Sept. 5, 2013, 11:42 p.m.
Sept. 5, 2013, 11:42 p.m.
Blaine woke up, seeing Kurt still fast asleep, he took a quick shower and made some breakfast on bed. Kurt was awake when he came back. 'Hey, how did you sleep?'
Kurt shrugged, his eyes landing on the breakfast trade. 'You made breakfast?'
Blaine placed the trade down on Kurt's lap. 'yep, so... how are you feeling?'
'Fine, still a little tired,' Kurt looked at the clock. 'Which is redicioulus because I slept 12 hours. Apparently a demon inside you is exhausting.' His face went pale. 'Uhg... that just sound gross.'
Blaine nods. 'Kinda. But the good thing is, your safe here. No demon can touch you ever again.'
'Okay are we gonna discuss the elephant in the room? You know that part that the demon escaped!'
'Kurt is right!'
They both jumped up, Burt leaned against the wall. 'It's just me son. How are you feeling today?' He gave Kurt a quick hug and sat down next to the bed.
'I'm fine, dad, what do you mean?'
Burt sighs. 'The demon, dark witches, vampires and a secret weapon. I don't like any of it because we can't defeat it. And that demon got away.... He could be anybody by now.'
Kurt shivered. The thought that it could be anyone made him freeze in fear. What if he came back for him? They knew how the demon looked like, as Robert but now...
'Don't worry, Santana, Brittany and Rachel are hunting Sugar down!' Blaine pulled Kurt close to calm him down. 'Santana didn't think that they would find a body that's strong enough to hold a demon inside. Nobody is coming in and nobody is leaving, you're completely safe now, Kurt.'
Burt snorted. 'Why did I hear that before? Oh yeah, the other times you said that, Blaine! It's not possible to keep someone safe if there are dark powers involved.'
'He's safe, Santana said that a demon can't poses the same person twice,' Blaine growls.
'How do you know?' Kurt spoke up. 'Blaine, for what I've heard of.... I'm the only one who survived a possession. Of course they can't poses a dead person, but I'm alive.' He swallowed and shoved the plate of food aside. Suddenly he wasn't hungry anymore. 'I'm going to take a shower.'
'You showered last night!' Blaine pointed out, grabbing his hand and turning him towards him. 'If there is something, tell me, Kurt. If you don't say anything I can't help you.'
Maybe we should talk about it in private,' Kurt thought, watching Blaine's face careful. He was waiting for a response but Blaine stared at him worriedly and did nothing.
'Something wrong?' Blaine asks.
'Yes he wants to shower!' Burt said interrupting Kurt's panic thoughts. 'Kurt, if you want to talk you always can call me. I'm going to go to town to spread some Sugar flyers. Everybody should be looking out for her.'
'Dad don't put yourself in danger,' Kurt said.
'I need to do something, I promise you I'll warn Santana when I see her.' Burt pulled him in a quick hug. 'You be careful.'
'I will.' Kurt promised. And he meant it, he was done with magic, demons and vampires. He just wanted a happy life with Blaine, peace. From now on it was about them.
Burt walked away and left them.
'I still going to take a shower,' Kurt walked towards the closet, picked clothes and walked to the shower.
'Kurt, if there is something.... I'm here to talk about it,' Blaine said. 'I know things are a bit weird now but you just woke up yesterday. Everything will be okay.'
Kurt nods. Maybe Blaine was right, he could be really dramatic about everything. He just needed to relax and enjoy this peace. 'You're right. I'm just .... It will be okay eventually.'
'Okay, now if you shower, I'm going out.'
Kurt almost snapped his neck and Blaine could feel the panic. 'You're leaving me alone?'
'Well... I have some things to discuss with Wes, I have been absent lately and I want to know how the pack is doing,' Blaine explained calm. 'And don't worry, Nick and Jeff are close by and...' They heard the door open and closing. 'I believe that would be Dylan.'
Dylan peered his head around the bedroom. 'I'm here, if you're having shower sex please be quit, I have a huge head ache!'
Kurt sighs in relieve even with the inappropriate comment, he was just happy he wasn't alone. Blaine pulled him close and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. Kurt melted. 'you didn't thought I would leave you alone right? Dylan volunteer...' – 'Did not!' Dylan protested from the living room - 'And would LOVE to keep a eye on you.' Blaine glared toward the living room (Dylan kept wisely his mouth shut). 'So don't worry, babe.'
Kurt giggled at the nick name. 'I guess. Wait, is he still blind at one eye?' He looked at the door in a hope Dylan had heard it. It just felt really good to mock Dylan a little.
'Hey! I see fine, Hummel!' Dylan yelled.
'Just ignore him, I'll be back soon,' Blaine said.
'What are you going to do exactly? It must be important to leave me,' Kurt teased.
Blaine pinned Kurt to the wall. His eyes dark full of lust. 'Oh believe me I really want to stay here.' Kurt pulled his arms free and pulled Blaine closer.
'Stay then.'
Blaine pulled free. 'I can't. Kurt, it's almost your birthday and I still need to buy you something.'
Kurt sighs. 'Seriously Blaine, I'm already happy that we are still alive. Especially after what we've been true. You don't have to get me anything.'
'But it's our first time that we celebrate your birthday together, so I want to do something special,' Blaine admitted. Before Kurt could protest he continued. 'Now I'm going and you have a long shower and a lovely time with Dylan.'
Kurt rolled his eyes. 'like that's going to happen..'
'I heard you Hummel! I'm not that mean!' Dylan yelled.
'Are you ears dropping much?' Kurt yelled back.
'You need to talk to my family I always win in games, joke and I even brought my knife with me today,' Dylan responded. 'We're going to have a party, just us, Hummel.'
Blaine looks worried and growls at Dylan's comment. 'maybe I should stay.'
'Don't be silly,' Kurt pushed Blaine towards the door. 'We'll be fine. And I really want to spend some time with Dylan.' He lowered his voice. 'maybe I can find out how the relationship is with Sebastian.' Blaine stared at him, his mouth fell open. 'What? I've been out for months, Blaine. I need to know.'
Blaine chuckled. 'Fine, don't push it, Kurt. I'm glad you're being yourself.' He gave him a deep last kiss before he walked away and closet the door.
Kurt leaned heavily to the door, suddenly exhausted. 'Me too.'
Blaine found Wes, Jeff, Nick and Sebastian sitting on the edge of the village just talking and chilling.
Jeff was the first one to notice Blaine and he turned in Nick's lap to look at him. 'B, what's up? How's Kurt?'
'He's fine, maybe still a little bit unstable,' Blaine said. 'But after what he's been trough it's understandable, he's taking a shower and Dylan is with him now.'
'About 1000 dirty things running through my mind right now, Anderson, thanks,' Sebastian groaned.
'And I was thinking Dylan had his hands full on you, Smyth!' Blaine responded. Sebastian tensed. 'What did you do?'
'Nothing!' Sebastian hissed. Everybody stared at him. 'What are you looking at? I don't do this heart breaking conversation with so called friends..'
'We're not friends?' Jeff cocked his head to the side and used his puppy eyes. Blaine rolled his eyes, it was Jeff's secret weapon. It was impossible to be mad at Jeff for long.
Sebastian sighs. 'Dylan and I got into a fight last night!'
Blaine already knew that Kurt would get his hands full of Dylan by now. His mate was way to nosy for his own good.
'But I'll make it up to him later, we just need some space,' Sebastian said. They all stared at him. 'What?'
'We didn't know you can be so mature!' Wes said with wide eyes. Sebastian rolled his eyes ( a habbit he took over when he spend so much time with Kurt). 'What's up with you, Blaine?'
'Kurt's birthday is in two weeks and I still have nothing,' Blaine explained. 'And no idea what he wants. He is used to expensive stuff, he spend a year in New York. I can't afford something expensive.'
'did you ask what he wanted?' Nick asks.
'Nothing, he was just happy that we're still alive.'
Sebastian snorted. 'Well that sums up your relationship perfectly. Danger behind every tree.'
Blaine glared. 'Kurt and I have a perfect relationship!' Jeff laughs but stopped when he saw Blaine's glare. 'okay, we will be perfect when this is all over. I need present ideas, guys. What about clothes?'
'of what money?' Sebastian smirked.
'He's a designer, Blaine, you never buy clothes from a fashion freak like Kurt,' Wes said. 'it's like suicide.'
'Why don't you put a ring on it?' Jeff asks. Everyone stared at him and Blaine tensed. 'What? It's the only thing he wants. He has everything. And you'll know how much he wants to marry. He said he's planning his own wedding before he could walk.'
'Nobody can plan his wedding before they can walk, Jeff,' Nick broke the silence.
'It's Kurt,' Jeff shrugged. They all nodded and could imagine a baby holding a list full of wedding presents.
'I don't know,' Blaine bit his lip. 'It's so unusual.'
'Well, Kurt isn't the average Omega if you haven't noticed,' Wes said.
'But it isn't tradition,' Blaine said. 'What would the pack say?'
'I'll say screw the pack and ask Kurt to marry you, no big deal,' Sebastian stands up. 'I'm already tired of this shit so I'm going to steal – I mean buy- some flowers to make it up to Dylan. Bye.' And he was gone.
'Where am I going to buy a ring?'
Jeff gasps. 'Does this mean you're going to do it?! Oh my Gaga, First you need money, Blaine, so you need a job and I have the perfect job for you. But you need to give it everything and not tell Kurt anything.'
'You neither, Jeff, you always tell secrets at anyone,' Nick said.
'Am not,' Jeff pouted.
'What about that time...'
'Okay, stop,' Jeff interrupted. 'We have more important things to do than talk about little old me. Let's go to town.'
'A singing bar, Jeff?' Blaine growls. They stood inside a small café with was full of people.
'What?!' Jeff shrugged innocent. 'I already made a appointment with Jade about this. She says they were looking for someone who could entertain the crowd for a few hours. You get 60 bucks every hour and not to mention tips.'
A red haired lady spotted Jeff and waved. Jeff dragged Blaine with him. 'Jade, this is Blaine. The guy with a amazing singing voice, he's just a little shy about it.'
Jade eyed Blaine up and down, and it Blaine almost broke down in sweat because of the nerves. 'Well, you're hot, honey, I think you make a lot of bucks. And you always can earn extra money with some extra services some lady's need.' She winked.
'What? I'm... gay.'
Jade rolled her eyes. 'who cares? If they pay you we always have some tools to help.'
Blaine narrowed his eyes. 'I have a mate.'
'Whatever,' Jade looked around.
'He's only here to sing, Jade,' Nick interrupted.
Jade smirked. 'Sure. Well, let's begin your shift. When can you start?'
'Today,' Jeff said.
'Okay I'll see when the stage is ready,' Jade walked away.
'I can't believe you brought me to a whore club!' Blaine snapped when they were alone.
'Jade is just testing you, Blaine, relax,' Jeff reassured and Nick nodded. 'she always does that. Now go up and sing your little heart out. It's for Kurt.'
Kurt was bored. Yes again. It has been a week since he woke up. It was forbidden to leave the pack so the only outside force was his dad. And even he was too busy with work to visit Kurt every day. Everybody lived their lives and were busy. With what? Kurt didn't know. Everybody acted weird. Jeff and Nick both avoided him, Wes was busy to control the pack when Blaine wasn't here, Sebastian and Dylan were trying to avoid and make up with each other constantly, he wasn't allowed to speak with Quinn or Mercedes, Brittany, Santana and Rachel were busy with the hunt on Sugar and Blaine was never around. He was always gone doing 'pack business' he claims.
It wasn't like Kurt demanded all his attention all the time, but a kiss once in awhile, holding hands, smiling, one look, a touch. Nothing was happening. It was like Blaine kept a secret or maybe it was about him, Kurt thought. Suddenly everything fell into place. Blaine was away from early morning till late at night. What if he had a boyfriend? What if he was back with that Jeremiah guy?
Kurt jumped up and started pacing. That must be it. Blaine is bored with me, or... he doesn't want me anymore after a demon was inside me. He swallowed and tried to blink back the tears. What should he do now? Blaine was going to leave him soon. His Iphone beeped and he quickly grabbed it to read the message.
'I'm home late, don't wait up,
Love Blaine.'
He quickly send: 'Ok" back, grabbed clothes and took a long hot shower to clear his mind. There is obvious something wrong with me. We can't read each other thought's and Blaine hasn't even brought it up. What if he's going to break up with me on my birthday?
The night before Kurt's birthday, he lost it. He grabbed his bag and put all his clothes in it. He was leaving, back to New York, back to VOGUE, back to normal. And this time he wouldn't look back to see if Blaine and his new lover were fine.
The front door closed and Kurt almost jumped. 'Honey, I'm home!' Blaine's voice.
Damn it, why does he has to make it this hard by coming home so early? How am I going to do this? Maybe I should storm of dramatically? Kurt quickly grabbed his suitcase and tried to reach for the other four when he saw a shadow hovering behind him, he turned his head.
'Are we moving?' Blaine asks confused. 'Kurt, what's going on?'
Kurt turned completely, icy stare. Okay so no dramatically storming out this time. I deserve the truth. 'What's going on? Well you tell me that, mr. cheater.'
'What the hell is going on? You've been gone for weeks now, you barely look at me, let stand talk to me or touch me. And all you got to say is "what"?'
'Kurt, it's all over now,' Blaine said trying to stay calm.
'Oh you had someone else?!'
'What?! No, how can you even think that?! I only love you, I swear!'
Kurt rolled his eyes. 'Fine you won't tell me. I'm leaving... I can't live with lies.' He dragged his suitcase behind him.
Blaine grabbed his arm. 'Kurt wait, listen to me...'
Kurt stopped. 'You have one minute...'
'it isn't what it seems. It's....' Blaine sighs. 'It's for your birthday!'
'What? You ignoring me two weeks? Well that's going to be the best birthday ever,' Kurt snapped.
'I'm planning surprises for you, I want your birthday to be special. It's the first time that we're celebrating and I know you're used to New York and luxury presents. But I'm just trying to give you a unforgettable birthday. I'm sorry I ignored you, and never think that I don't love you, I love you too much and I swear you're the only one.' Blaine's rambling was cut off by Kurt's lips.
Kurt let go. 'I love you too... I don't know what to say. A birthday surprise he?' Blaine nods. 'so what is it?'
'I can't say that, it ruins the surprise you know.'
'But... how do I know what I need to wear?' Kurt pouts.
'It doesn't matter what you wear, you always look amazing.'
Kurt rolled his eyes. 'I almost believe you...' He walked back to the bed room and looked through his clothes. 'I'm sorry I was so dramatic.'
Blaine shrugged. 'It's a part that I love about you. How could you think I was cheating on you? Why would I cheat when I have the most amazing, sexy mate ever?'
Kurt blushed and quickly hide his face behind a pants to avoid Blaine's smiling face.
Kurt dreamed that Blaine kissed butterfly kisses all over his body and he wished he never woke up.
'Wake up, beautiful.' Blaine's voice.
'hm... it's my birthday... let me sleep,' Kurt mumbles.
'Happy..' Kiss 'Birth..' kiss 'Day...'
Kurt groaned, opened his eyes and glared. 'Why do you choose this day to be so damn cute with your lose curls and big brown puppy eyes?'
Blaine smiled. 'happy 19th birthday, Kurt. It's time for your first present.'
'Present?' Kurt asks. 'Blaine, I already told you I don't want anything.'
'I know, I have a few surprises, wait I'll get it,' Blaine jumped out of bed and walked towards the bathroom.
A knock on the door and Kurt jumped out bed and hoped it wasn't something important because he looked horrible in his PJ's and his bed hair.
'Well hello, mr....' Sebastian laughed when he saw Kurt's hair.
'Sebastian? What do you want?' Kurt glared. 'And don't make funny comments about my hair, I just woke up.'
'Happy Birthday to you, Kurt. A man gave this to you as you're birthday present. It's from New York.' Sebastian gave him a box. 'Well have fun today. I'm going.'
'Aren't you staying for... some cake?' Kurt just realized that he didn't bought a birthday cake because he couldn't leave the village without permission.
'Yeah.... No, I know you don't have anything and I promised Dylan to have breakfast with him.'
'Oh... have fun.'
Sebastian nods and walked away, Kurt closet the door and opened curious the box. And a beautiful and very expensive McQueen's jacket appeared. Kurt gasped. 'Blaine...'
'Wait a second, Kurt, it's heavy.' Blaine groaned from the bedroom.
Kurt finally found a small letter.
Dear Kurt,
I still feel guilty because I lied to you and hide things for you and I haven't heard much from you since. I still hope our friendship isn't over because of that little thing. Hopefully Blaine let you free (Kurt rolled his eyes at that remark) so that you can come to New York.
I miss you and I hope this present makes up for what happened lately,
Much Love
PS: don't text that this is too expensive, you deserve every penny of it Kurt.
Kurt already dialed Adam's phone number when Blaine walked in with a big birthday cake with 3 layers. 'Oh my god, Blaine! Look what Adam bought for me! It's a McQueen jacket! Do you know how expensive this is? I can't believe he would do that for me.' He stopped and didn't see the hurt in Blaine's eyes when Adam spoke up.
When the talk ended, Kurt looked up to the cake and smiled. 'Blaine, did you make that for me?' Blaine didn't answer, he just stared at him. 'What?'
'I just realize this is crap,' Blaine snapped. 'I... I have not the money to buy you expensive clothes like Adam. I didn't even know what to give you and...'
'Stop, I don't care how expensive something is, Blaine,' Kurt grabs his end and squeezed. 'You know that. I love the cake and I'm sure it's delicious. This means more to me than a jacket that comes from a shop because I know this comes from your heart. So... let's eat.'
They ate in a comfortable silence and the cake was delicious, Blaine gave the jacket glares once in awhile and Kurt giggled. 'Tell me it isn't that you're jealous of a piece of clothes...'
'I can smell him!' Blaine growls. Kurt laughs and quickly brought the jacket to his closet. When he came back his Alpha looked much happier.
'you're being a idiot you know that, right?'
'A adorable idiot,' Blaine smiled. 'Time for surprise 2!' He grabs Kurt's hand and lead him outside, under a little protest.
'Okay, open your eyes!' Blaine removed his hands from Kurt's face. The ride over here was silence. He knew Kurt hated that he bought something for him but he also saw the nervous lip biting. His mate will never admit it but he loved it.
Kurt opened his eyes and his jaw almost hit the ground. His shop was completely new. New windows, there were mannequins, new fabric, new door, everything looked just perfect. 'Blaine this looks amazing... you did this?'
'Not exactly, we did!'
Kurt turned and saw Quinn, Mercedes, Rachel, Finn, Burt, Nick, Wes, Dylan, Sebastian and Jeff standing there. 'Thank you, It really looks amazing. But..'
'Don't say it, Blaine threatened and snapped at us for weeks,' Wes glared at his friend, who just shrugged. 'Besides you deserve this after everything.'
One by one they congratulate Kurt and they guide him through the shop. There were no signs of anything with black magic. It looked like Kurt could open the shop in a few weeks. Kurt couldn't stop smiling and he pulled Blaine close. 'Do you know that you're the best mate ever?'
'I know you missed you're friends,' Blaine looked over at Mercedes and Quinn who giggled at something Sebastian said. 'Let's go to breadsticks, eat something and then you can talk with everybody.'
'This is the best birthday ever,' Kurt said and let himself be guided out of his shop by Blaine, followed by friends and family.
'That jacket suits you,' Blaine said, they walked home, hand in hand.
'thanks, I made it myself,' Kurt blushed.
This whole day was amazing. Kurt still couldn't believe that this was happening and what he did to deserves such a amazing friends. It was nice to talk with Mercedes and Quinn. Mercedes couldn't wait when her pup arrived, she said she could pop any minute now. Quinn was busy keeping the twins on track. Even Blaine and Burt had a nice talk at breadsticks and they seemed to get finally along. Even Sebastian remarks about his tight pants couldn't ruin this day.
Kurt shivered, it was getting cold and he couldn't wait to snuggle up against Blaine, make out and have sex. Yes, he just wanted some intimacy after weeks nothing. He walked faster, he just wished that Blaine would move faster too but his mate didn't follow. Kurt turned in confusion.
'Wait let's go to the lake,' Blaine gestured to the right.
'Now? It's dark, Blaine and I'm getting cold.'
'Just a moment, come on.'
Kurt gave in easily. How more he would struggle how longer it would take to do whatever Blaine wanted. When they walked closer Kurt could smell candles and fire. His jaw fell open for the second time this day. The lake was surrounded by candles. It looked like the stars fell down and it looked beautiful. Blaine guided him to a open circle and stopped.
'Let me talk okay?' Blaine looked nervous and Kurt nods. He took Kurt's hand in his hands. They fitted perfectly together. 'This is the place we met. Remember how you glared at me and you were so pissed off that I ruined you're clothes.' Kurt rolled his eyes but smiled. 'With that moment I knew you were the one for me, you are wonderful, Kurt. You're my soul mate. And it took us a long way for just standing here, happy and mated. We've been through so much and I want to spend the rest of my life loving you. Kurt...' He kneeled down on one knee and hold out a small box with a ring in it (Kurt may or may not have squealed in surprise). 'Will you marry me?'
'I... yes! Of course!' Kurt stumbles, blinking back tears. Blaine put the ring gently on Kurt's finger and it fitted perfectly. Kurt pulled him in a deep kiss before pulling away. 'Wait, how did you affort all this? The ring isn't free.'
'I worked.... I sang for money at a bar, it paid really well,' Blaine admitted. 'We can buy another one when we have more money..'
'No, I like this one,' Kurt looked proudly at the ring. 'Oh my gaga, I can't believe we're going to marry! Can't wait to plan the wedding. Wait till my dad hears this.'
Blaine froze. Shit. 'yeah.... Just let's wait with telling him that. Let's go home.'
Kurt giggled. 'He needs to know at some point, Blaine. He's my dad.'
They walked hand in hand to the village when they noticed the turmoil in the pack. A lot of wolfs were on edge and snapping at Wes, Jeff, Nick, Sebastian and Dylan. Wes noticed Blaine and walked quickly towards them. 'Blaine, it's best If you don't spend the night here. They heard about the proposal and they are pissed off. Something about ruining their reputation by bringing in old humans standards.'
Blaine growls. 'They mean Kurt.'
'Don't start now, Blaine.' Wes glanced at Kurt's ring and smiled. 'Just enjoy this night and come back tomorrow. Today is not the day to start a fight.'
Blaine didn't want to back down but Kurt grabs his arm. 'Not today, Blaine, please. Let us have just this one day to enjoy each other. We'll come back tomorrow.'
Dylan appeared next to Wes, playing with his knife. 'He's right, Blaine. Beside I can handle them. I've been waiting for a good fight since weeks!'
Kurt rolled his eyes. 'You really want to kill things. You should get help for that. You get yourself killed one day, Dylan.'
Dylan smirked. 'Stop worrying so much and get out of here.' Suddenly a grey wolf ran towards Kurt and Dylan quickly jumped on him and hold him to the ground. 'Okay seriously, GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!'
Kurt dragged Blaine away. 'Come let's go to my dad's. he'll let us in.'
The car ride towards Burt was in silence. Blaine just stared and Kurt didn't know what he was thinking and that was frustrating. Kurt stopped in front of Burt's house. 'It's going to be okay, Blaine. Let's make the best of this day and deal with it tomorrow. We faced bigger problems before.'
'Yes but how many things do we need to face before we break?' Blaine asks. 'I can't live without my pack, a Alpha needs his pack, Kurt. I feel so... weak.'
'You're not weak.'
'too my pack I Am! And I can't blame them. I've been hardly a good alpha lately. No wonder they act this way. I need to show them whose the alpha.' Blaine wanted to jump out of the car but Kurt grabbed his hand.
'We are not showing anything today, Blaine, it's enough. I've had enough. All I want is one night for us. This whole day is perfect, don't ruin it now by not thinking clearly.'
'I'm sorry, you're right,' Blaine's face softened when he saw tears welling up behind Kurt's eyes. 'let's go inside and sleep.'
'Thank you,' Kurt stepped out, let the way to the door and rang the doorbell.
They heard loud footsteps and the door opened revealing Burt with a shotgun. 'Kurt?'
'Dad? What's the gun for?'
'It's past midnight, son,' Burt pointed out and quickly put the gun away. 'What's going on?' He nodded a greeting to Blaine.
'Can we stay here for one night?' Kurt asks. 'I'll explain everything tomorrow.'
'Of course, you're always welcome here, Kurt, you know that.' Burt pulled his son in a hug.
'Thanks, dad.'
'Kurt, is that a ring?'