The Beast Within Me
Chapter 31 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Beast Within Me: Chapter 31

E - Words: 6,678 - Last Updated: Feb 09, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/? - Created: Feb 28, 2014 - Updated: Feb 28, 2014
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Author's Notes:

Anyone missed Hunter? Whos worse Hunter or Sebastian?


Im glad everybody likes my Niff. That gave me a small idea to write their story about how they met, how they become friends, fall in love, more about Nicks parents and past etc. If there are enough people interested in that then I give it a second thought. So let me know if you would like to read that. (if so, itll only be posted on bc its more Niff than Klaine, and after this story is finished) So drop me a review:)

The last week before Christmas break started and it was also the week that theyre taking pre exams, to prepare students for their exams. The usual lessons were declined, so there was plenty of time which Kurt studied. He knew this exams didnt really count but he wanted to pass.  Everybody took this pretty serious, except for Blaine.

Blaine...were in public. Kurt blushes, looking around if nobody saw them. Nobody paid attention to them.

Come back to my room. Blaine placing soft kisses in Kurts neck.

We just left your room. Kurt points out, moving out of reach for Blaine with a tiny bit regret when Blaine pouts. But he had to be firm. They had rekindled their love all weekend, he had to study for his next exam. I need to study.

Nobody should study before a break, its illegal. Blaine grabs Kurts book and closet it, putting it behind his back.

Its school, were in a library, everything is about studying.

Its time for some relaxing.


Fine! Blaine gave Kurt back his book, who sat down and concentrate on his homework.

Ten minutes later, Kurt got interrupted again. Someone shoved away his book. Hey! Kurt looks up. It was Jeff and Nick was by his side.

Enough studying. Jeff said, throwing the book in a trashcan.

I need that! Kurt glares.  Blaine immediately took the opportunity of a empty handed Kurt by wrapping his arms around him and pull him on his lap. Kurt gave up.

What you need, my dear Kurt, is... a snowball fight! Jeff smiled widely.

Kurt shivers at the thought. It had been snowing and freezing for the last 3 days. Going outside and freeze to death wasnt something what he needed, at all. I dont think so.

Oh come on, we even convinced Wes and David to come. Jeff pouts.

Really? Blaine asked surprised. Wes hated the cold.

Jeff locked them outside and now theyre stuck in the cold. Nick explains, giving his boyfriend a disapproving stare.

Minor details. Jeff waves it off.

You have keys to the school? Kurt asks, even though he shouldnt be surprised at all. This was Jeff after all.

Oh I control this school, I know all the secret trespassing. Jeff nods proudly, holding up a few keys. Kurt glanced at Blaine, who shrugs. So? Whats your answer, Mr. Hummel? Are you in or do you want to spend the night in the cold?

Kurt got up. Fine. I just need some fitting clothes for the weather.

Two hours later Kurt made his way outside, with his warm winter coat, ugs and two scarves.

Finally! Jeff exclaims, glaring at Kurt. Two hours, Kurt? Really?

Kurt shrugs. What? Lets face it, winter clothes always make a person fat, I had to pull all my strings to make this work.

Jeff turns to Blaine. Please control your human.

Blaine was just wearing a simple black winter coat and a red scarf, he pulls Kurt close. You look amazing.

Thank you. Kurt blushes, giving Blaine a small peck on the lips. Everybody knew that they were back together by now, but he still didnt like the stares they received. When they walked to breakfast together holding hands, a few guys from Blaines fan club broke down in tears and ran back to their room.

The snowball fight ended with Wes and David both determinate to kill of Jeff, they kept running circles around school, never coming close to Jeff who was giggling all the way. It was just a game to Jeff.

Everything is a game to him, isnt it? Kurt and Blaine sat down on a bench watching the fight unfold.

Not everything, Blaine nods towards Nick who was standing a few feet away talking to a class mate.

Theyre adorable. Kurt admits.

Not so much as us though. Blaine intertwined their fingers. So, Christmas is coming up. What are our plans?

Our plans? Kurt hadnt really thought about Christmas break, he just assumed he would be spending it with his friends and family back in Ohio. But that was before he and Blaine got back together.

Yeah, Kurt, there is something I need to tell you.

Oh god no. Kurts mind was racing with something Blaine could tell him. Another kiss with Sebastian? No they havent seen him at all after Sectionals. What is it?

After my performance a music producer came to me and gave me his business card. He said to stop by whenever I am in LA.

But... thats amazing.

Exactly, I called my brother who lives in LA. We can go this weekend if you want?

But... what? We?! Kurts eyes widened. As in ... you and me?

Of course. I am not going alone. I already told Cooper that Im bringing you and he doesnt mind. So what do you say?

Yes, of course I want to go. Kurt pulls Blaine in a hug. I need to discuss this with my dad.

Talking about your dad, I thought maybe we could invite your family over for dinner this Christmas at my parents house? Blaine said unsure. Just to get to know the in laws a little better. Somehow I dont get the idea I left a good impression the last time I met them.

Kurt giggles. Well at least you left a impressions they wont forget for a long time.

Hey! Blaine pouts. But what do you think about that?

Kurt thought about it. It wouldnt be so bad to bring the familys closer, it was Christmas after all. Except the whole werewolf thing. Kurt glanced at Blaine, who stared at him with loving eyes, patiently waiting for a answer. But would it be so bad that his dad knows? Blaine is the one for me, I want my dad to like Blaine and know everything. Blaines a big part of my life and my dad has always been there for me, he deserves to know. Kurt made the decision that he would tell his dad the truth with Christmas. Not ideal but if he didnt do it now he would never do it. Besides Kurt want his dad to know the truth before he and Blaine will get married, in the far, far future. He didnt want to say "oh by the way the man I say "I do" too is a werewolf. Now was the best time. My relationship with Blaine is back on track and it would stay that way. I think its a great idea.

Great! Blaine smiled widely. Dont worry. Well behave like normal humans.

Exactly, I want to tell my dad everything.... when the right time accurse, of course.

Blaine frowns. really?

Yeah, he deserves to know. I hate lying to my dad. And it isnt fair towards you. Kurt glanced at their locked hands. White against dark. Why is it still so dark?

Blaine looked down, still progressing Kurts words, and shrugs. He lifted Kurts chin with a finger, their eyes locked. Normally a guy doesnt mind that his boyfriend still looks sunburned in the winter. Some boys even consider it hot.

Kurt didnt laugh. But this isnt caused by the sun.

Blaine sighs. I know, but I feel fine, Kurt. Dont worry. He stands up. Lets go inside, youre freezing. He could see that Kurt was not convinced but Kurt grabbed his hand.

Fine, I need to call my dad and pack my suitcase for a weekend in LA. Kurts mind already racing with what to wear.


Burt wasnt happy about Kurt leaving to LA for the weekend but he finally agreed when Kurt told him about Blaines plan to celebrate Christmas with the Andersons this year. Kurt was happy that his dad didnt refuse at first and with Carole on the back ground saying: Why not? Its going to be fun. I cant wait to meet the Andersons. He knew his dad would give in if Carole was on his side. So Kurt grabs his bag and made his way to the car, where Blaine was already waiting. Wes and David would take Blaines car home, then they would spend Christmas with their own family. Kurt and Blaine would first drive to Kurts home to get some clothes and then would drive to the airport for their weekend in LA.  Kurt couldnt wait. Hes never been in LA. He still needed to do some Christmas shopping. He couldnt wait to hit the Malls in LA.

Kurt frowns when he saw Nick and Jeff in a tight hug, softly crying. Whats going on?

Theyre saying goodbye. Nick is going to spend Christmas with his family and Jeff with his. Blaine explains. Theyll be back with New Year.

I thought Nick hates his family? Why would he return back?

Blaine shrugs. Christmas and all that. He always returns home for Christmas.

Hmm, Ive never seen Jeff without Nick.

Dont give him any ideas, he went with Nick once. It ended up miserably. Nicks parents were furious that he would dare to bring his boyfriend in their home. Jeff exploded and was picked up by his parents. Since that day they spend Christmas apart. Blaine sighs. Nick is just too stubborn to give up on his parents.

Have you ever met his parents? Kurt asks. He imagined Nicks parents as devils at this point.  Poor Nick, how the hell did he grow up to be such a sweet understanding person with such a horrible parents.

Blaine nods. Lets just say.... it didnt end well either. He glanced at his watch. We really should get going or well miss our plane.

Kurt nods. Cant we take Nick and Jeff with us?

Blaine snorts. Its never a good idea to let Jeff free in a big city like LA. Its too dangerous for himself and for other people. Blaine shakes his head. You know how he is Kurt, he should be wearing a leash in public places.

Kurt rolls his eyes but had to agree that Blaine had a point. Itll probably would not be such a good idea to let Jeff roam around LA.

 They said goodbye to Wes and David and turned to Jeff and Nick who finally let each other go. A red car turned up and Jeff gave Nick a quick kiss, hugged Kurt, Blaine, Wes and David and got in the car. Kurt had no idea who was behind the steering wheel, but he guessed Jeffs dad. The red car drove off. Kurt walks over to Nick. You okay?

Ill be okay, Nick shrugs, whipping away his tears. Its never easy to say goodbye, you know?

Kurt nods, hugging Nick. Call me anytime you feel the need to talk okay? Ill see you after the break. Nick nods and let go.

Blaine hugs Nick too. Call me if I need to pick you up okay? Im just one call away. Youre always welcome.

Nick nods. Thank you, Blaine. That means a lot.

Blaine sighs, letting go  of Nick. I wish that you wouldnt do this to yourself, Nick. They arent worth fighting for.

Nick shrugs. Theyre my parents, Blaine. Maybe not the best or most caring but, still theyre my parents.

My offer still stands, youre always welcome at our house, Nick. Itll be fun, just like the first Christmas you spend with us, remember? Blaine gave Nick a teasing smile. Nick blushed. Kurts jaw dropped. Is Blaine flirting with Nick or am I missing something?

Before Kurt could ask what the hell was going on he got interrupted by a black car, stopping in front of them. Nick quickly said goodbye and got into the car and a second later he was gone. Blaine got into Kurts car and Kurt followed, starting the engine. Blaine switched on the radio.

Are you going to tell me what that was all about? Kurt asks, a little irritated that he was being left out.


The whole "Remember the first Christmas with us?" thing... Ive never seen Nick blush like that.

Blaine chuckles. Nick used to have a crush on me when he first came to Dalton.

Kurts jaw dropped, his eyes blinking repeatedly. What? No way!

Dont act like its so hard to fall in love with me, it hurts my ego.  Blaine pouts.

But... how?!

Dont be so surprised, Im a nice guy.

Nothing happened right? Kurt asks, he didnt think he could handle a past between Blaine and Nick. He never liked Blaines exes and he liked Nick, he couldnt just start ignore him, they had become best friends.

Obvious not. Blaine snorts. I mean... it wasnt working out at all. Jeff was love struck the moment Nick walked in, but you know how Jeff is. And a single Jeff in love is worse than what you see now. Nick is a nice guy but my head was at Jeremiah and many other... guys. Blaine stops, making a face. Damn now I sound like a ass. I knew what was going on with Nicks family and invited him over to spend Christmas with us. He confessed his feelings, I ...

Oh please say you rejected him nicely! Kurt begs.

Blaine nods. We talked. He was sad but when the Christmas break was over Jeff cheered him up and with Valentines day they were a couple. Thats all.

Kurt smiles. That was probably the wisest decision youve made. Jeff and Nick are adorable.  He drove the car of the Dalton property.

I vaguely remember there was also a hot shower scene involved between Nick and I...

Kurt hit the brakes, glaring at Blaine. Blaine laughs. Not funny. He started driving again, Blaine still with a smug smile on his face. Kurt narrows his eyes. Time for revenge. Have I ever told you about that time the Glee Club did a duet assignment?

Blaine looked at Kurt and shook his head. No.

Well, there was this new guy, incredible hot and I was convinced he was gay. Kurt kept his eyes on the road but saw that he had Blaines attention completely, his hands tightly clenched into a fist. So I asked him to do a duet with me and he wanted to do it. Things didnt went as planned and I had to cancel our agreement so I looked him up... Guess where he was?  A growl escaped Blaines mouth. He didnt like where this story was going at all. In the gym shower. Naked. Kurt grins at Blaine and knew his revenge had succeeded. He saw Blaines eyes glowing, the growl grew only louder. Blaine somewhat calmed down when Kurt gave him a teasing smile but he stayed tense the whole ride to Lima Ohio. Kurt made a mental note to never say that the guys name was Sam Evans.


Kurt and Blaine arrived late at Friday night at LA Airport. Kurt yawns, he was tired of the long trip. His body was in desperate need for a hot shower and a soft bed. There were people everywhere and Blaine held a firm grip on Kurts hand to not lose him in the large crowd. He tried to catch his brothers scent but it was useless, there were too many people, to many different scents. Suddenly his eyes spotted a long, slim figure, with bright blue eyes, his brown hair gelled a little bit down and a familiar bright smile: Cooper Anderson.

Squirt! Cooper held open his arms for a hug, which Blaine didnt say no too. He really missed his brother.

Kurts heart was racing, hed immediately recognized the man Blaine was hugging. Cooper Anderson. Cooper Fucking Anderson, hes the biggest movie star at the moment. Oh my god, hes so pretty. I cant believe this. Of course Blaine has a famous extremely attractive brother. They have the same last name....Why havent I thought about this before? Kurt resisted the urge to pull out his phone and make a photo of the brotherly moment. Rachel will be so jealous! Kurt swallows nervously, striking his jacket so it fits better.  Great meeting my first famous person and I look like crap.

... my boyfriend Kurt.

Kurt was interrupted out of thoughts by Blaines voice, he looks up and sees both the Andersons brothers staring at him. He blushed when he noticed Coopers out stretched hand and quickly shook him. Kurt Hummel. Its so nice to meet you, Im a big fan.

Cooper smiles. It s nice to meet you too, Kurt. My brother wont shut up about you. Blaine blushed, looking at the floor. Cooper circled around Kurt and whistled. Youre right, he has a nice ass, bro. Blaine growls but Cooper wraps a arm around Kurt, guides him to the car and gestured for Blaine to carry the suitcases. Blaine followed with the suitcases and a firm scowl on his face.

 You know, Kurt, if I wasnt 100 % straight I would marry you right now. Cooper opened the door and gestured for the closed limousine.

Kurt ignored the cold air, slippy floor and the snow ruining his shoes, because he was shocked to see a actual limousine standing in front of him. No way.

Yes way! Cooper grins proudly. He points his arms into the air and yells loudly: WELCOME TO LA, BABY! Strangers stopped to look at him.

Kurt stepped back, in shock at the sudden outburst. Blaine stopped next to him. Do you understand now why I barely talk about him?

Kurt nods. Is he always soo...?

Lets get in to the limousine.


Coopers apartment was too big for one person, it had two separate bedrooms with their own private bathrooms, a walking closet bigger than Kurts room at home, a sauna, a swimming pool, a private bioscope, a large modern kitchen and Kurt noticed all the art on the walls. But there was no photos of anything that would remember Cooper that he also had a family back home. The furniture looked like they costs more than Kurts house. He vaguely heard how enthusiasm Cooper talked about his apartment but Kurt saw the sadness, the loneliness. But Cooper was a actor, so he acts that everything was okay.

Blaine noticed it too that his brother was trying his hardest to make it look that everything was okay. He let Cooper, he would do the same, it was a Anderson thing to do. But he would talk to him later. Blaine knew it had something to do with their dad, Blaine looked like James and his presence reminded him of James. Cooper hadnt spoken to James in 10 years, since James had sent Cooper away. James did it to protect Cooper from angry hunters but Cooper felt it as a rejection.

Want any coffee, tea? Cooper asks.

All I want is a bed. Kurt yawns. Im so tired.

Cooper nods. You two can get the bedroom on the right. I barely use it. Goodnight.

Blaine and Kurt wished Cooper goodnight and walked to the bedroom. It was the second bedroom and it was huge. Kurt admired the walking closet and could only dream about owning one someday.

There is even a hot tub! Blaine exclaims, walking around the room, turning back from the bathroom. His eyes all exited. It was obvious he wanted to use it.

Kurt smiles. Go on.

Thank you, Ill join you in a hour, promise. Blaine gave Kurt a kiss on the cheek before returning to the bathroom. Soon the water was running.

Kurt unpacked the suitcases and started his night routine when he saw different buttons on the wall. He frowns, his curiosity won and he pushed a few buttons. Some light switches on and off, one button was for putting the bed a little higher, another button was to close and open the curtains automatically, another button made the ceiling open up and two handcuffs fell down. Kurt gasps in shock. He backend away and his back hit the wall, ropes appeared out of nowhere.

Kurt tried to escape but soon he was tangled and stuck in the ropes. His ass up in the air, his legs spread, his face just above the ground, his hands were stuck in the ropes behind his back. What the hell was this? Blaine! He heard footsteps entering the bedroom and just prayed that it was Blaine and not Cooper. This whole situation was already awkward without his brother in law discovering what was going on.

A naked Blaine appeared in front of him, admiring the view. He frowns. Uhm... Kurt?

Help me, Im stuck between this.... what is this anyway? Kurt tried to wiggle his hands free. Why would you have this in your room?

I dont know the real name of it but some people call it the slinger. Blaine explains, walking around a confused Kurt. He stops behind Kurt, right behind his ass, he cocked his head to the side giving Kurt a smug smile. Already have a idea where its used for?

Ew. thats gross! Kurt wiggled some more. Please help me get out of these.

Sure you dont want to use it? Blaine teased.

We dont need any toys, I have enough with only you. Kurt remarks. Blaines eyes blackened in lust, he quickly freed Kurt out of the ropes. Kurt looks at the handcuffs and the ropes. This is just a sex room. Cooper has a sex room. He quickly pushed the button and the handcuffs and the ropes disappeared back in the wall. Before Kurt knew it he was picked up and pushed in the mattress. Blaine was on top of him and Kurt could feel his arousal through his thin waistband.

Blaine connected their lips, rough and firm. I really want you. Now.

Kurt pulls away for some air. What about that hot tub?

I rather be in you. Blaines voice low and his eyes darkened with lust. Kurt blushed, feeling his own cock grow hard too. Blaine slowly undressed Kurt, kissing his lips and neck. On your knees, Kurt.

Kurt obeyed immediately while Blaine grabs the lube and a condom. Blaine took all the time to make sure Kurt was open enough to enter. Kurt was groaning and wailing with want. If Blaine didnt hurry he would come without him. Kurt could feel the fingers leave his hole and whines at the lost.

Suddenly Blaine entered and Kurt let out a surprised scream of pleasure. When Kurt pushed his hips back and begged for more, Blaine moved in and out with such force that the bed frame hit the wall over and over again. Kurt groans with every movement, begging for more. Blaine picked up speed, finding the right angle and hitting Kurts prostate over and over. Blaine reached down to stroke Kurts cock, that send Kurt over the edge, crying out his release, he covered the sheets with his cum. Blaine came inside of Kurt and pulls out gently, Kurts limp body fell down on the sheets, trying to catch his breath.

Blaine tossed the condom in the trash can and laid down next to Kurt, also trying to catch his breath. Damn.

Remind me to take a shower as soon as I can feel my ass again. Kurt breathed.

We need new sheets.

We needed new sheets anyway. Kurt grins, laying his head down on Blaines chest to listen to his still rapid heartbeat. Blaine automatically wraps his arms around Kurt, to pull him closer. Kurt sighs contently. This was perfect, this is how life is suppose to be. Just the two of us.

You really dont want to try the slinger?

Blaine! Moment ruined.


Kurt woke up to a empty bed the next morning. He could hear voices in the kitchen. He quickly took a shower, picked his clothes, coiffed his hair and after a final look in the mirror made his way into the kitchen.

Blaine, wearing a bowtie, blue jeans and a black shirt, looks up when Kurt entered. He stands up, gave Kurt a kiss. Good morning, my love. I made pancakes. He points proudly at the plate filled with pancakes. Blueberry, my specialty.

Youve never made me blueberry pancakes before. Kurt sat down, opposite of Cooper. Good morning, Cooper.

Well, last night was amazing. Blaine gave Kurt heart eyes, fills a plate with a pancake and gave it to Kurt.

Oh slept nicely did we? Cooper ask with a teasing glint in his eyes.

Kurt blushed. The bed was amazing, the mattress is so...

Soft? Cooper suggested. It bounces back with every movement.

Kurts jaw drops, a feeling of shame overwhelming him. Cooper knew what happened. I... Kurt glanced at Blaine in the hope he would say that nothing happened last night but Blaine only smiled proudly. I cant believe that I had sex in Coopers guest room slash sex room. Damn Blaine and his attraction. What would Cooper think about me? That I am some sex maniac or something.

Calm down, Kurt, youre heart is racing. Cooper smiles reassuring, which wasnt helping at all. If it wasnt for your screams or if I didnt saw the bed 5 feet of his normal place, its still normal for couples in love.

I didnt scream, I never scream. Kurt denied, still with a firm blush on his cheeks. Why cant they just drop this topic?

You always scream, babe, Blaine took a bite of his pancake.

Youre not helping, Blaine. Kurt glares. Blaine shrugs.

Cooper chuckles. You two are quit the couple. So, tell me how you two met. I cant wait to hear your story.

They told Cooper how they met, fall in love and their first struggles. Cooper didnt interrupted but laughed at the right moments. Mostly it was Kurt talking, Blaine kept staring at his phone for text message when he could come visit the record company hed agreed to meet. Finally at 1 PM he got the call he could come.

Blaine fixed his hair. He wanted to make a good impression but his curls seem to have a life on its on today. Finally it looked good enough to go outside, so he walked to the living room where Kurt and Cooper were still talking. He was happy that his brother and Kurt are getting along so well. They both looked up when Blaine entered.

Ready to go? Blaine asks Kurt.

Kurt bit his lip. Actually...

Whats going on?

I cant go with you.

What do you mean? Cooper has a appointment at 3. You want to sit here all by yourself?

No, I want to go out for some Christmas shopping.

I thought we agreed to go shopping tomorrow, together. Blaine raised his eyebrows, not liking the idea that Kurt would be all alone in a big city like LA.

Yeah but I cant buy you a Christmas present when youre with me.

I dont need any presents. I have you.

Cooper coughs. Why dont you just let Kurt go out? B, he wants to spend money on you, let him do that. The only one who buys me a Christmas present is you. I would do anything to have someone, who isnt a family, buy me a present.

I cant let Kurt go out alone, he doesnt know LA. Blaine growls.

Dont worry. Cooper dialed a number on his phone and after a minute he hang up. Amber is on her way, shes my personal shopper and should be here any minute.

Kurts eyes widened. You have a personal shopper?

Of course, I dont have the fashion sense like my brother. Cooper sighs. But I am the good looking one of the two of us.

Hey! Blaine snaps.

Before Cooper could say anything the doorbell rang. There she is. He walks to the door and opens it. He was immediately attacked by a tall, blond woman.

Cooper! The woman squeals. She let go of Cooper. Kurt notice that Amber was wearing the newest fashion from Milan, he could only dream of wearing something as expensive as that. Only for the rich and famous.

Cooper smiles widely, leading Amber to Kurt and Blaine. Amber, meet my brother Blaine and his boyfriend Kurt. Theyre visiting me for the weekend.

They shook hands and introduced themselves. Soon Kurt and Blaine said goodbye and were on their way.


The big building, the expensive paintings and the private recording booth were already telling Blaine that Mr. Thompson was a big name in the music industry. Also his expensive Armani suit was giving him away big time. Blaine sang three songs in the recording studio, after that they sat down to sign and talk through the contract.

Blaines jaw drops when he saw the money he was going to make. Mr Thompson smiles. Of course that money will only be available when youre available for us, Blaine. You graduate this year, right?

Blaine nods. I am in my senior year.

So, lets make a deal that after graduation youll move to LA to record your first album. We release a single and see how the people react. With your voice and your charm it wouldnt be hard to conquer their hearts. Teenage girls will fall for your smile. Mr. Thompson said fast. Well make you the new heart throb.

Ehm... I am in a committed relationship. I have a boyfriend.

Mr. Thompson blinks a few times. oh...

That wont be a problem right? I cant work with homophobes. Then the contract is off. Blaine shoves away the papers.

Wait, not so fast Blaine, of course it wont be a problem. Mr. Thompson said. It would be great actually, you can be a great role model for people whore struggling with their sexuality. But, it would be a good idea to keep your relationship a secret for awhile, Blaine.

Blaine shakes his head. I am not hiding my relationship for anybody.

You want the world to know your boyfriend. Blaine, trust me on this, fans can be really passionate. It could be dangerous if you expose his identity.

Blaine thought about it. Thompson had a point. Fans could get crazy. He wouldnt put Kurt in any danger. Besides he didnt think Kurt would go looking for publicity anyway. Okay, you have a point. But when someone asks me if I have a boyfriend, Ill answer honesty and I wont hide Kurt. My relationship is the most important thing to me, more important than my career.

Understood, listen, Blaine. Were a family company. I have a wife and two young kids. If anything happens to them Ill be by their side immediately. Mr. Thompson shoves the contract back in front of Blaine. What do you say?

Blaine nods and signed the contract.


It was almost 5 PM when Blaine returns to Coopers apartment. Cooper sat at the kitchen table reading a gossip magazine. Kurt still not back?

Cooper shook his head. I told them to return before seven. I made reservations at one of my favorite restaurant. How did it go? Blaine laid down a copy of the contract in front of Cooper, who studied it. Blaine grabs a soda from the fridge and took a sip, sitting down next to his brother. It looks good, no traps or anything. Im proud of you, Bro.


Looks like another Anderson escapes the hell that is home. Cooper took a sip of his beer.

It isnt that bad.

Cooper rolls his eyes. For you it wasnt. Dad made sure to not make the same mistakes he did with me. Always the saint.

Look, Coop...

Dont, Blaine. Cooper blinks away his tears. I dont want to talk about my dad. Its none of your business.

Youre right. I dont know what exactly happened but what I know is that my dad regrets it every single day. Blaine ignores Coopers plea to not talk about it. Hes a good dad, Cooper. Hes always there for people, helping out, hes strong and yes, he screws up sometimes... well do. That only makes him human. He doesnt deserve this. You dont deserve this.

Cooper huffs. Stay out of this, Blaine. He took another sip of his beer. Nothing what you say will make me forgive our dad.

So thats it? You just ignore it?

Thats the plan. Cooper wanted to take another sip but Blaine grabs the bottle beer and threw it in the trashcan. Hey, I was drinking that.

Not anymore. Blaine crosses his arms for his chest, glaring down at his slightly drunk brother. You can stay here, drinking and using drugs destroying your own life. Or you could  come home this Christmas and you and dad can talk. Its time to stop living in the past and start living in the future. Dont do something you regret later. Life is too short.

Cooper swallows. We havent been a real family for a long time.

Too long. Blaine agreed. Cooper stands up, slightly swaying on his feet before walking towards his bedroom. Are you coming home?

Its too late to be a family, Blaine. I remember the nice family dinners, mom was a great cook, always wanting to make people happy.

She still does.

I miss her. I miss dad too. His silly dancing and his lame jokes. But too much has happened, Blaine. Nothing would chance if I came back.

Are you kidding me? Everything will be better.

Sorry, Blaine, I just cant. And with that Cooper left the room.


When Kurt and Amber arrived back at the apartment with their hands full of shopping bags, they went out for dinner. Cooper did his best to give his guest a good time and was flirting constantly with Amber. Blaine didnt know what was going on between the two of them, he only knew that Cooper was never serious with a woman. Cooper just wasnt the man for a serious relationship.

After dinner Cooper brought them to a theater, after that they went out for drinks and then returned around midnight back to Coopers apartment. Cooper brought Amber home and Blaine and Kurt had the apartment to themselves. They made love to each other, showered and got ready for bed.

Blaine wraps his arms around Kurt, breathing in his scent and sighs contently, closing his eyes. This is perfect, after graduation I take Kurt to LA, I buy us a apartment bigger than this one and work on my music.

Kurt cuddles closer towards Blaine and closed his eyes. This is perfect, I can imagine myself living here in a couple years. First I want that internship at VOGUE. One year in Paris, I cant wait.

They fell asleep in each others arms, dreaming about their future.


The next day Kurt and Blaine went sightseeing with Cooper, who pointed out the most fabulous clothing shops. To Kurts dismay, everything was too expensive. They had lunch in one of the most expensive restaurants, Blaine refused at first but Cooper existed.

Its not like I see my little brother every day, its my treat!

After lunch it was time to say goodbye. Cooper brought them to the airport.

It was nice to meet you, Kurt. Blaines words didnt do you justice.

Kurt blushes. It was nice meeting you too, Cooper. Take care of yourself. Nobody should be alone with Christmas.

So cheesy.

Kurt shrugs. Its true. He stepped back to give the two brothers some privacy.

Hes right you know. Blaine said.

Cooper shrugs. He might have a point. Dont worry about me, B. Im the older brother, it should be the other way around. Im really happy for you, Blaine, Kurt is a catch. Dont screw it up.

I wont.

Good, now give me a hug. Cooper opened his arms.

Blaine gave in. Come home, Cooper, we miss you. Cooper said nothing. Its never too late. Blaine let go, Coopers face was blank, no emotion. Ill call you when weve landed in Ohio. Cooper nods and they said their goodbye. Blaine walked with Kurt to their gate, not knowing when hell see his older brother again.


They arrived Sunday night in Ohio. Burt was relieved they arrived home safely and even offers the couch to Blaine to spend the night, it was too late to call a taxi. The next day it was time for Blaine to go home, he would see Kurt in two days when the family Hudson would spend their Christmas with the Andersons.  Blaine hated saying goodbye to Kurt, but asking Burt if he just could drive to Westerville in two days was probably too much to ask. Burt tried his best to like Blaine for Kurts sake but Blaine could still feel that Burt didnt like him. He didnt want to push Burts patience so he left.

Blaine steps out of the taxi and paid the driver, James and Elise immediately ran towards him and hugged him. Thank god, youre save.

Save? Why wouldnt I be save?

James let go. We expected you to come home last night.

It was late so Burt suggested I stay over. Dad, whats going on? Blaine has never seen his parents so worried.

James sighs, rubbing his neck. Hunter escaped prison a week ago. The police has opened a man hunt, but he still hasnt been found. He could be anywhere.

When you didnt show up last night, we thought he got you or something. Elise wipes away her tears.

Im fine, mom. Why would Hunter attack me anyway? Hes on the run it would be stupid.

I dont think Hunter can think clearly at the moment Blaine. James said, walking to the front porch, opening the door for his son and his wife. A hunted werewolf is dangerous. His dad put him in prison, its been months since his pack saw him so they probably have a new leader by now. Hunter has nothing to lose.

Blaine swallows, following his parents inside. Nothing to lose...

Nobody notice the lone figure standing at the edge of the forest, behind the picket fence, staring directly at the Andersons house.


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