Sept. 5, 2013, 11:42 p.m.
Sept. 5, 2013, 11:42 p.m.
Blaine dressed in his best outfit and put on a bowtie. He gelled his hair neatly back, he was determent to make a good impression on Burt. Kurt called Finn to meet them at their house to pick Burt and Carole up at the airport. They were on their way to the airport, Finn drove, Kurt was next to him and Blaine sat in the back seat.
'Do you think he's okay?' Finn pointed to the backseat. Kurt turned his head and saw Blaine's ass in the air searching under his seat.
Blaine looked up. 'What?'
'What are you doing?'
'Looking for the gun of course. I don't know about you but I don't want to be shot!'
'You aren't going to be shot, I'll protect you.'
Blaine snorted and Kurt glared. 'It's not that, babe, but it's my job to protect you.'
'No it 's not, I already told you I don't need protection I need a boyfriend who's alive. We survived Pete, we also can survive my dad.' Kurt reached out to grab his hand. 'I'm sure my dad is gonna be fine with us. He know I returned because of you.'
'You did?'
'I told you.'
Blaine leaned in and kissed Kurt deeply. Finn coughs. 'If you're gonna make out, please warn me so I can stop the car and run away.' Kurt and Blaine scowled. 'I don't care okay, I just don't need to see it.'
Blaine leaned back and Kurt searched his phone for any messages. It was all Adam but about that he can't wait till December and If Kurt can't come sooner? Kurt sighs, he needed to talk to Blaine about Adam. He'll do it as soon as they're alone. He felt sorry for his friend. A unmating must be painful, he couldn't imagine a life without Blaine.
'I found it!!' Blaine grabs a gun under the backseat. 'Damn, Kurt, you're dad is maybe a good sheriff but he's rubbish at hiding his guns.' He made sure the gun was secured and hide it in his pocket. He leaned back relaxed. He was gonna survive this day without a gunshot in his leg. He looked at Kurt who was just shaking his head. 'What?'
'I thought I was the drama queen in this relationship, but you're worse.' Kurt laughs. Blaine pouted. 'You really need to stop the puppy look, it's too cute.'
They arrived at the airport, Finn parked the car and waited at the gates. Kurt wanted to buy some flowers for his dad at the local shop. Blaine was still nervous but all the people at the airport were a distracting. Especially the man. All the man who wanted to steal Kurt away from him. His instincts kicked in and he didn't want to let go of Kurt's hand and he growled at everyone who was watching him.
'You know, you didn't have to choke me with your tongue, that poor salesman almost called 911,' Kurt said walking out of the shop with a bucket of roses.
'He was staring at your ass! Why is it so hard to understand that you're mine?' Blaine pulled him closer. 'It's too busy here anyway. Maybe we should wait in the car.'
Kurt rolled his eyes, he know Blaine acted this way because the claiming wasn't completed yet. But it was annoying and maybe they could pas forward the claiming with their blood. He couldn't wait to wear Blaine's Mark, he didn't want to wait another week. 'Don't be silly I haven't seen my dad in two months.'
'Kurt!' Finn yelled and he turned to see Burt and Carole standing with their suitcases at the gate.
Kurt ran towards his dad and hugged him tightly. Gosh how much he had missed his dad. He had to admit that he was hesitated about his dad coming back with all the murders going on. He wanted his dad out of the fire line. But it was good to hold him again. 'I missed you dad.'
'missed you too, Kurt.' Burt let go and hold him on a arm length. 'You look good.'
'I feel good, actually feel better than in a long time.' That was true. Kurt hugged Carole quickly and turned to Blaine. 'Dad, Carole, Blaine and I are back together.'
Burt and Carole both stared at Blaine. Who shifted uncomfortable and opened his mouth. 'Yes we are...'
Not yet! Kurt grabs his hand quickly and looked firm. He know how Blaine act when he was nervous.
'Well if you're happy, we are, as long as you'll be doing it slowly,' Burt said.
'We are!' Kurt glared at Finn who opened his mouth confused but closet it again. 'Let's go home, I'll be cooking dinner.'
'I missed your lasagna,' Burt admitted.
They walked to the car, stepped in and drove off.
'So uh Burt, I heard you had a gun in here,' Blaine said, trying to not freak out about that he find the gun.
Burt laughs. 'A gun? Just one gun, Blaine? No I've hidden three guns in my car.'
'Three?' Blaine looked at Kurt in shock.
Carole laughs. 'Don't let him fool you, Blaine, he's just joking.' Blaine relaxed. 'He has 7 hidden.'
Blaine tensed. 'seven?'
'Yeah I'm not stupid, if we need to hide for danger we can do it in the car,' Burt smiled. 'I'm keeping my family safe.'
Blaine looked at Kurt in shock, he felt a panic coming up. Kurt grabs his hand and squeezed it gently. Don't freak out, we can do it together.
Blaine just squeezed back. He couldn't wait to get home, safe with his pack.
Burt and Carole took a long shower while Kurt made dinner, Blaine put the dishes on table and Finn was texting with Rachel. 'Any news?' Kurt asks when he saw Finn looking at his phone for the 50th time.
'Well, Rachel found three dead bodies, not one single drupple blood in their body. She thinks that vampires did this.'
'If we do nothing about it we'll have nobody left in this town,' Kurt sighs. 'What's the use of doing that? Mike and Tina survive without human blood...'
'They aren't here for politely manners, Kurt, I think Alistair has found them,' Blaine said. 'He's coming closer, I just hope we're ready for them.'
'Maybe we could hide Tina and Mike in our pack, it would be saver for Melanie. We can ask Mike's help how to defeat a vampire.'
'I'm not letting them in my pack, if Alistair is here I'm not putting my pack in danger for a few vampires.'
'They're my friends, Blaine.'
'No, Kurt, I'm serious about this. My pack is my family, my friends. I'm not sacrificing them.'
'So we do nothing?'
'If they're coming we will defend us, that's all. And you aren't going to fight for them either.'
'Hell I 'm. I can't let them down.' Kurt stared angry.
'eh.... I don't think you'll know how serious this is guys,' Finn spoke up and they both looked at him. 'We have demons, dark witches AND vampires. We need to prepare for a war to defend our loved ones. I agree with Kurt, Mike can learn us to fight against Vampires and we should pray that Santana finds a way to defeat demons. We can't just sit around and wait.'
'Wait for what?' Burt walked in the kitchen with Carole by his side.
'Eh... food is ready,' Kurt grabs the lasagna and placed it on table. He didn't want his dad to know what's going on yet, he just want a carefree evening with his family.
'Everything okay?' Burt asked not giving up easy.
'Yes, just sit down and let's enjoy my home made lasagna,' Kurt said, his voice higher than normal. They sat down and ate in silence for awhile.
'So this house looked empty,' Carole broke the silence. 'Where are all your stuff? Your rooms are empty.' She looked at Finn and Kurt.
'Eh... I'm staying with Puck for awhile,' Finn said. 'We become great friends and with the murders going on I felt safer.'
'Murders?' Burt ask. 'Something more happened?'
'You told me if we didn't feel safe that we could move in with Blaine's pack. I'm... living with Blaine now.' Kurt said trying to stay calm.
Burt thought about that. 'Okay I almost forgot that I told you that. But I'm here now, so you can both get your stuff and move back in.'
Blaine looked at Kurt and then at Burt, Kurt just shook his head. 'Dad, I'm living with Blaine and we're fine. I want to stay with him.'
Burt looked like he just slapped him in the face and Kurt looked down. It broke his heart to see his dad hurt. 'What? Kurt, you're 18!'
'I'm almost 19!'
'In two months! How long are you two together? A month? You should wait a few years to moving in together! Your way to young for this!'
'No, I'm ready for this! I want this!'
'That's ridiculous! What's next? A Mating? A freaking wedding?!'
There fell a deathly silence. Finn couldn't hold it, grabs his steak and put in into his mouth. His eyes back and forth between Kurt, Burt and Blaine.
Burt froze, his eyes wide when he saw Kurt's blush. 'tell me you didn't!' his face red with anger. 'You two are Mated!'
Kurt nods silently, he grabs Blaine's hand under the table for some comfort. They didn't look at each other tough.
'For how long?' Burt asked softly.
'Two days now.'
'Don't be mad, dad.'
'Don't be mad?' Burt jumped up and his chair fell to the ground. 'I'm freaking in a rage. How can you do that to me? To us? I taught you better than this, Kurt. I thought you wanted a future in the design business. '
'He still can do that, I'm letting him free to follow his dreams,' Blaine said.
Burt ignored him. 'You're too young, Kurt.'
'Stop saying that! I'm not too young. Most Omega's get Mated when they're sixteen. Don't be mad but be happy instead. Be happy I survived this long without being forced into a Mating. Be happy I found my true love and be happy I want to build a future here, with my family and Blaine. Be happy that I choose the right wolf. I know you don't like Alpha's because what happened to mom. But you know that Blaine is a good Alpha, he loves me and I love him. You know I came back for him and you need to let me go.' Burt looked down and Kurt walked over, both with tears in their eyes. 'You and Blaine are the most important people in my life, dad, I need you both. It would mean a lot if you could accept him.'
Burt looked at him. Kurt was right, he was changed and not the little boy anymore. He really looked happy with Blaine. 'Are you happy?'
Kurt nods. 'I already said that. I never be so happy in my life. Blaine is my soul mate. My Omega is finally at rest and living in a pack isn't that bad.'
Burt nods. 'You look good.' He looks at Blaine who bit his lip nervously. 'You better take care of my son, I know where to find you.'
'I'm allowed to threaten my future son in law,' Burt winked playfully at Blaine and sat down.
'Future son in law?' Blaine raised his eyebrows.
Burt laughs. 'For sure. Kurt is planning his wedding since he was 7. There is no turning back now!'
Kurt smiled, finally this issue with Blaine and his dad was solved. Blaine looked at Kurt. 'You want a wedding?'
Kurt rolled his eyes. 'Of course I want to get married. It makes everything complete to me. Besides you'll be hot in a suit.' He winked. Blaine smiled but his mind was going crazy, because the truth was: he didn't want to get married.
They stayed a few more hours before they headed back to the pack. They morph back when the village was in sight.
'Are you okay? You've been quit all day,' Kurt looked worried.
'I'm fine,' Blaine lied. 'It's just the vampire thing...'
'don't worry okay, we just need to speak to all packs and Tina and Mike... We'll see what's next...' Kurt turned and stopped in front of Blaine. 'Our next step. Quinn and Mercedes told me about Claiming week. But I want my Mark sooner. I've waited a year, I can't wait any longer. I want to do the blood Mark.'
'You would?'
Kurt nods. 'I wasn't kidding about spending my life with you. So just let's get to our cabin.' He grabs his hand and pulled but Blaine didn't move. 'What's wrong?'
Blaine sighs. 'I don't want to get married.'
'what?' Kurt felt like Blaine just ripped his heart out and stamped on it.
'I- I just don't think it's needed. We already are Mated for life. We don't need a... wedding to proof our love. A wolf never married. We just... don't think it's necessary.' Blaine regretted his words when he saw the look on Kurt's face. Kurt looked devastated. 'don't be mad at me, it's just how we live and think...'
'But... I want to get married some day. I don't say it has to be today. I don't care about the traditions of what a wolf is supposed to do... I just dreamed of my own wedding day since I was a baby.' Kurt turned and walked back to the village without a word.
'Kurt, don't be mad at me. I just tell you how I feel.'
'No, you don't! I told you how I felt, but you always tell me how the pack feels, not how you feel about certain things. It makes you a great Alpha but as Mate it just sucks.'
They reached the cabin and saw a annoyed Dylan, Nick and Jeff and a strange blond guy standing for their house. 'Guess who's here?' Jeff points and Blaine tensed up.
'Blaine! You look good!' the blond guy ran towards him and gave him a big kiss on his mouth. The blond guy let go, smiled looked at Kurt who was dead glaring him the best way he could. If looks could kill the stranger was 10 times dead by now. 'Damn! Is this him? He's beautiful, Blaine!' He ran towards Kurt to do the same but he was hold back by his collar.
Blaine pulled him back. 'Only a handshake is enough, Jeremiah. One inappropriate move and I'll kill you!'
Jeremiah laughs but when he saw Blaine's face he swallowed. 'Jeez Blaine, you don't need to be so tense. I just wanted to greet him.'
'I know how you greet people.'
Jeremiah shook Kurt's hand who just looked at him in disgust. 'I'm Jeremiah... I'm a friend of Blaine, he asked me to help you.' Kurt just stared. He really wanted to punch the shit out of this guy for kissing Blaine. 'He's beautiful but he doesn't speak much eh...' Jeremiah looked at Blaine, who shrugged and turned his head, he gasped because Kurt was inches away from his head. His blue eyes glowing, if it wasn't filled with anger it would be the most beautiful thing Jeremiah ever saw.
'I can speak fine! If you ever kiss Blaine again, the only thing you'll be touching is the ground! I may be pretty but I ain't dumb, don't even touch Blaine or you'll be a dead man I can promise you that.' Kurt walked past the shocked Nick, Jeff, Dylan, Blaine and Jeremiah. 'Shall we begin? The sooner this is over the sooner Blaine and I can have hot sex.' He turned in the doorstep. 'I want Blaine to scream my name so he won't forget who he belonged too as soon as possible so hurry up.' And he walked inside.
'Why am I so turned on right now?' Jeff said.
'I don't know but jealous Kurt is the hottest thing I've ever seen,' Nick said.
'He's mine, don't forget that,' Blaine growls. Jealous Kurt was the hottest thing he ever saw, he was so hard right now. He tried to cover up his erection with his shirt and followed Kurt quickly inside.
When they all sat down Kurt spoke up, leaning against the wall, away from Blaine's lust full eyes. 'What did you find out? Who signed me up?'
'You did,' Jeremiah said calm.
'What? No I'm not. That's the whole point. I didn't, it was your job to find out who and how.'
'Yes but unless you cloned yourself you did it.'
Kurt glared and Blaine spoke up. 'Explain, Jeremiah. What's going on?'
'I couldn't find anything. I hacked your email, your password was too easy.'
'What was it?' Jeff asked curious.
'Hummel Anderson,' Jeremiah said. 'I found out that you did send a mail a few weeks back where you asked for a job. You begged.'
'I'll never beg,' Kurt said.
Jeremiah looked at him and shrugged. 'Now I met you, you don't look the type to do that. The email was send from your account it isn't hard to hack that but why would someone hack your account to send a letter to VOGUE? Hackers want to put a virus In your laptop or steal money. They didn't. The letter looks official so there is no way you can back out of it without being sued to court.'
'Do you think it's someone Supernatural who's behind this?' Dylan asks.
Jeremiah shook his head. 'Nothing Supernatural going on. No magic involved. I'm guessing it's someone you know, someone closer than you think... Do you know someone who doesn't want you here?'
Kurt shook his head. 'Everybody was supportive of my decision to go back to Lima. I don't understand why someone would do this.' He sat down, defeated. He was forced to go back to New York in September, another year apart from Blaine.
'We'll find out, Kurt,' Blaine reached out to his hand and tangled their fingers together. 'Try talking to Isabel about your contract. She will understand that this is some sick joke.'
'I can try. It isn't easy to get her on the phone. Maybe I can call Adam who can tell Isabel that I want to speak to her.'
'My job is done,' Jeremiah said, he stands up. 'I can't tell you more than I found out which is not much. Whoever is behind this is really smart, just be careful everyone.' He hugged Dylan, Nick and Jeff. Kurt glared at him when he approached Blaine and he just shook his hand, he turned to Kurt. 'I'm sorry about earlier. It's just one of my power.'
'What to kiss other ones mates?'
'No when I make contact I can see everything about them their memories and their faults,' Jeremiah said. He shook Kurt's hand and opened the door just to bump into Wes and Sebastian.
Sebastian looked like he had been through hell, shattered clothes, blood on his face, a thick blue eye. 'Did someone miss me?'
Kurt jumped up and pulled him in a hug. 'Sebastian, thank god you're okay. I thought you were dead.'
Sebastian rolled his eyes. 'Geez thanks for believing in me.'
'What happened?'
'I...' Sebastian saw Jeremiah kiss Wes full on the mouth. 'Who's he? Why is he licking Wes' face?'
Jeremiah licked his lips. 'I'm Jeremiah...' he looked at Sebastian's lips and leaned in.
Sebastian grabs his throat. 'If you ever touch me, I will rip of your balls, cook them and feed them to you.'
Jeremiah swallowed. 'I just...'
'Just go!'
Jeremiah ran to the door and disappeared. Sebastian sat down on the couch with a loud poof.
'Where have you been?' Kurt asks, sitting next to him.
'I've found him in a tree,' Wes explained. 'he was beat up, I thought he was dead.'
'Well, be lucky I am not, I have some interesting information,' Sebastian said.
'What information?' Blaine asks curious.
'Maybe you noticed that....' Sebastian froze and glanced at Kurt and Blaine. 'You two did it! You're mated! Damn it, Hummel I thought it would never happen...'
'What, why not?' Kurt asks offended.
'well, you're a blushing virgin I thought you would never give that up.'
'Can we get to the point?' Blaine growls inpatient.
'Oh right, easy. If you weren't so busy fucking each other you maybe noticed that the alpha's where out of control with the full moon. I was in the woods that night, trying my luck to found a Mate for the 1000th time.' Sebastian looks sad. 'When I run into a group of Alpha's. They told me that they are working together to survive.'
'A group of Alpha's? That never happens,' Nick said. 'It always ends In a blood bath.'
'It did, but let me tell my story. I've been through hell and back and I'm not letting someone else spoil the end.' Sebastian glared at him and Nick closet his mouth. 'So I asked them how they ended up together. And now it comes... All their pack members are killed in a attack with black shadows.'
'Sssh,' Sebastian hissed. 'The black shadows came out of nowhere and killed everyone within seconds. Only these Alpha's could escape just in time. There were 8 of them, so 8 whole packs are destroyed. They said they were in the beginning with 13, this means that the others are killed by them.'
'Why? I thought they made a Pac?' Kurt ask.
'Well Alpha's don't really have rules, if they find someone annoying they just kill him.'
'What are their plans, are they coming this way?' Blaine asks.
'No they want to get out of here,' Sebastian said. 'They think we're the next target.'
Wes tensed. 'We need to prepare for a war.'
'That's useless,' Sebastian said. 'The Alpha's described the shadows. The shadows were coming out of the bodies and a second later your dead. It's useless to fight it, there is no cure against it.'
'Maybe Santana knows what it is.' Kurt said.
'Jeff, Nick, go to Santana and tell what Sebastian's told us,' Blaine commanded. 'We are protected against black magic so if it's magic we are safe but we can't take chances.' Nick and Jeff nodded and left. There fell a silence. 'We'll need to rest. It's been a long day. Go to your cabins and sleep. Something is telling me we'll be getting a hard time and we can use all our strength.'
Soon Kurt and Blaine were alone, they showered separated in silence. Not sure what they felt and what to say. Blaine came out of the shower when he saw Kurt sitting on their bed. He didn't know if Kurt was mad, disappointed, afraid. A lot has happened in 24 hours, they survived Burt, Jeremiah kissed him, Kurt's VOGUE was still a mystery, and then Sebastian's bad news. Blaine laid down naked on bed. He didn't believe in evil powers concentrating on one thing but he started to believe that his relationship with Kurt was cursed. More problems were building up, more danger, more enemy's. Why couldn't they be happy like a normal couple?
'I'm sorry.' Kurt spoke softly. Blaine turned his head.
'I'm sorry for my selfish behavior. I never asked what you wanted, I only thought about myself. That wedding... it can be stolen, I don't care. What's most important is that we have each other. I'll will try calling Isabel tomorrow but if this doesn't work...' Kurt pulled Blaine's hand in his. '.. that means I need to return to New York for another year.. I don't want that. I don't want to be separated from you... I'm sorry.'
'We figure something out about New York, it's gonna be okay.'
You know I can hear you. Kurt glared.
Blaine sighs. 'I just don't know what's going on, Kurt. I don't want to lose you again.'
'You aren't gonna lose me. I'm not going to New York. I can pay for a lawyer if necessary. You didn't stop believe in us right?' Kurt bit his lip nervously.
'Of course not, it's just... after everything what we've been through it's like we don't deserve to be together and be happy for once. We finally are together and now this shit happens. When is it over? When are we gonna be happy?'
'After all this. At the end. We need to stick together. We are gonna go through this together. If we can't even trust each other, who can we trust?'
Blaine pulled Kurt close. 'You're right, I'm sorry. I'm just stressed out about everything. I feel helpless. I want to know what's going on and how we can fight it. This is taking too long.'
'don't blame yourself,' Kurt laid his head on Blaine's chest and listened to his calm heartbeat. 'You always wants to play the hero. It gets you killed someday. I can't live without you, your mother is strong but I'm not that strong.'
'Well lucky for you I'm not gonna die.'
Kurt sat up. 'Okay honest hour, let's talk everything out right now.'
'I thought we talked about the wedding thing already,' Blaine looked confused.
'No this is about something else.' Kurt bit his lip and Blaine knew he always did that when he was nervous so he waited until Kurt would tell what's up. 'What's going on between Jeremiah and you?'
'well I know you had a crush on him, he's handsome. And he just kissed you, it isn't weird that I'm asking that?'
'Are you jealous?'
Blaine sighs. 'Nothing. It was a stupid crush years ago and Jeremiah explained how his powers worked.'
'That's it?' Kurt narrowed his eyes and Blaine nods quickly. 'Okay then.' Kurt stood up, grabs his neatly folded clothes and throws them in the suitcase.
'What are you doing?'
'What do you think I'm doing? I know you're lying to me so I'm gonna leave.' Kurt blinked back his tears. He was hurt that Blaine couldn't even trust him to tell him the truth. 'My dad would be proud that we fucked it up after two fucking days.'
'But I'm telling the truth,' Blaine stood up and quickly pulled the clothes out of Kurt's hands. Kurt glared. 'Okay, sit down!' Kurt sat down. 'Jeremiah and I, we experimented together...'
'With what?' Kurt asks but he knew the answer and he felt like his heart was being ripped out. The idea that Blaine was with another man before him was hard.
Blaine hesitated. 'Please keep in mind that I was 14. I was curious to sex.'
'What did you do?'
'Just the little things, blowjobs, hand jobs, we never did go all the way. He had broken up with me after weeks so... nothing really happened.'
Kurt closed his eyes to progress this information. He felt a hand lifting his chin. 'It didn't mean anything, Kurt. Jeremiah means nothing to me compared to you. You're the one, I choose you and you are the only one I ever want to experience more.'
'You mean that?' Kurt looked up at Blaine golden eyes, Blaine nodded. 'No wonder you are so good in sex. What about Dylan? Don't look innocent, he slept in your bed.'
'Yeah, slept, we did nothing. I don't even feel attracted to him. We played pretend for the pack. But we really didn't do anything, not even kiss.'
Kurt sighs and unloaded his suitcases again. 'We really need to change everything, I need a bigger closet to hang my clothes.'
Blaine leaned back on bed. 'so everything is okay between us?'
'yes, we're fine. Just no more secrets. If we can't be honest with each other, with who can we be honest?' Kurt climbed back in bed. 'don't worry about me being a wedding bridezilla. That won't happen. I want to get married but we have more important things to do. We need to survive first.' He turned around, his back at Blaine and didn't move.
Blaine waited and waited. But when Kurt didn't react after a half hour he got restless. 'Eh, Kurt?'
Kurt hummed tiredly. 'What?'
'You did promise me something.'
'What?' Kurt turned his head.
'Well I thought you said to almost everybody that you're gonna let me scream your name tonight.' Blaine's voice soft and lustful. Kurt saw the lust in Blaine's eyes and tried to hide his growing erection.
'Nah, I'm not in the mood.' Kurt turned back.
'Really?' Blaine moved closer. 'Because I can feel the heat rolling of your body, You are full hard.'
'Aw damn it!' Kurt cursed. 'Sometimes I hate this new bond.'
Blaine smiled, kissed him and moved back. 'Okay, no sex tonight.' He crawled under the blanket and closed his eyes.
'But..... now I need release!' Kurt whined.
Blaine shrugged. 'You wanted this. Go to sleep..'
Kurt crawled under the blanket and reached for Blaine's dick. When he found him he started stroking, Blaine groaned. 'I want something else now....' When Blaine still didn't gave in, he moved closer and whispers in his ear. 'You're Omega needs you to claim him... come on... Please?'
Blaine turned quickly and straddled Kurt instantly. Kurt squealed surprised. Blaine gave him a deep long kiss, his hands slowly unbuttoning Kurt's PJ's. Kurt grabs Blaine's longer curls and deepened the kiss more. Blaine finally reached the last button and pulled the top of just to found out that Kurt has another shirt under it. 'Damn it!' He almost ripped the shirt impatiently off. He couldn't hide his disappointment when he saw another top under the shirt. 'Damn, Kurt, how many layers are you wearing? It's like 30 degrees outside!'
Kurt smiled. 'It's fashion, I like my layers. Besides I like to see if you want to get through all the layers for my body.' He winked. 'You have four layers to go.'
Blaine growls, gave Kurt another kiss and started to work on the other layers. He almost wanted to squeal when he saw Kurt's beautiful pale naked chest. 'You don't need all the layers you know. You're beautiful without clothes.' Kurt blushes. 'I think this is gonna be our new fashion.'
Blaine worked his way down and placed small kisses over Kurt chest. He pulled down the pants Kurt was wearing, Kurt lift his hips so it could go quicker. 'I expected a second pants under this one. I'm disappointed.' He laughs when Kurt glared at him. Blaine removed Kurt's underwear. Blaine took Kurt's dick into his mouth and quickly picked up a rhythm. But he knew they were both close already do he pulled off, Kurt whined at the lost and tried to pull Blaine back. 'Don't worry, I'll take care of you.'
Blaine turned Kurt quickly on his stomach. What are you doing? Kurt struggled against the new position, he loved having eye contact during sex.
Claiming you properly, now stay still. Blaine bit down Kurt's neck and the Omega submitted immediately. He circled his finger around Kurt's hole and pushed a finger inside, when Kurt reacted at the touch, he moved and pushed another finger in.
Blaine slowly pushed in and waited for a sign. When Kurt pushed back so Blaine was even deeper inside, he started to move. He gently slid out and in. He moved smoothly, setting up a rhythm. Kurt couldn't speak and just moaned. He screamed when Blaine hit his prostate. Kurt didn't last long and the sight of Kurt falling apart sent Blaine over the edge and he came long and hard inside Kurt, filling him completely. He slowly pulled out and laid back next to Kurt.
'This was by far the best sex we ever had!'Kurt breathed and laid his head on Blaine's chest.
'I love you.'
'Love you too.'
The next morning Blaine let Kurt sleep, it was a busy night because the claiming was official began. Blaine took a quick shower and made his way over to Nick and Jeff to hear them out about Santana. They were both worried about Santana. Apparently she freaked out and kept screaming 'what do you all want from me? I can't fight them on my own!' and she kicked them out.
'Maybe you should let Kurt talk to her,' Nick suggested.
'Why?' Blaine didn't want Kurt in that kind of vibe if Santana acted this way.
'She misses Brittany and Kurt is the only one she likes besides Brittany,' Jeff explained calmly.
'Maybe. I just let her cool off for awhile and Kurt and I will be going to see her. Together.' Blaine tried to hide the possessiveness but Nick and Jeff smirked.
After the small visit Blaine went to his mother. Jane looked happy and she was eating with Dylan. She told Blaine that she was happy that he finally got his head out of his ass and that Kurt and he were finally together.
Blaine returned home just to find Kurt on the phone, probably with Isabel. He hang up when he saw Blaine. 'good news!'
'Isabel knows that I didn't sign any contract. She's not happy because now she needs to hire some intern who sucks. But I said that I want to stay here soo...' Kurt turned his phone off. 'No calls, no mails, no interruptions. I'm ready for round 3, 4, 5, 6.'
'That many?' Blaine laughs.
Kurt leaned back on bed and spread his legs. 'If you don't want it, Anderson. I'll ask...' He couldn't finish his sentence because Blaine gave him a kiss. Ready for the next round.
Not only Kurt got claimed the next few days but Blaine thought it would be useful if the whole cabin got used to their presence. Every room was used. They only stopped to sleep a few hours, eat, shower and Blaine visit his mother every day a hour while Kurt rest.
The morning after the last claim day, Kurt woke up. Blaine was still asleep. He always had low energy after sex. Kurt jumped out of bed and walked to the big mirror. He wanted to use the same mirrors in his shop. This day was important, he couldn't wait to see Blaine's Mark. After this everything will be perfect. He looked at his own reflection, his shoulder, his chest, his neck. NOTHING! His heart was beating in his throat. Where was the Mark? They did everything right. He panicked and ran towards the bed. 'Blaine!' He shook him awake.
Blaine opened his eyes slowly, he was still exhausted after the wild night he had. He groaned. 'What?'
'It's not there!' Kurt's voice was high and completely in panic, Blaine sat up.
'The mark. It's still not there. We've done everything! Why isn't it on my shoulder?' Kurt asked, trying to breath.
'Okay, calm down, babe, I'm sure it's nothing.'
'What's wrong with me? I had my Mark last year. So it couldn't be you, it's me.' Kurt tried to blink back his tears.
'Last year we tried the blood Mark, grab my knife and we try that,' Blaine said calm. Kurt turned around, looking into the lowest drawer. 'Eh... Kurt, look in the mirror...' Kurt looked confused but did what Blaine said. '... Turn around...' Kurt turned his back at the mirror ....
'You've got to be kidding me? I've got the mark on my ass?!'
Blaine laughs. Kurt glared. 'It looks beautiful on you. I think it's the right place, now everyone knows you're mine.'
Kurt sat back, turned Blaine rough on his stomach, throws away the blanket. 'Where is yours? It's not on your ass.'
Blaine groaned and turned back. Then Kurt saw it, Blaine's mark was on his shoulder. He pouted. 'I don't know why you're complaining you wanted the Mark desperately.'
'Says the guy who doesn't need to walk around with a butt Mark!' Kurt snarled.
Blaine pulled him closer. 'I know. But see it from the upside. You can wear fabulous summer clothes without the Mark ruining the outfit.'
Kurt's eyes lithe up. 'You're right! You know me so well, Blaine. Love you.' He kissed him but pulled away when Blaine wanted more. He jumped up. 'Can you imagine the mark ruining my outfits? It would be horror. Now let me get dressed....' Blaine pouted. 'Don't pout at me. I need to go check out my shop I haven't been there in a week, and I thought you wanted to hunt with Nick and Jeff?'
Blaine sighs. No sex this morning. Damn Nick and Jeff.
After breakfast they left the cabin. Two brown wolfs were waiting patiently for Blaine to join them on the hunt. 'Who are you taking to the shop? I don't want you to leave alone.'
'I asked Sebastian, he looks down lately and maybe some time together will cheer him up.'
Blaine growled. 'Not too close.'
Kurt ignored Blaine's jealousy and looked for Sebastian. And that when he saw it. Dylan was talking to a group of wolfs and Sebastian was leaning against a tree nearby. His eyes on Dylan's ass. 'No way!'
Blaine looked up. 'What's wrong?'
'Oh my fucking god, Blaine!' Kurt grabs Blaine's arm. 'Sebastian was looking at Dylan's ass.'
'What?' Blaine looked at Sebastian who was watching their conversation curiously now.
'I swear I just saw it.'
'don't get to exited, Sebastian stares at everyone's ass.'
'I know, but he stared longer than usual. Blaine, what if this could work out? What if we can bring Dylan and Sebastian together? Sebastian won't be so lonely anymore.'
'You forget one thing, babe, Sebastian isn't capable of love.'
'Everyone is. I need to bring Seblan together.'
'who's Seblan?'
'Their ship.'
Blaine sighs. 'I know you like Sebastian as a friend but to buy a whole ship for him.. we don't even have a boat.'
Kurt send him a glare. 'No, I'm not talking about a stupid boat. You really need to watch more TV. I've joined 20 fandoms, there is always a power couple and you ship them together.'
Blaine looked confused. 'Eh okay? What would our Ship name be?'
Kurt thought about it. 'Blurt?'
'Blurt? That's ridiculous.'
'I know I just ... I don't think we have a ship name. But I like Blaine and Kurt we don't need a name.'
The two wolfs paced impatiently and howled softly to their alpha. Blaine sighs and pulled Kurt close. 'I need to go, I hate to say goodbye.'
'I'll see you in a few hours,' Kurt gave Blaine a soft kiss. Blaine morphed and put his head against Kurt's hand for a cuddle.
'Sir I don't think dogs are allowed here, please keep him on a tight leash.' Sebastian came walking up. Blaine growled, turned and disappeared with Nick and Jeff. 'Ready?'
Kurt nodded. It was time for a good talk with Sebastian.