The Beast Within Me
Chapter 20 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Beast Within Me: Chapter 20

E - Words: 6,293 - Last Updated: Feb 09, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/? - Created: Feb 28, 2014 - Updated: Feb 28, 2014
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Author's Notes:

Yes Kurt is going to Dalton!! There will be new characters, some old character come back and of course the Mayor and Hunter will be back at some point to wrap their storyline up.

And... its time for Mr. Sebastian Smythe!

Let me know what you think of the story so far now the summer part is official over and school starts. New drama, romance and yes... smut is on its way.

It was good to be home. When the car pulled in front of their house, Carole already had Kurt and Burt in a tight bear hug, crying and saying how much she missed them. When Kurt entered the house he immediately saw the changes Carole made when they were away. She had hang some old photos of her and Finn in the hallway, also the photos of Carole and Burts wedding were put on there, and a photo of the four of them.

Carole and Burt met two years ago and Kurt was really happy for his dad, but everything happened so fast. Finn had a lot of trouble accepting Kurt sexuality and then he needed to accept Kurt as his brother. Since Rachel had a firm talk with Finn it seemed that Finn had accepted Kurt as family. But there was still some awkward tension between them. Finn didnt understand him and Kurt didnt understand him back. Sure, it was better, Finn talked to him but in school he still turned his back on him when they crossed paths. When Burt told them he and Carole were going to marry, theyre both in shock but did everything to make that day the best day of their live.

Kurt followed Burt and Carole into the kitchen. Carole was a happy babbling woman. The lunch is ready in 10 minutes. I expected you two a little earlier though.

Traffic was horrible, Burt whines, walking to the fridge to grab a beer. After one look of Kurt he put the beer down and grabbed a apple. He mumbles something which Kurt couldnt hear.


Nothing, just happy my son is back and looks after my health.

Uhuh, Where is Finn? Kurt asks.

Oh hes with Puck, theyre going fishing or something, Carole rolls her eyes annoyed. Ive called him but he doesnt pick up his phone. Boys! She muttered, before  walking off to check on the food.

Ill just quickly unpack my stuff.  Kurt grabs his suitcase and was already halfway upstairs.

Burt quirked a eyebrow. You heard Carole, Kurt... 10 minutes! No time for shower.

Kurt sighs dramatically. But I look horrible. Burt gave him a firm look. Fine! He walks upstairs as fast he could with a suitcase and slammed the door with a loud bang.

Burt grins and sat down on his lazy chair in front of the TV. He really missed Kurts temper. He knew the last months have been hard on Kurt, hes been working hard and was barely home. Leaving Kurt with his new step mother and brother. They didnt have any time for their father and son bonding. After his heart attack Burt had sold his garage, and made a switch in his career.  He wanted to make new, better changes for people whore different. Also he wanted to make sure that Kurt would be taken care of and congress business paid way better than working 6 days at a garage. If Burt Hummel had learned anything since his heart attack is that: Life was fragile and every minute spend with the people you love should be cherished. He had been too busy but that was going to change. He wanted to spend the last days of summer with Kurt.  He made a promise to spend as much time with his son before he returned to school and before he needed to work again.


After Finn had finally come home, greeted Kurt with Hey Dude, youre back! (Kurt rolls his eyes annoyed but nodded a greeting back, it was just Finns way of greeting). They finally got to sit around the table for lunch.  It was filled with Finn talking about their camping trip and Carole and Burt talking about their work. Kurt sat silently, not eating much. He really missed the Andersons home. He missed eating dinner with the whole family plus Nick, Jeff and sometimes David, Wes and Sammy Jo. He knew it was stupid because this was his home, but he had homesickness to Westerville. It had become his home over the summer. Compared to the Andersons home, his own house felt strangely... cold. Kurt sighs. Stop overreacting, its your first day at home. Tomorrow I see my friends again and everything will be like it used to be.

You okay? Burt asks with worried eyes studying his son.

Sure. Why wouldnt I? Kurt could feel Finn and Carole also staring at him.

You havent eaten anything. Burt points at his full plate. Kurt quickly took a bite of his toast, it was delicious.

Carole decided to change the topic. Finn, have you heard anything about that poor boy that was attacked? Is he still in coma? Kurt tensed, he had completely forgotten about Karofsky.

Hes still in coma, Finn said with a mouthful. Carole gave him a stern look. Finn quickly swallowed. Sorry. There are no changes. They say his whole body has been broken. The doctors dont know if they should stop the treatment, they wait for the family permission before they do anything. Nobody noticed that Kurt had shoved his plate aside and saw really pale, he felt close to throwing up. The police have no clue on the attacker.

Caroles face hardened. Who could do something like this? I bet it isnt even human. Whoever did this has no feelings, no heart, no compassion.  Attacking a poor, innocent 18 year old boy. If they ever catch the attacker they should kill it immediately.

Carole. Burt said.

Excuse me. Kurt stands up and ran to his room, slamming the door and opening a window. Suddenly it felt like it was 100 degrees. He sat down on his bed, calming his racing heart. Karofsky showed no signs of improvement and it was my boyfriend who attacked him. Karofsky was no innocent boy like Carole thought, but to die like this. No...

A knock on the door shook him out of his thoughts. Burt opened the door and walks inside. Kurt, are you okay? Ive never seen you run so fast.

Im sorry, its just.... I didnt know someone had attacked a boy from school.

Im sure the police do their best to catch the one who did this. There is a towns curfew, everybody need to be inside their home before 9 PM. That also counts for you. Kurt nodded absently. Whats wrong? Youve been absent since you got back. You know you can tell me everything.

 Kurt looked at his father. At that point he wanted to tell Burt everything, he never had secrets for his dad. But how can he explain that his boyfriend, who happened to be a werewolf, attacked Karofsky? His dad would laugh at him. Well I can always try, right? Dad, what do you think about... the supernatural?

Burt blinks. He didnt expected this question. What? You mean ghost or something? He smirked.

Eh... no. Never mind.

Come on, you can tell me.

There isnt much to say.

Okay, but if its really something youll talk to me right?

Kurt nods. Of course.

Good. Burt stands up to leave. Kurt, its good that youre home again. That we both are. When does school start?

Kurt already felt dread at the mention of school. Another year of hell. Not till next week, this week we get our schedule and we have to pick up some books. But thats it.

Great. Burt already thought about what they could do this week as a father and son experience and he left the room with a nod.


Kurt spend hours unpacking and placing everything back in his closet, after that he quickly texted Mercedes back that hell be at her home at 7 PM tomorrow night, then he took a quick shower and did his skin routine. The evening was spend eating and watching TV with his dad, Carole and Finn while flipping through a new VOGUE magazine.  At 9 PM he went upstairs so that he can do his skype date with Blaine. While he waited to connect with Blaines laptop, he couldnt help but feel nervous and exited at the same time. They saw each other 9 hours ago but still Kurt already missed Blaine and couldnt wait to see him again, it felt like a year.

Blaines face appeared immediately with a big white smile plastered on his face, his curly hair hang lose and were slightly wet. Kurt groans. His boyfriend looked hotter than ever. Hi, my love. Long time no see. Blaine teased.

I know, it should be illegal you know...


To be separated.

Aaaaaaaw, thats so sweet and sappy. So hows home?

Its okay. Kurt bit his lip. Should he say it? It felt bad thinking it. Carole did some remodeling in house, it feels weird. Normally Im the one who does that. It still feels like home, its just different.

Have you talked about Dalton yet?

I just got home, Blaine.

Blaine pouts. I cant wait to hold you in my arms again, so hurry up.

Have you talked to your dad yet?

I said goodbye to the love of my life a couple hours ago, can I grieve  a little before the drama starts? Blaine sighs dramatically.

Before Kurt could react a loud bang sound and Blaine was pulled out of his chair and David and Wes filled the screen with two identical evil smiles. Hello, Kurt. Looks like were just in time.

Blaine growls, trying to push the two away. Guys do you mind?  I want a private moment with my boyfriend, GO AWAY!

David tutted. We all know about your private moments, Blaine! Kurt saw his boyfriend stiffen and his face went pale. 

Last time you wanted a private moment to skype was with Jeremiah! Wes pretend to ignore Blaine and look at Kurt. You see... Kurt, your boyfriend has the urge to...

Dont! Blaine growls, pushing Wes away from the camera. Kurt was thankful for that he didnt want to know anything about Jeremiah and skype and the things they could do in "private".

David smiled widely, determined to tease the two young lovers. Lets just say that... Im so happy Blaine is still wearing clothes.

Blaine finally managed to get control of his chair and PC and he pushed David aside. Im sorry, Kurt. I dont know what these two have been drinking.

Talking about drinking, Its Saturday, we need to go out! Wes appears again. You promised we could grab a drink.

Guys, Im talking to Kurt....

I even have pics to proof what has happened, it aint pretty. David said looking at Kurt. Wanna see?

Excuse me for a moment Im going to kill someone! Blaine said politely to Kurt before attacking David. Wes appeared and the only thing Kurt saw of Blaine was when he ran after David and he could hear him growling.

Wes took over. Sorry for this, Kurt, but we really want to go. Blaine has been moping around house and driving everybody mad when you left.

Really?  Kurt melted from the inside. Blaine missed him just as much as I him.  

Wes nods. Dont worry, Kurt hes completely wiped. If another wolf tries anything tonight I castrate him in your honor.

Thank you Wes. Kurt rolls his eyes but was really happy that Wes and David kept a eye on Blaine. Last time when they got out, Blaine wasnt exactly thinking of him.

Ouch, Wes he has my leg!!! David yelled in the background. Damn, his teeth are strong. Kurt could hear Blaine growl.

I need to go, Kurt. Wes sighs. Theyre all crazy. Bye. He walks over to where David lies, untangled Blaine from his leg and dragged a growling Blaine out of the room.

Sorry, Kurt, but... David made his way to the PC.

Its okay, have fun. Kurt said, even though it wasnt okay. He wanted some more time with Blaine and just talk. But he understood David and Wes reasons and it would be good for Blaine to let off some steam, right?

With one last goodbye the screen turned black. The connection was broken.

Kurt prepared for sleep, staring at his phone in hope that Blaine would text him or something. He tried to ignore the thoughts about Blaine dancing with hot guys but it was hard. He decided to send a quick text: "Having fun?"

The reply became immediately. " Its so boring here, I miss you.

"Miss you too, I hate it that David and Wes cut our conversation."

Same, I can sneak out and continue our skype session?"

Kurt smirks, because he knew David and Wes were watching Blaine with their hawk eyes. There is no way that Blaine could sneak out. What about Wes and David?"

"Ill knock them unconscious."

"Theyre your friends."

"So? That means they forgive me anyway."


"Okay, okay. I gotta go, David is threatening to take away my phone."

"Okay, have fun and goodnight."

"Goodnight, my love." Followed by a lot of heart icons which made Kurt melt. He laid his phone down on his nightstand and curled up in bed, missing Blaines presence.  Suddenly his own bed felt cold and empty.


Kurt spend the next day with his dad and Finn on the couch watching football. Okay his dad and Finn watched football, Kurt was busy texting Nick, Blaine, Tina and Mercedes. Tina joined their girls night because Santana and Rachel had both canceled so they can gossip like old times. 

Burt was disappointed that Kurt wanted to spend the night at Mercedes, he had hoped for some bonding time by playing old board games. But Kurt insisted that he needed some girl time before school started this week. He would go with Tina and Mercedes to school to collect their time schedule and books. After that Kurt was planning to go to the hospital to see Karofsky. He had twisted a long time about that but he just needed to know how Karofsky was and if those rumors were true.

Mercedes opened the door with a big smile and pulled Kurt in a bone crushing hug. Kurt, Ive missed you so much!

I missed you too. And that was true. Kurt really missed their girl to boy talk and couldnt wait for sharing the first gossips.

Mercedes stepped aside to let Kurt in. My mom is watching TV and my dad is drinking again- She rolls her eyes annoyed. - Tina is already upstairs, you should go there too. Ill be right up after I grab some snacks.


With one last big smile Mercedes turns around and walks into the kitchen. Something was off about her but Kurt couldnt place his finger on it. A happy Mercedes was better than a sad Mercedes so he let it go. He hang up his jacket and walks upstairs. He opened the door of Mercedes bedroom and got a hand full of Tina Gohan Chang, squealing and jumping up and down.  Missed you too, Tina! Kurt breathed, trying to wiggle his way free from his other best friend.

I cant believe it! Youre finally back! Tina let go but pulled Kurt inside and sat him down on Mercedes bed, looking him up and down.

Says the girl who spend two months in Asia visiting relatives with not even a text! Kurt deadpanned.

Tina groans, her shoulders slumping down in guilt. It was horrible, Kurt. I didnt have any wifi. We were in like a abandoned town without phone reach. Uhg... I was dying. When I came back I heard what happened with Karofsky... She looks sad and Kurt tensed again, feeling like a bucket of ice had hit him. It was getting harder to keep his mouth shut. Tina and Mercedes are my best and oldest friends, what if I told them? Would they tell anyone? Would they even believe me?

Tina suddenly smiled, looking at Kurt with shiny expecting eyes. And that you have a boyfriend now.... Kurt blushed and almost jumped when Tina squealed: Oh my god it is true?! Tell me! Is he hot??

Kurt smiled. Hes super hot.

Tina pulled him in a hug again, sitting down next to him. Im so happy for you, Kurt. It mustve been lonely for you, watching how everyone around you finds love...

Well thats true, Kurt had sit at the side lines for years. Of course there were flirts but that were just jocks who pretended to like him so that they could humiliate him in front of everybody. Suddenly a thought run through his mind and his heart clenched painfully. What would the jocks do when they found out that he had a boyfriend? They would probably just pick on me more. Kurt swallows. He didnt know if he could put up with that any longer. One thing was for sure he wont tell them about Blaine. Blaine was his happiness and he wont give the jocks a chance to ruin that. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to a worried Tina.

Kurt, are you all right? You kinda... zoned out or something.

Tina, you cant tell anyone about Blaine.

What? Why not?

Kurt sighs. You know how school is, Tina. If everybody knows about Blaine then... the bullying will only get worse. Just one more year... I want to survive this year without bruises.

Tina nods sadly. I know what you mean. Dont worry, your secret is save with me.

Kurt sighs in relieve. Thank you, now I only need to talk to Mercedes.

Oh I wouldnt worry about that too much, she has enough relationships problems of her own.

What do you mean?

Sam broke up with her. His dad got a new job in a other town, he needed to move.

Kurt frowns. But... Mercedes was all smiles when she opened the door.

Oh, Kurt you know Mercedes, she never shows her emotions. Tina sighs. Shes a mess since Sam left a week ago. I dont even know what to do and you know Rachel, when the school year is near she becomes her normal selfish competitive bitch. The last thing we heard from her, she said she was preparing for Nationals and her applying for NYADA.

Kurt made a mental note that he needed to start with that too as soon as possible. He wanted to go to NYADA. New York was his future. He was dreaming about it since he was a little kid and he wasnt going to let Rachel Berry stand in his way.

The door opened and Mercedes stepped in, her hands filled with packs of ice cream. We have chocolate, strawberry and bleu berry ice. I call the dips on chocolate. She throws it on the bed, looking at the faces of her friends. And yes, Kurt you can eat this too. Youre too skinny.

From that moment Kurt knew Tina was right, Mercedes was heartbroken. Oh sweetie....

Dont! Mercedes glared at Tina, who looks flustered, and then turns towards Kurt. Im fine.  She turns to her DVD collection, picks three DVDs and gives them to Kurt. Here, pick a movie so we can watch and eat.

Kurt looks at the chosen DVD: Saw I, Saw II, Saw III... No romantic comedys like they normally would watch with a girl night. Kurt sighs. This was going to be a long night.


The next day Mercedes, Tina and Kurt picked up their schedules and books. Being back at school brought back all bad memories but lucky for Kurt the jocks werent in school today. He had a good schedule and he shared all his classes with Mercedes. Will Shuester, their glee club teacher, called a extra meeting the next day.

After picking up their books and schedule Tina and Mercedes went with Kurt to the hospital but they didnt understand why he wanted to see Karofsky. Kurt didnt know the exact reason either. He just needed to do it. He wanted to reassure himself that Dave was going to be okay, it was just a accident. Lets call it denial.

Room 201. Kurts heart was almost jumping out of his chest. He swallows away his nerves and opened the door, Mercedes and Tina waited outside, and closed it behind him. He froze at the sight in front of him. Dave Karofsky was hooked to machines, the only noise in the room was the constant beeping of the heart monitor. Dave looked like a ghost. His face was covered in bruises but the rest of his body was covered under a blanket.

Kurt walks closer. He didnt know what to feel or think. Thanks to me he lays here. If I havent told Blaine anything he would be walking around the hallways of McKinley High next week. Its all my fault. He reached over and grabbed Daves ice cold hand. Tears streaming down his cheeks, his guilt took over. Im... so sorry. I... He wanted to confess everything to Dave, in hope it would take the guilt away.

Do you know him?

Kurt jumped up, turning around. He was face to face with a woman with red puffy eyes, slightly overweight, grey blond hair. In her hands she was holding a cup of coffee and two little kids clings to her legs.  This is probably Daves mother and younger brothers. The guilt only grew stronger. Realizing the woman still expected a answer Kurt said: I... Were in the same school.

The woman changed immediately to a stone cold one. Oh. Well, if you dont mind....  She freeed herself from her kids hands and walks over to the bed, standing in between Dave and Kurt. ... I dont need any curious teenagers hanging around my sons bed. I only want my son to wake up and recover in peace is that too much to ask?!

Thats... thats not why Im here. Kurt stutters.

Why are you here? Mrs. Karofsky eyed Kurt with her grey eyes that seem to see right through his soul. When Kurt didnt say anything (what could he say?) she turns her back towards him. Unless you know who did this to my son so we can hang the son of a bastard then.... please leave and never come back. We have enough on our minds then people breathing in our necks.  She sniffs. Hes a good boy. He has good grades, is popular, and is a kind and generous person. I dont understand how anyone could hurt my little angel like this.

Karofsky was anything but a angel, but Kurt kept his mouth shut. Now wasnt the right moment to say that her son tormented him for years and stole his first kiss. Without regrets, without even thinking about what his actions would do to Kurts life. And his mother knew nothing.

Kurt silently left the room, Tina and Mercedes were waiting outside. When they saw Kurt they said nothing and Kurt was forever grateful for that. He had a lot to think about.


The Glee club meeting was more a "We need more members if we want to compete for Nationals this year"- speech. Rachel took it upon herself to "collect" (her words) new members for her back ground singing group.

Kurt texted Blaine as much as he could and they skyped every day. Blaine had a week longer vacation then him and he was so jealous. News arrived that the classes already started on Wednesday instead of the Monday. Apparently Figgins was fired and Sue Silvester was back on track of destroying teenagers lives by opening the school for classes earlier than planned.

The classes werent mentally challenging but Kurt was happy that he shared the most of his classes with Mercedes. Till Friday. Apparently she had a new boyfriend, a jock named Shane. Kurt was stunned.

But, Mercy, hes a jock. He probably slushied us a couple months ago. He hates us.

Mercedes waves it off. You cant be stuck in the past forever, Kurt. Shane is a good man. He makes me smile.

This is just a rebound because you miss Sam.

Mercedes glares. Thats ridiculous but if you really think that way, I dont want to speak with you anymore. Im happy, Ive found a reason to smile at school. Its my senior year and Im going to do everything to make it well damn perfect. Its time for me. I cant use any negativity. She turns and walks away.

Kurt rolls his eyes at his diva friend. It was obvious that Shane was just a rebound but she was too stubborn to admit it. Before he could run after her, he felt a hard push and landed with his back hard against the lockers. Laughter filled the hallway. Welcome back, homo! And then disappeared again. Nobody helped him on his feet and most of the students didnt dare to look him in the eye, as if they were afraid to be next if they helped him. Cowards! Kurt mentally cursed, getting on his feet and winced because his knee hurt. 

Kurt managed to get through the day, even though Mercedes kept word and ignored him, till Glee club. Santana had walked out in anger, followed by Brittany, while Rachel ranted on and on. But Mr. Shuester, we really need to talk about all the solos Ill be getting. You have no idea how important this year is to me. Its my final year, my final moment to proof myself....

...proof yourself how annoying you are? Quinn yawns.

Can we like gag her or something? Puck muttered. I cant take this anymore.

Rachel glares at them but quickly turns to Mr. Shuester again. What if I start with "My Heart Will Go On"?

Will sighs. Fine, Rachel.

Wait up, what about us? Artie interrupted.

Yeah I want my chance to shine too, Mercedes agreed. I dont know, but we all have dreams of becoming big stars, Rachel, youre not the only one.

Oh please, Mercedes, yes you have great talent but not so much as me.

Oh no she didnt! Mercedes was already on her feet. Mr. Shuester, if I dont get a chance to shine this year, I am out!

Will sighs, rubbing his temples. Kurt felt bad for the poor teacher. He tried to satisfy every wish and need from every student and well... if you have such a demanding student like Rachel Berry, life was hard. Lets just all calm down. Youll get a chance to shine this year.

Kurt jumps up, he couldnt help it. This might be his given chance. Mr. Shuester always gave only Rachel the solos, so if he could get his hands on a solo he could show them how talented he was. Good, because I have the perfect song.

Rachel huffs. Come on, Kurt. You wont stand a chance.

What? Ive been singing back ground for you and Finn forever now, Rachel. I deserve a chance and Im just as good as you.

Rachel laughs but without humor. Ive applied for NYADA, Kurt, you know what that means right? Im going to be a star while you try to... She eyed his outfit in disgust. ... become nothing more than a wanna be designer.

Everyone gasps in shock at Rachel harsh words, Kurt felt like a bucket of ice has been thrown over him. He knew Rachel was a competive bitch when it comes to glee but this was just out of line. If you really want to know, Im going to apply for NYADA too.

Rachel quirked a eyebrow. Really? You know they only chose one student at every school once a year? Youre competing against me, Kurt. My voice is amazing, nobody is looking for a Mickey Mouse voice unless its actually for Mickey Mouse The Musical. Everyone gasps but Rachel wasnt done. Youre a amazing back ground singer, Kurt but to be the lead.... your voice is way too high. Everybody knows Im the most talented one and that you never stand a chance against me. She took a deep breath. The only reason why your useful is that youre dating the Warblers Leader, Blaine Anderson.

Everyone gasps. Kurt wanted the ground to swallow him. He had totally forgotten to tell Rachel not to say anything about Blaine.

Wait what? Finn asks looking extremely confused.

Whats a Wobler? Puck asks.

Rachel, are you sure? Will asks.

Rachel nodded eagerly. I did some research when Kurt told me he had met a boy in Westerville. His student profile is on the site. Well be competing against the Warblers for Sectionals.

But, dude, you could like spy for us or something, Puck said, looking at Kurt.

Im not going to spy on my boyfriend, Kurt blushed, avoiding Finns eyes. Hell probably tell his dad too. This day couldnt get any worse...

Why not? That way youll be useful for once instead hiding behind awesome voices like me or Finns. Rachel looking extremely pleased to see Kurt trying to keep a straight face.

Oh let me slap her! Mercedes glares, clenching her fist. Even Mike, Puck, Finn and Tina had stand up and were glaring at Rachel.

Rachel, apologize to Kurt, this is out of line! Will said. Kurt is a important member of this group. But Rachel didnt move a inch, challenging Kurt with her eyes.

But what was there to fight for? Rachel was right. NYADA would never chose him over her. He only sang back ground vocals and his voice was high pitched. Kurt grabs his bag, he needed to get out of here. Never mind, Mr. Shue, shell never get of her high horse. I quit Glee, I refuse to be Rachels slave any longer.

Rachels yaw drops. But... you cant quit Glee... we need you for sectionals.

So now you need me? Kurt couldnt believe this girl.

You cant just leave.... Sectionals is coming up soon.

Thats not my problem anymore. Kurt turns and quickly walks to the door. He could hear Rachel scream: You cant just walk away. Where are you going? Hiding behind your boyfriends uniform?  You cant hide forever you know!

Kurt texted his dad that he was done with school and needed to be picked up soon. His dad insisted on bringing him to school and bringing him home again. Kurt knew his dad wanted to make up for the lost time and he let him. He enjoyed their talk. But this time... a sadness waves over him. Ohio, McKinley, his home, everything seemed changed. Everybody moved on or something and he was still the same. He felt... lost. As if he didnt belong here anymore. He searched to his contact reading the last text Blaine had sent this morning:

"Courage, you can get through this day. I love you to the moon and back. X"

Kurt smiled and his heart almost bumped out of his chest. Blaine was the only thing what could cheer him up in a moment like this. His good mood was ruined when he heard familiar voices. The Jocks were coming back from their football training. Kurt quickly made his way under a dark corner near the lockers, hoping theyre too busy to notice him. The jocks passed him without even noticing and while Kurt was hiding he realized something... Rachel was right! "You cant hide forever".

Kurt sighs, making his way to the parking lot. I cant hide forever, I need to start living. Living like this is killing me. The only thing he wanted was be around Blaine again. It felt like years. He needed the safety and warmth of his arms. He knew what to do but it wasnt easy. At that moment Burt parked the car in front of him. Kurt greeted his dad and stepped in. It was time for a long talk.


Burt Hummel knew something was up with Kurt but that something was so wrong, he never expected that.  He kept quiet when Kurt told him everything about the bullying over the years. He knew life wasnt easy and he talked to the principle about some occasions but he never knew it was this bad. When Kurt was done, Burt was enraged. He called the school immediately but it was Friday late in the afternoon they agreed for a conversation on Monday.

I cant believe this! Idiots! Dont worry, Kurt, youll never go to that school again!

Dad think about your heart.

T-think about my heart?! Burt huffs, sitting down opposite of Kurt. What about you? I shouldve known that something was wrong.

You couldnt have known, I hid everything.

Damn right you did, Burts voice harsh and Kurt winced. His dad never got mad at him. Why didnt you tell me?

Because I knew you would react like this and I didnt want to risk your health. Please, dad, calm down. Kurt begged.

Burt sat down on his favorite chair, rubbing his temple and taking a deep breath. Im going Monday to that school to speak my mind. What do you want to do, you need to go to school and graduate and show everybody nobody messes with a Hummel. You can be homeschooled.

Dad... I know where I want to go.

Burt raises his eyebrows. Well?

Wait, Kurt jumps up, ran upstairs and got back a couple minutes later. He handed his dad the scholarship papers for Dalton.

Dalton Academy for Boys? Burt read out loud. He looked up at his son. Kurt...

Please, dad, nobody is harassing anyone there. Its completely save.

Says who?

Blaine. Kurt tried not to blush, that name just does something to him he couldnt help it.

Blaine? Burt frowns. Oh, the Anderson kid. To Kurts relieve Burt sounded a lot more open to the idea if there was something Kurt knew. Burt flipped through the papers. Well, if you really want to, we can afford it so I think Im going to make a call to visit the school and have a talk.

Really?! Kurts eyes light up.


Kurt hugs his dad. Thank you.

Yeah, yeah, just next time tell me if something bothering you. You deserve happiness and its time to put yourself first. Now... Im going to make a call. Burt smiles at his sons happy face. A few minutes later he came back, seeing a nervous Kurt sitting on the edge of the couch. Well, it looks like youre going to Dalton. We have a appointment on Monday morning.

Kurt hugged his dad again. He couldnt believe it. He was going to Dalton. He was save. He was going to a place people will recognize and appreciate his voice. Carole entered the room, coming home from her work, and Burt filled her in with the news. Kurt didnt listen. He grabs his phone, wanting to tell Blaine  the good news. But he decided against it. He wanted to surprise Blaine. He couldnt wait to see his surprised face when he saw him at Dalton. I cant believe Im going to Dalton.


Monday.  Blaine drove his car through the gates of Dalton. He could hear the exited voices of David and Wes. Yes its good to be back. He parked the car on the Dalton parking lot.  David and Wes grabbed their bags and were already out of the car. Blaine did the same and locked the car, making his way to the entrance. He saw new faces and old faces who greeted him with open arms. He never thought it could feel so good to be back. He had a miserable week, he missed Kurt too much and lived for their skype sessions and text messages. And now he was back at Dalton where he had enough distraction to take his mind of off Kurt. He took a breath of fresh air before entering Dalton Academy for Boys. It was good to be home.


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