The Beast Within Me
Chapter 32 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Beast Within Me: Chapter 32

E - Words: 4,290 - Last Updated: Feb 09, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/? - Created: Feb 28, 2014 - Updated: Feb 28, 2014
181 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Warnings: Character Death

Blaine opened the door and stepped into the empty kitchen. Kurt would be here in a few hours with his family and Blaine hardly could control his anxiety. He just wanted to impress Burt. He had no idea when Kurt was going to tell Burt their secret but he couldnt wait to be finally himself. It still was early morning so he didnt expect anybody awake now. Hed woke up around 5 AM and had gone for a run, it was 7:30 now. Hed been gone longer than he planned. He had forgotten how much his body longed for some action. Going for a run calmed his wolf, somewhat.

Blaine walks to the fridge and grabs the pack of Milk and a glass and drank it in one sip. He almost choked when he saw the shadow standing in the doorway.  Geez, dad, dont sneak up on me like that.

James steps closer, his face expression blank. Im waiting for you for 10 minutes. You shouldve noticed me the first thing you entered. We need to talk.

Blaine sat down to.

How are you feeling?

Blaine blinks. What the hell is going on? Fine...

You dont look so good, Blaine. Your skin is darker...

Blaine rolls his eyes. Not you too, Kurt cant stop talking about it. I feel fine.

You should listen more to Kurt. James snarls.

I feel fine, dad.

Its too dangerous! James snaps, his eyes glowing.

We know, I promised Kurt to not fight anymore.

Really? So if Karofsky shows up you wont kill him?

Blaine growls. Where is he?

The Ohio Packs takes care of him.

What?! Blaine jumps on his feet. He almost killed Kurt! How can a Pack defend something like that?

Hes a newborn werewolf, Blaine. Hes still learning to control his new powers. James said calmly.

Hes a monster.

Everybody loses control sometimes, we just need to learn how to control our wolf. Its part of our being, without it we would be incomplete.

Blaine glared at James. Bullshit, we would be happier, better if we were just human.

James stared at Blaine. You remind me of someone.


My dad, your granddad, he used to talk just like you.

Well, he was right.

He was afraid. Afraid of himself. Afraid to hurt someone close, so he hurt everybody around him.

Blaine put back the pack of milk in the fridge. Anything else or can I go upstairs to take a shower?

Were not done yet.

Blaine sighs, usually a teenager would just ignore when a parent was about to give a speech. But Blaine couldnt ignore a direct command of a Alpha so he sat back down. 

Dark skin is a bad sign. It means youre close to killing. James explains, which Blaine already knew. Kurt told him everything.

I know this, dad. Kurt did some research. Why didnt you tell me sooner? We couldve avoided everything.

I told you and Cooper everything when you both turned 12! I cant help that you dont pay attention.

Blaine looks down. His dad had a point. Back when he was 12 he was too busy being nervous about his first change and the pain.

 I never expected that my son would be so aggressive. James said, he stared at Blaines hands. Usual it is just temporary but I dont think yours cant chance back. Take Kurts advice to heart and really dont fight, Blaine. I dont want to lose you like I lost my dad. Once you change forever... there is nothing I can do.

I wont. Blaine said. James pulls Blaine into a hug. Dad? What do you mean with "I lost my dad"? James pulls back. He committed suicide right? Its not your fault...

He didnt commit suicide Blaine. James looks sad.

Blaine frowns. What do you mean?

Hes still alive.

What?! Blaine jumps on his feet for the second time. Where is he? How is this possible?

Calm down, Blaine.

How can I calm down after news like that? You lied to me, to Cooper. Does  mom know?

James sighs, his hands going through his dark curls, he looked exhausted. Its for the best if nobody knows. We cant help him or get him back.

What do you mean? Blaine sat down.

Hes changed, Blaine. Hes trapped in his wolf body. He isnt human anymore.

Blaines eyes widened. What? Who did he kill?

A woman from town. She was returning home from a party and was attacked by a wild beast. The next day I saw my dad, he looked shattered, hurt. He didnt say anything to my mom or me and went upstairs. It happened before dinner. It was on the news that the woman had died and suddenly my dad broke all his bones, and changed. Back then we didnt knew what this means but now we know... He lost his humanity and ran. Ive never seen him again. James said. Ive contacted a few friends when I was older and they also have experienced family members changing after killing. There is no cure.

Silence. Blaine letting the shocking news sink in. But the diary...

James nods. I do believe my dad wanted to commit suicide but his wolf couldnt resist a fragile woman.

Blaine shivers. I ... I would never kill someone. I know I lost control a few times. But taking someones live? No.

Karofsky couldve died, Blaine. James points out. You were so close, without even realizing it. I dont know what to do about this. I cant lose you.

You wont, I already told you Im not fighting anymore.

Not even for Kurt?

Blaine clenched his fist. What are you trying to say?

Not much, but the one thing that makes you like that is Kurt.

Blaine scoffs. Kurt is the one who keeps me grounded.

It could be dangerous, Blaine. Your relationship with Kurt is dangerous. James hated saying this. He liked Kurt and he saw how happy his son was with Kurt. But he had to let this sink into his son, for his safety and for Kurts.

I am not breaking up with him, dad, Blaine said.

Im not asking you to do that. Im asking you to be careful. James stands up. I dont want to lose you.

 Blaine nods, he  understood what his dad was trying to say. But there was still one thing he didnt understood. You wont. Im right here. But there was one thing he didnt understand. Dad, Cooper attacked that little girl, but hes still the same.

James nods. I pulled Cooper away and brought him home. The next day the body was found and I was afraid that Cooper would change too. But nothing happened. My guess is that another wolf came and finished her off. Blood attracts werewolves. I couldnt let Cooper stay after the attack, the Hunters arent stupid and it happened a few miles of our house. I had to send him away, to protect him. To calm down. I didnt had much choice. People wanted blood, but I wasnt willing to let them take my son, whos innocent.

Blaine looked at his phone when a text message came in. Cooper:  "Merry Xmas, little bro." Blaine smiled at the text.

Kurt? James guessed.

No, Cooper.

James looked up. Hows Cooper?

Blaine shrugs. He pretends to be okay. He misses us. I asked him to return but he wont.

James smiles sadly. I cant blame him.

You two need to talk and explain to him why you did what you did. You basically saved him.

James shrugs. Does it matter? Every time I try to call him, he doesnt pick up.

Blaine handed him his phone. Call with my number. Its Christmas, familys should be together. He stands up. Im gonna take a shower. He walks upstairs and could see that his dad was dialing a number.


Hurry dad. Kurt whines.

Kurt, Burt warns. Kurt sighs, leaning back in his seat. Carole giggles. Burt muttered: Its just around the corner.

Oh come on its adorable, youve been young and in love once. Carole smiles.

Burt scoffs. I cant remember that I acted so impatient to see Elizabeth. He grabs Caroles hand. And for your knowledge, Im still madly in love. Carole blushed heavily.

Kurt made a face. He didnt want his dad flirt, it was.... gross. But he kept quit, he knew he had been driving his dad, Carole and Finn crazy. He wanted to leave early. He couldnt wait to see Blaine again, two days has been way too long. The Hudmels would stay till tomorrow morning to spend Christmas dinner with the Andersons, but Burt wanted one day to spend with his own family. Kurt was already happy he could convince his dad to even come. This meant that Kurt and Blaine had one day and one night to spend together, before returning home to spend the rest of their holiday with their own friends and family. Finn didnt go to the Andersons dinner, Rachel demanded that he should spend one day of Christmas with her and her dads to celebrate Chanukah.  So he stayed in Lima, much to Carole dismay.

Kurt still need to tell his dad the truth. But he didnt know how to begin or what to say. Maybe he could ask Blaine for some help and just show Burt. He couldnt deny it if Burt saw things with his own eyes. Yes he would be shocked but he need to know. Kurt couldnt keep on lying any longer.

Finally they turned the corner and the Anderson house came in sight. Burt parked the car in the driveway and Kurt already jumped out of the car to jump right into Blaines arms who was waiting at the front porch.

James and Elise greeted Kurt, Burt and Carole. After a coffee James and Elise gave Burt and Carole a tour around the house. Kurt saw his dad relax and he and James hit it off. Blaine wraps his arms around Kurts waist. I missed you.

Missed you too. Kurt gave Blaine a kiss. More than you know. I was locked in a house were Carole and Finn had a fight. Finn is staying with Rachel and... Kurt saw that Blaine wasnt really paying attention. Everything all right?

Blaine nods. Just... my dad. He knows what the darkness does and he told me some other news...

Elise walks into the kitchen and interrupted them. Come on boys, lunch is almost ready.

We talk later okay? Blaine asks, Kurt nods and they walked into the kitchen, helping Elise with lunch.


The lunch went well, Carole and Elise had a lot in common and Carole offered her help with making dinner which Elise accepted. James needed to make a few calls and retreated in his room. That left Kurt, Blaine and Burt going outside for a walk. The sun was shining but there was still a lot of snow.

Weird. Burt mumbles, his hands in his pockets, frowning at the running Blaine.

Kurt rolls his eyes. Dad.... Can you at least pretend to like Blaine? Hes a good guy, I love him and he isnt going anywhere. Blaine jumps out of the snowy bushes and retrieved the wooden stick to Kurt.

Throw it again! Blaine gave Kurt a bright wide smile, his body full with energy.


Please? Blaine gave him his puppy eyes.

Kurt sighs, throwing the stick away again, disappearing somewhere in the bushes. Blaine ran off. Burt gave Kurt a look. What? He just has a lot of energy.

Hes acting like a dog, Kurt. Burt said. Kurt tensed but Burt didnt seem to notice. Like a Golden Retriever. He grins but his smile disappeared when he saw Kurt wasnt laughing. Ok maybe I went too far with that. Sorry, Kurt. But you have to admit he resembles something...

Burt was interrupted by Blaine who appeared again with a stick in his hand yelling "Got it." But when Kurt shakes his head, Blaine dropped the stick and cleaned his dirty hands on his jeans. Kurt gave him a disapproving look then he turns to his dad. Youre right. Blaine is... different.

Burt scoffs. Different? What is that suppose to mean?

Hes not like us. Kurt said vaguely. He had no idea how to begin. Would dad even believe me or sent me away to a clinic? He swallows, Blaine grabs his hand, squeezed it and gave him a smile.

Kurt? Whats going on? Burt asks worriedly. His son had never trouble saying something. What do you mean with hes not like us?

Hes a werewolf. Kurt said, not looking at Burt but holding on to Blaines hand like it was his last life line.

Silence. Burt stared at the two of them for almost 10 minutes. He wondered if his son has completely lost his mind but when he saw the two serious faces he began to wonder if he had heard it right. Was he going insane? Say what?

Blaines a werewolf, not only him, James, Elise are too. Kurt saw his dad swaying on his feet and caught his arm before settling him down in the cold snow. There are werewolves everywhere, dad. They look like human and only change once a month.

Burts eyes widened. Kurt have you gone insane? He stared at Blaine. Hes just a human. Okay maybe hes the weirdest kid Ive met but....

Sir, Kurt speaks the truth. Blaine interrupted, seeing that this wasnt going well. Remember the first dinner I came? Kurt changed the cutlery because silver is our weakness. Its the only thing that can truly harm or kill us.

Burt remembered. Elizabeth changed it one day, after visiting Elise. His eyes widened, he grasps at his chest. She found out didnt she? Oh my.... she kept rambling and being vague, she changed. She changed completely. She didnt want Kurt to be ever alone, she wanted to learn how to handle a gun. Burt remembered that day like it was yesterday. His beautiful carefree wife, the mother of his only son, changed into a paranoid woman. She hates guns or violence, but she learned quickly how to handle and defend herself. I asked her humorous times whats going on but she never said anything.

Mom was wrong dad, they arent dangerous. Kurt said softly.

Burt narrows his eyes. How do you know that?

Blaine and I have been dating for months and Im still alive?

Dont get smart with me.

We only change once a month, sir, were normal humans the rest of the month. Blaine said.

Burt got on his feet. I knew there was something going on with you. I just never expected something like this... He looked at Blaine. Are there more werewolves than your family? Kurt sighs in relieve, this went better than expected. He thought his dad would explode but he tried to make sense.

Blaine nodded. There are werewolves everywhere. For decades, just as long as there are humans.

In your school? Burt asks.

Uhm.. Dalton is a exclusive werewolf school.

Burt took a breath. What?

Dad, think of your heart. Kurt was at his dads side immediately when he saw him grasp at his chest.

Im fine, son. I just... Burt looked up at Kurt. Is it true? Kurt nods. Have they.... you know, ever harmed you?

Kurt shakes his head. Ive never felt saver at Dalton then  anywhere else. Having a group of werewolves as your bodyguards helps.

But... youre not a werewolf, right?

Dont worry dad, Im still me. Ill always be me.

Burt looks at Blaine. You said Dalton is a exclusive werewolf school.

Blaine nods. It is only for werewolves and their mates, they accept humans when theyre extremely bullied. Kurt has been bullied and hes my mate.

Burts eyes widened. Mate? Why does that sounds more than just a boyfriend?

Blaine opened his mouth to explain but Kurt interrupted. He didnt want to discuss the true meaning of their relationship with his dad, it was too private. I think this is enough. James can explain to you better. Im freezing, lets go inside.

They helped Burt on his feet and walked towards the house. Blaine and Kurts hands brushes against each other. This went better than expected.


 Hunter checked if the hallway was free and couldnt believe his luck. It was Christmas and his dad had probably some important dinner to attend to but he could never be sure. It was quit, too quit. Even for a Christmas. Hunter quickly ducked in a dark corner when two security agents past by.

If only Hunter could reach his dads office. Hunter wanted to find out what happened to his pack, they couldnt just disappeared from earth, after he found out where they were he would try to convince them to stand up against his dad. Whatever his dad planned couldnt be good and Hunter was planning to stop him. No matter what.

This wasnt just about his own future but also his sons. Hunter had never seen or met his son but he was determinate to make sure his son grew up safe. He spend many nights thinking about his son and Becky. Damn he was stupidly in love with her. He only realized that when its too late. Hunter clenched his fist. All my dads fault... Without him we wouldve still been together, in love. I would do anything to see them again. If this is all over, Ill beg Becky to return to me.  Ill do everything to get her back.

Hunter made a vow to himself to be a better dad for his son than his dad was for him.

Hunter waited till the security agents left and quickly made his way to his dad office. No security. Which was odd but Hunter didnt pay too much attention to it. It was Christmas after all, everybody was with their family. The office was locked but it was no match with Hunters strength and he easily wrenched it open.

Hunter searched through the drawers and on the laptop but he was blocked out of the system because he didnt know the password. He cursed. He searched some more but nothing, until he sat down behind the desk and saw something sticking out. He reached for it and had a file of papers in his hand. The title send shivers down his spine: "Project X"

Hunter flipped through the papers and felt sick to his stomach. He read about mind control, experimenting with werewolves, putting a chip on their brains to control them completely. After every attempt there was one word: "Failed".

Underneath the page there was a handwriting Hunter didnt recognized: Every experiment fails, the wolf is just too strong to be controlled. Every pack member died 10 seconds after the chip was placed."

Hunter saw a list with names. My pack! He growls. His sick twisted dad was trying to control them, probably for using them for his own good. His eyes landed on another text, written by his dad: "Werewolf army."

Hunter swallows. This was big, too big. He needed to warn someone and tell what his dad plans to do. He searched through his phone and bumped into a number he never expected to call again but it was the best option he had. He made a mental note to thank Wes for pushing all Warblers to exchange phone numbers in case of emergencies.  Blaine Anderson.


Hes still alive? Kurt squeaked turning his back from the window, to look at Blaine who sat on his bed. Dinner just finished and even though Burt was in shock he patiently listened to James during dinner. Carole was shocked too but it looked like she was dealing better with it then Burt.

Blaine nods. But dad hasnt seen him in years, he changed into a beast.

Wow, this is a pretty big deal. Kurt said, pacing around. Why didnt your dad tell you everything sooner? It would be so much easier. Why so many secrets?

Blaine shrugs. I think to protect us, my dad is scared to lose us. He lost his dad, he thought to protect us by keeping us out. He couldnt know that this would also happen to me. He stared at his dark skin. It wouldnt change back, he knew now. He was too many times too close to killing someone. It was just hard to deal with the truth.

Kurt sat down next to Blaine and wraps his arms around Blaine. That isnt going to happen to you. I wont let you, your family wont let you, and can you imagine how pissed off Wes is going to be? Hell chase you with his gavel around the world.

Blaine smiles, because Wes would do that. He was amazed how well Kurt knew his friends. Maybe better than himself. His phone rang and he looked at the ID caller. He frowns. Unknown. He picked up. With Bl-


Before Hunter could answer, his body was smacked against the wall, the phone smashed to the floor and broke in million pieces. Two bodyguards picked Hunter up from the floor. The Mayor leans against his desk. Dad.


He hang up again. Blaine throws his phone on the bed.

Rude. Kurt mumbles.

Blaine shrugs, leaning closer to Kurt. I dont mind at all. Do you?


Good because I have other plans than to hang on the phone with a stranger.


Making sweet love with my boyfriend.

I like that idea. Kurt laid back down, pulling Blaine on top of him, their lips connecting.


Its stupid to come here, Hunter. The Mayor was holding the papers in his hand. So you know now huh? Who were you going to tell? James Anderson? Hunter said nothing. I see. Well, plans have changed Hunter.

Hunters eyes widened. You managed to control a werewolf?

The Mayor shakes his head. Damn little creatures. Theyre too stubborn to give in. They refuse. Hunter sighs in relief. So I had to kill them all.

What? You cant do that! What about working together to take over the world? You promised me we would to that together. Hunter hated his stupid old self, how naive he was to believe everything his dad told him. But he had to bring it up it might be his only escape out of here. He had to see Becky and his son.

I made a new plan. The Mayor pulls out a gun from his pocket. Im just going to kill you all. Sure, it wont be easy. But once I can convince more world leaders and congress man then I can do it. I just have to show them how dangerous you all are. He points the gun at Hunter. Beginning with you.

Hunter tried to wriggle his way free but the bodyguards didnt move a inch. You cant do that, Im your son.

The Mayor scoffs. You were never my son. You were a tool. I used you and your pack to create a little action in town so that people would put their faith in me. Youre a freak. You are a monster. A wild animal that needs to put down.

Hunter growls, jumping forward, finally breaking free and he lashed out towards his dad. The Mayor pulled the trigger, the silver bullet going right through Hunters heart and Hunter fell dead to the ground. The last thing on his mind were his son and Becky. He was too late to make it right.

The body guards stared in shock at the dead body. They never thought the Mayor would be capable of killing his own son.

What are you two doing? The Mayor snaps. Get rid of the body, get a housecleaner in here to clean up the mess!

Eh, boss. Dont you want a funeral? One of the Bodyguards asks.

The Mayor frowns. What? Why?

Because hes your son.

The Mayor shrugs. So? Just do what I say. I have a important meeting to go too. When I come back, I want the body gone and my office clean, understood? Or you two might be next. The two Body guards quickly nodded and The Mayor turned around and left the office. Its hard to find good servants these days.


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