The Beast Within Me
Chapter 10 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Beast Within Me: Chapter 10

E - Words: 3,208 - Last Updated: Feb 09, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/? - Created: Feb 28, 2014 - Updated: Feb 28, 2014
178 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Yes I fucked up again with the names but i quickly covered it up so it doesnt effect this story at all.

But the most important thing is that Klaine are finally together!:)

Love to hear what you think of this chapter so let me know your thoughts.

Guess who contacted me? David walks into the Andersons kitchen, smiling at the sad faces of Blaine, Wes and Jeff.  It has been two days since the accident in the park and Kurt still hasnt returned.



No, Sarah, David said.

Jeff blinks. Tell me it isnt the Sarah? 

David shrugs. She wants to meet.

You cant be serious? Blaine growls.

I miss her, Blaine.

Thats it Im not going through that drama again, Wes rolls his eyes. She was a bitch towards Kurt, she almost drowned him.

David growls. She didnt know.

You sir... Jeff wrapped a arm around Davids shoulder. Need therapy.

David growls but before he could grab Jeff, the blond was already running upstairs. He quickly followed him. Youre a dead man, Sterling.

Should we save Jeff? Wes ask, looking at Blaine carefully. To be honest, he was worried about his friend. He hadnt ate anything and he looked pale.

Blaine shrugs, taking a small sip of his cold coffee. I think David is the one who needs help.

Would you accept Sarah back in the pack after  what she did to  Kurt?

I dont have a choice. I cant force David to take another girl. It doesnt matter what I think, Kurt is not coming back, Sarah will be happy when she hears that.

You dont know that.

Its been two days.

Why dont you go visit him?

I dont want to scare him further. Blaine stood up. Ill be upstairs.

You sure? Its a beautiful day, we could do something, Wes said.

Not in the mood.  Blaine mumbles and walks up the stairs. Before he knew it he stood in front of the piano. He hadnt played in years, not since Cooper left. They used to sing and play together. Blaine wipes away the dust from the keys. He sat down and waited till the voices of David and Jeff died down and started playing.


Ready? Nick asks, looking over at Kurt. They stand in front of the Andersons house. Kurt nods and Nick opens the door. They were welcomed by growling, running and yelling.

When they walked into the kitchen, they saw Jeff and David on the ground, wrestling and trying to choke each other and Wes trying to calm them both down.

Morning! Nick said.

Jeff pulls David away so he could look at his lover. Hi sweetie. David, get of off me! I need to greet my baby!

David growls. Try me.

Jeff growls, his eyes glowing, he started to shake in anger. Ehm... guys, Kurt is here. Nick spoke up and Jeff calmed down immediately. They all turned to look at the pale boy.

Eh, hi Kurt! David jumped up. Sorry about that, Jeff got immature.

Jeff huffs but stood up too. I did not! You started it.

Did not.

Wes sighs heavily. How do I keep up with those two toddlers? Im sorry about this, Kurt. Just ignore them.

What happened? Kurt asks curiously.

Wes eyed him but Kurt didnt look scared, he looked curious and that was a good sign. Its Sarah, she wants to meet David. He glares at David.

I dont.

She almost killed Kurt! Jeff points out.

Sarah? Oh god, Kurt understood the problem immediately.

David turns to Kurt, ignoring Jeff. How are you doing, Kurt? We didnt expect you to show up. 

Im.... adjusting to the idea. I try. I would be lying if the thought of returning  home didnt cross my mind. But... it didnt feel right to walk away. Ive been running my whole life and I just dont know. Something tells me I belong here. Weird right?

Jeff grins dreamingly. Ah, young love.

Its not weird at all, Kurt, weve been through it. Nick reassured.

So you stay? Wes asks.

Kurt nods. If Im still welcome.

Of course, dont  worry about it, Jeff said.

Ill call Elise and James to tell the good news, Wes said. Were all happy youre back, we were worried. He walks away to make the call.

Especially Blaine, he was going crazy. Jeff said, wrapping his arms around Nicks waist.

Where is he? Kurt asks. I think its time for a talk.

Upstairs, probably his room, David said. They waited till Kurt was away, then he stretched. I go see what Sarah wants.

I hope she castrates you, Jeff said. David gave him a warning growl but walked away before things could get out of control.


Blaine wasnt in his room so Kurt turned to look further when he heard the soft sounds of a piano playing. Kurt followed the sound and stopped at the same door he found the book a few weeks ago. He opens the door on a crack and he saw Blaine, slightly bend over the piano, playing an softly singing but he couldnt hear the words.

Blaine sounded sad and Kurt felt guilty because it was because of him. He hadnt thought about what he would say to Blaine when they meet but they needed to have a talk.  He knocked and Blaine almost fell of his chair.

Kurt? His voice barely a whisper.

Which song was that? It sounded so sad but beautiful.

I wrote it myself, its still untitled.

You should do something with your music.

I might.

Kurt nods, he managed a smile. Rock star.

Blaine smiles, nods and looked down to the white black keys. Silence filled the room and both boys didnt know what to say or how to start. So... Youre coming to pick up your stuff or...?

Im staying.

Blaine looked up in shock. You are...? But I thought...

That I would run away? Kurt said. I considered it. But I dont want to go.

Blaine swallows. Why?

People gave up on me, I am not gonna do that with you.

What does that mean?

Im in love with you. That I know the truth now doesnt change a thing.

Blaine stands up, not closing the distance. You mean that? Kurt nods. You have no idea what you say yes too, Kurt.

Show me.


I have a lot of questions about werewolves. Nick said you could explain it better. I want to know your world, I want to be a part of it.

Sit down, Ill show you something, Blaine walks to the book shelves and Kurt already knew he was searching for the book so he sat down, leaning against the wall, crossing his legs over each other. Trying to make himself comfortable, even if his hands were shaking and his heart was racing. He was nervous. Blaine is finally gonna tell me the truth.

It started with my grandfather, Blaine grabs the book and placed it gentle on Kurts lap. He was bitten at the age of two. When he got older he met a woman and they wrote this book together.

Kurt opened the book and flipped the pages. It looks so... dark. As if hes angry at it. He stops at the page that describes werewolves. He hated it didnt he?

Blaine nods, sitting down next to Kurt. I dont think it matters if youre a born wolf or a bitten wolf. We all have the same problems, the intense pain during the change, the feeling you lose control, the wolf takes over and you cant do anything to stop it. He clenched his fist. My granddad saw it as a curse, most wolves get used to it and they accept their wolf.

But you dont. Kurt placed his hand on Blaines fist, who relaxed at the gentle touch. Where you born with it?

Blaine nods. My dad is a born wolf too. My grandfather hated it, but it didnt stop him from falling in love with a female wolf. My dad is their only son. My grandfather missed his own sons childhood because he was investigating his wolf. He wrote this book and he kept searching for a cure.

And? Kurt perks up. If Blaine hates his wolf so much, maybe he could be cured.

Look at the bottom of the page. Blaine points.

Kurt did what Blaine told and the hope was shattered. In big letters was written: "No Cure"

When my dad turned 12 he started changing, Blaine continued. My grandfather couldnt handle it and killed himself the first time my dad changed. My dad told me after I changed for the first time what happened. He said that my grandfather couldnt take the screaming of pain from his only son. He felt guilty.

Kurt gasps. Is it really that painful?

Blaine shrugs. At first it is. But you get used to it. Its like a beast tries to come out of your body but your body is too small. The beast needs to break the bones to be completely free. He takes your life over, for one night. 

Why the age of 12?

A year has 12 months, 12 moons. A kid starts puberty at the age of 12, thats when the changes kick in.

Kurts mind flashed to a 12 year old Blaine, with curls, big brown puppy eyes who looked so scared and helpless.  He shook his head, he didnt want to break down in front of Blaine. This was not the moment. You mustve been so scared, I cant even imagine.  

I had my dad, my brother and my mother. Some people need to do it alone. People with no friends or family. We get scared wolves every months begging my dad for help. And my dad does. I dont know if it comes because he feels neglected by his own dad but... he always helps the lonely ones.

Thats amazing, hes like a hero.

Blaine nods proudly.

So what are the perks of being a wolf?  Kurt asks, trying to lightened the mood a little.

Well, I can smell you from miles away... Blaine grins.

Kurt blushed, ducking his head. Then he perks up, eyes wide. Oh my... Thats why you made comments about my scent? I shouldve known.

You couldnt.

No, Blaine, I shouldve. I spend a lot of money to buy new perfume to smell better. You owe me money. Kurt teased but pouted.


I was joking.

I know but Im not. Blaine looks at him intently and Kurt melted into those brown hazel eyes. They leaned closer but just at the moment their lips were about to meet Blaine quickly looked away. Kurt frowns but said nothing. We also have super hearing. I can hear your heartbeat.

Kurt turned scarlet again. Well, I guess thats a good thing.

Blaine chuckled. Sure. Im strong, I can lift a car. He flexed his arm muscles to make a point.

Kurt rolls his eyes but couldnt help but stare. Dont faint, Kurt, dont faint. Also dont drool so much.  What else?

I have super sight and I can outrun a horse.

What are the weak points? Silver?

Blaine nods. Only pure Silver. He glanced at Kurts neck, and Kurt could feel the necklace almost burn his skin. Like your necklace. It hurts if you touch it but only a bullet can kill a werewolf. Thats about it.

Thats not much. It almost makes you invincible.  Kurt saw Blaine flinch. Kurt frowns, trying to reach Blaines hand but the werewolf jumped on his feet and turned his back to Kurt. Blaine, whats wrong?

It also makes me dangerous, Kurt.  Cant you see? I can break every bone in your body with one touch. If I lose control... I could kill you.

Why are you so afraid? Nick and Jeff seems to be fine with each other. I dont understand why you dont want to give us a chance.

I saw your face in the park, Kurt. I saw fear. Blaine turns around glancing at Kurts neck. Youre still wearing the necklace. 

Kurt touched the necklace as if it burned. Shit, I forgot to take it off. I didnt even notice. My mom gave it to me. Its the only thing I have from her.

Blaine looked down, feeling guilty. Im sorry. Its a wise thing to give it to you, she wanted to protect you. He looks up when he heard Kurt standing up and walking over to the piano. Kurt took the necklace off and placed it on the piano. You shouldnt, Kurt. You should keep it on.

I dont need it anymore. Kurt turns around to face Blaine. I need you.

Kurt... Blaine moved back when Kurt steps forward. You need protection.

From what?

From me! Blaine yells. He began to shake and he saw Kurt froze. He called his wolf side on purpose. He wanted Kurt but after what happened he knew Kurt wasnt ready and that it was for the best to stay apart.  He needed to scare Kurt. He could feel his ears, claws, teeth changing. He looked up to Kurt but he didnt even move.

 Kurt walks forward, Blaine growls. But Kurt ignored it, when he was close enough he reached out his hand. A soft touch on his cheek. Blaine leaned into the touch, he couldnt help himself. Kurts touch was heavenly. Golden eyes locked with ice bleu and from that moment everything changed.

I think Im pretty safe, Kurt breathed, leaning forward till their lips met. He could feel Blaine tense but soon he was relaxing into the kiss and Kurt could feel his face changing back to normal under his touch. At some point they had to come up for air and they broke the kiss, breathing heavy.

So, what now? Blaine asks after a long silence, sounding unsure.

I think its time to ask each other to be boyfriends? Kurt bit his lips nervously. Im not a expert or anything... If you dont want too I understand... His babbling was cut off by Blaines lips on his.

Blaine pulls back and looked at Kurts face. Kurts cheeks was flushed and even his ears had a pink tint. Blaine thought it was the most adorable thing he has ever seen. Youre so beautiful, Kurt. It would be a honor to be your boyfriend. Im sorry for being so...

Such a drama queen? Kurt giggles.

Hey!! Blaine protested.

Kurt rolls his eyes. You are worse than me, Blaine Anderson, its time you admit that.

Blaine suddenly grabs Kurt at the waist and pulls their bodys close. Never. His eyes moves to Kurts pink lips.

We should tell the others about us. Kurt teased, knowing that they wont leave this room for awhile.

They can wait. Blaine breathed before connecting their lips again.


Where are they? Wes asks, inpatient.

Jeff yawns, his feet on the table, bored. Maybe Blaine lost control and is eating Kurt.

Wes gave him a slap on his head. Not funny, Jeff. And where is David?

Hes still out with Sarah, Nick sat in a corner with a book in his lap. He was trying to distract himself, but his thoughts kept wondering to Kurt and Blaine. He hoped that they could work it out.

Maybe we should call the police. Jeff offered.

I agree with Jeff, who knows what that girl is planning. David has a bad record with girls. Wes said. Before he could reach his phone, the door opened and David steps inside with slumbed shoulders and a defeated expression. David, what happened? Youve been gone a hour.

David said nothing and sat down, leaning his head in his hands. Jeff leans over. Maybe she ate his brains.

Nick closet his book and walks over. David, what did Sarah wanted?

Did she castrate you?  Jeff asks putting a arm on Davids form.

Worse. David mumbles.

David, start talking now! Wes growls.

Remember Jessica?

Jeff blinks. Crazy Jessica? Your ex who set your car on fire after two weeks of dating. David nods. Damn.  Jeff gasps.

Apparently Sarah and Jessica became friends after Sarah and I broke up. David swallows. They did everything together but since two days Jessica avoids Sarah and Sarah thinks shes back with her abusive ex. She wants to help her but she cant do it alone.

What does she demand from you?  Nick asks. Just to walk in there and beat her friends boyfriend?

Something like that. David admits.

Jeff laughs. As if you can beat someone up. Even I can take you.

David glares. Why do I always get into girl troubles? Jessica is hiding something and Sarah pulls me in it. I dont know what to do. If I help Sarah she might want me back. 

You and girls, Wes mumbles. Its a bad combination.

David sighs. I think youre right. Im turning gay. He throws Wes his best heart eyes, who immediately jumped back.

Hell no, dude, Im very happy with Sammy Jo! Im not gay!

Whos not gay?

They all turned to watch Blaine walk in, followed close behind by Kurt.

Wes is in denial. David said.

Blaine rolls his eyes. Come on, Wes. Just admit it, youre totally gay.

What?!  Wes sputtered.

I saw you looking at my ass yesterday, Wes. Jeff teased.

Youll are ridiculous! Wes snaps. David has gay issues I dont.

Blaine frowns, not understanding what the hell was going on but David stared at him with his best fake heart eyes and he sighs. Sorry, David. Im already taken.  He turns to Kurt and gave him a quick peck on his cheek.

Kurt blushes, while the others cooed at the cuteness of the two new love birds. I cant believe I have a boyfriend. I cant wait to tell my friends.

For the first time in his life Kurt Hummel had a boyfriend and he couldnt be happier.


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