Will you be mine?
Chapter 20 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Will you be mine?: Chapter 20

K - Words: 3,738 - Last Updated: Jul 10, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Apr 24, 2013 - Updated: Jul 10, 2013
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Author's Notes: So...uh review?:)
Blaine wakes up and was confused of where he was. He felt a body against him and when he turned around he saw Kurt staring at him. 'Hello, sleepy head. It's almost noon, you are really a steady sleeper.' Kurt laughs.
Blaine yawned. 'Can we go back to sleep?' He turned over.
'No, we need to eat and tell my dad remember?' Kurt pokes him.
Blaine turned over so he was face to face to Kurt. 'Can't we wait?'
'Blaine, we can't wait till Saturday and just say "hey dad, we're mated now." He just approved of our relationship. I don't want to hide something, I'm a terrible liar.' Kurt pouted.
Blaine sighs. 'Okay, we'll tell him now.'
It took them a half hour to leave the safe warm bed and get dressed. Burt was drinking coffee and filling in some papers. 'Hey, boys.' He didn't look up when they were walking downstairs. 'Good news, the hunters are leaving today. So we won't have to worry about them.'
'Really?' Kurt was surprised. 'Just like that?'
'Yes, they are heading north, to find their luck they said,' Burt nodded.
'That's weird, they saw Kurt, they know there is a white wolf here and now there just gone?' Blaine said.
'I know, but I saw them leave this morning. I'm not a idiot, I know what I saw,' Burt said annoyed. He ruffles through his papers. 'Pete's case is in a month, he will be locked up until then. So you two can go to New York safe.'
Kurt and Blaine glanced at each other, this was the right moment. 'That's great, dad..'
'Isn't it?' Burt looks up happy. 'Everything is gonna be okay, after all that trouble. I think we deserve it. Maybe we should go to a restaurant for dinner. Blaine you and your parents can come too, if they want.' Blaine nodded, he was too nervous to speak.
'Dad, we need to tell you something,' Kurt spoke up and Blaine's heart was racing, he thought he might pass out.
'What's up, son?' Burt looks at him. But before Kurt could speak Burt's phone rang and he excused himself and picks up. 'Hello?... yeah...' He walks to the living room for some privacy.
Kurt turned to Blaine who looks red. 'Are you okay? You look like you can burn up any moment.'
'No I'm not okay, I can't tell your dad that I'm gonna mate with you. Do you know how weird that sounds?' Blaine paced around the kitchen table.
'We have to tell him, we don't have to get into details or something,' Kurt said calm. 'I don't even know how Mating really works... But anyway, he deserves to know. He's my dad.'
'It's insane,' Blaine said.
Kurt glared at him. 'Fine, than we don't mate.'
Blaine froze. 'What?'
'Your ashamed of me, of us,' Kurt said. 'You won't even tell my dad and what about your friends, your parents? Are you gonna hide the fact that we want to Mate for the rest of our lives? Because I won't. I'm proud that I can call you my mate in 4 days from now.'
'It's not that, Kurt,' Blaine lays a hand on Kurt's hand. 'My parents and friends are different. For them its natural, it's the right thing to do. With your dad, I'm not sure....'
'He will understand, Blaine,' Kurt reassured. 'It's my choice, I want this and he wants to see me happy.'
They heard footsteps and Burt appeared. 'We get new neighbors, Kurt. The family Hudson is gonna move here in two weeks. One woman and a son of your age. She just called about the house on sale next to ours.'
'Eh, that's great, dad,' Kurt said.
Burt sat down. 'You wanted to tell me something?' Blaine and Kurt stared. Burt sighs. 'Okay what's going on? Kurt, you know you can tell me anything right?'
Blaine was panicking because this situation was ridiculous. He wanted to grab Kurt and run away. 'IwanttomatewithKurt!' The words were out before he knew it and both Kurt and Burt looked at him in shock.
'What?' Burt raised his eyebrows. Blaine blushed, he wished he could vanish in thin air.
Kurt blushes. 'Eh... what Blaine is trying to say... we want to be Mates dad, the Mating will be this Saturday.'
Burt just looked at them. 'Is this your idea or Blaine's, Kurt?'
'He... asked me,' Kurt said, still blushing.
Burt turned to Blaine. 'You asked him to Mate with you? Of course you do. Kurt, don't you see that he's tricking you? You two are like 2 days together again and you're planning a year in New York. You two should wait a year.'
'But... I want to be Blaine's Mate,' Kurt said angry. 'That's why I said yes. We're going to New York, we will be together for a long time. I'm ready dad.'
'It's your choice? Because he asked it, Kurt. He's a Alpha of course he wants to pursue you into Mating.'
'I didn't peruse him, I asked him,' Blaine said annoyed. 'I didn't force him either, he could have said no. I know this Saturday is maybe a little early but it's the full moon and were leaving on Monday for New York. I think we have here more private time than in New York.'
'Blaine's right, I love him he loves me,' Kurt said. 'You know he will be good for me.'
'I know but Kurt you're so young,' Burt said. 'Do you know what Mating is? It's forever.'
Kurt grabs Blaine's hand and tangled their fingers together. 'I know, it's my choice. I love Blaine, nothing gonna change that. I want to be with him forever.'
Burt sighs. 'Than it's okay, I guess. If you sure, you have my blessing.'
Kurt hugs him. 'Thank you dad, that means a lot to me.'
'If your happy, I'm happy, Kurt.' Burt's eyes filled with tears. He was losing his son, it was time to let him go.
The next day's went by quickly and Kurt's ankle was healing fast. But not fast enough for his liking. He was crumpy and moody so Blaine tried to cheer him up by invite all his friends to come over, Mercedes, Sam, Quinn, Puck, Wes, Nick, Jeff and David and his mate. Even Brittany and Santana came.
'So you really gonna Mate?' Mercedes smiled happy. 'I knew you two would be great together.'
'Yes this Saturday, in two days,' Kurt nodded. He tried not to freak out. He was so nervous about the Mating that he could explode.
'How are you gonna run with your ankle?' Quinn asks.
'Run? Why should I run?' Kurt asks confused. Quinn and Mercedes gasped in shock.
Wes laughed. 'You always run in a Mating, Kurt. See it as a cat and mouse game. The mouse don't want to surrender to easy. He runs and tries to trick the cat.'
'Tell me you did know that, Kurt,' Mercedes said.
Kurt ignored her. 'So I need to trick Blaine? But I want to be Mated why would I run than? That's ridiculous.'
'I agree with Hummel!' Santana walks in and pushes Wes away to sit on his spot. 'You can be better a witch, there aren't stupid rules. With us it's just sex.' She winked and Kurt blushes. 'I actually want to see the mating, your such a shy virgin, Hummel. I think you faint when Blaine even makes a move on you.' Kurt scowled at her.
Quinn sighs. 'Don't worry, Kurt. Your instincts know what you need to do.'
'But... what if they don't?' Kurt panics. 'I'm a city wolf, I'm not raised in a pack. My Omega is suppressed for years... and I have never been with a guy before. What if Santana is right and I just faint when Blaine takes his shirt of or something?' He was breathing heavily.
'Snap out of it, white boy!' Mercedes smacked him in his face.
Kurt calmed down. He was looking for Blaine, but he saw him talking with Brittany in a corner. Sam, Puck, Wes, Nick and Davis where playing a game of basketball in the backyard.
'Everything is gonna be okay,' Mercedes reassured. 'After the Mating a whole new world opens up. You will be closer with your Alpha than before and the bond between you two will be better. Just don't worry too much okay? Want something to drink?'
'I'm fine,' Kurt said. Mercedes stood up.
'I'll walk with you, Mercedes I want to ask you something in private,' Quinn stood up and followed her.
'I'm sorry, Lady Face, I just love to make fun of you. Your just really innocent.' Santana smirked. Kurt just looks sad at his ankle. 'Do you want me to take a look at your ankle? I got healing herbs in my pockets. It can speed things up.'
'Really? Yes please, Santana,' Kurt pulled out his socks.
Santana made a disgusting face. 'Maybe you should keep those on.'
'I don't smell bad, I got out of the shower an hour ago,' Kurt deadpanned.
Santana laughs. 'I didn't know you take of your clothes so fast Hummel, maybe I need to worry about Blaine.'
Kurt blushes. 'Just hurry up.'
When Santana gets to work Kurt was curious about her life. 'Brittany's vision's are very useful to all of us. Can you do more than healing, Santana?'
Santana looked up. 'What do you mean?'
'You're a witch, do you have some active powers like most of them?' Kurt knew Santana was trying to avoid the question.
Santana nodded. 'Yes, but it's too dangerous to use them. I haven't used my powers in years.' She looks sad.
Kurt felt pity for the witch, suddenly she looks so broken. 'When was the last time you used them?' Kurt asks.
Santana looks over at Brittany. 'She's beautiful isn't she?'
Kurt followed her gaze. He nodded. 'The reason you're not use your powers is because of Brittany, isn't?'
Santana eyes were filling with tears and she turned away. 'She is so fragile, I could kill her if I use them. It's too dangerous. Your ankle is better.' She stands up and walks away.
'Don't you walk away from me,' Kurt stood up, and was amazed that he didn't feel any pain or sting of his ankle, than followed Santana to the kitchen. He saw Santana crying and closed the door. 'Satan... I mean Santana, talk to me. What are your powers? And what happened in the past?'
Santana shakes her head. 'I won't tell you and if you ask further I use them and blow your whole house up.'
'So it's something explosive?' Kurt smirked.
Santana rolled her eyes. 'Let's stick to that. I won't use them, I promised the witch counsel and Brittany. I just...' She sniffed. 'Sometimes I feel so powerless, so useless. I want to use them. It's a part of me. But I know I can't.'
'What happened what was so awful you can't use them? Did you kill somebody or something?'
Santana looks up and turned away. 'I need to find Brittany, we're leaving.' And she turned and left the kitchen, Kurt was stunned. In the meantime...
'I need to ask you for a favor,' Blaine whispers to Brittany. 'But nobody needs to know okay?' Brittany nodded. 'Remember when you saw Kurt standing in New York happy?' Blaine ask.
Brittany smiled. 'My dolphin was so happy.'
Blaine sighs. 'I want to know if there was... someone next to him. Brit, can you read my future to know if I'm going to be there with Kurt in New York?'
'Blaine, you know that this is dangerous,' Brittany warned. 'Everything can change.'
'I know, but I can't stop thinking about it, please I just need to know if I go to New York.' He took her hand. 'Please, read.'
'Fine, but I can't tell you why or what happens okay?' Brittany asks and Blaine nodded.
Brittany's grasp on Blaine hand changed into tight and she closed her eyes. For a few minutes nothing happened but then Brittany opened her eyes and looks sad.
Blaine raised his eyebrows. 'So, what did you saw?'
Brittany shakes her head. 'You're not going to New York, Blaine. Your place is here.'
It felt like she just ripped out Blaine's heart with her bare hands. 'You sure? But...'
'My power is never wrong,' Brittany said, she still looks sad.
'It can't be,' Blaine said. 'Kurt and I.... we belong together. We're going to New York, we're going to Mate on Saturday.... Are we going to Mate on Saturday, Brittany?'
'I can't say anything, Blaine. You asked for one thing. It's never good to know too much of your future. I already said to much.'
Blaine tried to blink back his tears. Kurt was everything to him and now Brittany told him that there was no future for them. 'But you said that your powers weren't working right?'
Brittany look offended. 'Maybe they are changed, but I'm not lying. I'm sorry, Blaine.'
'You're wrong,' Blaine said. 'Kurt and I going to New York. I belong to Kurt, that's where my future is. Why can't we be happy? It's like there is a curse on our relationship. After all we've been through, you're saying it's for nothing?'
'You can't fight what's already written,' Brittany said.
'But we're leaving Monday. Does this mean we have only 3 days left together?' Blaine shakes his head. 'I'm not gonna leave Kurt. I think your power is really gone, Brittany.' And he walks off to find Kurt and cling him against his chest.
Santana appeared. 'Brittany, I think it's time to go.'
Brittany nodded and takes her hand. 'My curly dolphin is mad at me, Santana.'
'Who, Blaine?' she sounds absent.
'I've got chills all around me, I'm cold,' Brittany shakes.
Santana wrapped her arms around her. 'Are you okay, sweetie?'
'Something bad is gonna happen, Santana, I can feel it.'
'Let's go home,' Santana grabs her hand and leads her through the people.
'Santana there you are!' Kurt appeared before them. 'You just can't walk away...'
'I can't Kurt, I need to take Brittany home,' Santana walks faster with Brittany behind her and they disappeared.
'Kurt, there you are!' Blaine pulled him closer and gave him a kiss.
'I was talking to Santana, did you saw her ever using her powers?' Kurt asks curious.
'No, she never use them,' Blaine said.
'She looks so sad'.
'I think Santana can take care of herself,' Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist. 'I'm just happy that you are more happier than a few days ago and you can walk better.'
Kurt smiled. 'Yes thanks to Santana. Do we really need to run during Mating, Blaine?'
Blaine was taken aback by this question. 'What?'
'Mercedes and Quinn told me that I need to run from you?' Kurt asks unsure. 'Are we running in circles in your bedroom or something? Because that will be pointless.'
Puck laughed, he stood behind Blaine and heard everything. 'In the bedroom? You mean the forest, Hummel, mating will take place during full moon and in the forest.'
Kurt looks shocked. 'I'm not gonna have sex in the forest.' He blushes and turned to Blaine. 'Everybody could see us, Blaine. What if hikers see us? I want something private and... comfortable. Like a bed.'
'As if hikers would hike in the middle of a full moon in a forest,' Puck spoke. 'It's not that bad, right Quinn?'
Quinn rolled her eyes. 'Just shut up, Puck. It's their choice, not us.'
'We'll figure something out okay?' Blaine reassured. He couldn't panic about Kurt's little phobia's, he need to make sure Kurt's gonna be okay and that they both be on a plane on Monday to New York.
Kurt nodded. 'Are we gonna pack our stuff for Monday, tomorrow? Maybe we need to shop before we go to New York. I don't know what I should buy Adam as souvenir you know?'
Blaine led Kurt ramble on. He tried to forget Brittany's vision but it kept creeping up. Kurt takes place between Mercedes and Quinn and talks about all the great places in New York. He saw Kurt laugh, talk and his eyes sparkle when he talked about New York.
Blaine didn't say anything, he just listened and watch. Because he was afraid that Brittany visions came out and that their time together was running out. How long can they enjoy each other company, how long before Blaine couldn't hear Kurt's laugh again, before all of it got destroyed?
'Are you okay, Blaine? You seems so distracted.' Blaine turned to Sam.
'I'm fine,' Blaine said.
'Are you sure? Is there anything I can do?' Sam looks worried.
Blaine shakes his head. 'There isn't a thing we can do, Sam. We can only wait.'
The next day Blaine and Kurt went shopping and packing their stuff for the New York trip. Kurt was freaking out that he might forget something so he made three check lists to make sure nothing important stayed behind. Blaine calmed down, everything went perfect so he really started to believe Brittany's power didn't work anymore. He made Kurt laugh or calm him down by a make out session. Kurt couldn't believe that Blaine was going to be his tomorrow. It all seems too good to be true.
Saturday came quick. Kurt wakes up in Blaine's cabin. They spend the night together because Blaine didn't want to leave Kurt alone.
'Good morning, today is the day!' Blaine leaned forward and gave a small peck on his lips.
'You're in a good mood?' Kurt smiled. He loves waking up next to Blaine, he could get used to it.
'Of course I am! Tonight your gonna be mine forever!' Blaine growls and placed kisses all over Kurt's neck.
'Blaine we should wait till tonight!' Kurt moaned. He pushed Blaine gentle of off him. 'I want to go home for a few hours. I need to pick up a few things and see my dad.'
'Fine, I'll just take a quick cold shower and we'll get going,' Blaine jumped up and almost ran to the shower.
Kurt laughs. 'Your such a pervert. You really need to control your hormones.'
'I blame you!' Blaine yelled. 'You look really hot today.'
'Only today?' Kurt's tone was disappointed.
'Always!' Blaine yelled back.
'Good boy!' Kurt laughed.
'I expect a reward when I come back!' Blaine's voice was damped because of running water.
'Tonight, Blaine, be patience!' Kurt said loud.
A knock sounds on the door and Kurt gets up and opened the door. Jane stood for the door. 'Hey, Kurt. Is Blaine awake?'
'Oh can you tell him his dad and I want to speak to him in a hour at the lake?' Jane asks.
'Uh... sure, I'll tell him,' Kurt said a little confused.
'Thank you, Kurt,' Jane hugged him. 'Damian and I couldn't ask for a better Mate for our son.'
Kurt blushes. 'Thank you, Jane.' They said goodbye and Kurt gets dressed.
'Who was that at the door?' Blaine walks out of the shower with only a towel on his waist. Kurt's jaw fell open when he saw how muscular Blaine was.
'Babe?' Blaine put on a shirt.
'Oh.. eh your mother,' Kurt tried to hide his blush by helping Blaine to find pants.
'Really? What did she want?' Blaine put on the pants Kurt gave him.
'She wants to speak to you in a hour at the lake, your dad is there too,' Kurt said.
Blaine rolled his eyes. 'If they're gonna keep a "keep it safe" speech I'm not going.'
'It sounded important, so you will go. But you first need to bring me home,' Kurt said.
'You can come with me, Kurt, it's no big deal and after that we can go to your house!' Blaine put his hands on Kurt's waist.
'Well, it sounded like your parents want to have a private conversation with you, Blaine, I don't want to ruin that. We can both use some time with our parents before we leave for New York and spend our lives together.'
Blaine didn't want to leave Kurt, what Brittany said was still stuck in his head. Kurt narrowed his eyes. 'Is there something wrong? Is this about that I can't take care of myself? That I get into trouble if I'm alone? Because Blaine, we've been through this. I'm not a kid anymore. Maybe my dad and you need to get married so that you can both be concerned for me.'
'Fine, I'll take you home and then I'll go to see my parents,' Blaine grabs the car keys.
'Are you sure I don't have to come in?'
Blaine and Kurt were standing before Kurt's house.
Kurt rolled his eyes. 'I'm sure. My dad is home, I'm safe. Stop worrying.'
They both look at Burt's old truck before the house.
'Fine, I'll see you tonight!' Blaine gave him a kiss.
'Yes,' Kurt nodded. 'We'll be Mates tonight!' He giggled nervous.
'It's going to be okay,' Blaine reassured. 'We'll just take it easy okay?'
Kurt nodded. What did he do to deserve such an amazing Alpha like Blaine? 'Now go, you're gonna be late for you appointment with your parents!'
Blaine gave him one last kiss. 'I rather be with you.' He chuckled when Kurt's blushed. 'See you tonight.'
Kurt opened the door and closed it.
Blaine walks to his car and couldn't help but feel uneasy about their goodbye. It was as if he just kissed Kurt for the last time. He shakes it off and gets into his car. Maybe Kurt was right, he was way too worried that something bad is gonna happen. He really needs to start seeing the good things and trust Kurt that he can take care of himself. He starts the car en drove away.
It was awfully silent in house.
'Dad?! I'm home!' Kurt yelled. 'Dad?'
He walks into the kitchen and saw a note on the table. "Kurt, I'm with Sid. He's holding a memorial ceremony for Ian. The car broke down so I did get a ride from Mrs Goldman. Be back in a few hours. Love, Burt." Kurt smiled at the sweet note.
He didn't see the man behind him and before he could turn around he was unconscious.


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