Catch me im falling
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Catch me im falling: Chapter 5

E - Words: 5,505 - Last Updated: May 14, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/? - Created: Oct 26, 2013 - Updated: Oct 26, 2013
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Author's Notes:

Let me know what you think!:)

Kurt gave up on sleeping around 6 AM and took a long, cold shower to clear his head. It was when he heard Burt yelling from downstairs that he jumped out of the shower. ‘Kurt, are you done with the shower? I want to use it too and the water bills are very expensive lately.'

Kurt glanced at the clock, 8 AM. ‘Burt, what are you doing out bed? You need to stay in today. You were attacked yesterday.'

‘Yeah well… I'm feeling much better now,' Burt said.

Kurt quickly put on some clothes and opened the door. Burt stepped back when he saw Kurt's glare. ‘You need to stay home, Burt. Just one day. I'll call Tony if he can open and close the shop today.'

Burt sighs. ‘Alright then, I'm staying home. And you're going to school today?'

‘Yes, I have a important history test today,' Kurt nods. Relieved that Burt gave in. He didn't want Burt to get hurt again. Blaine could come back and finish the job he wanted to do yesterday. At home nothing can happen to Burt as long as he didn't invite Blaine in.

‘Good for you,' Burt nods. ‘ I'm gonna make myself a coffee and then I'm gonna take a shower and…' Kurt stared at him. ‘… sleep a little bit.'

‘I'll send a home nurse to check on you, how was the name again of the last nurse?'  Kurt raised his eyebrows and tried to hide his smirk when he saw Burt blush a little.

‘Her name is Carole,' Burt didn't look at Kurt. ‘I.. I need some coffee.' And the man quickly walked away.

Kurt styled his hair, grabs his bag, put some blood bags under his books. Something was telling him he needed it today. He texted Mercedes that he was on his way, said goodbye to Burt and quickly drove off.


Kurt was already in a bad mood because Mercedes never returned his text's. He supposed to pick her up for school but her mother said she stayed at a friend's house last night. Kurt didn't trust a word she said. Mercedes' only friends were Rachel and Kurt. And Mercedes would never stay at Rachel's house longer than a hour, she couldn't stand Rachel's big ego. He was crazy with worry and just hoped Mercedes would be at school. They needed to talk. Mercedes never kept secrets so something was going on and he had a feeling he didn't liked it.

He parked his SUV and quickly stepped out, almost blinded by the sun. A vampire could be in the sun but it didn't mean he had to like it.  He groans when he saw two girls walking towards him, Santana Lopez and Quinn Fabray. They both smirked. This could never be good.

‘Kurt, what nice that you show up today,' Quinn blinked her eyes sweetly and put her sweet fake smile on.

‘Nice to see you too, Quinn,' Kurt locked his car and walked past her, he could hear Santana and Quinn following him like sharks smelling blood. ‘What do you want?'

‘You missed Cheerleading practice yesterday, Coach Sue isn't happy about that.'

‘So? I miss a lot of practices. What's the big deal?'

‘The big deal is, Hummel, that this is the first training of our National Championship!' Santana sneered. Kurt rolled his eyes. If you think Quinn was worse, well meet Santana Lopez. She did everything for status and slept with everyone in the Jock team. Where Quinn regretted the hoarse things she said, Santana enjoyed  it. She hated Kurt. ‘Coach Sue is tired of you absence lately, she said I'm the new head cheerleader.' She walked faster, she past him and stopped in front of him, looking at his face, hoping for some tears.

‘Whatever, Satan.' Kurt's face completely cold and blank, he walked past her.

‘With that attitude I'll make sure you're off the team, Lady Face!' Santana sneered, hoping for a reaction.

Kurt turned towards her. ‘Look at my face.' Quinn and Santana both stared. ‘Do you see how much I care about that?'  And he turned around, walking into school and leaving to angry girls behind.


Kurt walked to his locker, just to see Finn and Rachel wrapped up in each other. Great, just what I needed today. ‘Finn, Rachel, stop exchanging drool in front of my locker.' Finn and Rachel let go of each other with a loud popping kissing sound.

‘Don't be so jealous, Kurt,' Rachel said. ‘I'll bet Adam and you are worse than us.'

‘Eh… sure,' Kurt opened his locker, a black rose fell out with a cart on it. Kurt picked it up. He could feel Finn and Rachel hot breath in his neck.

‘What is that?'

‘Secret admirer?'

Tina joined them after she saw some commotion. ‘A flower? I didn't miss Valentine's day right?'

Finn looked slightly panicked but Kurt reassured him. ‘No… I don't know from who it is.'

‘It's probably Adam, he can't miss you so long,' Rachel cooed. ‘Open the card.'

Kurt swallows because he had a feeling it wasn't Adam. On the card there were a just a few words.

I'm sorry about yesterday

I never wanted to hurt someone who means so much to you

I'll be better

I promise,

Forever Yours,

Blaine Anderson

Kurt's jaw dropped. Who would have thought Blaine Anderson would apologize for anything? His stomach made weird flip flops and he tried to ignore it. What the hell was wrong with him?

Rachel pulled the card out of his hands and gasped. She gave it to Finn. ‘What happened yesterday? Who did he attack? Why didn't you warn us?'

‘Eh… he was at Burt's garage but nothing happened,' Kurt said.

‘Nothing happened?' Finn glared. ‘Kurt you need to tell us about this immediately, you know we'll help you.'

Tina peered on the card. ‘Aw, how sweet is this. I saw Blaine yesterday, he looked miserable. He's the new guy with the dark curls right?' Her face paled. ‘Why would he attack you? This card sounds more like he is a puppy in love.' She looks confused.

‘We just had a few words, that's it,' Kurt lied. ‘He came to the garage, he didn't want to pay, that's it..'

‘How rude,' Tina gasped. Behind her both Finn and Rachel looked at each other with a knowing look.

Kurt picked up the black rose. Normally a black rose stood for dead, and he died a long time ago. A vampire wasn't a living breathing human. For a vampire it also meant that he loves someone ‘unconditionally' and forever. Kurt felt the stares of his friends, he tried to hide a blush and quickly put the rose back in his locker. Rachel raised a eyebrow in confusing.

Suddenly his neck hairs stood up, he felt a shiver down his spine and he knew Blaine was coming towards him. He groaned silently. How was he supposed to act around him after all those sexually dreams last night? He wished that the ground under his feet would swallow him. He turned and stared in two hazel brown eyes with a tint of gold. Hmm I've never notice that before. He shook his head to clear it. 

‘Just so you know, I meant everything what I said on that cart, Kurt, I'm so sorry,'  Blaine spoke up. ‘Did you like my rose?'

Before Kurt could talk Rachel spoke up. ‘Of course he didn't. You can't just do that to someone and send a stupid cart. Are you this stupid?'

Blaine glared, Finn pulled Rachel quickly away and tried to calm her down. ‘Anyway..' Blaine turned to Kurt. ‘I have a book for you, you left it in a classroom.' He pulled out the Twilight book. ‘Just so you know, I love those books but I don't think they capture the true nature of vampires.' He winked.

Kurt looked down at the book. ‘That isn't mine.' Blaine frowned. ‘Do you honestly thing I would read that crap?'

Blaine froze. He had spent all night reading a stupid book about vampire that began to sparkle in sunlight so that he had something to talk about with Kurt. He almost jumped at a high squealing sound next to him. A Asian Girl jumped at him and hugged him close.

‘you read this?! Omg I love Twilight so much. I think that's my book. I accidentally left my book at the music room. My name is Tina Gohan Chang,' Tina grabbed her book back. ‘I've never met a guy who liked Twilight. Let's walk to class together and fan girl.'  She pulled him with her.

Blaine could easily pulled free but that would probably kill the girl. He groans. How could this happen? ‘On the other hand I don't like how the books objectify man. A vampire isn't suppose to glitter in sunlight.'

Tina laughs and slapped his arm playfully. ‘oh come on, Blaine. It totally is. The sun is a vampires biggest weakness, everyone knows….'

Blaine let her ramble and noticed he get pulled further and further away from Kurt. He looked over his shoulder and saw Kurt, the girl and the tall boy almost rolling on the ground from laughter. Great this will score points with Kurt. “hey, Kurt, you're admirer is a fake Twilight groupie.” He growls. Tina kept rambling all the way. He could hear her blood rushing through her veins and he could hear her heart beat steadily. He was getting hungry, he glanced at Tina, she stared back, he smiled and she smiled.  Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to hang around Tina. She loves vampires, she wouldn't mind if I take a little bite later.

‘How much fun that was…,' Kurt turned serious towards Finn and Rachel. ‘You still have Puck watch tonight, Finn. It's your turn.' 


‘I did it the last three times!' 

‘It's okay, honey, I need to work a extra shift tonight anyway,' Rachel smiled. 

‘Okay, I'll be there at 8,' Finn said.  


Kurt tried to ignore Blaine's looks the whole day, he quickly raced from class to class to sit next to someone. Normally he sit next to Mercedes but she was still nowhere to be found.

Finally around lunch time he saw Mercedes walking into school. He hurried over. ‘Mercedes Jones, where the hell where you? I send 100 text to reach you. I was worried.'

Mercedes turned and Kurt gulped. His friend looked terrible. She had dark circles around her eyes, her hair was a mess, she wore a scarf. Kurt narrowed his eyes. ‘Why are you wearing a scarf? It's 25 degrees outside.'

‘I- Kurt, it's not what you think,' Mercedes mumbles.

‘How do you know what I think?' Kurt snapped, he removed the scarf before she could react. ‘Mercy, I can't believe you did this!'  the two red points were obvious.

‘It just happened, Kurt and he was really sweet!' Mercedes protested.

‘Sweet?!' Kurt shrieked. ‘Cedes, you obvious have lost your mind. Someone biting you isn't a ‘sweet thing.' It's dangerous.' 

‘he would never hurt me, Kurt. He's my soul mate.' 

Kurt pulled her into the closest toilet room and turned her towards the mirror. ‘Do you look okay? Look at yourself Mercedes, you look sick. Remember when we found Rachel? She looked slightly worse but if you keep it up you end like her. He's playing you.'

‘he loves me!' Mercedes quickly turned away from the mirror. 

‘You don't know what love is,' Kurt spat. Mercedes glared dangerously and Kurt sighs. ‘Honestly Cedes, I didn't expect this from you. You know better than this. You know how vampires are, they compel people to believe their lies.'

‘You're right!' Kurt looked up at Mercedes face, her face softened a little. ‘I know how vampires are and how they can be. I also know you. You showed me a different side of a vampire, Kurt, yes you have the short temper vampires have but you're also kind, funny, a drama queen and the most forgiving person I've ever met. You believe everyone deserves a change. So why don't I deserve a love of my own? Even if it's with a vampire, he's different, Kurt. Just like you.'

Kurt leaned against the wall. ‘I'm worried about you. You suppose to be my sane friend inside this crowd of madness.'

‘I'm not stop seeing him,'  Mercedes said. ‘I still be your friend, if you accept this relationship you get to meet him.'  She squeezed his shoulder and walked away.

Kurt couldn't help but feel abandoned.


Blaine felt completely drained of energy after his last class ended. Kurt was nowhere to be found, Blaine didn't realize how busy Kurt was, he was running around like a crazy man. Apparently he had a appointment with the wheelchair kid Arty, about homework he missed. So Blaine decided to go home, he wanted to get some rest because he felt like going on a hunt all night. He barely spoke to Kurt and he didn't get the response he expected from Kurt after the twilight thing. Okay maybe it was a little bit too soon to expect to fuck Kurt against the locker on day light with a hall full of students, but who cares? He could dream. Blaine sighs. That was all he does, he needed Kurt soon or he was going crazy. He wondered of Kurt dreamed of him too, something changed but Blaine hadn't figured out exactly what changed. 

‘Blaine!' Blaine turned and saw Tina running towards him, he groaned. That girl couldn't stop rambling and the heart eyes she threw at him where getting on his nerves. ‘We didn't exchanged our numbers, I wanted to meet up for a Twilight marathon. Maybe… this Saturday?' Tina looked hopeful.

Blaine rolled his eyes and growls. This girl couldn't take a hint. ‘I'm not interested in Twilight, Tina. I'm only interested in Kurt. You know that cute guy with the bright blue eyes?'

Tina gasped. ‘I know, I saw the card and the roses. But… I just thought…. We could hang out you know? As friends.'

‘Not interested.'

Tina scowled. ‘Fine!' She turned and walked away, almost bumping into Rachel. 

‘Blaine,' Rachel nods. Blaine just ignored her and walked away. But Rachel didn't give up. ‘Wait! I need to talk to you.'

‘About what?' Blaine asked with a bored tone. He almost made it to his car but Rachel moved in front of him.

‘I know what you are.'

‘I know who I am too.'

Rachel rolled her eyes. ‘You're a vampire, Kurt is too.' Blaine's eyes widened in shock. ‘No you don't sparkle in sunlight I know the truth. Kurt told me.'

‘What?!' Blaine snapped. ‘He TOLD you?' If the counsel found out Kurt was responsible for exposing the Vampire race he could be executed. It was strictly forbidden by the counsel because of war and bloodbath in the past.  How could Kurt do something this stupid?

‘We're friends for years. I'm his best friend, he tells me everything.'

Blaine growls. If this girl talked Kurt was screwed, he couldn't let that happen. He clenched his fist and jaw and he felt his fangs lengthened. He needed to make Rachel disappear.

The girl noticed the change in mood and stumbled backwards until her back hit the car. ‘No… Blaine. Stop, what would Kurt say if you kill me? He would be furious and he will never forgive you.'  Her voice shook.

Blaine stopped. Damn that girl was right. He narrowed his eyes. She wasn't so stupid as she looks like. ‘What do you want?'

‘I want to help you in exchange that you do a small thing for me.'


‘Bite me.'


‘Please.'  The girl shivered. ‘I need it….. It's been month's.' Blaine narrowed his eyes and grabs her arm, he pulled up her sleeve. Small cuts and there were obvious biting marks.

Damn this girl was abused by vampires and addicted to the rush. ‘No, I can't see why you would be useful to me, why should I bite you? And now move away from my car.' Blaine pushed her aside.

‘Kurt….,'  Rachel said desperate and Blaine stopped. ‘he liked the rose, I saw it in his eyes. I can help you with him. Kurt is not easy but I saw change in him today.'

‘Go on.'

‘I can give you every information you want. I can say where he lives and who's the most important to him. His friends mean everything to him. If you get close to them, you get close to Kurt.'

Blaine smiled. ‘I think we can make a deal, Ms Berry.'

Rachel sighed in relief.


 Kurt parked his car in front of Burt's house. He just hoped Burt was at home, it was already dark and passed dinner time. He locked the car and walked towards the door. He noticed the light are on and the TV screaming and he heard Burt yelling at the TV. He sighs in relief. After this day he could use a normal evening. He put down his bag and his jacket and walked in. ‘Burt?!'

‘I'm in here, Kurt, I left some of your dinner in the micron wave,' Burt called out. ‘You just have to heat it. Why are you so late? Your friend is waiting for hours to help with  your study project.' 

Kurt raised his eyebrows. Friend? I didn't invite anyone right? He sighs he hoped he didn't forgot anything, his brains were a drowned cookie that couldn't stop thinking about brown eyes, curled black hair. He walked into the living room and froze. Blaine was sitting next to Burt, he leaned back casually and nodded a greeting to Kurt, he smiled widely. ‘What are you doing here?!' 

Burt quirked a eyebrow. ‘He told me you two had a school project…'

‘what?! Burt, this guy pinned you against the wall…' Kurt panicked. He couldn't believe that Burt invited Blaine into their home. He needed to get Blaine out of here as fast as possible. He needed to undo what Burt has done.

Once a vampire was invited inside someone's house he could kill or torment them all. Some vampires didn't like to hunt but play with the victims. They acted friendly and offered a listening ear. They want the victims to thrust them so they invited them inside and then the killing can begin. It was a hype in the ninety's.

 Blaine stood up slowly, his eyes big with regret and Kurt narrowed his eyes. ‘Well, Kurt, Burt and I talked about it…'

‘Talked? You two talked? I don't want to see you near him.' Kurt snapped, his eyes red with fury and Blaine quickly stepped further away from Burt.

‘Blaine is right, Kurt,' Burt stepped in front of Blaine and Kurt's eyes turned quickly back to normal. ‘He explained to me that he was not himself, he has trouble with his grades, we talked a bit about life. He deserves a second change. He's not a bad kid. He reminds me a little bit of you when I met you the first time.' Blaine cocked his head and peered at Kurt curious.

‘Well, he's leaving!' Kurt said.

Burt frowned. ‘What about the school project?'

‘I already finished it, I send you my part to your mail,' Kurt said looking at Blaine. ‘now… I'll show you the door…'

A sound from the TV broke the silence and Burt turned. ‘Oh the second part of this game starts, Blaine…'  Kurt glared. ‘Oh come on, Kurt, he's a fan too. It's my house, he can stay till the game ends.' He sat down and pulled Blaine down too. They both stared at Kurt, who turned around with a loud growl in defeat.

Awkwardness didn't even describe how it was to just sit there on the couch next to Burt and Blaine. Kurt ate his dinner ( he didn't need to but he didn't want to rais Burt's suspicious) and sat down in between them. No way he let Burt alone with Blaine. The game was boring as well but Blaine and Burt enjoyed it with loud cheering and drank. Blaine didn't pay attention to Kurt and Kurt didn't mind it at all. He never saw Blaine act like this, so free, happy, laughing and he even dared Burt to make a bet about who would win and lose. But Kurt couldn't stare at Blaine forever or he would notice, so he secretly begged that his VOGUE magazines would just magically appear in his hands now. Why did I cause a fight with the only witch friend? 

His phone beeped and he quickly pulled his phone out of his pocket (ignoring the way his arm touched Blaine's side at the movement).

Kurt, you have Puck duty tonight. I have a big SOS with Rachel,

I'm sorry,


Kurt tensed and he felled Blaine's eyes on him. He quickly looked at the time. 21:39. Shit I only have a hour.  He cursed.

‘Something wrong, Kurt?' Burt asks.

‘eh… no I'm just really tired,' Kurt stood up. ‘I think I'm going to sleep early.'

‘Okay, this game is finished soon, I'll let Blaine out,'  Burt nods. Kurt quickly gave him a hug, ignored Blaine's worried look and ran upstairs.

Kurt cursed Finn and his love for Rachel. That girl was becoming a real problem. He quickly changed his clothes, crawls under the bed and pulled out a big box. He opened it and weapons appeared. Stakes, guns with silver bullets, cross bow, arrows and silver chains. Kurt pulled out the gun and the chains, grabs a bag and throws them in.

‘I didn't know you where into the kinky stuff.'

Kurt squealed, jumped up and tripped over the bag and fell down. Great.

Blaine quickly ran towards him. ‘Are you alright?' Kurt stood up and scowled. Blaine turned his attention to the bag. ‘What are you going to do with this stuff?'

‘None of your business,' Kurt closed the bag, he opened his window and leaped his leg out of the window.

‘O now I'm really curious,' Blaine said, his eyes sparkle.

‘Go away, Blaine.'

‘No, I'm going with you.'

‘Don't be so stupid.'  Kurt jumped down and landed softly on the front yard.

‘I think leaving you with something where you need weapons and chains for is stupid. So I'm not going to do that.'  Blaine jumped after Kurt.

‘Fine, but don't interfere and be quit.'


15 minutes later they walked through a empty dark park. Kurt walked further and further and Blaine followed quietly until:.

‘So, does Burt know that you're going on secret missions? Is this a hunt?'

‘No, Burt doesn't know, nobody, only my friends,' Kurt whispered.

 ‘About that! Do you know how stupid it is to tell people that you're a vampire? Kurt that means dead penalty.'

Kurt stopped and turned. ‘They're my friends, Blaine. They're… special. I thrust them with my life.'  He started walking again.

‘Talking about stupid. You know your friend Rachel Berry?'

Kurt tensed. ‘What about her?'

‘She told me about you and Burt. She's addicted to the rush she gets from a vampire bite. She offered her to me. She could tell your biggest secrets for a bite. That's dangerous.'

‘I'll take care of her.'

‘I could do it for you.'

‘I'm not gonna kill her, she's my friend.'

‘Who betrayed you. It would be easier for her too and you know it.'

Kurt didn't say anything and walked faster. Blaine was right but Kurt didn't want to admit it. He would find a way to safe Rachel, he would call Adam tonight for a solution.

After another ten minutes, Kurt left the path and disappeared between the close bushes and trees. Blaine followed in silence. A small cabin appeared.

‘You bring all your lovers here?' Blaine joked.

Kurt sighs. ‘It's a secret cabin. Tell no one about this.' They heard growling inside and Blaine froze. ‘stay here, I'm going inside.' 

Blaine pulled Kurt back, his protective instincts on high alert. ‘You're not going in there all by yourself.'

Kurt softened. ‘It's okay, he's a friend of mine. He won't hurt me. He isn't kind to strangers though, so stay outside. You'll live.'

Blaine smiled smugly. ‘So suddenly your worried about me?' He wiggled his eyebrows and noticed a slight blush on Kurt's cheeks, before Kurt raised his head and quickly walked to the door. He knocked and a deep growl sounded and Blaine moved closer to Kurt, just in case.

‘Puck it's me!' Kurt yelled and the growling stopped instantly. Something scratched against the door, begging to let out. Kurt disappeared and quickly closet the door. Blaine put his ear against the door. He heard soft howling and the sound of chains.

Suddenly Blaine knew what they're dealing with. He knew with what monster Kurt was locked in right now. A werewolf. He shuddered. Werewolf were nothing like the movies and far from the sweet love puppy's you see in movies. Werewolves were vicious and worse than vampires. Where a vampire can show regret after a kill a werewolf didn't. The human form didn't remember what he did and once a werewolf starts killing, he can't be stopped. Kurt was playing with his life.

Before Blaine could wrenched the door open, Kurt opened the door and quickly closed it. ‘He calmed down now.'

‘Are you crazy Kurt?' Blaine couldn't belief it. ‘That's a werewolf. They kill just to kill.'

Kurt huffed. ‘Just like you?'

‘Believe me I'm not the enemy here,' Blaine pointed to the cabin. ‘That monster should be killed. He's dangerous.'

‘He's also a human and my friend.' Kurt snapped, he glared angry. ‘You forget that ‘monster' is a human too. Puck is a good soul who has never done anything to deserve this. He needs help he doesn't want to become what his instincts tell him.'

‘He will become that.'

‘No he gets a chance and I'm helping him,' Kurt walked over to the closest tree and sat down. ‘Everyone deserves a chance.'

Blaine sat down next to him. He said nothing and just stared. ‘You know… you have a interesting group of friends…'

Kurt snorted and couldn't help but giggle. ‘That's a understatement.'

‘They also have a lot of problems, how can you keep up with that?' Blaine asks.

Kurt shrugged. ‘Just doing my best.' 

‘But they don't live as long as you, how can you deal with that?'

Kurt swallowed. ‘I don't. Do you have human friends?'

Blaine shook his head. ‘No, only my coven. Who are also a little bit … original. You should meet them, you'll like them.'

Kurt narrowed his eyes. ‘Why would I want to meet them? I don't want you anywhere near me or Burt. You need to stay away from him.'

Blaine sighs and looks at Kurt with sad eyes. ‘I like Burt. He's a kind man. That means a lot coming from me. I hate humans. But Kurt, you know he doesn't have  eternal life. In fact, the reason why I picked him out to attack him that day at the garage was because he has a weak heart. I thought who cares about a dying man?' He saw Kurt blink his tears away. He hated seeing Kurt like this. He promised himself to never make Kurt cry.

‘How long has Burt left?' Kurt looked at him, almost desperate. ‘I don't know exactly, I can't feel that. I heard… story's about older vampires who can feel how long someone has left.'

‘A month.'

Kurt looked at him.

'15 days.' Blaine didn't look at Kurt. ‘his heart is really weak. He needs surgery.'

‘We don't have the money, he's been on the waiting list for years,' Kurt whispers. ‘I met him after his second heart attack in the hospital. I needed blood bags. He looked so lonely. We connected immediately. He lost his wife and son years ago in a car crash.' He sniffs. ‘I can't let him die like this, Blaine. Burt deserves happiness. He's in love with a nurse, he should date her, build a life with her, be happy.'

‘Turn him.'

Kurt eyes widened. ‘ no, I can't do that. I don't want this life for anyone.'

‘You talk like being a vampire is a bad thing,' Blaine frowned.

‘It is! Graving for blood, trying to survive, seeing the people around you die…. It's horrible. He's been through enough.' Kurt let his head fall in his hands. ‘I can't believe this…. 15 days…' 

A plan formed in Blaine's head. ‘I can help you.' Kurt's head snapped up. ‘I know someone at the hospital who can heal Burt.'

Kurt narrowed his eyes. ‘You aren't going to rip someone's heart out for Burt? Or steal a heart?' 

Blaine shook his head. ‘She's a doctor, she can make Burt better, I promise. I'll talk to her, show her Burt's medical files and she plans Burt into her schedule before the 15th day.'

‘Why are you doing this? What's the catch?'

‘One date with me.'

Kurt eyes widened. ‘What?!'

‘You. Me. Candlelight. Music. Dancing.' 

‘What? No!'

‘Why not? Am I that ugly?' Blaine pouts.

Kurt suddenly felt like he should kiss that pout away and run his hand through Blaine's curly hair.... wait what?! He shook his head and bit his lip. What the hell was wrong with him?

‘oh come on Kurt, it's just one date. I make sure Burt gets a new heart and lives his live until he dies of a old age. One little date isn't much to ask for is it? What's the worst thing that could happen?'

Kurt felt like he betrayed Adam if he said ‘yes' to Blaine's proposal. But Adam was the one who made this whole insane plan wasn't it? ‘Okay, one date. But only if Burt makes it out alive and healthy.'

Blaine nodded. ‘I promise.' He smiled happy.

Suddenly a howling sound through the night. ‘Puck's awake, this is going to be a long night,' Kurt sighs. But Blaine couldn't be any more happier.


Kurt gave Blaine Burt's medical files they got from the hospital. Blaine disappeared with a wink, Kurt rolled his eyes and ignored the flip flops his stomach made. Kurt walked to the living room and found Burt fast asleep. He flipped of the TV, pulled out a blanket and covered Burt with it and smiled. Yes I made the right decision to let Blaine help. Burt deserves it.

He walked upstairs to his room, closed the door and curtains, changed into his pyjama and crawled in his bed. He closed his eyes. That night Kurt dreamed again about hazel brown eyes with a glint of gold, but this time, he smiled.


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