The Beast Within Me
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The Beast Within Me: Chapter 1

E - Words: 2,722 - Last Updated: Feb 09, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/? - Created: Feb 28, 2014 - Updated: Feb 28, 2014
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Author's Notes:

So Let me know should I concentrate on this story or Under Your Spell?

‘So why do I need to spend my whole summer with a bunch of strangers?' Kurt asks for the millionth time. 

‘I already told you,' Burt snapped. He drove two hours and he was tired of his son whining. ‘I'm busy with congress stuff, you would be all alone all summer. My old friends James and Elise said you would be welcome at their house in Westerville.'

‘I'm Seventeen years old, dad, I can take care of myself.'

‘I know, it just makes me uncomfortable if you would be all alone while I'm in Chicago.'

‘I could've spend my summer at Mercedes' house!' Kurt thought about his best friend. Since Mercedes was dating Sam they barely see each other. ‘or Rachel.'

‘Rachel is on holiday with her dads.'

‘What about Finn? Why is he allowed to stay and I'm not?'

‘Finn is been planning this camping trip with Puck and Mike for years now, Kurt. You can't convince me that you would like to spend your summer in a tent with 10 drunk guys around you and bugs and spiders everywhere.' Burt looked at Kurt and he saw his son face' going completely blank at the horror scenario he just said.

‘You're right,' Kurt admits.

‘I thought so,' Burt mumbles. ‘don't worry, the Andersons are really nice people. You feel at home in no time.'

Kurt really doubted that. But he didn't say anything. They drove through Westerville and Kurt took in his surroundings. Everything looked normal. He knew why he couldn't be alone but he disagreed. His dad was still so protective of him, it was ridiculous. Kurt fumbled nervous with his shirt, he could feel they were close to their destination.

It wasn't like Kurt hated people, he only surrounded himself with people who accepted him. There were sadly Homophobes everywhere and his school McKinley High was a living hell. He tried to ignore and cover up in bruises, Burt already complained about it to the school board. But nobody does something about the bullying. Only one year and I'm out of there for good. He couldn't wait till he was in New York with Rachel. Sadly he needed to survive summer and his senior year.

What if the Andersons don't accept me being gay? What if they start to mock or bully me? I can't handle a whole year and a summer being treated like I don't matter. The school holidays are sacred to me, it's a way to load up my battery.

‘They have two sons, one is your age and the other is living in LA,' Burt shook Kurt out of his thoughts.

Great, someone my age, as if I wasn't tormented enough by people my age, Kurt thought bitterly.

‘don't worry, Kurt, I'm not leaving you with people who I don't trust,' Burt saw the look on his son face. He hated how hard school life was for Kurt. He talked to the school board but nothing. He tried to find a solution and he had thought about Dalton. A school in Westerville who has a non bullying police. But Kurt is too stubborn to leave his friends.

‘I know, I'm just nervous. You know how I get with new people. I panic, don't know what to say and it's always so awkward.'

‘You'll feel at home in no time. It's not like they don't know you're coming, they're expecting you.' Burt turned the corner and a large white house came in sight. The house was surrounded by forest.

‘I think Finn's camping idea wasn't so bad after all.' Kurt looks at the forest. He could've swore he just saw a large dog but when he blinked it was gone. Great he was imagining things already, this was going to be a long summer.

Burt sighs but stopped the car in front of the house. ‘Let's go, I'll walk with you to make sure you don't take the bus back to Ohio.' He walked to the back seat to unload Kurt's suitcases.

Kurt stepped out and could smell the fresh air. Gosh how I miss the city already. ‘Do they have a mall?'

Burt snorts. ‘of course they have. You're not in the middle of nowhere. Maybe Blaine takes you to it sometimes.' He handed Kurt two suitcases and he grabbed the other two.

‘Who's Blaine?'

‘Their son, do you even listen to me, Kurt?' Burt walked  to the front porch. ‘I've told you all about the family.'

‘I might've zoned out,' Kurt said following Burt closely.

Burt rang the bell and a curly haired middle aged woman opened the door. She smiled warmly when she saw Burt and hugged him close. ‘Did you have a safe trip?'

‘Safe and sound, Elise, this is my son Kurt,' Burt stepped aside.

Elise hugs Kurt firmly. ‘Wow, you've grown a lot. The last time I saw you, you were like 4 years old. Just a toddler.' She lets go and studied him. ‘Wow you have Elizabeth's eyes and her porcelain skin.'

Kurt perked up at this. His dad never wanted to talk about his mother. ‘You knew my mother?'

Elise looked at him like he was crazy. Kurt could feel his cheeks heat up. He's been stared at his whole life for being different and he still hated it. Elisa glanced at Burt. ‘You haven't told him yet?'

‘No.' Burt sighs. ‘Kurt, Elise was your mothers best friend in college. She introduced us.'

‘We were really close,' Elisa smiled softly. ‘She was a really sweet and kind person Kurt, I loved her.' She blinked her hazel brown eyes and wiped away the tears. She put on a smile. ‘I'm sorry, where are my manners? Come in.' She opened the door to let them in, but Burt didn't move.

‘I really need to go, Elise.' Burt turned with a heavy heart to Kurt. His son was Seventeen and would be fine but he couldn't help but worry. ‘If there is anything you can always call me, Kurt. Call me at least once a day.' He pulled his son close, Kurt was still a little surprised that Elise and his mother were friends.

Kurt nods against Burt's shoulder. ‘Good luck at your congress meeting. I know this is important. I'll be fine.'

‘If not, call me and I'll pick you up,' Burt said. ‘I promise.' He stepped away and walked slowly to his car.

‘You'll be fine, Kurt, everybody is really nice here.' Elisa led him to the kitchen. ‘Wait till you meet the boys.'

‘boys?' Kurt asks, he couldn't help but be curious. What if there was a hot boy walking amongst them? I still would be bored but at least I have something to look at.

Elise nods, gesture to Kurt to take a seat at the kitchen table, which he did. She walks to the oven and Kurt could smell cookies. ‘Blaine's friends. They're really close and always wondering around. To be honest, I would be happy if they're back at school. It saves me a lot of peace, quite and ….' She put the plate full of cookies in front of him. ‘You can taste, be careful they're still hot. Tea or do you prefer Coffee?'

‘Eh… coffee is fine,' Kurt said, looking suspiciously at the cookies. They didn't look poisoned. He sighs. This isn't Lima, Kurt, come on she's just being nice. He grabs a cookie and took a bite. Delicious. ‘Wow these are great.'

‘Thank you,' Elisa said, putting a cup of coffee in front of him. ‘It's a passion of mine, my husband and sons take it for granted though.'

‘They shouldn't,' Kurt said, instantly disliking her man and sons because of taking a nice woman like her for granted. I wonder if my mom would be spoiling me too with cookies and coffee if she was still alive.

A door opened and a boy with brown hair, brown eyes, broad shoulders a little bit smaller than Kurt came walking in. He was holding a book. He wore a tank top, blue jeans and he wasn't wearing shoes. Kurt frowned at that. The boy must fell at home here. So this was Blaine? He looks nice. ‘Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Nick Duvall.' Or not. The boy shook Kurt's hand.

‘Kurt Hummel.'

Nick smiled warmly. ‘You're the new kid around here huh?' His eyes roamed quickly over Kurt's body. ‘is it cold in Lima? You're wearing so many clothes.'

Kurt glared. He always took a lot of time to look perfect every day. ‘I can't be in the sun, it makes my skin freckle and my skin burns easily. I always stay in the shadows. Besides this fabric is really thin.'

Nick hold out his hands in defeat. ‘Ho, I didn't mean to insult you, Kurt. I think you look fabulous. Is that McQueen?' The boy's eyes twinkle when he saw his scarf.

Kurt blinked. This boy knew McQueen? If I'm dreaming don't wake me up, God, he could be my soul mate. Don't be cruel on me now. ‘Yes. You know McQueen?'

Nick let his book fall on the table, his eyes twinkle some more and he clapped his hands. ‘And of I know McQueen? Of course I know! I have his old collection because I can't afford the new ones.' He gasped. ‘But I see you have the new collection.'

Kurt flustered. He never met someone who shared the same interest. ‘I work for it and my dad gives me to compensate that he's away a lot.' Great, Hummel, that came out pathetic. Now you're new friend doesn't want anything to do with someone who apparently missed his dad after 2 minutes away.

‘I understand,' Nick nods sadly. ‘My parents are never home either so I'm staying with Jeff.'

‘Who stays here,' Elise grinned, giving Nick his coffee.

‘You love our company Elise,' Nick winked playfully and Kurt watched in awe at the scene in front of him.

Elise playfully pinched Nick's arm. ‘That's true.' She looked at Kurt. ‘Wait till you meet the other boys.'

‘We're not that bad,' Nick reassured Kurt.

‘Do they all love McQueen?' Kurt asks taking a sip of his coffee. If that was so, Kurt was convinced he died and went to heaven.

 Nick shook his head dramatically. ‘I'm sorry, I'm afraid they don't even know what it is. I'm the most fashionable around here.' His eyes roamed over Kurt's body. ‘I was, I mean. But I'm so happy you're going to spend the summer here. Finally found someone who understands me.' He smiled warmly and Kurt melted.

If all the boys around here were as nice as Nick, he might forgive his father that he dumped him with strangers. A loud bang sounded and Kurt jumped up.

‘There they are!' Elise said looking out of the window.

‘What was that?' Kurt breathed, trying to push the horrible memories about being pushed against the lockers away. The sound was way too familiar and it made him jumpy.

‘David probably destroyed the fence, again!' Nick rolled his eyes. ‘he does destroy anything to get a kick out of it.' Kurt swallowed nervously. Great, another bully like Karofsky. Nick noticed the mood change, quickly reached his hand and squeezed in it.  ‘He never hurt people, Kurt. Relax, he's not a hooligan. You're really tense.'

‘Just, bad experience,' Kurt mumbled, taking a sip nervously. He didn't want to drag Nick into his troubles the first minute they meet.

Kurt didn't expect his friend to nod understandable. ‘I know. You're in a public school right?' Kurt nods. ‘Damn, those schools can be hard. I myself go to Dalton. Like everyone else here, they have a non bullying policy. Maybe it's something for you too.'

‘Maybe.' Kurt mumbles. But he knew he wouldn't go there, he couldn't leave his friends just like that. Nick saw his hesitation but before he could speak, four boys came running into the kitchen.

A dark skinned man and a Asian man ran to the cookies and began playfully fighting over one cookie. A blond boy walked over to Nick and kissed him on the lips. Kurt stared with open mouth at that. He wasn't used to two boys show openly affection to each other. In Lima you get beat up for that. The fourth boy was a little bit smaller than himself. Broad shoulders, tan skin and his curly dark hair hang lose. His hazel brown eyes stare right at Kurt.

Kurt could feel his cheeks warm up. Damn this boy was perfect. It was like a god just stepped inside. Kurt couldn't stop staring. Nobody looks like that on earth. There must be something really wrong with him. Kurt blinked but the boy still looked the same.  Perfect. He could hear the other boys talking but he didn't care. The curly  haired boy smiled at him and Kurt could feel his knees going weak. Luckily he already sat down. It's like he was just made for me so I wouldn't be to bored staring at tree's this summer. Oh shit…. What did he say  to me? What should I say? Hi? I'm Kurt, maybe, Kurt wake up! Suddenly his vision was taking over by wedding music, guest, cake…. Sighs they would be a awesome bride pair. Walking off to the sunset together. Kissing. Kurt shook his head. Stop daydreaming, he needed to ask you first. He probably wasn't even gay. Kurt stared up in those hazel brown eyes who looked at him expecting something. Kurt sighs. Please be gay and … Marry me? ‘Marry me?'

All eyes turned to him. Kurt blushes and he wished the ground would swallow him. Right now, please. Kurt cursed his stupid mouth. Why did I say that out loud? He looked up at the boy, hoping he wouldn't beat him up. He didn't expect to see that the boy was blushing just as much as him. Wait what is happening?

‘Eh, you must be Kurt?' The dark skinned boy stepped in front of Kurt, smiling friendly. Kurt nods. ‘I'm David….' He points to the Asian next to him who still stared at him. ‘That is Wes…' He points at the blond boy and Nick, who were smiling knowingly at him. ‘.. and that are Jeff and Nick.' He pinched the curly haired boy  in his arm and pushed him forward. The boy still blushed horrible. ‘And this is Blaine. Don't mind him, he's a little shy.'

‘Me too,' Kurt whispers. He didn't dare to look at Blaine anymore. I've embarrassed myself enough for a whole life time today.

‘Boys, give Kurt some room, he just arrived here,' Elise broke the silence. ‘Can someone bring Kurt to his room and help him unpack?'

‘I do it!' Nick jumped up. Kurt felt ashamed of himself that he was disappointed that it wasn't Blaine. You're a great friend, Kurt. You should get a award called “Dumps the only guy who is nice to him for a hot guy”. Kurt smiled and stand up to help Nick with his heavy suitcases.

Nick gave him a short tour through the house. There were bed rooms everywhere, they all had their own bath rooms and Kurt couldn't be happier about that. He was attached to privacy. Nick helped Kurt unpack and talked a lot about Westerville but Kurt wasn't paying attention. He kept thinking about Blaine.  He couldn't believe a guy like him made a boy like Blaine blush. Maybe this summer wasn't going to suck as much as I thought.


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