Feb. 9, 2015, 6 p.m.
Feb. 9, 2015, 6 p.m.
Oh Blaine you just should tell Kurt, because now you leave Sebastian in power. I think that it is time for a Kurt/Sebastian talk anyway *evil laugh* (sorry I couldnt resist).
Blaine still thinks Sebastian is honest, loyal friend, can you imagine how pissed hell be when he finds out how Sebastian really is? ;) Its coming up, so dont worry, but I just dont know when.
Also Niff will be back at Dalton in the next chapter. I missed them!
Anyway let me know what you think.
Kurt, please stop! Listen to me! Blaine begs, trying to keep up with Kurt, who ran to his room. Kurt hadnt said anything, he just turned around and ran. It isnt what you think...
Kurt opened his dorm room, it was empty. Blaine followed inside in the hope that Kurt would talk to him now they had more privacy but Kurt walked to his bag, grabs some clothes and towel and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.
Blaine sighs, sitting down on Kurts bed. He wasnt going to give up this easy. Kurt could ignore him but he would explain over and over again till Kurt was ready to talk. A hour later, the door opened and Kurt walked out. He was wearing a navy bleu shirt, black jeans, his hair was damp and flat. His eyes puffy and red. His face had a stony expression and it hurt Blaine that he was the reason that Kurt was like that. He had swore to never hurt Kurt and here they are...
Kurt.... I.... I didnt audition because I wanted too. Blaine started. Kurt gave him a short glare, before he started packing his stuff. I dont even want the part, I was waiting for you in the auditorium but you never showed. So... I went on stage to tell the jury that you were on your way. Then... they kept pushing me too sing and I did... Blaine stopped talking. Kurt grabs the last pile of his neatly folded clothes and just throws them in. Where were you anyway? Sebastian and I were worried.
Kurt tensed. I bet he was.
Blaine frowns. Whats that suppose to mean?
You wanna know where I was? Kurt turns around to finally look at Blaine. I was asleep. Adam tried to wake me up but couldnt because someone drugged me.
Blaines eyes widened in shock. W-what?
So now you know where I was. Kurt looks around the room. Where is my damn coat?
But... who would do...
I wouldnt be surprised if it was Sebastian. Kurt kneels down to look under the bed for his coat. It was here somewhere.
What? Why?
Kurt shrugs, finally he saw the familiar piece of fabric under his bed and crawls under to grab it. Because he hates me. Because he wants you for himself. Geez I know thousands of reasons why he would do such a low thing.
Sebastian would never...
Kurt got up. He would. Everybody knows how he is but you keep defending him no matter what. Do you have feelings for him or something?
Of course not. Were just friends.
Yeah right, hes a great friend to you if he drugs your boyfriend.
Can you just stop with accusing? Who says he drugged you? He wasnt even at the party. Remember what David said? He couldnt have done that.
Stop defending him! Kurt yells. He made it clear that he wants you, no matter what, why cant you see that?
I dont want him. Blaine steps closer, but Kurt backend away. Kurt, I know he might not be the nicest guy but he would never drug someone to take the part. He loves a challenge.
Kurt huffs. Apparently. He sighs. This isnt about Sebastian. This is about my future, Blaine. I never ever in a million years thought you would ruin my only chance at getting into NYADA. You knew that, you knew how much this meant to me and still you got up on that stage.
What was I suppose to do?
Turn around and walk away. Kurt sniffs, but he didnt want to cry in front of Blaine. If Blaine spoke to Sebastian later about this it would only make the werewolf more than happy. He grabs his bag. You were the only one who knew and you betrayed me. He saw Blaine tense and raised his eyebrows.
Blaine was overwhelmed with guilt. He betrayed Kurt and took away that one chance at NYADA. I knew how much it meant... but Im not the only one who knew. Sebastian. I told Sebastian how much this audition meant for Kurt. How much it would mean for Kurt to get into NYADA.
When Blaine didnt say anything, Kurt pulls on his coat and walked towards the door. He stopped when he heard Blaine say. I wasnt the only one who knew. He turns. Blaine looked at the ground, his demeanor full of regret.
What do you mean?
I... It might have slipped when I was talking to Sebastian.
Might have? Kurt couldnt stop the anger and hurt tone.
I told him. I... Im sorry.
Kurt opened the door and walks away. Blaine quickly followed. Where are you going?
Home, my dad is expecting me for dinner. Its Saturday. Kurt said. Blaine reached for Kurts hand to stop him but Kurt pulls back. Dont touch me.
Kurt opened the door to the parking lot and closet the door. Blaine watched as Kurt got in the car and drove off.
Kurt put on loud music, switch it when it was one of Blaines favorite song and sang out loud, his foot firmly on the gas. He would give anything to not think right now or to have feelings. Feelings were overrated anyways.
He knew who drugged him and he wasnt even surprised. Sebastian was a snake, he already knew that. He wasnt surprised by his behavior. The only thing that hurt him was Blaine. How could he do this to me? He shouldve walked away.
Kurt squeezed the steering wheel so hard that it hurt. Why does Blaine keep defending Sebastian? Why doesnt he see what Sebastian is trying to do? What if Blaine lied to me just then and really has feelings for Sebastian? What if they run off into the sunset together?
Before Kurt knew it he was standing in front of his house. Burt and Carole opened the door, Carole was holding a big cake in her hands and Burt a big smile. And? Did you get the role, son?
Kurt shook his head. I didnt.
What? Are they all crazy at that school of yours? Burt snaps.
Please, Burt, think about your heart. Carole said. I... I put this back in the fridge, we could eat it after dinner. She turns and walks away.
Burt sighs, pulling Kurt in a big hug. Its okay, Kurt. Well get you into NYADA. And thats when Kurt broke down. Burt needed to tightened his grip to hold him on his feed.
Blaine went home. He tried calling Kurt over and over again but he wouldnt pick up and he didnt react to any of his text messages. He opened the front door, put his bag and coat away and walked into the kitchen. It was empty. He could hear the TV in the living room and found Jeff and Nick cuddled up in the couch. Blaine leans against the wall, he didnt want to interrupt their intimate moment. This couldve been Kurt and me tonight. That shouldve been us. He thought bitterly. Why couldnt they be like them?
Blaine sat down at the kitchen table. He already missed Kurt. It was his fault and he wanted to fix things. To start with who drugged Kurt and kill him. He would talk to Sebastian first thing on Monday morning and confront him. He couldnt imagine that Sebastian would be capable of something like that. He knew how everybody around him thought about Sebastian but he knew him better. Yes they had a romantic past but their bond was just friendship now.
Blaine remembered the first day he walked into Dalton, when he was 14. He was just released from the hospital and was scared to death. He didnt look at anybody and didnt dare to speak. Even the happy Jeff scared him. The first time Jeff jumped on him as a greeting he had locked himself inside a janitor closet for hours. Dalton had a none bully policy but he could hear the whispers behind his back.
That went on for weeks. Blaine didnt say anything to his parents, not about his behavior or that he didnt feel welcome at all. Besides he didnt get beaten or called names anymore. Blaine felt lonely. That was till that they he heard piano music. He had followed the music and thats where he met Sebastian. Sebastian was the first one who talked to him, who had taken him in and who had introduced him to the Warblers, where he met Wes, David and Jeff. Sebastian had helped Blaine with expressing his feeling through song, music was the one thing they bonded over. Blaine became the lead singer of the Warblers, he, Wes, David, Jeff and later Nick became close. Sebastian didnt really liked big crowds so he kept distance but Blaine and he stayed friends.
That was till Blaine and Jeremiah broke up. Things change, need for sex was stronger than ever and Blaine and Sebastian became friends with benefits. They had not only sex but also talked about their dreams, fears and future. Blaine thought he could love Sebastian, he made that promise that they could mate in their senior year but then he met Kurt. Sebastian just faded to the background and he hadnt thought about him at all during summer.
Blaine was Sebastian forever grateful for introducing him to the Warblers. If he hadnt, who would know where he would be now? But Kurt was the one.
Blaine grabs his phone and quickly texted: "I love you." to Kurt. He wanted to do his story again but he didnt think Kurt would listen or send anything back. He was too hurt... And its my fault.
Why are you mopping in my house?
Blaines head shot up. His dad was standing there with a cup of coffee and news paper in hand.
I thought you and Kurt stayed over at Dalton this weekend? James asks, sitting down.
Blaine shrugs, nodding to the news paper. Trouble?
James shrugs. It looks like The Mayor wants a war against the werewolves. He made all the attacks that happened in the couple years public. He locked his own son in a prison. At this point I think that that man is capable of anything. Luckily for us most of the towns people are werewolves or know a werewolf and dont agree with him. So he cant do anything yet, but if he gets support from the congress or any important council member then this thing could get messy.
How messy?
Blaine looked at his dad closely. James had dark circles under his eyes, that meant he hadnt slept in days maybe weeks, his hair was a mess, his clothes were all wrinkled. It was obvious James tried to sound like it wasnt anything serious but he was worried enough to barely sleep. James turned to him. So whats wrong with you?
I... I did something stupid, I wished I could turn back the time but I cant.
James frowns. That bad?
Blaine nods, feeling thankful that his dad didnt push to say what he had done. He didnt even know if he could forgive himself. I.. explained everything to Kurt but he didnt listen. He doesnt react to my phone calls or my texts. I dont know what to do.
Whatever happened between you two, just give him some time. Everybody needs some time once in awhile. You two hit it off quit fast. Just let him breath.
What if he never comes back?
Before James could answer, his phone went off. He looked at the ID caller and picked up. Edward? Any news? A small silence. Blaine saw his dad tense. I.... Keep a eye out, Edward. Make sure they dont move him anywhere.... I try to get there as fast as I can, we still have some problems with the Mayor.... I know... I see you Friday. Bye. He hang up.
Whats going on? Blaine knew Edward. He was in his dads pack. His dad sometimes sent Edward out to spy on other packs, just to keep a eye out.
James sighs, turning to his son. He looks 10 years older after that phone call. Karofsky is awake. Hes a werewolf.
What?! Blaine jumps on his feet. He grabs his car keys, he needed to go to Lima. Karofsky was there and Kurt was there too.
James blocked his way. Where do you think youre going?
Get out of my way. Blaine growls.
You are not going to Lima, Blaine.
Hell I am. Kurt is there, dad.
Karofsky is being kept in a isolation room to be studied. The Ohio Pack keeps a eye on him and they have one of their own in the medical staff. Karofsky wont be free till at least two weeks, Blaine. And I have Edward keeping a eye out. Kurt is save.
Im going!
You are not going anywhere in this state.
No! Ill go Friday to check on things and speak to the Alpha of the Ohio Pack. You go to your room, freshen up, we have dinner, a nice easy Sunday and youll go to school on Monday.
No buts, Blaine, let me handle this. James looked at Blaine firmly. Blaine could feel the Alpha power washing over him, he was demanding submission and attention to what James was saying. Ill make sure that Kurt is save, okay?
Blaine nodded, but said nothing. He got upstairs to take a shower.
Blaine returned on Monday, waiting impatiently for Kurt to return. He needed to talk to him. He has sent text messages and called him but Kurt never picks up or sent anything back. Blaine was worried, his wolf was restless. He was so used to Kurt presence lately that it was harder every passing minute without him. He needed to talk to him and make it up. He just couldnt live without him.
The classes began and Kurt never showed up. Blaine could hear the whispers and the gossips. He could feel the stares on him when he walked to the classes and when he sat down on his usual seat. Blaine couldnt concentrate on anything, he stared at the empty seat next to him and wished Kurt was here. He ignored all the curious questions and stares Wes and David gave him. He didnt want to talk to them about it. This was between him and Kurt.
Blaine could overhear a conversation between Tim and Daniel, they were talking about Kurt. Kurt had called in sick and asked them to take any important notes and homework. It hurt that Kurt didnt go to him to take notes, they shared the same classes.
Blaine didnt go to sing lessons, on Tuesday he didnt went to the first rehearsal of the musical play, he even skipped Warbler practice which a angry Wes almost beat him for the next day. He also skipped swimming practice. The only thing he did was following his classes, he kept hoping that Kurt would show up. He avoided his friends as much as possible.
Blaine stayed at Dalton for the weekend. He turned on the phone in the hope that Kurt had finally let him know something but nothing. It was Saturday when he went to the music room to play piano, it calmed him down a little.
Well, that sounds depressing!
Blaine didnt even turn around when he heard the familiar voice. He tried to avoid him all week. He could hear Sebastian move closer. What do you want?
You werent at the first rehearsal. Sebastian appeared in front of him and Blaine couldnt avoid eye contact anymore.
Well, you see... If you audition for something, you get the part it is common to show up so that we get that musical up by Christmas. Sebastian mocks.
It wasnt mine role to take. It was Kurts.
Ah, so thats what this is all about. Sebastian hopped on the piano. Dear boyfriend mad at you for stealing his part? Well, stealing is a big word here. You auditioned, he didnt show up, you won fair and square Blaine. I never saw Kurt as a jealous type. I mean, you two are boyfriends, arent boyfriends suppose to support each other? Were friends and I support you no matter what...
Can you just shut up?! Blaine growls. Kurt was drugged, Sebastian. Thats the reason why he didnt show up. Sebastian blinks, he looks surprised by Blaines outburst or the news about Kurt, Blaine couldnt tell. Sebastian has always been a good actor. Blaine narrows his eyes. Did you do it?
Dont play games with me. Blaine could feel his anger boiling.
Sebastian rolls his eyes. Fine. Okay.... Ill tell you the truth. He hopped off the piano. Have you ever heard me sing? Blaine said nothing. Have you ever seen me dance? Again, Blaine said nothing, keeping a close eye on Sebastian. Well?
Get to the point.
The point is... Sebastian gave Blaine a wide, goofy smile like he used to do. ... Im freaking awesome Blaine, I dont need to drug anyone to win. Like come on, Im still little old me. I dont do something like that for a stupid play.
I thought you liked it.
Nah. Sebastian shrugs. It keeps me off the street.
They looked at each other and could feel the tension leave the room. Blaine sighs in relieve. Sebastian didnt do it. He was too arrogant to do something like that. But who did?
... so what do you think? Sebastian was talking.
Sebastian sighs, circling Blaine, squeezing his shoulders. Blaine growls. Only Kurt is allowed to touch me.
Sebastian let go, sitting next to Blaine. And thats what I mean. Youre so tense, Blaine. So what about good old night at Scandals? Like we used to do? Drinking and dancing till sunrise?
Blaine sighs. I.. I dont know...
Oh come on. Sebastian bumped their shoulders playfully against each other. You need to lose yourself once in awhile, Blaine. Youre no fun anymore. I heard it is Saturday Fun day this weekend. Scandals organized once a month a Fun day on Saturday, it means free drinks for everybody, all day. Sebastian and Blaine never skipped one. Wes, David, Jeff and Nick only went once claiming the bar was too crowded for them.
I should take Kurt one day with me, Blaine thought. He couldnt wait to dance with Kurt till sunrise. The thought off Kurt brought him back to his phone. He already left about 200 messages. Should I call him again?
So? Are you coming with me? Sebastian asks, interrupting his thoughts. He glanced at the phone in Blaines hand. Or are you going to mope all weekend?
Blaine pocketed his phone and stands up. Im coming.
Kurt stirred his coffee for what felt like the hundred time. He looked at his phone to check if Mercedes had canceled their "date". Kurt had stayed home all week, he just needed some time away from Dalton... from Blaine and all the Sebastian drama. He has read all messages Blaine send, has listened to his voicemail.
Kurt took over the notes Tim or any of his other classmates had send him and concentrated on his homework. Burt wasnt happy that Kurt had called in sick but he understood that he needed some time so he let him. Finn was at school, at Football practice, at Pucks house or at Rachels so he wasnt home a lot. Carole and Burt both were at work, so that left Kurt bored. He had considered going back to Dalton. He missed the company of the boys and mostly he missed Blaine. He missed talking to him, joking around, kissing him....
Kurt had stared at his phone and had paced around his room so much but he couldnt bring himself to call him. He didnt want to speak to Blaine over the phone, they had their first fight and it just didnt feel right to talk it out. They needed to talk in person and Kurt didnt know if he could forgive Blaine for what he had done.
Sorry that Im late!
Kurts head snapped up at the sight of his best friend entering Bread Stix. It looked like Mercedes had been running. Were supposed to meet each other a half hour ago, Mercy.
I know, I already apologized didnt I? Mercedes give Kurt a quick hug, ordered a black coffee and sat down opposite of Kurt.
You wanted to meet today, at that time and still youre late.
Mercedes sipped her coffee and gave Kurt a look. Get off my back, Hummel. I got a busy week behind me. Shelby is doubling the glee practices, Santana is dating Brittany for real now... Kurts eyes widened in shock. He knew there was something going on between those two, but he never thought Santana would be serious with anybody. Kurt could only hope she didnt hurt Brittany, he loved the innocent sweet blond. ... I dont know if I even have a boyfriend anymore and... Mercedes blushed. ... Sam is back.
What? When?
This week. Mercedes shrugs, trying to hide her obvious blush to adjust her scarf. He... He might have told me he wants me back.
Kurt gaped at her, speechless. Suddenly he was missing the drama at McKinley. Beside a few werewolf fights nothing happens at Dalton. Well if you dont count my personal drama....
Dont just stare, you should give me advise.
I... I dont know what to say. Do you love him?
Mercedes huffs. Love is a big word, were 17! But her firm blush said it all. Mercedes was still in love.
Kurt smirks. Uhuh. Too young for love right?
I.. oh never mind. Mercedes quickly took another sip of her coffee. So whats up with you? I heard from Finn that youre really depressive.
Im not.
You stayed in your room all week.
Okay thats true. Kurt sighs. He began telling Mercedes everything. About the musical, about the party, about the drugging (Mercedes started scream in anger and Kurt needed to reassure her that the school nurse would tell the head master and they would take care of it, before she was calmed down) and about how Blaine ended up getting his role. He says he doesnt care about the role and it was a misunderstanding...
Do you believe him?
Kurt shrugs. He keeps sending me messages where he apologizes, begs me for forgiveness and says how much he loves me.
Mercedes quirked a eyebrow. Looks like hes really sorry. How many boys would do something to hurt you and just leave you without another word? It looks like Blaine is really sorry. I do believe its a misunderstanding. You know how judges can be. Remember that Rocky Horror Story?
Kurt nods, clenching his fists. Rachel demanded the lead role for herself and Finn or she would quit Glee.
Mercedes nods, smiling brightly. And I demanded my pretty dream role. I got it.
What are you trying to say?
Look at us now. Were sitting still in Bread sticks, youre at Dalton and Im still at the bottom of the social ladder. But... were both have experience with love now. You found yourself a fine boy and well... I still trying to figure mine out. Mercedes grabs Kurts hand and squeezed. What Im trying to say is.... Its just a school play, they come and go. Youll get your chance, Kurt. The question is do you want to do it alone or with Blaine by your side?
Mercedes was right. Blaine was more important than a school play. Kurt will go back to Dalton and talk to Blaine. Youre right. Do you also have advise for obnoxious boys who are drooling over your boyfriend and make it obvious they want him or not?
Mercedes smiles. Just hit them.
Wish it was that easy.
So bad huh? Mercedes phone went off and she rolled her eyes at the new text. She groans. I cant believe it. Shane keeps complaining about Mrs. Karofsky.
Kurt tensed. What about Mrs. Karofsky?
Dave woke up and.... Mercedes saw Kurts face. Oh.... I forgot to tell you. Im sorry, such a hectic week.
W-when did he wake up?
Last Sunday I believe. Anyway, they keep him isolated from the other patients like he has some kind of disease. Mrs Karofsky is driving everybody crazy with her demand to see her son.
How is he? Kurt asks, his hands shaking, his heart racing so fast it might fall out. Thousand questions filled his mind. Is Dave Karofsky a werewolf? Does he remember that Blaine attacked him? If he was turned in a werewolf, did he still remember his family or friends? Kurt realized how little he knew about bitten werewolves.
Nobody knows, they dont let anyone near him. Mercedes shrugs. Are you okay?
Kurt stands up, grabbed his coat. He needed to see with his own eyes how Karofsky is doing. Maybe it would get rid of the guilt he had for weeks now ever since Blaine attacked Dave. I.. I need to go. Ill call you later. And he ran off.
It wasnt hard to find on which section Karofsky was, he could hear the jocks also known as Daves friends talk and he could hear the sharp voice of Mrs. Karofsky. Kurt didnt go further, he didnt want to be seen by the jocks. They would give him hell if they saw him and not to mention Mrs. Karofsky. Their first meeting didnt go well either.
All Kurt wanted to know was if Dave knew who attacked him. Blaine could get in serious trouble if he remembered. But there was no way he could find out with so many people at the door.
Kurt turns around at the familiar voice. Mr... I mean James. What are you doing here?
James gave him a tired smile. Also hallo to you too, Kurt.
Kurt blushed. Sorry. I just... didnt expect you here.
James gestured for Kurt to follow him. They avoided the group and walked upstairs. I guess youre here to see Karofsky?
Kurt nodded. I just need to see him. I just want to know how hes doing.
He didnt say the real question but James understood what Kurt meant. He opened a door and they walked in. The room was small, a few chairs, a small table and a large window. James walked up to the window and Kurt did the same. Kurt gasps when he saw Karofsky and couldnt help the shiver that ran down his spine.
Karofsky was pacing around in his room, it was a normal hospital room with a bed, a table but with no windows and a small toilet in the corner. Karofsky was agitated.
James began to talk. A week ago he was in a coma, he couldnt even breathe on his own. Let stand walk, talk, speak, growl... Hes a werewolf. When Kurt didnt say anything, because it wasnt a big surprise. Hes learning his new abilitys in this hospital. Of course we can only do so little in two weeks in such a small room, so hell be living in the Ohio Pack. Theyll learn him the basics.
Kurts head snaps up. Ohio Pack? He couldnt hide the excitement. He was really curious of the Ohio Pack. He learned about Werewolves in Westerville and to know that there is a whole pack in Ohio too, he never thought about that. He wanted to meet the pack and know who are part of it. What if someone I know is a member? Are they here? Can I meet them?
James shakes his head. Theyre already suspicious Im here, Kurt. I cant let them know that youre involved.
Why are they suspicious? Do they suspect Blaine...?
James shushed and Kurt kept his mouth shut. James stood in silence a few minutes before talking again. No, they dont know. Im here to make sure Karofsky doesnt remember anything. A change takes months, like youve just seen with Karofsky. A bitten wolf doesnt remember his previous life in the first few months, it all comes back later. I just keep a eye out. I doubt that Karofsky will talk, not a lot of bitten wolves talk about who bit them.
Kurt nods, looking out of the window again. Can he see us?
James shakes his head. This is a observation room. We can see him, he cant see us.
Kurt looks at Karofsky pacing around. What is he doing?
Trying to adjust to the new sounds, sights, thoughts, his graving for meat, for sex. Its a lot to take in.
What is the Ohio Pack going to do with him once he gets out?
First they teach him that human meat is off limits. Second they teach him the rules of pack. He has a long way to go, but hell be fine. James lays a hand on Kurts shoulder. Lets go before someone comes up here. They left the room and walked back to the main hall of the hospital. James took in Kurts demeanor. The dark circles around his eyes, the pale skin. It reminded him of Blaine. How are you doing, Kurt?
Kurt shrugs, still dazed at all the new information and the shock that Karofsky is a werewolf. Im fine, I guess.
I talked to Blaine.
H-how is he? Kurt asks softly.
He looks like crap. I dont know what is going on or what my son screwed up this time...
Kurt wanted to defend Blaine, even though Blaine did screw up. He quickly closed his mouth, it was a habit to defend Blaine no matter what.
James noticed and smiled softly. Believe me, I know. Hes my son after all, he gets that from me. He doesnt always think before he does something hell regret. I screwed up many times with Elise, she always forgave me and were still happy together. I just want you to know that Blaine is really, really sorry, Kurt. You two should have a talk. He misses you.
I will, Mr. Anderson, I miss him too.
Good, now give me a hug. James pulls Kurt in a hug, before saying goodbye.
Blaine couldnt remember the last time he had so much fun. Maybe fun wasnt the right word. No, he couldnt remember the last time he was so drunk. One glass of alcohol after the next kept pushed in his hands and he drank them all. People were dancing to the loud music and Blaine was easily persuaded by the boys to get up and have a dance with them. The bar was packed and Blaine lost Sebastian early on. Blaine wasnt too worried, Sebastian had always guys around him on nights like this.
After a few hours of dancing and constant drinking, Blaine could hardly stand on his feet anymore. He finally found Sebastian standing in a corner kissing another boy. Blaine grins. He couldnt believe how Kurt could ever think that Sebastian would be serious interested about him. Yes Sebastian looked really hurt that day when he told him that he and Kurt are together and that there was no way they could mate now. Well, everything seemed to be forgotten now.
Blaine grins, stumbles his way over to the two whore still lip locked. Do you mind if I join?
Sebastian and the boy broke contact, Sebastian grins widely, wrapping a arm around Blaines shoulder. Of course you can always join, Blainey. There is always room for you. Right? He turned to the scared boy in front of them. He made a weird noise and ran away. Sebastian and Blaine looked at each other and laughed.
Lets go. Blaine still smiling made his way through the crowd. Gosh how much I missed nights like this.
They made their way outside, noticed that the sun was already coming up and called a cap to go back to Dalton. A half hour the taxi set them off.
We need to be really quit, If Schuffers finds us were grounded for two years! Sebastian said loudly, stumbling in the hallways, trying to reach his dorm room.
Blaine giggles, his legs felt giddy and his head was a dizzy daze. I cant even remember my dorm room. He sighs, leaning against the wall. I need to rest.
Come on, Blainers, you can stay in my room. Sebastian tried to keep him on his feet and took him with him.
Gosh, I miss Kurt. Blaine mumbles. His head swaying lightly. He wanted Kurt, he wanted to sleep in Kurts arms, he wanted Kurt to love him again.
Yeah yeah. Sebastian sighs in relieve when he saw his dorm room and opened it with a key. They stumbled inside, Blaine fell on his bed and Sebastian closed his door.
His hair, his eyes are amazing. Blaine mumbles, his eyes glazing, a goofy smile on his lips. Have you ever seen his eyes? Theyre bright blue, like the ocean. I could swim in them for hours. He gave Sebastian a dreamy smile. But then I probably drown.
Sure you do. Sebastian rolls his eyes. A sober in love Blaine was horrible but a drunken in love Blaine was 10 times worse. He looks at Blaine, who looked close like passing out. He needed to act fast. He sat down and leans over Blaine. Blaine? Blaine looked at him with his puppy brown eyes. I really, really want to kiss you.... Sebastian connected their lips.
At first Sebastian couldnt feel any response but after a few seconds he could feel Blaines lips move against his. He was kissing back. Finally. You have no idea how much I missed this. Sebastian whispers, before quickly connecting their lips again.
Ive really missed you too, Kurt. Blaine mumbles.
Sebastian pulls back. Blaine, its me Sebastian. Kurt is in Lima remember? He doesnt want to see you again.
Blaine frowns, sitting up slowly. His head was spinning. W-what are you talking about? Kurt loves me. I love Kurt. He manage to get up on his feet, swaying a little bit. I need to find Kurt.
Sebastian grabs his hand. Wait, please dont leave. Stay with me tonight. Just one night. Kurt doesnt even need to know. Please.
I cant... Blaine pulls back, opening the door. I need to find Kurt. He left the room on unsteady feed, holding his own weight by leaning against the wall. But he was determinate to follow the familiar scent. He stopped at Kurts dorm room. He knocked but nobody opened so he wrenched open the door and stepped inside.
The room was dark and cold. Blaine laid down on Kurts empty bed and took in the scent he loved so much. He wrapped himself in the blanket and cried himself to sleep.
Blaine woke up with a huge headache. His head was bursting. He groans. He looked around the room and it took a couple minutes to realize that he wasnt in his own dorm room. He was in Kurts bed, Kurts dorm room. Slowly the memories of last night came back, the dancing, the drinking, the kiss... Blaine sat up straight. Oh shit. Sebastian kissed me, and I kissed him back. Kurt will never forgive me now.
The door opened and Blaine couldnt believe the person who walked through the door. He blinks to make sure it wasnt a dream. Kurt?
Oh good youre awake. Kurt was holding a trade of cookies. It smelled delicious.
What are you doing here? What day is it?
Kurt put down the trade, sitting down on his bed. I came back early to talk to you, its still Sunday... He glanced at the alarm clock. ... 4 PM. I didnt expected to find you in my bed though.
Blaine groans embarrassed. You shouldve woke me up.
But you looked adorable. Kurt smiles. Cookie? I made them while you were a sleep. I was bored so I thought I could start making Make Up cookies.
Make Up cookies huh? Blaine reaches for a cookie and ate it in one bite. Delicious. Is there still something to make up too?
Of course there is. Kurt said. Im sorry that I didnt responded to your texts. I was just....
Hurt. Blaine finished. Kurt looked up and nods. Blaine linked their hands together. Kurt youre the most important person in my life, I love you so much and you were right. I should never took that stupid audition in the first place.
No, what I shouldve done instead was walking away and take care of my beautiful boyfriend who needed me. Im sorry I wasnt there when you needed me.
Im sorry that I didnt want to listen. I do believe you. Kurt bumps their foreheads together. And Ill be a proud boyfriend when youre on that stage during the musical premier. Blaine pulls back, biting his lip. Kurt frowns. Whats wrong?
I dont want that role. It wasnt mine in the first place. It was yours. Ill go to Mrs. Schuffers office first thing in the morning. Ill resign.
Blaine, I dont want you to do this for me.
Im not doing this for you. Im doing this for us. Blaine leans in and connected their lips. He melted in the soft lips of Kurt. This is how it should be, Kurt. Not Sebastian. From now on, Im putting our relationship first.
Kurt nods. I like that. The most important thing is that well be honest to each other. If something bothers us we talk together... no more ignoring or avoiding each other. It doesnt solve anything. We talk and be honest to each other okay? No lies, no secrets.
Blaine stared in Kurts blue eyes. Guilt rising. He finally had Kurt back. But he should tell him what happened between him and Sebastian. He bit his lips. I... I need to tell you something, Kurt.
Oh? Kurt frowns, offering him a cookie. Another cookie?
Blaine didnt smile or took the cookie.
So bad? Kurt nibbled nervously on his own cookie, looking curious at Blaine.
Blaine crumbled. He remembered the look on Kurts face when he told him about his past with his bullys, he remembers the look on Kurts face when he found out about the musical audition, the hurt, the tears.... He had promised himself that he would never ever do or say anything to make Kurt like that. He just couldnt do it. I.. Im just happy youre back. I have missed you so much.
I missed you too. Kurt pushed the trade aside, straddling Blaine hips, pushing him back in the mattress.
Kurt... I stink. I should take a shower.
Uhuh, let me help you with the undressing part. Kurt slowly started unbuttoning Blaines shirt, without disconnecting their lips. They had a lot of catching up to do.