Feb. 9, 2015, 6 p.m.
Feb. 9, 2015, 6 p.m.
So ive got some news... I finally made a account on the famous FF.net. (same penname) I plan on uploading my storys there also but that could take awhile because Im still trying to figure that site out. And dont worry, I keep on uploading here. Please keep reading, reviewing this story on this site because I plan to upload the full story here first. The other account is more as a back up account so that if something happens to S&C or if my PC fails me, this story gets finished no matter what. So if you dont see any updates for like 3 months, then something went wrong probably with my PC, you can also go to the other site.
Anyway... let me know what you think of this chapter.
Before Kurt could ask more question he gets pushed aside by Sarah and David who hurried Becky inside. Kurt closet the door in confusing but followed the three teens.
Blaine finally made his way to the kitchen where David, Sarah and Becky had rushed in. David, Sarah... Whats going on? His eyes landing on a highly pregnant Becky, who tensed when Blaines eyes fell on her. She wrapped her arms protectively on her baby bum and looked at the ground. Oh my god, David tell me you didnt... Blaine gestured to the baby belly.
David frowns confused. What? Blaine gave him a look. Of course I didnt! For god sake, Blaine. I'm not some slut who makes teenage girls pregnant.
Explain whats going on then, Blaine sat down. Kurt and David followed but Sarah peered out of the window nervously, as if she wanted to make sure they werent being followed. Becky also stayed on her feet, she stood behind Kurt and David, far away from Blaine. Blaine ignored the pregnant scared girl and frowned at Sarah. Whatre you doing? Playing CSI?
Im just making sure nobody followed us, Sarah said, finally turning her back at the door and took a seat.
Okay, why would anybody follow you? What the hell is going on?! Blaine snaps losing his patience.
Would you calm down? David gestured to Becky. All eyes went to her, the girl was shaking, staring at Blaine with big scared eyes.
Kurt felt bad for her, the poor girl was soaked wet and she could give birth any moment. He stands up. Becky? Remember me, I'm Kurt? The girl nods and gave him a weak smile. Do you want to sit down in the living room? Its much better than standing and you must be exhausted. He reached out his hand. Come, Ill make you some tea too. He gently and slowly leads her to the couch. When he came back he immediately made some tea. Poor girl, shes exhausted.
Weve been hiding for weeks, Sarah explains.
For who? Blaine asks. If youve been hiding for weeks I like to know for who and if hes so dangerous why you would lead him to our house? Kurt tip toed out of the kitchen to bring Becky some tea and came back.
When is your mother coming home, Blaine? She needs new warm clothes.
She can come home any minute, Blaine answered, glancing at the worried expressions of his friends, and glared. Explain why you would bring a pregnant girl here instead of a hospital?
Sarah nods toward Kurt, who sat down next to Blaine. Kurt, shes searching for Kurt for weeks now.
Me? Why? Kurt frowns.
Dont look at me, I only found out 2 days ago, David shrugs, holding up his hands in surrender.
Sarah took a deep breath. It all started 3 weeks ago. I noticed some strange behavior in my best friend Jessica - David rolls his eyes but Sarah ignored him- she was keeping a secret. I thought it had something to do with her ex boyfriend, so I called David to help me. Well.... It turned out she was hiding a friend of hers: Becky Walsh. Becky was homeless and pregnant. The father of the child turned her down and well you know her parents...
Kurt nods. Poor girl. How can Beckys boyfriend dump her just like that? Its his child too. He cant just walk away...
Whos the father? Blaine interrupted.
Sarah and David looked at each other before looking back at Blaine. Sarah bit her bottom lip. I dont know. She never told us. But shes scared to death from him.
What happened to Jessica? Why isnt she here with you?
She quite when I told David what happened. I didnt have a choice. David turned up at my doorstep right after I left the hospital. He thought I was pregnant. Thanks to someone. Sarah glared at Kurt, who flushed bright red at her intense stare. I couldnt leave Becky like that. Shes about to pop out her baby. She kept blabbering about a angel with pale skin that could protect her from werewolves. She shrugs. Obvious she doesnt know that Im a werewolf too. She smiles at Kurt. Guess we found that angel of hers.
Kurt turns to look at Becky, who observed her surroundings nervously but taking a sip of her tea. Thats ridiculous. Ive only met her once. How can I protect her from werewolves when I didnt even know they existed a month ago?'He sighs. ‘I can't even imagine how she must feel. Pregnant and rejected by the one she loves most. Not to mention her fucked up family, who's dad is willing to kill her child.'
‘How far is she?' Blaine asks.
‘She's 4 days over time.'
‘She needs to go to a hospital, we can't let her deliver the baby here!'
‘She doesn't want it.' David said. ‘We've already tried to get her to the hospital but she's just too scared.'
‘Let's call a ambulance and just force her…' Blaine stopped when they heard a loud groan from the living room. Kurt jumped up and hurried towards Becky.
‘We can't force her, smartass,' Sarah continued. ‘Even I know that too much stress is wrong for the baby.'
‘Oh she won't have stress when she find out that she's in a house full of werewolves?' Blaine's voice dripped from sarcasm.
‘Calm down, both of you. This is not helping either.' David sighs, rubbing his hands over his face. ‘I wish Wes was here, he knows what to do. I say we call a ambulance to pick her up. We don't know anything about this and we don't have any supplies.'
‘I have clothes and diapers in my car, David we can't put her through this.'
Kurt came back in, his eyes wide, he was hyperventilating. Blaine was by his side immediately. ‘Kurt, what's wrong? What happened?'
‘Sh…s –he… she's… l-eaking,' Kurt stammers, feeling light headed at the image he just saw.
‘She's leaking!' Kurt's voice high pitch in panic.
Sarah seemed to understand what Kurt was trying to say as she jumps on her feet and ran towards the couch. ‘Eh… guys… Becky's water just broke.' She runs back to the kitchen. ‘No time for a ambulance, the baby is coming now. Where are the towels? I need hot water.'
Blaine grabs towels while David fills a bucket of hot water. Sarah gently pushed Becky in a laying position while Kurt grabs a blanket to cover her body.
‘What now?' David asks, standing awkwardly next to the couch, trying not to look at the dripping wet couch.
‘We need help, this is all I know!' Sarah huffs, wiping the raindrops falling out of her hair from her face. ‘Also… I could use the bathroom.' She runs away again.
‘Ambulance it is.' Blaine mumbles, he wanted to walk away when he felt a weak hand clam around his arm. He looks down at a sweaty, panicking Becky.
‘No… no please no doctors.'
Kurt kneeled down and pried away her hand from Blaine's arm. ‘Becky, sweetie, we really need too. We don't know anything about baby's' - It also could shock us for life because we're only 17… But Kurt kept that thought to himself – ‘we need help so that we can secure the health of you and the baby.'
‘You don't understand…' Becky clenched his hand in a death grip when she's went through a contraction. ‘… My mom works at the local hospital.. she'll find out and warn my dad.' Tears were running down her cheeks (tears ran also down Kurt's cheek's because she was squeezing his hand rather painfully now). ‘I can't … Kurt, I can't lose this baby.'
‘Okay, Blaine and I figure something out, but you need to let go of my hand before I need to bury it.' Kurt smiles sweetly, Becky lets go and grinned sheepishly. ‘David stay with her.' David opened his mouth to protest but before he could Kurt pulls Blaine into the kitchen. ‘What are we going to do now?'
‘We don't have a choice, Kurt, we need to call the ambulance.'
‘No, I won't let them lay a finger on her or her baby.' Kurt said, pacing around the kitchen table. ‘You haven't heard them talk about the baby. Her father treated it… like a animal. Her mom wasn't much better. We need to protect her.'
At that moment Sarah came back. ‘Is the baby born yet?' Kurt and Blaine both shrugs. She walks into the living room. They could hear her ask: ‘David, go see if the head of the baby is there!'
‘I'm not going to look down there!' David snaps.
‘O come on you've never been this prude.' Sarah sneers back.
‘They make quit a pair don't they?' Kurt's lips twitch up at the argument.
Blaine nods. ‘But I have no idea what to do.' He sat down, Kurt followed opposite. Blaine links their fingers together. Still amazed about how they fit so perfectly together. ‘So far our romantic night isn't going well.'
‘Really? What gives it away? The bickering pair in the living room or the teenage girl who's been giving birth on your couch?' Kurt cocked his head to the side and Blaine couldn't help but laugh. Kurt's lips twitch up. He loved Blaine's laugh even in a situation like this. ‘Wouldn't your mom be mad, the couch is pretty much ruined.'
Before Blaine could answer a idea hit him. Mom! Why haven't I thought about this earlier? My mom! He jumps up and grabbed his phone.
‘Blaine, what's going on?'Kurt asked worried.
‘You're a guineas, Kurt!' Blaine dialed the number he knows so well.
‘That's always great to hear… but what have I done?' Kurt eyed the werewolf still with a lot of worry.
‘Go to the living room and tell that there is help on the way.' Blaine held the phone to his ear, Kurt turned around and walked back into the living room.
‘With Elise Anderson.' Elise's voice.
Blaine could hear footsteps and a voice mumble something in his mother's ear ‘Is that Blaine?' It was his dad, he couldn't help but roll his eyes. ‘Mom, you need to get home as fast as you can. We have a small problem…'
How long does it take for your mom to get here, Blaine? Sarah asks. She was sitting between Beckys legs who were covered up with a blanket. David stand behind her, despite his dark skin he looked paler than normal. He looks close to pass out. Kurt was holding Beckys hand, giving the girl advise to take deep breaths.
She shouldve been here by now! Blaine bit his lip, he saw the teenage girl in obvious pain. Becky screams in pain, clenching one hand around her belly and the other hand was crushing Kurts hand. Blaine saw Kurt wince in pain and trying not to cry out in pain. Blaine walks over and placed a hand on Kurts shoulder. Let me take over before she breaks your hand.
Kurt tried to wriggle his hand free but Becky tightened it in panic. She screams out in pain again, and both her hands clench around her belly.
I see blood, a lot of blood! Sarah said in panic. I dont think we have anymore time, she need to push now.
Blaine could hear footsteps in the hallway, sighs in relieve and retreated to the kitchen. The door opened and a bickering Nick and Jeff walked in.
How could I know that that girl is gonna die? Jeff argued.
Geez... maybe because the movie is called "Slaughter Fest Part 3"! Nick deadpanned, throwing his jacket on the closest chair, wrapping his arms around his chest, glaring at Jeff. Jeff shrunk slightly at the look Nick gave him and Blaine already regretted walking in on the two lovebirds. They didnt fight a lot but once in a while they had a argument and it could take hours before Nick forgives Jeff for whatever little thing he did. You know I despise horror movies!
Nick, baby! Jeff steps closer to Nick, until he finally picked up the unfamiliar scent and he froze. He turns towards the doorway to the living room, where Blaine shift uncomfortable. Blaine? Why do I smell blood?
Blood? Nicks eyes widened. At that moment Becky screamed again in pain. Nick quickly brushed past Blaine, ran to the couch.
Jeff followed but stopped when he saw whats going on. He glanced at all the people in the room, frowned when his eyes found Becky, his eyes stopped at David. He gasps. For god sake David, what did you do? Can you never keep it in your pants?!
David growls. Its not mine, Sterling. Why are you all thinking its me? Im not someone who would make a girl pregnant and just leave.
Well, obviously otherwise you wouldnt bring her here! Jeff said. He glanced at Sarah. But I thought you and Sarah...
Forget it! David growls, heading to the kitchen before he would kill Jeff.
Nick kneels down, checking over Beckys body. Sweat was rolling down her face, she panted and her breathing came erratic.
Please. Tell me you know what to do! Sarah practically begged.
Well, I know something about CPR and I think about becoming a doctor.
Really? Jeff and Kurt both asks in surprise. Well, it isnt so surprising, when I think of it. Nick is probably the most caring person ive ever met. Kurt thought, turning to the surprised look on Jeff's face. ...and obviously those two dont talk about their future a lot..
Sarah made place for Nick when the door opened again and James, Elise and James ran into the room.
Mom? Dad? Thank god. Blaine sighs in relief. It was like a heavy weight was lifted of the teens when Elise and James came in.
Elise glanced at Beckys form, grabs one of the hot towels and lays it down gently on her forehead. James turned towards the teens. Okay, everybody, go to the kitchen or upstairs. We need some peace in here.
Wait, I could use some help. Anyone? Elise asks.
Theyll looked at each other. Nobody really knew what to do of if they wanted to help. Kurt had seen enough labor TV shows and knew he couldnt keep his stomach at rest.
Nick stepped forward. I want to help.
Elise nods. Anyone else?
Nobody said anything. Sarah rolled her eyes at the man in the room. Fine, Ill help.
Okay, everyone else go! Elise commanded firmly.
Theyll sat down in the kitchen, James pacing nervously around the table. Does anyone know the father?
She wont tell, David shakes his head.
Does it even matter? Kurt asks. Someone who leaves his pregnant girlfriend doesnt deserve to be a father.
Its a little bit different with us, Kurt, Blaine sighs. Bloodlines are more important in a pack then friendship. Family is everything.
So? What has this to do with Becky? Kurt quirked a eyebrow.
Blaine means that the father can come looking for his kid when its born and he gets a sniff of his own blood, James explains. Lets all hope that it was just some lonely wolves. We get a lot of orphans asking for help when they transform for the first time. Most of them are bitten so they dont have a family member to turn too and others find their family when they turn for the first time. They return to their family no matter if they abandoned them or what weve done to them. The bond of blood goes further than friendship.
Kurt wanted to ask some more questions but he stopped when he heard another heartbreaking scream in the living room. He sipped his tea in silence.
Hours passed, they entertained themselves with board games, telling each other storys or joking around. Jeff grew more and more agitated the longer he needed to wait till Nick returned (Into my arms! Jeff sighs desperate), Kurt had trouble keeping his eyes open (it was 3 AM in the morning), David hadnt moved a inch and sat in silence, and Blaine and James had a quit conversation. From time to time they were interrupted of shaken out of their condition by a running Nick or Sarah, who said nothing but grabbed some stuff they needed and disappeared again.
This made Kurt make a important decision. Ill never have children till Im at least 40 and Im not the one whos carrying the child. Ill adopt or something. His thoughts grew only stronger when he could hear the noises Becky made. The pain. Poor girl. He almost jumped out of his own skin when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turns to look in Blaines face, who sat down next to him. Hi. Kurts voice slurred with sleep.
Blaine smiles. You should go to bed, Kurt. It can take a while and youre exhausted.
Kurt pouts. The little one let us all wait too long. But... I really want to see the baby before I go to bed.
God or someone who rules the universe decided to grant his wish because the minute he said that, they heard a baby crying. Everyone jumps up at the sound. It still takes a few minutes before Nick walks into the kitchen with a crying bundle, smiling and making cute sounds at the baby. He looks up with a big bright smile. Its a healthy boy, Becky named him Jackson.
Is she okay? Kurt asks.
She is exhausted, but I think shes doing okay. Nick give Jeff the baby. I need to make a bottle of warm milk for him. Elise said we had some milk and still a baby bottle somewhere. He searched through the drawers till he finally found it. Jeff looked awkward at the crying baby in his hands and shifted uncomfortable.
Elise walks in, dirty clothes and she looks exhausted. Kurt walks towards her. How is she?
She lost a lot of blood, but shes stable. She needs to rest now. Elise washed her hands.
No hospital? David asks.
Elise shakes her head. She did amazing considering the werewolf pregnancy. When she saw Kurts confused look, she explains: Its not much difference between normal pregnancy and werewolf, but shes young. A lot of teenagers wont survive the labor. She sighs sadly. Some girls chose to be bitten so they can take the pregnancy better but they die during the labor. Their body simple cant handle so many changes.
And you did it too? Kurt asks, taking in her figure.
I did before I got pregnant and James and I decided to have children. Elise shrugs. Their talk got interrupted by James holding up the baby in the air, who giggled. James smiles back happily, his eyes sparkling.
He did that to me too when I was little, Blaine said, narrowing his eyes at his dad. Hey, dad remember when you threw me up and I hit the wall? James stopped immediately with wide eyes at the memory, blushed and smiled sheepishly.
That actually explains a lot! Jeff teased, Blaine glares. What? Jeff put his most innocent look on his face.
James sniffs and he froze completely.
Dad? Blaine moves closer but froze when the scent caught his nose too. Jeff and David sniffed the air too and tensed up.
Is that... Hunters scent? James growls, his grip on the baby tightening. The baby squirmed and began crying again. Nick quickly put the bottle of milk down and managed to get the baby away from the Alpha and cradled the baby close to his chest stepping away till his back hit the wall.
Becky wants to see her baby, Sarah walks in but stopped when she saw the scene in front of her. James, Blaine, David and Jeff were all tense, cornering Nick. She sniffs the air and crunches her nose when she could smell the scent of Hunter Clarington. Her eyes widened in shock. Oh god, Becky didnt...
Stay away from him! Nick squeaked.
Nick, its Hunters son! Jeff growls, eyes glowing, teeth growing and his fist clenched to his side.
No its a innocent baby, you cant do this!
Give him! David growls, stepping closer.
Nick only tightened his hold on the baby. Elise hadnt move, she could also smell the scent of the baby but didnt want to let her instincts take over, instead she focused on her husband. James, Nick is right, hes just a baby.
James looked at her and a normal wolf would step down and show submission but Elise just stared back. Even Kurt, who sat in silence and shock at the scene in front of him, wanted to hide under the table because of that deadly stare. Elise, I cant let them live. If Hunter founds out, hell be here on our doorsteps.
He wont found out, Elise spoke calmly, but her heart was racing. She had seen James lose control a lot and it never ended up good. But she couldnt let them kill a baby.
Elise, they always find out! James snarls. Even if he grows up here, hell return to his dads pack. Have you any idea what will happen if that happens?
Well figure it out when the time comes.
This means war, Elise! James yells, Kurt wince at the loud noise. He wasnt used to James losing his temper. He knows James was the leader but he always seemed so ... mellow, kind hearted, sweet. A family man. Itll be a blood bad. The child has to die! He steps closer to Nick.
Nick quickly searched through his back pocket to that one thing that could save the childs life. When he finally got a hand on it, he held it in front of him and James hissed and stepped back. He was holding a small silver key. You have to kill me first.
Nick. Jeff steps closer but Nick turns to him with the key, he stops immediately.
Kurt rolls his eyes and stands up. He was done with the werewolf drama. He steps towards Nick, who looked at him in surprise but gave the baby to Kurt when he reached for it. At first it felt awkward to have a newborn baby in his arms but soon hell got the hand of it. The baby looked at him, confused. As if he was asking him why everyone was upset with his presence. Kurt felt bad for the baby, just a few minutes old and people already wanted him dead. That wasnt right. He walks over to the bottle of milk and held it in front of the baby. The baby made grabby gestures and Kurt was slightly put of at the behavior of the baby. It was clear it was already more active and more able of things than a normal baby. The benefit of being a werewolf.
Blaine watched in awe at Kurt feeding the baby and gently rocking it in his arms. He calmed down his instincts. He knew he loved Kurt but seeing him with a baby, he loved him even more. Kurt might not realize it yet but he would be a great daddy one day. Blaine walks closer gently, Kurt looked up, their eyes locked. Kurt sighs. Honesty, I dont know how anyone can harm someone like him? You should be ashamed of yourself to even think it.
The wolves looked at each other. James scraped his throat, he also seemed a lot calmer. Instincts. You wouldnt understand.
Maybe not but this baby doesnt ask for this. We cant decide about life or death. Its not right! No matter if you're a human or a werewolf. The baby didnt ask for a dad to leave his mother before his birth. Being a dad isnt decided by blood, but by raising, caring, loving the child. Thats more important. Jackson deserve a place to call home, someone who teaches him when he turns 12. Life is already hard enough, Im not turning my back on someone who came here highly pregnant asking for help. Kurt turns to the group who all listened to him with a look of awe in their eyes, even James. So.. if you cant accept him, Im leaving and Im taking Becky and her son with me.
Blaine growls his disapprovement and glared at his dad. No way he would let Kurt leave. Nick walks over and stands behind Kurt. Count me in too. Jeff growls too.
I think Kurt made his point clear, Elise cut in. Jackson and Becky stay as long as they want. James, well be fine. Weve taken a lot of children in our pack and they never ran back to some estranged family member. He deserves a chance too.
James huffs. Fine. But dont say I didnt warn you.
Elise smiles, walks over and gives him a kiss on his cheek. Everything will be fine. As long as nobody spills this to Hunter?
Theyll nodded, and David said: Not a word from us, Mrs. Anderson.
This is all touching and stuff but Becky still wants to see her son and she needs a place to sleep, Sarah interrupted the moment.
I think it needs to burp! Kurt said in slight panic. I dont mind feeding the baby or give a inspirational speech but I dont want to let that child throw up on my clothes. Theyre McQueens, for god sakes.
Luckily Nick took over with a big puppy like smile. Ill take the little boy to his mom. She can take our room.
Nick! Jeff whines, following his boyfriend to the living room. It was obvious he didnt want to give up his room. Sarah follows them to make sure theyll be okay.
Kurt rolls his eyes at the blond. You were amazing. Kurt turns to see Blaine, smile at him with a new adoration.
Oh, it was nothing. I couldnt let a baby get killed. Everyone would do it. Werewolves should use their common sense more instead of their instincts.
Its not that easy. Blaine smile disappeared.
I know, dont worry. Everything is fine now.
Thanks to you. Blaine gently pulls him closer by the waist. Youre a hero. Kurt shrugs, blushing shyly and stifled a yawn. Go to bed. Come, youre exhausted.
I dont think I can sleep just yet, Im tired but... well a lot has happened, I just want to help some more. Kurt admits.
You helped enough.
David yawns. Im going home if you dont mind, Im beat. They wished David a save trip home and a goodnight.
Blaine and Kurt helped Jeff get Becky and the baby in Jeff and Nicks room under loud protest from Jeff. Blaine stayed behind to make sure theyre all okay. Kurt wanted to go to his bedroom and go to sleep till he heard footsteps and some noise in the kitchen. He walks downstairs, Elise was walking with cleaning supplies and buckets to the living room. Need any help?
Elise jumped. Oh Kurt, you scared me.
Im sorry, I didnt mean too.
No its okay, Im just a little...
Elise smiles weakly. A little. But I have to clean the couch if we ever want to sit on it.
Can I help?
You should be sleeping, Kurt. Ill be fine.
I really dont mine, I always clean to clear my mind.
Well, lets get started then. Elise made a face. Its not my favorite thing in the world.
Kurt laughs. Itll be faster with two persons. He took over some supplys and couldnt help but wonder. Where is James?
He needed some time to cool off. Elise shrugs. Hell be fine. Werewolf temper, you know?
They cleaned in silence. That was till Kurt couldnt hold back his question anymore.
Do you regret it?
Elise turned towards him with a frown. What?
Turning yourself.
Elise bit her lip, deep in thought. Times changed now. Back then... My whole life I wanted kids, a family. James kept me out of his secret life for the first months. I didnt care that he was a werewolf, I knew he would be the one. We got married and things changed. There wasnt much known about pregnancys and we were scared. So I said I wanted to be changed. James didnt want to of course. She rolls her eyes. Hes as stubborn as Blaine. But when he saw that I wasnt happy without a family of our own, he agreed.
How... how was it?
All I remember is the pain. Elise swallows. A lot of pain.... She looks up and saw the horrified look on Kurts face. Its always the most painful the first time, but itll be okay when you get used to it. Also my senses were heightened, it takes a lot of time to get used to that. Youll be surprise what you can see or smell... Its like a new world.
Do you regret it?
Sometimes. If I knew that a human and werewolf could be in a relationship without any trouble, I wouldve decided different. Im so used to my senses now, that I would miss them. As for your mother.... I still wonder whatll happened if I didnt change. I missed her a lot and then... Elise blinks away her tears. ‘But whats done is done. Lifes too short for regrets.
Kurt nods. I think were done here. He looks at the stained couch, they could do nothing anymore about it. It was best to give it a proper funeral.
Elise nods. Youre right. Its time for a new one.
Kurt helps Elise clean up, wished her Goodnight but was stopped by Elise. You arent thinking about turning do you Kurt?
Kurt bit his lip. I thought about it.... I really like Blaine and I dont want to lose him. Whatll happen when we go back to our lives? Weve only have three weeks of summer left. Im afraid he might find someone... better.
Something tells me you dont have to worry about that. Blaine is crazy about you. Ive never seen my son so love struck. Elise smiled widely and it reminded Kurt about Blaines smile. Now he knew where he got that from.
Kurt blushed, ducking his head shyly. Thanks, Mrs. Anderson.
Elise, Kurt. Call me Elise. Your welcome. Goodnight.
Goodnight. Kurt made his way upstairs. He was drained, he didnt think he could manage to change into his Pajama's. He opened his door and his jaw dropped at the sight in front of him. Blaine!
Blaine was laying on his bed, with his eyes closed, when he heard Kurt yell his name. He opens his eyes and was on his feet in no time. He stared at the confusing but stern look of his boyfriend. Oh hi!
Blaine, what are you doing here? Lost your way to your own room? Kurt closed his door.
No, I... Jeff and Nick had another fight, Nick kicked Jeff out and Jeff demanded my room, Sarah took the spare bedroom so now Im here. Blaine shuffled a little uncomfortable. He felt Kurts eyes on him, demanding the truth. Instead he put on his biggest pout. I have nowhere to go, can I please stay with you tonight? Please?
Kurt blushed at the image of Blaine sleeping in his bed but quickly shakes his head to stay in the moment. He narrows his eyes. And you fought tooth and nail to keep your own room?
Blaine nods, still with the most adorable pout. I literally fought with my tooth... He raised up his sleeve to show Kurt a bite mark. Look, he even bit me.
Kurt quirked a eyebrow. Really, Jeff fighting over a place to sleep so aggressive, I dont think so. He decided to tease Blaine a little bit longer. Really, because it looks way too big for a Jeff bite mark. You sure its Jeff and you didnt bit yourself so that you can sleep with me tonight? Blaine blushes, not staring at Kurt. Kurt melted, his boyfriend was too adorable. And the worst liar ever. Blaine?
Okay, Ill admit it! Blaine finally broke down at the pressure. I gave Jeff my bed to stay. I dont want to sleep in the same room with him, he gets awfully cuddling in his sleep.
I do too.
But I dont mind cuddling with you. In fact its my favorite thing in the world.
Kurt blushed and Blaine knew he had won. Okay, you can stay. But sleep only, Blaine.
Yeah yeah, youre the best, Blaine gave him a small peck on his cheek that made Kurt giggle. He pulls back to prepare himself for the night when he saw Kurt search through his drawers, quickly disappearing into the bathroom with a pile of clothes and a heavy blush on his cheeks. Blaine chuckles. Kurt is the most adorable person in the world.
After 10 minutes Kurt poked his head out of the bathroom, when he saw that Blaine already lies under the covers, he stepped out. His thick pajama's were going to kill him during the summer heat that never seem to go away, but there was no way he will sleep only in his underwear if Blaine was going to spend the night.
Finally, Im feeling lonely over here, come cuddle with me! Blaine removed the blankets and Kurts jaw dropped for the millionth time this summer. Blaine was only wearing underwear.
I... uhm... no Pajama's? Kurt felt his head almost explode from the heat.
By the smug smile Blaine gave him he noticed too. No. Its 30 degrees, normally I sleep naked but I thought that might not be appropriate.. yet. You okay? Ive never heard a heart beat as fast as yours.
Im fine! Kurt managed to squeak in a way too high pitched voice. He took a deep breath and walks over to the bed.
Come cuddle with me, Blaine opened his arms and Kurt crawled into his arms, where he felt safe and loved. You were amazing today.
Everybody dealt with it really well, Kurt yawns. Nick would be a great dad one day.
You too.
Well, remind me to not start with kids till I'm at least 30.
Blaines eyes widened. 30?!
Or 40! Kurt teased, yawning again. He closed his eyes.
Can you imagine Wes reaction when he finds out we have a baby in our home? Blaine already imagined a shocked Wes pointing and babbling things nobody would understand. He might even poke the baby to make sure its real.
When he didnt get a answer Blaine looked at Kurt, still with a blush but deep in sleep. Blaine snuggled closer and soon he was also deep asleep.