The Beast Within Me
Chapter 24 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Beast Within Me: Chapter 24

E - Words: 4,919 - Last Updated: Feb 09, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/? - Created: Feb 28, 2014 - Updated: Feb 28, 2014
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Author's Notes:

Poor Finn lol;) also Poor Blaine...:(

Anyway hope you liked this chapter:)

Kurt knocked on the front door. He knew his dad and Carole were home, he already could smell the Friday night dinner. He glanced nervously at Blaine who stands next to him with a calm expression. He bumped Blaines shoulder with his own. Are you nervous?

Blaine shakes his head.

Really? Not at all? Kurt couldnt help but envy Blaine. He was nervous as hell.  There could go a lot of things wrong. The main thing that could go wrong, Blaine could lose his calmness and wolf out.

Blaine shrugs. Whats there to worry about? Ive met your dad already and he seems cool.

Seems Cool and thats it?! Kurts voice a octave higher than usual, he couldve swore that the neighbors dog was the only thing that could hear him. He remembered how he felt when he heard that he needed to spend the summer with a bunch of strangers, he didnt sleep for 3 days. Blaine, that was before he knew you are my boyfriend.


He isnt used to someone being my boyfriend, who knows what hes going to do? Kurt said panicked.

Blaine chuckled. Well, Kurt if your dad is dragging a body bag out of your house after dinner than you need to call the police.

Kurt glares. thats not funny. But his lips twitched up. Blaine was right, his dad was protective but he wouldnt go for murder. Would he? Finally the door opened and Kurt didnt have the time to regret inviting Blaine over as he swung himself in his fathers arms with a happy squeal. Forgive me if Im still acting like a 6 year old every time I see my dad.

Hey son, Burt pulled Kurt in a bear hug, happy that his son had returned home safe after a week of Dalton. He still needs to get used at the fact that Kurt wasnt around much. He was trying his best but it was hard to let his only son go.  Burt pulled away to look at Blaine, he threw him a threatening look that had turned Noah Puckerman away once, but Blaine didnt even flinch. Blaine.

Sir. Blaine smiled, shaking Burts hand. Its good seeing you, new hat? Suggesting to Burt new Baseball hat that he bought yesterday. Kurts jaw dropped. Damn Blaine is good, if he can charm my dad he could even convince a hungry grizzle bear to not eat him.

Burt looked impressed to. Yes, just bought it yesterday. Kurt doesnt like them much.

Theyre so 2004 dad! Kurt rolls his eyes.

Dont be so mean, Kurt, it depends on whos wearing them and your dad can pull it off.

Kurt glares. Dont put my fashion sense in question.

I wouldnt dare, love.

Burt watched the exchange with curious eyes. It was obvious that Blaine really loves Kurt, he saw it from the minute they waited for the door to open.  It was also nice to see Kurt smile, its been a long time since he saw his son so happy. He opened the door further. Lets go inside, I heard there is a storm coming this way, tonight.

Blaine met Carole and sweeps her of her feeds easy with his charm, Finn introduced himself briefly before complaining to Carole that he was hungry. They had 10 minutes to kill and Kurt gave Blaine a tour. He saved his own room for the last. He was nervous. His room at the Andersons was so much bigger and Kurt hadnt seen his own room a week. What if Finn had made a mess of it somehow?

Kurt opened the door and much too his relieve everything was still the same as he had left it, clean. So this is my room.

Blaine steps inside and looked around. It wasnt big but the whole room just screamed Kurt. Fashion magazines were neatly piled on his nightstand, there was a self made small walk in closet, a radio and a CD collection with Broadway CDs. Kurt also had a private bath room. Blaine knew how much Kurt appreciated privacy with lacked a lot at Dalton, he had to live with 5 other boys in a small room and one bathroom. 

Blaine glanced at all the wall poster on Kurts wall, Lady GaGa, Beyonce and some Broadway productions. He nodded his approval when he saw the huge Wicked poster. His eyes land on a notebook full with drawings. He flipped through it.

Kurts eyes widened. Thats just my sketch book. Whenever I am bored or have inspiration I draw. My imagination clothes.  He smiled shyly. He always kept that book to himself, not even Mercedes knew about it.

Theyre beautiful. Blaine said softly, flipping through the pages, sitting down on Kurts bed. Youre talented. You should get your own clothing line.

Thank you, but... Kurt sat down next to him, grabbing the notebook away. ... my dream is Broadway. I really want to get up that stage and sing. He sighs. Who am I kidding? Even if I get somehow into NYADA Ill never get a lead role. Ill be forever a background singer.

Dont say that.

Who wants a boy who has such a high voice like me to play the lead role in a musical? 

Someone will see how talented you are and will give you your chance. Youll be a star. And if not... we can always make a musical with you in the lead and youll win tons of Tonys. You wont waste your talent in the background, I promise.

Kurt sniffs, blinking away his tears. How do you manage to cheer me up every time?

Its my job to make you smile. Blaine wrapping his arms around Kurt. Im your boyfriend after all.

Thank you. Kurt leans into the touch. Im sorry for this, this weekend is suppose to be of fun and just being together. I dont want to ruin it with my personal issues.

I dont mind that. Its important to talk.

Dinner is ready! Carole screamed from the kitchen.

Kurt and Blaine made their way downstairs, the dinner table was already done. Carole had kept in mind that they could sit next to each other. Kurt sat down, not noticing that Blaine stopped in the doorway.

Carole frowned. Well, come sit down, Blaine. We wont bite. She giggled, Finn rolls his eyes at his mothers attempt to make Blaine feel at home.

Kurt frowns too, he studied Blaine tense face but had no idea what was wrong. He saw his dad looking at Blaine with narrowed eyes. Burt turned to Kurt. Whats wrong with him? Why is he just standing there?

Ehm... Kurt quickly got up and walked to Blaine. He leaned towards him and whispers, so that his dad, Carole and Finn couldnt hear him: Blaine, what are you doing? Whats wrong?

Silver forks, knives and spoons, Blaine said through gritted teeth. I cant eat here.

Kurt looks at the table and saw that Blaine was right. He never paid attention to that but with dating a werewolf he should be more careful. He quickly walked to the table and started to gather all the forks, knives and spoons.

Kurt, what the hell are you doing? Burt asks. Carole and Finn stared in shock. 

Uhm.... we need different silver. Kurt quickly dumped the forks, knives and spoons in the sink. He saw Blaine visible relax and he gave Kurt a grateful smile.

Have you lost your mind?! Burt yells. Its your mothers cutlery, were using it always for Friday night dinners!

Exactly we need some change. Kurt grabbed the cutlery he knew that theyre fake. He would wonder later about why his mother had real silver cutlery in her house, it mustve cost a small fortune. He placed the new cutlery on table. He could feel all eyes on him. What? Dont look so shocked? Its just cutlery.

Exactly! Burt said. Its just cutlery, so why is it so important to change it? He walks to the sink and grabbed one of the silver spoon. Blaine who just wanted to walk pas to sit next to Kurt, jumps back out of the way so that the silver doesnt accidently touched his skin. Of course Burt noticed. And what the hell is going on with him?

Kurt and Blaine looked at each other, not knowing what to say or do. This whole family dinner was ruined anyway.

I think its better if I go. Blaine said.


I think thats a right thing to do. Burt nods.

Dad, dont be ridiculous, we can eat now. Kurt glares at his dad.

Only if we eat with your mothers cutlery, its tradition. If we dont do it.... Burt sighs. It doesnt feel right, Kurt.

Dad, Blaine cant eat here if we do, well get to a drive through and eat there.

Burt eyed Blaine. Why cant he eat here?

Kurt shrugs. Just because.

Because is not a reason!




Theyll turned towards the table. The always friendly demeanor of Carole was completely gone. She was shaking with rage. 

Burt steps forward to comfort his wife but she raised her hand to stop him. Dont! She hissed. Ive worked really hard on this dinner, now were going to enjoy dinner without any talk about some stupid cutlerys or Ill kill someone. Burt opened his mouth to protest but she glared. Sit! Theyll sat down immediately. Carole put on a smile, her rage was completely gone. Kurt and Blaine stared at her in shock. Great, now... Ill put the soup on the table. She walks to the pit to grab the pan.

Finn leaned over to Blaine with a goofy smile. Welcome to the family, Blaine.

Blaine smiled back uncomfortable. He could feel Burts eyes still firmly on him and he knew Burt would keep a close eye on him the entire weekend.


Your dad doesnt like me. Blaine lays back on Kurts bed, while Kurt was searching through his DVDs. The sound of thunder outside was clear to hear. After the most uncomfortable dinner ever they decided to watch a movie, but Blaine knew he had to leave soon and was dreading the moment. He knew he saw Kurt again tomorrow. I wish I could stay here tonight.

Kurt looks up. Who says you dont?

Your dad?

Kurt huffs. Dont worry about him. Ill talk to him. He stands up.


There is no way that I let you go out in this storm tonight. You could get hurt.

Kurt, even if I get a accident, Ill probably survive. We heal faster and are stronger than humans. Blaine explains.

So... If a tree gets hit by a lightning ball, lands on your car while youre in it and my dad sees that, runs over to save you and you turn out to be fine... How am I gonna explain that? Kurt asks. I barely saved us from that dinner and Im sure my dad doesnt buy it.

You have a point.

So... come, well ask my dad now. Its getting late and it wont be long before he comes over to say you need to leave.

They walked downstairs hand in hand, Blaines heart was in his throat. Burt sat in his favorite chair watching TV, Carole was cleaning dishes with Finn in the kitchen.


Burt looks up. Yeah?

Can Blaine stay here for the night?

Why? Did his car broke down?

Kurt sighs. It storms outside, he has a two hour drive ahead. Its not save.

So this is a safety issue huh? Burt wasnt stupid. He was 17 once and he knew what goes on in a teenage boy head. Kurt nods. But his son had a point. It was a long drive, it was late and it would be saver to let Blaine stay over. He looks at Blaine. Call your dad, if he says its okay, its fine with me too.

Blaine quickly made the call. Burt and James even talked over the phone to make a small talk. Burt hang up, turning to the two boys. Fine.

Kurt squeals, hugging his dad. Thank you, dad, youre the best.

Well I have a few rules. Burt said, Kurt pulls away. Blaine sleeps on the couch.

What?! Thats ridiculous.

Im not crazy, Kurt. Youre both 17. I remember being a 17 year old teenager with racing hormones. And by the way your boyfriend was checking out your ass just a few seconds ago I know Im making the right decision.

Kurt turns to look at Blaine, who had a firm blush on his cheeks and looking everywhere but to Burt and Kurt.

Carole overheard the conversation when she walks in. Oh so youre staying tonight, Blaine? Its the right decision with this horrible weather. She glanced quickly at Blaine whos still wearing his Dalton uniform. She frowns. Do you have clothes with you? You can also borrow something from Finn... She stops when she heard Kurts gasp.

Blaine cant wear Finns clothes theyre horrible!

Hey! Finn yells from the kitchen.

Blaine takes Kurts hand in his, squeezing it gently. Calm down, Kurt. Well get my bag out of the car. He turns to Carole with a smile. I still have a couple outfits from my stay at Dalton. So Ill survive.

How can you say that? Kurt squeaked still looking at Carole with wide, shocked eyes. 

Come, lets go to the car. Blaine quickly pulls Kurt with him to the car to unload his stuff.

Burt hated to admit that Blaine could calm Kurt down faster than he ever could. Carole looks at her husband. You okay hun?

Burt nods. Sure.

Hes a big boy now, Burt. Hell be fine. Kurt is strong. Blaine is a nice guy and he loves Kurt.

Something isnt right here, Carole...

Carole glares. Not again about the cutlery Burt.

No its not that. Blaine... hes.. dont you think hes acting... weird?

Carole giggles. Thats called love. Just let them. There is nothing wrong with young puppy love. She yawns. Im going to take a bath. See you upstairs? Burt nodded absently and Carole placed a kiss on his cheek and walks upstairs.

Burt waited till Finn left to his room for a gaming match online against some friends. He saw Kurt and Blaine coming back, Blaine was carrying a bag in one hand and had one hand on Kurts waist whispering things that made Kurt giggle. Blaine placed the bag on the ground without letting Kurt go. 

Dad... were going to watch a movie upstairs. Kurt said.

Burt nods. 11 PM on the couch, Blaine. Blaine nodded without protest, Kurt rolls his eyes but drags Blaine upstairs. Burt turned to his favorite chair, turned on the TV but couldnt concentrate on the game. No matter what Carole said or how nice Blaine looked. He couldnt lose the feeling that something about Blaine was.... off.  If Burt learned anything in his life was that looks can be devising. He trusted his own instincts. He couldnt send Blaine out there at the moment due the weather and due Kurt but he wouldnt let them spend the night alone. He needed to protect Kurt.


It was 1 PM and Blaine was lying on the couch with a blanket, staring at the ceiling. He couldnt sleep knowing Kurt was only a few rooms away. Its torture. He and Kurt had watched a movie, cuddled up in bed when Burt had sent him down for the night. Blaine sighs. He didnt know why Burt didnt like him. He hadnt done anything, hed stayed polite even during that awkward dinner.

Blaine turned around in another attempt to get some sleep. Suddenly he heard footsteps coming down the stairs and he tensed. Is Burt coming downstairs to kill me?

But the footsteps were light, as if someone was trying really hard to not wake anyone up, Blaine looks up to take a peek. He smiles when he saw Kurts familiar posture, coming down the stairs. Hello, beautiful.

Kurt jumps the last few steps in shock and barely managed to stay on his feet. He glares. Damn it, Blaine. Youre giving me a heart attack.

Why are you sneaking down the stairs in the middle of the night?

Im going to spend the night with you of course. Kurt walks over to the couch. Make some room for me.

Kurt, your dad is going to kill me when he finds out. Blaine protest but moved over anyway.

Ill be upstairs when he wakes up, dont worry. Kurt made himself comfortable next to Blaine, who wraps his arms around Kurt automatically. Besides it is your fault that we need to sleep apart. If you havent been staring at my ass my dad wouldve let you sleep in my room.

Blaine grins, squeezing Kurts butt.  Sorry, babe, I couldnt help it. Your ass looked delicious.

Kurt pouts a teasing glint in his eyes. It really is a shame. Oh the plans I had for us tonight...

Blaine quirked a eyebrow, curious. What plans?

Kurt gave him a teasing smile and faked a yawn. Sorry, Blaine, you have to find out tomorrow. Im too tired. Kurt closed his eyes.

Kurt? Blaine pokes him gently but nothing. Kurt was asleep or pretending. Blaine sighs. He wont find out tonight anyway so he closed his eyes and drifted off to a deep sleep.


Blaine has never slept so good in weeks, so it was hard to wake him up. He could feel a tug on his arm, and a movement in his arms but he hold the object he was holding closer. He blinks lazily when he could feel something struggling. He stared right in bright blue eyes and smiled lazily. Kurt.

Suddenly he felt Kurt being roughly pulled out of his arms and he growls and showed his teeth at the treat. Burt Hummel was standing in front of them, his eyes wide with shock. Blaine immediately pulls his teeth back, so that it would look for a human eye like a flash. He tried to calm down his growling but that wasnt so easy. Kurt hold him close and Blaine breathed in his scent and it worked. His growling stopped.

Burt stared at them with open mouth. What was that sound?

My stomach, Im starving. Kurt stretched himself and stands up, yawning loudly.

Burt narrows his eyes. It sounded more than growling to me. Like a dog.

Kurt snorts waving it off. Yeah right, dad.

And what is with his teeth? Burt said looking at Blaine.

Kurt stops. Teeth?

I swear I saw them ... growing.

Kurt laughs, it was supposed to mean as real but Blaine knew how much effort it costs Kurt to put on this fake laugh. Kurt was acting his ass off to save Blaine. You mean, like a vampire? Dad, have youve been drinking again? Kurt looks concerned at Burt. Damn I should win a Oscar for this.

Burt blushed. No... Okay I had like one beer last night.


Okay two.

Kurt gave him a look, his hands on his hips.

It mightve been four. Burt quickly turned around. Scrambled eggs for breakfast, Blaine?

Eh.. yeah thank you. Blaine was staring at Kurt in shock. His boyfriend had just turned the tables completely.  Burt quickly made his way to the kitchen.  Blaine walks over to Kurt and gave him a kiss. Thank you so much.

Kurt shrugs. It was nothing.

Nothing? Al Pacino would be impressed!

It was a close call. Too close, Blaine. Kurt looks at Blaine firmly. Were meeting my friends today and you need to behave. Its important to me.

I Pinky Promise.

Kurt rolls his eyes but couldnt help but smile. Blaines pinky promise would do.


Kurt took a sip of his coffee, his eyes on the door, his phone in his hand.

Okay, you need to calm down. You make me nervous.

Kurt quirked a eyebrow. For my family you arent nervous but for my friends you are?

Blaine shrugs. Well... I didnt expect your dad to be on my case so much. He sipped on his coffee. We still have a few minutes to kill. I can point out all werewolves in this place.

Kurt blinks. Really? Blaine nods. How?

I can smell them. Were in a public place so there are a few from a different pack and some lone wolves. Blaine sniffs around. He nodded at a girl with big glasses, her nose in a book. Shes one.

Kurts jaw drops. No way.  He looked at a the geeky girl. No way she would be a dangerous werewolf one day in a month.

Blaine picked out a few more. All different sizes and postures. It was weird to find werewolves in his hometown.

You only found 7 people, that means hardly that Ohio is invested.

Blaine sniffs, picking up a strong scent, he looked at the counter where a brown haired girl with a big nose was paying for her coffee. Shes one too. A Alpha.

Who? Kurt was staring at the door again, waiting impatiently for his friends to appear till Blaine had spoke again. He turned to look at the topic. He gasps. Rachel Berry was standing by the counter.

You know her?Blaine asks.

Kurt nods, ducking a little behind Blaine when Rachel walks by with the coffee and her phone in her hand. He sighs in relieve when Rachel left Breadsticks without noticing him. Rachel Berry, self observed but really talented, she wasnt happy when I told her that I was transferring to Dalton. She was afraid that I would help Warblers win. Well she doesnt have to worry about that anymore. He couldnt help the bitter tone.

Blaine squeezed his hand. Its gonna be okay. Youre just 17. We figure something out.

Kurt sighs. Yeah, I know. He glanced at the door again. He smiled when he finally saw Santana, Mercedes and Brittany walking in.

We arent late right? Mercedes gave Kurt a big smile, glanced quickly at Blaine before hugging Kurt.

Girls, this is Blaine. Kurt introduced, theyll gave Blaine a glance over. Blaine, this is my best friend Mercedes Jones. Mercedes and Blaine shake hands. And this are Santana Lopez and Brittany S Pierce. 

Hes like a hobbit dolphin! Brittany smiles when she shook Blaines hand. Oh my... his hands are so soft.

Enough! Santana snaps, pulling Brittanys hand away from Blaine and sat down. She eyed Blaine with suspicion. So why havent you tapped Hummels ass yet?

Kurt groans, a firm blush on his cheeks.  This was going to be a long meeting.


Well that went well. Blaine said, when they parked the car in front of the Hudmel house. Kurt nodded. Much to his relieve it was fun, the three girls behaved their selves and Blaine politely had answered all questions he could.

They got out of the car and walked into the kitchen. Kurt found a note that says that his dad and Carole where grocery shopping and they would be back in a hour. This would be perfect for plan B. Blaine?


How much time do we have till you need to leave?

Blaine glanced at his watch. Half hour.

Kurt swallows. Was that enough? How long does it take? Kurt had heard Puck brag about having sex with a girl for 4 hours. He also overheard Finn admitting that his first time with Santana lasted only 3 minutes.

You okay? Blaine looked at him worried. You look kinda pale.

Ehm... yeah, I still have a surprise for you and we dont have a lot of time. Kurt grabs Blaines hand and pulls him upstairs. He closed the door to his own bed room and sat Blaine down on bed. Stay. I... need to use the bathroom first. Kurt disappeared into the bathroom.

So... I need to wait while youre using the bathroom? Blaine leans back, wondering what the hell was going on with Kurt.

After a few minutes Kurt poked his head out of the bathroom, with a firm blush on his cheeks. Blaine looks at him curious. Kurt took a deep breath, walking out of the bathroom. Blaines jaw dropped. He took in Kurts slim, naked body. Kurt didnt have abs but he had been working out and it shows. Damn he looked hot! Kurt is the most beautiful man alive.

Kurt shifted nervously on his feet, crossing his arms in front of his chest. I.. Im ready. For sex I mean.

The words made Blaine stop drooling about Kurts body and he looked up into Kurts eyes. You sure? Kurt nods. Now?

Were alone, my dad and Carole wont be back for a hour.

Thats all Blaine needed to know, before he swoops up Kurt who let out a giggle and placed him gently on bed. Blaine placed kisses all over Kurts body, breathing in his perfect scent, his hands roaming over his body. Blaine stops when he felt Kurt tense when his hand wondered down south. Kurt, you really need to relax or its going to hurt like hell.

Kurt sighs. Sorry, its new for me.

I understand, wait, Ill get some lube and condoms. Blaine got up. Kurt shivers suddenly hit by cold air and already missing Blaines warm body. He heard some clothes being ripped. Then he heard Blaine going through some drawers.



Where are the condoms?

Kurt looks up, his eyes roaming over Blaines beautiful naked tanned body. Of course he looked even hotter naked then with clothes on. He focused on Blaines question and realized his mistake. He blushed. Uhm... I dont have any? He sighs, sitting up. Im so sorry. I planned this for a week... how can I just forget the most important thing? Im so stupid.

You planned this for a week?

Kurt nods shyly. I cant believe it... He got up and wanted to walk into the bathroom again but Blaine stopped him.

Where are you going?

Getting dressed again. Its no use without a condom. I dont plan on being one of those teenage pregnancy...

Blaine frowns, deep in thought. Wait, I might have some in my car. You know... just in case. He gave Kurt a quick kiss. Stay here. Ill be right back. He runs towards the door.

Wait... you need to put on some clothes.

But Blaine was already out of the door, too excited about the prospect of finally having sex with Kurt to even hear him.

Kurt sighs, sitting down on bed. This couldnt end well. It didnt take long before he heard Finn yell.

KURT! WHY IS YOUR BOYFRIEND RUNNING AROUND NAKED IN OUR HOUSE?! Dude, at least cover it. Youre giving me a standing ovation.

A second later Blaine was running back in the room, closing the door and leaning against it. Kurt giggles. This whole situation was too funny. Kurt, I think your step brother might be gay. Blaine breathed. Kurt rolls his eyes. He kept staring at me.

Kurt laughs. Well, even if he is I think Finn wont come out of the closet for the next 30 years, thanks to you.

They heard a door downstairs open. Kurt! Finn! Were home! Burt yelled.

Kurt walked into the bathroom. Time to get dressed and pack your stuff. Just be happy that it wasnt my dad you ran into. Finn is too shocked to tell. He closet the bathroom door.

Blaine groans. Kurt was right, it was thousand times worse running into Burt Hummel but Blaine could only think about how close too sex he was. Soo close...


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