Will You Be Mine Part II
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Sept. 5, 2013, 11:42 p.m.

Will You Be Mine Part II: Chapter 12

E - Words: 5,788 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/24 - Created: Jul 18, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
146 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Who knew Sebastian in love could be dangerous?;) poor Dylan, poor Sebastian. Talk about Sebastian i had like a really sad ending in mind for him, but after everything... i just want to give him some happines. But let me know what you think if you want Sebastian a happy or sad ending? Also let meknow what you think about this chapter:)

They walked in silence for awhile. Kurt didn't know how he should start the Dylan conversation. Sebastian spoke up. 'So how does it feel to be mated?'

'Great, it's just... we're more connected now. It's amazing to know that you could count on someone.' Kurt noticed the sad look on Sebastian face. 'You'll find someone too.'

Sebastian shrugged. 'don't let me distract you're happiness. So how's the sex?'

'Also great....'


'I... want to get married and Blaine doesn't.'

'We never marry, Kurt, that's normal.'

'Why not?' Kurt stopped to look at Sebastian.

'It's a wolf thing, nobody ever marry. We mate for life. We don't need a stupid marriage to proof that we love each other. '

'But I dreamed about it since I was a little kid. You wolfs are way too old fashion.'

'Well... maybe you should find a way then.' Sebastian made a gesture that Kurt should keep walking. 'I don't have all day you know.'

'How's you're sexlife?'

'I can't complain.'

'someone special?'

'What do you mean?' Sebastian narrowed his eyes.

'Do you like someone?'

'I don't do love, Kurt, I'm not capable of love.'

'Sure you are. Why not?'

Sebastian rolled his eyes. 'don't do this, Kurt. I just don't want it.'

'Stop lying. Every time I mentioned Mates or Blaine you look sad. You want a Mate. I can see it in your eyes, don't lie to me Sebastian. I'm your friend. I want to help you!'

Sebastian turned and Kurt was taken aback by what he saw. Sebastian had tears in his eyes, he didn't expect that. Sebastian was strong and never showed emotions. 'Stop helping me! I'm not worth to be helped.' Sebastian sat down against a tree and tried to blink away his tears.

'Sebastian...' Kurt kneeled down beside Sebastian. 'Of course you're worth to be helped, to be saved and to be loved. Do you know how much I care about you? You are the best friend I've ever had. Nobody would help me back when Blaine and I weren't together. Thanks to you we are together. I have my happy ending. Let me help with yours.'

Sebastian shakes his head. 'It's useless, who would love me for me? It's not easy to find a gay Omega.'

Kurt nodded. 'Everybody deserves to be loved, especially you. Why don't you believe in that?'

Sebastian wiped away his tears. 'It doesn't matter.'

Kurt crossed his legs and just looked at him. 'Sebastian, please tell me your story. I won't tell anyone. You know you can trust me.'

Sebastian narrowed his eyes at Kurt, who just waited patiently. He rolled his eyes, why couldn't he refuse anything from Kurt? 'okay, then, but it's not a pretty happy story.' Kurt nods but said nothing. 'I grew up with my dad, two sisters and my mom in a pack of 50 wolfs. We were the biggest pack in the east of Canada. My dad was a cruel Alpha, he forced my mother into a Mating. My two sisters were a year younger than me. I was my dad's proud. He wanted me to take over his pack some day. Like anyone else wants for their son. But like I said my dad was a cruel man, he didn't respect my mother or his daughters, or the other women of the pack. Anyone who stood up to him got killed. I didn't know what everything meant until I grew older. I started to resent my dad's behavior. I was 14 when I discovered I liked boys, I kept it a secret. Afraid of what everyone thought, especially my dad. He always made stupid gay jokes and that gays don't deserve to live.'

Kurt gasped. 'That's horrible. You know it's not true.'

Sebastian shrugged. 'That's my dad. I met a boy close to the town we lived. I fell in love, nobody knew. But one of my dad's close friends followed me and discovered my secret. My dad....' Sebastian blinked back tears as the horrible memory hit him. 'He was completely out of control. He screamed at me that I was worthless that I should be dead. I was never been so scared in my life. He beat me up, tied me down and raped my mother in front of me. He kept saying that this is the way it should be, I still hear her screams in my dreams. When he started to rape my sisters too, I started to hate him with every viper in my body. He let me go but I was a disgrace and need to leave the pack instantly. I did.' He sniffed. ' I left. But when I heard the terror of my dad continued I decided to take revenge and free my family. I took my knife and went to him. Of course my dad thought it was a joke. A fag who challenged him. That was ridiculous. He gave me a change to leave but when I saw the terrified looks on my mother and sisters faces, I just couldn't. I attacked. My dad wasn't prepared. He fought back of course, he was stronger but older. I was a lot faster and I saw the change to cut his throat and I took it. He died with a smile on his face. My dad was probably happy that I showed him that I was still a man and that I was cured from my gayness.'

'What happened next?' Kurt's voice was a soft whisper, he couldn't imagine what Sebastian went through, he lived in hell for years. 'You became the new Alpha?'

Sebastian smirked but his eyes were still sad. 'You would think that? No. I expected a applause, that my mom and sisters would hug me but they looked like.... I was a disease. They looked disgusted by what I just did. I saved them by killing the man who tortured them for years, but they saw it as a betrayal.'

'You've got to be kidding me.'

'My mom was in a rage, she kicked me out of the pack, my sisters couldn't even look at me. The rest of the pack was mourning and I fled. I never forgot her words or the looks my sisters gave me. I just... I wanted it to end. I did a suicide attempt, but it failed. I learned to hunt, I moved to lima. I met other lonely souls, they became my friends and we became a pack of 6. And now they're gone too.' Sebastian stopped.

'It's horrible what your own family did to you,' Kurt said. 'You don't deserve that. You better than your dad.'

'Am I? I tried the same thing my dad did to my mother, to you. I wanted to force you into mating last year, remember?'

'But you didn't.'

'I wanted too,' Sebastian admitted. 'But when Blaine rescued you and I saw how much you love each other. I regretted what I did to you. I never...' Kurt hugged him tightly.

'You are nothing like your father. I doubt your dad had seen the love between me and Blaine. He was a heartless man. I think you have the biggest heart I ever know. You saved me, Blaine, Dylan, Jane and you risk your life by hanging out with wild Alpha's? Who would do that?'

'A desperate lonely stupid, Alpha like me?'

'you have courage, Smythe. You are the bravest Alpha I know. So deal with it. I'm sure some Omega would like that. You will find someone.'

'When? I can't hold on forever...'

'I'll help,' Kurt helped Sebastian on his feet and they walked into town in silence. 'so what's your taste? What do you like in a guy?' Kurt asked subtle.

'Eh... I've never thought about that. Well.. he needs to be good in bed and a hot body.' Sebastian sighs. 'That's about it.'

'This isn't about sex, Seb, you need to be serious about this.'

'I've never dated, I don't know.'

'well... what about Dylan?'

Sebastian froze. 'What?'

'Why not? Dylan has a nice body, he's a Omega, he's single, gay and you said yourself that he is good in bed.' Kurt pointed out.

'I did?'

Kurt nods. 'So... what you think?'

Sebastian closed his eyes and Kurt even saw a slight blush. 'I... I don't know. He doesn't like me.'

'Just ask him out, if he says yes, you have a date. Go to a long romantic dinner. I'm sure he loves that.'

'I don't think.... It's not me you know,' Sebastian shook his head. 'I don't want that.' They turned the corner to the street were Kurt's shop was.

'If you never try, you never know...' Kurt stopped when he saw what's before him. He saw the black bird he shot a few days ago on the tree next to his shop. But he shot the bird, he saw him falling dead into a deep cliff. He blinked and the bird was gone. Did I just dream that? He felt a strong hand on his shoulder and he looked up.

He wished he didn't. The shop was a war zone. The windows were slammed out of their frame, the door was gone. Kurt ran inside, his heart beating fast with rage and disbelieve. The balie was destroyed, the fabrics who already were in the shop were ripped in tiny pieces, the mirrors he received a month ago were shattered. Nothing was whole. Everything he build up in a few months, was just destroyed.


'Probably young troubled thieves, don't worry we'll fix this in no time,' Sebastian walked through the shop.

'It's useless... It took me month's to built this. Who would want to destroy this? I have no money here, there is a jewelry store across the road!' Kurt fell to his knees. He couldn't believe this. All the money and time he put in the shop were just gone. He needed to start all over again and he won't get his money back. How was he gonna pay for reservations? The expensive fabrics he ordered from Paris were way out of his league now.

'Come on, get on your feed!' Sebastian said, pulling Kurt up. 'Let's clean it and see the damage.'

'Just leave it, Sebastian, we'll let the police investigate this,' Kurt sighs, completely overwhelmed by the sight in front of him. At first the shop was just a stupid idea to stay and let Blaine see that he really meant it by staying here. But the last weeks he really started to care for his little shop and started to believe in it. He really wanted this. 'I don't have money to start all over again, we'll wait for the police and see if they can find any fingerprints. Don't touch anything.' He pulled his phone out of his pocket and walked outside to make the call.

Rachel, Burt and a few man arrived. They were shocked to see Kurt. 'Are you alright?' Burt pulled Kurt close. 'I haven't talked to you in a week, I called but...'

'I'm fine, I just...' Kurt looked at his now destroyed shop. 'My dream is destroyed now.'

'Did you see anything?' Rachel pulled out a notebook and a pencil.

'Oh geez... I saw four man destroying my shop, I thanked them, let them run away and when they got far enough I called you guys,' Kurt glared.

'I'm just trying to help!' Rachel pushed past the rubbish on the floor and followed inside.

'Where were you all week?' Burt question.

Kurt sighs. It wasn't smart to tell his dad about Claim week. 'I just was with Blaine, dad. We tried to be more ... you know work on our relationship.' Sebastian laughs.

Burt look hardened. Kurt knew that look, protective dad on. 'Do you two have trouble already? Do I need to have a talk with Blaine?'

Kurt shook his head. 'Everything is fine.'


'yes. When are they done with the investigation?'

'The results should be out tomorrow,' Burt answered.

'Great, come visit me when you know more, I'll go back home.' It hurt to see his shop destroyed so he quickly said goodbye and turned away.


Kurt and Sebastian arrived in the afternoon and he saw Blaine, Nick, Jeff, Wes pacing around Blaine's cabin. 'There he is,' Nick was the first one who noticed them.

Blaine jumped up, ran to Kurt, pulled him close and gave him a long kiss. 'I missed you so much. I was worried.'

'We've seen each other 5 hours ago,' Kurt said. He missed Blaine too, but what happened had covered it up.

'Way too long!'

'Yeah, Blaine though you were eaten by a giant octopus or something,' Jeff said.

'I'm not.' Blaine protested.

'Or fallen and broke your ankle,' Nick nodded.

'Or had met a handsome Alpha and took off on the Unicorn rainbow,' Wes laughs. Kurt frowned at that. 'yeah he was losing his mind pretty much.'

'Well I'm fine,' Kurt tried to smile. Blaine lifted his chin so he was forced to see him in the eye.

'What's wrong?'

'My shop.... It got destroyed....'

'What do you mean?' Blaine growls angry.

'Just everything is destroyed, my fabrics, my windows... It's a big mess. The police are working on it and my dad is coming over with the results tomorrow...' Kurt sighs, he was so tired of everything. 'I just need to lay down.' He walked to the door, when Blaine want to follow he turned. 'I need some alone time, Blaine. Just leave me for a few hours.' Blaine nod, a little confused. Kurt slammed the door shut.


The few hours alone set Kurt thinking hard about his future. What was he supposed to do now? He needed more money for his shop. How? Who did this? Sebastian said some thief but Kurt didn't believe that. He had a bad feeling about this. A pack life was great but boring, he needed to do something for his own.

Kurt pulled out his phone and scrolled trough the VOGUE site for new collections. Fashion always cheers him up. Did he miss working at VOGUE? Yes. Did he miss New York? Yes. Did he miss the fun Disney nights with Adam? Yes. He suddenly felt home sick to New York. He throws his phone away, opened the top draw were he hides the VOGUE year contract. Blaine didn't need to know he still had it. He stared at the paper and the letters just seem to drawn him in. It would be temptated to just call Adam with the news that he came back to work again for VOGUE. Why not?

He would have money again, so he can full fill his dream. Lima was great but New York was more... alive. In Lima they only have forest a small town a small mall. New York had everything he wanted.... Except for Blaine. He couldn't leave Blaine. He was the reason he got here in the first place. Kurt sighs. Can he go back for a few months to work and have some money without Blaine? No that was impossible.

A soft knock on the door and black curled head with big puppy eyes appeared. 'Can I come in?'

'Of course,' Kurt hide the contract quickly under his pillow. Blaine sat down next to him and pulled him close.

'I'm sorry about your shop, we'll find the one who did this and I'll kill him for you.'

Kurt giggled. 'Thank you, my brave, Alpha.' How could he even been thinking about leaving this man for a whole year just a few minutes ago? He was crazy about Blaine, couldn't live without him.

'Are you okay?' Blaine kissed the top of his hair and stroked it softly.

Kurt nods. 'It's just a shop. I have you.'

'I know how much that shop meant for you.'

'I'm fine, we'll figure something out.' Kurt lied.

'okay, because I have news!' Blaine said, pulling his phone out of his pocket and turning it on. 'I have a voice mail from Jessica. The girl I sent to New York.'

'What? Why?'

Blaine tensed, he totally forgot that he didn't tell Kurt anything. 'I... wanted to do my own investigation.'

'you don't trust Adam,' Kurt replied. Blaine nods. 'He's my friend, Blaine, he never lies.'

'Everyone lies. But wait a minute before you storm off. Jessica found something. Listen...' Blaine pushed a button and Jessica's voice filled the air.

'Blaine.... I think I know what's going on.... I know who sent that letter and I think I know who's behind the murder... Please call me back as soon as you hear this... I'm flying back with David tonight, it's safer to talk in person... Just don't trust anybody. We are in bigger danger than we thought...'

The voice mail ended with a rush.

'She knows?' Kurt couldn't believe it.

Blaine smiled widely. 'She and David should be here tomorrow and we'll know everything!'

'Did you call her?' Kurt asks.

Blaine nods. 'She isn't picking up, that probably means that she's on the plane right now. Tomorrow all our troubles will go away and we have a new start.'

Kurt curled up in his arms. 'Finally!'


They ate, relaxed and talked about what Jessica could mean. Kurt wasn't mad at Blaine for starting this investigation, they will finally know who's behind everything. They didn't expect Dylan knocking on their door. His arm was healed.

'Dylan? Blaine is in the shower,' Kurt said surprised.

'No I'm coming for you.'


'You make clothes right?'

Kurt nods. 'Yeah.'

'I have a date tonight,' Dylan explained. 'I need to wear something cool and I have nothing. So help me!'

'Eh... come in, I think I have something,' Kurt walked to the bedroom and searched through new clothes. Thank god he didn't save every clothing at his now damaged shop. 'A date huh? I didn't know you met someone.'

'We met a week ago at a pub,' Dylan leaned against the wall, a slight blush on his cheeks. 'He's really hot, a little older, I don't think he's a wolf. But...' He sighs. 'I don't care anymore, I want what you have.'

'A incredible sense of fashion?' Kurt guessed and pulled a blue neat shirt out of his closet and compared it to Dylan's skin color.

'No what you and Blaine have! True love! Romance! The first true kiss you share!'

Kurt looked up in surprise. He didn't expect that from someone like Dylan. 'You do.'

Dylan shrugged. 'Everyone does.'

'So who's the lucky guy?'

'His name is Robert.'

Kurt tensed, the air was slammed out of his lungs, he let the shirt fall on the ground and stared at Dylan.

'What's wrong?' Dylan looks worried. 'You are looking like a ghost. Should I get Blaine?'

'No.... Dylan, how does he look like?'

'Blond hair, gelled hair back a little bit like Blaine, he looks at you like you're the most pressure thing in the world. He has a nice ass.'

Kurt recognized that Dylan was talking about the same guy he met at his dad's wedding. 'You can't go out with this guy, Dylan.'

'What? Why not? He likes me.'

'After one date? That should put you off. He's dangerous. I met the same guy at the wedding. He put some spell on me, I couldn't move. Blaine was there just in time.' Kurt explained calm but his heart was racing. Something about that name put him off.

'oh come on, Kurt, I didn't expect this from you. Your jealous!' Dylan looks angry.


'Yeah, because I'm stronger, I'm better looking. You can't stand that I found finally a guy who likes me.'

'They're other guys.' Like Sebastian.

'Oh yeah? Maybe for you. Everybody seems to crawl for you. Well I'm not doing that! I'm going out with this guy tonight. I don't care if you like it or not!' And Dylan stormed off.

At the same moment Blaine came out of the shower with only a towel on his waist. 'What did you two fight over this time?'

'We need Sebastian!' Kurt stormed outside.

Blaine sighs. But I wanted sex.


'Why am I doing this?' Sebastian asks while Kurt dressed him up. Blaine jealousy glaring at the two, while eating a sandwich.

'Because you like Dylan.'

'Am not.'

'You are.'

'Come on, Kurt, this is ridiculous.'

'I agree!' Blaine said.

'It's not.' Both alpha's stared at him. 'Okay, listen this is a emergency. Dylan has a date...'

Sebastian turned. 'What?! With who? What's the losers name?!'

Kurt raised his eyebrow at Sebastian explosion but smiled. 'You like him.'


'Why do you want to know the guys name if you don't like him?' Kurt pointed out.

Sebastian blushed. 'Aw damn it!'

'Sebastian you really like him don't you? You admit it. So tell me. Since when did you start liking Dylan?' Kurt asks curious, tried to stay calm about his discovery.

'Shut up, I just.....' Sebastian tried to hide his blush with his hands. 'Just help me get through this. I've never been on a date. What do I say?'

'Just ask him if he want to go out with you,' Kurt reached for the roses. 'don't forget this. Dylan loves romance. If you keep your clothes on for the night.'

'What? No sex?' Sebastian looks shocked.

'No, keep everything locked up in your pants!' Kurt stepped back to admire his work. Sebastian really looked good in his suit. 'You just going to ask about his interest with a romantic dinner at Breadsticks.'

'Eh... one question!'

'why this suit? I look like a monkey!' Sebastian whined looking into the mirror.

Kurt sighs. 'You aren't the most reliable as it comes to serious relationships, Sebastian. A suit means that you're serious about this. That's why they wear suits on weddings.' Blaine coughs and nearly choked on his sandwich. Kurt ignored him. 'Just make sure Dylan isn't going out with Robert tonight. Go get him, tiger.' He walked to the door pulling Sebastian with him.

Sebastian sighs nervously and walked towards Jane's cabin, where Dylan lives.


'Finally alone!!!' Blaine pulls Kurt close, kissed him and walked him back to their bed. 'Damn I thought he would never leave!' He pushed Kurt down gently and moved on top. He pinned Kurt's arms above his head and that's when he saw the letter hiding under the pillow. He grabs it. 'What's this? Why do you still have the VOGUE letter? I thought Isabel took care of everything.'

Kurt sighs. More trouble. 'She has. I hide it there for me...'

Blaine stood up. 'What? You want back to New York?'

'I need money to rebuild my shop...'

'If this is about money... My pack can rebuild the shop for you. Money isn't the issue here, Kurt. You know that my pack would do that for you.'

'Can your pack make magically windows?' Kurt said. 'This isn't about the money.... It's Adam...' Blaine narrowed his eyes and Kurt could feel the rage racing trough his mates body. But it was time for the truth. 'Don't act like this, Blaine. He's my friend and he was there for me after I got bullied, he saved me. Without him... He going through a hard time now I want to be there for him. His mate unmated him and left him..'

'Wait, what?' Blaine couldn't held back a laugh. 'Kurt, babe, unmating doesn't exist. You know mating is for live right? There is no way you can back out of a Mating. The only way is to die.' He saw Kurt's shocked face, he want to grab his hands but Kurt pulled back.

'What? Why would Adam say it then?' Kurt's voice sounded high and hurt. 'Why would he lie?'

Blaine shrugged. 'I don't know.'

'Maybe it's a new thing.'

Blaine rolled his eyes annoyed. 'Why do you refuse to believe me?'

'I do believe you, I just don't understand. Adam never lies. He's a worse liar than me.'

'Well, maybe it's because he wants you there with him. He wants you all by his own, in hope he can seduce you. Away from me.'

Kurt glared. 'Don't be stupid, Adam is my friend.'

'With more motives than you think.' Blaine still remembers the look in Adam's eyes when he glanced at Kurt. Full of lust. 'Think about it, why would he lie? He probably suggested that you come over to New York already...'

Kurt tensed. 'Adam suggested that I'm celebrate Christmas with him in New York.'

Blaine growls. 'That's it. He wants you with Christmas, so he can win your heart with romantic cheesy songs and candle lights.'

'Stop saying that, Blaine!' Kurt jumped up in anger. 'Adam and I are just friends. He never made a move on me or even looked at me that way. Why can't two gay guys be best friends without sex?'

'I'm just stating what I saw when he was here last year,' Blaine said. 'I wouldn't be surprised if he set this whole VOGUE thing up to get you sooner.'

'Don't act like you know Adam. He would never do something like this.' Kurt was shaking with anger. 'He's my only friend I have left from New York. He has probably a good reason for making up the 'unmating' thing. I can't believe how can you even accuse him for the things that are going on with VOGUE?'

'That's because you are blinded by your nature. You always want to be the nice guy, Kurt! You only see the best in people that you don't see the real person anymore!!' Blaine raised his voice.

'I'm sorry that I try to see the good in this godforsaken world!' Kurt yelled. His eyes glowing. He was on this point of morphing, run away and just never look back. But then they heard a scream.

They ran outside, to the noise. Dylan lay on the ground, grabbing his face and screaming 'My Eye!' Next to him laid the roses on the ground. Sebastian stood there helpless.

'What happened?' Kurt asks, while Blaine tried to look at Dylan's eye.

'I just....,' Sebastian blushes. 'I... accidently threw the roses in his face.'

Blaine send two guys away to get Santana, he carried Dylan inside the cabin.

'Accidently? How?' Kurt gasped.

'I... I was so nervous Kurt,' Sebastian grabs Kurt's sleeves and looked desperate. 'It was horrible. I knocked... he opened. Dylan looked amazing, he didn't wear a shirt, I was so distracted. When he spoke up I panicked and threw the flowers in his face... Well did I know that the roses still had thorns on them, right? It wasn't my fault.'

Kurt glared. 'He could be blind now, Sebastian! How can you do this?' He turned around and walked into the cabin.

'At least his date with Robert isn't going to happen!' Sebastian mumbles, he sighs and walked away. Why did he screw his one change on happiness up? His dad was right, he was useless.


Santana came and healed Dylan as best as she could for now. Eyes weren't her specialty and she didn't know if Dylan could ever see again with his right eye. Dylan was in a rage and Jane stayed at his side to keep him calm. Nobody saw Sebastian. That was a good thing because Blaine couldn't deal with Sebastian right now. He probably blinded their best fighter for the rest of his life.

Blaine came back when it was dark and late. He saw Kurt lying in bed with his back towards him. He know he wasn't asleep. Blaine undressed and climbed in bed. 'Babe?'

'I'm not in the mood, right now, Blaine,' Kurt whispers, his voice sound thick. Like he had been crying.

'I hate to see you sad, let's talk,' Blaine said.

'I'm fine, just leave me for a moment. I need to think.'

'If you want to go to New York, you should go. I don't want to see you un happy because of me.'

Kurt turned, his eyes still red and puffy. 'I don't want to go to New York because it's New York. I wanted to help me friend. But in my book friends don't lie to each other.' Blaine looked at him. 'I'm gonna talk about this with Adam.' Kurt stared at Blaine and gave him quickly a soft kiss. 'I don't want to go because I want to stay with the love of my life. Do you see the difference? Maybe I NEED to go to New York for the money and to help a friend, but I don't WANT to go.'

'You didn't even doubt it for a second to move back because you want it?' Blaine asks.

'I did, for one second,' Kurt admitted. 'But I've been there and to be honest, my whole year in New York sucked without you. It was horrible. You make me happy, not New York.' He yawned. 'Let's sleep I'm so tired.' He turned his back and pulled up the blankets.

Blaine stroked his arm. Now everything was okay he could try...

'No! Blaine! Not tonight!' Kurt warned.

'But you're so beautiful, it's impossible to keep my hand of off you!' Blaine whined.

Kurt tries to hide his smile and blush. He needed to be firm right now, Blaine did deserve punishment for what he was saying about Adam. Kurt got up. 'Hands above your head, sweetheart.'

Blaine did instantly what Kurt said, when Kurt grabbed some handcuffs out of the drawer, he got insanely hard. 'I didn't know you were into these things.'

Kurt cuffed Blaine to the headboard and made sure he couldn't get out of it. Silver handcuffs. His dad gave it to him for protection, he didn't need to know you could use handcuffs for other things. Kurt smiled down at Blaine, who licked his lips. 'I am not into these kind of things.' And Kurt laid back on his place.

'What?' Blaine looked at him in shock. 'You can't just leave me.' He shackled on the handcuffs. It was no use, he couldn't break out. 'I need release, Kurt, I might explode!'

'use your hands.... Oops... I forgot!' Kurt teased.

Blaine glared. 'What if I need to pee?'

But Kurt didn't answer anymore.


Blaine woke up with pain in his arms, he didn't move the whole night and he needed to pee. He looked beside him were Kurt was still asleep. He couldn't help but smile, his mate was adorable when he slept. Blaine saw on the alarm clock that it was 6 am. He gently started to poke Kurt with his feet. 'Kurt! Babe, wake up!' He pushed harder, till Kurt slowly opened his eyes. 'I need to pee, Kurt. Please, care to set me free?'

Kurt yawned, grabs the key and leaned in to free Blaine. Blaine's long curls hang wild for his eyes, his gold eyes roaming over Kurt's body. 'You know, it's a shame that you need to pee.' He gave a soft kiss on Blaine's lips. 'Because I'm so turned on right now.' He winked and set Blaine free.

Blaine instantly took over, grabs Kurt, flipped them over and kissed him hard and needy back. Kurt giggled. 'I thought you needed to use the bathroom?'

'That can wait. I've waited for this for hours,' Blaine quickly removed Kurt's clothes. He finally had Kurt freed of his layers of clothes, when they heard loud knocks on their door. 'You've got to be kidding me.'

'Let them! They'll be back later if it's really important. It's too early anyway,' Kurt pulled Blaine back in his arms.

'Blaine!!!' Wes' voice. 'Blaine! Open up! This is important!'

'Damn it!' Blaine stood up. 'Sorry babe, this won't take long.' Kurt nods, Blaine grabs a pants and ran towards the door. He opened the door just to stand eye in eye to Wes. 'Wes, what's going on?'

Blaine saw the tears in his friends eyes, the sweat, he was shaken. That's weird, Wes never cried, in all the years he knows Wes he never saw him cry.

'It's....' Wes sniffs. ' David and Jessica.... They're dead!'


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