Will you be mine?
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Will you be mine?: Chapter 18

K - Words: 4,857 - Last Updated: Jul 10, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Apr 24, 2013 - Updated: Jul 10, 2013
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Author's Notes: I like this Sebastian!:) Pete Grammar won't be in this story anymore so don't worry about revenge on Blaine. Let me know what you think about this Chapter? You can follow me on twitter: Chordtastic, i tweet over updates and writing.You can also ask me questions about this story or something!:) Still need to write Chapter 18, reviews keep me motivated so let me know what you think.
Blaine felt miserable. He had been looking everywhere for Kurt, he had been up all night searching for him. He blamed himself if something had happened to him. Jeff and Nick came to reassure him, they had seen Kurt coming home to Burt two hours ago. Now Blaine just lay in his bed and felt miserable. He couldn't go to see Kurt, he saw the hurt and anger in his eyes. His broken nose was healed.
Jane and Damian were worried and stayed by him. 'Sweetie, just call him,' Jane suggested. 'Explain things to him.'
'I tried, he didn't pick up, he doesn't want to speak to me,' Blaine whispers and blinked his tears away. He tried calling him more than 5 times. Nothing. 'He made it very clear that he never wants to see me again! I've been stupid. I knew Kurt doesn't want it and...'
'you saved his life!' Damian interrupts. 'He needs to understand that, you two just need to talk.'
Blaine stood up and growled. 'Are you not listening? He doesn't want to talk!'
'He needs to!' Damian spoke loud. 'He's marked, his Omega is looking for you.'
'Well, tell that to Kurt!' Blaine said angry. 'He's too stubborn to let his Omega take control. Maybe it's for the better... Kurt was leaving next weak anyway...' A tear ran down his cheek. '... living his big dreams in New York... and I'm stuck here.'
Jane and Damian share a glance at each other. 'Sweetheart, if you really feel like you're stuck here, you can go with him,' Jane said, pushing Blaine's curls out of his eyes.
Blaine looked up. 'What?'
'What you're mother is trying to say that you have our blessing to go with Kurt to New York,' Damian said.
Blaine's jaw fell open. 'You mean that?'
His parents nodded. 'Since you met Kurt we see how happy you are with him and how miserable you are without him,' Jane said. 'We would be bad parents if we kept you here while you want to be with Kurt.'
Blaine looked at his father. 'What do you think?'
'I think I can lead the pack for another year while you're with Kurt in New York,' Damian smiled.
Blaine jumped up and hugged his parents. 'Thank you!' He let his parents go and his smile disappeared. 'I forgot that Kurt doesn't want to speak to me.'
'I think if he heard that you can go with him to New York, he will forgive you,' Jane said. 'He's just scared to lose you. Go and talk to him.'
Blaine panics and ran to a mirror. 'I need to shower, I need to do my hair, my clothes...'
'You're fine,' Jane assured.
'O there is one thing, Blaine,' Damian looked serious. 'You need to Mate before you leave. I know that everything is different in New York, but you know Quinn's background right? I don't want that happen to Kurt.'
Blaine nodded. 'I know. I just need to speak to Kurt right now.' He wanted to walk to the door when David stormed in. 'Burt is here and he wants to speak to you.'
Burt appeared, when he saw Blaine, he pointed the gun at Blaine. 'We need to talk.'
Kurt hasn't slept all night. He had spoken to Adam and explained him everything. Adam was angry and Kurt couldn't help but defend Blaine. What was wrong with him? He hated Blaine for what he did but he missed him and wanted to make up to him.
'You can always come here, maybe it's for the better, your dad would agree with me,' Adam spoke.
'Yeah, my dad is killing him right now I think,' Kurt murmured.
He can hear Adam laugh. 'I hope so, or else I will! He has no right to do what he did. You made him clear that you don't want it.'
Kurt sighed. 'Can we stop the topic Blaine? I need distraction. How's New York?'
'It's amazing, Isabel is really nice and I used one of your design today, I get complements everywhere,' Adam said.
'You did say the design is form me right?' Kurt narrowed his eyes.
'Of course, Kurt, what do you think? I'm your best friend, I would never betray you. I'm no Alpha.'
'Here we go again,' Kurt said annoyed.
'Sorry,' Adam said quick. 'You know what? Why don't you take the next plane to New York? I introduce you to Isabel en maybe you can work here to. At Vogue! Your big Dream!'
Kurt breath stopped. He couldn't believe what Adam just said. Working at Vogue was a longtime dream of his and Adam just offered him to introduce him to the amazing Isabel Klempt.
'Kurt are you still there?' Adam's voice shakes him awake.
'I'm... I mean, I am!' Kurt stutter.
'So you like it?' Adam laughed.
'yes, omg, that would be awesome, Adam, you're amazing,' Kurt blinked back his happy tears.
'I know!' Adam smirked. 'So buy a plane ticket and I see you back in New York?'
Kurt nodded. 'Yes, I call you when I'm in the plane.' They said goodbye's and Kurt ran to his laptop and searched for a plane ticket.
Burt waited for Kurt to wake up. He hadn't slept he came late home from the Anderson Pack. He listened to Blaine. He saw the love he had for Kurt, the regret for not telling him, his plan of a future with Kurt. How he would follow Kurt to New York even if it wasn't his dream. Leaving his friends and family behind. He had a new found respect for the young Alpha. Blaine reminded him of his younger self. He loved Elizabeth, but she choose another. It was time to accept that and move on. He owed himself that. To be happy again. Maybe even find a new love.
Blaine and Burt had a good talk and both agreed that Kurt needs some time to get used to the idea of being Marked. Burt blamed himself for that. He kept Kurt safe, because he was hurt. He kept Kurt from being happy. He heard footsteps form the stairs and Kurt appeared. His eyes red and puffy, he just looked like a zombie. 'Good morning to you!'
Kurt jumped. 'Can you not scream so loud? I'm tired.'
Burt grinned. 'No wonder, you look like a zombie.'
'Well I feel like one,' Kurt opened the fridge to find some food. He grabs a glass and fills it with milk. 'I haven't slept all night. I talked to Adam. Dad, I made a decision.'
Burt raised his eyebrows. 'Spill it.'
'I'm taking a plane tonight, I'm going back to New York,' Kurt said and takes a sip of his milk.
'Just like that? And what about Blaine?'
Kurt sighed. 'I thought you would be happy, you hate Blaine.'
Burt shrugged. 'Well I went to Blaine last night.'
Kurt looked shocked. 'And you didn't kill him?' Burt just laughed. 'You didn't right?' Kurt asks worried.
'No he's alive,' Burt smirked. 'But why do you care? You planning on leaving tonight and you are still worried about him. Kurt, go talk to him.'
Kurt glared at him. 'No. he broke my trust. You were right, Alpha's are not trustworthy. You taught me that. Be happy that your lesson finally hit me.'
'Kurt, I know what I said and I still mean it,' Burt said. 'Most Alpha's are not to be trusted. But Blaine is a good Alpha. He loves you. And I see that you love him.'
Kurt sniffed. 'Why would he do that? Why would he Mark me when he knows I didn't want that.'
Burt closed his eyes. 'He saved you.'
'What?' Kurt ask looks at his dad.
'After you were shot, your blood left behind where you where shot,' Burt explained. 'It attracted Free Alpha's like sharks when they smell blood. Blaine needed to Mark you to discover your scent and to keep them away from the Pack. He didn't want to tell you yet because he knew you would explode.'
'Well, he should have told me,' Kurt snapped. 'We promised to be honest to each other. No more lies. Well that means something to me.' He blinked back his tears. 'Maybe it's better this way. I wanted to New York anyway and Blaine wants to stay here. So there won't be a heart breaking goodbye.' He stood up. 'I'm going to take a shower, I need to pack my clothes.'
'Kurt, don't act stupid,' Burt said. 'Go to Blaine, and talk to him. You can't go without saying goodbye. You'll be miserable.' Kurt didn't say anything and walked to his room.
Kurt just needed to get out. His dad just keep pushing him to go see Blaine and he was sick of it. He had called Adam that his plane would leave at 21:10 PM. He said goodbye to Mercedes, Sam, Puck, Quinn. He had made very good friends in such short time. He will miss all of them. Before he knew it he was walking a familiar path. The path to the Anderson Pack.
Kurt sighed. Who was he kidding? He still loved Blaine and the thought of leaving him without goodbye wasn't right. He stopped. Maybe he should talk to Sebastian first. He said he knew a solution of removing his Mark. He turned, morphed into his wolf and ran to the east. He kept running until he pick up the scent of Sebastian.
'You lost?' A voice called and Kurt turned.
Sebastian smirked at him. 'Welcome to my domain. What do you think?'
Kurt looked around. No other wolf was around, there where rocks and caves everywhere. 'A lot of rocks,' Kurt pointed out.
'And caves, where we sleep,' Sebastian laughed. 'I can show you mine?' he winked.
Kurt rolled his eyes. 'Is this all yours?'
'Well don't go over that rock, the rest is mine!' Sebastian said proud.
'Where is your Pack?' Kurt asks. He sniffs but can't smell his pack.
Sebastian looks sad. 'There hunting. I stayed behind to watch the caves. Why are you visiting me? I still can smell Blaine of you. Is he here?' He looked behind Kurt.
Kurt shakes his head. 'I haven't spoken to him. That's why I'm here.'
Sebastian raised his eyebrows. 'I can't help you.' He turned and walked away, stepping elegance over a few rocks.
'What, but you haven't heard my question yet,' Kurt murmured following Sebastian and tripping over a few stones.
'Well, I don't do good, I don't bring you two together,' Sebastian turned. 'I'm evil, look at me. Do I look like a angel to you?'
'I do believe that every wolf has some good in them, even you,' Kurt said.
Sebastian looked at him like he was crazy. 'Well, that's stupid. That's what will kill you someday.' He started walking again.
'Sebastian listen,' Kurt follows. 'You said you can help me with my Mark. You said you can free Blaine and me.'
Sebastian turned again. 'You mean that? You want to get rid of the Mark?'
'Yes, I'm leaving for New York tonight, I just... want Blaine to be free and choose a better Mate,' Kurt sighed. 'It's just better for the both of us.'
'How romantic!' Sebastian huffed.
'So can you remove the Mark?' Kurt asks annoyed.
Sebastian smiled. 'Of course, well it's not gonna be painless. There are two ways to remove a Mark... one is with magic. You need a really powerful witch who is capable of that. Two... you know it is a blood Mark. So give me your hand.'
'Wait, what is the second way to remove a Mark?' Kurt raised his eyebrows suspicious.
'Come on, Kurt, I just need a little bit of your blood,' Sebastian walks closer and Kurt moves back. 'Then Blaine will come running, than I kill him and your both free. Well, your free, Blaine's death.'
Kurt almost choked. 'W-what?'
Sebastian shrugged. 'That's the way it works. You kill the Alpha and you claim his Omega.' His eyes black with lust.
'You can't mean that, you can't just kill someone,' Kurt said in shock.
Sebastian rolled his eyes. 'This isn't New York, Omega's aren't easy to find, not as beautiful as you anyway.' He grabs a knife out of his pocket. 'It's not gonna hurt, just one drop!' He grabs Kurt arm and makes a cut.
Kurt pulls back which made the cut only wider. Blood streamed down his arm. 'You are really crazy, I hope Blaine kills you!' Kurt snapped.
Sebastian smiled. 'I hope he hurries up, I can't wait to kill him and claim you. I can learn to finally shut that mouth of yours!'
'Blaine is stronger than you, I saw that last time,' Kurt huffed, his arm felt numb.
Sebastian takes the knife to Kurt's chin. 'Well, he doesn't have a Knife, does he? Who isn't strong just needs to be smarter than his enemy.'
Kurt looked in shock. He never met someone who was so evil. He pulled his arm free and ran.
'What, are you running, Kurt?' Sebastian just laughed. 'It's mine domain, you can't hide. I'm born here, remember?'
Kurt almost stumbled over a few lose stones. Those damn rocks! He cursed.
'Don't you want to greet you're boyfriend? He can be here any minute now!' Sebastian yelled. Kurt stops for a large rock, he was cornered between Sebastian and the rock.
'Finally you stop, I wouldn't want you to miss out on your boyfriends death,' Sebastian smirked. Kurt looked around but he was trapped.
Sebastian froze. His eyes were on something above Kurt. Kurt looked up. The old brown Alpha from the woods on Saturday night, stood above the rock. He looked at Sebastian and than his eyes found Kurt, he sniffs and growled.
'I think he smells Blaine's Mark and he's not happy about that,' Sebastian whispers. 'I wasn't expecting other Alpha's, your blood attracts them.'
'What happens now? He can't claim me anymore,' Kurt asks, his voice shakes.
Sebastian looks sad but keeps his eyes on the wolf. 'Marked Omega's who aren't with their Alpha get killed. That's the only way to really destroy a Alpha. He can smell that you're not mine.' Sebastian narrows his eyes at the wolf who jumped of the large rock.
'What now?' Kurt heart was racing.
'Run!!!' Sebastian grabs his hand, and they run. The wolf follows immediately.
'Are you always this slow?' Sebastian mocked.
'Oh shut up I don't sport I don't like sweat!' Kurt huffed.
The brown wolf was getting faster and Kurt was getting tired. He stumbled on a lose stone and smacked to the ground. He felt a pain shot through his ankle. Sebastian turned. The brown wolf jumps right at Kurt.
'Damn you Kurt you're so clumsy!' Sebastian cursed and stand between Kurt and the wolf. 'How have you survive the big city on your own?'
Kurt didn't respond the pain in his ankle was getting worse. Then he saw the brown wolf strike a punch at Sebastian. 'Sebastian... watch out!'
Sebastian dodge the punch elegance. 'Run, Kurt, I try to distract him , but you need to get out of here.'
Kurt nodded and wants to get up but his ankle couldn't put up with his weight and he stumbles to the ground. 'I... can't...'
'Come on, Kurt, I can't hold him back much longer! So don't whine and just suck up the pain if you want to live!' Sebastian huffed, he was tired.
He tried to keep dodging and punch the Alpha but the Alpha had experience in fighting and was stronger. Suddenly a smell fills his nose, a familiar smell that keeps coming closer. Blaine! He smiled and punched the Alpha who stumbled back. Oo this Alpha is in a lot of trouble if Blaine see's that Kurt is wounded because of him! Sebastian thought happy. He looked back to see Kurt still struggling to get up. 'Serious what's wrong with you?'
'I- think I broke it,' Kurt tries to ignore the pain. Sebastian helps him stand, they heard a growl and Sebastian turned. The brown Alpha attacked.
'Run, Kurt, just go!!!' Sebastian yelled and morphed into his grey wolf to stop the attack. Kurt bit his lip to literally bit trough his pain and stumbles away, as fast as he can. Blood kept streaming out of his arm and he tries to cover the scent by ripping his sleeve and bind it around the wound. He heard a howl and saw Sebastian fly to a rock.
The brown wolf ran towards Kurt. Great this was the way he dies. All alone. His dad would lose his only son. And Blaine... they would never make up and say goodbye. The thought that Kurt never would see Blaine again broke him. He would never hear his voice, his laugh, feel his arms around him, kiss his lips....
The brown wolf jumped and Kurt fell to the ground by a hard rough puss. Blaine! Kurt blinked his eyes, he couldn't believe it that Blaine just saved his life again.
Blaine looked angry at the Brown wolf, in attack mode. 'I've had it with you try to kill my Boyfriend!'
'Blaine, just be careful, remember last time?' Kurt whispers.
Blaine turned his head to him, he glanced worried at his bloody arm and ankle. 'Don't worry, I won't let him hurt you. Just stay out of sight okay?'
Kurt just nodded and Blaine steps forward and morphed into his wolf. The brown wolf attacked instantly. Kurt crawled behind a rock, out of the battlefield.
Blaine was smaller than the Alpha but he was angry and the rolls quickly turned. Blaine bit and snapped at the wolf and Kurt saw blood streaming out of his shoulder. The wounded older Alpha didn't want to give up, it seemed much more determinate to kill Blaine. He grabbed Blaine by his neck en smacked him against one of the rocks where Kurt was.
'Blaine!' Kurt crawled to Blaine. His neck was bleeding. 'Are you okay? Okay, stupid question. I'm sorry for what I said after I find out. My dad told me why you did it...' A painful shot flashed through his ankle, he felt teeth bite in his flesh. He was dragged back by the brown wolf. He screamed out of pain.
Blaine's eyes flashes open when he heard the scream. He jumps up, ignoring the pain. Anger was flashing trough his veins. He can see the fear and pain on Kurt's face. He jumped at the brown wolf and bit his neck. The wolf let Kurt's leg go and he howled in pain. Blaine didn't let go and bit through. He growled angry. He felt blood in his mouth, he shakes his head and a sickening snap of a neck sounds trough the silence.
Blaine lets go. The brown wolf was dead. Blaine morphed back, put his shirt off and swept his body free of the blood. Then he turned to Kurt. 'Are you okay?'
'Y-yes, are... is he dead?' Kurt stuttered, looking at the wolf. Blaine nodded. The wolf changed back to his human form. A Brown hair, middle aged, muscled man appeared.
'Who is it?' Kurt asks.
'I don't know him,' Blaine confessed he kneels before Kurt. 'Are you okay? You arm....'
'It's okay, my ankle is broken,' Kurt said. There fell a silence.
'I'm so sorry, Kurt, I should have told you,' Blaine said, his voice broken.
'You should've,' Kurt nodded. 'But I know why you did it. My dad explained everything.'
Blaine closed his eyes. 'I just couldn't let you die. You saw what blood does to his instincts. There were more Alpha's that night. My dad and I just wanted to keep you safe.' A tear streamed down his cheek. 'I'm so sorry. I...' His babbling was silent when Kurt pushed his lips on his.
'I'm sorry too, I should have listen to you than I never went to Sebastian,' Kurt spoke softly. 'I thought I never see you again, I can't live without you.' He felt safe in Blaine's arms again.
'So does this mean where back together?' Blaine asks after a silence.
Kurt nodded. 'I missed you. I hate fighting with you. Just don't lie to me again, Okay? Let's agree that we will be honest to each other. Even if you want to mate or something.'
Blaine laughed, and Kurt smiled he missed that laugh. 'I agree with that,' Blaine gave him a kiss. He pulled Kurt on his feet.
'Okay stop it, you'll making me sick!' a voice snapped and they turned. Sebastian stumbled to them, his nose bleeds and his clothes were ripped. 'all that goodness, I can't handle it.'
Blaine narrowed his eyes. 'Why where you here, Sebastian?'
'This is mine domain, your boyfriend came to me,' Sebastian defended himself. 'Well I planned on killing you and claiming Kurt but well I end up saving your beloved boyfriend.'
Blaine growled angry but Kurt stumbled clumsy to Sebastian. And hugged him. 'Thanks, Sebastian, you saved my life. I knew you were good deep, deep, deep inside.' Kurt let him go, his eyes bright and he smiled widely.
Sebastian was in shock. Then he snapped out of it. 'Take that back, Hummel. It's the biggest insult you can give me.' His cheeks turned pink.
'Why are you blushing?' Kurt mocked.
'I don't blush!' Sebastian defended. 'It's just a hot day!'
'Aah you are blushing, that's cute!' Kurt laughed.
Blaine sniffed. 'Where is your pack, Sebastian? If they just were on a hunt they would came to help their Alpha.'
Sebastian looked down, he felt ashamed.
'What's wrong?' Kurt asks worried.
'There gone.' Sebastian whispers.
'Gone? Just gone?' Blaine was stunned. A pack would never leave their Alpha alone. Leaving their safe home. 'What did you do?'
'Nothing, I was my amazing self!' Sebastian huffed, Kurt rolled his eyes. 'I woke up a few weeks ago, they're gone. There was nobody. I was alone, I tried howling but nothing. You know what that means?' He looked at Blaine who doesn't look back.
'I'm sorry.' He whispers softly and his eyes were sad.
'What does that means?' Kurt asks.
'They're dead,' Sebastian said, his eyes full of tears. Kurt gulped in shock.
A car pulled over and Burt and the old Pete Grammar stepped out with guns. 'What the hell is going on??'
Pete Grammar lived near the forest in a small cabin. He lived alone, he lost his wife and his son in the car crash who killed Sid's son.
Burt walked to Kurt. 'Are you okay?'
Kurt just nodded. 'I was attacked by a wolf.' He points to the dead body. Pete froze and Burt eyes widened. 'But... that's Logan Grammar. You're son!' He looked at Pete. 'He supposed to be dead. He died 6 years ago in a car crash, the same with Maria Grammar and Sid's son, Ian.' He looked at Pete who ran to his son and hold him in his arms and cried. 'Pete, how is this possible?'
They let Pete cry for awhile, Burt checked the wounds on Kurt, Blaine and Sebastian. 'You should go to a hospital and let you ankle get checked.'
'I want to hear his story, dad, I deserve to know after today,' Kurt said. He laid his hands on Blaine's. 'I think everybody deserves to know. Blaine, Sebastian and I almost died because of him. At least he can explain us how this can and why his son is still alive when he died 6 years ago.' He looked at the broken man and felt pity with the old broken man.
After a hour Pete was ready to talk.
'Maria and I have just one son, Logan. He was our proud. We loved him and spoiled him. He was turned into a werewolf at the age of 8. He was out of control, he was too strong. He broke the house down at the age of 12. He almost killed my wife. It was too dangerous to keep on living with him. We brought him to a pack in Chicago. So that he can be trained and he learned his to control his behavior.' He sniffed.
'Maria was devastated. But it was for the best. Nobody knew, we were afraid people wanted to kill him when they find out he was a Alpha who couldn't control himself. We didn't hear from him for 20 years. At the age of 30 he returned, that was 6 years ago. He was changed, he had accepted his Alpha. He wanted to find a Mate, he was gay. He was in love with Ian, Sid's son. I didn't want to accept it but he was my only son. Ian didn't want Logan, he was straight, he declined every move Logan did. Logan couldn't handle it and lost control. It was the day before full moon. Maria decided to take Logan to a old shed, two roads down, to lock him up so that he couldn't harm anybody. She was driving. Logan was upset. They stopped before cross, a blue car passed and Logan recognized it. It was Ian with his new Girlfriend. Logan lost control, jumped out of the car and ran after the car. He could have exposed his secret. Maria was in shock and followed with the car. Logan jumps in front of the car and Ian was forced to stop. Maria was too late, she hit Ian's car with full force, Ian's car smashed to a three and he and Maria both died. Logan was badly wounded and taken to a hospital. He explained me everything. I was angry and mourning over my wife. I decided to put his death in scene, I wouldn't let anyone harm my son, he was the only one I got left. It was an accident. I've hidden him for years. That why I knew that there was a fight on Saturday. My son wanted a Mate...' Tears streamed down his face. 'He wanted to beloved by someone who would accept him.'
Kurt felt pity for the wolf and his dad.
'I'm sorry he couldn't find a Mate or love,' Blaine spoke. 'But he shouldn't kill us to get what he wanted. He put others in dangerous because he was selfish. I killed him, but I don't regret it if it means that my Mate, Pack and others are safe.'
Pete's eyes darkened, he jumps up and pulled his gun. 'You killed him! He was my only Son!!!' He yelled.
Burt didn't hesitated and knocked the gun out of the old man's hand and put him handcuffs on. 'Calm down, Pete. I think you can spend a night in the cell too cool off. I'm sorry for your son but I don't think he was going to stop with damaging the village.' He pulled Pete to his car.
'When I get out, you are dead, boy,' Pete screamed at Blaine. 'I will destroy your beloved ones and laugh while you cry.' His eyes darkened.
Kurt looked shock. That old men was going crazy.
'I will get my revenge!!' Pete yelled before the door was shot.
'I'll take him to the prison, I don't think he gets free anytime soon,' Burt said. 'You don't have to worry. I'll take you to the hospital, Kurt.'
'I don't get in one car with a crazy man!' Kurt snapped.
'I'll take you to the hospital,' Blaine said.
Burt nodded. 'Be home at 8 tonight, Kurt! No excuses!' He stepped in his car and drove off.
'What about Sebastian?' Kurt asks and looked at the lone wolf.
'Don't look at me, he tried to Claim you today, Kurt,' Blaine said firm. Kurt pouted and Blaine rolled his eyes and turned to Sebastian. 'Do you want to come with us?'
'I'll be fine, I need to wait for the cops and say there is a body found,' Sebastian said. 'Well it was nice to safe you, Kurt. I wish you both the best. I need to go. Ciao.' He turned and walked away.
'Well come on, I bring you to the hospital,' Blaine said and lifted Kurt a la bride style.
'Do you think he's okay?' Kurt asks worried.
'Losing your pack is the worst thing what can happen to an Alpha, he just needs time,' Blaine said sad.
'Did you feel something when we had our fight and I didn't want too see you?' Kurt asks, he wanted to know if Blaine felt the same.
'I felt lost, sad, miserable,' Blaine confessed.
'Me too,' Kurt said. 'I don't want that feeling ever again.' He pressed his lips against Blaine. 'Are you afraid of what Pete could do to you? He swore revenge.'
Blaine laughed. 'I think I can take a old men, Kurt. He's almost 80! You don't have much confidence in me do you? How many times do I need to safe you?'
'You have proved yourself, you're my hero!' Kurt smiled and they stopped for a kiss.


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