but Kurt could feel his anger rising. 'I am and you should keep that in mind. I don't care what you say about me behind my back but never talk about my Omega. We aren't the usual old fashion pair, just deal with that. Or you could go away like the coward you really are and die or you could keep your mouth shut and fight like a hero by our side.'
Cona didn't say anything but nodded, the others nodded as well. They didn't doubt Blaine's authority anymore.
'They can sleep close by my pack, I keep a eye on them,' Puck said. He led the Alpha's away.
'Would there be room for us too?' Blaine turned around to see Mike, Tina and 10 other vampires stood there.
'I come to fight too, I owe you my life,' Mike explained. 'These are my friends, their wives took Finn in and he does well, Kurt.' Kurt smiled happy.
'We all fight,' Tina said. 'This is our war too. We heard that Alistair is gonna fight by the demon side. This is the way to get rid of him.'
'What about Melanie?' Kurt asks.
Tina shrugged. 'I'm not planning on dying so I'll see her tomorrow night.'
Blaine smiled. They had 50 hunters, 6 more Alpha's, Dylan, Beta's, 12 vampires and two powerful witches by their sides. Suddenly he had a little bit more hope.
It was early and Kurt was wide awake. He hadn't slept, he stared at Blaine all night. Afraid to never wake up like this again. Puck was probably waiting on Blaine, they agreed to meet in town. Kurt needed to put his plan to work. He grabbed the handcuffs. It would be easier if Blaine just slept but when Kurt moved, Blaine stirred.
'Mmm, Kurt what are you doing?' Blaine yawns sleepy.
Okay time for distraction. Kurt moved on top of Blaine and kissed him softly. 'Morning sex?'
Blaine's eyes widened. 'Morning? How late is it?'
'We have a little bit more time,' Kurt lied. 'You don't want me?'
'What? Of course but.... I should get ready you know.'
Kurt placed kisses in Blaine's neck and he felt Blaine completely relax. Blaine moaned and Kurt tried to keep himself in control, he had more important things to do right now. He put Blaine's arms above Blaine's head. Click!
Blaine's eyes widened. 'Kurt what are you doing?'
'Saving you.' Kurt pulled back and got dressed.
'What?!' Blaine tried to break free but the silver handcuffs cut his skin, he growled. 'Kurt! No, don't do this. I can't believe your using sex against me.'
'If it saves you,' Kurt grabs the knife. 'Thanks for the knife.'
'No.... Kurt you can't do this, don't fight! You aren't suppose to be the one who dies!'
'You neither,' Kurt turned around. 'I'll be back.' He quickly walked away. He could feel Blaine's pull on his Omega. His Omega wanted to return to his Alpha but Kurt fight and won. When he was outside he ran.
It was turning dark when Kurt arrived on the spot. Puck was the one who noticed him first. They'll stood in line around the road where Balthazar still lays. 'Kurt? Where is Blaine?'
'Busy,' Kurt shrugged.
'You can't be serious, Kurt, you can't take his place!' Puck growls.
'I can't let him die either!' Kurt said. 'I'll fight in his place.'
'No, you're not! You need to go to the church to the others, Hummel!' Santana snapped. 'We can't use you in a war.'
'I can fight, Blaine learned me some tricks.'
'we need more than tricks,' Cono remarked.
'Too late, they're coming!' Dylan pointed.
He was right, a dark light appeared and Sugar appeared. Santana and Brittany immediately joined hands and raised it towards her. Sugar screamed but couldn't move. 'She's trapped. Time for action!' Santana and Brittany ran towards her.
On the same time vampires appeared everywhere. They were surrounded. Puck screamed for attack. Kurt cut with his knife but the vampires were fast and everywhere. He got slammed against a building and grabbed by the throat. Suddenly the pressure loosened and the vampire disappeared to dust. Kurt breathed and looked up. Burt stood on the roof next to Rachel with a cross bow and saved his son. He smiled, Kurt smiled back and mouthed a 'thank you.'
Kurt got up on his feet and ran further to see how Brittany and Santana are doing. How sooner Sugar was in the black hole they could end the fight and Blaine would be safe. He could see the witches losing control of Sugar's trap. It won't be long before Sugar would escape and the plan fails. He was right, Sugar waved her hand towards Brittany and Brittany slammed to a wall nearby and fell to a crumble heap. Santana screamed something but Sugar disappeared. Kurt ran towards Brittany to make sure she was okay but Santana was there sooner.
Brittany was bleeding badly. Santana quickly mumbled a healing spell to stop the bleeding. 'How is she?' Santana looked up at Kurt.
'I don't know, the bleeding stopped but ... I think she'll live. She needs to get out of here.'
Brittany's bleeding attracted the vampires and soon they were surrounded. 'Hummel, I'll take the right side, you take the left.' Santana commanded.
Kurt nods but when he looked at the vampires moving closer fast, his heart sank in his shoes. How could I beat 20 vampires at one time? Who am I kidding, I can't. I'm not a fighter. The vampires sensed his hesitation and attacked. Kurt got pushed on his back and he could feel teeth in his neck, arms, legs and wrist. He screamed.
Suddenly the pain stopped and the dizziness took over. He opened his eyes and could see a black wolf taking on all the vampires. He killed them with ease. Blaine morphed back and lifted him up. Kurt smiled, he was sure he died anyway. 'Kurt, are you okay?' Blaine sat him down softly in a dark allay.
Kurt huffed. 'Only you would ask that after what I did to you. I'm so sorry.'
'We talk about this later, you need to go to the church.'
'How did you break free?' Kurt stood up, his strength coming back. His wounds were already healing.
'No chains can hold me back if my Mate is in danger,' Blaine said, quickly looking over Kurt's body to make sure he was okay.
'You killed them easily.'
'Did you doubt me? I can handle myself, I need to help Puck. You need to go straight to the church now, Kurt. I can't fight if I know you walk around here.'
'Come back for me okay?' Kurt asks.
Blaine nods and kissed him softly. 'I'll always come back for you. Now go!'
'Wait,' Santana walked over with Brittany in her arms. 'Bring her with you. I'll go after Sugar.'
Kurt nods. 'I'll make sure she'll be okay.' He took Brittany over, looked over for the last time back at Blaine and Santana who ran into the battle, and ran.
Kurt and Brittany got greeted by Mercedes and Quinn. They waited with the woman and children from the two packs, for some news. Jeff sat quietly in the corner, trying not to cry. He was worried about Nick.
'Is she okay?' Mercedes looking worried at Brittany. Kurt put Brittany down gently.
'She will be. How are things here?'
'All Omega's, children are here, we're with 77 in total,' Quinn said, hissing at a young Beth who ran around with another girl. 'They're bored easily.'
Kurt looked around. The woman tried to make small talk with each other but they all could feel that the war outside was going on. Kurt walked around and checked all the doors, everything was locked. He got a bad feeling about it. Who locked the doors? The only way was from outside.
Before the things could click inside his head, dark shadows moved through the windows and he could hear the panic rising. A man appeared and Kurt saw Sugar standing in the corner. The man smiled. 'Welcome to slaughter fest 2.0!' Kurt quickly ran to try every door but nothing happened. 'don't try to escape, it's no use.' The man stepped down and Kurt saw him closer. He was young, dark hair, a long and strong body.... Dark black eyes. The man was possessed. 'As you know, we still need 77 souls. If you can count, this room is filled with 78 souls. So one gets to live. Who would it be?' His eyes roamed the wolfs and he stopped at Kurt. 'Well, well, Kurt. Nice to see you again. Remember me?'
'Robert!' Kurt hissed angry.
'I have so many names, but you can call me Robert. I think you still owe me something. What about your soul?' The demon moved closer. Kurt stepped back. The demon waved his arm and Kurt got slammed against the wall. He couldn't move. 'I don't like it when you run. Haven't you learned your lesson?' He turned to the dark shadows. 'Kill them all. But leave Kurt to me.' He smiled at Kurt.
Kurt swallowed. They're trapped.