The Beast Within Me
Chapter 33 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Beast Within Me: Chapter 33

E - Words: 4,414 - Last Updated: Feb 09, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/? - Created: Feb 28, 2014 - Updated: Feb 28, 2014
161 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I could make Sebastian less evil but that would be boring!;)

Anyway. MAJOR drama coming up!!

The rest of the Christmas break Kurt spend with his family and friends. It was nice to catch up with Mercedes, she was now officially dating Sam Evans. Kurt was happy for his friend, she deserves a guy that treats her like the diva she is.

So how are things between you and Blaine? Mercedes asks. 


Great? In a sarcastic way or...?

No, really great. Kurt smiles. Already missing his boyfriend. In the beginning I felt insecure about our relationship because well, hes super hot and stuff. But now... I feel more confident. He needs me. Like actually needs me.

Wanky! Santana sat down next to Mercedes on the couch, interrupting their conversation. It was clear the Latina was already drunk.

Theyre invited for Pucks new Years party and as always there were women, booze, drunken horny teenage boys and loud music. Normally Kurt skipped partys like this, but this time he decided to go. He could use some distraction. It was this or sitting at home missing Blaine so much that his heart hurt.

Kurt glares. I didnt mean it like that, Satan.

Whatever! Santana slurs, getting off the couch to search for Brittany.

She has a point, what do you mean? Mercedes asks.

Kurt shrugs. The last few weeks werent easy, busy school schedules, and after sectionals we had a talk.. Its like our relationship has grown and its heading somewhere. It feels like this is forever.

Mercedes gave him a big grin. Im so happy for you Kurt. Why arent you smiling?

Its scary sometimes. Loving someone so much. Im afraid I end up hurt again and I dont think I can handle it this time.

Mercedes nods, linking their hands together. Love hurts. But its worth it. She glanced at her watch. Now excuse me, I go find my man for the New Years kiss. She winks, got up and left the room.

Three minutes later people were hugging each other and kissing each other. It was 2015. Kurt wanted to call Blaine but with so much noise he figured he could better send a quick text message. He hated the fact that Blaine wasnt here right now. But Blaine was also busy with catching up with friends and other family members. "Happy New Year. Miss you." Kurt pushed the send button and before he could mope some more about missing Blaine he was pulled into a bone crushing hug by Tina Cohen Chang. Quickly followed by Mercedes, Santana and Brittany even Rachel gave him a hug. It was good to spend some time with his friends.


Kurt stepped out his car, his heart racing, he grabs his bag and scanned the people who were walking towards Dalton Academy. No Blaine. He made his way to the school when he saw a lip locked Jeff and Nick, mumbling lovely words and sharing "I love you to each other between the kisses. Before he could greet them he was lifted off his feet and someone was twirling him around. He squeals. Blaine!

Blaine kissed Kurt on the mouth before he could say anything else. How much he missed Kurt. He was miserable the whole Christmas break. Sure his parents and he traveled to a few family members and he went to the Viper on New Years Eve where he met Wes, David, their girlfriends and Maureen but it was not the same without Kurt.

Blaine placed kisses all over Kurts neck, the urge to Mark him and to show everybody that Kurt was his was overwhelming again.  Kurt moans, pulling Blaine even closer to his own body.

Anyone else wants to throw up or is it just me? Wes interrupted their happy bubble.

Blaine glares, pulling back before he lost control. Says you who refused to let go of Sammy Jo without a make out session.

Wes scoffs. Well I only see her in the weekends, Blaine! You two see each other 5 days a week sometimes 7 days.

David appears behind Wes with his bags in hand. Is he grumpy again?

Yes. Kurt and Blaine both said.

Shut up! Wes glares, turning away and walking into school.

Why are you so cheery? Dont you miss Sarah? Kurt asks David, while they followed Wes on a safe distance inside.

David shrugs. I got to see plenty of Sarah. Kurt felt sick at the double meaning of that. Besides, she is a handful. After one weekend with Sarah, I need a week to recover. He walks to his door room and disappeared into his room.

Am I the only one whos feeling a little sick? Kurt asks. I didnt need a image of David and Sarah.

They stopped in front of Blaines dorm room and he opened the door, checking the room. Guess what?


Nathan is still not here. Blaines eyes roam hungry over Kurts body and he pulls him closer.

Are you trying to seduce me, Mr Anderson? Kurt teased.

Does it work? Blaine pulls Kurt into the room and closed the door.

It does. Kurt pushed Blaine back on the bed and straddled his hips.

Eh ... guys! I am in the bathroom! Nathans voice yells behind the bathroom door. Can I come in?

Kurt blushed, quickly getting of Blaine. Eh... yeah.

Blaine groans, glaring as Nathan made his way through the room, sitting down on his bed. Kurt didnt dare to look at Nathan a firm blush on his cheeks.


Kurt and Blaine made their way to Lunch with David, Wes and even Nick and Jeff are done kissing each other. They sat down with Elliot and Austin.

Have you already planned your outfits for the show, Kurt? Elliot asks.

Of course I have. I start working at it after classes. Kurt nods confident. He skipped through old and new VOGUEs and with that and his own ideas he had the perfect outfits. They had to show five different outfits. The Fashion show was in three weeks and he needed all the time he can get.  Yours?

Mine are already halfway done. Elliot brags proudly.

Halfway? Kurt dropped his sandwich.

Calm down, my love. Blaine reached for Kurts hand and squeezed it. Kurts heart was racing.

I cant calm down! I need to begin! Kurt jumps on his feet and disappeared out of the canteen.

Blaine sighs. Something tells me I am not getting any sex for the next few weeks.


Kurt spend every free minute in a empty class room to work on his designs. Mr. Schuffer gave permission for the candidates to pick a empty room to work in, every creation should be delivered to a back room of the auditorium were everything is safely put away before the show started. Nick helped Kurt as much as he can, much to Jeffs dismay. He missed alone time with Nick. But nobody hated the whole fashion thing more than Blaine. Their relationship was pushed back to the background because of it and every day Kurt was up late and too tired to have sex.

Blaine couldnt wait till this whole fashion thing was over, then life could get back to normal. He didnt understood why Kurt was so obsessed with it.  He asked it the week of the fashion show, leaning against a table staring at how Kurt and Nick worked on the last but hardest details of the outfits. I just dont get it. So you win the fashion show, what happened? You get a medial or something?

Kurt was too occupied so Nick answered. Of course not, Blaine. Isabel isnt a joke, she works for VOGUE. You win a intern ship at VOGUE in Paris, France.

Blaine froze, he saw Kurt tense and biting his lip. Nick didnt seem to notice. Its a huge chance, Blaine. A once in a life time chance.

Blaine.. Kurt looked at Blaine.

Why didnt you tell me? Blaine asks, he could feel his anger boiling.

I wanted too but things kept coming up and...

You had plenty of time to tell me when we were alone during Christmas break or this morning when were alone!

Im sorry.

Blaine crossed his arms in front of his chest. For how long do you plan on going to France? A few weeks, months?

A year.

A year? Blaine growls, feeling the urge to just rip all those outfits into 1000 pieces. A whole year?! What about us? Have you thought about that before you signed for this crap?

Kurt got on his feet, he glared at Blaine, his hands on his hips. For your information we were broken up when I signed for this.

Silence. Nick quickly left the room to give them some privacy.

Sign out for this!

What? Why? I want to do this. Kurt took a deep breath. Blaine had to understand. This was his dream. He had to do this. Blaine, this is a once in a life time chance. Nobody gets a chance to work for VOGUE. This is my only chance.

There will be more chances like this for you, Kurt. We find a fashion house wholl hire you.

I can learn so much at VOGUE. Its VOGUE, Blaine. Please understand.

I dont. Blaine said. Kurt, I cant go without you for a year.

You can come with me. I heard France is amazing.

Ive signed a contract with a record company, remember? Im leaving to LA after graduation. Blaine steps to Kurt and held his hands. Kurt, Ive everything planned out. After graduation well go to LA, I work on my album, buy a apartment that you can decorate to your own wishes, after some songs well get married and have kids. Itll be perfect for us.

Kurt pulls his hands back. Youve planned everything? Not only your future but also mine! Blaine, I dont want to go to LA. Yes maybe in a few years but I want Paris first.

Stop being so stubborn you can get all this in LA too.

Stop being so controlling I can make my own decisions. I am going to Paris for a year, if I win.

I am going to LA, I cant get out of the contract. What about us?

Well figure something out.

Like we always do. Blaine said with a bitter tone. He couldnt understand why Kurt wouldnt just drop everything and go with him.

Kurt sighs. What do you want me to do? Drop everything, fall into your arms and go with you to LA? Blaine said nothing but Kurt knew that that was exactly what Blaine wanted. But Kurt couldnt, he wouldnt. He changed schools for Blaine, dealt with a lot of werewolf stuff, ended up in the hospital a few times, got disappointment after disappointment on Dalton and now he finally was good at something and made a chance at winning a internship, his dream internship. He wasnt going to back down now. They dont offer internship in LA, this is a once in a life time chance, Blaine, Im not giving it up.

I cant go with you for a year, this record deal is a dream come true. My future is in LA. Blaine said, clenching his fist. What about us? You know we dont have a relationship like a normal couple. Youre the only one who can calm me down, without you... Ill lose my mind.

Were getting ahead of ourselves. Kurt picked up a few fabrics and kneels down to a mannequin to finish up for today. We dont even know if Im going to win this. So why are we even talking about this?

The fact that you even consider to go away for a whole year says enough. You dont care about us or me.

Kurt drops his stuff, he was seriously pissed off. Dont care about you? Ive changed my whole life for you and you dare to say I dont care about you? Im sorry I dont obey at every command. Im not a dog. I am my own person, with my own dreams. I never asked for anything. Why cant you support me?

I cant protect you when Im so far away.

I dont need protection. I can handle myself. Kurt sighs. Were not getting anywhere. Well talk after the fashion show okay? I still need to finish a few things. He turns around and started working on the mannequin, when he turns around Blaine was gone.


Blaine had no idea where he was going but his feed kept walking and before he knows it he was outside, in the snow, freezing air hitting him in his face, at the edge of Dalton territory. He put his hands in his pockets and stopped, leaning against the gate. He couldnt believe that Kurt didnt want to go with him, that he was leaving him to go to France. How can things fall apart so fast? I had everything planned.

Blaine looked up when he heard footsteps. It was Sebastian, he was wearing a winter coat, scarf and in his hand he had a bottle of wine. He could smell the alcohol. You drank a whole bottle?

Sebastian shrugs. Its not empty yet. Jealous, Anderson? A teasing glint in his eyes and a smile on his lips.

Blaine scoffs. On what? Walking around in a freezing night, on your own? Yeah right.

Sebastian looks around him. You dont do any better. I dont see your friends or your ... play toy around you. Blaine blinks. He had to admit that Sebastian was right. Damn it. Sebastian cocked his head. Whats wrong?

Blaine shrugs. Just.. things dont always go as planned and you try to accept it even though you dont understand it.

Ah boyfriend trouble, I stay out of it before you break my nose again. Sebastian sneered, brushing past Blaine.

Im sorry about that, Bas.

Yeah right.

No really.

Sebastian turns around. Really?

Blaine nods. I shouldnt have let myself go like that. I shouldve just be honest with Kurt and you wouldnt have to suffer a broken nose. Its my fault.

Eh okay.

Mind to share the whine? I could use something strong. Blaine asks. Sebastian smiles, nods and gave him the bottle.

Blaine talked about his relationship problems with Kurt, he had to share it with someone. He knew his friends would chose Kurts side he needed another opinion about the topic. And Sebastian was a great listener.

Wait, he doesnt want to go to LA with you? Sebastian asks shocked. Why?

Blaine shrugs, taking another sip of whine. His head was already feeling light. Different dreams, Bas. He glanced at Sebastian. What are your future plans?

Going to LA, take theater classes and becoming a actor.

Blaine frowns, he had never known that Sebastian want to become a actor. Hell he never asked about Sebastians dreams in all the years he knew him. Normally  their friendship only existed of sex. Really?

Sebastian shrugs. As long as I am far away from my dad.

Blaine nods understandingly. They spend the whole night talking and drinking, forgetting completely about the cold or time.


Kurt notice the new development. He saw Blaine and Sebastian talk a few times in the hall way and he didnt like the idea of the renewed friendship between Blaine and Sebastian. But he couldnt forbid Blaine to hang out with him when he himself wanted to go to France. He needed to trust Blaine, like Blaine needed to learn that he could trust Kurt on his own in Paris. It would be hypocrite of Kurt if he forbid Blaine the friendship with Sebastian. But that didnt mean he had to like it. He accepted it but thats it.

There was one upside. Blaine was joined to Kurts hip and couldnt stop kissing him every time he got the chance and the look on Sebastians face was priceless. Normally Kurt wasnt so much for openly affection, but now he didnt mind at all. Blaine made it clear that nothing would chance between them even though he had made up with Sebastian. Kurt didnt ask about what happened because it wasnt his business. Blaine never asks about his friends either. Besides Kurt was too busy with preparing for the fashion show anyway.

But Kurt couldnt help but glare every time he saw Sebastian staring at Blaines ass when Blaine wasnt looking. He saw Sebastian doing it again when he was working on his English essay, he was squeezed so hard his pen broke. He cursed.

Not jealous at all huh? Nick teased, he was already done with his essay.

Of course not, I just cant stand that smirk on face. About what is he happy anyway? I gladly help him wipe that smirk of his face. Kurts face went red when he saw Sebastian not so subtle brush his hand against Blaines. I dont understand how Blaine can befriend him again. He know that Sebastian wants more than friendship. Why is he doing this to us?

Calm down, Kurt. Nick said calm. I know its hard, but you have to trust Blaine. Hes crazy about you. He doesnt even notice the flirtatious gestures Sebastian does.

Fine, but that doesnt mean I have to watch. Kurt stands up, grabs his books. Im going to finish this up and then Im going to work on my outfits.  And he walks away.


Due to their renewed friendship Sebastian realized something to. He never expected to lose. He wasnt loser, like his dad always said. He was a winner. He hated losing. If it was in a sing duel, a fight, a stupid board game or about a boy. He won, he always won.  Until now.

Sebastian hoped to have a chance at Blaine again now their friendship was back on track, but it became clear from the first second that Blaine was still hopelessly devoted to Kurt. He followed Kurt around like a love sick puppy and even take Kurts hot temper and bossy attitude. Sebastian couldnt understand why Blaine would accept something like that, that humans behavior is un acceptable.  Blaine shouldve snap that human in two, he would do it within a second if Kurt would ever give him a big mouth. 

Blaine was love struck and too blind to see Kurts true manipulative nature, but Sebastian wasnt blind. But there wasnt much he could do. Blaine would never leave Kurt for him. Sebastian had heard about Kurts plans to spend a year in France and Blaine would go to LA, so after graduation they would live different lives but knowing Blaine he would still not give up the relationship.

Sebastian and Blaine stopped on the day before the fashion show, in front of the room where Kurt and his friends worked on the outfits.

I better help him out. Blaine said. Sebastian only nodded and Blaine walks into the room, kissed Kurt and helped him with a few last things.

Sebastian frowns. He wouldnt mind Kurt going to France, he didnt care much about the fashion show, he hoped Kurt won and leave. That way he had Blaine all to himself. But wouldnt it be better if they break up for good? If Kurt would be the one who broke things off, Ill be there to lime Blaines broken heart. Ill make him happy again and hell forget all about Kurt. And he had the perfect idea to break the two up.


Blaine watched as Kurt placed the last, final button on his last outfit. It was almost midnight, their friends gave up hours ago and went to bed. Kurt refused and Blaine stayed behind to keep a eye on his boyfriend.

 Kurt was a nervous wreck, he barely ate or sleep, after he finished his homework he worked on this. He couldnt screw this up. He smiled at Blaine tiredly, who smiled back. Even though Blaine didnt like the prize behind this, he didnt say a word about it after their last fight. All done. Kurt stands up, glancing over his work. It looks like crap. We need to redo everything.

Kurt, breathe, babe, it looks amazing. Blaine wraps his arms around Kurts waist, Kurt happily leaned into the touch. His body was exhausted, his legs almost gave out if it wasnt for Blaine. Go to bed, Kurt. Youre exhausted.

I cant. Kurt said. What if I dont get the internship? What if this is all in my head and it looks like crap and people will laugh at me? 

Blaine turns Kurt around in his arms so that they were face to face. Look at me. He lifted Kurts chin, so that their eyes were locked. Listen to me. Your designs are amazing, youre going to win tomorrow without a doubt. Its your time to take the spotlights, youre going to shine, youre going to France and take over Paris.

Blaine? Why does this sound like a goodbye? Kurt asks, tears shining in his eyes. The words were so heavy, it went right through his heart.

Because we are going separate ways after graduation. Blaine sighs. I hate the thought of you being there, Kurt. I try to be happy for you... but my possessive side wants to lock you up and make you stay with me... I just cant be happy. I cant stand the thought of you and different guys being near you, checking out your ass while you arent looking - Kurts mind went to Sebastian checking out Blaines ass - - or asking you out on a date.

Woah, there, Kurt interrupted. Nobody is going to check out my ass or ask me out on a date.

Blaine huffs. Have you looked at yourself? Youre gorgeous.

They dont stand a chance with me. I already have a beautiful boyfriend. I tell them no. You have to trust me a little, Blaine.

I do, I just dont trust other guys.

Well, in that case I tell them that I have a strong boyfriend who beat them all up when he visit me every weekend.

Blaine looks up, biting his lip. Strong huh? Kurt nods. Am I really allowed to beat them up?

A little bit of shoving around wouldnt hurt someone. Kurt wraps his arms around Blaines neck.

Or we could just tattoo "Blaines Property" on your ass. Blaine suggested.

Kurt laughs, but when he saw that Blaine was dead serious his laugh died. You cant be serious.

Why not? I know this artist that...


Blaine sighs, dropping the topic. Every weekend a visit?

Or I fly to LA whenever I have the chance.

I like that.

Good because I refuse to say goodbye to you. Ever. Kurt yawns, he could hardly keep his eyes open.

Go to bed.

I have to put this away and lock up.

Ill do it.

Really? Kurt looks at Blaine.

Sure, give me the keys before you fall asleep. Blaine stretched his hand. Kurt nods and gave Blaine the key. Ill make sure your clothes will be put away safely, dont worry.

Ok, Ill see you tomorrow. Kurt leans over to gave Blaine a good night kiss before leaving the room with a "goodnight".

Blaine walked to the auditorium backroom and put the mannequins and outfits away. He glanced around and saw the other contestants outfits and smiled. Kurt was going to win for sure. Blaine locked the door and stared at the dark auditorium who was changed into a large catwalk for the fashion show tomorrow.  He turned around the corner and bumped into a wall. His back hit the ground and his head hit the wall. He groans in pain.

Blaine, Im so sorry! Sebastian leans over him.

Sebastian? What the hell are you doing here? Its near midnight. Blaine scrambled on his feet.

Sebastian sighs annoyed, crossing his arms in front of his chest. I got detention, I was late in history yesterday. I need to walk the hallways, making sure everybody is safely in their beds. I saw light from the auditorium and decided to take a look. He glanced around. You okay?

Fine. Ill go to bed. Blaine brushed past Sebastian but when he saw that Sebastian didnt follow him he stops. Arent you coming with me or are you going to stand there all night?

Sure. Sebastian gave him a teasing smile. I need to make sure you can safely sleep at night, B.

Blaine rolls his eyes. Yeah right, Bas.

Sebastian walks Blaine to his dorm room, wished him goodnight and quickly made his way back to the auditorium. He looked around and sighs in relieve when he saw the keys that had fallen out of Blaines pocket. He quickly picked up the keys. He run on purpose into Blaine, knocking him of his feet, hoping Blaine would fall down and lose the keys. Sebastian opened the door, clicked on the light and glanced around the room. He recognized Kurts outfits due to the few times he passed by.

Sebastian pulls out a scissor from his pocket. Say goodbye to your relationship Blaine, times up....


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