The Beast Within Me
Chapter 41 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Beast Within Me: Chapter 41

E - Words: 4,712 - Last Updated: Feb 09, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/? - Created: Feb 28, 2014 - Updated: Feb 28, 2014
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Author's Notes:

McCoy? Sound familiar? Remember when in chapter 7 Kurt was trapped with a werewolf who got killed. uhuh.

Only a few chapters left. Imagine Burts face when he sees Kurt. lol;)

Let me know what you think.

Sweden? Kurt stared in disbelieve at the paper in front of him. Blaine, Im not going to Sweden.

They have the best doctors, Kurt. Ive already contacted them. Blaine said. This is about your life, Kurt. I dont care how far away Sweden is. Were going to Sweden.

Blaine... Kurt intertwined their fingers. He saw Blaine relax immediately. Two months has past, the two man have no trouble filling in the space of two lovers again. It felt natural, as if those 2 years apart have never happened at all. When they were not in bed making love or sleeping they would always be in each others sight, both planned to never lose sight of the other ever again. The only problem was Rachel and Jeffs constant bickering, it was war in the loft and it was driving Kurt insane because he was always the one who brings the two of them apart.

Blaine saw the stress it caused Kurt, but there was little he could do. As long as they lived in the loft, there would always be drama. Fine. Blaine grabbed the paper and threw it into the crash can.

Rachel walked in. What did you threw away?

Why do you care?

I live here.

So? Its not like you ever empty the crash can. Blaine snapped.

Rachel put her hands on her hips, Kurt rolls his eyes. Drama was coming up. Are you saying I do nothing around here?

Exactly what are you doing around here!

I do plenty.

Name one thing.

Silence. Rachel walked off to her own room. Blaine wraps his arms around Kurt. Im sorry if this stresses you out.

No problem... Kurt was interrupted by a loud scream. He sighs. ... what now?

Rachel ran into the living room with only a towel wrapped around her waist. Weve run out of hot water. Jeff made his way in the living room, smiling from ear to ear. Rachel pointed. You. Its your fault that we dont even any hot water anymore.

Jeff shrugs. I might have something to do with it.

Kurt, do something! Rachel screams. 

Why should he do something? Blaine defending Kurt. You want to take a shower.

He brought you two into my loft! Rachel snapped. Its his fault.

Kurt stands up, his headache became too much. He had to get out of here. He grabbed his coat.

Where are you going? Blaine asks.

Out. I need some fresh air. Alone. Kurt said when he saw Blaine grabbing his coat too. Be back in a hour. He closed the door, walked down the stairs and breathed in the cool November air.


Where are we going? Kurt said, peeking out of the taxi window and staring at the huge building where the rich and famous lived in New York Manhattan.  Blaine just smiled but said nothing. Its been two weeks since that fight about the cold water, Blaine had woken Kurt awake and told him he had a surprise for him.

The taxi stopped. Blaine helped Kurt out of the car and paid the taxi driver. Kurt stared at the huge building in front of them. What are we doing here?

Just wait and see, beautiful. Blaine grabs Kurts hand and leads him inside. He asked the keys for room 201934. Kurt looked around. It had a receptionist but it didnt look like a hotel. They took the elevator and stepped out on the third floor.

Blaine stopped in front of a door and opened it. Kurt followed inside. His jaw dropped. The space was huge, it didnt look much from the outside. Kurt looked around. Blaine, why have you brought me to a empty apartment?

You havent figured it out? Blaine smiled widely. Its our apartment. I bought it.

You did what-?

I called a broker and told him what I wanted and this is it. Blaine gestured. Isnt it amazing? We can finally start our life together, just us. No Jeff or Rachel. I know it could use our own touch but thats the best thing, you can decorate it all you want.

I can... decorate it? Kurt manage to say. His head was spinning. This was too good to be true. Blaine nods. But what about your work in LA, Blaine? Your album, your concerts?

I can build a record studio here, I only need to go to LA for photo shoots and concerts. Blaine said. I want to be with you and the baby as much as possible.

I cant believe it, this is amazing. Kurt pulling Blaine in a hug.

I want to get move in as fast as possible, for the baby.

Kurt nods, walking around the house already planning what the kitchen would be, the bathroom, the bedroom and Blaines recording studio.

That night Blaine took Kurt out to dinner, just the two of them. They went home early, planning on starting to work tomorrow immediately at their new house. Of course they had to overtake two more obstacles before beginning: Telling Rachel and Jeff.

Rachel was angry, claiming Kurt still had to pay last months rent before storming of. Jeff was just sad. So... were moving? But I liked it here. Where are we going?

We? Jeff, youre not coming with us. Blaine said.

Jeff pouts. What do you mean? You cant leave me with that witch.

What Blaine means is.... Its time for you to go back to Nick, Jeff. Kurt said. He sat down, opposite Jeff and saw the blonde werewolf tense. Blaine and I talked a long time about this and we both cant stand to see you so sad. Jeff, you belong with Nick. I dont know what happened between you two and I dont need to know but Blaine and I are both here if you need us.

I dont think hes waiting for me, he hasnt called me for weeks. Jeff said.

You dont know for sure. Maybe hes waiting for you to call. Blaine said.

Hes not picking up.

Go visit him, Jeff. Im sure you two can work things out and fix whatever needs to be fixed. If Kurt and I can do it, you two can do it too.

Maybe youre right. Ill start packing. Jeff stands up.

If you need us to go with you to Boston, we wont mind. Kurt offers.

You two need to focus on your own home, Ill be fine. Jeff reassured, leaving the room to start packing. Blaine and Kurt both shared a worried look.


Blaine and Kurt both worked together at their new apartment, they both decided the furniture and colors of the walls.  Kurt had a little bit trouble letting go of control but he trusted Blaine enough to not paint everything purple. The only thing Blaine decided alone was a huge bath tub. He saw Kurt having pain in his back due to his pregnancy. This was another way to completely relax. Within three weeks they were settled in and happy living together.

In the meantime. Jeff takes a deep breath and knocked on their apartment. Nothing. Maybe Nick is still at work. He put his own key on the lock and stepped inside. Everything was dark. Nick? Hello? He walked to the kitchen, checked the living room, both were empty. Jeff saw Nicks work bag laying on the kitchen table. So he was here... Nick?

Jeff glanced at his watch, it was 10 PM. Maybe he went to bed. Jeff quickly made his way upstairs and opened the door. He saw a sleeping form. Nick? He sneaked closer just to jump back. This wasnt Nick. Why was there a strange man in their bed?

Suddenly their private bathroom door opened and Nick stepped inside, his eyes met Jeffs. Jeff? What are you doing here?

I live here, but it looks like you forgot. Jeff snapped.

 The man woke up at the noise, looking at Jeff in shock. Who are you?

Who are you? Jeff asks. He stared at Nick. Who is he? He clenched his fist in anger. He wasnt stupid. Nick was tired of him and had replaced him by some stranger.

Maybe I should go. The man got up, looking unsure at Nick who still gaped at Jeff in shock.

Dont bother, I go. Jeff turned around and ran away.

Nick finally manage to move, he ran after Jeff. No, Jeff, please dont go. Please, I can explain this. Its not what you think...

So there is not a  man in our bed? Jeff snapped.

Yes but I can explain, please just listen to me. Nick made a attempt to grab Jeffs sleeve and stop him but Jeff was too quickly. He was already out of the door before Nick was even down the stairs. Nick only saw a disappearing form of Jeff running down the street. He screamed Jeffs name and fell to his knees, tears were streaming down his cheeks.


Blaine, honey, Im home! Kurt yelled, closing the door behind him. No answer. He quickly made his way into the living room. Their apartment was done and everything was perfect. Blaine?! Kurt yelled again. Blaine always reacted immediately. Where are you?

Blaine finally appeared, his waist only wrapped in a towel, his chest still dripping water from the shower he was taking, his curls plastered to his face. Whats going on? You okay? He asked worriedly.

Better now. Kurt said, his eyes roaming over Blaines body.

Blaine sighs in relieve. I thought something was wrong. He retrieved into the bedroom, and a second later he was dressed and came back. Whats going on? Where were you this morning?

I had a appointment, I told you.

I still dont understand why I wasnt allowed to go with you.

Blaine still wasnt convinced. He made it clear to Kurt that he didnt like him going out alone, he could call Rachel to go with him.

I have something you need to sign. Kurt said, pulling a paper out of his pocket. He slipped the paper to Blaine and gave him a pen. I just need your signature on the bottom.

What is it?


Blaine looked up. Kurt.

Its to make sure that if something happens to me you get full custody of our child. Kurt spoke softly. He knew Blaine would flip. Thats why he didnt tell anything about his meeting with Harris.

Blaine growls, shoving the paper away from him. Nothing is going to happen to you, Kurt.

I know, Blaine, this is just to make things sure.

I dont think you know, otherwise you wouldnt come to me with this crap. I already said Im going to keep you and the baby save.

Blaine, if Im in that hospital you need to let the medical staff do their thing. They know what theyre doing and they try their best. You cant interfere. You need to let those people do their job, theyll be the only ones who can safe me if things go wrong. Kurt grabs Blaines hand and squeezed. Please, Blaine. Sign it.

Blaine sighs. Kurt had a point. There was nothing he could do if something goes wrong during the C section, he grabbed t he pen and signed his name. Kurt gave him a kiss. Thank you.

Blaine hums. So its official now? Kurt nods, grabbing the paper. So youve needed a lawyer then.... Kurt tensed. .... did you meet up with Harris?

Kurt quickly shakes his head, folding the paper neatly and putting it away so he could send it back to Harris later. Blaine wasnt so easy shaken off though as he followed behind Kurt.  Blaine growls. Kurt?

Okay, fine, Ive met up with Harris, but I swear it was just professional. Kurt said. Dont do this overprotective, possessive boyfriend act again, I thought weve outgrown that.

Fine. Blaine shrugs, stepping away. I just thought I needed to show you who you really belong to but if you dont want it... He winks and walked away.

I think I need a reminder. Kurt quickly said but Blaine was distracted by his phone. Someone was calling him. Who is it?

Cooper. Blaine frowns. He picked up. Coop, listen, if you call again to check up on how Kurt is doing.... hes fine.

No, Blaine this is not about Kurt. Cooper said, his voice was rushed and Blaine could hear background voices. Have you talked to our parents yet?

The last time was last week. Blaine said. He kept his parents updated about Kurt and the baby. James and Elise were thrilled that theyre going to become grandparents and had pushed Blaine to bring Kurt to Westerville for a visit. But Blaine had refused so far since he didnt want Kurt to stress so much. He missed his parents but Kurts health was his first priority at the moment. Coop, whats going on?

There is seriously trouble going on, Blaine. Cooper said. Dad has been distressed for weeks now. He was worried about the power of The Mayor increasing. Hes afraid hes going to make a move soon. I talked to them last week too, B. He told me if I cant get a hold of them by phone I should go check out whats going on. Guess what? I cant get a hold on them for two days now.

Two days?! Coop, why have you not told me anything about this?

Cooper sighs. Dad didnt want to ruin your happiness with Kurt. And because Im the oldest son Im meant to become the next Alpha but... Im on a plane to Westerville now. B, there is something else. Dad send me a eviction letter coming from the Mayor.

What? Blaine growls. Kurt looked at him curious, wondering what got Blaine so upset. But... he cant do that. Dad bought that property. The Mayor cant evict him from his own land.

Cooper sighs. I know. But it looks like The Mayor is taking over. Ill send you the copy of the eviction by mail, dad send it to me a few days ago. Maybe you can find something I didnt.



Blaine hums.

Are you coming to Westerville too? You know shit is going down. I could use your help.

Blaine sighs, staring at Kurt who had his arms wrapped around his belly protectively. Blaine was torn. He wanted nothing more than to help his parents and his brother but he couldnt just leave Kurt alone. Especially since theyre so close to welcoming their son into their lives. And bringing Kurt with him to Westerville wasnt a option, it was too dangerous. I dont know, Coop. I wish I could help but...

... Kurt. Cooper said.

Im sorry.

Dont be sorry. I understand and Im sure our parents do too. You have your own family now, you need to look out for them.

You can always call me, Blaine said. And Wes and David are somewhere in Westerville too. Theyll help you.

I need to go, Ill send you the mail now. Cooper said. Bye Blaine.

Before Blaine could even say goodbye the phone was cut off. Kurt looked at him worried. Something bad?

Pretty much, Cooper is sending me a mail so I know more. He was on a plane to Westerville. Blaine explains, logging into his personal mail account. Cooper kept his word and Blaine opened the mail.

Kurt peered over Blaines shoulder.  He gasps when he saw a symbol at the top of the mail. Ive seen that symbol before.

Blaine frowns. Where?

My dad. He was obsessed with the mail, he practically slept in front of the door. It was obvious he was waiting for something important, I saw that symbol on a letter and after that arrived my dads strange behavior stopped. Kurt saw Blaine stare in shock at him. What is it?

Kurt, that symbol is from the Mayor, its his symbol. He uses it on taxes or on every important announcement.

Kurt swallows, his heart sinking. But... why? What does the Mayor wants from my dad?

I hate to be the one to tell you this but I dont think your father is a victim here, Kurt. I think hes involved.

I know hes not positive about werewolves but he would never hurt anyone. I know him, Blaine. He isnt capable of doing this.


A knock on the door interrupted them and Kurt walked to the door. The only person who knew about their new address were Rachel or Jeff. He opened the door, expecting to see one of the two. Nick?

Nick was standing before him, his cheeks and eyes red from crying, his hair messed up, his clothes were pulled on in a hurry. Is Jeff here?

Jeff? Eh no. Come in. Kurt stepped aside to let Nick in. Nick slowly made his way in, barely acknowledging Blaine who greeted him warmly. Kurt closed the door and followed Nick. Why are you looking for Jeff? I thought you two made up or something.

Im a idiot. Nick let himself fall on the couch. Jeff busted in my apartment, he shouldve called.  Then I could prepare myself to explain things but when he saw Roger, he was so upset that he ran out without a explanation.

Whos Roger? Blaine asks.

Im so stupid. Nick rambled. I... I need to find Jeff. He stands up, walking to the door but Kurt stopped him.

Youre not going anywhere like this. Blaine will find Jeff. Kurt said, giving Blaine a pleading look. Blaine nodded and grabbed his coat.

But... Jeff could be anywhere. How are you going to find him? Nick asks.

I have a idea. Ill be back in a hour. Blaine kissed Kurt on the cheek and left the apartment.

Dont worry, Nick. Hell find Jeff, super smell and super speed remember? Kurt guides Nick back to the couch and sat down gently. Im gonna make some tea to warm you up and then well talk okay? Nick nodded numbly.


Blaine returned a hour later with Jeff at his side. Kurt?

In here.

Blaine walked into the living room, pulling Jeff with him. He had found him in a bar in New York, trying to drink himself to death. He saw Nick look up, his eyes still puffy and red. He looked worried at Jeff, who didnt dare to look up. Blaine put Jeff in a seat. You two are not leaving this room till you two talk things out. Im not asking for a reunion with flowers and happy rainbows but this has to stop, because its destroying you both.

Kurt stands up. Well leave you two for some privacy. He grabs Blaines hand and they retrieved to their bedroom.

Jeff and Nick waited till the door closed. They both knew that Blaine and Kurt would be listening behind the door. Jeff and Nick stared awkwardly at each other, not knowing how to begin.

Care to tell me why there was a strange man in our bed? Jeff asks, his voice cold.

His name is Roger, hes crashing at our place for a few days. Nick said.

I see.

No you dont, its not what it looks like. Roger and I were just friends. Hes straight and in my class. He was looking for a place to stay, hes paying rent.

Jeff snorts. Thats the lamest excuse Ive ever heard. We dont need money. Stop lying and say you two are in a relationship, thats less painful to hear.

Are you even listening? Im not lying. You know I cant lie. Nick said loud. You can always tell me when I lie. Look me in the eyes and you see Im speaking the truth.  He walked over to Jeff and kneeled down so Jeff had no way to go then to stare at the brown puppy eyes. Nick was right, he was telling the truth.

He didnt need to sleep in our bed, he couldve taken the couch.

He shouldve, Im so sorry. I just wanted to help...

Why is he paying rent? We dont need money.

We do. Im broke, Jeff. My parents officially cut me off. Nick swallows. I dropped out of medical school a few months ago, I couldnt afford it anymore.

But... being a doctor, helping people thats your dream.  Jeff said. Why didnt you tell me anything?

What do you want me to say, Jeff? Nicks voice broke. That besides I cant even give you a baby, I cant even provide for us? Im a complete loser. Looks like my dad was right after all. 

Dont ever say that. Youre the smartest and most caring person I know. Jeff wanted to reach out to pull Nick close and comfort him but Nick jumped on his feet and stepped back.

You should go, Jeff. Find a mate who can give you everything you want. Start a family.

But I dont want someone else.

Even after I lied and avoided you? Jeff, are you even listening? I cant give you anything. I cant give you a family, I cant buy you a house. Even after all my hard work I havent achieved anything. Youve always been so supporting of me that I was afraid that you would be disappointed in me, I couldnt stand that so I ...

... avoided me. Jeff finished. Nick nods, staring at the ground. Jeff stands up and intertwined their fingers. Nick looked up. You shouldve told me, Nick. There is nothing you can do to disappoint me. I am proud of you. I always will. I dont want a family or a big house. I just want you. Thats all I need.


No more buts. I love you, Nick Duvall. You shouldve known that you wont get rid of me so easy.

Nick rolls his eyes. I should.

They both grinned, Jeff pulled Nick closer and gave him a deep kiss.

Finally! Kurt and Blaine walked out of the bedroom.

Eaves dropping much? Jeff said.

Kurt shrugs. So everything is okay now?

Jeff and Nick looked at each other, their hands still together and their fingers intertwined. Better than ever.

Good, because you two are too cute to be separated.

This just calls for pizza. Blaine said, already grabbing the phone.

Everything calls for pizza! Jeff cheered. Can I make the call?

No! Blaine scowls, holding the phone away from Jeff. Jeff growls, lashing out on Blaine and suddenly the two were fighting, rolling on the floor, biting and clawing at each other. The phone laid abandoned a few meters away.

Kurt sighs, Nick shrugs. They both said: Werewolves. at the same time.

Blaine and Jeff disappeared into the hallway. Watch out for the Chinese Vase, I bought it yesterday and its unique! Kurt warned.



Sorry! Blaine and Jeff both said at the same time. Kurt groans.


Jeremiah had no idea what was going on, one moment he was sitting with his dad on the couch watching some TV, the next the doorbell rang and a detective named Eric McCoy appeared. Eric asked his dad many questions about the Mayor.  His dad quit his job as a bodyguard two years ago. He never told Jeremiah why.

You want me death or something? Jeremiahs dad snorted. If I tell, someone will find me and my family and kill us.

I can assure you that youre safe here, sir. If you tell us where the body of Hunter Clarington is. The detective spoke calm. Hes been missing for two years, Im guessing hes not alive anymore and I know that you know more.

Jeremiahs dad looked unsure.  He had seen The Mayors power up close. Nobody could stop The Mayor. He took in the young detective. There was something difference about him, he looked determinate to catch the killer. Maybe he would be the one who could stop the Mayor.

You and your son are going into witness protection and Ill leave my best man behind to protect you. Detective McCoy said.

Dad, whats going on? Jeremiah said. Do you know what happened to Hunter?

Not now, Jeremiah. His dad said. He sniffs. Ive done something horrible a few years ago, I shouldve gone to the police immediately.  He began telling what happened, how The Mayor shot Hunter and where theyve left the body. Jeremiah stared in disbelieve at his dad.

Can you lead us to the body?

Jeremiahs dad nodded and got up.

A few hours ago they found the remains of Hunter Clarington, the body was taken to lab for more investigation. Eric McCoy ordered his best man to protect Jeremiah and his dad and bring them to a safe house. Then the agent called the police office. Lucy his assistant picked up.

Lucy I need a arrest warrant for R. Clarington.

But... sir, hes the Mayor.

I dont give a crap. Eric McCoy said. Hes committed a murder. Ill do anything to put him behind bars. Arrange that warrant, I need it within 24 hours, Lucy.

Okay, sir.

The phone was disconnected. Eric McCoy pulled a photo of a young boy, not older than 12. I finally got him, son. Ill have my revenge soon.


Kurt and Blaine said goodbye to Nick and Jeff after eating a pizza and making small talk. Nick promised to kick Roger out and sell their apartment, but first they would return to Westerville. Jeff was alarmed when Blaine told him about what Cooper said. They would go to check up on things.

Blaine texted Cooper: "Ive sent Jeff to help you."

Ready to take a long bath before going to bed? Kurt asks.

Blaine nods.  That would be just the thing I need.

Im going to fill it. Kurt said, walking to the bathroom, closing the door.

Blaines phone buzzed. Cooper: "No not Jeff."

"Stop whining, Jeff would be perfect to have by your side if things go crazy. Trust me, Ive seen him fight."

Blaine quickly pushed send.

The bath is almost ready! Kurt yelled.

Im coming. Blaine got up but stopped when he heard a knock on the door. He sighs. It was probably Jeff and Nick forgetting something. He walked to the door and opened. Before he could see who it was he was pinned against the wall. A gun was pushed against his chin. Blaine stared in shock at the man before him.

Dont move! Burt Hummel hissed.


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