Catch me im falling
Chapter 8 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Catch me im falling: Chapter 8

E - Words: 2,826 - Last Updated: May 14, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/? - Created: Oct 26, 2013 - Updated: Oct 26, 2013
143 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Will Kurt believe Blaine? Well see.

‘Good morning, sunshine!' A voice sound softly in his ear.

Kurt yawns and opened his eyes. Adam smiled at him. Kurt groaned. ‘I look horrible.'

‘You look adorable.' Adam kissed him softly. ‘Hungry?'

Kurt just noticed how dry his throat and mouth was, he licked his lips. He nods. Adam gave him blood bags, Type A. ‘Where did you get this from?'

‘I've always a couple extras with me and I saw how pale you are. You drink way to little, Kurt.'  Adam frowns. ‘You know what happens when you don't drink good and lose control.'

Kurt nods, feeling ashamed he didn't took care of himself better. ‘Sorry.'

‘it's okay but don't forget it. The last time it happened people were lucky I was there but the next time I won't be.'

Kurt perked up. ‘What do you mean with you won't be there?'

Adam sighs. ‘I don't know how long this plan takes, Kurt. There are a few complications.'

‘What?!' Kurt snapped.

‘Don't be mad at me. The counsel is a little bit torn about what to do with Blaine. I promise it will not last longer than a month.' Adam could see that Kurt was angry but he still needed information. ‘So… how went the date yesterday?'

Kurt sighs looking sad. ‘I hate lying. Even to someone like Blaine.'

‘Think about our goal, Kurt. Blaine needs to pay for the things he did.'

Kurt nods. He was thinking about what Will and Blaine said. ‘I need to talk to you about that. Remember all the massive murders Blaine is accused of?' Adam nods and his eyes hardened. ‘Blaine said he didn't do it, he doesn't like attention. He's more a….' Kurt bit his lip. ‘… secret killer.'

Adam laughs hard and Kurt almost jumped at the sound. ‘As if that would be any better. He's a killer, Kurt. You know him better than me by now and there is so much evidence that he did that. He's just trying to seduce you. Don't get distracted by his charming looks, Kurt.'

‘But he wasn't the only one who second guest his actions.'

‘Who else?'

‘Will Shuester, the Watcher I told you about,' Kurt said. Adam's eyes hardened once again. Kurt knew he was on slippy ground but he couldn't let it go. Adam hated Will. ‘He says Blaine was set up in that attack in Chicago, 18 people were killed. The body's were on the street, Will says that Blaine hides the body's so he doesn't attract attention. It was a vampire who attacked those people but it was not Blaine, Adam. You know how good Will's research is. We need to give Blaine a fair trial and catch the real killer.'

Adam snorts. ‘Blaine needs to be punished. Have you forgotten what he has done to my family?' He blinked his eyes. ‘He ripped them apart like a piece of paper. They wouldn't stand a change. He even killed my 10 year old sister, just because he didn't like her staring in fear at her dead mother. My mother!' Adam growls, jumped up and starting pacing.  ‘You don't understand how much he destroyed my life. He's gonna pay for it!'

There fell a silence, Adam tried to calm down and Kurt didn't want to make Adam more upset so he drank from the blood bags. It was like his body got a new shot of energy. Adam sat down and grabs Kurt hand. ‘I'm sorry I snapped like that.'

‘I should be the one apologizing, Adam. I'm sorry I started up this conversation. I just want answers and if it's not Blaine who's attacking, who is? Maybe Blaine didn't even kill your family. We shouldn't jump to conclusions too soon.'

‘I know it was him, Kurt. He told me when I caught him in 1903. He said he enjoyed killing my family.' Adam spat furious. 

Kurt sighs, this led up to the next thing he didn't understand. ‘Why didn't you kill him yesterday? He was right in this house. No witnesses.'

‘What is the fun in killing quickly? I want him to suffer, just like I'm suffering.'

Kurt frowns. ‘How do you want to do that?'

‘By hurting the one that he loves most.' Adam smiled wickedly.

Kurt swallows. He didn't recognize his boyfriend for the last 50 years anymore. The closest thing to Blaine would be……. Sam's voice sounds in his head: ‘Blaine thinks you're his Chosen One.” Blaine's voice: “I would change for you… Be the man you deserve.” Me? Kurt suddenly felt like running, running as fast as he could from Adam.

‘This brings us to our next plan, Kurt,' Adam continued, not noticing Kurt's struggle. ‘That was the reason why I'm here. It's great that Blaine is falling for you and maybe you could let him bring you to his clan. We need to know the exact place where his clan is hiding.'

‘W-what?' Kurt asks in shock. ‘What does his Clan to do with your revenge on Blaine?'

‘The most important thing, after a vampire's Chosen One is his clan,' Adam explained.

Kurt narrowed his eyes. ‘Why would you go after his clan? They have nothing to do with Blaine's actions. When he spoke about what he had done he never mentioned them. Adam, you can't hurt a clan.'

Adam waved it off. ‘Nothing is going to happen to the clan, Kurt, it's like a plan C. If anything goes wrong we need to know where their hiding place is so we can blackmail or threat him to surrender himself.'

‘Absolutely nothing is going to happen to them?' Kurt asks firm.


Kurt thought about it. Blaine suggested for him to meet his clan so it wouldn't be too hard to get in. He nods numbly. ‘Okay, I'll do it.'

Adam smiled and he pulled Kurt in a deep kiss. ‘I knew I could count on you.' He pulled away too soon for Kurt's liking and he put on his clothes.

‘Where are you going?'

‘I need to do some business in town, Kurt. It only takes a few hours.'

Kurt looked at the clock. 13:45. ‘At daylight? I thought we could spend months together.'

‘I need to leave tonight.'

Kurt pouts. ‘So soon?'

‘I'm sorry, babe, but I already told you that the counsel is torn. I try to wrap this up so by the end of the month we can have our mating ceremony.'

‘End of the month huh?' Kurt smiled, feeling the urge to grab his agenda and set a date. He couldn't wait to do the ceremony.

‘I'll be back in a couple of hours! I promise to say goodbye,' Adam leans closer to kiss Kurt once more.

‘What are you going to do that's so important to leave me?' Kurt whined.

‘I need to finish some unwrapped business,' Adam said, pecking him on the cheek and before Kurt could say anything he was gone.

Kurt missed the warmth of Adam's body, so he decided to take a shower, get dressed and watch old episodes of Project Runway. Until the doorbell rang. He opened the door to reveal Mercedes. ‘Hi, white boy. I came so you can tell me all the dirty details from your date with Blaine last night!'

 Kurt rolls his eyes but stepped outside to let his friend in. Secretly he was happy that she came, he really needed to tell someone about last night and about Adam's behavior now.


It was Sunday night when Blaine couldn't take it anymore, Sam's pacing and bad mood was bringing him down. ‘Dude, what's wrong with you? You've been moping all day, it's night. Come on! We should be out!'

Sam raised his head from the pillow to look at Blaine. ‘I thought you want to change your diet so Kurt would see your not a vein sucking vampire anymore?'

Blaine nods. ‘I haven't sucked any veins today.' He glared at the blood bags on his bed. ‘But this things suck. It taste like paper. How can Kurt drink this?'

‘Has the great Blaine Anderson finally found his match?'

‘I've found my Chosen One,' Blaine sighs dreamily. Sam rolled his eyes. Kurt changed Blaine in a love sick puppy but he preferred this Blaine over the old crumpy Blaine. It was nice to see his friend happy. ‘Are you gonna tell me what's wrong with you?'

‘Imagine that you meet someone, you're attracted to each other and fate claims you two are soul mates. But then you discover that she lied to you and now you don't know what to do.'

‘Dude, I would say get over it!'

Sam looked at Blaine in surprise.

‘If she's your Chosen One, go for it. Screw what other's may say and what she has done. Everyone makes mistakes. If Kurt can forgive my past, that girl can forgive you're stubbornness.' Blaine narrowed his eyes. ‘It's not that perky blond girl?' Sam shook his head.  ‘Thank god, I can't live with her. So you're going out then?'

‘Maybe. You go ahead.'

‘Fine, I'll be in the McKinley school area.'

‘Why would you go to school at night on a Sunday?'

Blaine grinned. ‘ I heard there was a extra cheerleading practice, I can't wait to see Kurt in his cheerleading outfit.'


 Blaine quickly found out Kurt wasn't at the cheerleading practice but he recognized the Latina and the blond girl from the restaurant. He could see them watching each other once in a while and he felt stupid he didn't notice it before.

‘Look at who I just found, Blaine Anderson.' A familiar voice sound.

Blaine tensed and turned around. He saw a grinning Sebastian standing there. ‘Sebastian what are you doing here?!'

Sebastian ignored the snapping of Blaine's teeth. ‘I heard that you have found a Chosen One. I can't wait to meet him.'


Kurt and Mercedes ate, drunk and Kurt told Mercedes everything. About how their hands fitted while he danced with Blaine. How the world seemed to stop and they're the only one spinning.

‘Oh boy, you're so smitten!'  Mercedes grinned.

Kurt glared but before he could respond his phone rang. He frowned and picked up. ‘Hello?'



‘Yes, Kurt,' Will's voice sounded hasty and out of breath. ‘Could you come to Mckinley right now? I have discovered something that would clear Blaine of everything.'

‘To school?' Kurt asks confused, watching the clock. 8:00 PM. ‘Sure. I'll be there in a half hour?'

‘Be faster, Kurt, this is important!' Will said firm.

'10 minutes!' Kurt said and broke contact. ‘We need to go to school. Will discovered something that would clear Blaine's reputation.' He quickly put on some shoes. 

‘Really?' Mercedes asks, grabbing her coat. ‘But if Blaine is innocent then you two could be together.'

Kurt grabs the car keys. He wasn't too sure about what Mercedes said and he didn't want to get his hopes up. Blaine had killed people and he still has to face trial for what he has done.


 ‘What do you want?!' Blaine said through gritted teeth. Sebastian being here only meant trouble.

‘don't get your pants up in a twist, Anderson. You know what I want. Remember my promise to you 80 years ago?' Sebastian rolls his eyes annoyed when Blaine looks confused. ‘Remember Anesta, my beloved sister?'

Blaine paled. ‘You know it was a accident!'

‘A accident?! You snapped her neck!'

‘She attacked me! She was ill Sebastian, I did her a favor,' Blaine growls, showing his fangs when Sebastian stepped closer.

‘A favor? Maybe I'll should do your Chosen One a favor then, I'll kill him before you two mate. It would save him for the monster you really are.' 

‘You leave him alone!'

‘Oh so it's a male?' Sebastian smiled. ‘Good to know. How many gay males would be there in Ohio? I bet not many.' He looked down at the sport field and saw the cheerleaders leaving the field. ‘I wonder why you are here, at a school. I guess that your Chosen One is one of the cheerleaders or jocks? Student here? You make this so easy Blaine.' He laughs.

Blaine cursed himself for being so stupid. He should've known better. Never let your guard down. ‘to bad you're not gonna live long enough to find him.'  He clenched his fist, prepared to attack.

Sebastian smiled. ‘I see your not mated yet, what would he say if he found dead bodies drenched in blood at school tomorrow?  I don't think you'll be able to convince him your innocent.'

Blaine froze, letting Sebastian's words sink in. The other vampire laughs, turned and disappeared into the school. The same entrance where the cheerleading team had disappeared a few minutes ago. Shit! Blaine cursed and followed immediately.


‘I didn't know the school could look this creepy,' Mercedes said while they walked to the Mr. Shue's office.

Kurt grinned and turned the corner. ‘It's like a horror movie. But with Vampires and a awesome witch of course.' Mercedes rolls her eyes and poked him playfully. Kurt opened the office to Will's office and froze.

Will was hanging from the ceiling with a rope around his neck, it was obvious he was dead. Kurt walked quickly over to feel his pulse even when he knew it was too late. ‘Mercy, call the police. He's dead.'

Mercedes stared in shock, her hands shaking too much to pull out her phone. ‘What? How?!'

Kurt walks around the office but couldn't find anything important. ‘He didn't call us so we would find his body. Someone did this and made it look like a suicide. Whatever Will discovered. It's gone now.' 

‘Somebody did this?!' Mercedes paled, she was about to throw up when they heard a scream.

‘Stay here, call the police, Mercy, I'll go look what the hell is going on!' Kurt said, running down the hall.


Quinn Fabray and Santana Lopez were the only one left in school after the cheerleading practice. They walked hand in hand, giggling, down the hallway to the exit. When suddenly a figure appeared, staring at them with red eyes.

‘What a creep!' Quinn mumbles, squeezing Santana's hand to keep on walking.

‘Hey, go out of our way or I'll go all Lima Heights on your sorry ass!' Santana snapped when the man walked closer.

‘Let's run, my car is close by!' Quinn said, her voice shaking. She had a really bad feeling about this. Santana nods and Quinn led the way to the door.

The man moves quickly, slammed her against the locker, snapped her neck and bit her in the neck. Santana screamed in panic. The man, covered in Quinn's blood, turned to her. Santana saw Quinn falling to the ground, her eyes still wide open but she was dead. Before Santana could do anything, the man grabbed her and sank his fangs in her neck. She screamed again, trying to push the man of off her. She felt weaker with the minute.

Suddenly the man got pushed away from her, she sank to the floor. Her legs were to weak. She could hear smashing of lockers, a broken window and then silence. A man hovered over her, he had golden eyes with a red glint, dark curly hair. She reached out and he took her hand. ‘T-thank you…. Please s-save me…'

Blaine looked down at the bleeding Latina in front of him and he was somehow moved. She pleaded, begged for her live. He hated that, he usually killed fast so that his victims didn't have to suffer for too long. She was losing blood fast.

‘What the hell are you doing?!'

Blaine looked up to see Kurt standing there, his body shaking with anger, his blue eyes turned into a deep angry red.


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