Will You Be Mine Part II
Chapter 13 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Sept. 5, 2013, 11:42 p.m.

Will You Be Mine Part II: Chapter 13

E - Words: 6,536 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/24 - Created: Jul 18, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
149 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Don't trust a vampire, Blaine! sighs.... Sorry about the cliffhanger! See you in 2/3 weeks!

Jeff, Nick, Kurt, Blaine and Wes arrived at the crime scene. It wasn't far from the village. Kurt saw his dad, Rachel, Santana and a couple of agents. Blaine pushed everyone away to get to David and Jessica. There was blood everywhere and Kurt needed to look away to not throw up. Jeff lost it when he saw his friends dead body, he cried and started to punch everyone, Nick pushed him to the ground in a attempt to calm him down. A couple of teens growled at everyone who came too close to Jessica's body. Wes just stood there, tears streaming down his face.

'What happened?' Blaine growls, Kurt could feel his intense grief. 'Demons, Black witches... Vampires?'

'Vampires?!' Burt snapped. 'What?!'

'Dad calm down, think of your heart,' Kurt said calm.

'why didn't you tell me about vampires? Are Bella and Edward real now? What are you gonna keep for me next? That ghost exist too?'

'We don't have time for this, our friends just died,' Wes snapped. Burt shuts up.

'They got attacked by a vampire,' Santana explained. 'The vampires drank and snapped their necks. But something is not right here. The body's are still full of blood, so that means the vampires didn't need to drink because they were thirsty, they wanted them dead. Which doesn't make sense. Why would a vampire just kill a wolf? They prefer human blood.'

There fell a silence when everyone took in the new information.

'Jessica knew something,' Blaine spoke up. He pulled out his phone and played the voicemail Jessica left.

'She knew who was behind this?' Rachel spoke up. Blaine nodded. 'Do you think that's why they killed her?'

'I don't know but I'm gonna find out!' Blaine grabs her, pulled a stake out of her pocket. 'Bring the bodies to the Village, build the biggest fire you can. They deserve a funeral, they died as heroes.' Everyone nods. Blaine turn around.

'What are you going to do?' Kurt followed.

'I think it's time I have a talk with our friendly vampires.' Blaine morphed and disappeared.

Burt walked over to Kurt.

'Kurt, maybe it's smart that you come back home. These forest aren't safe anymore.'

'What? No!' Kurt protested.

'Don't be stubborn now, Kurt. If you don't want to come home, take a vacation too New York or something.'

'Dad, Jessica came from New York. Do you really want me to go to that city now? Besides I'm not leaving Blaine and Blaine can't leave his pack.' Kurt saw the worried look on his dad's face. 'Dad, I know that you're trying to protect me but the safest place for me is in a pack and at Blaine's side. You... just don't go alone anywhere. Make sure your at least with four man.'

'I'm your dad.' Burt raised his eyebrows.

'Exactly. And I'm your son, just make sure that I'm not gonna lose a dad.' Kurt hugged his dad tightly. 'Now I need to make sure my mate doesn't get himself killed.' He let go, morphed and followed Blaine's scent.


Blaine trapped down the door. Nobody in sight. He heard Kurt's footsteps behind him.


'Don't talk me out of this, Kurt. It's not coincidence that vampires kill two wolfs of my pack.'

'Just don't kill them before they have told their story.'

Before they could talk more, Tina appeared on the staircase with Melanie in her arms. She smiled when she saw Kurt. 'Kurt, Blaine, I didn't expect you here. Melanie missed you.' She let the little girl go who ran to Kurt, who lift the girl up and hugged her gently.

Blaine acted fast, ran towards Tina and pushed her against the wall. Tina gasped. 'What the hell? Let me go!'

'why did you kill two pack members?'

'What?' Tina looked confused.

Blaine pulled out the stake and Kurt stepped forward, still with Melanie in his arms. 'Blaine, calm down.'

'what is going on here?' They both turned their head, at Mike's voice. Mike looked just as confused as Tina but Kurt noticed the difference. Mike looked stronger, he was completely healed.

'Two of my pack members are killed today, why did you do it?' Blaine asks, letting Tina go but not letting her out of sight.

'we didn't kill anybody,' Mike said calm, Tina walked in his arms. 'Why would we kill wolfs? We like human blood.' He sniffs. 'Don't get me wrong but you smell bad.'

Kurt sighs. 'who did it? Why would a vampire want to kill a wolf?'

'We didn't do it,' Tina said, her eyes on the stake in Blaine's hand. 'We don't know anything about attacks. We have other things to worry about.' She looks at Melanie. 'We're leaving in a few days.'

Blaine sighs and put his stake away. 'This is useless.'

'Look I can help you with the vampire problem. I can learn you'll how to fight a vampire, just in case.' Mike said.

'why would you help us?' Blaine narrowed his eyes.

Mike nodded to Kurt. 'Kurt helped us and believed us when nobody did. Let me do a favor back.'

'It could be useful,' Kurt said.

Blaine nods. 'It's a deal, but first I need to burry a friend...'


That night they made the highest fire they could, they burned David's and Jessica's body. They howled for hours. David's mate just cried in Jane's arms, holding their only son close to her chest. In the next few days Kurt tried to be there for Blaine and let him cry in his arms.

Blaine was in his own zone. Who killed them? What did they know? It was driving him crazy. Nick, Jeff and Wes didn't help either, they wanted to talk about the memories they shared with David. Blaine remembers David as a young kid, David always was a quiet kid. But he always was a wise friend, giving him good advice with everything. He could always lean on David and it seems unreal that he was gone. Blaine was determinate to take revenge to whoever did this, he was going to kill them.

Kurt noticed the change in Blaine's behavior, he didn't leave Kurt alone. To afraid to lose him too. Kurt didn't mind, Blaine need to get through this alone, all he could do was be there for him. Kurt called Adam, but he had bad luck, his friend didn't pick up. Burt came over with news that they didn't find fingerprints in the shop at all. Whoever did this it wasn't human. Another mystery.

Blaine gathered his friends to talk about what to do now. He heard the whispers and a lot of wolfs didn't trust him as a Alpha who could protect them.

'What are your plans?' Wes asks.

'It's no use to go after the killers.' Blaine spoke softly.

'What? They deserve to die for what they done to David,' Jeff glared angry. 'I can't believe what you're saying right now, Blaine. We need to take revenge.'

'Please tell me where they are, Jeff, I'll kill them myself,' Blaine snapped. Jeff fell quit.

'Let's stay calm, it's no use to turn on each other,' Kurt said, placing his hand on Blaine's shoulder. 'David didn't want that.'

'You didn't even know him, so shut up!' Nick hissed.

Kurt fell silent, Nick never snarled at him. He always seemed so kind. 'Don't snap at my Mate!' Blaine growls. 'He just want to help!'

Nick growls angry, he didn't want a stranger tell what David want, he knew David better. Blaine's eyes glowing and his growl god louder, ready to attack if Nick made a move.

'You know,' Sebastian rolled of the couch he was laying on, came with a loud 'Poof!' on the ground, straddled to get up and circled the group of friends. 'How much I really love fights.... We need to find a solution now! We can't go on the way we are right now. The vampires are coming closer and we need to be prepared.' He looked at Blaine. 'What are we going to do, Oh all mighty Alpha?'

Blaine looked at Kurt and grabs his hand. 'We are gonna protect our loved ones. No one is gonna die. Kurt, call Mike and Tina, Jeff and Nick, call Puck and Sam... We're gonna learn how to fight against vampires.'


'So why are we here? And what is he doing here?' Puck growled looking at Mike.

They all gathered around the lake, Blaine's pack, Puck's pack and Sam's pack. Rachel, Finn and Santana were there too. Blaine didn't want Mike and Tina in his village, he didn't trust them enough for that so they met at the lake. Kurt didn't know he saw this as a good thing. His mate asks for help from his vampire friends.

'He's here, too teach us to fight against vampires,' Blaine explained, ignoring the shocked looks and gasped from some of the wolfs. 'A couple days ago two of my pack members got killed because of vampires. If we want to take revenge, we need to learn how to fight and beat them. Mike here, is Kurt's friend, he's also a vampire.'

Blaine's pack started to growl at Mike and Tina, closing them in slowly. Blaine rolled his eyes, walked over to Mike and turned to his pack. 'Didn't you listen to me? He's Kurt's FRIEND! We don't kill him.'

'What? But he's a vampire, he probably killed David!' a wolf growled angry.

'How are we going to kill the vampires who killed David if we kill the vampires who can help us kill them?' Blaine replied, ignoring the angry growls. When the growls died, he turned to Sam and Puck. 'we agree? He can help us.'

Sam didn't seem to like the idea. 'Well... we don't know who's behind al the murders and the vampires are all we got so far...'

'We're in!' Puck finished. He couldn't wait to slaughter some Vampires. 'On one condition. Our Omega's don't fight.' He looked at Quinn. 'She's the mother of my kids, they can't lose her. And Mercedes is pregnant.' Mike just shrugged.

'I fight!' Kurt said, Blaine turned.


'I am, Blaine I already told you I'm gonna fight for my friends. This is no discussion.' Kurt wrapped his arms around his chest. 'Besides I'm not pregnant, so you don't have a excuse to not let me fight.'

Blaine glared. 'Fine then!' He nods to Mike. 'go ahead with your lesson.'

Mike stepped forward. 'Well, take a seat, people, This could take a while.' The wolfs sat down. Tina sat down on a rock with Melanie in her arms. 'Lesson One, never trust a vampire on his word.' Puck snorted and mumbles 'Obvious' . 'Lesson Two, we don't like fighting. Vampires are tactics in their fights, they rather study their enemy than attack instantly. Remember that. We know you're weakness sooner than you even can see us coming. Lesson Three we are fast! Lesson four we don't know mercy. If we have searched a pray...' Mike stared at the wolfs. 'We kill them. We don't care if it's a baby or a old woman. Lesson Five and that's the most important one. Don't Bleed! We are attracted to blood like sharks. One single drop can be your dead.' He looked at Rachel. 'Sorry, girl, you can't practice with us today, I can smell you're on your period.' Rachel flashed beat red, Finn shuffled awkward next to her.

'Can we move on?' Santana interrupts.

'We have two weaknesses, fire and the stake,' Mike continued. 'That's the only thing that could kill us.'

'Great!' Santana snapped her fingers and a fireball appeared in her hands. 'Looks like I've got my weapons ready.' She charged forward but Mike avoided her attack easy and she stumbled into the lake.

Mike smiled. 'You forget that we are faster than you, witch. Tina, let's show them our speed.'

Tina nods, gives Melanie at Kurt and walked towards her love. They stared at each other for a long time. Kurt looked at the small Asian girl and the strong Asian vampire. Suddenly he was afraid that Tina got hurt. Mike didn't look like he would spare Tina's life even if he loved her. Suddenly they moved, they charged at each other. Punched, bit and trapped. It was hard for a wolf to follow their movements, Mike wasn't kidding when he said they were fast. A wolf could never outrun a vampire. The attack was over within seconds.

'Did everyone see that?' Mike looked around, he didn't even sounded like he need to take a breath. He grabs gently Tina's hand and kissed her palm. 'Thank you, sweet heart.' Tina smiled softly and walked back to take Melanie over.

Finn and Rachel both looked confused, they just saw some weird flashes of bodies. They couldn't separate them as bodies because of the speed. Blaine didn't look impressed, Sam and Puck glanced a glare, Santana looked like she could kill Mike because of the incident, Sebastian just looked bored and yawned, Dylan narrowed his eyes to just look at it better and grumps ( his view was still weak after what happened with Sebastian and that ruined his mood) an the rest of the wolfs just looked impressed.

'The next step, practice your fighting skills on each other while I work with each pack,' Mike commanded. Blaine, Puck and Sam growls annoyed, they didn't like to be commanded. Mike rolled his eyes. 'Get to work, Hop. We don't have forever!' The pack splits in groups and Mike turned to Blaine. 'So let's begin with you.'

'Fine, I don't know what you're doing but I don't have a weak spot,' Blaine got ready to fight. 'But give me your best shot.' The rest of his pack instantly gathered after Blaine, Kurt stopped at Blaine's side. 40 wolfs against one vampire. Blaine smiled satisfied. 'Afraid already?'

The vampire didn't move, but smiled when Blaine said his last sentence. Kurt had a bad feeling about that smile. Suddenly Mike attacked, Blaine could only blink, he felt the vampire beside him... but nothing. He turned quickly around.

Mike pointed a silver knife at Kurt's neck, he had Kurt in a tight grasp. Blaine saw Kurt panicking and breathing faster in shock. 'I thought you said you didn't had a weakness!' Mike smiled, pointing the knife deeper into Kurt's skin. Nobody moved, they all were afraid if they do something Mike would kill Kurt instantly, angry growls lid up the sky.

'Mike, let go, it hurts!' Kurt whimpered, trying to loosen the vampire's grasp and avoiding the sharp knife.

'I'm sorry, Kurt, but I can't do this,' Mike whispers.

Blaine saw the fear on Kurt's face, he could feel the confusing and he lost it. He charged forward at high speed and snapped Mike's neck. The vampire fell to the ground. Blaine pulled Kurt into his arms. 'Are you alright?'

'I'm fine,' Kurt breathed. 'But... Blaine, you killed him.'

All eyes turned to Mike moveles body and then to Tina. They expected that the vampire would be in a rage and killed them all but she just sad there giggling with Melanie in her arms. Kurt walked over. 'Tina, I'm so sorry...' Tina looked at him. '... Blaine just killed your love.... He didn't meant too, he just wanted to protect me. Don't kill him.'

Tina smiled. 'Don't worry, Kurt. Mike's fine. He'll be up in a minute.'

'I just snapped his neck,' Blaine said confused.

'You forget we already are dead. We can only be killed by a stake through our heart or fire remember? A broken neck is .... More like a 10 minute sleep.' Tina said calm.

Mike groaned, his neck snapped back with a sickened sound and he stood up slowly. 'There he is, handsome as ever,' Tina smiled and winked at her love.

Blaine and Kurt looked between the strange lovers. This was the weirdest thing ever. Mike walked over and Blaine pulled Kurt quickly behind him. 'Thanks for your concern. I'm sorry about what happened, Kurt.'

'A sorry won't do, you wanted to kill my Mate!' Blaine growls. He wished he had Rachel's stake so he could drive it trough Mike's heart.

'I just wanted to show you my point,' Mike said. 'Kurt is your weak link.' He looked at Blaine's pack. 'He is THE weak link in your pack.'

'Geez, thanks,' Kurt mumbles.

'Look, Kurt, it's not personal. But you are Blaine's Mate, Blaine has a big pack who really could be useful in a big fight. But it will all be useless if the enemy gets to you. Without you, Blaine is nothing. Without Blaine, the Pack is nothing. I suggest that you sit this one out. Vampires aren't stupid and they will know about your bond and use it against you.'

'But... I want to fight!' Kurt said. Blaine turned, picked him up a la bridal style and placed him on the rocks between Mercedes and Quinn. 'Blaine!'

'No, Kurt.' Blaine's eyes looks sad and Kurt pouted. 'Mike is right, you mean everything to me, I'm nothing without you. I can't let you involve with this, I'm not gonna lose you. Just sit here with the other Omega's. I'm sorry but this is about your life.' Kurt nods defeated. Blaine lifted his chin. 'Besides you need to save your energy for tonight.' He winked.

Kurt blushes, he could feel Quinn's, Mercedes and Tina staring with open mouth at them. He never felt so uncomfortable. 'Blaine....... You can't say things like that when we're in public.'

Blaine chuckled. 'I love your shyness but we all know...'

Kurt quickly pressed a kiss on his mouth to shut him up, he let go and Blaine whined at the loss. 'Now go make me proud.'

Blaine turned around and continued the practice.


The next weeks Blaine continued to practice with his Pack and Mike. Blaine was gone a lot and Kurt was getting bored. He couldn't make contact with Adam, his shop was gone, his only contact outside the pack was his dad, who was busy with solving the murders and keeping everything quit so that the locals didn't panic. So Kurt decided to take matters into his own hand, he started redecorating the house.

He changed everything, he ordered the most expensive and beautiful fabrics to use. He ordered a new kitchen, couch, a bath tub and a new bed. It just isn't nice to know that Blaine slept with Dylan in the same bed they were using.

'It's vintage, so the shoes need to be of if you enter the house,' Kurt pointed at Blaine's dirty muddy shoes.

Blaine growls annoyed and took them off quickly. He knows Kurt was bored so he let him do the redecorating so Kurt would be happier. He gave Kurt a quick kiss. 'So it looks good here.'

'I expected beautiful,' Kurt glared. 'I worked hours on this.'

'It's beautiful, can I take a shower now?' Blaine throws off his shirt on the ground and walked to the shower.

Kurt sighs. In moments like these he really missed a friend who understood his sense of fashion. He might be a member of a pack but he never felt so lonely. Kurt started cooking. Blaine came back when the food was ready. 'Smells delicious.'

'My lasagna,' Kurt looked proudly. 'So... how was practice?'

Blaine sighs. 'Exhausting. We make progress but Sebastian....'

Kurt turned, he noticed Sebastian was in his bad mood all week. 'What did he do this time?'

'Nothing. Latterly. We paired up for couples and Sebastian and Sam were paired together. Mike threw a stake but Sebastian just stepped away and Sam got hit by the stake.'

'Is he alright?'

'Sam will survive. But he was pissed off. Sebastian's reason was and I quote: "Why would I defend him? I don't even like him... His mouth is too big for his face." And he just walked away.'

Kurt sighs. That was exactly something Sebastian would say. 'And now?'

Blaine shrugged. 'I don't know. I know he's your friend, Kurt, but he we can't trust him in a fight. What if he doesn't want to fight because he don't like someone or is too lazy because he has party'd all night? It's frustrating..' He sighs. 'Any word from Adam?'

Kurt shook his head. 'No... I'm giving up. He has my number and can call me. I'm done with contacting him. I called Santana. I want her to look at my shop, maybe she can see if it's done with black magic. I want to go tonight.'

'Can I ask Mike and Tina with us?'

'Oeh are you making friends with vampires?' Kurt teased.

'Yeah, they're not that bad. And maybe Mike can take a look around to see if it has something to do with vampires.' Blaine shrugged.

They ate in silence and both cleaned the dishes. Kurt looked at his watch. 'We still have a hour before we need to meet Santana.' Suddenly his phone rings and he looked at the name that appeared. 'It's Adam!' Blaine growls. 'Stop it, Blaine, I need to talk to him in private.'

'I have every right to growl at him, he lied to you, Kurt! Be happy it's only growling!' Blaine growls louder when Kurt moved the phone to his ear.

'Blaine!' Kurt glared but Blaine didn't move. Kurt sighs, he needed to get Blaine away and he could think only of one thing that would get the Alpha away. 'You know, Blaine.' He moved forward, pulled Blaine close and kissed him deep. He could feel Blaine melt. 'We have a little bit time left for sex before we need to go. Why don't you go already and I join you in a moment?'

Blaine still looked at the phone in Kurt's hand but then let his eyes stop at Kurt lips. 'Promise?'

'Yes, now hurry up, we don't have all day,' Kurt nods. Blaine kissed him quickly and ran towards the bedroom. Kurt couldn't help but smile, Blaine was so easy. He picked up. 'Hey Adam?'

'Kurt, thank god you still pick up!' Adam's British accent sound hushed. 'I'm sorry for not calling you back sooner, I'm so busy right now.... Isabel is pissed off that one of her models just ran away. She had a important show to walk and ... Well you know how Isabel is with her models.' He sighs, he sounded tired. 'But at least this keeps me away from sad thoughts, I just miss him.... Anyway why did you want to talk to me with? Is everything okay?'

Kurt told Adam everything. It felt good to talk to Adam and tell everything what's going on. Adam just listened, only gasped when he heard Kurt tell him about Vampires and Demons. He asked also about why Adam lied about the Unmating part.

'I'm sorry about that Kurt. I just.... I'm always talked about how bad Alpha's were to you and we made a pac. But when I met Toby, I just.... You know I fell hard. I treaded you like shit. After you left. We got into a fight and he just walked away. I was ashamed and felt bad about it. I thought it's my fault. So I lied. I said that he Unmated me.' Adam sniffs and Kurt felt bad about his friend.

'Adam, I didn't know... I just... I'm sorry.'

'Kurt!!! I'm waiting for you! I want my hot sex NOW!' Blaine yelled from the bedroom.

Kurt blushed and there was a awkward silence on the phone. There was no way Adam didn't hear that. 'Eh... I'm so sorry, Adam....'

'It's okay ... I'll talk to you..' Blaine grabs Kurt's phone out of his hand and pushed the off button and throws the phone on table.

'Blaine! He wasn't done talking!'

'I don't care! You promised me something, it took way too long,' Blaine pinned Kurt to the wall and kissed him hungry on his mouth. He lift Kurt up and walked over to the bed and pushed Kurt gently down.

'You were wrong about Adam, just so you know,' Kurt mumbles. 'He had a fight with his mate and he walked out. He felt ashamed and didn't want to tell me the truth afraid that I would tell him I told you so.'

Blaine fumbles impatient with one of Kurt's shirt buttons. 'Babe, okay, you were right, I was wrong. I'll admit it. I don't want to talk about Adam right now. We have more important thing to do.' He sighed in relieve when he finally ripped Kurt's shirt off.

'Did you scream on purpose the sex sentence just so Adam could hear it?'

Blaine sighs. 'Well... did he hear it?' Kurt nods. 'Good.'

Kurt pushed Blaine off. 'Blaine, you can't do that.'

'Why not? Now he knows you belong to me!'

Kurt rolled his eyes annoyed. Blaine could be so jealous about nothing. Blaine pouted, Kurt pulled him closer and kissed him. 'Santana could be here any minute...'

A knock sound. 'Can you two wrap it up in there? I don't have all day!' Santana yells. Silence. 'I know you are in there making out, I don't mind coming in right now! Just make sure your not blinding me with your gayness!'

Blaine's sighs, stood up and pulled on a pants. 'No sex tonight.' He put on a shirt and a jacket and walked to the door. He really wanted a night with Kurt. Their lives was so busy lately with the vampires and training, It had been a week without sex and he was going crazy. Kurt didn't complain or talked about it so Blaine didn't either. He opened the door to let Santana in, but Santana wasn't alone. Dylan leaned against the wall.

'I couldn't get rid of him, he wants' to come,' Santana explained.

'I'm going crazy sitting alone,' Dylan said. 'I need to do something. You won't let me train with you because of my eye. Let me at least come with you to the shop. Nothing can go wrong there, otherwise you wouldn't let Kurt go.' ('Hey!' Kurt yelled insulted.) 'So why not me? I need to exercise.' He pointed at the edge of the village behind him. 'The vampires are waiting and that hunter girl wants to come with, too supervise everything.'

Blain shrugged. 'Okay then. Let's go!'


A half hour later Rachel, Mike, Tina, Melanie ('I couldn't let her alone by herself'), Santana, Dylan, Blaine and Kurt walked into the street they need to be.

The shop looked abandoned, the fog and the rain didn't help either. Kurt blinked back the rain that was falling on his eyes and shivered in his jacket. It was a unusual cold night. Blaine looked at his shivering mate and wrapped his arms around him. Kurt leaned into the tight embrace, happy for some warmth.

'Well, it looks scary,' Dylan said, narrowing his eyes at the shop.

Santana walked inside and the rest followed. 'It just smells dark magic all over the place.'

'You think a dark witch did this?' Rachel squealed of excitement.

Santana kneeled down and touch black sand hiding in a corner. 'Not just a black witch. This is Sugar's work.'

'But... Kurt killed her,' Blaine said.

Santana almost snapped her neck. 'You did? How? When?'

'Well... I shot the bird when he tried to push Blaine of the cliff,' Kurt could feel all eyes on him, even Tina, Mike and the little girl Melanie. 'The bird fell of the cliff and I'm sure I hit her.... But I thought... maybe I saw her the day I discovered this mess. But when I blinked she was gone.'

'You never told me that,' Blaine said offended.

'I forgot. I didn't think I really saw her because I thought I killed her.'

'You didn't, Sugar can't be killed by a gun,' Santana said. 'I haven't found a way to kill her yet, but she's still here and that means this isn't over yet.'

'I don't smell vampires in here, so that is good news,' Mike sniffs around. 'But I do smell alcohol.'

Kurt sniffed too and Mike was right a sharp smell of alcohol came from the back and he walked towards it. Rachel followed with a stake, ready to attack. Under some trash lay a sleeping Sebastian. 'It's Sebastian, what is he doing here?'

Rachel put her stake away. 'Well it's raining and cold outside, I just think he found shelter to spend the night. Why don't you except him into your pack?' Rachel glared at Blaine. 'He isn't safe on his own and it's way too cold...'

'Stop saying how I need to lead my pack,' Blaine interrupt. 'And Sebastian can stay in my pack if he wants but he likes being on his own. I can't control him.'

'You can try!' Rachel snapped.

'Guys, we have a visitor,' Santana said. They turned and saw Finn with a flashlight standing in the middle of the shop.

'Finn what are you doing here?' Kurt hugged his tall step brother quickly. He hasn't seen him in weeks.

'I just... I saw some movement and I wanted to check it out,' Finn answered. 'I don't want to see more damage to your shop, Kurt, I know how much it meant for you. So I keep a eye open for anything suspicious.'

'On your own?' Blaine raised his eyebrows. 'That's really not smart, you aren't a wolf or a hunter.'

Finn pulled a gun out of his pocket. 'I'm prepared.'

'That's not a silver bullet gun.' Kurt saw the gun and recognized it as the so called 'fake' gun his dad put under the staircase.

'Oh crap!' Finn cursed.

Rachel walked over and hugged him. 'Don't worry, sweety, you're still my hero.' Finn blushed and give her a kiss.

'Guys we have visitors,' Santana said again, looking outside.

'My dad?' Kurt guessed.

'No...... vampires!'

They all turned to the front and stared outside. Santana was right, 10 vampires surrounded the shop. They stood there on the street and on top of cars. Just staring and waiting.

'Why are they here?' Blaine asks. He saw Mike make a movement and turned. Mike stood in front of Tina and Melanie. Of course, Alistair was searching for that child. He cursed.

'What are we gonna do?' Dylan asks.

'We can't wait forever, they will attack if we aren't going out there,' Mike said. 'We will be trapped like mouse. There is only one way out... and that's fight.'

'They're with too many,' Blaine said. But he knew he didn't had another choice. 'Somebody wake up Sebastian! We need him!' Dylan walked to Sebastian. Blaine grabs Kurt hand. 'Kurt...'

'I'm not leaving you, if you think that,' Kurt said.

'go escape through the backdoor and warn my pack.'


'No discussions about this, Kurt, you are the fastest wolf we have. You can do this.' Blaine led Kurt to the backdoor and tried to open it. But it's stuck. He throws his body towards it but nothing.

'It's closet from the outside, stop it, Blaine, it's no use,' Kurt pulled Blaine away. They walked to the others.

'It looks like we have only one way out,' Blaine said sad.

Dylan finally managed to wake Sebastian up. 'Dylan? What...' He saw the others. 'What are you'll doing here?'

'Sebastian, you need to get up and fight with us! We are surrounded by vampires!' Blaine looked around for weapons to use.

'So what? Why couldn't you let me just sleep and die in peace?' Sebastian growls. 'Why is it every time I see you'll you are in danger. I'm tired of this shit! Let me sleep!' He leaned back.

Kurt sighs, this wasn't helping. He need to get Sebastian up and running, he couldn't leave him just to let him die. He kneeled down and whispers so that no one could hear him. 'Sebastian, Dylan is here. You can't let him die just because you are too lazy to get up.' Sebastian didn't move. 'This is your time to make it up for you mistake. Protect him and safe him!' Sebastian opened his eyes. 'I think he will be very grateful! There are curtain ways to show someone your gratitude you know..'

Sebastian got up, walked over to Dylan, wrapped a arm on his shoulder and said: 'I'll protect Dylan.' Dylan looked confused but didn't move.

Santana seemed to notice what's going on an just said. 'Wanky!'

Kurt walked to Blaine, Finn and Rachel. 'It worked, what now?'

'I'll protect Finn,' Rachel said. 'We need to find a house to find shelter. Any safe places?'

'My house is the safest place on earth, and it's the closest,' Santana said.

'Where are the weapons?' Dylan asks.

'I have a stake,' Rachel said.

'I have my weapons here,' Santana clapped her hands and a fireball appeared.

Blaine looked around. He had two humans, a drunk Alpha, a half blind Omega, two vampires and... Kurt. He was afraid that all the vampires would go after the white wolf. Kurt wasn't exactly normal, his fur will stand out. They had two weapons. They were doomed, he knew that. He could except that there was no way out for him, but Kurt. He looked at the bright blue eyes. He deserved a life, maybe he could go back to New York and start a new Fashion label. Maybe fall in love with someone else. Kurt deserved all that. He made the decision to get Kurt out of this all is it the last thing he do. He grabs Kurt's hand. 'Stay close to me.' Kurt nods. 'I will protect you. I'll get you out of here safe. You will get to celebrate your 19th birthday. Even if I...'

'No, Blaine, you'll be there too, don't say this like it's goodbye,' Kurt squeezed his hand. 'Don't say goodbye.' He sniffed and tried to blink back his tears but he couldn't. 'I can't live without you, Blaine.'

'You need too, Kurt, when I look at you...,' Blaine sighs and looked down, he couldn't look at Kurt crying, it broke his heart. 'When I first saw at you, I knew you were the one. I love you so much.'

'I love you too.'

Blaine sighs. 'I just wish we could spend more time together.'

Kurt frowned. 'Don't say things like that.'

'Kurt look around.... We aren't gonna survive this. I'll get you out of here. Even if I don't. Keep close to me and when I scream run. You run and don't look back.' Blaine wiped away Kurt's tears and kissed him softly. 'Remember our private lessons?' Kurt nods. 'Use that, you are allowed to bite and scratch their eyes out. Just do everything you can to survive.'

'You too.'

Blaine sighs. 'I'll try.'

Mike and Tina looked at each other and nobody knows about their telepathic bond the two had, Mike never told Blaine about that. We need to leave before the fight!

But Mike, we can't leave them to die!

Mike looked sad but then he turned to Melanie. I'm sorry about our friends, Tina. We need to think about our daughter. Besides the wolfs would be a great distraction. They keep the vampires busy while we run.

Tina looked at Kurt and Blaine, who were hugging each other tightly. But Kurt helped us so much, Mike. He believed in us when nobody did.

Mike sighs. I'm sorry about this Tina, but we need to look out for our self. If we get caught, Melanie wouldn't survive. Tina looked at her daughter and nodded. Good, get ready to run.

Blaine walked over. 'Can we count on your help?'

Mike smiled. 'Of course.' He stepped forward. 'Everybody remember my lessons?' They all nodded. 'Good. Everybody ready?' Everybody stepped closer to their partner.

Blaine hold Kurt's hand tight and pulled him close, scared for the moment he needed to let Kurt go. Blaine made a decision, he would get Kurt to safety no matter what. If he needs to die to let that happen he will do it without hesitation. He squeezed Kurt's hand.

Kurt looked at Blaine and made a decision. He would do anything to keep Blaine with him. He couldn't live without him. Tonight they would die together or they would survive this, together. Forever. Kurt squeezed back and Blaine smiled at him with teary eyes.

They all got ready to attack. Only a miracle could safe them.

Suddenly a sharp bright light shined at the end of the street and it came closer really fast. The vampires backend away.

'What's that?' Dylan asks.

Santana smiled. 'It's Brittany, she's back.'


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