The Beast Within Me
Chapter 18 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Beast Within Me: Chapter 18

E - Words: 5,065 - Last Updated: Feb 09, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/? - Created: Feb 28, 2014 - Updated: Feb 28, 2014
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Author's Notes:

Aw poor Nick:(


Ive never seen something so beautiful.


No Im serious Kurt, this must be the most beautiful hand Ive ever seen. Ever thought about modeling?

Blaine its just a hand! Kurt looked at his ridiculous behaving boyfriend, who was holding and studying his hand as if it was the most beautiful thing in the world.

Blaine cocked his head, looking up into Kurts eyes, pouting. Kurts lips twitch up. Blaine is really like a puppy. Ha, funny word choice! Puppy... Its still the most beautiful hand Ive ever seen.

Kurt rolls his eyes but let his boyfriend gently stroke his fingers and lock them with his own.  Theyre at the hospital to finally remove Kurts cast. Now theyre waiting in the doctors office to make a quick last check up. His wrist has been healed remark fast and Kurt couldnt be happier. Because how is he supposed to explain a broken wrist to his dad? Burt maybe not be around as much lately but he still was really protective of his only son. Besides he left Kurt to be with friends over the summer, who he trusted with his own life.

Thinking about his dad caused a dread feeling in his stomach. He missed his dad, sure. But how was he going to explain that he had a boyfriend now? And that it was Blaine. Kurt wasnt planning on telling the werewolf part till Blaine and he were married. Burt just barely survived a heart attack, Kurt didnt want to be the cause of another one.

You okay?

Blaines voice interrupted his thoughts. Kurt nods. Never better.

Great, because you looked worried. Blaine said, not dropping the topic. What were you thinking?

About my dad.

Blaine frowns. Kurt didnt mention his dad much. You miss him?

Of course... But Blaine, how am I suppose to explain all this - Kurt pointed between him and Blaine - to my dad? Ive never had a boyfriend and hes very protective.

I think I can handle your dad. Blaine chuckles. Werewolf you know.

You dont know my dad, he has a shot gun.

I have claws, teeths, strength, speed...

Blaine, Im serious.

Youre worrying too much, my love. Just tell him were dating. Youre 17, youre old enough to decide who you date.

That brings us to the next topic. What am I suppose to say? That Im dating a werewolf. Blaine, my dad will think Im crazy and send me off to a clinic.

Well, Im not the only werewolf in the world. Maybe he knows some werewolf but never told you. I bet a few friends of his are werewolves or even the neighbors. Kurt, just relax. Everything is going to be fine. Ill introduce myself as your boyfr-

No! Kurt interrupted, his voice high pitched and panicked. I want to tell my dad about us when times ready.

When is that?

When summer is over and Im back in Ohio.

Why wait? Kurt, we are dating for months now I think we should tell your dad about it.

Kurt pulls back his hand and gave Blaine a stern look. No. My dad has a weak heart. Hes working for months, I cant do this too him when he comes to pick me up.

Blaines eyes hardened. You cant or you dont want too?

What do you mean by that?

Are you ashamed of me?

What? No! Kurt reached out to take Blaines hand in his but Blaine stands up, moving away from him.

Because it really feels like that. Im not allowed to meet your friends, you barely talk about your family  and now you dont want to know your dad about us. It just feels like... you keep me away from your life in Ohio and I want to be a part of it. But how?

Kurts face softened a little when he understood Blaines problem. He may have kept Blaine away from his friends but he had a good reason. Blaine,  Im not ashamed of you. Im proud that you are my boyfriend. But... well, my friends... theyre a little bit crazy.

Blaine huffs, turning to Kurt with a disbelieving look. Have you met Jeff, David and Wes?

Kurt giggles. My friends are crazier. You have to believe me when I say that I just want to keep you safe from any of that.

I still want to meet them.

One day. Kurt already made a list of order in which he would introduce his friends. He would start with Mercedes, she was pretty normal as long as you dont mention tots. He decided to never arrange a meeting with Rachel.

Blaine nods and settled with this. He knew Kurt wasnt going to give in, but he couldnt help but be really curious at Kurts friends. He wanted to be a part of Kurts life, his whole life, including Ohio. But Kurt just wasnt ready yet. Its still hurt that Kurt wanted to keep their relationship a secret to Burt.

The door opened and finally the doctor, a middle aged man with grey hair and friendly brown eyed, entered the office. So sorry for the delay, we had a emergency.

Its okay, Kurt smiled friendly, shaking the doctors hand who introduced himself as Dr. Stevens". Blaine just nods a greeting.

Dr. Stevens sat down after his desk. Well, the nurse told me about your healing miracle. Everything looks good, the photos look good too. I want to run a few test to make sure you are really okay and have not hidden damage. It only takes a few minutes.  Kurt just nods and let the doctor do his job.

Blaine could only glare at the doctor when he took Kurts hand and asked him to squeeze as hard as he could. He shouldnt be jealous, the doctor was just checking if Kurt was really healed, but he couldnt help it.

When Dr. Stevens give them the okay to leave, Blaine almost dragged Kurt out of the room.

Blaine! Calm down, I like to have my hand attached to my wrist!

Blaine let go. Im sorry. Its just... He had his hands all over you. He sniffs and made a face. You even smell like him.

Kurt rolls his eyes. He had the age of my dad, so ew! I want to get out of here, I hate hospitals.

Lets go, we wont see the inside of a hospital again this summer, dont worry. Blaine intertwined their fingers.

Where are Nick and Jeff? Kurt looked around in the waiting room. It was filled with people but Jeff and Nick were nowhere. The two wanted to go with Kurt and Blaine, they never told why. Nick and Jeff both were acting odd and nervous when they woke up this morning.

There theyre! Blaine points. Jeff and Nick just walked into the waiting room, both with puffy red eyes as if they had been crying. Nick looked really pale and upset. Were where you guys, and why the sad faces?

Yeah, we should celebrate that I can finally move my wrist again! Kurt jokes, trying to cheer the two up. Nick and Jeff were always a bubble of joy and the silence scared him. Something was serious wrong.

Lets just go. Jeff muttered, guiding Nick through the waiting room to the exit. Blaine and Kurt followed in silence.

The whole drive to the Andersons mansion was in silence. When Blaine parked the car, Nick immediately jumped out of the car and ran into the house. Jeff followed, yelling at Nick to stop. They both disappeared inside.

Kurt and Blaine looked at each other. I told you my friends are weirder! Blaine jokes.


A hour later Jeff finally came downstairs, grabbing something to drink and sat down on the couch next to Kurt and Blaine who were cuddled up watching a movie.

Kurt looks up. Everything all right? Jeff shrugs. Okay whats going on? Why is Nick still in his room?

He locked me out again.

You had a fight? Go make up then. Blaine said.

Jeff sighs. I wish I could solve everything but I cant solve this problem.

What problem? Kurt asks impatient. Jeff always want to spoil any gossip but now he did so vague, it made him nervous.

Nick cant have kids, he is infertile.

Blaine gasps in shock, Kurt frowns. So? There are lots of couples who cant have kids.

But... Nick is crazy about kids. Ever since Jackson is born he keeps talking about it. Jeff explains. He wants to become a daddy. Look, I dont mind. I love Nick. But hes... hes not taking it well.

You could adopt.

I know but.. Jeff shook his head. I dont know what to do with Nick, he wont even let me near him.

Ill talk to him. Kurt sighs, getting up from the couch. Blaine whines at the lost of contact. Kurt rolls his eyes but leaned down to kiss him. Ill be right back.

Once Kurt left, Jeff turned to Blaine with a teasing smile. You love sick puppy.

And I love it! Blaine sighs happily, watching the doorway which Kurt just disappeared through. Waiting for Kurt to return.


Nick? Kurt knocked on the door. The only thing that answered was a loud sniff. Can I come in? Nothing. Kurt opened the door. The curtains were closed. Nick laid in his bed, covered under a blanket, only his hair poking out. Nick. Come on. Talk to me. Kurt sat down on the bed and Nick poked his head under the covers and looked at Kurt with red puffy eyes. He looked like a scared little kid and Kurt felt the urge to wrap him in his arms and tell him everything is going to be okay. But it wasnt going to be okay. Nicks dreams and biggest wish was shattered. Sadly Kurt knew all about shattered dreams.

I dont want to talk, Nick sniffs, whipping his tears away. I never ask for much. The only thing I want was to become a daddy. I know you can adopt and stuff but I always wanted a child of Jeff and myself. A family. I want to show our child the world. I also want to show my parents that I can be a good parent even if Im gay. Nicks tone turned bitter. Now Im not even able to have children. Looks like my parents have one thing right. Im completely useless. 

Kurts heart broke for Nick and he couldnt hold back. He laid down next to Nick and pulls him into a hug. Nick broke down completely. Youre not useless, dont listen to ignorant people, Nick. You are the most caring person Ive ever met. Youll be a great dad one day, just dont give up. Youre just 17. Everything can happen.

What if he leaves me now?

Kurt chuckles. I dont think you can get rid of Jeff even if you want too. Hes crazy about you, hes like a golden retriever. Hell follow you everywhere you go. His words seem to cheer Nick up. Hes waiting downstairs, completely distressed. You should talk and make up.

Nick nods. Kurt?


Can I be the god father of Blaine and yours first child? Nick asks with a small voice.

The question put Kurt a little off guard. He still didnt know anything about male pregnancy and how that works, he also had a lot of plans and wasnt planning on starting a family anytime soon. Sure! 

Nick squeals and pulls Kurt into a tight hug. Thank you, I promise Ill be the best god father there is.

I have no doubt about that.

You know, youre the best friend Ive ever had. I wasnt welcome at my parents house and school... well I hated school. Nick wipes away his tears. Thank you again for pulling me together and not only me. If it werent for you Jackson wouldnt be here anymore.

What can I say? Its a gift? Kurt jokes, trying to light up the mood. He wasnt used to compliments.

It is. Nick nods seriously. It took me months to learn how to calm Jeff down when he was in a state of almost transforming and Blaine just listens to you immediately. I call that a gift.

Kurt shrugs. Mom was always good at calming down people, she was nurse in a mental health hospital. They said she was gifted. I must have inherit it. He stands up and pulls Nick out of bed.

Nick nods. Lucky you. He walks towards the door but stopped. Oh my god! He looked at the mirror that was hanging on the door. I look horrible. Kurt, help me fit some clothes! He ran towards his walk in closet.

Kurt smiles. This was what he could do and was best in. Dressing people. Fashion.


There you are!

Kurt looked up from the book to see Blaine standing in the doorway. Hi.

Why are you in the library when its 30 degrees outside?

Its been a day since Nicks breakdown and things seem to go back to normal. Nick spend every minute with Jackson and Becky.

Just researching for why you react so extreme to everything since the full moon.

Blaine sat down opposite of Kurt. Any luck?

Kurt shakes his head, closing the book. No. There is nothing. You just should ask your dad if he comes back. Maybe he can help you. He sighs. Its just frustrating. Your granddad has spend his whole life doing research but there isnt much. Only his own bitterness. Blaine gently reached out to Kurts hand to calm him down, it seemed to work when Kurt took a deep breath. Sorry. I cant stand to see you struggling and I cant do anything. How can you stay so calm?

Blaine shrugs. I dont feel so tense as I felt after the full moon. Im in control again. But youre right, Ill ask my dad when he comes back.

Kurt nods, standing up to put the book away. Shouldnt he be back by now? Its been two days.

A meeting like that can take a week. My dad is being summoned by another pack, itll be a show of dominance. Whos in charge and who should submit. Its a wolf thing.

Hmm hmm. Kurt walks down the book shelves, studying every book for any clues about werewolf. It wasnt like "Werewolf book over here!" was written on the back. 

So, today theyll reveal the result of whos the next mayor. Well head down to the village in a hour to witness. Well except for Nick, he want to stay with Becky and Jackson. You want to come?

Hmm, no, Kurt grabs another book. I rather stay here to do some more research. I dont think Ill find anything today but Ill try. Besides everybody gonna be there right? Blaine nods, a little confused. I dont think Im ready to meet Hunter yet. I mean... Im not afraid, but I dont feel comfortable around him. Who knows what hes going to do next time he sees us?

Blaine growls, eyes glowing. He wont come near you. Ill kill him before he even takes a step towards you.

And thats what I mean. Kurt said.


It would be best if I stay home so you dont have a reason to kill Hunter...

I dont need a reason.

... and cause any problems. Kurt ignored what Blaine had said. If the Mayor wins this election, and you attack Hunter it wont do you any favors.  We need to avoid them.

Fine, but Im not hiding for anyone. You shouldnt either.

I am not! Kurt gestured towards the books surrounding him. Like I said I want to do this. Im more useful here then  parading into town with a election I cant do anything about it because Im not a citizen.

Blaine sighs, he knew Kurt wasnt going to change his mind and he had a point. Okay. But tonight is ours okay?

You made plans tonight?

I might have made reservation in the most luxury restaurant in town. Blaine walks up to Kurt, smiling because of the happy glint in Kurts eyes at the prospect of some alone time.


Blaine nods, wrapping his arms around Kurt and pulling him closer. With a house full of werewolves... we can use some alone time.

Kurt blushes. We really need some alone time.

We could also rent a room in a hotel... Blaine teased, making it obvious what he meant.

Blaine! Kurt gasps scandalized.

Blaine! Its time to go, grab your eye candy and come on! Jeffs voice interrupted their moment.

Eye candy? Kurt quirked a eyebrow looking sharply at Blaine.

Yeah... well... See you tonight?

Yes, be careful.

With one last kiss they split up. Blaine leaving to spend the afternoon with his friends in town and Kurt spending his day surrounded by books, two teens and a baby.


The park was crowded with people. Theyve voted for weeks and wanted to be on front row to see who will be the new Mayor.

I dont even know why we bother, its obvious that nobody can beat Mayor Clarington! Wes glared at the Mayor who stood on stage giving a long an boring last speech.

Why the positive attitude, Wes? Jeff teased.

Wes growls, showing Jeff his teeth in threat. Dont start with me today, Sterling. Politics are too important to me and I cant stand foul play.

Anyone else wondering what hes planning? David asks, keeping a firm stern on the Mayor who left the stage to let his opponent (a fat man in a too tight suit) speak.

Something tells me it wont be something good, Blaine muttered.

Well in that case its a good thing school starts in a few weeks so we dont have to follow any rules, Jeff said with a big grin.

Since when does Jeff Sterling think school is a good thing? Wes turns to his friend, with narrowed eyes. 

Jeff shrugs. That way I have Nick all to myself. Hes obsessed with that baby.

Sssssssh, are you crazy? Hunter is here somewhere! David hissed. Jeff opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted when a lady took over the microphone and announced that theyre going to reveal the result.

A lot of people moved closer to the stage but the four teens stayed in the back. They had a bad feeling about this. Their feelings were right when the lady announced that Mayor Clarington won again. The Mayor was greeted by a loud applause. 

Why are we doing this every four years? Its useless, he owns the city, Wes growls angry.

The Mayor began his long thank you speech. The teens werent really listening to the I promise to make this town better speech till the Mayor stopped, bowed at the applause. Now if you excuse me I have a important appointment with Mr. Walsh. The teens looked at him in shock when the Mayor walked off of the stage to the hunter, Mr. Walsh. They both disappeared into the crowd.

What was that all about? David asked.

It cant be good for us. Blaine said.

Are you scared yet, Anderson?

They turned around to stand face to face with Hunter Clarington, leaning casually against the wall of a shop.  Hunters smile widened. Hows the wrist of that pathetic human of yours?  Blaine clenched his fist, he promised Kurt he wouldnt fight but... Ive never thought you would settle for something so weak.

Before Blaine could strike, Jeff took a step forward. Whats the matter, Hunter? Jealous?

Hunter laughs. Come on, Sterling. Ive better taste than pathetic weak humans!

Really? If youre so much better then why make a human girl pregnant and dump her, so she knocks on her door and now she and her son are living with us? Jeff spat, eyes glowing.

There was a tense silence as the group watched how Hunter figured out the truth of Jeffs words. Hunter completely tensed. What?! You have my son? He gasped for air in shock. He hadnt thought about Becky since he send her away. He gritted his teeth. Of course she would find shelter with the enemy, I shouldve known! I need to see my son! Before anyone could react, Hunter turns around and ran. Disappearing into the crowd.

Great job, Jeff! Look what youve done! David exploded.

There is no time for fighting! We need to go back! Blaine grabs his phone, dialing Kurts number to warn him.

Well never be on time, its too crowded! Damn it, David why couldnt you park the car closer? Wes cursed, making his way to the crowd.

Hes not picking up! Blaine hang up the phone in frustration. 

Where is the car? Wes asked David.

Two blocks away.

Forget the car! We run! Blaine already sprinted. He just hoped he was in time to stop Hunter. He didnt care that everyone could see his wolf speed. It wasnt exactly a secret in this town anyway. All he could think of is Kurts safety. He couldnt believe Kurt was again in danger, he would never forgive himself if anything happened to Kurt.


Kurt sighs in frustration. He had read through every book but there was nothing to find. There was nothing else to do then accept defeat, hes been here for hours. He looked at his watch: 5 PM. Blaine could return home any moment, its time to get ready for the date.

Kurt picked up all books and put them back on the shelves and made his way to his own room. He could hear Becky in the kitchen, probably preparing dinner for when everyone gets home. The girl had grown close to Elise and Elise gave her advised about how to take care for herself and her baby. Elise was also in town to watch the election, she looked a little lost since James left and was calling his phone every hour. He could hear the TV downstairs, while Nick made his most ridiculous voices to let the little boy smile.

Everything was okay, but Kurt couldnt shake off the feeling that something was going to happen. Something bad. He just closet his bed room door when he heard the kitchen door smack open with a loud bang. He could hear Beckys panicked scream.

Kurt immediately opened the door, ran down the hall and made his way downstairs, only to stop when he saw the scene in the kitchen. Hunter had Becky pinned against the fridge by her throat.

Kurt saw Becky crying. Hunter growls: Where is he? Tell me! Where is my son?!

Kurt looks around for a weapon to help the poor girl, when he saw Nick sneak into the kitchen. In one hand he was holding a baseball bat and in the other he was holding Jackson. Kurt hoped Nick wouldnt... it was too dangerous. But Nick hit Hunter on the head hard with the baseball bat. Hunter stumbled on the ground and let go of Becky. The crying girl gasped for air, Nick tried to help her on her feet but she could manage to croak out: Run, hes after my son! Please, safe him. Before she lost conscious.

Nick and Kurt looked at each other. Both didnt want to leave Becky but they didnt really had a choice as Hunter was quickly on his feet again, turning towards his attacker. Hunters eyes shift between Nick, Kurt, the baseball in Nicks hand (which he quickly dropped) and then his eyes stopped at the baby in Nicks arms. His eyes began to glow and he gave Nick a murderous look.

Nick and Kurt turned and ran upstairs. They could feel Hunter following them and it wont be long before he would catch them. Any weapons? Kurt managed to say.

My room is the closest! Nick quickly made a quick turn to the left, almost tripping on his own feed. But they managed to reach the safety of Nick and Jeffs room. Nick quickly closet the door and locked it.

Is it going to hold it? Kurt points at the door. He could hear Hunter pounce into the door at rapid speed.

No. Nick huffs, gently giving Jackson to Kurt. He walks towards his walk in closet, pulls away clothes and grabs two guns. He gave one to Kurt who was surprised by the weight of the gun. I removed the safety bar. Just pull the trigger and shoot when he gets to you. Its poisoned bullets, I dont have any silver left. It wont kill him, it just puts him into a deep sleep. Now, quickly grab Jackson and hide. He gestured to his closet.

Wait, what are you going to do? Kurt asks. His bad feeling was rising.

Holding him off as long as I can, Nick said. They heard more bangs on the door and it wouldnt be long before Hunter would break through. Kurt didnt miss the look of fear on Nicks face.

No, Nick, hell kill you.

Protect Jackson, Kurt, thats all what matters.

Are you crazy? Kurt hissed. We hide together.

And die together?

Okay, Nick had a point. But Im not going to watch him die. Kurt turns to the closet, wraps Jackson in soft clothing and closed the door. Nick glanced at him in disbelieve. Kurt walks over, cocked the gun, points it at the door with shaking hands. Im helping you.

Nick still looked at Kurt in shock when Hunter finally took the door down. His first eyes met Kurts, who was closed to the door. Before Kurt could do anything, Hunter had him already thrown against the wall as if he was made of feathers. Kurt groans when his back made contact with the wall, the gun fell out of his hands. Why am I always the one who gets hurt?

He heard gunshot and winced at the noise. He could hear growling, a loud smack, Nicks screams and then he saw Hunter had Nick pinned on the floor. Nick was bleeding but he wasnt giving up, he was still fighting. Kurt could hear Jackson crying. It only took a moment of Nick and Kurt to lock eyes, Nick nods and Kurt knew what he should do. Take Jackson to safety.

Kurt crawled to Jackson, gently lifting the distressed baby in his arms and shushed him to silence. He ignored the pain in his back, stands up and want to leave the room. But Hunter was blocking his way out. You again? This time you wont be so lucky.

Kurt shield Jackson with his own body, not moving a inch when Hunter walks closer. Not that he had anywhere to go. Suddenly Nick, covered in blood, grabbed Hunters leg and the werewolf tripped. Run, Kurt!

Kurt quickly made his way out of the room, almost bumping into Blaine, Jeff, Wes and David. Kurt, are you okay? Blaine quickly gathered Kurt in his arms and checked him for any wounds.

N-nick... Kurt points to the room.

Jeff immediately run towards the room and they could hear a fight break lose. Wes and David followed Jeff inside for any help.

We need to call a ambulance and police, Kurts voice was shaking and he was on the verse of tears.

We already called them.

Blaine, there is a gun in there, it takes Hunter down.

Blaine nods and made his way into the room. David, Wes and Jeff were all struggling with Hunter. Nick lay unconscious in a pool of blood. It really looked bad. Blaine found a gun, told his friends to move and shot Hunter without merci in his shoulder. Hunter fell down.

Jeff made his way to Nicks side, whispering to him to please wake up. Blaines heart broke for him. Jeff growls when Nick and David wanted to come closer. There was no way he would let anyone come close to his mate.

Kurt appeared in the doorway. His face went pale when he saw Nick laying in a pool of blood and he started shaking. Blaine wraps his arms around him and Jackson. Is... is hes going to be okay?

They heard the ambulance sirens. Help was on arrived.

Blaine? Kurt looked at Blaine with hopeful eyes filled with tears. 

But Blaine didnt know what to say. Was Nick going to be okay? He didnt know. He could only pray that his friend would make it.


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