Feb. 9, 2015, 6 p.m.
Feb. 9, 2015, 6 p.m.
Someone asked if this s gonna be a Mpreg story and I think some people are wondering the same thing. But i have no idea where this leads to. I write chapter for chapter. let me know if youre open to it or against it so I can keep that in mind for maybe later on:)
So what do you think of this chapter? Poor wolf:( Blaine finally admits hes in love with Kurt, while Kurt tries to forget him. This could be interesting....;)
Kurt regretted it the minute his feet hit the ground. He followed the path where he saw Blaine, Wes, David and Jeff disappear, he shined his flashlight through the tree's. ‘Blaine?' His voice sounded weak and he tried again. ‘Blaine?!' nothing. How can they disappear so quickly? ‘Jeff? Wes?'
Kurt walks further and further and soon he was lost. He didn't understand, Blaine was like 2 minutes ahead but he couldn't see anything. He shivered again because it got colder and colder. After 10 minutes walking around he gave up, he was lost. How can I be so stupid? I can just call them! Kurt cursed at his own stupidity. He reached for his pockets but nothing. Shit I left my phone when I changed clothes.
Kurt groans in defeat. If my friends know what I got myself into they would laugh at my face, hell this was even entertaining for all the bullies back home. This was just asking for trouble. Kurt shivers against the cold, wrapping his arms around him. I need a place to stay tonight otherwise I wouldn't even make it to tomorrow. There was no way I can find the way back now.
Kurt walks a little bit further, shining his flashlight at any possible bush or big tree. Maybe he could hide against it for the night. Great Kurt the camping expert. The only time I sat a step inside a forest was on his eleventh birthday. My dad thought it was a ‘fun' idea to pack some stuff and camp somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Well it turned out to be my worst nightmare. After I discovered a spider crawling on my shoulder, I ran screaming out of my tent. The whole camping was furious and my dad too. He didn't talk to me for a week. Oh, if my dad could see me now.
Suddenly he heard something on his left and Kurt quickly turns with his flashlight to the noise. Nothing. ‘Hello?' He could feel his voice tremble, his heart speed up a bit. ‘Blaine?....' Another shuffle to the left, he turns again and almost trips over his own feet. ‘If this is one joke… It's not funny.' He heard growling. This can't be good.
Kurt couldn't see anything in the dark bushes but he wasn't going to stand there and just wait to be attacked by whatever it is. He quickly spins around, away from the growling, but stopped when he saw a big brown dog in front of him. No it's way too big for a normal dog…. It's a wolf? I didn't even know they lived here. Kurt remembered James warning to stay inside and he understand that now and he wished he had listened. Oh my god, Blaine is somewhere here, maybe he's attacked or wounded or..
Another wolf appeared and behind him there were five others. Compared to them the first wolf looked rather small. Kurt gulps when they'll showed their teethes and growled. He held his flashlight in front of him for protection and shined in their eyes, which made them all more angry. One wolf stepped forward to attack but got snapped back by another one and a small fight broke loose and Kurt took that opportunity to turn around and run.
Kurt had no idea where he was running to all he knew was to get out of here as fast as his legs could run. This forest had to end at some point right? I just hope that it ends in some kind of civilization. He cursed when he felt the first pain shot in his sides. If I survive this I'll join the jock team again and train like a madman.
Kurt had nothing with sport, he joined the team to cover up because he was too scared to tell his dad he was gay. He even joined the Cheerleader team with Mercedes to be with the popular kids, but all failed when Mercedes quits and he still got harassed by Karofsky so he quit too. He did nothing to keep his body in shape and he regretted it now.
Kurt could hear howling and he knew that the wolfs picked up their hunt or noticed that their prey has escaped. What would they do to me when they caught me? Would they really kill me and eat me? Kurt swallows, he once saw a wolf documentary where a whole pack of wolfs killed a small deer without mercy and devoured it. He avoided tree's, rocks, small rabbit holes (he could easily break a ankle if he fell), He couldn't allow himself to fall or else he would lose his advantage.
The wolves were catching up on him fast and soon they would surround him again and Kurt needed to think quickly. He couldn't run forever, he already could feel his body giving up on him. He took a sharp, deep breath. Up ahead was a river, he could easily jump over it and just hope wolves were scared of water. He jumps….
Suddenly he could feel a hard pull around his leg and got dragged backwards by his jeans. Kurt's head hit the ground and he could taste sand. He groans, a little disorientated because of the blow on his head. But that only lasted a couple of seconds as he could hear the exited growling and barking around him. He looked down at the wolf who was dragging him away from the river to the group, a big black wolf.
Kurt never knew he could do it and when he looked back at it, he still wouldn't believe it, but he grabbed his flashlight and throws it at the wolf's head in hope he would back off. The wolf twisted his head to avoid it and Kurt screams in pain when he felt his leg being twisted too. He quickly turns on his back to avoid any more damage. He couldn't afford a broken leg. He started to kick the wolf and with success. The wolf howls in pain and let's go of Kurt's leg.
It worked! Now run, Kurt! Kurt stood up shaking and wasted no time with jumping over the river, landing on the soft ground of leaves. Why are there so many leaves here, all in one place? That just seems a bit out of nature.
Before Kurt could think more about it he heard angry growling and he could see the wolves clearly upset. I didn't think they even could be upset like that… it almost seems… human. Oh my god, I'm going crazy. I'm seeing humanity in animals. I need to call a therapist first thing in the morning. He just hoped the wolves would go away and not following him, he had no energy left and his leg needed medical attention. Luckily the wolves doesn't seem to think about crossing the river, and when Kurt thought he was safe he slowly felt if his leg was broken. It was bruised but not broken. Suddenly he realized how lucky he was, that wolf was huge and could easily broken all bones in his body. So why didn't he?
Kurt studied the wolves. It was clear that one of the two black wolves were in charge, they also seem to have the most control about themselves. They just sat there, waiting, sniffling the air. They probably hoping for me to jump back so they can eat me. But still…. These wolves seemed different. Their back legs were longer and the frond legs were shorter, as if they could walk straight up with ease, if they really wanted it. A cold shiver ran down Kurt's spine, thinking about it. They looked somehow familiar, like he had seen them once before but he couldn't remember it. Everything felt vague since the moment Blaine rejected him, It's like his memory stopped at that moment and he could only remember that. Oh my god, Blaine! He's still out there somewhere. What if he's attacked or eaten? Why would he even be here when he knew there are wolves here? Maybe he didn't know… He looked up when he heard snarling and growling between the group wolves.
The little wolf wanted to cross the river, but got stopped and held down by the other wolves. They'll made a circle around the wolf, they stood between Kurt and the young wolf in, blocking Kurt from the view. Kurt blinks confused. He couldn't believe what he saw. It's like they're protecting me. Kurt stood up. Maybe I can cross the river safely and go home while the others protect me. Hell, I've heard stories about kids being raised by wolves. He stepped closer but all wolves turned immediately to him and growls, showing their teeth's, ready to attack immediately. Kurt quickly stepped back. Or maybe not…
Sadly for Kurt, no wolf paid attention to the little wolf, and he jumped over the river with a hungry growl. The small brown wolf landed in front of Kurt. Kurt could feel the ground under him shift and before he could do anything he fell into a deep dark hole. His back hit the ground and his head got a second blow in one day. He groans in pain. And he wasn't the only one, next to him someone was squeaking in pain. Kurt moved his hand and could feel brown fur. Oh oh.
The moonlight shined a little light into the deep hole and Kurt noticed that this hole was human made. That explains the leaves, it was to cover it up, and why the wolves didn't follow him. They somehow knew, well except for one. This also meant that they didn't care about my life at all. Great. Someone made this trap, probably a hunter. Maybe it was Blaine, he probably was some kind of hero hunter and he'll be here any second to come and get me out of here. Then we'll kiss and live happily ever after… Okay calm down, Kurt. Although Blaine would be super hot as a jungle hero, you have bigger things to worry about. Kurt turns around, the wolf was still lying, licking his paw in pain. A lot of bigger things.
It was obvious the wolf had a lot of pain, but when Kurt moved closer the wolf growls and Kurt quickly stepped back. ‘Okay, I know you want to eat me or something, but I won't hurt you. We're both wounded and we need to get out of here.' Kurt looked up above him and a plan formed in his head. ‘We can help each other.' He sighs. Great now I'm talking to animals.
The wolf nodded and Kurt blinks. Did the wolf just nodded? He swallows. ‘You… you understand me?'
The wolf nodded again.
‘I.. wow.' Kurt didn't know what to say. Can I talk wolfish? Am I barking? Stop it, you watched Harry Potter to many times. You're just a normal human, it was the wolf.
The wolf squeaked inpatient, slowly standing up, looking at Kurt like he was waiting for the plan. ‘Eh.. okay,' Kurt gulps, shakes his head to clear it, and tried to explain the wolf what he wanted without being a complete idiot: ‘I need a lift, I can't get out by myself. When I'm out, I'll pull you out, then we'll both leave.' The wolf narrowed his eyes. (He fucking narrows his eyes could a wolf do that?) ‘Okay, I get your concern, but I promise to get you out. I'll pull you out by your paw, don't use your teeth okay? I'm not going to survive that.'
The wolf rolled his eyes and got into position, gesturing with his head that Kurt could stand on his back to pull himself out. Kurt blinks his eyes again but it was gone and before him stood a huge impatient wolf. I'm absolutely going crazy. He gently lifted himself on the back of the wolf. Yes, yes, laugh, if he told his friends this they would laugh in his face. Hell he even would laugh with them.
He stretched his arms and pulls himself easily out of the hole. The other wolves were gone. Kurt leans down, to grab the outstretched paw of the wolf and pulls him up. They were both free. They locked eyes….
Suddenly a gunshot sounded and a lot of yelling.
‘There is one!'
‘A boy is with him!'
‘Shoot him!'
Another gunshot sounds and Kurt covered his ears against the loud noise. The wolf fell down, his eyes empty, blood seeping out of his neck. ‘N-no.' Kurt's eyes sting with tears. Okay the wolf wanted to kill him but this… this wasn't fair.
A pair of hands grabbed him up to his feet and away from the poor wolf. He stared up at cold bleu eyes of a older man. ‘Are you bitten? Boy are you okay?'
‘W-what? Bitten? No….' Kurt mumbles. ‘I'm fine… he… is he okay?' Gesturing to the wolf, still in denial.
The man frowns. ‘He's dead.'
The man didn't pay attention to him and walks over to the other two man standing over the wolf's body, all three wearing guns. Kurt stumbles closer, his ankle still hurt, to look at what they're seeing and he gasps.
On the place where he last saw the wolf lay a young boy, not older than 12. Black hair, white skin. One of the man, with blond hair, a rough beard spoke up. ‘Isn't that McCoy's kid?'
The man who earlier spoke to Kurt said: ‘Damn, who knew that family kept such a secret. We need to control the whole family now. Udo, bring the body to McCoy's.'
The third man, grey hair, scruffy face, long nose, shook his head in regret. ‘It was his first change.'
‘He attacked that innocent boy, we need to do our duty,' The man points at Kurt. Before Kurt could react the grey haired man scooped the boy in his hands and walks off. Both man turns to Kurt. ‘Are you okay, kid? You look kinda pale.'
The last thing Kurt saw was the two man hovering over him before everything turns black.
Kurt woke up confused to where he was at first but then he heard voices in the room next to him and he remembered everything. There was no denying anymore. Werewolves were real. And they almost killed me.
Kurt shivered, he should get up, thank the hunters for saving him and get home. The door opened and a curved woman with a apron, long flower dress, short, brown hair stepped in. She smiled when she saw he was awake. ‘Hello, I heard from Rupert what happened. You must've been so scared. I'm Rupert's wife, Molly Walsh.'
‘Kurt Hummel,' Kurt sat up and shook her hand politely. ‘I was. Thanks to your husband I'm still alive.' Thanks to me, that young boy died. Rupert killed him. The feeling of guilt overwhelmed him.
‘Yes, my man is a hero,' Molly said proudly, sat down a trade of food on the night stand. ‘I made some breakfast, can I contact someone to pick you up? You're not from around here are you?'
Kurt looks at the delicious food in front of him, he was hungry. ‘Eh… no I'm not. I'm from Ohio.'
‘Oh, well that's a long walk.' Molly sounds confused.
‘No, I'm staying at the Anderson's this summer, my dad is on a business trip.' Kurt explains. ‘How did you know I wasn't from here?'
Molly nods. ‘The people around here know better than to wander around in a forest invested by werewolves at a full moon.'
Oh yeah stupid me. Maybe next time a ‘Welcome to Westerville, PS this city is invested by werewolves” warning sign would help! But Kurt didn't say that, he didn't want to be rude, so instead he asked: ‘Does everyone know about Werewolves?'
‘Some people don't want to see the truth, but it's stupid to deny such a dangerous creature. Others are protecting a werewolf because they're their mother, dad, brother, sister, friend or uncle. If people just could be honest we could destroy it faster,' Molly sighs. Kurt blinks, he didn't expect such harsh words from a friendly looking woman like Molly. ‘Anyway, I'll call the Anderson's to pick you up. If your done, you can put the trade away in the kitchen. My man and daughter are home too.' She smiles one time, turns around and leaves Kurt alone to finish his breakfast.
When Kurt was done he made his way to the kitchen and saw the man who had saved him, reading the news paper and a blonde teenage girl sitting opposite of him eating her cereal slowly. Rupert looked up when he saw Kurt. ‘Hi, kid, how're you feeling?'
Kurt give him a small smile. ‘Good, happy to be alive. Thank you for saving me again, Mr. Walsh.'
‘No problem, kid, take a seat,' Rupert points to the chair next to the blonde girl, who smiled shyly at Kurt. Once Kurt sat down Rupert continued. ‘My daughter Becky this is…eh….'
‘Kurt this is my daughter Becky.' The two teens shook hands. ‘So Kurt, I've never seen you here before,' Rupert said.
‘I'm from Ohio, I'm staying the summer with the Anderson's,' Kurt explains again.
Rupert narrows his eyes. ‘The Anderson's he?'
‘You know them?'
‘Everyone knows each other here. They're good people, well except for their son. Blake?'
‘Blaine. What do you mean with that?'
Rupert made a disgusting face. ‘He's a fag. Be careful around him, Kurt, it can be contagious.' Kurt's jaw dropped. ‘You can stay with us if he gets too…'
‘No, I'll be fine,' Kurt quickly said. Great his savior was a homophobic and a asshole. I battled that kind of people in Lima but I didn't expect it in a town like this, where everyone expected me the minute I walked in.
‘Suit yourself,' Rupert shrugs.
Molly walks into the kitchen. ‘Kurt, the Andersons are on their way to pick you up. They'll be here in 20 minutes.'
‘thanks.' Can we skip the 20 minutes? Kurt felt really uncomfortable in a home like this now. Rupert grumps and Molly left the kitchen again. ‘Eh… so werewolves?'
Rupert's face light up. ‘yes werewolves, they're worse than fags. You don't even know how lucky you were tonight. Don't believe in fairytales, kid, they're worse than those stories. That one we killed tonight, that was just a young kid. When they reach the age of 16, they become real dangerous.'
Kurt felt sick. He remembered the young werewolf. It was just a kid. What did they say? It was his first change and if that book is correct that means that he was only 12 years old. Kurt stared at the man in front of him. How could he be proud to take away someone ‘s life? A child's life for god sake. ‘He was just a kid…'
‘He wanted to kill you.'
‘he saved me. We helped each other. We were both trapped in that hole and we helped each other escape!' Kurt squeaked, angry about so much unfairness. He could feel Becky's eyes on him. ‘He was innocent!'
‘That was just a trick,' Rupert waved him off. ‘I know how they work, Kurt. They don't know mercy, love or compassion. They're monsters! He probably saved you just to kill you.'
Becky frowns. ‘Dad… that doesn't make sense.'
‘Shut up!' Rupert yelled and Kurt jumped slightly at the raise of his voice. ‘How can you say that after what he did to you?' Kurt frowns in confusing, looking closely at Becky. ‘I know what you're thinking, she's beautiful…' Not exactly, more looks like a nice girl but is locked inside because of her crazy dad. ‘… innocent, she's a good student to, has amazing grades, a lot of friends. You're thinking, this girl has a whole life in front of her. Becky, stand up please.'
Becky sighs, but stood up slowly. Kurt's eyes widened in surprise. Becky was pregnant! She wrapped her arms around her baby bum protectively.
‘She's raped by one of them!' Rupert's voice was shaking with anger. ‘She's pregnant with a monster. As soon as that baby is born I'm gonna drown him in a lake.'
Becky let out a sob and wiped away her tears. ‘D-dad!'
‘No discussion, Becky. We've talked about this, my daughter isn't raising a monster.'
‘But… he's a normal baby, dad, nothing going to happen till he turns 12.'
Kurt sat there in silence, studying Becky. Becky had her arms wraps around her baby bump, she wanted to keep the baby. Which girl wanted to keep her child if she was brutally raped? Unless….. she wasn't raped. She was in … love! Kurt's eyes widened at the realization. Holly shit!
Becky stormed off. Rupert sighs. ‘She doesn't know what's best for her, she should go to college after summer, not raising a monster. If I had my way all werewolves would be gone by now. That damn contract.'
‘Contract?' Kurt asks, trying to make Rupert talk in the hope time goes faster. He really wanted out of here.
‘Yes the mayor has made a contract with all werewolves in this area. We can't harm them if they don't harm a human. If they wound or kill one of us we get to kill the killer, it's been on for 5 years now.'
‘How do you recognize a werewolf? What if you kill a innocent?' Kurt asks, curious.
Rupert narrows his eyes a little, taking a sip from his coffee. ‘Eventually they reveal themselves. A werewolf can't stay away from a prey forever.'
‘You okay kid?' Rupert asks. Kurt nods but was still to shocked to say anything. ‘Anyway I'm still searching for the wolf that raped my daughter. He ruined her life and I destroy his.'
‘But… Mr. Walsh, what if this isn't rape but has everything to do with love?' Maybe Kurt's love life was doomed but he felt bad for Becky, she didn't deserve a father like this.
Rupert laughs as if Kurt just said the funniest joke ever and wiped away his tears. ‘Kid didn't you listen? A werewolf is incapable of love.'
‘I believe everyone is capable of love.'
Rupert snorts. ‘Don't be so ridiculous.'
‘Says someone who is willing to kill his grandson.'
‘He isn't human.'
‘He is.'
Rupert rolls his eyes. ‘I'm not going in discussion with someone who didn't even know that werewolves exist a hour ago.' Kurt blushed, he had a point. ‘Believe me, Kurt, promise to stay away from a werewolf from now on. And don't believe in the fairytales.'
The doorbell rang and Rupert stood up to open the door. ‘James…. And Blake?'
Kurt quickly stood up and saw to his relieve Blaine and James standing there. They both smiled friendly when they saw Kurt. Kurt could see the worry in Blaine's eyes but he gave him his most reassuring smile he could manage at the moment. Kurt thanked Mr. Walsh and let Blaine help him to the car.
‘You okay? We were so worried about you. Dad was going insane.' Blaine opens the car door. ‘Me too, I nearly lost it.'
Kurt raised his eyebrows in surprise. ‘Really? I'm sorry. I won't wonder off again.' Somebody died because of it. I didn't even know his name.
Blaine saw Kurt getting lost in thoughts, he climbed in next to Kurt and closet the door. James quickly followed, sat behind the steering wheel and drove off. Blaine could feel his dad's rage, he was angry at Kurt for disobeying him. They had a discussion about that the whole drive to here. They both agreed to not confront Kurt, he had been through hell last night. Blaine didn't remember anything but he knew that they lost a young member of the pack.
Blaine glanced at Kurt, who held his head up high, his eyes glazing, he was thinking about something, he looked kinda sad. He hated that look on Kurt's face and he blamed himself for it. He would do anything to make Kurt happy. It was a miracle that Kurt survived last night. Wes, Jeff and Nick were right, Kurt was stronger than he looked. Blaine had heard (thanks to his super hearing)how Kurt had defended the werewolves against someone as stubborn as Rupert Walsh. Nobody did that.
For the first time in his life Blaine felt hope, hope for a future with Kurt. Because he was absolutely smitten about the boy. There is a chance that Kurt could accept me, all of me.
Kurt stared out of the window, still thinking about what happened. He couldn't wrap his head around it. He needed a good night of sleep. He thought of Becky. Poor girl, a father like that ánd in love with a werewolf. I saw humanity in the wolf who died tonight, but I had to agree with Rupert about one thing. Is a werewolf really capable of love? There wasn't anything lovable about them and I wonder what would've happen after I saved the wolf. Would've he turned on me? Rupert sounded so sure. Kurt shivers. He felt a hand grab his and he looked into Blaine's warm eyes and smiled, Blaine smiled back and squeezed his hand softly. Kurt melted. Is it just me or is Blaine more attractive than yesterday? Hot damn. Stop thinking about him, like that, Kurt. He made it clear he didn't want you. Kurt blushed and quickly looked out of the window again. No it was best if he forget all about how hot Blaine Anderson was and just started seeing him as a friend. Because that's all there's ever gonna be between them. Life's sucks, well, it wasn't that bad, at least I'm not in love with a werewolf like Becky is. Poor girl…
Blaine looks away from Kurt, he didn't want to because Kurt was absolutely beautiful but he didn't want to come off as a creep. He couldn't stop smiling, Kurt's words echoing through his head. “I believe everyone is capable of love.”
A werewolf in love. And there was a chance Kurt might love him back.