The Beast Within Me
Chapter 25 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Beast Within Me: Chapter 25

E - Words: 5,657 - Last Updated: Feb 09, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/? - Created: Feb 28, 2014 - Updated: Feb 28, 2014
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Author's Notes:

Oh Blaine you shouldnt be thinking about Sebastian when you have Kurt in your arms.

For some unknown reason im nervous about this chapter so please let me know what you think.

Blaine waited impatiently in front of Dalton with two cups of coffee. Hes been waiting for Kurt a half hour now. Classes started on 1 PM this Monday because there was some kind of teacher meeting. Blaine arrived early and Kurt promised he would leave earlier to unpack his stuff. Blaine barely manage to hide his excitement. He had prepared everything, he had condoms, he had lube. They had time before classes start, nothing was going to ruin this. No Finn, no Burt Hummel and Blaine even made sure that Nathan stayed away from their dorm.

Well, someone is exited? Sebastian Smyth appears and walked over to Blaine. He glanced at the cup of coffee. Is this for me?

No, Kurt can be here any moment. Blaine stares at the Dalton gate where Kurt could arrive any moment now.

Sebastian frowns. Well, maybe you should calm down with the coffee, you look like a 3 year old who discovers  Christmas came early.

Blaine shrugs, smiling widely. This is so much better than Christmas. Finally he saw Kurts car arrive and he practical run to the car, leaving a annoyed Sebastian behind.

Kurt parks the car, grabs his bag and steps out. He let out a scream when a coffee cup was almost pushed into his nose. He was greeted with a wide smiling Blaine. Gosh, Blaine, never do that again, you almost gave me a heart attack. Kurt locks the door, gave Blaine a quick kiss and accepted the coffee cup gratefully. Sunday was a long tiredly day while Kurt tried to ignore the text messages his friends send, to catch up with some homework. He wasnt even a month in Dalton and he already was way behind.  Just what I needed, thanks, Blaine.

Youre welcome. Blaine nods, looking at the bag in shock. Only one bag?

Kurt sighs, starting to walk to the school. I know, its no use to bring a whole army of suitcases when all youre allowed to wear is a Dalton outfit. So I only brought some hair stuff, for the shower, extra clothes and the reserve Dalton costume. I swear, Blaine, this whole wearing the same clothes everyday makes me depressed.

They entered the hallway, which was packed with students talking and laughing. Blaine wraps his arms around Kurts waist, stopping him. Well maybe I can make you less depressed. He starts sucking Kurts neck.

Kurt giggles and wiggles out of Blaines grasp. Now, Blaine? Really? I just arrived.

Right, first unpack, but fast. Blaine grabs Kurts hand and almost drags him towards the hall where Kurts room was.

Blaine calm down, I like to still have my arm attached to my body.

Blaine let go. Sorry. I just want you to know that... Ive taken care of everything.


Blaine leans closer. You know... condoms, lube. Theyre in my room, so once youre done unpacking come to my room.

Blaine, Im not going to have sex with you!

What? But you said....

Kurt sighs. I know we were close this weekend, and I know what I said and I mean it but... I still want romance and to be swooped off my feet. I made a mistake Saturday by not taking the time. He saw the hurt and confusing on Blaines face. You do understand me right?

I... not really. Blaine admits. I just thought you want it just as much as I do.

Not now, Blaine.

Blaine growls annoyed. When then? Kurt, I planned this all Sunday. It is the right time, we still have 2 hours before classes begin.

Youve thought about it all Sunday?

Blaine nods, Kurt seems deep in thought and he quickly intertwined their fingers. so? Come on, lets go to my room. Please?

Kurt pulls his hand away and gave Blaine a hard stare. Not like this. Im not some cheap one night stands your used to. Im your boyfriend.

I know you are....

Really? Because youre acting like a obsessed person who cant even think straight now. Kurt turns the corner to his room. He didnt want a fight with Blaine but what he wanted was just too much. Couldnt Blaine see that this wasnt the right time?

Can you blame me? Blaine follows Kurt. one moment you say you want to and the next moment you dont want too. I really dont get you.

For god sakes Blaine, I just arrived in school, I have a tiredly long weekend behind me and you expect me to just lay down and take it. Kurt snaps. He turns towards Blaine with angry blazing eyes. I spend my Saturday night convincing my dad that youre the one for me, because he dont know what to think of you. I cant blame him, it was a weird weekend but I stick up for you and my dad finally accepted that I have a boyfriend. My whole Sunday Ive spend doing homework till late at night. So, sorry If Im not in the mood for sex. He swayed tiredly on his feet. Strong arms wrapped around his waist and held him up.

Im sorry for being so... pushy. Blaine whispers in his ear.

Im sorry for snapping, I do understand, Blaine. Everything is going to be okay, okay?

Blaine nods, and walks with Kurt to his room, not letting him go. Kurt looked exhausted and he blamed himself for not noticing before. Kurt had been a tough weekend but Blaine had a hell of a Sunday. Something had been woken up by Kurts attempt at sex that Saturday. He had been on edge whole Sunday, thinking about today. He planned everything. Well except the romantic part.

Blaine never romanced someone his bed in. It just happened. Of course Kurt wasnt a one night stand, he was much more than that but Blaine wasnt used to a committed relationship. The whole Sunday was torture, thinking about sex. Its been months. His wolf instincts get harder to ignore every day. He could smell the horny werewolves walking through school and his wolf was screaming at him to just take someone and release himself. But... He couldnt do that to Kurt, no matter what.

Blaine was so deep in thought that he didnt notice they were at Kurts room and Kurt was asking him something. He shook his head. Huh?

Im going to unpack, shower and see you at lunch? Kurt gave him a tired, sad smile. Blaine nods, gave a quick kiss on Kurts lip and turns around.


They meet again at lunch. They sat with Tim, George, Aaron, Daniel, Austin and Wes and David. Kurt had his normal salad and the other boys had meat with potatoes. Kurt wondered how you can eat something like that so early. But he already discovered that they ate a lot of meat. Apparently they needed it.

Kurt nibbled on his salads, listening amused at a discussion between Blaine, Wes and David till he could feel someone staring at him. He looks up and locked eyes with a gorgeous boy with green eyes, black hair and tanned skin. Kurt dropped his fork. He had never seen such a beautiful boy. The boy winks.

Blaine notice that Kurt was distracted and growls when he saw at who Kurt was staring. He wraps a arm around Kurts shoulder and pulls him to his side. Kurt rolls his eyes at Blaines possessiveness but Blaine kept his eyes on the boy till his turns around and walked away.  Blaine was still growling and glaring at the spot where the boy stood.

Whos that? Kurt asks curious.

Oh interested, Kurtie? Aaron teased, leaning closer to Kurt but immediately backed away when Blaine showed his teeth.

Kurt shrugs, intertwining his fingers with Blaine, who seems to calm down enough by that gesture. Not really, just curious.

Thats Jake Matthews, Aaron said. And Yes hes a hottie but he isnt into relationship. He only does one night stands and he is the one who chooses. He sighs, biting down his sandwich. Ive tried but no such luck. He pouts.

Daniel huffs. Hes rude and doesnt care about the rules.

What do you mean?

I saw him push Elliot against the wall on Friday. Apparently he wanted more from Elliot but luckily his mate stepped in and Jake fled.

Tim nods. I also heard that he was following Adam and Stevie. It looks like hes after humans.

Blaine growls. If he comes near Kurt, Ill kill him. The bell rang and everybody got up. Blaine stops Kurt before hell go to the first class. Dont go alone, Kurt.

Blaine, Ill be fine.

I mean it. It wont be the first time a werewolf tries to take a human away and it always ends badly. Always walk with someone youre comfortable with and text me every hour. I need to know that youre save.

Kurt nods, seeing that Tim and Austin stayed behind, they had the same classes as him. Ill walk with Tim and Austin. See you at dinner?

Blaine nods and with one last kiss they separated to start their day.


Kurts day went by fast. He walked to classes with Tim, Austin or Adam but he couldnt help the feeling that someone was watching him. Every time he turns around he saw two pair green eyes before Jake disappeared again. He shivers. Maybe Im going crazy.

Kurt saw Blaine at dinner again but said nothing. He would only get mad or actually go to Jake. Blaine walked Kurt back to his dorm before he had to go to his extra singing class. Kurt had some time for himself. The room was empty, everyone spend time together and Kurt decided to call Nick. He could use some advice about what to do with Blaine.

Hey, Kurt! Nick sounds exited.

Hi. Wow, you sound good.

I just got back at the Andersons house, finally. Nick huffs. Laying in a hospital bed with nothing to do is horrible. Kurt felt guilty. Compared what Nicks going through his problems seem pathetic. Kurt? Youre still there?

uhm, yeah, but thats great news, how are you?

I still need to use a wheelchair to move but my cast came of my arms yesterday, theyre a bit stiff but Ill be fine. Nick sighs. Still a few months recovering. So how are you?

Drowning in homework.

Nick giggles. Theyre horrible with their homework. Its like they think we have nothing else to do then do homework.

Exactly. Kurt was happy he finally found someone who understood him.

So ... How are things with Blaine?


It doesnt sound fine. Whats wrong?

Kurt sighs. He didnt want to saddle Nick with his relationship trouble when he should focus on recovering as fast as possible so that he could come to Dalton and give Kurt support in real life but he knew Nick would call and text him till he told everything. So Kurt told everything what happened over the weekend and this morning. .... and now I feel horrible. I did promise Blaine and hes so.... focused on it.  I cant even blame him because its been months for him now.. Kurt rolls over on his bed, his eyes on the door. He thought he heard something but the door stayed close. And Im doubting everything now. I... Saturday happened so fast and now Im doubting again if Im ready. I just dont feel comfortable. He sighs. Im a terrible boyfriend am I?

There was a small silence before Nick spoke again. Youre not, you just over think everything and its time to let the past go. Blaine loves you, and you love him right?

Kurt nods, realizing Nick couldnt see him and said: Of course, without a doubt.

Well, thats all you need. You just need to stop worrying and go with the flow.

Youre right... Im sorry for... Kurt stops when he heard something again at the door.


I think someone is at the door. Kurt glanced at his alarm clock, 7 AM. Hed meet Blaine in a half hour. Maybe the sing class is cancel? Eh... gotta go.

Okay, call me any time okay?

Sure, bye Nick.


Kurt hang up the phone, walks quickly past the mirror to fix his hair and opens the door. Jake stand before him with a big toothy smile. Hi, we havent been introduced yet. Im Jake Matthews. He extend his hand.

It took a few seconds before Kurt came down back to earth, he shakes Jakes hand. Im Kurt. Kurt Hummel.

Nice to meet your. Do you mind if I come in? Jake didnt even wait for a answer before he past Kurt and entered the room. He looks around and sniffs the air. Youre alone?

Eh... Everybody is with their partners. I dont want to be rude but I also wanted to leave so... Kurt lied. He had nowhere to go. Blaine wouldnt be here for at least a half hour, he just didnt like the way Jake acted.

Suddenly Jake was up close and pushed Kurt to the door. His eyes dark with lust. Why? Whats the hurry?

Kurt swallows, trying to free his arm. I... my boyfriend can be here any minute.

Jake grins. Lets be quick then. He tightened his grip on Kurts arm and drags him to a bed. Before Kurt could do anything, Jake was already on top of him pulling on the hem of his shirt. Kurt froze, bad memorys flooded into his mind. His breathing became erratic, a panic attack. Jake shushed. Calm down, beautiful.  He gave Kurt a hard kiss on the mouth, one hand slipping under his shirt and the other tugging hard on his pants.

That broke Kurts frozen state and he clenched his fingers into a fist and started slapping anything he could hit. Jake growls, pinning Kurts arms on the bed. Kurt manage to wiggle free with one hand and scraped with his nails at Jakes face. (A trick he learned from Santana) He could feel a eye and just pinched. Jake jumped up, howling in pain.

Kurt saw a way out, jumps up and ran for the door. He didnt come far as Jakes body slams into his and he bumped hard against the wall with a loud thick.  Hes sure he had already bruises from the attack but he could feel blood dripping from his head. His head was dizzy. He saw Jake recover himself, claws and his eyes glowing. Kurt tried to get up but his body fails. Come on, Kurt, you need to get out....

Jake growls, grabs one of Kurts leg and just drags him back to bed, Kurt screams, his hands trying to grab anything he could use as a weapon. When he couldnt find anything he digs his nails into the ground. He kept screaming for help. Come on, someone, anyone, should hear me. This school is filled with 100 werewolves with good hearing...

Suddenly the door slams open and Wes appears into the door opening.  He quickly took in Kurts bashed figure, his shattered clothes and Jakes bruise face and understood immediately whats going on. He growls, his eyes blazing. There wasnt much what Wes had to do before Jake let go of Kurt and ran.

Wes kneels down and get Kurt gently on the bed. Oh my god, Kurt...

Thank you, Wes. Kurt sniffs, his eyes filling with tears. I... Who knows what he had done when you didnt came in.

Youre lucky that I forgot a book in the library and walked past your door. You should go to the nurse, you look like a mess. Wes didnt know what to say or do. Blaine would kill Jake. Stupid Jake, you just set your fate.

Im fine. Kurt stands up, ignoring the tears threatening to explode.


Just dont tell Blaine, Okay? Hell explode and it wont do anything good.


Please, Wes. Kurt begs. Nothing happened.

Wes growls. How could you say that? Have you any idea what couldve happen? We should go to Mrs. Schuffer and report Jake.

And then what?

Well... he gets a warning.

Exactly. It wont solve anything. Jake just gets a warning and thats it. Hell walk away. Its my word against his and in a school filled with werewolves the chance that I win is nothing and you know that.

Wes slums his shoulders in defeat. Kurt was right, it was word of a werewolf versus the word of a human and most werewolves chose the side of their species.  Can I do something? Ill beat him for you.

Kurt smiles sadly. Im gonna take a shower, see if I can wash the blood of me and cover up the bruises. Wes nods, turning around. He stops when he feels a hand on his arm and looks over at Kurt. His heart broke when he saw the blue eyes filled with tears and the fearful look on Kurts face. Stay? Please?

Wes nods. Sure, I wasnt planning on leaving anyway. He sat down on a bed and leans against the head board. 

Kurt made his way to the bathroom. A second later the sound of running water fills the air and Wes relaxed slightly but not taking his eyes from the door. Wes didnt know what to do. He understood why Kurt wanted to keep it a secret from Blaine but Blaine was his friend. If Sammy Jo was attacked he would want to know it too. Blaine deserved to know right?


In the mean time, Blaine made his way to the music room when he heard the familiar sounds of a piano. Mr. Hammond never played. Only one other person beside him, used the piano at Dalton.... Blaine sighs, preparing himself to confront Sebastian and chase him away. He had sing classes, no time for distractions. He opened the door to the music room.

Sebastian had his eyes close and played the piano. Blaine leans against the door, he hadnt heard Sebastian play in awhile. The boy had talent and he could sing like a angel. Blaine had often heard him sing, hell they practiced duets together all the time last year. Of course he had heard the rumors surrounding Sebastian. Yes his character lacked sympathy and most people couldnt even stand his arrogance. But Blaine knew him different. He saw a broken boy looking for love. A lot like Kurt, really. The difference between them was that Kurt had a lot of sympathy and a lot of love to give. Sebastian was more closed and would do anything to get what he want, no matter what the consequences.

Its been a long time I heard you play.

Sebastian stopped playing and turns around, his eyes wide in surprise. Blaine, I didnt hear you.

Obviously, Blaine grins, walking over to the piano and leaning against it. I hate to break it to you but I have class now.

Sebastian shakes his head. Mr Hammond is sick. All his classes are canceled. I thought you knew. I just wanted to practice my piano skills, theyve been a bit rusty since Summer.

Do you mind? Blaine points at the seat next to him, Sebastian made some room and he sat down next to him. They started to play, first it was still searching and it was awful but soon they fell into a perfect harmony. Just like they did many, many times before. Before summer, before Kurt. They glanced at each other and smiled.

Blaine could feel the familiar pull towards Sebastian, it was their the moment they looked in each others eyes. For a moment only the two of them existed and nothing else mattered. Apparently Sebastian felt it too, because he leaned in. Blaine wanted nothing more than to kiss him, but something in his mind kept nagging at him. Kurt! Blaine pulls away and stands up quickly. Well, there is nothing wrong with your piano skills. Keep practicing! He walks to the door but Sebastian beat him to it and blocked his way out.

Dont leave me like this. Dont leave us like this. Blaine, you cant do this to me.

Do what?

Sebastian huffs. Isnt it obvious? There is still something between us. Stop ignoring it.

I dont ignore it, its over between us, Sebastian.

Tell me you didnt want to kiss me just a second ago.

Blaine didnt say anything. It was no use to deny it. Yes he wanted to kiss him. But he had Kurt now.


Sebastian, you need to accept that Im with Kurt now, I would never leave him for you. Blaine didnt want to sound so rude but there was no other way to keep Sebastian away. What I feel for him is more than I ever felt for anyone. Whatever we had and whatever I wanted a minute ago it disappeared when I think of Kurt. I want him, not you. Now let me go. Blaine walked past Sebastian and opened the door.

Maybe hes the one you want, but he isnt the one  you need.

Blaine just shakes his head and closed the door.


Kurt wraps a towel around his waist and opened the door and made his way to his bag for some clothes. He had washed his skin over and over again but he still had a foul taste in his mouth from the kiss Jake planted on him. He heard a sharp take of breath and turns around. Wes was standing there, he stared in shock at Kurts chest.

Kurt almost forgot about him and wraps defensively his arms around his chest. Wes walks over and untangled his arms, staring in shock at a deep scar right across Kurts chest. It finally stopped bleeding a minute ago, apparently Jake has used his claws. Wes...

Thats it, Im going to kill that son of a bitch! Wes growls, running to the door. He opened the door and almost bumps into Blaine who was sipping on a cup of coffee, one hand raised to knock.

Wes? What are you doing here?


Wheres Kurt? Blaine pushed Wes aside, just to see Kurt running to his bag to quickly grab a t-shirt.

Blaine.. Wes wanted to stop Blaine for going further but Blaine was already at Kurts side, throwing the shirt out of his hands and looking at Kurt with shock.

What the hell happened? Blaine took in Kurts bruised body, the bloody scare on his chest. He didnt even notice that he had dropped the coffee or that he was shaking in rage. His eyes glowing, he could feel his claws. Who did this to you?


But before Kurt could finish Wes said: Jake Matthews. He wanted to rape Kurt. If I hadnt hear him scream...

Blaine had heard enough, hed already turned and ran down the hall. The only thing on his mind was finding Jake and kill him.

Kurt quickly threw on a shirt and a pants. He glares at Wes. Are you happy now?

Wes shrugs. I better call David.

Kurt expected that Wes would take out his phone and call him but of course he shouldve known better. He was dealing with werewolves for months now but that didnt mean that he didnt jump when Wes suddenly howled loudly.

Kurt glared. Really? Whats wrong with a phone?

Takes too long, David is already on his way. Wes turns his back and kneeled. Hop on, Hummel. Ill run faster than your human legs.

Kurt sighs but did as Wes told and climbed on his back. He had hoped he would never experience a piggy back right again.


Jakes scent leads Blaine to the entertainment room. He could hear people laugh and talk. It made him sick that Jake just went in the entertainment room to watch some TV, after what he has done. He bumps into David, but easily brushed him off and made his way into the room. He could hear David whisper; Blaine, dont do this.

But it was already too late when Blaine saw Jake talking to a blond haired werewolf in the corner. He growls, jumps over the couch where people where laying to watch TV and grabs Jake by the color and pinned him against the wall. Jake made some attempts to escape Blaines grip but Blaine was too strong. How dare you touch something that is mine? Blaine growls. He didnt care that everyone watched in confusion.

Jake finally manage to get some movement and he kicked Blaine in the stomach. Blaine let go of him but was on top of him immediately punching him everywhere he could. He could smell blood and didnt even know if it was his or Jakes, he didnt care. 

Kurt and Wes finally arrived, Wes pushes between all the people who surrounding Blaine and Jake, to get to Blaine. David was already trying to disconnect the too. Kurt gasps when he saw the bloody mess Jakes face was. The werewolf didnt even move anymore. Blaine didnt stop, he kept punching and every time David and Wes tried to pull him off he turned his attention to them. Kicking, punching till they let go and when they did he turned back to Jake.

Blaine stop! Kurt steps forward. Blaine stopped, turning his attention towards Kurt. Kurt gasps in shock. His eyes were pitch black. He never seen Blaine so far gone.

Watch out, Kurt, step back. Tim pushes Kurt behind him, and stared at Blaine, blocking his view from Kurt.

Blaine growls. Not appreciating Tim standing so close to Kurt at all. He jumped to attack Tim...

No, Blaine! Kurt screams, trying to shove Tim out of harms way.

A loud gunshot sounded and Blaine fell to the ground in front of Tims feet. Theyll stared in shock at Blaines body. Kurt made his way to Blaine and kneeled down. A bullet right in his chest, but he wasnt bleeding. Wait, what?

The crowd moved apart to let Mrs. Schuffer through, behind her there were 10 other teachers. Mrs Schuffer was holding a gun. Hes just numb, Mr. Hummel. Dont worry. Hell wake up in a few hours. Bring Mr. Matthews to the Hospital wing and Wes, David, bring Blaine to his dorm. Nobody is to enter his room for at least a few days before he has fully calmed down.

Wes and David lifted Blaine up, Kurt wanted to follow but was stopped by Mrs. Schuffer. You should also go to the school nurse, Kurt. Just for safety.

Im fine, Mrs Schuffer. I rather stay with Blaine. He needs me.

Mrs. Schuffer shakes her head. I meant it when I said that Blaine needs some time to cool off. No visitors allowed.

But Im his...

I know. Mrs. Schuffer gave him a sad smile. Only a mate can rile a werewolf up like that. It only confirms that its for the best if you stay away from Blaine for awhile, Kurt. She turns to look at the room. Everybody was too shocked too even move. Everybody, go to bed. Day starts early tomorrow. Theyll nodded and left the room. She turns to Kurt. Ill walk you to the school nurse, Mr. Hummel. Follow me.

Kurt sighs. He needed to see Blaine but there was no use to protest so he went with Mrs. Schuffer, hoping the visit to the school nurse wouldnt take long.


Two hours later, Kurt made his way to Blaines room. Wes and David were sitting against the door. Kurt....

How is he?

Still unconscious. David says. What are you doing here?

Im here to visit Blaine.

You should go to bed, Kurt. Wes said.

No, I should be here with Blaine. Let me in.

No, Kurt, go to bed. You have classes in the morning.

Blaine is more important than classes.




David. Kurt glared at the two friends. Please, guys. I need to see him.

At the moment.... He isnt the Blaine you know, Kurt, David said. Its too dangerous.

If I cant calm him down, who can? Kurt asks. We cant just leave him in there.

Wes and David glanced at each other. Kurt had a point. Wes sighs, giving Kurt the key. Fine, but be careful.

Kurt shows them a small silver diamond. Borrowed it from Elliot. Ill be fine. He opened the door and steps into the dark room, he quickly closet the door behind him and walks to the sleeping figure in Blaines bed. Kurt turned on the night stand lamb and gasps when he saw Blaine. His hands were tight to the bed with silver chains. His skin was darker than usual, the claws were still visible. Blaines curls hang in front of his face and Kurt gently pushed them aside. Kurt lays down next to Blaine and snuggles closer. Suddenly feeling exhausted. Soon he was fast asleep.

A few hours later Kurt feels stirring next to him and he opens his eyes. Blaine was struggling to wake up, fighting against his chains. Blaine? Its me, Kurt. Please open your eyes. Youre save now. You dont have to fight.

Blaine opened his eyes and sat up, only his chains holding him back to the bed. Kurt almost fell of bed due the sudden movement. Kurt looks in Blaines eyes, it still had a dark tint but it wasnt pitch black anymore. Kurt?

Its me. Wait. Kurt walks to a drawer and pulls out the key to the chains.

It took a moment before Blaine realized what Kurt was about to do. No, dont Kurt. Just leave. Its too dangerous.

Too late. Kurt clicked the key into the chains and the chains fall aside. Im not afraid of you, Blaine.

Even now?

Kurt shrugs. My love for you is bigger than my fear. But dont you dare put a spider in my room or Ill slap you.

Blaine chuckles, trying to get some blood through his wrist again. Those chains were too damn tight. He could feel his anger boiling again when he thought about the reason of his rage. He hoped Jake was dead.

Your skin is darker.

Blaine looks at his hands, arms, legs. Kurt was right. Blaine stands up and walks to the mirror. Everything about him was darker. Only once he had looks so darker, it was that day after full moon. They both had thought it was a late effect of the full moon. But why is it so dark now? Full moon wasnt in 3 weeks.

Why is it so dark?

Blaine sat back down on bed. I dont know but it doesnt feel right. Kurt grabs Blaines hand and Blaine couldnt help but notice how much paler Kurts skin looked against his.

Its going to be all right. Itll turn back to normal in a few days. Kurt said, trying to convince Blaine and himself.

Blaine nods, leaning back against the head board, pulling Kurt close into his arms, taking in his scent. All he wanted was to hold Kurt.

Im sorry, you know. Kurt spoke after awhile. If I... Its my fault you lost control. If I could just let go of my past, we could move on and this wouldnt have happened. You wouldnt be like a ticking time bomb. Im sorry you have to fight your natural instincts every time youre near me. Kurt sniffs, wiping away his tears. It shouldnt be this way. Im sorry that I cant be what you need.

Blaine turns Kurt into his arms so that he was on top and they could look at each other. Dont be sorry for your past or for who you are, Kurt. I love you, you are all I want. Well get through this... together.

I love you too. Kurt gave him a kiss and yawns. Is it okay if I stay here tonight? Its like 2 AM and Im tired.

Sure. Blaine throws the covers on their bodys. Kurt snuggles closer and soon he was fast asleep. Blaine couldnt sleep.  Sebastians words were in his head.

Maybe he is the one you want but he isnt the one  you need.


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