May 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
May 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
Youve gotta love Mercedes Jones;) What did you think about the Samcedes scene? If you like it ill plan more of it in the future chapters. It wont overtake the Klaine scenes but maybe it makes the story more... complete. Let me know.
Can you imagine what wouldve happened if Blaine found Adam?;)
‘Mercedes open the door!!' Kurt yelled knocking on Mercedes' bedroom door. He had decided that he would skip school to spend this day with his best friend. He hoped a day at the mall could cheer her up, besides he needed new clothes for his date with Blaine. His stomach flip flop at the thought of a date with Blaine. Oh stop it. It's just a stupid date, nothing special. It's all part of the plan.
‘No!' Mercedes muffled voice sounded and Kurt could imagine her hugging a pillow right now.
‘I can easily rip this door apart and you know it!' Kurt could hear the sound of footsteps and the door opened. Mercedes appeared, still in her pyjama's, holding a teddy bear, red puffy eyes. She had been crying all night. ‘Oh… Mercy…' Mercedes stepped aside to let Kurt in and closet the door immediately when he was inside. Her room looked neat. This was what worried Kurt the most, Mercedes was a big mess and really lazy at cleaning things up, and of course the Teddy bear in her arms didn't help either. Mercedes used her teddy bear only when she suffered a major break down. ‘Time for Captain Bear?'
Mercedes sniffed and sat down on her bed. She didn't look at Kurt. ‘You came to say “Told You So”, well you don't have to rub it in okay? Just leave so I can watch Bambi and have a reason to cry.' She pointed at her TV.
Kurt sat down next to her. ‘I'm not here to rub it in. I came here to cheer you up.'
Mercedes groaned. ‘go away, nothing can cheer me up.'
‘Come on, Cedes, you've only known him for a week or something, It can't be that bad.'
Mercedes glared. ‘He was my soul mate, Kurt. Sam was my Chosen One. How would you feel if Adam would dump you because of what you are?' Kurt wanted to answer but Mercedes wasn't done. ‘I should've never used my magic in front of him. I knew he would freak out. I'm so stupid.'
‘You didn't had a choice. You saved a life. You are amazing Cedes, it's his lost. You deserve better. You can't hide yourself your whole life, it would eat you.'
‘For love I would.'
Kurt grabs her hand and squeezed. ‘You don't mean that. You fought for years to be happy in your own skin, to accept your powers. Don't throw it away for a vampire.'
‘I don't understand why magic terrifies him so much.'
Kurt shrugged. ‘if you two are meant to be he will come around and accept you for who you are.'
Mercedes looked at him, a small smile on her face. ‘really? You really think that?'
Kurt nods. ‘and when he comes back, begging you to take him back, you play hard to get. Vampires are easily bored and love to hunt.'
Mercedes nods. ‘I'm never easy.'
‘I know.'
Mercedes grinned. ‘Okay, enough about me. What are you doing here? How went surgery?'
Kurt explained that Burt had made it through the surgery fine but that he should stay a few days in the hospital for observation. ‘So now it's my turn of the deal.'
Mercedes looked at him curious. She knew he made some kind a deal with Blaine but not what. She saw Kurt shift nervously. ‘Tell me.'
‘Blaine would help me… if I go on a date with him.'
Mercedes squealed. ‘When?!'
‘Tomorrow night he's going to pick me up at 7 PM. And I've got nothing to wear. What?!' Kurt glared at his friend who couldn't stop smiling.
‘It's just. I can't believe you're going on a date with Blaine!'
Kurt huffed. ‘It's not a big deal, Cedes. It's part of the plan, remember? I need to distract Blaine.'
‘By going out with him? I didn't know getting into Blaine's pants was a part of the plan.' Mercedes blinked innocently as if she missed that part. She saw Kurt blush and couldn't help but tease him a little. Kurtie had a crush, it's so obvious and he's still in denial.
‘I'm not getting into his pants.'
‘Really? What's the plan? One date?'
‘Exactly. One date and that's it.'
‘I wonder what Adam has to say about this.'
‘He suggested it.'
‘So, if he says you need to sleep with him, you would do that too?' Mercedes asks.
Kurt glared. ‘of course not I'm not a whore.'
‘Exactly, Kurt.' Mercedes sighs. ‘The Kurt I know would never do anything against his will. Just admit you're a tiny bit curious to Blaine, and I won't blame you. I mean, Blaine looks really good for someone who's 1000 years old. I bet he has hot abs underneath his clothes.' She winked.
Kurt huffed, but couldn't stop his blushing. ‘He has not. He has probably a beer belly.' They stared at each other, until they couldn't hold it in and laughter filled the room. After a few minutes Kurt wiped away his tears and laid back against the head board. ‘Oh, Mercy, what am I suppose to do?'
‘Follow your feelings. What are you feeling for Blaine?'
‘I don't know,' Kurt admits. ‘I mean he's…. the rumors always says he's dangerous and can't be trusted. But when I look into his eyes, I see someone else. I don't know who he truly is. You've seen him freak out. But the next minute, he's a completely different person. I don't know what to think anymore.'
‘Never judge people before you know their story, Kurt, I think it's time you found out what you want in the future.'
‘But, Adam..'
‘It's not weird to feel something different after 50 years together. People change.'
‘You're right.'
Mercedes shrugged, walking to her closet. ‘I'm always right. Besides I want to see you happy again.'
‘I am happy.' Kurt said almost automatically.
Mercedes hummed. ‘Sure, you're completely in love with Adam, who ignores you and Blaine who follows you around like a puppy, doesn't mean anything to you?' She grabs some pants and a shirt and walked to the bathroom. She saw Kurt deep in thought. ‘Be right back.'
Kurt thought about the whole plan and how more he thought about it how much he began to realize how stupid this whole date thing was. The goal was to kill Blaine. Why would I want to spend time in getting to know Blaine if I need to betray him at the end? It would only lead to heartbreak. I don't think I can kill him.
Kurt and Mercedes spend the day shopping, it took hours before Kurt found the right outfit.
‘I thought you didn't want to get into his pants, this just screams sex, Kurt,' Mercedes pointed out.
‘It does not, Mercy! It says “Hey we're on a date, let's talk about your past.”'
‘That pants is so tight it looks painted on, I think Blaine has other things on his mind when he sees you like this.' But Kurt ignored Mercedes and walked to the counter to pay. Mercedes smirked at her friend being so obvious. She didn't know it would be so much fun to tease Kurt.
That night the two held a movie marathon. Kurt liked the company now Burt was gone and Mercedes could use a distraction from Sam. Mercedes stayed that night.
‘Do you think these jeans make me fat?' Kurt looked at the mirror, twisting around. It was a few minutes for 7 and Blaine could arrive any moment.
‘You just bought it yesterday, Kurt,' Mercedes rolled her eyes.
‘You shouldn't bring all those snacks last night,' Kurt pouts. ‘My ass is popping out of this jeans, I'm so fat.'
‘You look great, don't you dare change it!' Mercedes snapped when Kurt wanted to walk to his closet for another outfit. ‘Blaine is gonna love it, Kurt. Don't be so damn nervous. I thought you said it didn't matter. It's all part of the plan.'
Kurt sighs and fumbled with the hem of his tight shirt. ‘Don't judge me okay?' Mercedes nods encouragely. ‘I haven't been on a date for years. This feels like my first date and I'm scared.'
‘Haven't been on a date for years?' Mercedes squeaked frowning. ‘How long are you and Adam together?'
‘He just didn't think it's necessary, he's always busy with work,' Kurt said, his voice sounding more bitter than he meant too. ‘I love romance, I want diner dates, candle lights and music. At the start of our relationship it was great but….'
‘He's forgotten about what you want,' Mercedes finished. Kurt nods. ‘Boo, it's gonna be okay. Just enjoy tonight.'
Kurt shrugged. ‘I don't know if I can. What if I really begin to like Blaine and Adam still wants to go through with his plan? I can't kill someone.'
‘Stop worrying one night and if you finally found out what you feel for Blaine we decide what to do. You know each other for two weeks, you can't make choices you will regret later on.'
‘Says the girl who was making out with a vampire she knows for four days in the janitor's closet,' Kurt smirked. Mercedes glared but before she could speak up she got interrupted by the doorbell. Kurt paled.
Mercedes peered out of the window and looked down. She saw a SUV and Blaine… ‘Oh my … it's Blaine! Wow he is wearing a suit and tie… Damn he looks so hot. His hair is gelled back, wait is he holding…. Flowers?!'
Kurt peered over her shoulder. She was right. Blaine looked like he just walked out of a fairy tale. ‘Wow…. Do you think he can see us?' At that moment Blaine looked up and smiled when he saw the two looking at him. Kurt quickly stepped back. ‘Oh he saw us.' He quickly run his hand through his hand, until he realized what he had just done and ran to the mirror.
‘Stop freaking out, I'll go great our guest it's not polite to let someone wait too long,' Mercedes opened the door, she heard Kurt yell ‘I'll be right down' and walked down the stairs.
Blaine's eyes widened when he saw Mercedes open up. ‘I didn't expect to see a witch here.' He narrowed his eyes, still remembering their last meeting.
Mercedes shrugged. ‘I'm his best friend, if you want Kurt we need to get along as well.'
‘Which level are you?' Blaine asks.
Witches had different levels of magic. Level 1 was the beginning, level 8 was the highest level of magic.
‘Level six.'
‘Six? How old are you?'
‘You're not even legal to practice that kind of magic.'
‘I learn fast.'
Blaine wanted to point out how dangerous it was when Kurt made his way down. ‘She'll be turning 18 in March, Blaine, she'll go to the Witch counsel in June. Ready?' Kurt could've danced the salsa and Blaine still wouldn't understand what he just said. He was probably drooling. Kurt looked absolutely amazing. His jeans looked painted on and the tight shirt showed off his muscles. He almost wanted to rip the jacket Kurt put on apart.
‘Eh… yeah. I'm ready.' He managed to get out, he gave Kurt the flowers. ‘I bought this for you…. I thought you might like it.'
Kurt smiled, he ignored the flip flop his stomach made again. ‘They smell great. Thank you, Blaine. Let me put them in water and we can go.' He quickly ran to the kitchen, while Blaine and Mercedes stared at each other a little awkward.
Kurt returned quickly so they could get going. He locked the door and turned to Mercedes. ‘Blaine wouldn't mind to bring you home, Mercy. You don't have to walk.'
Mercedes stared at Blaine and it was obvious he had no intention to bring her anywhere. ‘It's okay, Kurt. I'll walk. It's only 20 minutes.'
‘Be careful,' Kurt quickly hugged her.
‘I will, have fun!' Mercedes said. She saw Blaine opening a door for Kurt and he stepped in. She watched as Blaine drove away. She sighs. A love life of her own, that's all she wanted. Somebody who loves me for who she was. She turned around and walked away.
After a few minutes she got a feeling someone was following her, she turned her head. But nothing. Lima Ohio wasn't a violent place. But to be sure she started to walk faster.
‘You know it's dangerous for a girl to wander all alone on the street at night?'
Mercedes froze. ‘I don't need your protection, Sam. I'll be fine, leave me alone.'
Sam appeared from the shadows, his face blank. ‘I'm just watching out for you.'
‘Last time I saw you, you were running away from me!' Mercedes snapped, immediately regretting what she said when she saw the hurt in his eyes. Be strong Cedes, remember Kurt's words? Play hard to get and let him beg for forgiveness. ‘Now excuse me I need to get home. My dad starts to worry.' She walked past him, she could hear him follow.
‘Your dad is playing poker with his friends and your mom is grabbing the bottle of alcohol… again!' Sam said.
‘Are you spying on me?'
Sam shrugged. ‘Like I said I'm keeping a eye on you.'
‘Because I care.'
There fell a silence but Mercedes kept walking, firmly. She needed to get away from Sam before she gave in into him. They didn't say anything for awhile and Mercedes turned the corner from her house.
‘You shouldn't ran, Sam.'
‘I know, I just freaked out.'
‘I need a man by my side not someone who is afraid of magic. Magic is a big part of me. It's who I am. If you can't accept that, then you should leave me alone.'
Sam didn't say anything but it meant everything to Mercedes. He doesn't even want to try. She walked to her house, opened the door and closed the door. She just hoped Kurt had a better night than her.
‘I can't believe you did this!' Kurt said, looking around. He's never been into ‘Scared Horizons' it was the most expensive restaurant of Lima.
Blaine smiled and led them to a table in a quiet corner. ‘This is our table. I know you deserve to have the spot light but I thought this was more private to talk.' They sat down at the table. Nobody paid attention to them, they'll were in their own little world. Kurt looked at the menu. ‘You're really going to pretend to eat?'
Kurt raised his eyebrows. ‘What?'
‘Kurt we don't have to pretend around here. I know the chef, he making us a dinner and I heard it's bloody good.' Blaine reassured him, but when he saw the worry in Kurt's eyes he asked: ‘What's wrong?'
‘I can't handle blood good, Blaine,' Kurt admit. ‘The reason I only drink from blood bags is because I can't drink from veins without killing the person. It's horrible.'
‘Don't worry, there will be no veins!' Blaine squeezed his hand and was happy to notice that Kurt didn't pull back. ‘No humans.' A waitress walked up to them. ‘We'll take the special menu, tell Alton that Mr. Anderson is here tonight.' The waitress frowned but walked away.
‘A old friend.'
Blaine nods. ‘He runs this restaurant.'
‘So you take your dates here a lot?' Kurt asks curious.
‘I don't date. You're the first.'
Kurt frowned. ‘Liar.'
‘It's true, you can ask anyone.'
‘You're telling me that in 1000 years you haven't dated anyone?'
Blaine shrugged, the waitress came back with wine classes and Kurt could smell the blood in it. Blaine waited till she was gone before he spoke again. ‘Of course there were a few hook ups but nothing serious. Until you of course.'
‘Why me?' Kurt nervously took a sip of his blood glass.
‘You're my Chosen One. My one and only. I know you feel it too but you're too scared to admit it yet. But it's like I said I can wait.'
‘What if I'll never admit it? You still wait?'
Blaine nods, leaned closer and looked Kurt into his eyes. ‘But something tells me I don't have to wait long.' Kurt blushed. ‘So…. How is your love life?'
Kurt choked on the blood and coughed. Blaine frowned. ‘Eh…'
‘So there were other man?' Blaine's eyes hardened.
‘Not really,' Kurt said softly, his voice raw from coughing.
‘Not really? What are their names?'
Kurt narrowed his eyes. Blaine's eyes were slightly red and he realized Blaine was jealous. ‘Just a few hook ups. Like you did.'
Before Blaine could ask further, dinner arrived and Kurt couldn't help but be relieved. They ate in a comfortable silence. Kurt really liked this food, it was drained in blood but it didn't overwhelm him like he was afraid of. He had time to look around and he saw familiar faces, gasps and grabbed his phone.
‘Something wrong?' Blaine asks.
‘I can't believe this, quick pretend to laugh but not too loud!' Kurt said. ‘It's important to not get noticed.' He pointed his phone at something while Blaine smiled confused. ‘I got you bitches!' Kurt put his phone away.
‘Care to tell me what this was all about?' Blaine asks.
Kurt leaned closer, his eyes shining, he couldn't stop smiling. ‘Do you see those girls over there?' He points to the right. Blaine looked and saw the Latina and the blonde drama queen sitting at a table not so far away, holding hands and throwing heart eyes at each other. Blaine nods. ‘They're on the cheerleading team, they treated to take me of the team…' Blaine glared at the girls. ‘…. But now I can blackmail them. Who knew they're in love? Seriously, Blaine, if they found out they'll kill me.'
Blaine tensed. ‘Nobody kills you.'
‘It was just a figure of speech, don't worry,' Kurt said and he saw Blaine's eyes quickly turn back to brown. Kurt couldn't help but like it that Blaine was so protective of him.
Blaine leaned back. ‘Your life is so different from mine. I like to see you so happy about blackmailing a couple of horny teenagers. I didn't think you had it in you to be evil.' He smiled proudly.
Kurt rolled his eyes but concentrated on his task, getting to know Blaine. ‘Tell me about your life.'
‘What do you want to know?' Blaine asks, taking a sip of his blood wine.
‘There are so many rumors about you. I want to know the man behind those rumors.'
‘What rumors?' Blaine acted surprised but when he saw Kurt glare, he grinned. He loved Kurt's bitch please – glares.
‘Vampires say you hate people and kill for fun.'
Blaine nods. ‘That's true. I can't stand people. Don't look at me like that. I want to change my life for you.'
The waitress returned to fill their glasses and clean their table up.
‘You killed massive of people at the same time.' Kurt continued once she was gone.
Blaine shrugged. ‘Mostly lies. I don't do massive murders, to massy and so impersonal. That is probably set up by somebody.'
‘I have lot of enemy's Kurt, it could be anybody.'
‘Even your friends?'
‘My friends are only faithful to me,' Blaine said firmly.
‘Who are your friends?'
‘My clan exist of 13 vampires, they're the only one I thrust with my life. You should meet them one day. You'll like them. Wait till you tell Jeff there is a werewolf in town.'
Kurt couldn't help but be curious at Blaine's clan. But he always avoided clans, thinking he didn't belong there. It meant a lot that Blaine was suggesting to meet his inner circle. His thought was shaking up when he heard the ring tone of Celine Dion's ‘My Heart Will Go On'. A woman next to them quickly stood up and ran to the toilets with her phone in her hands.
Blaine snorts. ‘The Titanic.'
‘You were there too?' Kurt asks.
‘You were on that ship?' Blaine asks surprised. Kurt nods, smiling widely. ‘Too bad I didn't saw you back then. You could've saved me from a lot of trouble.' He smiled dreamily when he thought about the Titanic. ‘I even helped drowning a few people. Good old days.' He saw Kurt pale.
‘What? You didn't help the people?' Kurt snapped.
‘Like I said, I hate people.'
‘They needed all the help they can get. You could've been a hero!'
‘I didn't know you back then, Kurt, I already said that I'm trying to change my life.'
‘It's too late now.'
There fell a silence where they both looked at each other. Blaine wondered if Kurt would storm of and never return and Kurt wanted to leave but something said he should stay. Give Blaine a chance.
‘I can't make up for what I've done, Kurt,' Blaine said, desperate. ‘I only can make it better now. What's done is done. I promise I'll change myself but I can't do that in one night. I'm not strong enough to do that.' He swallowed. ‘Your stronger than me. You can resist blood. All I can think about is ripping peoples throats and drink them dry. I need your help. To be better. To be the man you deserve.'
Kurt jaw dropped. He didn't expect this speech from Blaine. For the first time he saw Blaine behind the rumors. Unsure, lonely, desperate to be loved. Just like me. ‘I'll help you.'
‘So… this means we'll spending more time together?' Blaine smiled widely. ‘Go on more dates?'
Kurt shrugged. ‘We'll see how this night goes. I believe you promised dancing?'
Blaine took Kurt to a dance club and the rest of the night they danced together. Their eyes never leaving each other and Blaine asked the DJ for more and more slow dance songs. Their body's swayed together and Kurt felt safe and at home in Blaine's arms. He still hasn't figured out completely who Blaine was, but what Blaine let him see, he liked it. Blaine was willingly to change and Kurt was going to help him. Blaine was right, the past was the past. It was time to focus on the future.
Blaine drove him home and walked him to the door. ‘I believe this is goodbye.'
Kurt nods. ‘I'll see you on Monday at school.' He noticed how close Blaine was. He bit his lip nervously.
‘I really want to kiss you….' Blaine's eyes roamed over Kurt's body and stopped at his lips. ‘… but I heard that's not polite on the first date.' He stepped back. ‘I believe that's on the second date.' Kurt tried to hide the disappointment, smiled and unlocked the door. ‘On the third date I get to bring you home,' Blaine winked.
Kurt rolled his eyes. ‘I have my own date schedule. Sex doesn't come up after date 3000!'
Blaine smirked. ‘You're so adorable when you're sassy.' He leaned closer, his lips a few inches from Kurt's.
Kurt closet his eyes. I can't believe I'm gonna kiss Blaine! He felt Blaine freeze and he opened his eyes. Blaine looked at something behind him and he turned around. Nothing. ‘What's wrong?'
‘I thought I saw something,' Blaine pushed past Kurt and stepped inside.
‘Don't be ridiculous, Blaine, I'm the only one here and Burt is in the hospital,' Kurt followed inside.
‘I really saw something move, Kurt,' Blaine walked into the kitchen. Fear racing through his body. What if someone already found out about Kurt? What if they're already here to take revenge on my Chosen One to get to me? He saw a brown bag. ‘Yours?'
Kurt's eyes widened, he recognized the bag immediately. Adam! Great, he's going to kill Blaine right in front of me after the most perfect date ever! ‘Yes, I bought it yesterday with ….'
But Blaine already walked further. He checked the living room, the closets, he even went upstairs and Kurt couldn't think of anything to distract Blaine. He just hoped Adam would hide or just attack Blaine quickly.
Finally Blaine gave up and walked out of the door after exchanging their numbers.. ‘if anything happens, just call me and I'll be there in a few seconds.'
‘Yes, thank you for the lovely date, Blaine,' Kurt said and he meant it.
‘I try,' Blaine give him a smile. ‘Be careful and sweet dreams, beautiful.' He walked to his car, got in and drove away.
Kurt closet the door and locked it.
‘Thank god, I thought he would never leave!'
Kurt turned around to see Adam standing in the kitchen. ‘You could've called!'
‘I wanted to surprise you,' Adam said. ‘I missed you…' He walked over and gave Kurt a kiss. ‘… so damn much.' He attacked Kurt with kisses.
‘Eh… Adam we need to talk.'
‘Can we do that later? I haven't seen you in weeks.' Adam looked at him with puppy eyes and Kurt gave him. Adam pulled Kurt in his arms, so he was carrying him a la bride style and ran upstairs.