The Beast Within Me
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The Beast Within Me: Chapter 35

E - Words: 5,752 - Last Updated: Feb 09, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/? - Created: Feb 28, 2014 - Updated: Feb 28, 2014
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Author's Notes:

Klaine didnt use protection... This could get really complicated.

Next up: Lets meet Kurts new boyfriend.

Hope you liked this chapter:)

Blaine finished his senior year and graduated cum laude from Dalton Academy. That summer he went to LA and spend all his time in the recording studio. He wrote his own songs but the record company had written a few songs that they wanted to release first, when Blaine had a fan base there was time to release his own songs.

 Wes moved with Blaine to LA to become his PA and manager and just be there for the moral support. His girl friend Sammy Jo had taken a job at the American Air lines and was working as stewardess so she wasnt around much.  They both lived with Cooper.

It wasnt long before Blaines career was taking off. Soon his voice was on the radio, and a few weeks later he had a steady fan base and was invited for all the big TV shows. Blaine spend most of his time in the record studio, performing, writing songs or sleeping. Eventually it took a lot from Blaine but he wasnt complaining. This was what he wanted, and it kept his mind of off Kurt.

Blaine hasnt forgotten Kurt, how could he? The more time passed the more Blaine knew that Kurt was the one and only for him. Blaine had made it clear publicly that he was gay, his female fans didnt mind that at all it seemed like his fan base only grew more every day.  Of course he went on dates but most of his "dates" just wanted him for fame. Blaine also tried dating gay werewolves but they were only after one thing: sex. That just wasnt what Blaine wanted, he wanted a family. Husband, kids even a cat would be fine.

Blaine had three so called "Friends with benefits" to full fill his sexual needs but it always felt empty. He was just doing it so that he didnt lose his mind. All the boys had blue eyes, brown chestnut hair and pale skin. But they werent Kurt. Blaine stared every day at Kurts number and was tempted to call him. One time he actually did. But the number wasnt available anymore, Kurt had changed his number.

Blaine knew he had to let go of the past, but he just couldnt.

Kurt graduated without the big audience and the stage. He busted his ass off at home, trying to learn everything in a few months while Finn was rattling about some Food ball scholar ship in Utah. Kurt made his exams under the eyes of a woman called Marla and he graduated. The only people who were there was his dad, Carole and Finn. Kurt resisted the urge to call Blaine but he send Nick a text.

Kurts summer was spend with his friends, shopping or hanging out at each others houses. Burt was barely at home, busy with a new work project and Carole also had her work. After Summer things changed, everybody was going away and following his dreams.

 Kurt left for France.  It was more difficult than Kurt thought to get used to the different culture and other language, even if he was good at France.  Luckily his internship at VOGUE went well and the people soon accepted his ideas and input. After a few months he went out with a few colleges and they became friends.

In the beginning Kurt was tempted to call Blaine but he manage to resist. It wasnt long before he didnt have to wonder how Blaine was doing. Soon Blaine was everywhere on TV, radio, the gossip magazines. He was the new hot artist and Kurt was happy for Blaine, kinda relieved, that Blaine succeeded in making his dreams come true. Despite what happened to them in the past Kurt still wanted the best for Blaine. However it was shocking to see Blaine on TV or in the magazines.  Blaine was smiling but the smile didnt reach his eyes. They looked rather... empty. The spark was gone. 

Kurt didnt have much time to feel guilty as his friends took him out to a club on his 19TH birthday. There he met Harris Davids, a lawyer student from New Jersey who was on a vacation to France. He was three years older but the two clicked immediately. Harris was funny, smart, handsome, understanding, he loved musicals and he was human. They talked for hours and even when Harris left France they kept in touch, calling each other every day. Harris even flew over once a month to meet up. They slowly started a relationship and Kurt fell in love. It wasnt the all consuming love like he shared with Blaine. This was different. Kurt couldnt say if it was forever or that Harris was the man for him, he always thought that Blaine was the one for him and he was wrong about that so Kurt didnt think much of the future and just enjoy their moments together. They take things slow and that was fine with Kurt.

After Kurt finished his internship he moved back to Lima, but he quickly signed into a school in New York for Design & Fashion. He only needed a apartment and thats when he ran into Rachel Berry, who was looking for a roommate so that they could split the rent. They both took a night job and lived their lives. Life as Rachels roommate wasnt as bad, they even became friends and Kurt advised her about her clothes. Harris Davids got a job in New York and bought his own apartment.  He suggested to move in together but Kurt thought it was too soon.

Kurt was happy.


April 24TH, 2017

Jeff Sterling  opens the apartment, shaking his wet hair and losing his wet coat. The weather was horrible the last couple of weeks. Im home! He walks into the living room, seeing Wes laying on the couch with his laptop on his lap. Jeff glanced at the closet bedroom door. Still the same?

Wes nodded. Nothing changed here. He comes home, eats and goes to bed. 

Jeff grabs a beer and sat down on a chair. Somethings gotta change, Wes. Its been 1,5 year. Ive had enough. I want to go back to Nick.

Wes glares at him. Well when I asked Nick for help I didnt mean that he would send you to me. I rather had Nick here. Hed know what to do.

Hes busy with his study. Jeff said, he couldnt hide the bitter tone. He hated that Nick was so busy with his Meds degree and was barely at their apartment in Boston. All they did was fight. When Nick suggested that Jeff would go to LA to help Blaine, Jeff was already out of the door. Its been two months.

Youre here to send for help so think of something! Ive tried everything. Wes said, skipping through his Face book timeline. The spark is gone, Blaine does his thing and thats it. A Zombie has more life in him than Blaine. On stage he seems fine but... off stage hes so.... depressed.

Jeff nods. I know what you mean. The last time I saw Blaine happy was ...

With Kurt.

Jeff hums.

Wes looks at his friend, narrowing his eyes. Whats that hum suppose to mean? What are you planning?

Jeff started pacing. What we all wanted to do  a year ago, Wes. We go to Kurts house, kidnap him and lock those two in a room.

Yeah right, Kurt made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with us anymore. Besides we dont know where he lives or is right now.

So you dont think its a bad idea?

Wes rolls his eyes. Of course I think its a bad idea... He stops when he saw something on his timeline. He blinked. He couldnt believe his luck. Thank god that Kurt never un friend me. Kurt is coming to LA.

Yeah right. Jeff scoffed.

No, look! Wes turned his laptop so that Jeff could look at the screen. Kurt Hummels current status was:

"On my way to LA to spend a week with my friend Mercedes Jones #MissedMyBoo"

Jeffs jaw drops, Wes smirks. I told you.

A whole week! Jeff bounced on his feet.

Calm down, Jeff, Kurt has met with Mercedes his friend, they probably already have some plans for a week.

Well, why are we waiting for? Lets get our asses to the airport and drag Kurt here!

We cant force this, Jeff. They havent seen each other for 1,5 year. Wes looked at the screen and a big grin appeared on his face. He looked back up at his friend. Are you thinking what Im thinking?

That Chihuahuas have extremely large ears? I mean... compared to their little body.

What? No.


Jeff, the key to getting Kurt and Blaine on speaking terms is Mercedes Jones.


Looking good boo! Mercedes hugged her friend.

You too, Cedes! Kurt glanced at her outfit and gave her his approval. Mercedes has made a name of herself in the Jazz industry. Kurt was proud of her.  So I am ready for our whole week trip of LA? He sniffs the air, it was raining. Great, that one time Im in LA.

Oh Ive made a whole plan, but first lets grab some coffee! 

Exactly my thought!

I dont know how you manage to survive living with Rachel Berry! Mercedes teased, making her way to the nearest coffee shop.

Kurt shrugs. Lots and lots of coffee!


The week they had together was spend talking, shopping and more talking. Kurt even went to the recording studio with Mercedes. Kurt loves seeing Mercedes sing, she had found her place and this is where she belongs. Recording songs, being on a stage for a audience. Its been awhile since Kurt sang, he had forgotten how much he loved performing. But that was all in his past, fashion was his future now.

 Kurt also notice that Mercedes was on her phone a lot. Her relationship with Sam didnt work out and they had broken up almost a year ago. When Kurt asked if she had found a new boyfriend she laughed, saying she didnt have time for a relationship. But she kept it a secret with who she was texting and calling.

It was their last weekend together and Mercedes led Kurt to a taxi to a unknown destination.

Where are we going? Kurt stared out of the window trying to make sense where they were but he wasnt known in this neighborhood.

Its a surprise. Mercedes said.

I hate surprises. Just tell me. Kurt looks unsure at his clothes.

You look fine, Kurt. Dont worry, youre going to love it.


Mercedes shrugs. At least Im going to have a good time seeing your face when we reach our destination.

Kurt groans. Im going to hate it am I? Is it a strip club?

Mercedes gave him a look. Do I look like a girl who would go to a strip club?

Do you want a honest answer?

Hey! Mercedes playfully slapped his arm. Kurt giggles.

 The Taxi stops saying they arrived. Mercedes paid the taxi driver and stepped out, Kurt followed. A long row of teenagers were standing in front of what looked like a concert building. Kurt gasps. Were going to a concert?

Uhuh, I manage to get two tickets.

Who is performing here? Kurt looked around for any clue, but his sight was mostly blocked by the massive group of teens. It isnt Justin Bieber is it?

Of course not. Mercedes hooked their arms together as they walked to the end of the line. But hes a young really talented artist. His live performance must be really good.

Kurt pulls his arm away and stared at Mercedes. Tell me you didnt.

What? Mercedes cocked her head, blinking her eyes innocent.

Its Blaine Anderson isnt it?

Mercedes nods, there was no use in denying it. The show started in a few minutes and Kurt would find out anyway. Yes it is.

I cant believe youre doing this to me! Kurt said angry, turned away and started walking.

Mercedes grabs his arm and stopped him. Kurt wait. Whats the big deal?

Hes my ex, Mercedes! What would you say if I arrange a meeting with you and Sam?

Mercedes scoffs. I would thank you and just meet with Sam. I dont know whats the big deal. Its a concert, Kurt. You dont have to meet him at all. We go in, dance and listen to awesome music and get out of here before he even notice you, okay?

Kurt nods. Fine. He stepped back in line, checking his hair in the mirror, suddenly feeling really nervous.

Mercedes rolls her eyes. I dont understand why youre getting your ass worked up over this. Hes your ex, which means that you dont have feelings for him at all, right?

Kurt knew Mercedes tried to fish about what happened between him and Blaine, he never told the reason of the break up. He wasnt able too. And even after 1,5 year he didnt want to talk about it. Uhuh. He fumbled with his hair, deciding it didnt look good enough.

Stop it. Mercedes grabbed his hands.

Cedes, I look like crap.

Mercedes raised her eyebrows. You look just the same as a hour ago when we came back from shopping. Why are you so focused on your looks? If you dont feel anything for Blaine, why do you care?

I dont!

Yeah right.

I really dont. Kurt glares, stopped trimming his hair. When is this damn concert going to start?

Mercedes giggles. Youre so obvious, Kurt. Youre even blushing.

Shut up!  Kurt took a deep breath, trying to ignore his best friend. Its just a concert, I can do this.


Blaine checked if his music instruments were okay, if the band was all there. They had a few problems with a sick drummer but his brother could step in and he was just as good. Blaine paced nervously. He was always like this before a concert, but this felt somehow different. It was as if something was in the air, something important was behind the dress door, behind the curtains, in the audience, but he didnt know what. It wasnt full moon either.

There was no reason why Blaines heart was racing. He had to calm down.

Wes appeared. Youre up in 60 seconds, its time to go.

Blaine nods, grabs his guitar. The band followed. Jeff laid on the ground texting. Blaine didnt ask Jeff to come, he was constantly on his phone lately. Probably texting Nick. Blaine waited behind the curtain. He could hear the room full with exited teenagers.

The band made his way on stage under loud cheering from the audience. Blaine smiled and greeted the audience with a studied speech. It was all the same after being in 100 states. Blaine started to play and the band easily followed his step.

The audience got wilder, screaming, singing and dancing with every passing song. Blaine recognized nobody due to the light shining right in his face. It was hard to see the faces on the first row. He sang, he danced, he smiled and he once in awhile talked to say that he had the best fans. This part was so easy for him, charming the audience. It became natural.

Suddenly a familiar scent fills the air, and Blaine turns his head to the left. His eyes widened in shock. He heard the band still playing, the fans still singing but he didnt hear his own voice. He blinked a few times, to make sure he wasnt dreaming. But Kurt was still standing there. Next to him was a black girl, his friend from Ohio, Blaine recognized.

Kurt was dressed in a navy blue shirt, black jeans that looked painted on, his eyes were even more bleu than Blaine remembered, his hair was perfectly coiffed like always and he just looked perfect. Blaine stared, hoping that this wasnt one of his dreams. He silently begged for Kurt to move, even blink to let him know that he really was there, but Kurt just stared at him, not moving a inch.

Blaine was shaken out of his shocked state by his guitarist bumping his hips against Blaine, which almost made him trip over the mic. The fans laughed. Blaine recovered quickly with a joke and a big smile. The rest of the concert was a blur to him.


Well that wasnt so bad, right? Mercedes said, while theyre walking outside.

No... he killed it. He was amazing. Kurt admits.

I call a taxi. Mercedes held up her hand to stop a yellow taxi.

Kurt want to follow her, get to the apartment, sleep and get back to New York but he stopped. Mercedes, wait. Mercedes turns around. I... I cant come with you. I need to speak to him. I dont want to regret this. Being so close after years and then just leave... I cant.

Then go. Mercedes pulls Kurt in a hug. Dont forget that your plane is leaving at 10 AM in the morning tomorrow.

Kurt rolls his eyes. Yeah right, as if Im going to spend the night with Blaine. Mercedes gave him a look. Kurt gasps shocked. Mercedes!

I didnt say anything. Mercedes giggles. A yellow taxi pulls over. Oh if you want to find Blaine, just follow the fan girls. She quickly gave Kurt a final hug and stepped in. The taxi drove away.

Kurt didnt need to look far to find a group fan girls, running around to the back. Kurt peeked around to see the band packing the instruments. The teenagers were crowding the band but Kurt didnt see Blaine anywhere. The band got in the bus and the bus drove off, followed by a crowd of more teenagers. Right towards Kurt.

Kurt felt a sharp pull on his arm and he was pulled back, pinned against the wall a hand covering his mouth. The bus raced by followed by the running, crazy teenagers not caring if the bus ran over them.

Kurt wanted to scream but was turned around and stared in hazel brown eyes. Blaine was standing next to him, wearing a black hoodie, a hat, black scarf covering most of his face. He removed his hand from Kurts mouth. Blaine.

You really need to be  more careful.

Kurt nods, taking a step back. The close encounter made his head spin. I didnt know that fans could be so crazy. Thanks for saving me.... again. He glanced at Blaines outfit. Going to a Ninja convention?

Blaine smiled. Its a cover up. I need to disguise myself otherwise there will be fans swarming around us. He glanced around. Lets go talk somewhere else before they return.

Wait, they do that?

Blaine nods. In the hope they can steal something from the dressing room. Kurt looks shocked. I know this coffee shop... I know the owner, we can talk there in privacy if you want too?

Kurt nods. Blaine grabs his hand out of habit and together they crossed the streets in silence. Kurt tried to ignore the weird flip flops his stomach made or his racing heart. For god sake, Kurt, youre not in High school anymore.

Blaine led Kurt to a small coffee shop a few blocks away. A waiter walked up to them as they came in. Hey, Alfred. Table for two, in the back. We need some privacy. Blaine removed his scarf and hat. The waiter looked like he wanted to drop on his knees and bow down but he quickly nodded and shuffled away.

Kurt frowns but followed Blaine and the waiter. Theyre led to the back where a table and two chairs stood behind a wall, so they had some privacy. They sat down and Blaine ordered.

You remember my coffee order? Kurt asks.

How could I forget. Blaine said, looking at the menu. Want a cupcake or something? Theyre delicious.

No thanks, Im fine. Kurt wasnt hungry but the cup of coffee was welcome. He wanted to talk but had no idea how to begin. Everything seem so ... normal, as if they hadnt seen each other for 1,5 year.

The waiter took their order and walked away.

Blaine turned his attention to Kurt, who could only stare at the hazel brown eyes with a glint of gold. Blaine really looked good, different. More grown up, more relaxed than Kurt had ever seen him.  Seeing you here tonight, I thought I was losing my mind. I thought you were a dream.

Well, Im real. It was Mercedes idea.

Ah... smart girl. Heard she did something in the jazz business...

Yes, shes quit success full.

Silence. The waiter came back with their order. They both took a nervous sip of their coffee.

I.. I just want to say to you that I am really proud of you, Blaine. Kurt began. You were more than amazing today and you deserve it. I know how much you wanted this and how hard you worked to get this.

Thank you, Blaine said softly. I... I travel a lot when Im on tour. It can be really lonely. Silence. Kurt didnt know how to response to that. But enough about me, Im dying to hear your story. Hows France?

Kurt told everything, from the fashion shows, to the clubs and to making new friends. There was no way to go around the topic so Kurt blurted out. Im seeing someone.

Blaine almost choked on his coffee. He coughs, when he was able to breathe he looked up at Kurt, who bit his lip nervously. I shouldnt even be so surprised that Kurt had a boyfriend, he was beautiful. Guys would be fighting over Kurt. Still deep down Blaine was disappointed, he had hoped that he and Kurt could rekindle again. Oh... euhm.... does he treat you right?

Like a prince. Im happy. Kurt had no idea why he said that. It sounded like Blaine wasnt the only one who he need to convince how happy he was with Harris.

Blaine manage to put on a fake smile. Good, Im happy for you. You deserve it.

Kurt didnt know what to say. He glanced at the table and noticed Blaines hand. The skin collor hasnt changed at all since the last time he saw Blaine, that meant.... Your skin...Its still the same since I left. You havent fought since high school.

Blaine shrugs. I have nobody to fight for.

You mean...?

Blaine shakes his head. Im not dating anyone. Its hard you know, finding love. I go on dates sometimes and I wonder if hes talking to me because hes interested in me or because Im famous. Its usually the last one.

Oh. And werewolves?

Blaine shrugs. They just want sex. I want more than that. I want to settle down.

oh, big plans for someone who just turned 20! Kurt teased, taking another sip of his coffee.

I even want a cat. Blaine said dramatically, picking on the teasing tone.

Are you sure of that? Its a pretty big commitment.

I know, I might eat them accidentally.

Wait, what? Kurt looked shocked.

Hello, werewolf remember? Blaine said, laughing.

Kurt grins. I almost forgot.

So, hows your dad doing? Are you still living in Ohio?

Oh noo, I live in New York now. When I returned from France.... well I love my dad but he can be quit... suffocating.  He is still threatening me like a 8 year old kid, I just had to get out of there. Dads busy with work and away a lot. When I ask about it he just tells me its a secret and he calls it project X. Kurt rolls his eyes. Can you believe it? Project X. It sounds like something out of a James Bond movie. I think he just says it to sound mysterious.

So New York huh?

Kurt told Blaine about Rachel, their loft and his study Fashion. Its more expensive than I thought, living in New York but I refuse to ask my dad for help. I can handle myself.

So how do you pay the rent? Blaine asks, curious.

Kurt looked nervous. Youre going to laugh at me.

I wont, I promise.

I work in a diner, taking shifts after college. Kurt confessed, waiting for Blaine to laugh but nothing. Blaine looked at him as if he was truly interested. Its not much but its enough to pay the rent and buy some food. Its enough to live.

That should be enough. Blaine glanced at his watch. It was 11 PM. The place closes in a half hour, lets go before Pete, the owner, throws us out. He stands up, puts on his coat and wraps the scarf around his head.

Kurt put on his own coat and together they walked out thanking the nice waiter who served them. It was quit on the street. Kurt glanced at Blaine as they walked together. Blaine really looked good. A curl was peeking out under Blaines hat. Kurt automatically reached out to brush the curl back, he quickly pulls back when Blaine had stopped, staring at him. Oh, I... a curl was peeking out and... sorry.

Dont. Blaine stopped the hand and took it in his. I just... I am really sorry about what happened between us, Kurt. Ive never wanted to hurt you and I regret my mistake every day.

Dont, Blaine, I already told you Ive forgiven you. Now you need to forgive yourself. Let the past in the past and start focus on the future.

Kurt, do you believe in soul mates? Blaine asks, because he just had to know. Hed never felt so comfortable and so complete with anyone but with Kurt. Just sitting together being able to talk to each other was already amazing. He didnt want this night to end but he knew he had to bring Kurt to Mercedes apartment.

I do.

Do you think we are...

I believe that soul mates will find each other no matter what. Kurt didnt let Blaine finish. He stepped closer, glancing at Blaines lips to his brown eyes, drowning in them. Blaine didnt let go of his hand and Kurt could feel the spark between them. It was undeniable and too strong to ignore.

Blaine couldnt take it any longer and leaned forward, closing the gap between them. To his surprise Kurt didnt pull away but he wasnt responding either. Blaine pulls back, confused. Kurt wraps his arms around Blaines neck and kissed him back. After awhile they both pulled back to breath. Please dont stop. Kurt whispers.

Im not planning too.


We probably shouldnt do this! Blaine whispers, pinning Kurt against the hotel room wall.

We shouldnt. Kurt beamed.

Silence. Their eyes locked. Blaine growls, he couldnt wait any longer. He lifted Kurt up and laid him down on bed. Blaine kissed every available skin and started undressing. Kurt did the same, and soon theyre naked. Kurt pulls Blaine back on top of him. I want you. Now.

Fuck. Blaine cursed. Wait. He grabbed his pants to search the pockets. He cursed again. Kurt I dont have condoms with me. Do you? Kurt shakes his head. Now we really cant do this.

We can. Kurt said, crawling over, biting seductively on Blaines bottom lip. I really want you. I need you.

Blaine stared at Kurt. He had forgotten how sexy he truly was. He was too weak to resist Kurt like this. You sure?

Really, sure. Kurt said, laying back, spreading his legs wide open. He pouts. Please, Blaine fuck me against the wall.

That was it. Blaine lost control. He kissed, left bite marks everywhere to claim his property. His cock was rock hard and Kurts moaning almost send him over the edge. Fuck. Blaine lifted Kurt and pins Kurt against the wall. Kurt wraps his legs around Blaines waist, ready for Blaines cock to fill him. Their eyes locked and Kurt nodded. He was ready.

Blaine trusted forward. Kurt screams out, his nails scraps Blaines back. Blaine waited till Kurt was adjusted, when Kurt moaned "moved" Blaine trusted in and out. Roughly.

Kurt held on to Blaine for life, he had forgotten how sex could be. Sex with Blaine was rough, he was hitting his prostate with every trust, as if Blaine knew his sensitive spot. Sex with Blaine was heaven. Damn, how could I forget?

It wasnt long before they both came, Kurt could feel the sperm which was odd because he never had unprotected sex. Blaine gently laid Kurt down, pulling out of Kurt, rolling off of him trying to catch his breath. That was....

I know. Kurt breathed, trying his heart to calm down. He needed to take a shower but his legs werent working. He could feel Blaines cum inside of him and he didnt freak out or anything. He knew he should feel dirty but he felt nothing like that.

Blaine sat up. Round two?

Kurt smiled, pulling Blaine close, connecting their lips.


Kurt woke up with a start. He sat up straight, winced at the pain in his ass, and took in his surroundings. The whole hotel room was a mess. He groans, whipping the sleep out of his eyes. He notice the person laying next to him and smiled when he saw Blaine fast asleep. He had a goofy smile on his face, looking completely at peace. Kurt didnt regret anything what happened last night, it was a onetime thing.

Kurt manage to get out of bed, to look at his phone. He saw he missed two calls from Mercedes. It was 8 AM. Shit my plane leaves in two hours.

He quickly got dressed, put on his shoes and turned to the sleeping form. He couldnt just go without goodbye. Blaine? Wake up, Ive gotta go. No movement. Blaine? Nothing. Kurt rolls his eyes. He had forgotten how sleepy Blaine always was after sex. He sighs. Kurt found a note and a pen and scrabbled something down.

With a last glance at Blaine, Kurt left the room already dialing Mercedes number.


Blaine woke up to a empty bed. Kurt? He jumped out of bed, searching the small hotel room. The bad room was empty. Kurt! He almost tripped over the ripped bed sheets. Blaine panicked. This cant be happening, he lost Kurt again. He quickly got dressed. Maybe Kurt was downstairs.

Blaine walked to the receptionist. Excuse me, have you seen a tall, incredible beautiful young man?

The receptionist smiled. I think I know who youre talking about. He left a note for you. He gave Blaine a note. Blaine immediately recognized Kurts handwriting.

"Sorry that you had to wake up alone but my plane was leaving at 10 AM. I really had a great time and I dont regret anything, so dont worry about it. Call me when youre in New York I can give you a tour. *Kurts phone number*


Blaine glanced up at the receptionist with a bright smile. What time is it?

12 AM, sir.

Blaine cursed. He was too late. He grabbed his phone and skipped through his agenda. He need to clear it. He had important things to do in New York. He wanted to buy plane tickets to New York when his phone rang. Wes. He ignored it. Wes always found a way to ruin his plans.


Blaine looked up at the receptionist who was holding a phone. ... This is for you.

Blaine sighs and grabbed the phone. Hi, Wes.


Are you stalking me now? How did you know where I was?

I didnt, I just called every hotel in LA. Ive been working the whole morning since you refuse to take my calls.

Blaine sighs. Ive been busy.

Wes hums. Small reminder that you have performances planned for the next five weeks.

Wes, I cant. I need to go to New York.

No you dont. Blaine, you have a job, you have a responsibility towards your fans, Kurt isnt going anywhere.

How did you know it is Kurt? Wes, did you call Mercedes Jones?

I dont know what youre talking about.




Thank you.

No problem, now get your ass over here so that we can work and before you know it you can wrap your beloved Kurt in your arms again. Wes demanded.

Im already on my way. See you later. Blaine hang up, walking out of the hotel with a big smile on his face.


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