Will you be mine?
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Will you be mine?: Chapter 16

K - Words: 2,566 - Last Updated: Jul 10, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Apr 24, 2013 - Updated: Jul 10, 2013
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There fell a deathly silence. Everybody looked at Kurt. Sam glared angry at Blaine, who didn't look at Kurt, Quinn who had a pitiful look on her face, Mercedes had a knowing smile on her face, and Puck... he just looked drunk.
Kurt couldn't take it anymore, the lies, the looks that said that he was so stupid to fall in this trap. His eyes filled with tears. He felt betrayed. Betrayed by the person he loved most. That he trusted blindly. Who wasn't even men enough to look him in the eye right now.
'You seriously didn't know?' Puck asks.
Quinn glared at him. 'Just shut up, Pucker man!'
Blaine finally looked at Kurt and Kurt saw regret in his eyes. 'Kurt, I...'
Kurt walked towards him and smacked him right in the face with his fist. Blaine stumbled to the ground and grabbed his nose.
'Don't ever speak to me again! You have no right anymore!' Tears streamed down Kurt's face and he turned and walked away. He didn't give Blaine the pleasure to see him break down.
Blaine stood up and ran after Kurt. 'Kurt, please, don't go... I ... can explain.'
Kurt just kept walking. He couldn't listen. His dad and Adam were right after al. Blaine was just the same as all those other Alpha's. He had manipulate Kurt, saying he was different but then when he wasn't looking he Marked him. And when they were both honest against each other, Blaine still didn't tell him.
'You were unconscious and wounded, there were Alpha's everywhere,' Blaine's voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
Kurt turned and Blaine almost walked him over, he stopped. 'So I was unconscious and then you thought... well hey, now is my change to Mark him while he can't speak back?!' Kurt snapped.

'That's not what I did, you know me better than that,' Blaine said, blinking back his tears.
'Do I? I remember that you went on and on about Marking, even if I get a Ring of Adam. I think that this is your plan all along. My father is right, you're not different than others.' Kurt started walking
. 'Kurt!' Blaine ran after him again. 'Just listen to me.'
'why? You didn't listen to me.' Kurt walked faster. 'I Said NO! And I explained it to you why I wouldn't want it. And even now you're not listening. I said DON'T EVER SPEAK TO ME AGAIN! I think I forgotten that you are a all mighty Alpha who doesn't have to listen to a stupid Omega like me!'
'You're not stupid!' Blaine's voice cracked, the words of Kurt cut right through his body and destroyed him.
'Whatever, I don't want to see you ever again,' Kurt snapped and ran away.
Blaine want to follow him but Quinn appeared right before him. She looked at him angry. 'How could you do that to him, Blaine?! After everything that happened to me? I went through hell, and now you're doing the same thing!' Tears streamed down her face.
'It's nothing like that,' Blaine said soft. 'I love him, I wouldn't hurt him.'
'That's what he said to me,' Quinn said. She blinked back her tears. 'just leave him alone, Blaine.' She walked away, the way Kurt left.
Kurt paced trough the forest. He was hurt and angry. He didn't know why Blaine would do that to him. He had explained everything and still Blaine didn't listen. Didn't care. The playing that almost turned in Claiming flashes before his eyes. After that, Blaine Marked him. Just two steps away before Mating. Before he was forced to live here forever. He really toughed Blaine was different, it was stupid to believe. He should have listened to his father and Adam. He let his guard down and Blaine didn't even hesitated.
Kurt felt betrayed, ashamed and dirty with the Mark on him. He slowed down. What is he going to say to his dad? You were right. I was just a fool in love? He whipped his tears away. He didn't even know if Blaine really loved him. Or were it just words? Suddenly he heard growling behind him, he sighed. 'Blaine... I told you to not follow me.' He turned angry.
Sebastian smiled at him. 'Why are you all alone in a big forest? Boyfriend trouble?'
Kurt rolled his eyes, turned around and started walking. 'I'm not in the mood today, Sebastian, come back tomorrow.'
'Well, I can't do that,' Sebastian smirked and followed Kurt. 'Who knows what tomorrow brings? You maybe back with your Boyfriend.'
Kurt huffed. 'Blaine and I are over, for good.' He walked faster.
'So that means you're free?' Sebastian smiled.
Kurt tensed but kept walking. He didn't like the tone in Sebastian's voice. He was all alone with him, he could better keep on walking than stop. It wasn't that far from town. 'Yes and I like to stay that way. So go away and leave me alone!'
Sebastian growled and grabs his arm. 'I can't do that, like I said! You're mine now!'
Kurt pushed Sebastian away and ran as fast as he can. Trees flashes by and he saw the end of the forest. Almost safe! He heard four paws hit the ground and knew that Sebastian morphed into his wolf. Sebastian jumped. Kurt smacked trough the ground with a yell. Kurt felt the weight of Sebastian on his stomach. He struggled, but that made Sebastian only angrier. He moved forward and Kurt felt his breath in his neck.
'P-please... don't...' Kurt hated begging, but he was too scared to care.
Sebastian sniffed and jumped off of him. He breathed heavy and morphed back. He looked at Kurt in shock. 'I... can't.'
Kurt deadpanned him. 'What? I'm I not attractive enough anymore?! If I hadn't the worst day ever...' He stood up, checked his shattered clothes and sighed.
Sebastian stood there still in shock. 'You're Marked!'
Kurt rolled his eyes. 'You Don't have to rub it in. I know. I just find out.'
'You didn't know?' Even Sebastian looked sad and that didn't help Kurt's mood at all. 'Wow, I didn't expected that Anderson had it in him!'
'It's not something to be proud of! Thanks to him I have no live anymore!' Kurt snapped angry.
Sebastian raised his eyebrows and then smiled, as if a perfect idea just came into his head. 'You don't want it?'
'of course I don't,' Kurt sobs. 'My life is doomed.'
'Don't be so dramatic,' Sebastian sighed.
'Well it's not like you're life is over...,,' Kurt whispers. He just wanted this day to end.
'You can break a Mark,' Sebastian said and Kurt looked up.
'Well it isn't pleasant,' Sebastian walked closer but kept a safe distant between him and Kurt.
'Let me guess, you're gonna kill me?' Kurt asks coldly.
'Just leave him alone!'
They both turned at the voice. Quinn walked up and stopped between Kurt and Sebastian, hands on her hips.
Sebastian smiled. 'Miss Quinn "ice-queen" Fabre. It's been awhile.' He clenched his fist.
'You shouldn't listen to this liar, Kurt,' Quinn spoke, never turn her eyes of Sebastian. 'He's evil, not a good bone in him.' She narrowed her eyes in anger.
'You know I can kill you right now!' Sebastian snapped.
'You can't, spill one drop of my blood and my Alpha will rip you're head off,' Quinn said softly. 'I give you 3 seconds to leave...'
Sebastian stepped back and looked at Kurt. 'Do you want to break the Mark so both you and Blaine can be free? Than come to me when you're ready!' He morphed and disappeared in the forest.
Quinn turned to Kurt and was shocked to see how broken Kurt looked. 'Come on, we're going to my house. I think we'll need to talk.'
The village of Puckerman was smaller than the Anderson Pack. Kurt saw 25 wolfs, they all looked mistrusted.
'A Marked Omega visits never a Pack without another Wolf or their Alpha,' Quinn explained. 'We're a easy target to hurt the whole Pack. A Alpha is nothing without his Omega.'
'So what you said earlier about spilling blood?' Kurt asks.
'Puck would kill Sebastian in no time!' Quinn assured. She walked to a small cabin, Puck came outside with Beth who ran to Quinn.
'She wouldn't want to sleep until you were safe home,' Puck said, he walked over and pulled both Quinn and Beth in his arms. 'You are okay, right?' Puck's voice full with worries.
'Don't mind me, I'm fine,' Quinn walked inside and the rest follows. Kurt had never expected such a normal home from a Alpha like Puck. Flower buckets everywhere, the whole house was full with bright collars, yellow, purple, pink.
'Take a seat. Some tea?' Quinn asks and walked to the kitchen. Kurt sat down on the couch.
'Are you okay?' Puck asks.
'I've felt better, Puck, but thanks for asking,' Kurt said.
He didn't understand why Quinn wanted to talk to him. He just wanted to go home and curl under a blanket and watch Disney movies for hours, until he forget Blaine. He can't stand the part that still wanted to be with him. That just screamed for his arms around him. He just didn't know what to do anymore.
Beth growled tiredly and tugged at Puck's arm. 'I'll read her a bedtime story and then I'll put her to bed.' Puck lifted Beth up and walked away.
Kurt smiled and watched them leave. Puck reminded him of his dad. The bedtime stories, the love, the protectiveness. It was shocking because he never expected that Puck would be such a good Family man.
'Here's your tea,' Quinn walked in with cookies and three cups of tea.
'Thanks!' Kurt takes a sip of his tea. 'Why are you being this nice to me, Quinn? The first time we met... you weren't that friendly.'
'That's because you remind me of me, Kurt,' Quinn said. 'I used to dream big just like you. Living in New York, to make it.'
'What happened?' Kurt asks.
'Life happened,' Quinn smiled sad. 'Puck, Sam and Blaine were my high school buddy's. We grew up together. I was head cheerleader, I had good grades, I had lovely friends and my parents supported me. Until I got pregnant. My whole life shattered. My friends left me, my parents disowned me, I needed to stop with my duties as head cheerleader. I lost everything. Except Puck, Sam and Blaine. Puck was the father, we decided to keep the baby. First I didn't want her. But Puck would take care of her so I can follow my dreams. I left high school without certification and left off to New York.'
That Puck would care on his own for his daughter just reminded Kurt again of his own dad. He admired the Alpha even more. 'My dad raised me on his own too,' Kurt spoke soft. 'It's selfish to leave your child behind.'
Quinn nodded. 'I was. And I was na�ve. My dream was to become a lawyer. I never finished my study. I met a lawyer, Malcolm L. Price. He was a Alpha. But not like I knew. He was friendly, patience, sweet. He worshipped me. At least that's what I thought. He just wanted to control me. We fell in love, within a month we were living together and than his behavior changed. He was jealous that I had a child with Puck. He demanded that I would never see her again. I couldn't do that so I met Puck and Beth in secret. Puck wasn't happy about that. He wanted to take me with him, back to Lima. But I was too afraid and went back. When Malcolm find out he Marked me and I was forced into mating.' Tears streamed down her face. Puck walked in, saw Quinn crying, walked over and put a arm around her.
'What happened next?' Kurt asks.
'I killed him,' Puck said calm. 'He was a jerk and deserved to die for what he did to her.' He growled angry.
'I'm glad he did, I was living in hell,' Quinn whipped her tears away. 'Since that day, we are together and raising Beth together. So I know how you feel, Kurt. Being Marked against you're will. But I also know Blaine... he would never hurt you. He loves you.'
'That's true, we know Blaine for a long time now and we never seen him so much in love,' Puck winked. 'Maybe you two just need to talk it out.'
'I'm done talking!' Kurt snapped. 'He had every change to tell me. But he didn't. He just doesn't care.'
'Well don't forget what happened, The Mark saved you're life tonight, Kurt,' Quinn said. 'I don't think Sebastian is a better Alpha than Blaine.'
'I don't know, they both won't listen to me,' Kurt stood up. 'I know one thing! I don't want to be Marked!'
Quinn's eyes widened. 'You're not seriously considering Sebastian's offer?'
'What offer?' Puck asks. Quinn ignored him and grabs Kurt's arm.
'Just let me go, Quinn, I don't know what to think or what to do anymore. I just want to go home!' Kurt said.
Puck stood up. 'I'll bring you home. Come on.' He crabs his car keys.
Burt heard a car stop outside and he ran to the door. He saw Kurt stepping out and the car drove away. 'Kurt, are you okay?' Burt can see that his son had been crying and pulled him in a hug. 'Do you know how worried I was? Blaine has been looking for you everywhere.'
Kurt tensed and pulled back. 'He isn't here, right?'
'he left a hour ago,' Burt reassured. 'Kurt, what's going on? Blaine said only that he was sorry, he didn't tell what he did.' He lifted Kurt's chin. 'You know you can tell me anything, Kurt...'
'I'm Marked,' Kurt blinked back the tears. 'Blaine Marked me, even when I said no.'
'What?!' Burt exploded. 'Let me see the Mark.'
Kurt lifted his eyebrows. 'You can see a Mark?'
'Of course, it depends how long you've been Marked,' Burt looked sad. 'Let's go inside.'
They walked inside and Burt locked the door. 'A common place for a Mark is a shoulder. Lift you're sweater.'
Kurt did what was told and gulped. On his right shoulder was a red Mark in the shape of a Wolf. Burt didn't say anything, he just looked sad.
Kurt put his sweater down. 'I'm sorry dad, you were right about Blaine... about everything.' He sniffs.
Burt pulled Kurt in a hug. 'It's not your fault, Kurt. I thought Blaine wouldn't do that...'
'Well, we're both wrong about him, I don't want to see him ever again,' Kurt whipped his tears away. 'I'll go take a shower. Maybe I can wash this Mark and his scent away!' He paced up the stairs but turned when he was upstairs. 'Thanks, dad.'
'For what?' Burt asks.
'For not being mad,' Kurt said.
'Like I said. It's not your fault, Kurt,' Burt said. 'Go take a shower and then go to bed, okay? I'll take care of it from now on.' Kurt smiled and turned to take a shower.
Burt grabs his gun and clenched his free fist. It was time for a talk with Blaine.


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