The Beast Within Me
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The Beast Within Me: Chapter 4

E - Words: 4,761 - Last Updated: Feb 09, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/? - Created: Feb 28, 2014 - Updated: Feb 28, 2014
182 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I was scared to write a Blaine POV because I cant write to much about him at this moment because im scared i spoil something;) Later on if the secret is out well switch to Blaine/Kurt POV.

Hope you liked it.

When they got home James and Elise immediately questioned the boys. Kurt excused himself, he wanted to be alone to think. He knew he wouldn't get any sleep. So much had happened but nothing made sense. He really wanted to talk to Mercedes but it was 1 AM and she was probably sleeping, so Kurt changed into his pyama's and crawled into bed.


Blaine sat down into a chair, his face in his hands moping. He just had a speech from his dad, his punishment was that he need to help him at the office for two whole weeks.  Two whole weeks at a hot smelly office to stare at papers for hours. Blaine sighs. At least Kurt looked like he had fun today that's what matters.

‘oh oh, do you guys see what I see?' Wes, David, Jeff and Nick came in and sat down around the table and stared at Blaine. Blaine frowns confused.

‘The dopey smile.' Nick smiled

‘The heart eyes,' David chimed in.

‘They way Blaine forgot all about his best friends for years when he sang with Kurt in the car?' Jeff giving Blaine a pointed look.

‘I didn't forget about you, I knew you were there.'

‘Oh yeah, especially that moment when you grabbed Kurt's hand and didn't let go of him till we're home,' Wes said.

‘I did?' Blaine didn't remember, it just felt natural to sing with Kurt, he must have been carried away by the moment. The boy's voice was beautiful.

‘You did.' David nods.

‘So what's the deal with you and Kurt?' Nick asks. 

‘Nothing, we're just friends.'

‘Friends, my ass. Blaine, you know what this could mean.' Jeff said. ‘You two look close and you just met. You're turning of age soon… He could be the one for you.'

Blaine huffed. ‘Please, Jeff. Don't even go there.'

‘We all think it, Blaine,' Nick said. ‘You two have chemistry. And Kurt is amazing.'

‘Kurt is been through enough, he doesn't need someone like me.' Blaine snaps.

‘You need someone like him, just like I needed someone like Nick,' Jeff said, pulling Nick a little bit closer, out of Blaine's reach. ‘Don't say you don't feel something. I felt it immediately.'

‘Like I said, Kurt's been through enough. I can't do this to him.'

‘Blaine, our mates are send to us for a reason,' Wes said. ‘you know that. I think that Kurt isn't here without a reason.' 

‘Why aren't you happy?' Jeff asks, looking at the sad look on Blaine's face.

‘I'm a monster, Jeff. What if I hurt him?'

‘Nick is human too and I never hurt him, I want to protect him no matter what,' Jeff said. Nick smiles at his boyfriend.

‘I just can't risk it, Hunter was right I'm too dangerous, I almost lost control tonight in front of Kurt.'

‘Don't listen to that dickhead,' Wes said.

Blaine sighs, shaking his head and standing up. ‘I'm going to bed, I need to get up early.'

‘Kurt isn't stupid, he will figure it out eventually.' David said.

‘It's too dangerous, friendship is all there is between Kurt and me. I accepted it the moment I met him, you'll should do the same and not believe in happy endings. Not everyone gets to live their fairytale,' Blaine give David a look, turned away and closed the door.

‘What are we going to do now?' Nick asks.

‘There isn't much we can do, they need to find out for themselves,' Wes said.


Kurt woke up the next morning in a start, he almost fell out of bed. He looked around him with wide and confused eyes. His dream had been horrifying and so, so very real.  At first his dream was nice and sweet. It revolved around Blaine, obviously. Kurt just accepted that he had a strange obsession with the gorgeous boy, but could you blame him? It was one of those dreams that would never come true. Blaine had looked at him like he was the most important thing in the world, Kurt could feel it. He was Blaine's and Blaine was his. It was perfect, but suddenly clouds covered Blaine and pulled them apart. He had screamed but suddenly Blaine changed. Into something vicious, something with teeth, claws. It was worse than a horror movie. Before Kurt could look what it was he woke up.

 It was another hot day, so Kurt took a cold shower and walked downstairs, still in deep thought about his dream. It felt so real. He found Elise sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. Kurt silently wondered what did she do all day. ‘Morning.'

‘Hi, Kurt. Your dad called.'

‘really?' Kurt frowns, he haven't seen anything when he checked his phone this morning. Why would his dad talk to Elise rather than talk to me?

Elise nods. ‘Just the usual questions, how you are, if you made new friends, that stuff.'

‘Oh, he could've called me, I can talk about myself,' Kurt said, he couldn't hide the bitter tone.

‘We have a old laptop in the living room, you can use it to Skype with your dad and friends,' Elise said. ‘Maybe you want to see them face to face.'

‘Oh, thanks. I might use it.' Kurt decided he was going to Skype with Mercedes, it was Saturday. The girl was home. 

‘great, I'm going to work too, Kurt. I'm sorry to leave you here by yourself, Blaine and James are at work but Jeff and Nick should wake up soon,'  Elise said.

‘Oh it's okay, I'll be fine.'

Elise nods, grabbing her purse and her car keys. ‘See you tonight.'

Kurt ate, eagerly listening to some movement of Nick and Jeff, but nothing. Maybe he could talk to them about last night. He wanted answers. He waited a half hour before the laptop became too much and he texted Mercedes he wanted to Skype. She immediately answers that she already turned her laptop on.

‘Hi boo!' Mercedes smiled into the camera. ‘Wow you look good.'

‘I saw you three days ago, Mercy, what did you expect?' Kurt said but smiled. He really missed his friend.  He heard some noise in the back ground but he didn't pay too much attention to it, it was probably Mercedes' younger brothers. ‘You have no idea how good it is to see you.'

‘I missed you too, but I don't have much time. So spill up. How was your date with Blaine last night? Did you kiss?'

‘No and it wasn't a date, he was just being nice,' Kurt sighs. ‘But at least I found out he's gay. I call that progress.' Mercedes nods to let him know to continue, the voices in the background became louder. ‘We ran into his ex, that's how I found out that he was gay.'

‘Ex? Sounds good. Is he single?'

‘I think so, but Mercedes, his ex is nothing like me. If that is his type I don't  stand a chance.'

‘Kurt, don't think like that, his ex is not just his ex for no reason. They broke up so now go get your man.' Kurt bit his lip. Should I tell her everything? ‘Kurt, what's going on? We don't hide things for each other.'

‘I saw him naked last night.'  Kurt blurted out, blushing.

Mercedes mouth dropped.

‘Who did he see naked?'

‘Has Kurt found another Dolphin?'


Kurt stared into the faces of Rachel, Brittany and Santana, waving and smiling in the background. Please, god if you really exist let me die now!

‘I'm sorry, Kurt, they stayed here the night because the boys wanted to do the survival thing,' Mercedes apologized trying to focus the camera on her.

‘You could've told me.' Kurt couldn't help but feel jealous, he loved the girls sleep night over in the weekends.

‘Well I didn't expect you to say something like that.'

‘We need to talk seriously about this, Kurt,' Rachel Berry pushed Mercedes of the chair and took her place. 'What guy? You can't have sex with someone you just met, it's not safe.'

‘We didn't have sex, Rachel!' Kurt snaps. Damn that girl can be a handful.

‘But … you just say that you saw him naked,' Rachel said confused. 

‘Santana and I do that all the time, Rachel, it's no big thing,' Brittany said, smiling sweetly into the camera. Santana glared at her while Kurt, Rachel and Mercedes all stared in shock at her. ‘What? I thought all best friends did that?'

‘Okay spill it, lady face,' Santana ignored Brittany and pushed Rachel roughly out of the chair, sat down and leaned back. ‘I don't want any troubles in our senior year, so this guy you fancy better not break your heart. We need your voice.' At that moment Rachel appeared again and nodded in full agreement.

Kurt sighs. No going back now. He told the girls what happened and even in his own ears it sounds weird. Blaine got into a fight, ran away and came back naked. ‘… and that's not the weirdest part. The weird part was that Nick already had reserve clothes with him in the backseat. It was like he was prepared for this to happen.'

‘Weird, even for me,' Brittany said. They all nodded.

‘What happened after?' Mercedes asks.

‘They all acted like nothing was going on. Something is wrong here but what?' Kurt led his head fall in his hands. ‘I can't believe it, I finally meet a nice guy who happens to be gay and nice to me and then this happens.'

‘Wait, I know what he is!' Rachel jumps up and down in excitement.  ‘Did you ever saw that movie about a guy turning green when he was angry?'

‘You mean The Hulk?'

Rachel nods. ‘Blaine is a sort of hulk, the hulk rips his clothes when he changed into this angry beast. I know it sounds unbelievable but this is the closest explanation.'

Santana shrugged. ‘He must be wild in bed then.'

Mercedes and Kurt both roll their eyes. Brittany spoke up. ‘Why don't you talk to them about it? That Nick guy seems nice.'

‘You only heard the name Nick once!' Santana points out.

Brittany shrugged. ‘I have awesome people knowledge. Just try it, Kurt. You know there is something going on and you want answers. The only way is to go on a investigation.'

‘No more CSI for you,' Santana said, turning to Brittany and leading her away from the screen. Only Rachel and Mercedes remained. 

‘She has a point,' Kurt mumbles.

‘Maybe you shouldn't do this alone, it could be dangerous,' Rachel said, worry in her eyes.

Kurt laughs. ‘these people are nice, they wouldn't hurt me. My dad trust them so do I.'  He heard footsteps and voices. Nick and Jeff. ‘Girls, I need to go.'

‘Take care of yourself!'

‘Be careful, you can call us anytime,' Mercedes said. ‘See you soon.' She disconnected.

Kurt logged out and walks to the kitchen. Nick and Jeff both looked up when he entered.  ‘Morning.'

‘Morning.' Jeff mumbles, taking a bite of his toast.

‘Good morning, Kurt, slept well?' Nick asks.

‘Yes, I was exhausted after last night,' Kurt takes a seat opposite of the couple. He didn't miss that Nick and Jeff quickly glanced at each other before returning to him.

‘Had fun?'

‘Yes,' Kurt nods.

‘Any plans for today?' Nick asks.

‘Actually, I heard there was a mall in Westerville and I wanted to take a look. Any interest in going with me?' 

Nick looked at Jeff, as if he was asking for permission to go. Kurt frowns. He never expected that Jeff was the boss in their relationship, he always thought that they had a equally relationship.

Jeff sighs. ‘I don't like it when you go alone, Nick, you know that.'

‘Kurt is with me and I promise we won't go to the west side, I promise,' Nick said.

‘I still don't like it.'

‘Why don't you come with us?' Kurt asks. He prefer to be alone with Nick, because he seems easier to talk to but if Nick didn't go without Jeff, this was the next best thing.

‘Don't you think my boss will be mad at me?' Jeff frowns.

Nick pouts. ‘Come on babe, you already work too much. You can skip it one day.'

 ‘Where do you work?' Kurt asks.

‘It's a holiday job, I work at a dinner that changes into a karaoke bar at night, it's pretty cool,' Jeff said. ‘It's not my dream job but at least I'm saving some money so Nick and I can live together after school.' Jeff wrapped his arms around Nick and Nick leaned into the touch immediately. His phone beeped and he pulled out his phone to  look at the screen. ‘It looks like I'm going with you. Blaine has forgotten his lunch this morning, he's begging for food or he'll eat my beefsteak tonight.' He walks over to the fridge.

Nick laughs. ‘poor Blaine, working for two weeks at a office. Believe me, James couldn't punish Blaine worse.'

‘it doesn't sound too bad to me,' Kurt shrugs.

‘We could go to the karaoke bar tonight. You have a awesome voice Kurt.'

Kurt blushes. Nobody ever complimented him about his voice. It was always too high and only good enough to sing the background vocals of the Rachel and Finn duets. Before he could say anything, Jeff grabs Blaine's lunch and the car keys. ‘Ready to see Blaine and shop?'

Kurt nods. He was always happy to see Blaine, especially after his weird dream. He just needed to know that Blaine was still Blaine and not some creepy monster.


‘Aren't you a sight for these soar eyes?!' Blaine quickly stood up from behind his desk when he saw Nick, Jeff and Kurt approaching through the large doors into a equally large hall.

It just smells like rich, stuck up people, no wonder Blaine hates it here, Kurt thought, ignoring the assistant  shutting the three boys a dirty look. He was used to it. Instead he focused on Blaine. Who was neatly in a suit and tie and his curly hair was trapped by gell. It was like Blaine fell into a bucket of gell. But he still looked good. Like a groom. Stop it Kurt, don't think about your wedding. ‘Hi.' He said quietly, not sure if Blaine had seen him behind Jeff and Nick.

Blaine shot him a warm blinding smile that made his knees weak.  ‘Morning Kurt. Slept well?'

‘Yes,'  Kurt lied. It felt wrong to lie but he couldn't tell Blaine about his dreams, he would come over like a freak. He couldn't do that when he finally made friends with a hot gay guy or possible boyfriend. Stop it.

Blaine didn't look convinced but Kurt smiled his most brightly smile he could manage. Blaine turns to Jeff when he quickly sat behind Blaine's desk. ‘Jeff, get out of there.'

‘I don't do anything, B, calm down.'

‘Last time you put gay porn on my laptop, I was gone for 1 minute.'

Jeff grinned. ‘You liked it.'

Blaine blushed. ‘Don't be ridiculous, it's my work, Jeff.' He pushed Jeff out of  his chair and quickly checked his work laptop.

‘Which you don't care about,' Jeff points out.

Blaine sighs. ‘Just don't give me trouble, I don't want to stay  here longer than two weeks.'

‘What do you need to do?' Kurt asks curiously.

‘Just filling on some numbers and calling clients who haven't paid yet.'

Kurt crinkled his nose. ‘Sounds boring.'

‘It is boring, I'm so happy you guys are here. I can use some distraction.'

‘No time,' Jeff already made his way to the exit. ‘We need to show Kurt the wonders of Westerville Mall…'

Nick nods, gently grabbing Kurt's arm and leading him away. ‘We maybe even find a cute guy to hang out with. You know just having fun.'

Blaine narrows his eyes and wants to follow his friends but then he realized he was at ‘work duty'. ‘Hey, wait!' 

‘Goodbye Blaine,' Nick laughs and quickly pulls Kurt outside. He glanced over his shoulder to see a jealous looking Blaine and he smiled satisfied. Blaine could deny it all he want, but he was falling for the beautiful pale boy from Ohio.

Kurt was disappointed that they already had to leave. He wouldn't mind ‘distracting' Blaine for the whole day. How could I dream about Blaine turning into a monster? Blaine was adorable and dreamy as ever.


Shopping with Nick and Jeff was fun. At first Kurt was afraid they would be harassed by people who didn't accept Nick and Jeff walking hand in hand through the mall. But nobody paid attention to the two boys and Kurt slightly relaxed after a half hour. He knew Nick had good fashion taste and they talked and fitted clothes together.

Jeff stayed more in the background and observed Kurt and Nick interaction. It was obvious his boyfriend liked Kurt.  And what was not to like about Kurt? He was nice, had really good fashion sense and Jeff knew he had a sassy side, it showed when he stood up in front of Hunter. Nobody challenged Hunter but Kurt did. He knew Blaine only for a couple days and he didn't doubt or paid much attention to Hunter's hurt full words. Well, Kurt didn't know what Hunter meant. Yet…

Finally they sat down for coffee in a small café. ‘So how did you two meet?' Kurt asks curiously.

‘Oh you want to know our love  story?' Jeff smirked, taking a sip of his coffee.

‘Well, if you don't mind sharing… I mean, everybody seems to be okay with you being in love. I'm not used to that.'

‘There are close minded assholes everywhere.' Nick had a sad look in his eyes. ‘You remind me of me, Kurt. I got bullied a lot because of my sexuality. My parents disowned me.' Kurt gasps in shock. His dad always accepted his sexuality. He also knew not everyone had parents like his dad. ‘I met Jeff at a bar. He told me about Dalton, I convinced my parents to transfer schools and they agreed only if I stayed there and not come home during the weekends.'

‘That's ridiculous.'

‘It's okay, it happened two years ago. Jeff introduced me too Blaine, Wes and David and we became best friends.'

‘Just friends? When did the romance happen?' Kurt asks eagerly. I want to know when the friend zone past, just in case Blaine was interested in him. I don't want to wait forever, I'm done being lonely.

‘Around my sixteenth birthday I seduced him with my sexyness,' Jeff said, smiling at Nick who blushed. ‘I asked him out. We were friends for a year but my heart knew I wanted more.' Jeff took another sip, leaving a coffee mustache behind and Kurt giggled because of the ridiculous sight in front of him.

‘How could I say no to that?' Nick laughs.  ‘I just felt a strange pull towards him.'

‘A pull?'

‘I couldn't stop thinking about him, I even had dreams about us, remember?' Nick smirked.

‘dreams?' Kurt swallows. I feel a pull towards Blaine too, I can't stop thinking about him and my dream last night was about Blaine too. What if this is what Jeff and Nick had in the beginning? What if Blaine and I were really meant to be? His heart almost jumped out of his chest.

Nick shrugged it off. ‘I just wanted a date so that I knew for sure. It's like a soul mate kind of thing. I know it sounds dreamy but it was like that.'

‘it sounds perfect,' Kurt said breathlessly. I want that so bad, I would sell my soul for a love like Nick and Jeff have.

‘We even brought Blaine and Jeremiah together.'

Jeff wiped away his coffee cream mustache and rolls his eyes annoyed. ‘which was the biggest mistake of my life.'

Kurt perked up. ‘What happened between those two? Blaine mentioned it briefly but it was obvious that he didn't want to talk about it.'

‘Jeremiah got cold feet, he was demanding and bossy. Blaine was in love and gave him everything but one day he saw his true nature, they fought and Jeremiah bailed.' Jeff sighs. ‘Now every time Jeremiah sees Blaine he makes a big scene.'

‘I don't understand how you can take advantage of someone as nice like Blaine,' Kurt shook his head, instantly disliking Jeremiah. 

‘So, you like Blaine huh?' Jeff asks with a knowing smile on his face, Nick stared at him warningly.

Kurt tried not to blush too much.  ‘He's nice, but I don't know him that good.'

‘He likes music, long walks on the beach… Ouch!' Jeff glared at Nick and painfully rubbed his arm.

‘What Jeff is trying to say that Blaine is datable,' Nick ignored his boyfriend.  Kurt frowns. If he didn't know better he almost would say that they're trying to match Blaine and him. ‘What I mean is…. He's single.' Nick finished, noticing Kurt's confusing.

Before Kurt could say something they got interrupted by a boy, their age who said. ‘Jeff, Nick?'

Jeff and Nick turned around to look at the boy and smiled. ‘Tim! I didn't know you were already here.' They got up and hugged the boy close.

Kurt glanced over the boy when he was talking to Jeff and Nick, to make sure he wasn't a treat. The boy had brown flat hair, big blue eyes, he was small, he was wearing a red tight pants that didn't leave anything to the imagination, he was wearing a low cut v shirt. He didn't look like a treat, he looked rather…. Cute. Not like Blaine hot cute, this was different.  

Nick and Jeff were talking to the boy and Kurt wondered if they ever gonna introduce them together or if he could sneak out and visit a few shops he wanted to visit before they need to go back. But he didn't want to seem rude so he coughs to get their attention. Nick turns, flustered a bit when he saw Kurt. ‘I'm so sorry, Tim, this is our friend Kurt Hummel, he's staying at the Anderson's this summer. Kurt, this is our friend from school Tim Harlington.'

Tim steps forward to shake Kurt's hand, his eyes roaming over Kurt's body and Kurt felt slightly uncomfortable because he wasn't used to be checked out by a guy, especially a guy like Tim. He wasn't long or muscled but Tim had a lot of charm.  Kurt could easily see himself falling for a guy like Tim, if Blaine didn't existed. ‘Hello, Kurt, it's nice to meet you.'

‘You too.'

‘Are you going to attend Dalton when the summer is over?'

‘No. I live in Lima Ohio. I go to a public school,' Kurt explains. He saw Tim's face fall immediately, he saw pity. He hated that.

‘Oh it's a shame, Dalton is awesome,' Tim quickly recovered and smiles friendly. His eyes roamed again over Kurt's body. ‘Is that a McQueen scarf?' he gasps. ‘I thought that only Nick was the one with some common fashion sense'

‘Hey!' Jeff playfully poked Tim's arm. 

Kurt smiles. ‘It's always nice to meet someone who has a good fashion taste.' He now noticed Tim was wearing expensive designer clothes that he could never afford.

Tim smiled warmly. ‘Thank you, Kurt.'

Damn that boy had a lot of charm, Kurt couldn't help but feel at ease immediately with Tim.

‘We should shop sometimes, Kurt, I can point out the most exclusive shops there are,' Tim said. ‘I need to attend a wedding soon and I can use some advise. Also It wouldn't hurt too make another friend right? Being locked away in a house is a waste of time for someone like you.' Nick and Jeff both rolled their eyes at Tim's words.

Kurt blinks. Did Tim just ask him out? Okay, calm down.  ‘Eh sure?'

‘Great, uhm…. Can I have your phone number so I can call you to meet up?' Tim asks, pulling out his phone. He looks slightly nervous about Kurt's answer.

Oh what the hell, Tim was right. With Blaine at work for two weeks I would get bored at some point, what's the harm in having another friend? ‘Okay.' Kurt nods, they exchanged their numbers.

‘I'll probably call within two weeks, I'm leaving in three weeks to French. Holiday and all,' Tim rolls his eyes. ‘Meaning, one of my dad's boring business partners invited us to spend a few weeks at their exclusive summerhouse.'


They made small talk for awhile before Tim had to leave and said goodbye. Kurt looks at Nick and Jeff. ‘So ready for round two?' He stood up and walks ahead.

Nick and Jeff looked at each other. Damn, if Blaine didn't hurry up with acting on  his feelings, it might be too late.

Kurt bumped into someone when he left the dinner, but it felt like he run into a wall,  he fell to the ground. Kurt looked up and stared in brown hazel eyes with a glint of gold. ‘Blaine?'

‘Kurt? I'm  so sorry!' Blaine pulled Kurt gently on his feet. ‘Are you okay?'

‘I'm fine,' Kurt looked over Blaine's outfit, his suit looked a little raffled. It looks like Blaine had run a long time. ‘What are you doing here?'

‘We like to know that too,' Jeff and Nick finally caught up with Kurt and looked at Blaine in surprise.

‘I… I got off early, the work was done. So now I can shop with you.' Blaine smiles. Jeff and Nick glanced at each other.

‘Wow, that's coincidence,' Jeff mocks playfully.

Blaine nods, looking at Kurt. ‘So, have you met new people?'

 Nick rolls his eyes, Blaine was so obvious. He was basically asking if Kurt had met a guy. ‘We run into Tim, Blaine.'

Blaine turns to Nick. ‘Tim?'

‘You know, the little guy who sang a duet with you at Nationals last year?' Jeff raised a eyebrow.


‘He was really nice,' Kurt said, feeling like he was missing something.

Blaine shrugged. ‘He's okay. I'm ready to shop. Have you already seen Scarves & Bowties? They have the most amazing bowtie collection I've ever seen. You'll love it.' He grabs Kurt's hand and they walked off.

‘It looks like it's gonna happen sooner than I thought,' Nick whispers to Jeff. 

‘If Blaine can control himself in front of those bowties, than he still stand a chance with Kurt,' Jeff grinned. They looked at each other and laughed. They both know how Blaine got when there was a new bowtie collection.


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