The Beast Within Me
Chapter 21 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Beast Within Me: Chapter 21

E - Words: 4,761 - Last Updated: Feb 09, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/? - Created: Feb 28, 2014 - Updated: Feb 28, 2014
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Author's Notes:

The boy who called Kurt replacable was Sebastian Smythe, just to be clear. And yes Blaine and Sebastian history can cause Klaine some trouble but for now... think happy thoughts:)


Let me know what you think of this chapter:)

Of course the Blaine subject wasnt over yet. Kurt hated lying for his dad and he knew he had to tell eventually but he didnt know what was the right time. And he also hated keeping things from Blaine. Even though it was only one day. But he convinced himself that the surprise look on Blaines face would be worth it, so he kept his mouth shut.

So Dalton huh? Carole said with a smile. It was Sunday evening, time for dinner. Burt and Kurt will visit McKinley and Dalton both tomorrow. Kurt nodded, nibbling on some vegetables.  I heard its a great school, my cousin used to go there too.

If anyone gives you any trouble call us and we take care of it. Burt said, watching his son closely. He was being overprotective of Kurt since he told him everything.  He didnt know if sending Kurt away to Dalton was the best decision.  They would be two hours apart and if something happens Burt wouldnt be there to protect him.

Dad, Blaine is there too. Kurt glares, trying not to blush, taking a sip of his glass of  water.

Well, forgive me to be worried, Kurt. I know Blaine is there but he cant follow you like a puppy all day.

Kurt coughed at his dads word choice and fought to take a breath. 

You all right, kiddo? Burt asked worried.

Just drank too fast. Kurt managed to say with a sore throat.

Carole raised his eyebrows, taking in her step son. Kurt had the same loved dozed face when they mention Blaine and the same blush as when she mentions Rachel to her own son Finn. Kurt is in love with Blaine! She glanced at Burt to see if he recognized the signs but Burt was too busy making sure Kurt was all right. She wondered what Burt would do if she knew Kurt had a crush. Carole decided to tease Kurt a little longer. So... Blaine huh? Ive never met him. He sounds really nice...

Blaine is...

At the same time Finn came downstairs, hearing what the conversation was about. He sat down and smirked widely. So... Finally told your dad about your boyfriend huh? I didnt think Burt knew so I spend Saturday at Rachels so I couldnt spoil anything... He put some food on his plate and didnt notice the shocked face of Burt and Kurt jaw dropped, his fork stuck in his hand, his face paler than normal, just completely frozen. When Finn looked up at the silence he saw their expressions and Kurts murderous glare directed at him. Uhm... you didnt tell him, did you? He asked with a small voice, shoving his plate aside. Suddenly not so hungry anymore.

Kurt! Burt finally managed to choke out, looking at his son who had his eyes firmly trained on his plate. Is this true? Is Blaine your boyfriend? Kurt nodded with a firm blush on his face but said nothing. No way youre going to Dalton.


No! Why didnt you tell me?

Because I know you. If I told you, you never let me go.

Damn right! Burt stands up and putting his plate in the dishwasher. He was done with dinner.

Dad, You knew it would happen someday. I cant be single forever. Im seventeen. 

Youre not old enough for a boyfriend. I think when youre 30 youll be ready. Burt said in a protective manner. We just home school you from now on.


Thats it, no discussion! Burt growls, walking to the living room and sat down on his lazy chair, staring hard in front of him.

Kurt followed him and was grateful that Finn and Carole stayed put. This was something between him and his dad. Dad, we need to talk.

Burt huffs. After a short silence he talked. How long have youve been dating him?

Its Blaine dad, you friends son. You can say his name. Kurt said, already annoyed by his dads behavior. But he couldnt really blame him. Theyve been a lot. Burt was always happy and encouraged Kurt when a boy showed interest in him. Sadly those "boys had internal motives, they would show interest in Kurt just to humiliate him in front of the whole school.

Okay, Blaine. Tell me.

Kurt sat down. I dont know where to begin.

Burt turns his chair to stare at his son. Begin with the begin.

So Kurt told him everything (except the werewolf part). How they met (still embarrassing), how he immediately liked Blaine, how they fell in love till how they got together. ... and I really, really like him dad. Hes the best thing thats ever happened to me. He makes me happy.

Burt didnt know how he couldve missed the obvious signs, Kurt was glowing when he talked about Blaine. But he wasnt so sure about Blaine. Is he sincere with you?

What do you mean?

He isnt using you for anything right?

Kurt shook his head.

Burt sighs, he didnt want to ask the next question but someone has too. He isnt forcing you into things you arent ready for right?

Kurts eyes widened. Dad.

Burt sighs in relieve. Okay, good. Just wanted to be sure. Dont start with that till youre at least 30. Kurt rolls his eyes and Burt chuckled but his face turned serious soon. But I still dont know about you boarding Dalton.

But dad, its a two hour drive. Ill be home late, need to eat and then do homework till the middle of the night. If Im lucky I get two hours sleep, then I need to be up to do my morning routine, eat breakfast and drive back to Dalton. It doesnt make sense.

Burt knew his son had a point and he hated it. He just wanted his son to be save. Does Blaine board too?

Kurt blushed and ducked his head twisting with his fingers. Yes. But a lot of boys do. Please, dad, I want to board. He looked up at his dad with pleading blue eyes.

Burt sighs, rubbing his temples.  Fine. Kurt squealed and jumped up to hug his dad... But I still want to meet Blaine.

Kurt stopped. But, you already know Blaine.

I saw him when he was a toddler and I saw him for 2 minutes when I picked you up. I dont know him that good. Invite him for Friday dinner.

Fine, but let the gun in the closet, dad.

Burt huffs. You need to let me threaten him a little, son.


Can I point it at him?


Can I poke him?

Of course not. Hes a human not a object! Who can easily rip you too pieces if you make him too mad.

Burt pouts. Fine.

Kurts face broke into a smile and he hugged his dad. Thank you, dad. Ill invite Blaine the first thing I see him.

Burt hugged him back. Uhuh, just, no more lying and secrets okay? Im your dad, you can tell me anything.

Kurt swallows. He wanted to tell Burt about werewolves but knew that today wasnt the right time. Well, it never was the right time to tell my dad that Im dating a werewolf... Okay, dad, I promise.


Sue Silvester was surprisingly understanding about Kurts situation and made sure that the jocks involved would get a punishment and she would talk to the school board about it. Kurt grabs his last stuff out of his lockers, while Burt waited in the car. Mercedes and Tina were sad to see him go but they agreed to meet every weekend for a coffee. He heard a cough and closet his locker to see who was it. Rachel Berry. Why cant she just leave me alone? Hasnt she done enough?

What now? Im already leaving, Rachel. Go away. Kurt wanted to walk away but he felt a firm tug on his arm and had no choice to turn around to face Rachel. Damn that girl is stronger than she looks like.

Dont. Rachel sighs. Im so sorry for what I said to you, Kurt. I dont know what came over me and you just need to know that I dont mean anything what I said.

Kurt narrowed his eyes. Rachel seemed sincere but this was Rachel Berry. Really? Because angry people often say things they really think.

I mean it, Kurt. Youre amazing and I have threaded you like shit for years. Youre talented Kurt. Im scared of your talent. Rachel sniffs, blinking away her tears.

Kurts jaw drops. He didnt expected this.

Thats why I freaked out yesterday when you said you wanted to go to NYADA too. I worked my ass off for years, shining in the front, singing my heart out. I need NYADA. My dream is being a Broadway star.


Rachel sighs. Thats why I went too far yesterday. I cant let anyone stand in my way.

Not even Finn?

The girl froze but nodded. Eventually not even Finn. Does that make me a horrible person?

Not horrible, just selfish.

Rachel sighs. Youre a better person than me Kurt. Youll be a star one day. Im sure of it.

Kurt blinks. He couldnt believe that Rachel was actually apologizing, complimenting him and really mean it. Thank you.

So... are you staying at McKinley?

And of course there was a catch at Rachel being nice, Kurt thought bitter. Nope, Im going to Dalton today, write myself in and board there.

Rachel looked shocked. But I apologized... Kurt you cant leave. We need you for Sectionals. Were four members short.

Not my problem, Kurt shrugs, starting walking to the exit.

Are you going to join the Warblers? Rachel walks after Kurt.

I might, now excuse me, my dad is waiting for me. Kurt smiled sweetly at the enraged Rachel and walked to his dads red pickup truck. Never feeling better about leaving McKinley and Rachel far, far, behind him.


Dalton was huge. The parking lot was full of cars but the hallways were empty. Kurt couldnt believe his eyes. Everything was huge and there were a lot of details about art and the history of the school. This doesnt even looks like a school for werewolves. What if a fight breaks loose and all the expensive paintings were destroyed. Burt and Kurt waited patiently in the hallway. Kurt was nervous and his heart was racing. Blaine was here somewhere. He couldnt wait to see him and hold him again. Blaine had texted him that he would arrive today and settle in his room, the classes started on Wednesday officially.

A woman with red hair, green eyes, big glasses and a wide smile finally made her way to them. Mr. Hummel? Im so sorry for the long wait. I had a important phone call I just couldnt miss.

Its okay. Burt said politely, they shook each other hands.

The woman introduced herself as Mrs Schuffer, headmaster.  You must be Kurt? Kurt nodded, feeling more and more anxious. Lets have a talk in my office. Im sure you already know how we work here.  Burt and Kurt nodded. Kurt was secretly praying Mrs. Schuffer wouldnt mention the word werewolf.

Luckily for Kurt Mrs.Schuffer didnt mention "Werewolf" at all, she only talked about the classes, the rules, and asked Kurt a few quick questions about his past. His grades were good enough. After the talk she gave them a tour through the eat canteens and class rooms.

It looks empty. Burt commented.

The students just arrived this morning, theyre unpacking and the few who dont board here come Wednesday. I wont show you the dorms, itll probably be a mess at the moment everybody is settling back in. You can come tomorrow and Ill give the key to your room and you can settle in before the classes start.

 Mrs. Schuffer continues the tour and explained some of the classes. Kurt only half listened, disappointed that he wont see Blaine today. After a hour they said goodbye to Mrs. Schuffer and Kurt and Burt prepared to leave again. Kurt already took out his phone to make a list of stuff he need to take with him tomorrow so he could start packing immediately once theyre home. Burt was happy that his son showed so much interest and hoped he would finally be happy at Dalton.


The next day Kurt drove to Dalton himself. His dad had a emergency call from work, Finn was at school since it was Tuesday and Carole was at work. He had only three suitcases with him instead of his usual five and that already made him nervous. What if I forgot something important?  

Kurt parked his car and fumbled nervously with his tie. God how much he already hated his Dalton suit. But sadly he didnt have a choice, this was required as Mrs Schuffer stated that "everyone wares this because it shows that Dalton is about teamwork." And bad fashion sense...

He stepped out, dragged his suitcases with a lot of effort out of his car (he made a mental note to not pack them so full, it was way too heavy), locked the car and looked around in hope someone will notice that he could use some help with his baggage. There were a lot of boys in Dalton suits, they all walked to the head entrance but no Blaine in sight.

Kurt sighs. He had planned to surprise Blaine during lunch or a class but without his help he wouldnt even get into school. Kurt pulls his phone out of his pocket. Spoiling the surprise... great.

Need some help?

Kurt jumps at the familiar voice and turns around. His jaw dropped. Tim Harlington was leaning casually against the back of his car, smiling widely at him and looking absolutely perfect in the hideous Dalton costume. Kurt felt like crying because he saw a familiar face who actually made a afford to help him. But that would be too dramatic... T-Tim, You have no idea how happy I am to see you.

Well, I have some idea, Tim grins, making his way over and pulled Kurt in a tight hug. I didnt expect you here.

Kurt shrugs. Things change I guess.

Tim nods. That bad huh? He grabs two of his suitcases. Damn, is this for 4 days? Kurt couldnt help but blush. Maybe he brought to much.

Kurt grabbed the one left and they start walking towards the entrance. Thank you for helping me, Tim. How was the wedding?

Tim shrugs. Boring. So Dalton... You know about our specialty? He eyed Kurt a little worried.

I know about the werewolves yes. Kurt secretly wondered if Tim was one too. He probably was but Kurt had a hard time believing sweet innocent, small Tim as a dangerous werewolf.

Hey, Ill introduce you to the most awesome people youll ever see. He waved to a small group of four boys. Kurt already felt self conscious because they all were incredible handsome. He wished he had paid better attention to his hair this morning. Guys, this is Kurt Hummel, and hell be joining Dalton for the first time!

The five boys looked at Kurt with a curiously expression. A Italian boy stepped forward and politely shook Kurts hand with a blinding smile. Welcome, Kurt Im Daniel Roivonni. Tim leans closer to whisper "werewolf" in Kurts ear but Kurt already figured that out somehow Daniel just screamed werewolf.

The boy was pushed aside by a boy with red hair and glasses. Im Austin Gust, its my 3rd year at Dalton. If you have questions just ask. Okay he looked a little nerdy but he also has his .. charms.

Tim leans closer to Kurt and whispers. Human, dating someone in his year. He transferred here to be with his soul mate.  Kurt perked up at this information, looking at Austin a lot better. Austin was like him, finally someone he could talk with. But Austin was already in a deep conversation with Daniel. 

A boy with brown hair and a toothy smile stepped forwards and shakes Kurt hand. Im Aaron Baker. Nice to meet you, Kurt. His eyes roamed hungry over Kurts body and he shifted nervously on his feet. Werewolf.

A huge guy stepped forward and Kurt couldnt help but step back. Damn! The boy/man had brown curls, green eyes and his Dalton uniform was wrapped tightly around his body but the outfit almost begged Kurt to rip it off because it was way too tight to keep those muscles in. Im George Blake.

Kurt tried to smile friendly and quickly said his name. The guy was intimating.

Cant I get a kiss? Tim pouts at George. George smiles lovingly and Kurts jaw dropped again. He was afraid that his jaw might fall off at some point. George leaned in and pecked Tims lips gently, wrapping a protective arm around his fragile shoulders. Tim saw Kurts shocked face and his grin widened. George is my mate, we met at the wedding in France.

But you said it was boring.

Tim shrugs. Guess I found my own entertainment. He winks, leaning closer to Kurt. And if you think only his posture is big, I love being manhandled... well, everything is big about him. And I mean ... everything. Kurt blushed, knowing exactly what Tim meant. Well, he laid it on thick.

Im bored, I want my eye candy! Aaron whines and Kurt would be the boy forever grateful. Who knows what Tim would be spilling more if he hadnt interrupted.

The other boys rolled their eyes annoyed at Aarons statement. Well lets get Kurt settled in okay? He need to get a room first. Daniel said. They walked to the hallway, where it was packed with boys in uniforms and suitcases. Just leave your suitcase behind, well ask for your room number first.

eh... Kurt looked uncertain at his suitcase. He was attached to his outfits and other stuff. He never abandoned his clothes.

Aaron put a comfortable hand on his shoulder. Its okay, nobody will touch your stuff. Well be back within 10 minutes anyway. Kurt hesitantly left his suitcases behind and followed the boys further down the hall, already regretting leaving his things behind and mumbling "Daddy loves you" to it. Finally, maybe my eye candy will be here.

Whos your eye candy this year, Aaron? Austin asks annoyed.

Let me guess, Blaine Anderson! Daniel said, equally annoyed. Kurt froze and was almost trapped by two boys  passing by. He quickly ran to fill the gap that appeared when he heard Blaines name.

Aaron smiled proudly. Of course he is.

Tim sighs. Dont get your head in the cloud, Aaron. Well know how Blaine is. Kurt perked his ears, not wanting to miss anything but at the same time didnt want to hear it. He had a bad feeling about it and it all had to do with Blaines past. But nobody seemed to notice Kurt.

This is different, Tim. Aaron stopped and waited in a long line that lead to the reception. That one night we spend together was special. I could feel it.

Daniel rolled his eyes. Yes I felt him too.

Kurts jaw drops. Seriously?!

Dont get your hopes up, Aaron, who knows how many boyfriends he has, Austin said with a disapproving tone. Remember when he said he was dating a guy named Jeremiah but he still slept around?

Hes a player and will always be a man whore. Daniel muttered. The "werewolves arent capable of love" crap the hunters spread really applies for him. Even if hell ever falls in love I feel sorry for his next boyfriend, he end up hurting him some way or another.

You deserve better, George agreed.

Im more curious if Sebastian Smythe and Blaine will finally end up together, Tim said. They spent the last weeks at Dalton together and seemed pretty sincere. I heard Sebastian brag about that he want to get mated first full month when school starts. Apparently Blaine agreed.

Liar. Aaron said.

No Im sure of it.

Kurt felt the walls closing on him and he just needed to get out of here. He needed to find out the truth between all those lies. He wanted to talk to Blaine. Eh... I need to go.

The boys looked at him and notice the pale face.

What, but you need the keys to your room? Austin frowns confused.

I.. I have more important things. I need to talk to my boyfriend.

Your boyfriend is staying here? Daniels eyes light up. Who is it?


Just tell us, we like to meet him, Tim pushed, he didnt know Kurt had a boyfriend. Everybody stared at him.

Kurt couldnt take it any longer, he looked at the ground. Blaine. His name is Blaine Anderson.

If he had looked up, he probably wouldve laughed at the ridiculous shocked faces of the four boys. Just utter shock.

With that Kurt turned around and walked away. Tim yelled: Room 303. His room is 303. Down the hall left. Kurt made a mental note to thank Tim for understanding what he was going to do and followed his instructions.


Kurt checked all the numbers on the doors but it soon turned out to be a maze. He hold on to the left, like Tim said, but he had a feeling he was walking circles.

 Of course Blaine had told Kurt he was experience but Kurt never expected that Blaine would just sleep around, even when he was in a relationship with Jeremiah. What if Blaine has already moved on ? What if everything he told me was a lie? What if he was with someone right now? Kurt swallows, he didnt want to think about it but well apparently he had every reason to worry.

He was so caught up in his own thoughts that he didnt even see him coming and he hit a wall and he falls on the ground with a loud bam. Well it felt like a wall, a talking wall.

Cant you look out? A voice snapped.

Kurt looked up. The boy in front of him was tall, icy blue eyes, brown hair and he wouldve been handsome if it wasnt for the hateful expression on his face. Im sorry... I...

Whatever. The boy said, stepping over Kurt and walking ahead.

Wait. Kurt scrambled to his feet, and to his relieve the boy actual stopped. Im new here, my name is..

Replaceable? The boy countered not letting Kurt finish. He quickly took in Kurts Dalton outfit. Ive never seen a Dalton uniform so messed up. Youre not even worth it. You wont last two weeks in here, Kid. Go home.

Kurt glares. He could take a lot of crap from anyone but saying that this hideous uniform wasnt even worth him, that pisses him off. I dont know whats been up in your ass to be so rude to someone whos new. But Im looking for my boyfriend, Blaine Anderson. Have you seen him?

The boys eyes widened in surprise. Of course he had heard of Blaine before, as long as he didnt sleep with this ass hole. Kurt thought. Blaines boyfriend? Why would he ever date someone like you? Oh wait.... is this like a stalking thing? Let me guess, he spend one night with you and now you follow him around like a puppy? The boy stepped closer and Kurt stepped back till his back hit the wall. Listen to me, kid, hes not interested. Sure, for one night. But hell be mine soon for eternity. One advise. I can be really nice but dont get in my way. I always get what I want. Before Kurt could say something back, the boy stepped back and followed his way down the hall without sparing Kurt a second glance.

Kurt glanced his fist and stepped further down the hall. It looks like everyone was after Blaine. He felt the urge to wrap Blaine up in his arms and take him far, far away from anyones eyes. But that would make him a creep so he tried to let the boys words not affect him too much. Blaine loves you, he would never fall for such a mean, creepy guy.

Kurt finally found room 303 and his heart was almost beating out of his chest. He couldnt wait to see Blaine, despite the horrible rumors. He knocked and heard footsteps. A boy with brown curly hair and no shirt on opened the door. Kurts jaw dropped for a millionth time today. Damn this boy is hot... wait why is he in Blaines room?

 Can I help you? The boy asks.

Eh... Im looking for Blaine?

Wait. The boy turned, walking further into his room and yelled. Blaine get your lazy ass up here, you have a visitor.

Im not lazy, Im extremely motivated to do nothing. Blaines voice. Kurts stomach made weird flip flops and he wouldnt be surprised if his heart had fallen out of his body. Blaine appeared in all his glory, his curly hair was toned down by gel, he was wearing a casual t-shirts and a tight black pants. He stared in shock at Kurt.


Kurt? I cant believe youre here! Blaine immediately pulled Kurt in a tight almost bone crushing hug and gave loving kisses in his neck.

I transferred, Kurt couldnt help but giggle.

Blaine pulls back, his 1000 watt smile firmly in place. I cant believe it. Youre really here?!

And Im not going anywhere. Kurt stated. He looked over at the curly haired boy who looked uncomfortable.

Oh... Kurt, this is Nathan, Nathan this is Kurt, my boyfriend, Blaine said proudly, after Kurt and Nathan shook hands he quickly put a possessive arm on Kurts shoulder.

And Nathan is...? Kurt asks, ignoring Blaines behavior.

My roommate.

Kurt quirked a eyebrow. Your roommate. oh... There goes his dream of sharing a bed with Blaine and snuggle up in his arms before he fell asleep. Summer was really official over, hello school life.

Nathan saw Kurts look and took it wrong. dont worry, Kurt. Im 100% straight and I have a lovely girlfriend down in Connecticut. He huffs. Besides, Blaine is just not my type, not even when Im wasted.

Hey! Blaine growls.

Kurt looked at his boyfriend. Are you really getting insulted that someone doesnt want to sleep with you? Really?


I think Im leaving, Kurt didnt get a chance to walk away as Blaine scooped him up and gently laid him on his bed.  He giggles, when Blaine straddled his hips and covered him with kisses. Blaine...

Im never letting you go.

Good, because Im not planning on going anywhere.

Nathan coughed, covering his abs with a shirt. Im... going downstairs... or something. He quickly made his way out of the room, closing the door behind him, leaving the two lovers alone.


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