Feb. 9, 2015, 6 p.m.
Feb. 9, 2015, 6 p.m.
Sorry for the lack of Klaine in this chapter! Next chapter (s) have plenty of Klaine!
Wishing all readers and reviewers a belated merry christmas and happy new year. See you in 2015!
Kurt walked through the gate. He was back in New York, still feeling sore and he was nauseous from the flight. He always suffered a jet lag after flying. Rachel promised to pick him up but she was nowhere to be found. Kurt cursed, he was graving for a hot shower. He couldnt believe Rachel was bailing on him. Well okay if he thought about it, it was a thing Rachel Berry would do. Especially if she had some kind of audition to go to. He pulls out his phone to sent her a quick text.
Suddenly two strong arms lifted him in the air and he squealed in surprise, Kurt was twisted around, his surroundings were dancing around him and he felt the familiar nauseous coming up again. When his feet hit the ground again he was pulled in a firm hug. There is my sunshine. Ive missed you so much, Kurt.
A kiss on his lips. Familiar lips.
Kurt groans trying to keep the world from spinning, he leaned against the strong shoulder.
Are you okay?
HIs vision became clear and a man with brown curly hair, a worried frown on his tan face, his green eyes full with worry, neatly put in a suit, filled his vision. Harris Davids. Kurt?
Im fine, just a little bit suffering from a jet leg or something. Kurt waved it off, wrapping his arms around Harris neck, connecting their lips softly. Ive missed you.
Missed you too. Harris let go and grabs Kurts suitcases and began dragging them to the exit. He was always the gentleman, Kurt never had to carry anything. You have no idea how lonely it was without you. Sure, I had a few cases on work but.... coming back to a empty apartment sucks. So how was LA?
Great, Mercedes and I really needed some one on one time. Kurt didnt mentions anything about Blaine. Why should he? Harris didnt know anything about his past love life, they never talk about exes.
Im dying to meet this mysterious Mercedes Jones. Harris said, stopping in front his Mercedes too load in the suitcases. Kurt was overwhelmed by the heat, he took a few deep breathes to adjust the sudden different temperatures.
You will, eventually. Shes busy. Kurt said, getting in the front seat.
Harris settles next to him, behind the steering wheel. You say that every time.
Because it is true.
Next time Im coming with you to LA.
Yeah right, you take a few days off to go to me to LA? Kurt smirks, while Harris turns the car to the busy traffic, fitting right in.
Sure, why not?
Why not? Honey, I love you but youre a total work a holic! Kurt exclaimed.
I am not!
Really? A month ago you canceled a Friday dinner date with my dad because you had a emergency at work.
Harris winced. Maybe Kurt had a point. Is he still mad?
My dad will get over it. But do you see my point? Its been ages since we went out for dinner.
Well today is your lucky day! Harris reached for Kurts hand. I took the day off to pick up you and take you out for dinner tonight.
Rachel called you didnt she?
Harris sighs. You know how she is, Kurt. She really wanted to come...
Which show is she auditioning for?
Funny Girl.
Oh... Kurt tried to hide the feeling of hurt but he was bad at hiding his true feelings. It just sucked that your friend bails on you for a show. But she was Rachel Berry. Shell never change.
I made reservation for dinner tonight. Just the two of us. We can catch up.
I like that idea. Kurt smiles.
You want to go to the loft or directly to my apartment?
Youre apartment sounds great at the moment.... I need to step by the loft to pick up some clothes and I really need a shower.
You can wear some of my clothes and you can use my shower.
Kurt glanced at Harris suit. You only have suits. It doesnt go well with my complexion. I need my clothes.
Harris rolls his eyes. Loft it is then.
They made their way to the loft and to Kurts surprise the apartment was clean. Rachel hated cleaning, Kurt was always the one who cleaned.
Do you need any help undressing? Harris asks, sitting down on the couch, not noticing any difference.
Eh. No, Ill be right back. Kurt walks to his bed room to pick up some clothes.
See you in a hour.
Kurt couldnt think of any sassy reply because Harris was right, he knew him too well in the year they see each other. Kurt jumped under the hot shower. A hour later he came back, dressed in blue jeans and a red sweater.
Harris eyed him up and down. You okay, Kurt? Since youre back you are so ... I dont know.... absence. What are you thinking of?
Nothing, Im fine. Kurt said trying to convince himself too. His stomach was playing up again. He sat down slowly.
You look sick. Maybe we should cancel the dinner tonight. Harris glanced worriedly at Kurt. His skin was paler than normal and he looked like he was about to throw up.
No, this is our night. Besides tomorrow I need to go back to school and work and you have your work. Who knows when we have time again to go out for dinner? Were going. Kurt leans in to gave him a quick peck on the lips. Im fine. Ill will be. I just need to lay down for awhile. Im just jet lagged. He leaned back in the couch.
The door opened and Rachel Berry stepped inside with a bright smile. Hey. Her eyes widened. Kurt! She ran over and pulled Kurt in a bone crushing hug. Im so sorry that I couldnt pick you up but it was for a great cause. She let go, while Kurt glared at her, he hadnt forgiven her. I get to hear tomorrow if I got the role in Funny Girl.
Harris and Kurt both just stared at her. Rachels smile disappeared.
Arent you happy for me?
You left me at the airport, Rachel. Of course I cant be happy for you.
Oh come on, Kurt. You would do the same. Besides youre boyfriend was able to pick you up. Rachel waved it off, she stands up and put her coat away. She sniffs the air. Oh... and it turned out great I can smell. She smiled, turning back towards the couple. Dont let my happiness interrupt your happiness.
Kurt frowns. Rachel, what are you talking about?
Oh you know...
No, have you lost your mind?
Im going to take a shower, dont let me interrupt your sexy times.
Harris laughs. You think we had sex?
Yeah, I can smell it.
Dont be so ridiculous Rachel, we didnt have any time for that. Kurt said.
Rachel was starting to get annoyed now. You cant fool me, Kurt. At least one of you had sex in the last 24 hours. I can smell it. She sniffs the air again. Definitely. Then she turns around dramatically and walks to her room.
Harris frowns, glancing at Kurt. Whats up with her?
Who knows, its Rachel. Kurt quickly said, standing up and quickly grabbing his coat. Sometimes Kurt forgot that Rachel was a werewolf. He had to get Harris out of here before Rachel founds out more. How late was that dinner?
In three hours, are you sure you want to go? Harris asks more confusing than ever.
Yeah, lets go. We can do some window shopping or something.
Okay. Harris stands up.
Kurt couldnt hold in anymore, the smell of food tipped him of the edge and once theyve arrived in the restaurant he immediately ran to the toilet to empty his already empty stomach. He groans.
Kurt honey, lets just go home and get you into bed. Harris voice from outside the toilet.
Kurt cleaned himself up and opened the door. Im so sorry, Harris. I dont know whats wrong with me...
Youre just sick. Dont worry about it, there will be more dates. Harris reassured.
Kurt washed his hands. They almost made their way out when they bumped into someone on their way out. After the usual Sorrys and "Its my fault."
Kurt looks up to the familiar voice and couldnt believe his eyes. Nick?!
Nick gave him a hug. I cant believe I see you here.
I can say the same, shouldnt you be in Boston?
Harris coughs. Kurt turns to him and then realized his mistake. Nick, this is Harris Davids, my boyfriend. Harris, this is Nick Duvall a old friend of mine.
The two shake hands. Nice to meet you.
So, what are you doing here? Kurt glanced behind Nick to see a man standing in a trench coat, it was obvious he just wanted to go inside and not exchange pleasantries.
A work dinner with a college. Nick said. He recommended this restaurant. As a med student the hospitals exchange interns, I worked in New York hospital for a few days and tomorrow Im going back to Boston for my final exam for this year.
The man behind Nick shuffles impatiently with his feet. Kurt glares at the man. He felt the urge to stretch this conversation as long as possible. So youre doing well?
Its pretty hard but I manage. Nick shrugs.
Hows Jeff?
Nick stiffened a little. Hes in LA for a few months. He helps Wes to keep a eye on Blaine.
This time Kurt tensed a little. Really? I was in LA for a week and I didnt see him.
LA is pretty big, Kurt. Nick looked straight at Kurt and Kurt understood what he wanted to ask him. Have you seen Blaine?
Luckily Harris interrupted. I dont want to be rude, but Kurt, I think its time for us to go home. Youre not feeling well. Maybe you can make a appointment to catch up.
Nick nods. Sorry. Youre not feeling well?
My stomach is acting up.
My number is still the same, Kurt, give me a call. Nick gave Kurt a last hug, he shook Harris hand and was pulled into the restaurant by the stranger.
Well He looked nice. Harris smiled. Why havent you told me anything about him?
We lost contact.
Oh, because your ex?
Kurt nods but said nothing. All Harris knew was that he had a ex in High school and the relationship didnt turn out the way they planned. Well it wasnt actually a lie because it didnt go the way they wanted. Lets go home.
The sickness stayed. Kurt couldnt stand the smell of food, the only thing that he could keep in was tea. Harris brought him to his apartment and took care of him. Kurt stayed a few days but Harri had to work. Kurt called in sick and went back to Rachel and his apartment.
I really dont mind to take care of you, Kurt. Harris guide Kurt to the couch where he let him down with a soft poof.
Just go to your work, Harris. Youve done all you could. Ill be on my feed within a week. Kurt said, rubbing his stomach. It felt swollen. His jeans were too tight.
Oh youre back. Rachel appeared from her bedroom door.
Kurts sick. Harris said. Maybe we should go to a doctor.
Harris, Kurt hissed. He hated doctors and had made a vow to himself to never enter a hospital in his life after being in a hospital so much when he was with Blaine.
You can go, Harris, Ill take care of my Kurt. Rachel grins.
Wait, maybe I need to see a doctor.
Hey! Rachel glared.
Harris chuckles. Ill see you later, okay? He gave Kurt a kiss on the cheek and left.
Shouldnt you be in school? Kurt said, following Rachel with his eyes when she moved closer.
Free day. Rachel shrugs, sitting down on the table so that she was opposite of Kurt. You dont look so good, Kurt. Want something to eat? I can make macaroni.
Kurt huffs. Last time you tried to cook you burned the kitchen down.
Rachel sighs. I order some take out.
My stomach really cant take that, Rachel. Kurt sighs, feeling like crap again after talking about food.
Rachel laid her hand on Kurts head. You havent a fever. You said youre stomach was acting up? She gently touched Kurts stomach. Well... I cant find... She stiffened. She pulled her hands back as if she was on fire. Her eyes widened and she stared in shock.
Rachel? Kurt felt nervous. Rachel was never speechless. Rachel? Please say something. Whats wrong with me?
Rachel seemed to snap out of her shock. Wrong? Nothing is wrong with you. This is amazing! She led out a high squeal, Kurt winced at the sound. Kurt, youre pregnant!
huh? Kurt felt like the couch disappeared underneath him, the whole world disappeared. He was floating. He swallows, blinked a few times and tried to shake himself out of his state. He felt two strong arms around him, hugging him, comforted him. Immediately he thought of Blaine. Blaine! Im pregnant and Blaine is the father! OH my god, what am I going to do? How could I be so stupid? What would my dad say? Kurt shook his head at the thought of Burt finding out the truth. He would kill me or worse, never look or talk to me again. I have to tell Blaine too. How would he react? Would he accept or would he just turn his back? What am I doing? I cant be pregnant, im too young to be a father. I cant take care of a baby.
Kurt, its okay, well figure something out. A sharp tone shook him out of his state of shock. Rachel Berry stared at him with worry.
I.... Im pregnant? Kurt manage to say, his throat dry.
Rachel rushed to get him a glass of water. Drink. Kurt obeyed. Listen, remember the two most important things to a werewolf? Kurt nodded but said nothing still in a daze. Reproduce and eat. We can smell when someone is pregnant so that we dont hurt them. Actually, were quit protective about that person. We would die for them even if we dont know them personally. After all, the baby inside you is our future. Rachel squealed again, hugging Kurt. Im so happy for you. Congrats. She saw Kurts face. Why arent you happy?
I.. Im still in shock. I have no idea how Im going to do this. Im in school, I can barely keep the ends together, Rachel, how am I going to give this baby a future?
Everything is going to be okay, I help you. Rachel said. Your dad has money....
no, I cant tell my dad this. Kurt put down the empty glass. Rach, I told you how he thinks about werewolves. I just cant...
Okay, well... Rachel bit her lip. Fine its our secret.
Thank you.
Kurt, whos the daddy? Harris isnt a werewolf besides he has lazy seed, he wont be able to produce.
Kurts eyes widened, staring at Rachel in shock. What?
Rachel shrugs. As a Female werewolf we can smell if our partner is able to produce easily. Its a perk. Thats also one of the reason why I broke up with Finn. I want a baby before Im 25.
Kurt blinked, he had no idea. Again he felt like he didnt know anything from werewolves besides the basics.
So whos the daddy? Rachel asks.
Its Blaine.
Blaine Warbler? Rachel squeals. Oh my god, this is better than any soap Ive ever seen. She jumps up and paced up and down. This is so perfect, Kurt, cant you see? Its obvious Blaine and you are meant to be together... I know you think Harris is the one for you, maybe for a couple months but lets face it, you cant fight faith. You two met during the summer, spend High school time together, broke up and now youre pregnant... of his baby. She stopped to take a breath, but she wasnt done yet. And of course you two fall deeply in love together again. This is so romantic.
Okay Rachel, calm down and lets stay into reality okay? Kurt said. Are you 100% sure Im pregnant.
Rachel nods. Well not 100% but Im sure of it. But lets get a check up with the doctor. She reached out for the phone.
Im doing this alone, Rachel. Kurt said, grabbing the phone.
At least let me go with you. New York can be dangerous.
Im living here for months and Im never been attacked. Kurt scrolled through his phone searching for the closest doctor.
Rachel, I appreciate your concern but Im fine.
Fine. Rachel wanted to turn around but Kurt stopped her.
Can you... I mean can we just keep this between us for awhile Rachel?
Rachel sighs. Kurt, you have to tell at least Blaine. Hes the daddy. Also promise me this, dont put the baby up for adoption. I know Ive been adopted, I have the two greatest daddys in the world, but still... I wanted to know where I came from. I felt rejected by my biologic parents and I wanted answers. Nobody deserves to go through that.
Of course I wont. Kurt said. I keep the baby. Adoption hasnt even crossed my mind.
And Blaine?
Ill let him know if I know for sure. Kurt promised. Ill call him when I come back from the doctor.
Rachel hugs him again. Im proud of you. I know this isnt easy but youre going to get through this. Im going to help you. So dont worry about a thing.
The doctors office was a few blocks down and Rachel insisted to guide Kurt safely to that before she went to her classes. Kurt had never seen Rachel so over protective but he let her be. He was grate full he wasnt alone in this.
The doctor was named Wendy, she was a nice middle aged woman and open minded. She didnt flinch or looked disgust when Kurt told her he thought he might be pregnant. Kurt relaxed immediately when he sat down even though his heart was still racing.
Wendy ordered Kurt to lay down so that they could take a echo. Kurt obeyed, looking nervously on the screen. He saw nothing but Wendy nodded, cleaned him up and ordered him to sit down in the chair. well, Mr. Hummel, you are 1,5 weeks pregnant, its hard to see though. You need to come back in a few weeks for another echo. But congratulations. She gave him a warm smile.
Eh... thanks. Kurt wondered how many male pregnancys Wendy had cared for, or what she knew about werewolves. She didnt seem shocked but it also could be just her work. Later she would run home and laugh about it with her husband.
How are you feeling, Mr. Hummel? Its extremely important you eat well. Youre a little bit on the skinny side.
I cant eat. Every time I try I throw up. Kurt admits. Can that be dangerous?
Wendy nods. You can lose the baby, especially the first weeks are risky. Male pregnancys are always more risky than females... see... its unnatural. The male body isnt made to make babys and its harder to adjust. She stands up and searched into her medicine closet.
Eh... risk? Like what?
Mostly losing the baby due to stress and complication during giving birth. Wendy said, grabbing a small bottle with green pills. But first focus on eating, Mr. Hummel. This should help. It takes away the sickness. One pill a day. When your body is used to eat without help, stop using them. Kurt nodded. Come back in a few weeks, then well talk more. Then Ill give you any information there is about male pregnancy. Dont stress too much and relax.
Yeah right how can I relax now? Kurt thought. He said goodbye to the doctor and made another appointment with the receptionist to come back in a few weeks.
With Blaine Andersons agency.
Hi Im calling for the sixth time, my name is Kurt Hummel and I need to speak to Blaine. Its a emergency. Kurt said, exhausted for waiting and calling all day.
Sorry Blaine wont be able to come on the phone at the moment, please just send a cart. He reads all his fan mails.
"Blaine, remember our night together? Well, Im pregnant. Hope your tour went well, your number one fan Kurt Hummel." Kurt scoffed at the idea. No, maam, you really dont understand it. Im pregnant and Blaine is the father.
Listen, little girl, you arent getting any money from Blaine, if you think this is the way... The angry agencys voice hissed, Kurt stared in shock at the phone. ... If you call one more time, Im gonna sue you!
Kurt threw the phone across the room. It was no use calling Blaines agency, they would refuse to give Blaine the phone. Blaine probably wasnt even there. Kurt scrolls through his own Iphone and stared at Blaines old number wishing it never changed.
A few days passed and the pills helped. Kurt could eat again without throwing up. He tried to get through to Blaine for days but nothing. He followed his classes and went to work. It helped to keep going with his life.
The door opened and Rachel Berry entered the room, scanning the room immediately, her eyes landed on Kurt. She smiled. Kurt you arent going to believe what happened to me today- Where are you going?
Kurt put on his coat. Im going to the dinner, my shift starts in a hour. Tell me later, okay?
Oh, okay. Rachel nods. She looked at the phone on the ground. Still no luck?
Kurt shakes his head and went out.
The whole evening sucked. It was like every asshole in the world decided to grab a bite at the dinner and they were all horrible rude to Kurt, calling him "lady" or just "Fag". Kurt sucked all the insults up like the good waiter he was and hoped his boss would see it and pay him a little bit more. It was the end of his shift and it was Kurts time to close the dinner. The door opened.
Sorry were closing. Kurt said without turning around, concentrating on cleaning the last table so that he could go home.
I just want a coffee and a talk with the cute waiter in red.
Kurt span around, almost breaking his neck. He couldnt believe this. Nick! He dropped everything in his hands and hugged his friend. Im so glad to see you. I thought you were in Boston again.
Nick shrugs. Got a few days more, but tomorrow Im really leaving and I couldnt leave without goodbye. So here I am.
Kurt sniffs, blinking away his tears. This whole pregnancy is making me too emotional.
Kurt? You okay?
Kurt pulls back, quickly turning away. Eh yeah. Some coffee?
Sure. Nick nods, sitting down at a table. He noticed that there was something different about his friend. He followed Kurt with his eyes but couldnt quit say what. Nick missed the good old days when he noticed immediately when there was something that bothered Kurt. But Kurt was never open about his feelings, he should just wait till Kurt came and tell him what was going on.
Kurt came back with two cup of coffees and sat down too. They talked about their days and work and school. Till Kurt couldnt take it anymore. Nick, how are things between you and Jeff?
Nick sighs. Things are still going, but its hard. Being a med student takes all my time and Jeff.... well hes still Jeff. He has no idea what he wants to do in the future. I barely have time to make time for us. Sometimes I wish we were still in Dalton you know? Things were easier.
Tell me about it. Kurt sighs. Especially with the mess Im making at the moment, pregnant from my ex and dating a lawyer who doesnt know anything. Kurt takes a sip of his coffee. The thought of telling Harris that he has cheated on him and then see his heart broken face, it was something he couldnt deal with. Harris deserved better.
Who knows what the future will bring. Maybe Jeff and I arent meant to be.
Kurt gasps in shock. Dont say things like that, Nick.
We have nothing in common, Kurt. We barely see each other. I havent spoken to him in two weeks now. Nick waved his hand through his hair. I dont know... If we can make it.
I cant believe this. Kurt shakes his head. If any couple would have their happy ending and would stay together forever... I always thought it was you and Jeff. Dont give up, some things are worth fighting for. Jeff is.
I wont give up, Nick said. So how were things with Blaine when you saw him in LA?
Am I that obvious?
Nick shrugs. Kinda.
At first it was awkward but ... after awhile it felt like the good old days. Blaines changed, more mature now and all that. You shouldve seen him on that stage, Nick, he was amazing. Kurt smiled. If he doesnt win that Grammy this year Im going to eat my shoes.
Sounds like your proud.
I am. Why wouldnt I? He achieved his dreams.
No, I meant... you sound proud not just like a friend, Im also proud of Blaine but Im just a friend. You sound like boyfriend proud you know?
Heh? Kurt laughs. Oh come on, Nick. There are different kinds of proud now?
Yes there are. Look me in the eye and tell me nothing happened between you two.
Kurt stared at his hands.
Okay, okay. We slept together but thats it. I have a boyfriend now, Nick. I really care for Harris. Ive moved on.
Nick snorts. yeah right, sleeping with your ex when you havent seen him for awhile isnt something I would say youve moved on.
Its different now, Nick. Im happy. What happened... it just happened, I let my hormones take over. Kurt put his head in his hands. Everything is so messed up, youve no idea.
Whats going on?
Im pregnant.
Nick choked on his coffee. When he was able to breathe he stared at Kurt in shock. P-pregnant? You mean, like really pregnant?
Kurt nods. Seeing you react like that I cant wait to see Blaines reaction.
You havent told him yet?
When am I suppose to tell him that? I dont have his phone number and his agency is a bitch. Kurt said. Ive been trying for days.
Give me your phone.
Why? But Kurt handed over his phone.
Nick grabs his phone, scrolled through something and typed something in Kurts phone before handling him back. Now you have Blaines private number.
I didnt know you had his number.
Nick shrugs. Were still friends even if we dont live together in the same house. Besides I call him sometimes to ask if Jeffs still behaves himself. He stands up. I need to go, Kurt. Call Blaine and tell him.
What if he doesnt want anything to do with it or what if hes mad? Kurt said, standing up himself to say goodbye. He really wanted Nick to stay, give him advice and support him through this. He need a sane person in his life, who was wiser than his age.
The Blaine I know would be beside himself with joy. He always wanted to be a daddy.
Kurt nods, feeling his nerves ebbing away a little bit. He remembered their talk in the park, about the future, about kids. Blaine always wanted to be a daddy, Kurt wasnt so sure back then. He had no idea what to do now he was pregnant. He only knew that he wanted to keep the baby and take care of it. No matter what Blaine, Harris, Rachel, Mercedes or his dad had to say. Kurt wraps his arms around his stomach, realizing he already loved his kid even if it wasnt bigger than one centimetre.
Kurt walked Nick out of the door. Nick hugs him. Call me if you need anything, or just want to talk. Let me know how things go with Blaine okay?
Cant you just stay? Kurt asks, feeling his tears welling up again. This time he didnt blame his pregnancy hormones, he would truly miss Nick. I could use your advice, friendship and your sanity.
I wish I could but... Nick pulls back. This isnt high school anymore. Its time to stand on our own feed and ... survive. He frowns. It sounded better in my head.
Kurt smirks. Sounds like high school to me.
With one last goodbye and a hug, Nick left. Kurt cleaned the table he and Nick had sat on and picked his phone out of his pocket. Kurt dialed the number.
After three rings someone picked up. With Blaine. Loud music on the background.
Blaine? Its Kurt. Kurt could hear the music disappearing in the background.
Oh. Im sorry for the loud music, Im just done with a gig... How are you?
Eh... Well, I didnt just call you to make a social call, Blaine. There is something you should know.
Are you in pain? Sick? Are you bleeding? Blaine ranted.
What? No. Im in perfect health. Kurt said quickly. My heart is racing so fast It might jump out but Im fine.
Oh, okay.
Kurt took a deep breath. I dont have the right way to say this so here it goes. Im... Blaine, Im with child.
So... are you saying youre babysitting? Blaine asks confused.
Kurt rolls his eyes. If the situation wasnt so damn important he wouldve laughed till he cried because it was kinda funny. No... Im pregnant. Youre gonna be a daddy.
Bonk! Silence.
Blaine? Nothing. Blaine? Please say something? Are you still there? Blaine. Kurt panicked.
Kurt? Jeffs voice.
Hey Kurtie... how are you doing?
Eh... Im fine. Jeff, where is Blaine?
He laying on the ground, he fainted. I was too late to catch him.
Kurt sighs. Eh... Jeff, can you ask him to call me back when he wakes up? Its important.
No problem. So care to tell me what you told Blaine? It must be really big. Ive never seen Blaine faint.
Jeff, its private.
Oooooh, its a sex thing?
Kurt hang up, he closed the door and locked up. Work was done for today. He hoped that Blaine would call back soon.