Will you be mine?
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Will you be mine?: Chapter 21

K - Words: 5,533 - Last Updated: Jul 10, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Apr 24, 2013 - Updated: Jul 10, 2013
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Joshua was nervous. He saw Blaine leaving two minutes ago. They needed to act fast. He was standing at the end of the street, making sure nobody saw them. The hunters will load Kurt in the van and than they were out of here. He was afraid that Blaine would suspect something and that he would turn and come back. Joshua has a shock Taser if it was necessary for self-defense. He was waiting for the sign to retrieve, the sign that said that they had Kurt.

'Well, well, look who we have here!' a teasing voice sounded and Joshua turned around. Sebastian looks at him with a wide smile.

Joshua glared. 'What are you doing here, Sebastian?'

'I can ask you the same question,' Sebastian snapped. 'Why are you pacing nervously around in Lima? Don't you need to be as far as possible for this town before Blaine figures out your still here?'

Joshua glared angry at him. 'It's none of your business why I'm here. What do you want? Don't you have a whole pack to look for? I heard they left you, because you're a weak Alpha!'

Sebastian growls and pushed Joshua against the ground. 'Watch what you're saying, I'm a Alpha and you are still a weak Omega. I can kill you.'

Joshua stood up. 'What do you want?' he spoke softly. He couldn't use a angry Alpha right now, he needed to get rid of Sebastian before he can figure out why he stood there.

'Nothing, I just want to go to Kurt.' Joshua froze. 'I heard Blaine and he are going to be Mates tonight I just wanted to say some last words. This is his street right?' Sebastian didn't wait for a answer and walks past Joshua.

Joshua panics and grabs his arm. 'Don't go!'

Sebastian turned around and narrowed his eyes. 'What?'

Before Joshua can say anything a black van came towards them and stopped. 'We've got him, hurry up, kid!' Lucas yelled when he turned the window down.

Joshua ran past Sebastian and opened the backdoor to get in. Sebastian saw chestnut brown hair under a blanket and froze. 'Wait Is that Kurt?!'

'Damn it!' Joshua cursed. Sebastian wanted to ran to Kurt but he felt a sharp sting in his neck an everything went black. His body fell to the ground.

Joshua turned to see Rodney stand there with a gun. 'He's out. Let's not waste time and load him in the van.'

Lucas raised his eyebrows. 'We can't take him with us.'

Rodney turned in rage. 'Do you want him to run to his Alpha and warn him that we just have kidnapped his Mate? I want here gone safe and sound. We'll take him with us. Nobody will know we have Kurt until we are too far away to be stopped. I just want my money. So help me load him in! '

Lucas and him dragged Sebastian body to the backseat, tied his hands and ankles together.

'I think his father is coming home, we need to go!' Thad pointed to a yellow car who turned around the corner. They saw Burt talking to a woman who drove the car. Cole drove off in a hurry.

'Thank you Mrs. Goldman for driving me,' Burt said politely.

'No problem, Mr. Hummel,' Mrs. Goldman smiles.

'I'll take a look at the car instantly,' Burt steps out and they said goodbye. He walks to the door and wanted to open it with his keys until he noticed it was already open. 'Kurt?!' Burt closed the door behind him. 'Kurt? I'm home!'

He looks around, Kurt wasn't in the kitchen, living room or his room. The note was still on the kitchen table where he left him. There was no sign that anyone was home except the open door. But Burt has a lot on his mind lately he could've forgotten to close it.

Kurt was with Blaine last night he was probably still there. He could come home any minute. Burt turned, it was time for a shower before Kurt came home. He needed ready to spend the afternoon for the last time before the Mating. Kurt didn't know how much Mating changed relationships. Burt walked upstairs to take a shower, he didn't see Kurt's I phone laying on the kitchen ground.


Blaine felt already miserable that Kurt wasn't with him, the Mark was really working. He wanted to call Kurt if everything was okay. But before he could cal he heard his mom yelling at him. 'Blaine, here!' he looked up and saw his parents standing by the lake. Blaine sighs and stopped his phone away, he could call Kurt later. 'About what do you wanted to talk about?'

'About you,' Damian said.

Blaine raised his eyebrows. 'Me?'

'We noticed that there is something bothering you what you can't talk to Kurt, so spill it!' Damian looks worried.

'There is nothing wrong, dad,' Blaine lied. 'Everything is perfect... I'm just.. nervous I think.'

Damian narrowed his eyes. 'You know you can say everything to us right?'

Blaine nodded.

'It's not weird to be nervous,' Jane spoke. 'I'm just so happy that you finally find someone to share your life with, Blaine. I know how lonely you were after Cooper left. You had Nick, Wes, David and Jeff but we saw you missed someone who completed you. You grew older, you came out to us, it wasn't easy...'

Blaine remembered that day. He was 13 and knew he was different. His parents were right, he felt lonely for years. Sure he had his friends, but they didn't knew his struggle with the lost of Cooper and his sexuality. He was the first wolf to come out, Jeff and Nick were still in the closet. It was expected that Blaine found a Mate before his 18th birthday, it was expected that he would be the new Alpha when Damian retires. When Blaine came out to his parents, Damian was angry and it took weeks to accept him as his true follower.

'I'm still sorry for my stupid behavior,' Damian apologized.

'It's okay, dad,' Blaine said softly.

Damian shakes his head. 'No it's not....'

'Dad, you handled it better than other Alpha's, they would've killed their son for being gay. You accepted me. Okay... it took a few words but... I'm just happy that I have the best dad in the world. Thank you.' Blaine hugged him.

Damian pulled him closer. 'I just want you to know how proud I am of you, Blaine, you're a 1000 more man than Cooper and a strong leader. Don't forget that. Never change.' He let Blaine go with tears in his eyes. 'You're going to have a golden future with Kurt. He's what Jane is for me...' He took Jane's hand. '... he's your soul mate, the only one who truly makes you complete.'

Blaine nodded. 'I know, I love him... It feels so good to be with him.'

Jane clapped in her hands. 'Soo is it now time for the party?'

Damian nodded.


'We're going to have you a little goodbye party before you go to New York,' Damian winked. He howls.

Every wolf from their pack came running to the bushes. Nick, Jeff, Wes and David jumped on Blaine.

'We have alcohol!!' Wes yelled and hold a bottle of wodka in the air.

Jeff pointed at some snacks that a female was holding. 'And food! This is gonna be the best goodbye party ever!!!'

Blaine giggled. He was crazy about his friends, he would miss them. It was time to concentrate on their friendship before spending the rest of his live with Kurt. He totally forgot to call Kurt back.


The hunters drove for hours. It was dark before they decided to camp in the woods to spend the night. They made a campfire and set up the tents and a big gage for Kurt and Sebastian.

'Are they still out?' Rodney walks to the car where Lucas and Cole carried Kurt and Sebastian to the cage.

'Not for long, they are restless,' Cole said and put Kurt in the cage, he let his hands and ankles tied down.

'Great, because he needs to change before we reach Chicago tomorrow,' Rodney smiled happy.

'Change?' Lucas asks.

Rodney rolled his eyes. 'Nobody can know that it's just a kid, you idiot. That will put a end to all this trouble, a white wolf sells, a kid brings us down. We could be fired by the hunter counsel.'

Lucas smirked. 'How do you want him to change? I don't think he will do it with a friendly request.'

Joshua walks to them and looks at Kurt who was restless stirring. 'I don't be so sure about that, Lucas. Our Kurt here is so soft and kind. He want to please everyone. Maybe we just have to ask with puppy eyes and he will do it.' He laughs. 'Beside maybe you could use your weapons to force him into changing. He's a city wolf, he isn't used to violence and danger. He will be so scared of the weapons that he changes and didn't dare to change back into his wolf.'

'I like the way you think, kid,' Rodney said.

Lucas and Cole glanced at each other, before Lucas decided to speak up. 'Don't you think this is gone too far? It's just a kid.'

'Just a kid?!' Rodney growls. 'He's worth ten thousands of dollars. He's not just a kid, he's more worth than your pathetic life....'

'But... what if his Alpha found out?' Cole asks.

'We are hours away from Lima, he isn't gonna find us,' Rodney assured. 'Quit whining and get some drank. After we eat something we can figure out how to get the wolf side out of the kid.'

Thad came walking back from the wood. He holds 4 rabbits. 'Our food.'

'Great, let's eat!' Lucas and Cole walks towards Thad and help him preparing the rabbits.

'Maybe I should keep a eye on our prisoners,' Joshua mumbled.

Rodney laughs. 'Kid, did you see the bars of this thing? It's silver.... They never get out. You need to relax. Come on, let's eat.' He pulled Joshua with him to the campfire.

Kurt opened his eyes. 'Did you hear that?' he whispers.

Sebastian nodded and opened his eyes.

'What do we do now?' Kurt asks.

'The fact that these bars are from silver means we can't escape,' Sebastian said calm.

Kurt rolled his eyes. 'I did get that you know...'

Sebastian smirked. 'Great because I don't want to say it again.'

Kurt glared at him. 'I don't want to be sold like a pet animal, we need to think of a plan to escape.'

'Well.... I got nothing,' Sebastian said. 'We need to wait till your brave Alpha starts to miss you and saves us.'

Kurt sighs. 'I hope soon. This should've be my best day of my life you know. I'm suppose to Mate with Blaine....'

Sebastian smiles and looks at Kurt with dark eyes. 'You know.... Your right...'

Kurt looks at him in surprise. 'I am? About what?'

Sebastian shuffles closer to Kurt. 'This should've been your best day of your life. It's full moon... Maybe you have some last wishes? I'm a Alpha... you are a Omega. Do you get what I'm saying?' He winked and Kurt was in shock.

'Hell no!' Kurt yelled.

Sebastian laughed. 'Don't worry, I'm over you. You should've seen the look on your face. It's priceless.'

Kurt rolled his eyes annoyed. 'I can't believe you really thought about sex right now.'

Sebastian shrugged. 'I am a normal guy, of course I think of sex.'

'I'm so happy that Blaine isn't like you.'

'Look who's awake!' They both look up. The hunters and Joshua stood before the cage. 'Ready to let your wolf out, boy?' Rodney smiled.


Blaine didn't know how much he has drank. He was a little tipsy but not so drunk as Nick and Jeff who disappeared two minutes ago. Probably to make out. He grabs another glass before he saw a boy stand next to him. 'Hi.'

'Hello,' The boy had a Scottish accent. He had bright blue eyes, brown hair, his skin was tan and he was beefy. And Blaine could smell that he was a free Omega. 'Blaine right? I'm Dylan...' They shake hands.

'Did I see you here before?' Blaine ask, he didn't know the boy.

Dylan smiled. 'I'm new, I moved here last year. My parents are dead and Damian took me in...'

Blaine nodded. He remembered a attack on a pack in the south. Dylan must be from their pack, Damian took 10 new wolfs after the attack. 'I'm sorry to hear that, and that I never spoke to you,' Blaine said politly.

'I'm fine now, I'm two years younger than you so it isn't weird that you didn't talk to me before,' Dylan said. 'I just turned 16!' He smiled proudly.

That explained the strong scent Blaine was smelling of off him. Dylan was ready for Mating. Blaine really needs to control his Alpha, the full moon heightened his instincts to mate. Dylan's blue eyes reminded him of Kurt... Kurt!

'Eh, great, excuse me,' Blaine almost ran away, grabs his phone and dialed Kurt's number. The phone got picked up.

'Blaine?!' Burt's voice.


'Blaine, I think Kurt forgot his phone, can you give him for a sec? I thought we could have dinner together before the mating. But it's already late...' Burt had cooked and waited but he was really worried that Kurt hadn't come home. If Blaine just could give Kurt on the phone and he hears Kurt's voice, he would be a lot calmer.

'Kurt? But Kurt isn't here!' Blaine spoke. 'I brought him home four hours ago. He wanted to be home for dinner with you. I saw him go inside. He needs to be there.'

'Are you saying I'm blind?' Burt snapped.

'We don't have time for fighting, who knows where Kurt is?!' Blaine growled. There fell a silence and that made Blaine panic more. 'Burt?'

'I'm thinking,' Burt paced around the kitchen floor. 'I was thinking about the hunters, Blaine. But it's impossible. They left days ago.'

'But what if... they never really left? You have to admit it was weird to begin with, they just left while they knew there was a white wolf in town. They just waited for the change that Kurt was alone.'

'But how would they know that he was alone today?' Burt asks. 'He was with you all the time.'

'Maybe they had someone to help them with, someone who knows the behaviors of the wolfs before mating. It's tradition to spend some quality time with friends and family before the Mating,' Blaine explained, his heart racing because of the thought the Hunters really toke Kurt from him.

He blamed himself for not paying more attention to Brittany's warning. He should've taken Kurt with this stupid meeting with his parents and this party. He shouldn't have let Kurt alone. But he knew Kurt would've wanted to see his dad, he would've throwed a scene if he wasn't allowed to go. He cursed Kurt and his stubbornness.

'Who would do something like that?' Burt asks.

Blaine only could think of one person. 'Joshua could have made a deal with those hunters. That means Kurt is in bigger danger, Joshua hates Kurt and I doubt if he wants to let Kurt life.'

Burt cursed. 'I'm gonna make contact with the Hunter counsel, and then I head over to Chicago.'

Blaine nodded. 'I'm going now to Chicago. I'm fast if I morph. I will kill them for taking my Kurt away from me.'

Burt sigh. 'Blaine.... Bring him home safe if I don't get there in time. I'll drive as fast as I can.'

'Of course,' Blaine said soft. They finally find something that brought the two of them together. Kurt. They said goodbye and Blaine prepared to morph till he heard a voice. 'Blaine!' He turned and his dad came up to him

. 'Where are you going? It's your party!' Damian looks around. 'Is Kurt still not here?'

Blaine shakes his head. 'I called him but Burt picked up. I left Kurt's house 4 hours ago and he didn't see him. There is something wrong, dad. Burt thinks it's the hunters... they are heading to Chicago. I need to go there now, they are gone for hours now.'

'You want to fight those hunters alone?' Damian said. 'Are you insane? Do you have a death wish?'

'Dad I don't have time for a speech okay? I need to go to safe Kurt!' Damian sighs. 'You forget that wolfs are never alone, we work together. I'll go with you. Let's go.' They morphed and disappeared in the forest.


'Maybe we just need to shoot him,' Rodney paced impatient round the cage. Kurt still didn't change into his wolf and his patience is running out. 'In his leg can't hurt.'

Joshua rolled his eyes. 'That won't work. A wounded wolf morph's back into his human form when he's wounded. It's like a protection skill, if we accidentally are seen as a real wolf and we are shot, we change back. The one who shoot's feels guilty and brings the human to a hospital.'

'Okay I don't need a lecture,' Rodney growled annoyed.

'So we can't hurt him,' Lucas spoke up. 'What are we doing now? We asked him 200 times if he wants to change. He keeps declining. We tried it the nice way and we can't do it the hard way.'

Kurt smiled, the hunters where really that dumb to ask him to change... This whole situation was ridiculous. It felt like this was a bad dream, it felt like he can wake up any moment, in Blaine's arms just like this morning. He wished it was true, that it was just a dream, he could start this day all over. Accept he wouldn't go home, he would've stayed with Blaine and just let Burt come over to spend the last day together before he leaves for New York.

'So what do we do now?' Cole asks. They all just stared at each other.

Joshua sighs. 'Do you even have brains? I know Kurt...'

Kurt smirked. 'You don't know anything about me, Joshua, you're just a jealous little child who is just crazy. Do you really think when you get rid of me Blaine will fall for you?' Joshua turned and looked at Kurt, anger flashes in his eyes. 'He hates you more than I hate you!' Kurt yelled.

Joshua smiled, he looked satisfied. 'Look, that's precise your problem.'

Kurt looks at him in surprise. He has expected that Joshua would flip and slap him or something. He wasn't expecting that Joshua would smile.

'Do you really hate me, Kurt?' Joshua walks back and came back with a knife. He hold it out to Kurt. 'Than kill me.'


'You heard me, kill me,' Joshua said calm. Cole and Chad looked uneasy and grabbed their weapons if Kurt really makes a move at Joshua. 'Come on Kurt... you said you hate me. Hate makes us strong, it makes us want to kill.' Joshua stared right into Kurt's eyes.

'Hate makes us weak,' Kurt voice broke, he wanted to stay strong but he was done with everything right now.

Joshua laughs. 'And that's why you are weak.' He turns to the hunters. 'Do you see his weakness? He can't harm people and.... He cares so much about his friends.' He turns to Sebastian. 'How good friends are you two?'

Rodney smiles. 'This is great. That kid has more brains than all of you,' he snapped at Cole, Lucas and Thad.

Sebastian sighs. 'We aren't really friends, actually. I don't like him, he's not my type. He has puffy eyes, his lips are to pink, and don't get me started about his hair...'

Kurt growls at him. 'There is nothing wrong with my hair! Or my eyes or my lips.'

Sebastian narrowed his eyes. 'Don't get me started about your clothes, Hummel. Your fashion is...' He yelled because Kurt gave him a hard push with his legs tied together. 'Ouch, Hummel!' Sebastian growls. Before he could snap more at Kurt a shot sounds trough the air and he screams. A silver bullet shot through his legs.

'I'm so sorry to disturb your cute little babbling!' Rodney smiled with his gun pointed at Sebastian. He turned to Kurt, his face was pale and he was in shock looking at the blood flooding out of Sebastian's leg. 'So you care about your friends? Would you really want him bleeding to dead? Or can you finally listen and just change?!'

'Please....,' Kurt begs.

'Don't go soft on me now, Kurt!' Sebastian growls. 'We aren't even friends remember? Let them kill me, don't give in to their demands.'

'Really? Not friends? Fine!' Rodney shot three bullets in Sebastian's leg. Sebastian screamed out of pain.

'Stop!!! He's a human, you can't do this!' Kurt yelled.

'You can stop this, change!!' Rodney said, he pointed the gun on Sebastian's head. 'The next bullet will be in his skull. His life is in your hands.'

Kurt looks at Sebastian, who just looks back, tears in his eyes from the pain. 'Don't change, Kurt....'

'Sebastian I can't let you die,' Kurt whispers.

'Your impossible, Hummel, I insulted your hair, you should hate me!' Sebastian huffed.

'I'm not capable of hate,' Kurt said soft.

'Everyone is,' Sebastian responded.

'Can we just hurry up?' Joshua said impatient.

'Untie me, I can't change with my legs and arms tied up,' Kurt said.

'No, Kurt! Don't be stupid, Blaine is probably on his way over here....' Sebastian stops in his sentence. He looks up into the full moon. And a idea hit him. 'Go change, Kurt.'

Kurt raised his eyebrows. 'What? You didn't want me to change.'

'I changed my mind. Go change. Do you want my blood on your fingers?! You need to safe me Kurt. Don't think of yourself for once and just change already. Hurry up!'

'You heard the man,' Rodney said. 'Make the boy lose so he can change.'

Thad and Cole started on losing the robes, Lucas grabs Sebastian and helps him stand so that Kurt has more space to change.

'I don't think this is a smart idea,' Joshua said walking up to Rodney. 'I'm really tired of what you think, kid. Just shut up and let the grownups handle this!' Rodney snapped.

Kurt stretching his arms and legs instantly when the ropes where off. His whole body felt stiff after being tied down for hours.

'Hurry up, Kid!' Rodney said and pointed the gun at Sebastian head. Kurt looks at Sebastian who nodded and Kurt let his Omega free. He changed in seconds in a beautiful white wolf. His fur seemed to shine in the full moon, his ice blue eyes sparkle.

'Wow!' Lucas was amazed by the beauty. Cole and Thad where speechless, Joshua just rolled his eyes and Rodney laughs. 'Forget about the thousands he's gonna make us all millionaires.' He grabs the ropes. 'Let's tie you down, again.' He walks towards the wolf, who was growling threatening and showed him his teeth. Kurt was way more dangerous as wolf than as human. Cole pointed his gun at Sebastian. 'Watch it wolf! One bite and he's dead.'

Kurt stopped the growling and let his head down in submission. Rodney tied Kurt down with a robe on his neck and the other end on a bar. 'That wasn't too hard, was it?' He looks happy. 'We need to sleep... we need to get up early in the morning.'

'Somebody needs to keep a eye on them,' Cole said.

'I'll do it,' Joshua said.

'Don't mess this up, kid,' Rodney threatened.

'I'm not stupid,' Joshua snapped. Rodney, Cole, Thad and Lucas walks to their tents to get some sleep.

Joshua leaned against a tree. 'Tied down like a dog, it's the worst thing ever, doesn't it?' He smiled at Kurt. He turns to look at Sebastian. 'What about you? I thought you were a strong Alpha?'

Sebastian huffed. 'Mock me all you want, kid, but when I get out of here I'm coming after you.'

Joshua laughed. 'That's never gonna happen, when we are in Chicago your dead and I'm rich and free.'

Sebastian smiled. 'O yeah? You really think that? I wouldn't bet on it if I was you.' He turned to look at Kurt. The wolf sniffs the air and paced restless. He tried to get free off the ropes. 'It looks like it's full moon...'

Joshua's eyes widened and he steps closer to the cage. 'What is he doing?'

'What do you think he's doing? He is heightening his scent, he's trying to reach his Mate. Kurt suppressed his Omega for years, now you let him change with full moon, his Omega is finally free. And want his Mate....' Sebastian smiled. 'I can't believe you were that stupid. I thought you were smarter than that, I have overrated you, I'm disappointed. I thought I finally found my match. What do you think Kurt's gonna do now when he can't get free?' Joshua froze. He couldn't believe he was that stupid. How could he made this fault? 'Howl, Kurt, howl, call your Mate!' Sebastian encouraged.

'Noo!!' Joshua yelled but he was too late. The wolf howls. And kept howling. Joshua heard howling in the distance. It was too late. 'Guys!!!! We need to get out of here!'

Rodney, Cole, Thad and Lucas came running out of the tents with their guns prepared. 'What... what's going on?' Rodney said confused.

'His Alpha is coming!!' Joshua yelled. 'We made the mistake to let him change. He's calling his Mate, because he wants to Mate.' They heard growling and howling that come closer. 'I'm out of here!' Joshua said and ran.

'Just let him shut up!' Rodney ran to the cage. But he was too late, he got smacked down by a huge force. A big wolf stood before him, with growling teeth. Behind him a smaller wolf ran towards the other Hunters and forced them against the car. Two cars pulled up and Burt, a lady with blonde hair and a man with curly hair jumped out of the cars.

'Richardson, Lambart, Porter, Iranka, I'm ashamed of you and our society!!!' The blonde lady yelled. 'How dare you to kidnap a wolf who is registrated for money!!! That's against our rules!! You all are fired!!! Arrest them, men!'

The hunters where getting handcuffed. Blaine morphed back and freed Kurt of his ropes. Burt helped Sebastian. Kurt changed back and hugged Blaine. 'I'm so happy that you came!'

'I always come when you call,' Blaine's eyes filled with tears and he pulled Kurt closer. He never let Kurt go. 'I'm so happy you are okay!'

Rodney was dragged against one of the cars. He heard the bald man thanking Sue, his boss and Will, her assistant for their help. He was pissed and his plan wasn't to just give up. If he couldn't have his money, neither of them could. He knocked his guardians out with a quick kick in the chin. He dived for a gun, pointed at where Blaine and Kurt stood and shot.

"Not my son!' Damian jumped in front of the bullet. Blaine pulled Kurt to the ground at the sound. The bullet went right through Damian's heart.... His body fell to the ground.

'Dad!' Blaine jumped up and ran to his dad's body. Blood was covering his clothes, his heart wasn't beating. Blaine felt the loss of a pack member trough his bones. He wouldn't want to feel that feeling. His strong dad, their leader, couldn't be dead. He shakes Damian's body. 'Dad...this can't be.... Open your eyes.... i... need you.... My mom needs you.... Please... come back.' He felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned his head.

'Blaine, he's dead. You can't do anything for him. The bullet hit him in his heart.' Tears where streaming down Kurt's face.

'No! It can't be, Kurt!' Blaine cried out. 'He is hit hard in the head... he's gonna wake up any moment.'

'Blaine you need to let him go, let the Hunter society take care of him,' Kurt spoke calm, it broke him to see Blaine so broken, he needed to stay strong for Blaine. With the word 'Hunter' Blaine looks up. He searched for Rodney, who was struggling against his captures.

'You!' Blaine pushed Kurt aside, ran towards the hunter, he saw the fear in his eyes before he snapped his neck. Rodney's dead body fell to the ground. Blaine turned and saw the blonde lady and the curly haired guy bend over on his father's body.

'Don't touch him!' Blaine growled and pushed them away.

'Blaine, you don't have to be so rude, they were just checking up on him,' Kurt said calm. 'Check what?!' Blaine yelled angry and Kurt takes a few steps back. He never saw Blaine this angry. 'To see if he's really dead?!' He bend down and holds Damian in his arms.

'I'm sorry about your dad, Blaine, but we need to get back home, we can't stay here,' Kurt said soft.

'I'll bring my dad home,' Blaine stood up and carried Damian to the car. 'I want to give him a funeral he deserve.'

'Let's go,' Burt walks to the car.

'Wait and Sebastian...?' Kurt turned around, Sebastian was gone. 'Where is Sebastian?'

'I think he will survive, Kurt, it's late, let's go!' Burt said.

'But he's wounded dad,' Kurt said.

'A wolf heals fast, Kurt, you know that, come on!' Burt opened the door. 'I think we've been through enough for a whole year.'

Kurt walks towards the car, he saw Blaine in the backseat clinging to his dad. He didn't even looked up at Kurt, tears where streaming down his face. Kurt felt the pain Blaine was going trough. But he didn't know what he could do to take the pain away.


Joshua ran through the forest. He was afraid that Blaine was coming after him, after what he did with Kurt. He didn't hear anything behind him so he calmed down and ran slower. He huffed and stopped to rest. He leaned against a tree.

Suddenly he was grabbed from behind and pushed against the ground.

Sebastian smiled. 'You really didn't think I let you go that easy right? I did warn you that I come after you when I got free so don't look so surprise.' He bend down so he was only a few inches away from Joshua's face.

'What... are you going do?' Joshua's voice shakes of fear.

Sebastian narrowed his eyes. 'If I let you live you will go after Kurt as long as he lives. I can't let that happen, he's my friend. So I'm getting rid of a big vermin.' He grabs Joshua's neck and snapped him. Joshua was dead. 'And please stay dead, I don't want to kill you twice,' Sebastian whispers, get's up, morphed into his wolf and disappeared.


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