The Beast Within Me
Chapter 6 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Beast Within Me: Chapter 6

E - Words: 3,575 - Last Updated: Feb 09, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/? - Created: Feb 28, 2014 - Updated: Feb 28, 2014
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Author's Notes:

I dont think its a smart idea from Kurt to follow Blaine, but well see. Im proud that Kurt was brave enough to confess his feelings to Blaine.

Anyway, let me know what you think, I love to read your opinions/ideas.:)

Kurt woke up with a huge headache. He looked at his alarm clock, it was 1 PM. Kurt yawns and stretches his arms, trying to remember what happened. He vaguely remembered dancing with Nick, singing in front of a audience. Oh my god, I made a fool out of myself didn't I? He groans and turns on his right side but his stomach protested and he quickly turns on his back again. He could feel that he was missing something important but he couldn't remember it. A knock on his door sounds like a gunshot and he quickly pulled a pillow over his head.

‘Kurt!' Nick's voice. ‘Are you awake?'

‘I'm now!' Kurt groans, throwing the pillow at Nick who opens the door and walks in.

Nick laughs and sat down on bed.. ‘Come on, sleepy head. Jeff and Blaine are at work, Wes is with Sammy Jo and David is being crumply. I can use some company. You haven't eaten anything.'

‘Believe me, I can't hold any food down at the moment.'

‘You're worse than Blaine, he looked pretty sick himself this morning.'

Blaine! At the mention of Blaine's name the memories came flooding back in. Oh. My. God. We kissed! Blaine kissed me!

‘Kurt are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost?' Nick asks worriedly.

‘I'm…. not sure,' Kurt admits.

‘What happened?'

‘I think I need to talk to Blaine first.' Kurt didn't want to make a fool out of himself when he didn't even know if Blaine remembered and if he felt the same. 

Nick just nods. ‘I'm giving you some time to take a shower and get dressed, I'll make some coffee.' And he left the room.

Kurt quickly stood up, instantly regretting it as his stomach protested and he ran towards the bathroom to empty his stomach.


Talking to Blaine was impossible, because apparently Blaine had a new mission to avoid Kurt at all costs. He stood up early to work and came home when Kurt was already asleep. This was going on for two weeks and Kurt decided to wait till Blaine was done with his punishment work. He tried to hide how much Blaine's behavior hurt him and hang out with Nick. Nick was good company but after a week he started to hang out on Jeff's work more so Kurt was left alone. He didn't mind, he was used to be alone.

Kurt decided not to mop and be pathetic to wait for someone to talk or hang out with him. He talked to his dad, Mercedes and Rachel and even called Finn to hear how the camping trip was going.  One day when the Anderson's were at work, Nick was with Jeff and Wes and David hang around the swimming pool, Kurt was moping. He was bored and felt lonely and confused. He couldn't stop thinking about the kiss and Blaine's behavior didn't make it any better. But he was tired of being a helpless little fan girl. He could use the time alone to discover more about the Anderson's. he only knew that his parents were good friends with Elise and James, but to him they were complete strangers.

Kurt walks through the hallways, looking at photo's and paintings on the wall. Everything seems normal. He walks past Blaine's, Nick and Jeff's room and past Elise and James'. He didn't stop in front of Blaine's room, even when his brain was shouting at him that taking a look wouldn't hurt anyone. He stops in front of a door that was open. He frowns, he got a tour from Nick but he couldn't remember this room. Kurt opens the door further and his eyes scanned  the room. ‘Hello? Someone here?' nobody.

Kurt steps inside and looks around in complete awe. In the middle of the room stood a big piano, there was dust on it, so it wasn't in use. Kurt used to play piano, he learned to play from his mother. He walks towards it and gently stroke the keys. God how much I miss playing.

But he didn't want to attract attention, so he looks around and smiled. He was surrounded by books. This was actually a library. How could they not show me this room? I love books and piano. I could be here for hours. He stroked the books softly, all were covered in dust. Kurt picked out a few but he soon discovered that they all were in strange unknown language or about something he didn't understand.

A black, thick book attracted his attention and he pulled the book of the shelf. He opened it and was relieved that the book was just normal English. He sat down and looks through it. He frowns at all the image's and the texts. I can't believe it… this is a fairy tail book.

A chapter about Vampires with a couple pages of description (more accurate than movies, I might add), a imagine of a vampire drinking from a human made Kurt almost throw up and he quickly skipped the page. At the bottom of the chapter was one word written: extinct!

Kurt rolls his eyes and couldn't help but giggle. What was this? Everybody knows that Vampires didn't exist. Whoever wrote this book was crazy. He searched through the book and it only confirmed his thoughts.  He passed chapters of Witches, Trolls, Elves, Giant's and dwarves, all had one word written: extinct!

Then he stopped at the chapter werewolves. He looked in disgust at the image in front of him. He saw this creature before, in his dreams. My dreams involving Blaine, I saw him change into this disgusting thing. Kurt leans over to look closer. He always expected were wolves to be the beautiful creatures like in the Twilight Movies, but no such thing. This creature was hideous and that was a understatement.  The were wolf had large back legs, his front legs were a little shorter but with sharp claws, he had a little bit of a hump in his back, sharp teeth, evil, hungry eyes, a tail. Kurt could feel one thing when he looked at it: evil!

He reads the text and a few things stood out: fast, evil, killer instinct, travels in packs, can only be killed with a silver bullet. Kurt skipped to the bottom of the page but didn't found the usually: extinct. And that made him suddenly uneasy. He turned the page and saw a describing of a were wolf change.

‘Only a human with wolf genes or a human who's bitten can turn into a werewolf. A werewolf only changes with full moon, on other days he's just a human. That's why werewolves still exist, they can just fit right in without being exposed.

The first change set in as the human turns 12 years old.' Kurt swallows. A child can change into this? This is sick. ‘It's painful to change for the first time. The human breaks all their bones so that they can transform into this beast. Once they're changed they drive on instinct. The most important things for a werewolf is food and reproduce. Once a month when the moon is high and the hormones are heightened the wolf goes hunting. For food and a mate. A werewolf isn't fussy when it comes to find someone suitable to mate. He can impregnate a female or a man.'

Kurt felt close to vomiting and he needed to close the book quickly. He quickly looked at the author's name: J. D Anderson.

‘Kurt?!' Elise's voice yelled from downstairs. ‘Are you there?' Kurt stood up shaking and walks slowly to the stairs. He really didn't feel good. ‘Hey, there you are.' Elise's smile disappeared when she saw Kurt's pale face. ‘Everything okay? You look sick.'

Kurt nods, but he could feel his stomach turn and he quickly run to the closest bathroom he could find and emptied his stomach.


Kurt felt better after three days in bed, he read, he chat with Mercedes and tried to forget everything he saw. Someone should burn that book before someone gets traumatized. Elise brought him food and tea every two hours, she said he was too skinny (Kurt rolls his eyes playfully)

‘You're just like your mother, every time she felt sick I brought her some tea and it did miracles,' Elise smiles. That damn smile every Anderson seemed to posses.

‘How was my mother when she was my age?' Kurt asks curiously, trying to blink back his tears.

Elise notice Kurt's grief and squeezed his hand.  ‘She was young, wild, free. She had a clear opinion and wasn't afraid to say what she thought. She was kind, always stood up for the weaker people who were too shy to say anything. I was shy too and Elizabeth was there for me when I moved to Ohio.' She blinks back her own tears now. ‘She was amazing. Really popular with the boys, she was head cheerleader, I was head of the nerd club but she still talked to me. We went to college together and after college she met your dad. We lost touch for awhile but agreed to see each other once a year to catch up.'


‘I met James, got kids of my own. I only saw you as toddler. I was so busy and Elizabeth had her own things.' Elise sighs and looks sad. ‘I just wish we kept contact more frequently. If I knew what was going to happen…'

‘It was a accident, nobody could know,' Kurt said softly. 

‘I still miss her every day. You look so much like her, Kurt. I know she would be so proud of you.'

‘Thank you.'

 There fell a comfortable silence and they both share the grief of missing someone dear to them, but they were not alone that's what mattered.


 It was the last day of Blaine's workday and Kurt was determent to talk to Blaine about what happened, no more excuses. He couldn't stop thinking about the kiss and it was time that they figured it out. He just needed to know if there was a chance for them.

Kurt was lying on his bed to wait for Blaine to come home when his phone buzzed. Tim! He picked up. ‘Hi?'



‘It's me Tim Harlington. I don't know if you remember me or…'

‘I remember.'

‘Good… so I'm free tonight and the mall is open late. Want to help me find a cool suit for the wedding I've talked about?'

‘Eh… sure I'm free tonight.'  I've got nothing better to do than chase after a dreamy guy who's way out of my league but whatever… Kurt was almost drowning in self pity. He could hear the car and he knew James and Blaine were home, he could hear the doors slam and he really need to control himself for not running downstairs.

‘I'll pick you up in a half hour okay?' Tim shook Kurt out of his thoughts. 

‘Okay, do you know the address?'

‘I know where the Anderson's live.'

They said goodbye and Kurt quickly jumped out to find a good outfit to shop and to talk with Blaine. He didn't want to wear a outfit that screams ‘Hey Blaine, date me!', no it needed to say ‘Date me, maybe?' Kurt sighs. He didn't know what to do. He never been in a situation like this, nobody thought of him as attractive or even kissable.  Kurt looks at the clock and swallows. It's now or never, Tim is going to be here soon.

With a heavy heart he made his way down, he found Elise and James arguing about something, they didn't notice Kurt at all. Maybe Blaine was still outside.  Kurt stopped when he closed the door behind him, Blaine was playing his guitar on the front porch. He sounded … sad. He didn't look up at the noise of Kurt's footsteps.

‘So, your finally free again?' Kurt asks softly not wanted to scare Blaine away. Blaine nods but said nothing. ‘Blaine, we need to talk. About what happened. After the karaoke night. I…. we… well you..' Okay awkward.

‘I kissed you.' Blaine nods, not feeling ashamed or anything at all so Kurt took a deep breath.  ‘I'm sorry for that, Kurt. I shouldn't have drank so much.'

‘Oh… well. I'm not sorry.' Kurt blushed, he heard that Blaine stopped playing his guitar.

‘You're not?' Blaine sound surprised.

‘Well it wasn't the most romantic first kiss I always imagined, but .. I really like you Blaine.' Kurt was afraid his head might explode. How hard can a person blush before his head explodes? He bit his lip nervously, finally looking up at Blaine. ‘I like you more than a friend.'

Blaine looks sad. ‘It was just one kiss Kurt, I think you imagining these feelings for me. You already said you don't have much experience with boys…'

‘Are you saying I'm imagine my own feelings?' Kurt's voice croaked. This couldn't be happening, this was worse than a full on rejection. Blaine was saying I don't even know what I'm feeling. I'm a liar. ‘Because I know what I feel, I'm not stupid or in denial. Besides you kissed me.'

‘I was drunk.'

‘Drunken people always speak the truth because when they're sober they're too scared to say what they really feel.' Kurt blinks his tears away. He wasn't going to break down in front of Blaine, now he knew the truth he wouldn't give him that satisfaction. ‘Never mind.' He turns away to storm off when Blaine spoke.

‘You're right. I…. It wasn't a mistake. I can't forget about the kiss.'

Kurt turns around, in shock at Blaine's words.

‘Don't look at me like you can't believe it, Kurt. You are amazing, you just need to believe in yourself. I wanted to kiss you from the moment I saw you.' Blaine admits, slightly blushing.

‘Why did you act like I didn't know what I feel?' Kurt asks, he could hear his heart in his chest beating too fast. ‘ I don't understand.'

‘Because…. We can't be more than friends.' Blaine sighs heavily and Kurt felt his heart sink to his feet.

‘What? But you just…'

‘It's not you, it's me.'

Kurt ignored the urge to roll his eyes at this obvious cheap break up line, he has seen enough movies. ‘What do you mean?'

‘I'm not the guy for you, Kurt. You deserve someone who's kind, funny, loves you unconditionally and takes care of you. I'm too… dangerous.'

Kurt blinks and then burst out in a laugh. Blaine, with his dark curly hair, with his big puppy eyes and his ridiculous love for bowties just told him he was too dangerous. Excuse me if I'm having a laughing fit because this is just too stupid. He stopped when he saw Blaine's sad eyes. ‘Okay, well I can handle your love for bowties.'

‘It's not a joke.'

‘Blaine, you're the kindest, nicest boy I've ever met. You talked to me without judging me, you took my hand in a public place and showed me your town, without giving a shit about what other people think. Beside you dress good and you have the voice of a angel. You're far from dangerous in my book.' Kurt steps closer, he really wanted to kiss Blaine again, to have that magical feeling back.

Blaine stands up and put some distant between them, holding his guitar to his chest like it was a life savior. ‘I'm not joking, Kurt, this is serious. You deserve better. We can be friends but nothing more.' He could see the hurt in Kurt's eyes and he saw the boy tense. At that moment he absolutely hated himself but he knew it was for the best. He couldn't jeopardize Kurt's life.

‘Anything all right?' James came outside.  Kurt and Blaine both nodded, not looking at each other. Kurt because he felt stupid to spill his feeling for Blaine and Blaine because he felt guilty. ‘Good, Blaine, get inside. Kurt, I think you should get inside too. In a few hours it'll be dark.'

‘I can't, Tim is picking me up, we're going late night shopping,' Kurt said, ignoring the curious look of Blaine. He didn't feel like going shopping but he needed distraction. What do people do when their heart just got smashed in two?

They heard a car driving their way, Tim waved at Kurt. James nods. ‘I know it's summer time but be back before dark, Kurt.'

Kurt nods, said quickly goodbye and hurried over to the car.


It turned out that ice-cream and shopping with Tim was a great way to cheer up. Tim had a amazing sense for fashion and the two of them talked hours about their favorite designers.

‘What was going on back at the Anderson's house? There was a weird tension.'

‘It's a long story.' Kurt sipped his coffee.

Tim narrows his eyes. ‘So, it's Blaine isn't it?'

Kurt almost choked. ‘W-what?'

‘You like him, he doesn't like you?'

‘Well, that's a way to put it,' Kurt pouts.

‘Oh sorry, you don't like him, he likes you?' Tim guessed.

‘No, you were right the first time.'

‘Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to be offending. You are a catch, Kurt. But the look on your face said it all. What happened?'

Kurt bit his lip. He didn't want to spill anything to Tim, he just knew him. ‘A stupid summer crush I guess. I'm just being stupid to think that a guy like him would like someone like me.'

Tim whistled. ‘So it was a tough rejection? Damn, that's cruel.' Kurt just nods, it was better for Tim to not know what Blaine has said, because he was still confused about it. He only knew that he was rejected. ‘Let's shop till we drop, or till you smile.'


Kurt couldn't stop smiling, Tim was crazy but good crazy. He flirted with every hot guy that walked by and didn't care if he was straight or not. Kurt wished he had the same confidence like Tim one day. A hour later Tim dropped Kurt off, they exchanged their emails so they could keep contact while Tim was on the forced luxury holiday.

 It was already dark outside and Kurt just hoped everyone was already asleep so that nobody would notice he was a little late.  He wanted to walk upstairs when a voice (‘Your Late!') made him jump and he tripped over his own legs, he falls on his butt. He looks up to see James sitting at the kitchen stool. ‘Euhm… yes sorry I forgot the time.'

James eyes softened a little and he helps Kurt on his feet. ‘It's okay, get upstairs and get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning Kurt.'

Kurt nods, wished him goodnight and almost ran upstairs. Damn this day was by far the worst and embarrassing day ever. He quickly took a shower and changed into his pyama when he wanted to close the curtains he saw someone standing near the edge of the forest.  Blaine!

Blaine was soon joined by Jeff, David and Wes. They talked before they run off into the forest. What are they doing in the middle of the night in the forest while it was one of James' rules to not go into the forest after 6! Another secret! Kurt almost wanted to run downstairs and warn James that his son and his friends are outside, but that would be really childish. He looked outside once but nothing. What the hell was going on? Well, there is only one way to find out.

Kurt changed his clothes, grabs a pair of jeans,  put on a red thick sweater and a flashlight (Burt had insisted that he would pack that). He opens the window. He couldn't go via the staircase because he hadn't heard James come up yet. He shivers when a cold air hit him when he had opened the window. Since when became it so cold? He looked down the window and swallows. The ground was lightened by the full moon and it only made it more creepy to climb down. Come on, Kurt, man up. What's the worst what could happen? You are this close to find out what's going on with Blaine, no backing out now. Here goes nothing… And he swings his leg out of the window.


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